Yeast Infection in Children - Causes and Treatment

Yeast Infection in Children - Causes and Treatment
Yeast infections are caused by various species of a fungus called candida. These germs live
normally in the body, but sometimes their growth gets out of control for various reasons and
cause symptoms of infection, including thrush and diaper rash in children. Yeast infection in
children are usually caused by antibiotic overuse, as a result of a vaginal yeast infection in the
mother at delivery, and are quite common in the warm and moist folds of the skin in babies and
Infant Yeast Infection
Babies usually get symptoms of thrush when their mother has an untreated baby yeast infection
at the time of delivery. Yeast lives normally in the vagina, so it’s possible for a child to develop
thrush even if the mother doesn’t have a yeast infection. Fortunately, thrush is very easily
treated. Thrush affects both the mouth and throat, and can sometimes affect the esophagus as
well. It appears as a creamy white patch on the tongue and mucous membranes. Thrush can also
happen in anyone with an impaired immune system that comes into contact with yeast, but it is
more often found in newborn babies. A yeast infection can also develop as diaper rash, which
would be treated similarly to thrush.
Breastfeeding Children with Oral Thrush
Mothers often ask if they can get a yeast infection through breast feeding if their baby has a yeast
infection in their mouth. The answer is yes, nursing mothers are definitely at risk of developing
a yeast infection if their baby has oral thrush. The infection will be limited to their breast, but if
not prevented or treated can continually pass back and forth between baby and mother. A yeast
infection on the breast leads to mastitis (inflammation of the breast or nipple). It’s treated the
same way the infection is treated in their baby, with topical or oral antibiotic/antifungals and
Treating Infant Yeast Infections
For newborn babies that are primarily breast fed, feeding them yogurt with probiotics is
generally out of the question. For yeast diaper rash, a topical antifungal/antibiotic cream would
be the best treatment. You can also use oral nystatin or other antibiotic/antifungal for treatment.
Resistance is rare, so yeast infection in children are generally very well responsive to this type
of medication. Check with your primary caregiver about options.
For diaper rash, the diaper should be changed more frequently than usual since yeast grows in
moist, warm areas. Barrier creams like Desitin are helpful in treating diaper yeast infection as
Toddler Yeast Infection and Child Care
It is quite possible children can get yeast infections in child care. Since all people harbor candida
germs in their bodies, there would be no way to avoid coming in contact with it. There would be
no need to remove your child from daycare if they get a yeast diaper rash or thrush from daycare.
Just be sure the providers practice good hygiene and use the ointments you provide for yeast
infection treatment.
There is just not enough room here to share all the information about how to cure yeast
For more information on how you can cure your yeast infection permanently with safe and
natural remedies and get complete relief within a couple of hours, visit and sign up for my FREE 5-part mini-course at