Chez Moune

Fdtnds art eaS)',o fi"d fa, ,h05(" who rO"'t la Lr Mallocl,
Definilely "Ol U ma,,', world ill hrre,
The M ,," ocle is a popular hUIIg<>!lI fOT
,1" artiSI
of Poris.
Pho!os on Ihese and suççe,;.h-e Iwo page~ ",cre laken al Le
Monocle, whith is in the l\ lontparnasse sec!ion or Parce'" Lefl
Bank. The K~tiO", known ror the eccenlrieities of iu characlen,
boasts more nightclubs l)Cr square foot than all)' olher dly in Ihe
world. Perha]>s one of the most rama" •. at least for the past 25
ycars or SO, is this Le ~Ionoclc, hostessed by a unique ",oman
nnmed Jo, A member of Ihe rcsistance during the Gennan OCC\]pation, ,he is onC ol the fçw wamen ever awa rde<! the French
Legion of Honor. Among her fTiend. she list. mRlly persons important in inlernational political life. Jo nllU an unusual club:
Ihe doors opell at midnight and don't cl<»c again until dawn.
Cu",ts arc mostly wamen. escorted or nol. In cithcr care, how_
ever. they are sure la hav" a good time and lind another woman
10 dance with. The orehestra is femalc, mild the waiters are wOmen
drcssed and groomed as men .
The',,'s ho,dly a ",on
SU" ""
lil" danre floo' ol Lr Monocle,
Jo ,.te,s htr ,"~I1. mos, of ,,'hom Qrt rt,,,1ar
MJ'rom of L~ Monocle (md similor Por;1 d"IIJ.
Chez Moun e
Fr~dr, smart/}' dU$ud,/ounges casl/lJlI)' lIJIaimt
"'all challi,,~ "'ith gllesis m her Sm"rt IIi/typo!.
Seate,J", ktt is Mirhele BetRef , tlle c/ub's secre/ary.
f 'ude husdf, tht I'rol"ifIrUS.
fin rlothes are made specially
for he, b)' IJ Puris f:<){jw,ier ,
Se<:ond of the Lef! B~nk'5 UilllSlml clubs is F,ed ..', C3b~·
rel. I'lcsidcd over ,by Frcdc
hcrsclf. n weil kO""'11 character in art cird~5 and unofficial
Pa rce', wOman sct. Catering
]ikc Lc Monocle, less to the
curiousity-sccking tourist s
Ihan 10 thc 50phisticawd sct
Paris, Fredc runs a wcll·organized. wcU-OCÇ!)Tated: e~'
pensive boite. Frede operu
shop carlicr in thc c\'ening
than Le ~Ionode. and remaim open untH about 6,'e to
accomodatc man)' of thc Ld!
Bank", showbiz prople wbo
rome by af ter their OW'J] shows
close for a drink Or a roffee
bdore dawn ,end! thcm ,eur"
I)'ing home 10 sIccp. ~IO$I of
Frooe", gucsts are, of course,
,,"omen who come 011 as men
and /ind companionship in
Frooc', placc.
Chez Moune
Evrry ",'ghllrrmlUke
Nt"" YeMs,,',ar
'-"dr"s C"bo'tl; Ilrt
..-i", I/o,,'s and lht
musk plays OfflJ/I11Hly.
Btw ...·. F"dt
,ht bar "'ith StrUI"',Michdr •.
Chez Moune
Walk down three flights of narro,," slairs on a <:ertai"
sidcslrecl in 1>lontpamasse and )'ou1! fiod the lhird
of Parce's lorlid threc of thc unllsual in "itespots.
TIli. Qnc is called Chcz 1>10",,11, operste<! by a short·
wiffed gal of the same name who dresses lnd acts
[ik c 11 man , Likc Le Monocle .. lid Frede's Caba ret.
all the waiters nnd (llher help are women dressed like
Moun~ rh~ shor, blond hai, .
kids ..';/1, ti customtr IlIlh~ bar.
In backgrom'" au MOIm~'J ,w,,'/us.
men, aod thc duh roters 10 thase gals whQ would he
gu)'. and deen and act acwrdingly. Thc only gals
look thc part in Che" Mouné are thc showgirb Mlle
~Io\lné employs 10 entertain thc customers, mnd these
are among thc most beautilul in Paris. eha Mourlé is
packed solid !light afte. !light. Doors open at abou t
10 p.m. aod stay open till dawn.
Dlmänll ",ilh Ih~ f~m~l~ (lUtom~rs
is fNJT I of tbr job for Mou"~; lhis rtJl
is 0'" of Ih~ 'on OtIt, d'~JSnJ /jk~ ont.
Set 'B'
(mode Is)
Original CANDID Photos
PRICE ' $3,OO/set of8
. $7. 00/all 3 sets
(24 photos)
B. B.Sales
P.O. Box 785
Rad io City Station
New Vork 1 N.Y.
'o.d ".OCI 1.. l v d~bl . .. >th r.. ,1
~.d • • , f •• 16 Pg. m" ... ~I.d ••
d .. ~I<d '0 , . . . .'UUf on' .h.
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MAnOY f AIU co .• ItlC •
•. 0 . a.. SI . , 1;10. ' . M-l
•• 41. C'''' It. .. o.
N... To'" It, '" T.
ki. cI
noW' lIo ncl .
send 2 5 c
GAL _ "'-'Cs
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Stags don't mokt out 100 ,,·tll ot Chel Mount; lilt Kirls p'efer toch o/her
fo , dOfldnl! and drinkinK pa'tnus; m r;osity sttkers ort discoll,aged.