Commissioned Officers Association of the U.S. Public Health Service VOL. 52, ISSUE 3 Salus Populi Suprema Lex Este April 2015 COA: Protecting the interests of the USPHS Commissioned Corps since 1951 FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR B y the time you read this column I will have served as your Executive Director for just over a year, having started the job on 1 April 2014. It has been an incredible James T. (Jim) Currie, PH.D twelve months, Colonel, USA (Ret.) filled with learning experiences for me and with opportunities to advance COA’s agenda, promote its strategic plan, and advance public health. I thought this column would offer an opportunity to provide some highlights of my first year as your Executive Director. Much I write about has already been brought to your attention in the pages of Frontline, but in the event that you have not archived your issues when they were printed nor want to go to our website to read them in digital version, I offer you a recap of the past year. Let me say first of all that I accomplish nothing by myself. COA/COF has six other staff persons, and we all work together with a harmony of effort that other organizations can only look upon with envy. Let me start with April, when COA Government Relations Director Judy Rensberger focused her column on legislation directed at a new TRICARE benefit for servicemember dependents with autism spectrum disorder. It was terrific legislation, except that it left out retirees of the non-Defense Department members of the uniformed services: the (Executive Director, cont’d. on p. 27) Senator Durbin Receives First Ever COA Congressional Public Health Leadership Award C OA Board Chair, CAPT Sara Newman, presented the firstever “Congressional Public Health Leadership Award” to Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-IL). The award ceremony took place in the Democratic Whip’s office in the U.S. Capitol. Durbin was voted the award by the COA Board because of his untiring efforts to reduce tobacco use among members of the military services. His dedication to the anti-tobacco cause stretches back many years, as he was one of the first members of Congress to tackle the issue of smoking on airplanes, introducing legislation to ban such over twenty-five years ago. Following the award presentation Sen. Durbin spent twenty minutes discussing his anti-tobacco work with COA members and staff. Present for the ceremony in addition to CAPT Newman were COA Board member RADM (ret.) Dick Bertin, former COA Board Chair CAPT Nita Sood, COA Executive Director Jim Currie, Deputy COA Executive Director John McElligott, and COA Government Relations Director Judy Rensberger. Please be sure to read the COA press release on this event, reproduced elsewhere in this issue of Frontline. (Lead, cont’d. on p. 25) COA Member Benefits Capitol Hill Representation Efforts on Capitol Hill continually support all Commissioned Corps officers active-duty, and retired. Car Rental Discount Avis & Budget Members enjoy discount rates on Avis and Budget rentals. Frontline COA’s newsletter reports on monthly activities and items of interest about the Corps & COA. Insurance Programs AGIA Participate in low-cost insurance programs that may continue after leaving the PHS as long as your membership in COA remains current. Local Representation COA Branches generate new venues for meeting fellow officers within your local area while providing a forum for the discussion of concerns within the Commissioned Corps. Scholarship Program COA offers thousands of dollars towards college scholarships for children and spouses of COA members. MPH@GW / MHA@GW $7500 scholarships to earn completely online, accredited Master of Public Health and Master of Health Administration degrees COA Ribbon Authorized to be worn on the PHS uniform by members in good standing when attending COA functions. In Play: The Future of TRICARE T o its great credit, the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) made an extraordinary effort to find out how TRICARE’s 9.6 million beneficiaries felt about their health insurance. The MCRMC staff administered online surveys, invited written and oral testimony, held numerous field hearings, and made in-person visits to the offices of dozens of advocacy organizations, including COA. What the Commission learned did not inspire confidence in TRICARE. It recommended dismantling the system and starting anew. For dependents and retirees, the Commission proposed a “TRICARE Choice” plan that would parallel the variety of health insurance plans offered to civilian federal employees. Activeduty personnel would use military treatment facilities unless, in the case of USPHS and NOAA, no MTF is available. The concept is bold and intriguing, but the challenges of implementation have yet to be thought through. To COA and to PHS leadership, the concept seems definitely worth a closer look. COA Perspective Over the last ten years, I have seldom heard kind words about TRICARE. Why is that? As PHS officers and health professionals, COA members are unusually savvy about working around problems in the system, and ultimately getting the health care they and their families need. When a problem reaches COA’s attention, it means that the officer’s case has been badly mishandled at every level by everyone whose job it is to make the system work. Two examples: In one case, an active-duty COA member was being hounded by a collection agency demanding $20,000 for benefits that TRICARE had approved two years earlier but somehow forgotten. It took nine months 2 for COA to get this fixed. And in the end, it required the dogged, personal intervention of the Major General who headed what was then called TRICARE Management Activity. In another case, the lack of a TRICARE network meant that 50 PHS officers were either severely limited in their options or effectively denied access to their guaranteed health care benefits. That took more than a year to get sorted out, and required the collective efforts of COA National, its Local Branch, NIOSH brass, and the state university. The Military Coalition For years, organizations within TMC have tracked TRICARE’s shortcomings and regularly brought them to the attention of Congress. Of 33 member organizations, 24 (including COA) are represented on TMC’s Health Care Committee. Despite this history, there is now reluctance to endorse the MCRMC’s recommendation. Aside from COA, the only other TMC organization on record as willing to give the “TRICARE Choice” concept a chance is the National Military Family Association (NMFA). Your View? COA needs to hear from you. We expect to survey COA members and their spouses to obtain detailed and PHS-specific information about our members’ experience with TRICARE. While we pull the survey together, please feel free to tell us about your own and your dependents’ experiences. Please write TRICARE in the subject line, and submit to: [email protected] —Judy Rensberger Commissioned Officers Association COA Chair’s Corner Let’s Connect at the Symposium! M y Fellow Friends, Officers and work we do every day in uniform. From day one he hit the ground running - educating Congressional leaders on the Hill about our work; building relationships with high level officials Since I began serving as your COA at HHS (including our new Surgeon General only weeks into his Chair, a primary means of commu- confirmation); speaking at Branch meetings by phone and in nication with you has been one person; writing numerous letters, op-ed pieces and articles; way -- me to you -- through Front- establishing and delivering a new Congressional Public Health line. But I am thrilled that in one Leader award for COA; and much, much more! So I hope you month from now I will have the will take the chance to introduce yourself to Jim and to thank opportunity to connect with many him and the rest of the COA staff for all they do for us every of you in Atlanta for a two way, single day! face to face dialogue. If you have not registered or reserved your Third, we will all have an opportunity to get to know our new CAPT Sara B. Newman, USPHS room to attend the USPHS Scien- Surgeon General, VADM Vivek Murthy, who will speak at the tific and Training Symposium, I hope you will do so now. Symposium. I recently met our new SG and am impressed by his bold ideas for achieving health targets in our Nation. I am I am excited about the Symposium for the chance to talk with also impressed at his thoughtful questions and engaged listenyou in person, but for many other reasons as well: ing as he explores his role and his priorities in HHS. He comes across as a warm and engaging person who I am eager to get First, it will be a great meeting with outstanding speakers, topic to know. areas and sessions. There will be many diverse topics covered over the four day conference. Don’t miss this opportunity to Fourth, this conference gives us the chance to recognize our hear about the incredible experiences our own officers have most outstanding colleagues for the contributions they have had this year in responding to two major public health crises – made to public health this past year. And we will all beam the Ebola outbreak and the influx of unaccompanied children at with pride as we hear our own PHS Ensemble come together the border. The hard part will be selecting between simultane- to play for us. ous sessions! Finally, this conference provides a wonderful opportunity for Second, you will have a chance to get to know our new Execu- us to network and connect, learn from one another and identitive Director, Col Jim Currie (Ret.), whom I admire and have fy opportunities for continued collaboration. So, please take been privileged to work closely with and learn from over the the opportunity to come over and say “hi” to me, as well as all past year. This month Jim celebrates a year with COA and he of our COA Board members, COF Trustees and COA staff who has given us much to celebrate. He has supported us through a will be at the conference. We hope you will share your challenging year in which he and his staff have worked tirelessly concerns, and ideas for COA or just simply become better to ensure PHS visibility, equal and fair recognition for our acquainted with us. service to the Nation, and solid support for our ability to do the Attention COA Members & Local Branches N ational COA appreciates your time and efforts involved in creating submissions for COA Frontline publications. Please note that for all submissions for the Frontline publication, the required Guidelines are available at, Members Only, Quicklink/Frontline. Direct all submissions to [email protected]. PLEASE note the BRANCH NAME in the email subject line if the article is branch-related. For Local Branches requesting inclusion of an advertisement in Frontline, please provide the advertisement in PDF format, in adherence with the 15th day of the month deadline. April 2015 - Frontline 3 Advancing public health and public health leadership for a healthier Nation. Visit the Foundation online at COF President’s Corner “In the Silent War……..”* A pril is an interesting month for those of us who are public health professionals. April includes National Public Health Week, a great time to RADM Robert C. Williams, celebrate the (Ret.), USPHS achievements and successes of public health. It also begs the question of why only a week, why not a month? In reality, public health is for a year, every year, especially as practiced by the USPHS Commissioned Corps. During the first full week of April each year, for more than 20 years, the American Public Health Association (APHA) has brought together communities across the United States to observe National Public Health Week. It serves as a time to both recognize contributions and successes as well as to highlight continued challenges. Although there is much to celebrate, U.S. public health professionals still face difficult situations. According to America’s Health Rankings: A Call to Action for Individuals and their Communities,** our challenges include: Obesity- Since 1990, obesity has increased 153% from 11.6% to 29.4% of adults. Physical Inactivity- Physical inactivity remains high at 23.5% of adults and has not changed appreciably for the last decade. Children in Poverty- At 19.9% of children, the children in poverty measure is far above the 23-year low of 15.8% in the 4 2002 Edition and near the 1990 level of 20.6%. Public Health Funding- State public health funding continues its slow decline over the past 4 years. Since 2011, it decreased from $95.01 to $90.00 in expenditures per person at the state level. Immunization Coverage - Children Nationwide, comprehensive immunization coverage among children aged 19 to 35 months is only 70.4%. It increased marginally in the past year. Immunization Coverage - Adolescents Nationwide, comprehensive immunization coverage among teens aged 13 to 17 years is only 67.1%. It increased marginally in the past year. Low Birthweight - In the last 20 years, the prevalence of low birthweight infants has increased from 7.1% to 8.0% nationwide. The good news is that it appears to have peaked in 2009 and is trending downward. Diabetes - In the Nation, 9.6% of adults report they have been told they have diabetes. There has been a steady, upward climb in the prevalence of diabetes, although data from the last 3 years shows a leveling of the prevalence. These are just a few of the daunting tests of our public health expertise that we face. At the same time, we do have public health winners. Less than a year ago, Ebola was seldom in the news and the public efforts to control its spread rarely discussed. The Ebola epidemic is now seen as a major health threat, something that can happen anywhere and is not limited by geographic Commissioned Officers Association borders. Although we knew quite a bit about the disease, our public health system was not well-prepared for the onslaught of last year. Dr. Tom Frieden told us that to stop Ebola required applying science-based public health measures. These included finding active cases, tracking cases, applying effective disease control, and preventing future cases. And, he emphasized that these were best done at the source. When Ebola came to America, it was demonstrated that we do know what to do and how to do it. Yet, as always in public health responses mistakes were made, and learned from. We definitely saw the power of the media, most often as a deterrent to good public health. For several weeks in the U.S., fear triumphed over science. People made decisions about where to go and with whom to socialize with very limited information riding a wave of panic. They distrusted their friends, they distrusted the government. Responsible public health officials stemmed the tide somewhat through effective risk communication. As people saw that Ebola wasn’t spreading rampantly across the country, and with steady public health encouragement, their fears began to be assuaged. Today we know several things about Ebola that weren’t well known then. First, we know the disease is something to be highly respected, and even our most careful prevention methods may be inadequate; our vigilance must be constant. Second, we know it can be treated; we have seen some success with basic supportive care on that front. Third, we know that by applying resources at the source, it can be slowly (President’s Corner, cont’d. on p. 26) Commissioned Officers Foundation—Annual Symposium Why I Attend the USPHS Symposium I work in an environment where there are very few USPHS Officers, attending the COA symposium is a great time for me to connect with other officers and fills me with a sense of purpose and pride in the PHS. Also, I really enjoy connecting with other people in my category; veterinarians play many diverse roles in PHS, getting to know these officers and what they do builds great camaraderie. LT Laura Edison, DVM, MPH, Career Epidemiology Field Officer, Georgia Department of Public Health The USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium provides excellent opportunities to fellowship, network, and learn from a wide range of public health professionals. This year’s theme, “Public Health Diversity: Succeeding in a Flatter World” is near and dear to my heart since I have a passion towards understanding the critical skills and cultural competencies that are needed to effectively engage the diverse populations that we serve. LCDR Candis M. Hunter, MSPHS, REHS/RS, Epidemiologist, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry April 2015 - Frontline 5 Commissioned Officers Foundation—Annual Symposium Category Day Highlights Announced C ategory Day at the 2015 USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium will be held on Tuesday, May 19. On this day attendees will meet by professional category (dentist, nurse, pharmacist, etc.) for updates on hot topics, trends and other useful information related to the profession. Visit http:// for more information. Nurses Ensuring nursing excellence in dynamic health care landscape Treating Ebola Transforming nurse leaders in a dynamic health care environment Health care in a flatter world Highlights will include: Dentists Caries management by risk assessment Transmission of infections agents in dental setting Infections disease and its role in oral health and treatment of oral disease Health equality and disparities Dietitians Childhood obesity prevention: Building blocks for a healthy future Dietary guidelines for Americans: Translating nutrition science to policy Achievements and challenges of diabetes prevention and weight management in the Indian health system. Global correctional public health nutrition issues in involuntary feeding of hunger-striking inmates Environmental Health Officers How to build a “soil kitchen” and reduce community exposures to lead in urban soils Taking healthy swimming to the next level: The model aquatic health code Assessment of new ship construction and gastrointestinal illness levels Delivery of a comprehensive institutional environmental health program in the Phoenix Area Indian Health Service Engineers Leadership roles in the USPHS Environmental engineering in disease outbreaks Wastewater treatment: Maximizing water reclamation with membrane bioreactors (MBR's) Stopping Ebola starts with you Health Services Officers Promoted officer profile, 2010-2014 trend analysis Officer perspectives: Liberia mission Modified Professional Advisory Committee meeting Roundtables on an array of topics 6 Pharmacists Naloxone and chronic pain management Using data to improve outcomes Ebola response Operations and innovations in clinical trials Physicians The Carter Center’s mental health program in Liberia Unaccompanied minors mission Overview of scientific publishing Updates on heat stress prevention and management Scientists The critical role of communications in the Ebola response Demographic and health behaviors among a diverse group of adult Hispanic/Latino Males (Ages 18 to 64 years) Protecting public health through improving test methodology and modernizing the FSIS Accredited Laboratory Program The association between doctor-diagnosed arthritis and falls and fall Injuries among middle-aged and older adults Therapists Career pathways panel Deep surgical site infections in an inmate population Vestibular rehab Ebola response Veterinarians Antimicrobial resistance and the human-animal interface: The food safety and inspection service’s piece of the global puzzle The role of veterinarians on Federal Advisory Committees Ebola response Wet lab: Introduction to animal biosafety level 3 Commissioned Officers Association Commissioned Officers Foundation—Annual Symposium Symposium Pre-Conference Workshops Announced J oin us for the following pre-conference workshops at the represent income to the Association. 2015 USPHS Scientific and Training Symposium in Atlanta. Visit for Monday, May 18 (Half day in the morning) details. Basic Life Support CPR Renewal Course: This course is designed You may sign up for these courses during conference registra- for healthcare providers to learn how to save a life. The course tion. A minimum of 20 pre-registered attendees are required provides information for assessing, planning, implementing, and for a course by April 15 in order to ensure that it will go evaluation during cardio-pulmonary emergencies. In this course, forward. you’ll learn how to: recognize the signals of heart attack and take appropriate actions, perform one and two rescuer CPR, Sunday, May 17 gain early access to Emergency Medical Services (EMS), recognize and respond to sudden unexpected death, assist a choking Leadership Training (8:00 am -- 4:00 pm): This pre-conference adult, child or infant victim and perform adult, child and infant session will promote a culture of leadership within the context CPR. Students must bring current BLS card and book to class. of the unique structure of the United States Public Health Ser- CLASS SIZE LIMITED TO 24 Students. Disclaimer: Use of Amerivice (USPHS). The 2015 all-day workshop/training will focus on can Heart Association materials in an educational course does critical leadership skills that will ensure success in dealing with not represent course sponsorship by the American Heart Associnational and international public health crises. Speakers will ation. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion include senior leaders from within the USPHS and faculty from of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent inEmory University. This year’s agenda includes keynote address- come to the Association. es, inter-active exercises, a panel of senior leaders, small group discussions, and break-out sessions that focus on the key lead- COA Branch Leadership Workshop: This session is intended for ership skills that are critical for managing public health crises. current leaders of COA branches and those interested in leaderThis workshop will build on lessons learned from the 2012 pre- ship roles. It will provide background information, skills training conference workshop “Leadership in the 21st Century: Empow- and more. ering Women Officers in the U.S. Public Health Service” and the 2013 and 2014 pre-conference leadership training. Nurse Skills Training: The Nurse Category will again by popular demand present a training session designed to address requestRetirement Seminar ($25 fee, 8:00 am --5:00 pm): All officers ed skill-sets required by nurses, as well as other healthcare pronearing retirement, and those who recently retired, will gain fessionals, during an emergency deployment situation. There helpful information from the Separations Coordinator of the will be seven basic training skills offered by nursing experts from Commissioned Corps. Other speakers will include representa- various federal agencies: tives from AARP and an investment adviser. 1. Electronic Medical Record (EMR) Documentation Basic Life Support Full Course (1:00 pm -- 5:00 pm): The 2. Basic Triage – Emergency Management American Heart Association’s BLS courses reinforce healthcare 3. Basic Nurse Care (IV Insertion & Medication Administration) professionals' understanding of the importance of early CPR, 4. Wound Care and defibrillation, performing basic steps of CPR, relieving chok- 5. Basic PPEs Training ing, using an AED, and the role of each link in the Chain of Sur- 6. Immunization vival. In this classroom-based course, healthcare professionals 7. Direct Access update learn to recognize several life-threatening emergencies, provide CPR to victims of all ages, use an AED, and relieve choking in a Each participant will receive didactic as well as hands-on practisafe, timely and effective manner. In this course, you’ll learn cum training of each skill. In addition to the skills training, this how to: Recognize the signals of heart attack and take appropri- year we will also make available Direct Access stations providing ate actions, perform one and two rescuer CPR, gain early access actual hands-on experience with trouble shooting/entry/ to Emergency Medical Services (EMS), recognize and respond to updating information for readiness purposes and the EMR emusudden unexpected death, assist a choking adult, child or infant lator if internet access is available at the conference for endvictim and perform adult, child and infant CPR. CLASS SIZE LIM- users to access remotely using their own laptops. ITED TO 24 Students. Disclaimer: Use of American Heart Association materials in an educational course does not represent Scientific Skills: This session will help officers develop and hone course sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any fees necessary scientific writing skills. The session will describe the charged for such a course, except for parts of a scientific abstract (Objectives, Background, Methods, a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not Results, Conclusions) and the types of information each should (Workshops, cont’d. on p. 8) April 2015 - Frontline 7 Commissioned Officers Foundation—Annual Symposium (Workshops, cont’d. from p. 7) contain; examine types of scientific document review and ex- Students must bring current BLS card and book to class. CLASS plain how they differ from each other; explore key principles of SIZE LIMITED TO 24 Students. Disclaimer: Use of American Heart Association materials in an educational course does not repre“plain language” as they apply to scientific writing, and provide sent course sponsorship by the American Heart Association. Any examples of each one; and finally discuss multiple effective fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needpresentation strategies and the rationale for their use. ed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the Association. Thursday, May 21 (1:00 pm -- 5:00 pm) Empowering Ourselves to Optimal Health through ComplemenBasic Life Support CPR Renewal Course: This course is designed tary and Alternative Medicine: Complementary and Alternative for healthcare providers to learn how to save a life. The course Medicine promotes optimal health by offering patients many self provides information for assessing, planning, implementing, and care modalities that will encourage a lifetime of wellness and evaluation during cardio-pulmonary emergencies. In this course, "build a healthy, vibrant and resilient nation." Please join us and you’ll learn how to: recognize the signals of heart attack and experience Yoga, Qi-Gong (moving meditation), nutrition take appropriate actions, perform one and two rescuer CPR, gain demonstration, mindfulness meditation, acupressure, and Reiki early access to Emergency Medical Services (EMS), recognize Self-Care. Enlighten yourself to your bodies own self-healing and and respond to sudden unexpected death, assist a choking adult, self-regulating abilities. child or infant victim and perform adult, child and infant CPR. DON’T MISS IT! REGISTER TODAY! 8 Commissioned Officers Association Commissioned Officers Foundation Acknowledges Donations Received February 16-March 15, 2015 GOLD FRIENDS (cont’d.) RADM Jerrold M. Michael, (Ret.) CAPT Rick P. Stallkamp, (Ret.)* CAPT Ronald C. Varsaci* RADM Robert C. Williams, (Ret.) BRONZE CDR Steven D. Dittert* Mr. J. Lloyd Johnson* CAPT Rebecca L. Sheets LCDR Hamet M. Toure* CAPT Holly A. Williams** RADM Robert C. Williams, (Ret.) *Matthew Tarosky Memorial Fund **C. Everett Koop Living Legacy Donations Can be Made at Several Levels: Leadership Society .... $10,000 President’s Society .... $5,000 Founder’s Society .... $2,500 Platinum .... $1,000 Gold .... $500 Silver .... $250 Bronze .... $100 Visit to donate online today! FRIENDS CAPT George A. Durgin, Jr. CAPT John J. Henderson, (Ret.) CDR James L. Kenney, III CAPT Dianne T. McRae, (Ret.)** CAPT Charlotte A. Spires April 2015 - Frontline 9 2015 Elections—COA Board of Directors T he PHS Officers who serve as COA Directors have an important job. Throughout their terms, through active participation on committees and in board meetings, they identify issues and problems for the Board’s consideration. Their many hours of hard work help to accomplish the goals and mission of the organization. Their work is uncompensated but greatly appreciated. COA’s Board of Directors includes one member from each of these eleven categories: Dental, Dietitian, Engineer, Environmental Health, Health Services, Medical, Nurse, Pharmacist, Scientist, Therapist, and Veterinarian. The Board also includes three Retired officers and three Field Officers. Board terms are for three years, beginning on July 1. Vacancies currently exist in six categories: Dental Officer, Engineer Officer, EHO Officer, Field Officer, Retired Officer, and Scientist Officer (below are the nominee profiles). COA bylaws stipulate that only current active duty, retired, inactive reserve, and life members of COA are permitted to vote. Please review the candidates’ profiles and make your selections using the convenient online ballot @ by May 2, 2015. In many cases, contested vacancies are won by a mere handful of votes. Your vote does count – please use it! Vote today for the PHS officers who will help guide your COA for the next three years. DENTAL *CAPT CHRISTOPHER BENNETT Current PHS Position: Senior Health Service Officer/ USCG-Sector Columbia River Previous PHS Positions: Senior Dental Officer/USCG TRACEN Petaluma, ChiefBasic Satellite/ IHS, Nixon, NV Dental Officer/IHS, Whiteriver, AZ Related Professional Activities: Immediate Past Chairman- DePAC; Past President-Northern Nevada Dental Society; Past Committee Chairman- Nevada Dental Society; ADA Committee on Membership my assignments with the Indian Health Service, Ready Reserve Corps and currently the U.S. Coast Guard. I think I offer a well-rounded perspective that my career experiences have provided me. The advocacy provided by the Commissioned Officers Association is vital to our continued operations. It is our strongest voice in strengthening the Commissioned Corps. I will strive to represent our Dental Officers and the challenges we face. I look forward to the future of the Commissioned Corps of the USPHS. It would be my honor to continue to serve this committee in the aforementioned position. I thank you for your service and your consideration of my intent. I hereby acknowledge my understanding PHS Awards/Honors Received: CPO’s of the COA Board participation guidelines Exemplary Service Award, USCG Commen- and I am willing to abide by them. dation, PHS Citation, PHS Outstanding Unit, USCG Meritorious Unit, PHS Unit Citation (5), Special Assignment Award, EHO National Defense Service Award, Crisis Response Service Award, Isolated Hardship (2) *CDR JENNIFER FREED COA Offices Held: Local: None Current PHS Position: Environmental National: Board of Directors 2014/2015 Meeting: Dental Day Planning Committee Health Scientist at ATSDR 2011, Chair-2012, 2013 Previous PHS Positions: Technical Project Position Statement: Please accept this Officer at ATSDR; Health Assessor at nomination as my interest in continuing to ATSDR serve as the Dental Representative on the COA Board of Directors. I have been for- Related Professional Activities: Environtunate to work with many fine officers in 10 Commissioned Officers Association mental Health Officers Professional Advisory Committee (EHOPAC) – total of 9 years of service among various roles including: Chair, Vice-Chair, Marketing and Recruitment Subcommittee Chair, Training Subcommittee Chair, Associate Recruiter Lead, JOAG liaison. Junior Officer Advisory Group (JOAG) – total of 3 years of service including Executive Committee Secretary and EHO Category Liaison. Other activities include JRCOSTEP Preceptor and Mentor for 3 EHOs. COA Offices Held: Local: Member; National; Member Position Statement: I would like to be considered for the Environmental Health Officer category representative on the COA Board of Directors. I am currently serving as Chair Ex-Officio for the EHOPAC in an advisory capacity which ends December 2015. After nine years of serving my category through the PAC, I would love to transition to a Corps-wide activity that could benefit from my experience with the EHOPAC and from my perspective as a previous PAC Chair. I am very interested in serving the USPHS Commissioned Corps in this broader capacity and becoming involved in the national issues regarding legislation and policy so that we can strengthen and protect the Commissioned Corps and our officers. I am very detail-oriented and organized, as well as experienced with leading committees and (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 11) (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 10) workgroups brought together to achieve began my career in the USPHS Commisa common goal. Thank you for consider- sioned Corps. I have served in the COA ing me for this important position. Membership Committee for a year and have worked on assisting local branches I hereby acknowledge my understanding to increase their membership. In my time of the COA Board participation guidelines as an officer, I have seen many changes to the USPHS Commissioned Corps and I and I am willing to abide by them. have seen COA drive those changes and push for policies and legislature to bene*LCDR DANIELLE MILLS fit the officers of the Corps. I hope to Current PHS Position: Industrial Hygien- continue to assist local branches and conist, Environmental Public Health Readi- tinue work in an organization that is so important to the officers of the USPHS ness Branch, CDC (2015) Commissioned Corps. Previous PHS Positions: Environmental Health Officer, Office of Environmental Health Emergencies, CDC (2012-2015); Industrial Hygienist, Office of Safety, Health, and Environment, CDC (20082012); Investigator, Detroit District Office, FDA (2007-2008); Environmental Health Officer, Lawton Service Unit, Oklahoma Area, IHS (2004-2007); JrCOSTEP Environmental Health Officer, Office of Environmental Health and Engineering, Headquarters East, IHS (2003): and JrCOSTEP Environmental Health Officer, Oklahoma Area Office, Oklahoma Area, IHS (2002). Citation (2); PHS Unit Commendation (5); USN Meritorious Unit Commendation; USCG Meritorious Unit Commendation; USCG Meritorious Team Commendation; PHS Special Assignment Award; PHS Crisis Response Service Award (4); PHS Response Service Award; USN Good Conduct Medal; National Defense Service Medal (2); Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal; Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Armed Forces Service Medal; Humanitarian Service Medal; USN Sea Service Deployment Ribbon, PHS Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon; USN Expert Rifleman Medal, USN Expert Pistol I hereby acknowledge my understanding Shot Medal; PHS Field Medical Readiness of the COA Board participation guidelines Badge; PHS Associate Recruiter Badge; EHOPAC John C. Eason Award; EPA Serand I am willing to abide by them. vice Recognition Award; and the USN Groener Preventive Medicine Award. *CDR MICHAEL QUINN Current PHS Position: Occupational Safety & Health Program Manager, National Park Service, Office of Risk Management, Washington, DC COA Offices Held: Local: Tidewater Branch – Secretary/Correspondent (20042007); Meeting: Category Day Presenter (x2), Session Speaker, Poster Presenter (x2) Previous PHS Positions: Industrial Hygienist (EPA), Washington, DC; Safety & Environmental Health Officer (USCG), Related Professional Activities: Career Norfolk, VA; Consumer Safety Officer Development Subcommittee Member, (FDA), Atlanta, GA EHOPAC; Active Member, Atlanta COA; Member, National COA Membership Related Professional Activities: EHOPAC Committee Alternate Voting Member; EHOPAC Subcommittees: Mentoring & Orientation, PHS Awards/Honors Received: 1 Marketing & Recruitment, Emergency EHOPAC Adopt-a-School Commendation Medal; 2 Achievement Response; Workgroup; Deployment Teams/Roles: Medals; 1 PHS Citation; 4 Outstanding RDF 1 Lead Safety Officer, RDF 1 IndustriUnit Citations; 3 Unit Commendations; 1 al Hygienist, EPA Response Support Special Assignment Award; 1 Crisis ReCorps, USCG Safety Officer; JOAG Altersponse Service Awards; Commissioned nate Executive Secretary; JOAG ComCorps Training Ribbon; Field Medical mittees: Membership, Communications, Readiness Badge Welcoming; JOAG COSTEP Connection COA Offices Held: Local: Treasurer, Workgroup; PHS Associate Recruiter; EHO Southwest Oklahoma Branch COA 2005- Appointment Board Member; APHA Oc2007; Promotion Ceremony Planner, At- cupational Health Section: Peer Reviewer lanta COA, 2009; A&C Dinner Planner, and Initiative Workgroup Member; and Atlanta COA, 2009, 2010; Treasurer, Guest Lecturer University of Maryland School of Public Health. Atlanta COA, 2011 Position Statement: I believe the work that COA does is crucial for the future of the USPHS Commissioned Corps. I have been actively involved in COA since I Position Statement: I believe that the Commissioned Officers Association is the vital binding force that ties the Commissioned Corps and its officers together. The Public Health Service is unique. Unlike the other uniformed services where officers work together day-in and day-out within the same organization, our members are dispersed across the country and world supporting public health in a wide range of agencies and jobs. I have found the services provided by COA to be critical for maintaining a sense of community and camaraderie. The Local Branches provide opportunities for officers to socialize, share information and experiences, and to volunteer. COA’s national training activities support professional development, and the association’s legislative efforts ensure that our officers are treated equitably. The COA Board of Directors, supported by the COA National office staff, serves as a much-needed common voice. As a board member, I will PHS Awards/Honors Received: PHS Com- work tirelessly and dedicate myself to mendation Medal; USCG Commendation being an advocate for all officers. Medal; USN Achievement Medal; USCG Achievement Medal (2); USCG Presiden- I hereby acknowledge my understanding tial Unit Citation; PHS Outstanding Unit (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 12) April 2015 - Frontline 11 (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 11) of the COA Board participation guidelines PHS Awards/Honors Received: RADM and I am willing to abide by them. Jerrold M. Michael Award, (2) Achievement Metals, (3) PHS Citations (2) Outstanding Unit Citations (18) Unit ComENGINEER mendations, Special Assignment Award, (3) Crisis Response Service Ribbons, National Emergency Preparedness Award, *CAPT JAMES SIMPSON Recruitment Service Ribbon, Bicentennial Unit Commendation, Commissioned Current and Previous PHS Positions: Corps Training Ribbon and Field Medical Senior Program Management Officer Con- Readiness Badge sultant in FDA, CDRH, Office of Science and Engineering Laboratories; Also served COA Offices Held: Currently serving on as Senior Regulatory Operations Officer in the National COA Board of Directors and FDA, ORA, Office of Regional Operations, Chair of the Awards Committee; PresiDivision of Field Investigations. The same dent, District of Columbia Metropolitan title for two other positions in the FDA, Area Branch, 2008-2010 (2 Terms); SecreCDRH Office of Compliance. Started tary, District of Columbia Metropolitan career in USPHS as a Computer Program- Area Branch, 2005-2006 (1 Term) mer Analyst in FDA, CDRH, Office of Compliance, Division of Management Position Statement: My passion is Information; Major deployments included improving the mentoring programs availaHurricane Ike at Reed Arena in College ble to PHS officers. I have extensive expeStation, Texas (RDF-1), Hurricane Rita at rience in program evaluation and FEMA JOC in Austin, Texas, Orange Alert knowledge management systems. My in New York City (PHS-1 DMAT), Home- vision is to influence the Board’s strategic land Security (FEMA Headquarters in priorities and focus on the following three Washington, D.C.) (CCRF), World Trade initiatives: 1) web based educational proCenter (PHS-1 DMAT), and - Pentagon grams, 2) networking tools for connecting Response (PHS-1 DMAT) with mentors (advisors), and 3) signifiRelated Professional Activities: Engineer Professional Advisory Committee (EPAC) Voting Member, (2008-2012), Chair, Mentoring Subcommittee, 2010 – 2011, Project Manager, Corps-wide evaluation of mentoring programs available for PHS Officers, Coordinator, 2008 PHS Leadership Development Seminar (San Antonio, Texas); FDA’s White Oak Commissioned Corps Advisory Group (WOCCAG), CDRH Representative and Founding Member, 2005-2008, Chair, Amenities Committee, 2008-2010; Food and Drug Administration Alumni Association (FDAAA), Associate Member Liaison to the Board of Directors, (2009 to present); Society of American Military Engineers (SAME), Vice President and National Committee Chair for Readiness, 2002-2004 (2 Terms); Association of Military Surgeons of the Uniformed Services (AMSUS), National Committee Member for Annual Awards Dinner, 2003 - 2008 cantly expanding the COA awards program. The reality is that the OSG, PACs and Advisory Groups are all significantly challenged to add value to commissioned officer’s professional development, leadership development and career development. National COA is in the best position to can make a difference in maturing an officer’s individual action plan. With the introduction of cloud based solutions, COA can more effectively implement its mission to promote the Commissioned Corps and its officers by providing a knowledge management system that would be impossible for the Federal Agencies to procure. FIELD Previous PHS Positions: IT Specialist Related Professional Activities: Commissioned Officers Association (COA) (National): Health Service Representative, COA (Baltimore): President, Vice President, Branch Committee Chair; Volunteered with the COA during the USPHS Symposium for a Pre-Conference Outreach Activity at New Hope Academy by providing assistance with rehabbing the school by painting, improving the exterior PHS Awards/Honors Received: Hazardous Duty, Achievement Medal, Field Medical Readiness Badge, Crisis Response Service Award, PHS Unit Commendation, Health Information Technology/Computer Science Specialist of the Year Award, Regular Corps, PHS Training Service, TIME Magazine Person of the Year Award COA Offices Held: Local: COA (Baltimore): President, Vice President, Branch Committee Chair Position Statement: As the current President of the BCOA, I have shown my dedication and unyielding support of my field, my position, and all associated COA initiatives. This was confirmed by receiving the Health Information Technology Officer of the year award (field), securing a major $18+ million contract for the Recovery Audit Contractor Data Warehouse, as the Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Level II (my current position), and being nominated and selected as local branch President, Vice President, and Branch Committee Chair, all within joining the membership in August 2012, and being commissioned into the PHS in April 2012. I display esprit de corps in all that I do and exemplify an unwavering devotion to improving public health on any level, including the entire Commissioned Corps of the United States Public Health Service with the Baltimore Commissioned Officers Association. *LCDR GREGORY DAWSON I hereby acknowledge my understanding of the COA Board participation guidelines Current PHS Position: Health Insurance and I am willing to abide by them. Specialist (IT Project Officer) (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 13) 12 Commissioned Officers Association (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 12) *CDR CHRISTA HALE Current PHS Position: Senior Epidemiologist, Western States Office, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Denver, CO Previous PHS Positions: Senior Epidemiologist, Quarantine and Border Health Services Branch, CDC, Atlanta, GA; Training Team Lead and Field Officer Supervisor, Epidemic Intelligence Service, CDC, Atlanta, GA; Preventive Medicine Fellow, Field Epidemiology Training Program, CDC, Atlanta, GA; Epidemic Intelligence Officer assigned to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, CDC, Denver, CO Related Professional Activities: Veterinary Professional Advisory Committee (Jan 2011 to Dec 2013); Public Information Subcommittee Chair; developed monthly newsletter (Jan 2012 to Dec 2013); Atlanta Commissioned Officers Association Honor Cadre member (Sep 2011 to Feb 2015) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Achievement Medal (Oct 2010 & 2012); Unit Commendation (Feb 2011; Oct 2013); Outstanding Citation (Aug 2010); Special Assignment Award (Apr 2014); Hazardous Duty Award (Jan 2011); PHS Junior Veterinarian of the Year (Mar 2011) COA Offices Held: No COA Offices held to date Position Statement: Throughout my PHS career, I have been a Field Officer or worked closely with Field Officers. I have seen firsthand the challenges involved with being a Field Officer like feeling disconnected from other Officers and leadership. On the flip side, as a supervisor for Field Officers, I have seen the issues that leadership encounters when supporting these Officers and trying to ensure that they feel heard. I would relish the opportunity to formally represent Field Officers on the COA Board of Directors and to work with local COA branches to better understand the specific challenges their members in the field face as the Corps Phoenix Branch, July 2014-2015; Vicecontinues to grow and transform. President Phoenix Branch, July 2013-2014 I also feel strongly about the need to increase the visibility of PHS among other Uniformed Services, federal agencies, public health authorities, and the general public, so that the value our Service adds is better understood. Because my call-toactive-duty date was also the date that mandatory daily uniform wear was implemented, some refer to me as “new Corps.” This makes sense to me as there has been great progress in Corps transformation since I joined and I am eager to be involved in further shaping the future of PHS as a COA Board of Directors member. Position Statement: I am respectfully submitting my name as a nominee for the Field Officer position with the National COA Board Members. I have been an active participant in the Local Phoenix Branch COA, serving as the Vice President and President over the past two years. It has been a fun and rewarding position and I would love the opportunity to be more actively involved and allow me to better serve my Local Branch as the past presidential advisor while also advancing my knowledge and supporting the National COA Board. I have requested and was authorized supervisory approval to particiI hereby acknowledge my understanding pate as a National COA member. Thank of the COA Board participation guidelines you for your time and consideration of my request to become a National COA Field and I am willing to abide by them. Officer. *CDR KAREN KILMAN I hereby acknowledge my understanding Current PHS Position: 1/15-Present Clini- of the COA Board participation guidelines cal Specialist Phoenix Indian Medical and I am willing to abide by them. Center *CAPT JANE KREIS Previous PHS Positions: Location: 2/12 to 1/15 Deputy Chief Therapist Phoenix Indi- Current PHS Position: Regional Training an Medical Center; 1/12 to 2/12 Clinical Officer Pacific Region/FDA/Office of ReguSpecialist Phoenix Indian Medical Center; latory Affairs (ORA) 2008 Chief Therapist Bureau of Prisons, Tucson, AZ; 2005 Clinical Specialist Indian Previous PHS Positions Consumer Safety Health Service, Zuni, NM Officer FDA/ORA/Pacific Region/Seattle District/Puget Sound Resident Post 2003Related Professional Activities: Chairman 2005; Training Specialist Indian Health Advisor for Therapist Category Education Service/Phoenix Indian Medical Center Day, COF/COA 2014 Therapist Education 1999-2003; Clinical Pharmacist Indian Day; Chairperson Therapist Category Edu- Health Service/Phoenix Indian Medical cation Day 2013 COF/COA Planning Center 1996-1999 Committee Related Professional Activities: Pharmacy PHS Awards/Honors Received: PHS Mentor 2003 to present; Pharm PAC UniUSPHS Citation, 2014; PHS USPHS Com- versity Point of Contact, FDA/ORA AD HOC mendation Medal, 2012; PHS USPHS CC Billet Committee, April 2014 to 2015, Achievement Medal, 2009; PHS USPHS Promotion Year 2009 Pharmacy BenchUnit Commendation, 2009, 2011, 2013, mark Sub Committee, 2007; Pharmacy 2013, 2014; Special Assignment Award Special Pay Workgroup, 2007; Associate 2010; Recruitment Service Ribbon 2009; Recruiter, 2003 to present; Pharmacist Hazardous Duty Award, 2009; Isolated Professional Advisory Recruitment subHardship Ribbon, 2005; Commissioned committee Executive Lead, 2003 to 2006; COA Evergreen Pharmacist to accompany Corps Training Ribbon, 2005 VADM Carmona for American PharmaceuCOA Offices Held: Local: President tical Association Annual Meeting Key Note Address, 2004 (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 14) April 2015 - Frontline 13 (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 13) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Special Assignment Award 2010;Unit Commendation (PHS) 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2003, 2001, 1999; FDA Group Recognition Award 2010, 2009, 2008; Commendation Medal (PHS) 2006, FDA Commissioner’s Special Citation 2004; Achievement Medal (PHS) 2002, 2000; Outstanding Unit Commendation (PHS) 2007, PHS Citation 1997 *LT ABRAHAM MARRERO Current PHS Position: Biomedical Maintenance and Equipment Manager - CDC *Previous PHS Positions: Engineering Analyst – FDA Biomedical Engineer - BOP *Related Professional Activities: JOAG Awards Committee Co-Chair; Oct., 2014 – Present JOAG Voting Member; Oct., 2014 COA Offices Held: Local: Community - Present Service Chair, Golden Gate Chapter 2006, Executive Member, Evergreen Chapter PHS Awards/Honors Received: Commen2003-2005, Treasurer, Phoenix Chapter dation Medal – BOP Hazardous Duty 1998; National: None; Meeting: Precon- Award (2) – Ebola Response MMU Teamference Committee Meeting Member 1, BOP Response Service Award – Unac2014, 2015; Basic Life Support Training companied Alien Children Mission, Instructor/Coordinator 2015, 2014, 2013, Nogales, AZ 2010, 2009, 2008, 2006, 2000; Pharmacist Category Day Presenter 2010; Scientific COA Offices Held: Local: Resource allocaContributed Paper Presentation and Post- tion Committee Chair – NCCOA April 2012 er 2008, 2006; Papers Poster Session - August 2013 2008, 2006, 2001, 2000 Position Statement: LT Abraham Marrero Position Statement: I would like to self- is a prior service Commissioned Corps nominate myself to be considered for the officer who is a leader first. As a leader he Field Office (outside of DC) seat on the happens to have an Engineering Degree COA Board of Directors. I have spent my and happens to be a Junior Officer. LT entire USPHS career in the field starting Marrero does not let any perceived limitawith Indian Health Service in Phoenix, AZ, tions these labels place on him and and then moving to FDA in Seattle, WA routinely takes on higher levels of responand Oakland, CA. I have been involved sibility quickly earning respect and with the local Commissioned Officer Asso- accolades from Senior officers and Superciation since 1996 based on my duty visory staff. His diverse experience and station. As a junior officer I was involved professional association activities create a with the USPHS Scientific and Training well-rounded Field Representation of all Symposium held in Phoenix, Arizona in junior officers in the Commissioned Corps. Related Professional Activities: NPAC Chair (2010-11); NPAC Mentoring Committee (2009-present); NPAC Voting; Member/Co-Chair Recruitment and Retention (2008-09); NPAC Strategic Planning Committee, Team Lead (2007-08); AMSUS Planning Committee, member (2007-08); Team Lead, WPDG for Recruitment (2007-08); Planning Committee for Global Health Summit II, member (200607); Aide-de-Camp to RADM WilliamsAMSUS Conference (2006); Junior Officer Advisory Group (JOAG), Chair (2006-07); NPAC Esprit de Corps Committee, member (2005-06); Policy and Procedure Committee Chair, JOAG (2005-06); Member, JOAG (2004-05) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Outstanding Service Medal (2014); Recruitment Service Award (2014); Commendation Medal (2013); Unit Commendation (2013); Unit Commendation (2012); Special Assignment Award (2011); Unit Commendation (2011); Unit Commendation (2011); Special Assignment Award (2010); Unit Commendation (2010); Unit Commendation (2009); Recruitment Service Award(2009); Unit Commendation (2009); Crisis Response Service Award (2008); Unit Commendation (2008); Office of the Secretary off HHS-ID Badge (2008); Unit Commendation (2007); Special Assignment Award (2007); Field Medical Readiness Badge (2007); Outstanding Unit Citation(2007); Meritorious Unit Commendation (USN/2007); Global Response Award(2007); Isolated Hardship Award (2006); Commendation Medal (2006); I hereby acknowledge my understanding Achievement Medal (2006); Humanitarian of the COA Board participation guidelines Service Medal (USN/2006); Crisis Response Service Award (2006); Hazardous and I am willing to abide by them. Duty Service Award (2005); Foreign Duty Service Award (2005); Achievement Med*CDR THOMAS PRYOR al (USN/2005); Global War on Terrorism Current PHS Position: Policy Analyst Service Medal (USN/2005); Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon (2004) (CMS) 2000. I worked with the Commissioned Corps Readiness Force (CCRF) now the Readiness and Deployment Operations Group to provide Basic Life Support Training for officers attending the 2000 Symposium. This evolved and expanded for me to become part of the Preconference Committee Planning for 2010, 2013, 2014 and 2015 Symposiums. I would be a valuable addition to the COA Board of Directors. Previous PHS Positions: Call to Active Duty (CAD) Team Lead (OASH); RecruitI hereby acknowledge my understanding ment Specialist (OASH); Public Health of the COA Board participation guidelines Nurse (IHS); Intensive Care Nurse (IHS). and I am willing to abide by them. COA Offices Held: Local: BCOA Subcommittee Chair (2014-present); BCOA Member (2011-2014); PIMC Member (200305). National: COA Chapter Subcommittee (2014-present); JOAG liaison to the COA Board of Directors (2005-2006); Meeting: (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 15) 14 Commissioned Officers Association (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 14) COF Scientific Symposium and Training Planning Committee, Communications Chair (2010-12) and Member (2008-09); Nurse Category Day Planning Committee for COF (2006-07) Position Statement: Over the past 12 years, I have had the opportunity to both Serve and later lead various committees and organizations within the United States Public Health Service. These experiences have prepared me to best serve the needs of the COA Board at this time in my career. In serving the COA organization, its leadership and members, I am committed to advancing the COA current strategic plan and objectives. Furthermore, I seek to collaborate with my colleagues to provide sustained leadership and growth of the organization. Moreover, I look forward to the opportunity to share and implement new ideas that will further facilitate COA stakeholder engagement while promoting the story of one of the best kept secrets of the Nation-the United States Public Health Service. I (Thomas Pryor) hereby acknowledge my understanding of the COA Board participation guidelines and I am willing to abide by them. *CDR MATTHEW WEINBURKE Current PHS Position: Public Health Program Manager at Yosemite National Park Previous PHS Positions: Staff Program Management Officer at CDC outstanding accomplishments at CDC; numerous Military Awards and Honors COA Offices Held: Local: Atlanta COA Voting Member 2009 to 2011. Active with Golden Gate Chapter; National: Currently serving on Communications Committee for National COA. Meetings: 2009 HSO Category Day Speaker and HSO Category Planner; 2010, JOAG COF Symposium Committee Planner, HSO Category Day Presenter; 2013, Speaker, HSO Category Day Planner, and HSO Category Day Presenter; 2014, HSO Category Day Presenter and HSO Category Day Planner. Helped organize PHS-wide socials during the 2010 COA Symposium; 2015: COF Symposium approved for speaker during track session and HSO Category Day Position Statement: I am a dedicated USPHS Commissioned Corps officer who is committed to public health, my community, and who serves my community of PHS officer to the best of my ability. Since my commissioning in 2009, I have been involved as an active member of Local COA Branches in Atlanta and Yosemite. I have been involved at the COF Symposiums as a speaker, planner, and organizer. I served as a voting member of the Atlanta COA coordinating monthly workshops and presentations for PHS officers. I have created PHS welcome guides for the HSO category and for the CDC’s Commission Corp Office. As a staff program management officer at CDC’s Commission Corps Office from 2009 to 2011, I dedicated myself to provide the best information to my fellow officers. I have also coordinated and planned numerous PHS events through JOAG and as a HSO. Lastly, I am an effective communicator, planner, and organizer and willing to go above and beyond to serve my fellow PHS officers. I am deeply honored to be considered for this position. RETIRED *RADM RICHARD J. BERTIN, (RET.) Current position: Retired PHS Pharmacist, Consultant in Certification and Accreditation, Brookeville, MD Previous PHS positions: Clinical and administrative pharmacist (1967-1981); Division of Commissioned Personnel (1981-1988); FDA, Office of Orphan Products Development (1988-1990; 19921997); Director, Division of Commissioned Personnel (1990-1992); Chief Pharmacist Officer (1992-1996) Related Professional Activities: Executive Director, Board of Pharmacy Specialties (1997-2010); Member and President, Council on Credentialing in Pharmacy (1998-2010); Council member and Lead Accreditation Assessor, American National Standards Institute (2004-present); Independent consultant on multidisciplinary health professional and other personnel certification processes (2011-present); Member, COA and several professional and civic organizations and boards (1967present) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Surgeon General‘s Medallion (1996); PHS Distinguished Service Medal (1996); PHS Meritorious Service Medal (1992 & 1984); PHS Outstanding Service Medal (1989); several other PHS awards COA Offices Held: Member, COA Board of Directors: (1978-1984; 1999-2005; 20122015); Member, COF Board of Trustees (2000-2005; 2012-2015); COA Board Chair (2001-2002); Co-chair, COA Continuing Education Committee: (2004-present); Chair, COF Education Committee (20122015); Member of several ad-hoc work groups and committees (1980-present) Related Professional Activities: Atlanta COA Voting Member from 2009 to 2011; California Environmental Health Association Member and Treasurer for the Central Valley Chapter; Voting member of PHPAG and Chair of Awards subcommittee; Member of PHPAG Health Promotion Subcommittee; PHS Athletics work I hereby acknowledge my understanding group of the COA Board participation guidelines Position Statement: I have been a proud and involved member of COA for nearly PHS Awards/Honors Received: OUC for and I am willing to abide by them. 50 years. During my first year of active Yosemite Hantavirus Outbreak Response; duty, the Corps came under attack, and OUC and CRSA for responding to the Hurricane Sandy event in New Jersey; USPHS Achievement Award for (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 16) April 2015 - Frontline 15 (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 15) that situation has continued at some level ever since. As active duty, inactive reserve, or retired officers, the COA has been our single constant advocate – allowing us to contribute to the health of Americans and people in need around the world. In a sometimes hostile political environment, the COA has our back, and it needs the ongoing support of a knowledgeable Board and enthusiastic membership. I can bring to the COA Board the experience of three periods of Board membership (including Board chairmanship), and long familiarity with the politics of federal health care. I was closely involved in the last two selection processes for a COA Executive Director, and have a track record of working well with COA staff and other Board members. The COA and its Foundation have Boards of excellent quality, and going forward they will need members with broad leadership experience, demonstrated management skill, and dedication to the PHS Commissioned Corps. I would be privileged to continue to serve the COA and its members on the COA and COF Boards. I understand and am willing to abide by the COA Board Participation Guidelines. *CAPT BENJAMIN LEWIS, (RET.) Current PHS Position: N/A; Retired Previous PHS Positions: Director, Regulatory Operations, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA; Pharmacist Director, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA; Scientific Reviewer, Center for Drug Evaluation and Research, FDA Related Professional Activities: Licensed Pharmacist; Military Officers Association of America (MOAA); Association of Military Surgeons of US (AMSUS); Cofounder and first President, Society of FDA Pharmacists; FDA Alumni Association (FDAAA) Charter Member; Sigma Xi Research Society; Drug Information Association (DIA); Regulatory Affairs Professional Society (RAPS); Who’s Who in America; Who’s Who in the World; Who’s Who in Science and Medicine. the BOD and membership to continue the mission and support and promote the PHS Awards/Honors Received: PHS COA strategic plan and goals. Meritorious Service Medal for exemplary performance of duty (10 May 2002): I hereby acknowledge my understanding Created one of the first MS degrees in of the COA Board participation guidelines Regulatory Affairs in US at San Diego State and I am willing to abide by them. University (SDSU); PHS Achievement Medal for exemplary performance of duty (15 Nov 2000); PHS “The Outstanding Unit SCIENTIST Citation” for exemplary performance of duty (2 May 2001); PHS “The Outstanding *CDR DIANA ELSON Unit Citation” for exemplary performance of duty 17 Jun 1997); PHS Citation (Sep 18, Current PHS Position: Unit Chief, Public 1991); PHS “The Unit Commendation” for Health, Safety, and Preparedness, exemplary performance of duty (26 Jun DHS/ICE/IHSC 1987); PHS “The Unit Commendation” for exemplary performance of duty (3 May Previous PHS Positions: Director, Office 1994); PHS “The Crisis Response Service of Research and Evaluation, HHS/OS/ Award” (14 Feb 2002) for protecting critiOPHS/Office of Population Affairs; Epidecal biologicals during “9/11” attack on miologist & Senior Epidemiologist, DHS/ Washington, DC, Sep 11, 2001; USPHS ICE/Division of Immigration Health “Retirement Certificate” acknowledgeServices ment of duty faithfully performed (1 Apr 2002) Related Professional Activities: SciPAC: Policy Subcommittee (2009-present), COA Offices Held: Local, None; National, Mentoring Subcommittee (2007-2013), None; Meeting: None Science Subcommittee (2010), Awards Subcommittee (2009); USPHS EpidemioloPosition Statement: I would be honored gy Interest Group (Co-Chair); USG Latin to serve on the Board of Directors (BOD), America and Caribbean-Ebola Virus Commissioned Officers Association of the Disease Contingency Plan Workgroup; USPHS. I have been a member of COA for United States-Mexico Border Tuberculosis 37 years and fully support the purposes Consortium, Continuity of Care and mission of this important organizaWorkgroup (Co-Chair with Mexican countion. The COA plays a key role and proterpart); Advisory Council for the Eliminavides a valuable service to all PHS officers tion of Tuberculosis (Ex-Officio member); thru legislative advocacy on behalf of the Federal Tuberculosis Task Force; National PHS Commissioned Corps. COA along with Tuberculosis Controllers Association the Commissioned Officers Foundation Corrections Committee; Federal Correcoffers its Annual Scientific and Training tional Infection Prevention and Control Symposium which is an important venue Consortium (Chair); Uniformed Services for the exchange of scientific ideas, to University Alumni Association Awards foster collaborations, and recognize the Committee; peer reviewer for scientific accomplishments of our peers. journals If elected, I would dedicate my efforts to support and promote the following themes: Support the local COA Branches, be a strong advocate of the Commissioned Corps, work to strengthen the visibility and vitality of the many contributions of the Commissioned Corps, and encourage membership in COA. I would work with PHS Awards/Honors Received: Outstanding Service Medal (‘14); Commendation Medal (‘09, ‘05, ‘02); SciPAC Junior Scientist of the Year (‘04); Achievement Medal (‘02); Outstanding Unit Citation (‘02); Unit Commendation (‘14, ‘12, ‘11, ‘11,’10, ‘10, ‘09, ‘06, ‘05, ‘04); Special Assignment Award (‘10); Crisis Response (Nominations, cont’d. on p. 17) 16 Commissioned Officers Association (Nominations, cont’d. from p. 16) Service Award (‘02); Commissioned Corps access to high-quality healthcare in our Training Ribbon (2002) region. During this time, I witnessed the value of COA to officers stationed around COA Offices Held: National: Legislative the country, especially in remote locations. I would like to give back to COA by and Benefits Committee (2012-present) serving on the COA Board providing input Position Statement: It has been an hon- from the perspective of Scientist and Junor for me to have served since 2012 as a ior Officer stationed in a field location. member of the Legislative and Benefits (L&B) Committee. Participation in the L&B Committee has enhanced my understanding of the powerful advocacy that COA pursues on behalf of USPHS Commissioned Officers. I hold deep respect for the accomplishments of COA in supporting USPHS Officers, and in promoting public health in our Nation. I would be honored to further my commitment to COA as a member of the Board. their interest. The COA Board of Directors provides a platform for such opportunities and I hope to take advantage of this platform to strengthen membership, visibility, networking, and educate others on the role Commissioned Corps officers play in advancing public health. I hereby acknowledge my understanding I hereby acknowledge my understanding of the COA Board participation guidelines of the COA Board participation guidelines and I am willing to abide by them. and I am willing to abide by them. *LCDR TAMARA HENDERSON *LCDR TRACY POWELL Current PHS Position: Policy Analyst, Current PHS Position: Investigator with Office of the Surgeon General, Division of Food & Drug Administration Commissioned Corps Personnel and Readiness, Policy Group Previous PHS Positions: I’ve held the same position as an Investigator with the Previous PHS Positions: Senior Advisor to Former Surgeon General, Dr. Regina M. I hereby acknowledge my understanding FDA since commissioned into PHS Benjamin (OSG), Program Analyst & Speof the COA Board participation guidelines Related Professional Activities: Active cial Assistant to the ASH in the Office of and I am willing to abide by them. Member of Scientist Professional Adviso- the Assistant Secretary for Health ry Committee (Career Development, *LCDR CARA HALLDIN Science, and Category Day Subcom- Related Professional Activities: Member mittee), PHS Deployment Teams of: COA Strategic Planning Committee, Current PHS Position: Scientist (National & Regional Incident Support Corps Women Issues Advisory Board, (Epidemiologist with CDC/National InstiTeams), Women in Bio, Florida District DoD Institutional Review Board, DoD Militute for Occupational Safety and Health) Quality of Work life & Diversity Com- tary Advisory Panel and former Advisory mittee (FDA), Florida District Dietary Council Member for Military Officers Previous PHS Positions: Senior Assistant Supplement Program Monitor (FDA), At- Association of America Scientist (Epidemic Intelligence Service lanta District Field Alert Monitor for all Officer [CDC]) quality defects of approved drugs (FDA) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Surgeon General Exemplary Service Medal (2013), Related Professional Activities: Voting Commendation Medal (2015, 2012) (2), PHS Awards/Honors Received: Unit Commember- Junior Officer Advisory Group Unit Commendation 2011 (3), 2010 (2), mendation (Removal of unapproved (Membership Committee Co-Chair): 2009; Response Service (2012, 2010); drugs), Unit Commendation (National Member- SciPAC Career Development Prevention Strategy Workgroup), Com- Special Assignment (2010); Achievement Subcommittee mendation Medal (Nominated; Lead a (2009) PHS Awards/Honors Received: Achieve- Mass Seizure) COA Offices Held: Local: N/A National: ment Medal (2), Outstanding Unit CitaPlanning Committee for the 2015 MOLC COA Offices Held: Local: Historian, South tion, Unit Commendation, Hazardous Luncheon, COA Strategic Planning ComFlorida COA (2011 to 2013), Active MemDuty Service Award ber Atlanta COA (2014-present); National: mittee Category Day Planning Committee COA Offices Held: Local: West Virginia Member 2011-12, 2014 - present. for Scientist 2014 & 2015 Sponsor/ Branch Vice President (2012-2013), Presi- Meeting: Attended USPHS COA Scientific Exhibitor Committee 2015 Meeting: COA dent (2013-2014), Lifetime COA Member Training Symposium in Atlanta, GA (June 2008 (COSTEP), 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2009) as an approved applicant for the 2014 Position Statement: In my short time as Scientist Category prior to Call to Active Position Statement: Standing ready to a Commissioned Corps officer (4 years), Duty support and advocate for all current and COA has been of great assistance to my I am looking past officers through leadership, commitfellow officers stationed in West Virginia. Position Statement: I have worked with COA representatives forward to serving on the COA Board of ment, transparency. I hereby acknowas part of the West Virginia Commis- Directors to advance PHS Commissioned ledge my understanding of the COA sioned Officers Association to improve Corps by supporting and advocating for Board participation guidelines and I am willing to abide by them. April 2015 - Frontline 17 COA Branch Activities ACOA Officers Stay Active on the Atlanta Beltline By LCDR Zewditu Demissie, USPHS N ine ACOA officers, nine of their friends and family members, and one puppy, braved the chilly weather to run/ walk the Eastside Trail of the Atlanta BeltLine. This event was created to support officers’ physical fitness and desire for camaraderie, and to align with the Surgeon General’s Every Body Walk! Initiative and the National Prevention Strategy. Participants were welcome to enjoy the full 4.5-mile round-trip trail or to stop at any of the various access points or establishments along the route. skateboarding, and other forms of non-motorized transport. It is also stroller and pet friendly. CAPT John Iskander’s children brought their unicycle, LT Rachael Cook was accompanied by her husband and infant, and LCDR Jona Ogden brought along her dog, Latte. After the activity, four officers and a guest had brunch at 10th & Piedmont, a local restaurant near Piedmont Park. The BeltLine provides residents and visitors with a new avenue for getting around the city and has served as a desti-nation unto itself. It seeks to transform Atlanta with a combination of rail, trail, green space, housing, and art. The BeltLine is being built upon an existing 22-mile historic rail corridor that encircles the City of Atlanta. Once the project is completed, it will connect 45 in-town neighborhoods, connect to regional transportation initiatives, and boost Atlanta’s economic growth and sustainability. The ultimate plan is to include pedestrian-friendly rail transit and 33 miles of multi-use trails along and connected to the corridor. For more information, please visit: Atlanta BeltLine: http:// Atlanta BeltLine Eastside Trail: trails/eastside-trail/ Surgeon General’s Every Body Walk! Initiative: NaThe Atlanta BeltLine provides a unique venue where the public tional Prevention Strategy: has the opportunity to engage in physical activity. Small initiatives/prevention/strategy/ and large groups alike use the BeltLine for physical activity. The trail supports walking/running, cycling, skating/blading, CAPT Heidi Blanck Receives Distinguished Alumni Award By LT Roberto C. Garza, USPHS C APT Heidi Blanck, ACOA member, recently received the Emory University Graduate Division of Biological and Biomedical Sciences (GDBBS) Distinguished Alumni Award. CAPT Blanck was the first alumna from the Nutrition and Health Sciences doctoral program to have received this award. She presented a seminar to the university on her work with the USPHS and CDC’s National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP). CAPT Blanck, a Scientist Officer and chief of the Obesity Branch in CDC’s Division of Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity, spoke about her work on community-based childhood obesity prevention. The award was presented to CAPT Blanck by Dr. Lisa Tedesco, Dean of the James T. Laney School of Graduate Studies and GDBBS Director Dr. Keith Wilkinson at the 5th Annual GDBBS Awards Gala in Atlanta. 18 Commissioned Officers Association COA Branch Activities Baltimore COA Branch Volunteers Answer the Call for the Maryland Food Bank By LT Teisha Robertson and LCDR Jeannettee Joyner, USPHS accounting for about 37 million meals annually. The mission of the Food Bank is to “lead the movement and nurture the belief that together we can improve the lives of Marylanders by ending hunger.” Since 1979, the Food Bank has fostered relationships with the state government, food retailers, manufacturers, distributors and corporations. These relationships are essential to the Food Bank as they offer a large portion of the food they receive and distribute. O According to the Maryland Food Bank, about half-a million people have reported their inability to obtain or access food. This amounts to almost 1 in 8 individuals who experience hunger. The Food Bank employees take their mission very seriously and create new ways to strengthen their distribution, food sourcing as well as funding. It is the hope and dream of the Food Bank that as a team they can end hunger in Maryland and are dedicated to being key leaders in the movement. n February 7, 2015, a team of nine Public Health Service (PHS) officers volunteered their time at the Maryland Food Bank located in Baltimore, MD. The event was hosted by the Baltimore Branch of the Commissioned Officer Association (BCOA), and was attended by PHS officers from the Maryland Metropolitan area. To support the Maryland Food Bank’s movement to end hunger and in keeping with our mission of service to the comAccording to a recent article from CBS Baltimore earlier this munity as well as increase visibility of the USPHS, officers month, “...there is a serious backlog of donations because volunteered their time and service for 4 hours at the main there are fewer volunteers...the food bank is having a difficult warehouse, unpacking, sorting, verifying contents, and repacktime getting food to those who need it.” Volunteers are the ing donated foods and health/beauty kits prior to distribution core of the Maryland Food Bank and aid with how quickly and from the Food Bank. efficiently food is distributed to those individuals in need. Overall, this was a great experience as officers were able to The Maryland Food Bank is a non-profit hunger-relief organiza- contribute their time and resources to a noteworthy cause, tion that has partnered with communities around the state to while working side by side with other individuals and commudeliver food to individuals and families in need statewide. The nity organizations. Opportunities still exist to help with this Food Bank disseminates over 100,000 meals per day movement at various locations and times. April 2015 - Frontline 19 COA Branch Activities DC COA PACE Subcommittee Raise USPHS Visibility at Brown Station Elementary School Career Day By LT Shiny Mathew and LT Jonathan Leshin, USPHS support for the registration of pesticides for the Environmental Protection Agency. Similarly, LT Mathew discussed her role as a nonclinical reviewer for new drugs for Psychiatric diseases, such as Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Autistic Spectrum Disorders, etc. at the Food and Drug Administration. (L-R) LT Jonathan Leshin and LT Shiny Mathew, USPHS C ommissioned Officers involved in DC COA Prevention through Active Community Engagement (PACE) Subcommittee participated in the Brown Station Elementary School Career Day. The event involved a number of community volunteers from all walks of life, and it was a moment of pride for both LT Shiny Mathew and LT Jonathan Leshin to represent the United States Public Health Service. Prior to the event, the career day presenters gathered in the Brown Station Elementary School library for light refreshments. LT Leshin and LT Mathew raised visibility through their uniform wear, and they were able to discuss with other presenters and staff about the USPHS Commissioned Corps’ leading efforts by USPHS in the Ebola deployments. LT Leshin and LT Mathew were assigned to a room of 24 fifth graders. The discussion started with a presentation on USPHS and the Surgeon General’s National Prevention Strategy. The officers talked about the scientist career tract and being an officer in the USPHS Commissioned Corps by highlighting training and education requirements and their impacts on national and interational public health emergency responses. LT Leshin discussed his role as a toxicologist who provides scientific 20 Afterwards, the students did a hands-on-activity to show the importance of mucous in keeping us healthy during flu and allergy season from viruses, pollen and other inhaled allergens. The children made slime using borax and glue. Glitter, which was used to simulate either bacteria or viruses, was spread on a table, and the children used the slime, to pick up the simulated pathogens. The children were amazed at the important role that mucous plays as part of our body’s defense system. This fun activity not only engaged the young minds, but also allowed us to promote the public health message of ‘no smoking’ to children from a very young age. Furthermore, the activity was highly effective in making it clear to the children that smoking harms their lungs and overall health by impeding proper clearance of zoonotic diseases. The session ended with handing out small FDA promotional materials to the children once again reminding them about the plethora of career opportunities in science available to them. The school officials presented the officers with a small candle lamp as a token of appreciation for lighting the way for Brown Station Elementary School children. This volunteer activity was just one of the opportunities developed through the Prevention through Active Community Engagement (PACE) Program. The goals of PACE is to enact the National Prevention Strategies through educational, civic and faith-based community outreach. For more information about being a volunteer, please see the fact sheet at 20Partnership.pdf. Commissioned Officers Association COA Branch Activities COA Fireweed Branch Informs Alaska Native Community About Flu Prevention and Poison Control By Southcentral Foundation Public Relations officers – comprised of registered nurses, physician assistants and pharmacists – provided information via two interactive booths. A flu prevention booth helped customers identify ways to prevent the spread of germs by appropriately washing hands and covering their mouth when they cough or sneeze. Customers were also encouraged to get their flu vaccination and sign a flu prevention pledge to protect themselves and their family members against the flu. A poison control booth informed customers on the potential hazards medications can cause in the home when not taken or stored properly. The booth also provided a striking visual display on different ways medication can be commonly confused with similar looking candy. The VNPCC located in the heart of the Matanuska-Susitna Valley in Alaska serves approximately 8,000 customers. Southcentral Foundation began serving customer-owners in 2007 with less than 20 employees. A growing demand for services resulted in the current 90,000-sq.-ft. building, which opened in Aug. 2012. he Commissioned Officers Association (COA) Fireweed The building is owned and operated by Southcentral Foundation Branch participated in the Benteh Nuutah Valley Native in partnership with Chickaloon Village Traditional Council and Primary Care Center (VNPCC) community health fair. The Knik Tribal Council. (Back, L-R) CDR Kurt Soeder, CAPT Susan Thompson, LCDR Amanda Heard, LCDR Jasen Thompson, CDR Bryen Bartgis, (Front, L-R) CDR Kristina Cohen, CDR Terri Schrader T April 2015 - Frontline 21 COA Member Receives Award T he Association of Professors of Gynecology and Obstetrics (APGO) bestowed its highest honor, the APGO Lifetime Achievement Award, to COA member and COF Board member William H.J. Haffner, MD during the CREOG & APGO Annual Meeting Awards Ceremony, March 6, 2015 at the JW Marriot San Antonio Hill Country Resort in San AntoCAPT William H.J. Haffner, (Ret.), UPSHS nio, TX. The APGO Board of Directors presents the Lifetime Achievement Award annually. The award honors past APGO leaders who have made noteworthy contributions within the specialty of obstetrics and gynecology and who have consistently worked to further the goals of the APGO and academic medicine. Washington, D.C. area. Before retiring from the Public Health Service in 2001 after 30 years in service, Doctor Haffner held essentially every leadership position in women’s health at the Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences, including program director and department chair. Doctor Haffner is currently Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the F. Edward Hébert School of Medicine and the Chair of the Departmental Committee on Academic Appointments, Promotions and Tenure. He is also editor-in-chief of Military Medicine, the international journal of the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States, is a consultant for obstetrics and gynecology for the Indian Health Service, United States Public Heath Service in Rockville, MD, and is an attending staff physician in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Walter Reed National Military Center in Bethesda, MD. SPOTTED IN TRAFFIC Doctor Haffner’s contributions to medical education are varied and extensive. He has contributed significantly to the education of a generation of military physicians at the graduate and undergraduate level. Throughout his career and to this day he has worked diligently to ensure providers working with Native American women have quality, culturally appropriate educational opportunities. Following medical residency, Haffner was commissioned in the Public Health Service and began his long career at Gallup Indian Medical Center, an Indian health service facility in rural New Mexico. After serving at Gallup for 10 years, including in roles as Chief of the Department and Navajo Area Senior Consultant for ob-gyn, he moved to the CAPT Sara B. Newman COA Board Chair 22 Commissioned Officers Association Surgeon General Visits PHS Officers in the Tampa Bay Area By CAPT Esan O. Simon, USPHS A multi-disciplinary group of Ten PHS Officers from the Food & Drug Administration (FDA), Bureau of Prisons (BOP) and U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) were privileged to have a personable, engaging discussion with the 19th U.S. Surgeon General throughout the evening. Greeted with loud cheers by restaurant patrons as he entered in uniform, VADM Murthy shared his vision with the Officers for his tenure as the Surgeon General, fielded a variety of questions from the group, and shared some of his personal journey on the road to becoming America’s Doctor. Surgeon General VADM Vivek Murthy meets with USPHS Officers U .S. Surgeon General VADM Vivek H. Murthy, MD, MBA, embarked on a robust tour in January to interact with and visit PHS Officers and community leaders around the country. In addition to personally welcoming home Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU) Team 2 in Atlanta, GA and training with MMU Team 3 in Anniston, AL, the Surgeon General also met with Officers in Birmingham, AL, Atlanta, GA, Kansas City, MO, Orlando, FL, Miami, FL, Indianapolis, IN, Cincinnati, OH, Cleveland, OH and Dearborn, MI. With his goals of learning about the PHS Commissioned Corps, strengthening the Commissioned Corps, and building cross-sector partnerships in communities to address the epidemics of obesity, tobaccorelated disease, and reduce the stigma associated with mental illness, VADM Murthy visited PHS Officers in the Tampa Bay area on February 5, 2015, where officers from multiple agencies enjoyed a dinner on the Tampa Bay waterfront with VADM Murthy and a few members from his staff. Despite the compressed schedule including multiple cities in successive days and a two-hour drive immediately after dinner to the next destination, the Surgeon General was gracious with his time providing personal interaction and discussion with each PHS Officer and he was sure to afford the opportunity for both individual and group photographs of the evening (see photo). With limited cross-agency interaction in the Tampa Bay area prior to this event, the PHS camaraderie developed during the evening with VADM Murthy also provided an enriching professional development opportunity for all PHS Officers present. Invigorated and blessed by our time with the Surgeon General, all PHS Officers left the evening motivated to serve in our respective areas and disciplines to protect, promote, and advance the health and safety of our Nation. Special thanks to LT Laura Annetta (Surgeon General Aide-de -Camp) and LT Mike Gifford for coordinating this event. Should you have the opportunity in the future to meet with the Surgeon General, we would all encourage you to do so and if you are tasked with coordinating such an event or are searching for protocol guidance, etc. for such an occasion, reference the “U.S. Public Health Service Officer’s Guide Leadership, Protocol, & Service Standards” 2nd Edition, which is available for purchase from COF. MAKE THE CONNECTION April 2015 - Frontline 23 Leadership, Excellence, Integrity and Service to All Mankind By CDR Jyl Woolfolk and LT Michael Muni, USPHS American college women. The sisterhood is empowered by a commitment to servant-leadership that is both domestic and international in its scope. Its members address community needs in target areas including but not limited to educational enrichment, health promotion, and global impact. Through its 986 chapters and over 265,000 college-trained members, Alpha Kappa Alpha has implemented programs of service impacting countless lives. The sorority chartered its first international chapter in Monrovia, Liberia in 1957. CDR Gwathney, RADM Trent-Adams, and CDR Woolfolk pose with Alpha Kappa Alpha members during the meetand-greet T he mission to establish and operate the Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU) for treatment of Ebola-infected healthcare workers and continue efforts with Liberian and international partners to build capacity for additional care was the quintessential demonstration of the purpose of the US Public Health Service (PHS) Commissioned Corps. Prior to packing her bags, Commander (CDR) Jyl Woolfolk was delighted to learn that her beloved sorority was one of the organizations on the front lines of the Ebola crisis response in Monrovia. As the Admin/Finance Chief of the first team of officers to staff the MMU (known as MMU Team 1), the mission was also the quintessential opportunity to wear two hats, pursuing the vision of an Ebola-free Liberia shared by her fellow officers as well as her sisterhood. In August, 2014, Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA) Sorority, Inc., sounded the battle cry against Ebola virus disease and declared a state of national emergency. Both AKA and the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. answered the call and committed themselves to buttressing the Liberian government’s efforts in the fight. Responding to the growing demand for more space to accommodate Ebola patients, the two organizations launched the Ebola Quick Impact Project and turned over a 96-bed Ebola Treatment Unit (ETU) to the government through the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. In addition to procuring the ETU’s logistical supplies and personal protective equipment, the sorority and fraternity conducted local community outreach and disease prevention training. CDR Woolfolk became a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha while attending Morgan State University. Since initiation, her goal was to visit her sorority’s first international chapter and unite with its members in the name of service. Upon informing the chapter of her arrival, the members hosted a meet and greet to recognize PHS for its significant contribution to the global Ebola response. “Being welcomed by my Liberian sisters with open arms was a historical moment,” said CDR Woolfolk. “My adamant appreciation and praise goes to these dynamic women for taking on an exceptional leadership role in meeting a most critical need.” Rear Admiral (RADM) Sylvia Trent-Adams, Commanding Officer of the PHS Commissioned Corps Ebola Response Mission, CDR David Lau, Executive Officer for the Mission, and CDR Jamal Gwathney, MMU Team 1‘s Chief Medical Officer and husband of an Alpha Kappa Alpha member, joined CDR Woolfolk at the meet and greet. The officers were delighted to learn more about Ebola Quick Impact and experience firsthand both the labor and fruits of the sorority’s international humanitarian efforts. “We had a great time meeting the AKAs and learning about their contributions to opening an ETU. They are truly amazing individuals who care about their fellow Liberians,” said RADM Trent-Adams. The meeting was vibrant with exchanges of Ebola treatment achievements and lessons learned. “We applaud the effort of the PHS team here and we know their impact will make a huge difference”, said Candace Eastman, current President of Monrovia’s AKA chapter. “We hope everyone can come back to Liberia under better circumstances.” The sorority members closed the meeting with expressions of great interest in exploring future collaborative opportunities with PHS. Gatherings such as this one underscored the potential impact of taking our existing relationships with Greek fraternities and sororities to the next level. As aligned forces, we can offer the help, healing, and hope that will eradicate Ebola -- and future public health emergencies. Founded in 1908, Alpha Kappa Alpha is the first Greek letter organization established and incorporated by African- 24 Commissioned Officers Association (Lead, cont’d. from p. 1) I n a ceremony in his Senate office, Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) was presented the first ever Congressional Public Health Leadership Award by CAPT Sara Newman, USPHS, Chair of the Board of Directors of the Commissioned Officers Association of the United States Public Health Service. This award was recently established by the Commissioned Officers Association, a non-profit organization which represents the U.S. Surgeon General, the 6700 officers in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service and PHS retirees. Durbin was given the award because of his work in the last Congress that addressed the significant problem of tobacco use by members of the military services. Smoking rates and rates of use of chewing tobacco and “dip” pose significant threats to the well -being of military servicemembers. It has been scientifically demonstrated, for example, that smokers incur a 20% longer hospital stay than non-smokers and have double the risk of post-surgical infection when compared with non-smokers. Smoking is also the killer of some 480,000 Americans every year—making it the leading cause of death in this country. Though overall smoking rates have plunged since Surgeon General Luther Terry released the first report on Smoking and Health in 1964, tobacco use among military servicemembers continues at a dramatically higher rate than among their civilian counterparts. It has also been demonstrated time and again that young people are particularly price sensitive when it comes to tobacco use: raise the price, and use goes down. According to Senator Durbin: “Discounting tobacco products on our military bases lures even more service members into this deadly addiction. Ending this subsidy is a commonsense reform that will help protect the health of our nation’s troops. It will literally save lives. I am honored to receive the Congressional Public Health Leadership Award from the Commissioned Officers Association, a powerful ally in our fight to reduce tobacco use in the military.” Durbin’s legislation, which originated in his role as then-Chairman of the Defense Appropriations Subcommittee, was ultimately included in the FY 2015 National Defense Authorization Act and required that the price of tobacco products sold in military exchanges and commissaries be raised to full retail. Tobacco products have long been sold at a significant discount in most military exchanges and commissaries, and Durbin’s efforts will result in elimination of that discount. Discount On Surgeon General’s Warning C OA members can receive a 30% discount on journalist Mike Stobbe’s new book Surgeon General’s Warning: How Politics Crippled the Nation’s Doctor. Use discount code 14W5566 at the online checkout for the discount to apply. journalist Mike Stobbe examines the Office of the U.S. Surgeon General, underlining how it has always been an anomaly within the federal government with a unique ability to influence public health. But now Surgeon Generals compete with other high profile figures, like the Secretary of Health and Hu"Mike Stobbe's history of the U.S. Surgeon man Services and the Director of the Centers General is more than a grand tour of Ameri- for Disease Control and Prevention. Furthercan medicine. It is a thoughtful and engaging more, in an era of declining budgets, when analysis of what the Surgeons General did public health departments eliminate tens of and do while pursuing the not always so thousands of jobs, an invisible Surgeon Genstraight line of advancing the public's eral seems an indefensible waste of money. health." By tracing stories of how Surgeons General like Luther Terry, C. Everett Koop, and Joyce— Howard Markel, M.D., Ph.D., The Universi- lyn Elders created policies and confronted controversy around issues like smoking, ty of Michigan AIDS, and masturbation, Stobbe highlights "Surgeon General's Warning is a fascinating, how this office is key to influencing the Nathoroughly researched historical tour of the tion’s health, and why its decline is harming political battlefields of U.S. public health. We our national well-being. watch successive Surgeons General lead noMike Stobbe is a national medical correble charges—or beat cowardly retreats—in struggles to marshal indifferent, embarrassed spondent for the Associated Press and is based in New York City. He covers the CDC or corrupt administrations against plagues and writes on a range of health and medical ranging from venereal disease to tobacco topics. He has a doctorate in public health and from AIDS to obesity." — Arthur Allen, policy and administration from the University author, Vaccine: the Controversial Story of Medicine's Greatest Lifesaver (WW Norton); of North Carolina. The Fantastic Laboratory of Dr. Weigl (WW Norton, 2014) What does it mean to be the Additional information about the book is Nation's doctor? In this engaging narrative, available online. April 2015 - Frontline 25 (President’s Corner, cont’d. from p. 4) controlled, and hopefully, at some point eliminated. write this column, we are hearing that the last Ebola paFourth, we must deploy resources quickly at the first sign tient may have been seen in Liberia. This terrific news is of an outbreak. thanks to the tremendous efforts of public health workers who risked their lives to help end this epidemic. Among In these latter two lessons is where the USPHS Commis- them our brave officers who very much had something to sioned Corps has shone. To combat an outbreak such as do with slowing this epidemic and encouraging local health Ebola requires “boots on the ground”, rapidly deployed. care workers to stay the course in West Africa. More than that, it requires that health professionals in country believe that they can practice without fear of ex- Ebola would be a significantly greater threat worldwide posure, or when exposed, they can be treated and survive. without these courageous men and women. We should It was that mission to which the Corps deployed trained not be surprised by this public health winner. Once again clinicians, infection control officers, pharmacists, laborato- our Corps stands tall. For it is so true of our Corps, it is ry workers, and administrative management personnel to their essence, it is their way of life, and it is their noble Liberia to staff the Monrovia Medical Unit (MMU). These mission: “in the silent war against disease no truce is ever teams of approximately 70 troops in the field were aided seen…..”* by the tireless efforts of dedicated support teams in the U.S. Yours in public health, Bob Williams, P.E., DEE At least three teams of Corps officers have cycled through RADM, USPHS (ret) the MMU. The reports I have heard are compelling, some- President PHS Commissioned Officers Foundation times grim, but always inspiring. I am both humbled by and proud of the efforts of all who have been associated *The battle cry of America’s Health Responders……. with this response. Their efforts have been successful. ** See more at: reports/annual The fight against Ebola has shown signs of progress – as I INCREASING COA MEMBERSHIP IS OUR #1 PRIORITY! HELP COA GROW AS THE COMMISSIONED CORPS GROWS — RECRUIT A NEW/FORMER MEMBER TODAY! COA DONATION CAPT Elizabeth A. Whelan 26 Commissioned Officers Association Executive Director, from p. 1 Public Health Service, Coast Guard, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Judy and I immediately jumped on the problem, met with Congressional staff, and worked out language that would have fixed the problem for us and the other non-DoD services. As it developed—and quite probably because of the proposed Congressional actions—TRICARE suddenly found it expedient to cover the desired treatment under its existing authorities, without the need for a change in the law. This came as no surprise to me, because in my experience federal entities often discover that they can do something they previously ignored just as soon as they discover that Congress is going to make them do it anyway. Chalk one up for Judy and COA. May saw the first of our letters to the editor published in a local newspaper, in this case The Washington Post. I drafted the letter after reading in The Post’s Sports Section—the first part of the paper I read every day—that Washington Nationals shortstop Ian Desmond was hooked on smokeless tobacco and was trying without much success to quit the habit. I seized on this hook, and The Post published my letter, which mentioned PHS, the 1964 Surgeon General’s Report on Smoking and Health, and the dangers of smokeless tobacco. I was identified in The Post as being COA’s Executive Director. May was also the month I began a regular campaign of writing to various authorities that discriminate against officers in the Public Health Service. My first such letter was sent to TSA Administrator John Pistole, and it started like this: “Perhaps you are unaware that TSA is delivering a daily slap in the face to thousands of commissioned officers of one of this countries uniformed services: the commissioned officers of the United States Public Health Service.” In fact, TSA and COA had been going back-and-forth on the issue of providing airport precheck to PHS officers long before I arrived, but this letter may have jump-started the effort. Where we are now, according to PHS headquarters, is an attempt to be certain that PHS can effect a successful data transfer with the Defense Data Manpower Center, upon which TSA will rely for the Pre-Check. I have every hope that the Pre-Check request will be successful and that COA’s efforts will end this aggravating situation. During the year I also wrote letters to the USO, to the National Park Service, to Army Morale, Welfare, and Recreation, to the Social Security Administration, to the New Mexico State Treasurer, and to the Disney Corporation. These and other letters can be found on the COA website. One of my passions is the anti-tobacco effort that the Surgeon General has called his own since 1964. COA had long been involved in the fight against Big Tobacco, and we continued that fight after I became Executive Director. U.S. Navy Secretary Ray Mabus had already eliminated the discount on tobacco products sold in Navy and Marine Corps exchanges and in commissaries on Navy and Marine Corps bases, and he wanted to go further and ban tobacco sales altogether in exchanges and commissaries under his authority. His initiative was met by immediate Congressional opposition, formulated around the supposed “right” of military servicemembers to purchase tobacco at a discount. The result in the U.S. House of Representatives was an amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act for 2015 that would prevent the Defense Department from ending the sale of tobacco products in exchanges and commissaries. We reacted by putting together a group we called “The Ad Hoc Coalition on DoD and Tobacco.” This group consisted of COA, the Cancer Action Network of the American Cancer Society, the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association, the American Dental Association, the American Public Health Association, the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids, and Action on Smoking and Health. It was a powerful group, and representatives from each of these organizations joined Judy and I as we went to more than twenty Senate offices in an attempt to persuade the Senate Armed Services Committee not to accede to the House amendment. In the end, we lost, defeated by Big Tobacco’s representatives, who, we were told by several staffers, were terrified of the effort we were making. In the words of one Congressional staffer: “They are following behind you guys and twisting arms and giving out cash.” We lost this one, but we’ll be back. Here is a link to our letter to Secretary Mabus and here is the Secretary’s response. At about the same time as our annual Symposium, many PHS officers began deployments to the border with Mexico, where they provide healthcare services to minor children who were streaming across into Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. I call these “Commissioned Corps stealth deployments,” because Executive branch leaders were so terrified of possible negative political consequences of the influx of these minors that they placed a news black-out on the entire operation. They were unapologetic about such, and this embargo effectively prevented COA from generating favorable coverage of PHS officer activities. We had lined up newspaper reporters who wanted to tell the PHS story along the border, but there was nothing we could do for them. As far as I know, there were no newspaper or television stories that highlighted what the Commissioned Corps did along the border. Frontline finally published a piece telling some of the PHS story, which still remains largely undocumented. (Please see November Frontline, pages 1 and 20.) As early as September 2014, the Commissioned Corps began reacting to the outbreak of the Ebola virus, which had been running amok in West Africa since at least March of 2014. Non-US Government organizations like Me̒decins sans Frontières had dealt with the virus, but it quickly outgrew their capacity, and international organizations began clamoring for U.S. help. HHS Secretary Burwell announced the activation and potential deployment of Commissioned Corps personnel in September 2014, and PHS officers immediately began planning for a trip to West Africa. COA played little role in these early months of the deployment planning other than attempting to interest newspaper reporters in what the Public Health Service was doing against the virus. In cooperation with public affairs personnel in the Office of the Assistant secretary for Health—one of whom is a Commissioned Corps officer and COA member--PHS scored some major news media successes. COA’s most successful media outreach occurred in November 2014, when my letter to the CBS news program “60 Minutes” was read on the air by Leslie Stahl. We also had a letter in the Army Times newspaper which addressed the (Executive Director, cont’d. on p. 28) April 2015 - Frontline 27 Executive Director, from p. 27 January 2015 issue of Frontline, p. 35). The first such award was presented to Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL) by CAPT Sara NewThe Commissioned Corps Ebola deployments were the subject of man, COA Board Chair, on 12 March 2015 for his legislative work directed at combatting tobacco use within the Department a White House press event on 12 February 2015, at which of Defense. This award marks an important step toward gaining RADM Scott Giberson, who had deployed to Liberia with the first group of PHS officers to go there to fight Ebola, introduced more Congressional recognition for COA and the Commissioned Corps. CAPT Newman was Joined in the Democratic Whip’s President Obama. (Please see the COA website at http:// office in the U.S. Capitol by COA Board Member RADM (ret.) ) Dick Bertin, former COA Board Chair CAPT Nita Sood, COA Deputy Executive Director John McElligott, COA Government In November, COA submitted testimony to the Senate AppropriRelations Director Judy Rensberger, and me. Following presentaations Committee calling on Congress to provide funding for the tion of the award (see photo, p. 1 of this issue of Frontline), we Office of the Surgeon General. We continue to work this issue, with Judy Rensberger and me meeting regularly with House and spent twenty minutes with Sen. Durbin, who started his campaign against tobacco more than twenty-five years ago when he introSenate staff on the issue. duced the first legislation to ban tobacco on airline flights. Commissioned Corps’ deployments to Liberia. Parts of October-December were also devoted to the development of a new Strategic Plan for COA for 2015-2019. Led by COA Board Chair CAPT Sara Newman, with assistance from other COA members and staff, the plan was approved and unveiled in January 2015. A more long-term Congressional initiative, on which COA started working in September 2014, was bearing fruit in March 2015. That initiative is the establishment of a Congressional Public Health Caucus, an entity that would parallel many of the other health-related caucuses in the Congress. A “caucus” is a voluntary association of members of Congress who have an affinity for January 2015 saw the release of the Military Compensation and a particular cause. Virtually all diseases and health conditions— Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) report. This cancer, diabetes, ALS, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, youcommission was established by the 2013 National Defense Auname-it—have a caucus that operates in their name. What we thorization Act, and its nine members offered fifteen recommen- saw as a startling gap was the lack of a public health caucus, so dations on everything from retirement pay to space-available we at COA set out to find some members of the House to start travel. The commission released its report at an Arlington, VA, one. We reached out to a Republican House member I know closed-to-the-press session, and Judy Rensberger and I were well, and then he reached out to a Democrat. The House Clerk there to receive our copies of the 280-page document. We spent approved the establishment of the caucus. COA staff are working the remainder of that day reading through and marking-up the to develop the caucus website we will maintain. I cannot overreport, and John McElligott and I spent the next day at the head- emphasize the importance of this as a bipartisan effort, as we quarters of the Military Officers Association of America believe very strongly that public health is not and should not be a (MOAA), where we joined other members of The Military Coali- partisan issue. Once the caucus is established, COA’s Legislation tion in examining and discussing the report. We continued our & Benefits Committee will reach out to COA members and ask analysis throughout the weekend, during which RADM Scott them to recruit their member of the U.S House of Representatives Giberson emailed me and asked if we were doing an analysis. to join it. There is no charge for caucus membership. The following week, we brief Surgeon General Murthy regarding the report’s potential impacts on the Commissioned Corps. The final topic in this report is the wonderful visit I made to TulCOA’s Legislation and Benefits Committee, Chaired by CAPT sa, OK, the weekend of 6-8 March. I was invited to the diningMichelle Colledge, had meanwhile submitted to us a mostout of the combined Oklahoma Branches of COA, and it was my helpful analysis of the report that had been developed by their pleasure to accept. I could not have been treated more hospitably MCRMC working group. We used that material and our own by the Commissioned Corps officers there, and it was my honor work in developing a COA position on the various aspects of the to be the speaker at the evening event. It was terrifically fun report. The following week we briefed NOAA Commissioned evening, complete with a nasty “grog” concoction, some of Corps Director RADM David Score. On 20 February we submit- which I voluntarily drank in solidarity with the unlucky souls ted our analysis to the Senate Armed Services Committee at the who were forced to partake of the brew. In addition to the festiviinvitation of that committee. We continue to follow the report ties I also visited two Indian Health Service hospitals and talked through our membership in The Military Coalition, and we will with the PHS officers who staff them. It was altogether a superb certainly keep you apprised as Congress considers its provisions weekend, and I look forward to invitations from other COA and recommendations. Here is a link to the COA analysis of the Branches, perhaps in the same combined Branch format. MCRMC report. The Senate Armed Services Committee’s invitation to COA is reproduced in the March issue of Frontline, in So, this is a summary of my first year with you all, the first of which issue I discuss some aspects of the report. what I hope will be many years of association with COA. I don’t see how it could have been much better. I get to work with a COA was not neglecting Congress during these months, as there terrific staff and membership, and it is an honor to represent you. I look forward to seeing you at the Symposium in Atlanta. are two exciting developments to report. The first of these was when the COA Board of Directors approved a new COA Con-Jim Currie gressional Public Health Leadership Award, to be given each COA Executive Director year to a member of the United States Senate and a member of the United States House of Representatives. (Please see the 28 Commissioned Officers Association $7500 Scholarships for GW Degrees Welcome New COA Members T hanks to a partnership with the George Washington Milken Institute School of Public Health, COA members are eligible to receive a $7,500 scholarship to attend one of GW’s renowned online master's egree programs: LCDR Grace Appiah, UNAFFILIATED LT Oumou Barry, DC LT Doll Davis,NORTH CAROLINA LCDR Louise Francois Watkins, ATLANTA LT Sandra Mathoslah, FORT WORTH LCDR Mark Ritter, DC LT Christopher Sheehan, UNAFFILIATED ENS Jason Stone, UNAFFILIATED MPH@GW — A Master of Public Health that develops leaders who impact the health of communities worldwide. Learn more. MHA@GW — An Executive Master of Health Administration for professionals with three or more years of experience in the health care or health services industry who are seeking leadership roles in their organization. Request more information. Both of these online programs blend top-level curricula, face-to-face interactions and real-world experiences to help you advance your career without putting it on hold. April 2015 - Frontline 29 IN MEMORIAM CAPT ROBERT E. MANSELL, (RET.), USPHS I n 2014, CAPT Robert E. Mansell, age 69, passed away at home in Alexandria, VA, after a bout with pancreatic cancer. CAPT Mansell joined the Public Health Service in 1968 as a Therapist officer. Throughout his 30-year career, he served at clinics in Lower Manhattan, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. He served as the Chief Professional Officer for the Therapist category and worked at the FDA on bone cement for joint replacement surgeries. After retirement, he worked as the Director of Practice for the American Physical Therapist Association. CAPT Mansell was called back to active duty and served in the BOP facility in Fort Worth, TX. The PHS Therapist category has a career summary of CAPT Mansell posted online. Outside of the Corps, CAPT Mansell traveled with his family and played golf, soccer and volleyball. He also served as a tutor at an elementary school in his hometown of Alexandria, VA. CAPT Mansell is survived by his wife Lorraine of the past 44 years and his daughter, Marinn. Follow COA on Facebook and Twitter @coausphs 30 Commissioned Officers Association Want your Voice Heard? Register to Vote and Request Your Absentee Ballot By CDR Jeff Tarrant, USPHS “Nobody will ever deprive the American people the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt V oting is one of our most fundamental rights as U.S. citizens, and as a member of the Uniformed Services, you and your family members are eligible to vote absentee in your voting jurisdiction. As a USPHS officer, it is likely you will vote via absentee ballot. The Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act states that any service member, or eligible family member, living outside his or her voting jurisdiction is eligible to vote absentee. This means that you can cast your ballot from wherever you are stationed. It’s easy, and the Department of Defense’s Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) website has everything you need to get started. Even if you just voted in the 2014 midterm elections, it’s important you register to vote and request your absentee ballot again this year. In fact, the FVAP recommends you do it every year to make sure your information is updated and your absentee ballot application remains active. Go to to fill out the Federal Post Card Application (FPCA), which allows you to apply to register to vote, request an absentee ballot and/or update your contact information with your local election office. The FPCA is the primary method of communication between you and your election official. The information provided on this form is all the local election office has to determine if you meet the State voter registration requirements, which election materials to send you, and where and how to send you a ballot. Get Started. Send in your Registration and Ballot Request Today. Using the Federal Post Card Application available at will maximize your eligibility to vote in each upcoming federal election. In many instances, you may receive ballots for all upcoming elections. To ensure you meet your state’s requirements, follow the below-listed steps: -Go to and select your home state from the drop-down menu. Scroll down to the “Register to Vote, Request a Ballot or Update My Voter Info” section. Choose one of the options to complete your FPCA. Print and sign the form. -Fold and seal your FPCA. If using the online FPCA, the PDF package includes a template for a postage-paid envelope. -Address and mail the FPCA to your local election official. Contact information can be found on the FVAP website. Be sure to include your return address, and affix postage if using a foreign postal service. Ballots are sent out by the states 45 days prior to an election. Once you receive your official ballot, follow the enclosed instructions provided by your local election official. Sign up for your state’s voting alerts at to receive the most current and up-to-date election information, including election dates, important deadlines and changes to state laws that affect how you vote absentee. If you need assistance or have any questions, please contact the FVAP’s call center at 1.800.438.8683 (9am – 5pm EST) or via e-mail at [email protected]. April 2015 - Frontline 31 The COA Frontline (ISSN 10937161) is published monthly except a combined issue January/February and July/August by the Commissioned Officers Association of the United States Public Health Service, 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 200, Landover, MD 20785, (301) 731-9080; Toll-Free: (866) 366-9593; Fax: (301) 7319084; Periodicals Postage Paid at Hyattsville, MD and additional mailing offices. COA Frontline 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 200 Landover, MD 20785 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to COA Frontline c/o Commissioned Officers Association, 8201 Corporate Drive, Suite 200, Landover, MD 20785. A report of timely information concerning activities of the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service. Distributed exclusively to Association Members. Executive Director Jim Currie [email protected] Deputy Executive Director John McElligott [email protected] Chief Financial Officer Teresa Hayden Foley [email protected] Government Relations Director Judith Rensberger [email protected] Membership Coordinator/ Frontline Editor Malissa Spalding [email protected] Program Assistant Donna Sparrow [email protected] Administrative Assistant Erica Robinson [email protected] Conference Planners Leading Edge Solutions Tim O’Neil/Diana Hallman (866) 544-9677 Group Insurance - AGIA (888) 633-6459 © 2015 Commissioned Officers Association visit us:
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