Meriden C.E. Primary School Week ending Friday 17th April 2015 Welcome back to summer term! During the holidays we ran a children’s club, now voted by the children to be called Mischievous Monkeys. The children (and staff!) had a fantastic time making biscuits and cakes, doing crafts, playing games...the list goes on! Have a look at the photos later in the newsletter to see what they got up to. Bookings will start being taken next week for May half term and the summer—details will be sent out next week. Over Easter we had a few alterations made internally and now have some group rooms within the Wild Room to help pupils concentrate on their learning. A further partition was put up next to the Key Stage 2 coat pegs. Work has also started today on the area by the top car park—this is being turfed for the children to use as a chill-out zone at break times. Staff news...Miss Walton has been appointed as Literacy Leader at a school in Coventry and will be leaving us in July. We wish her the very best of luck and many congratulations! Mr Pete Woodward, after returning to school following a long fight with cancer, fell ill just before Easter and decided to hang up his mop. I’m sure you will join us into wishing him a long and relaxing retirement. Any good wishes can be passed on by the office. On an entirely different note, can I remind you that we do not accept bad language and aggression on our site. We will act to ensure it remains a safe place for pupils, staff and all other members of our community, therefore if you do behave in a way which is unacceptable, you may be banned from the school. If you do have a strong concern come straight to me rather than approaching staff aggressively. Please help us to demonstrate our school value of respect this half term. Lucy Winkler Happy Birthday! These children have had birthdays since 28th March up until today. FS1 Sofia Year 3 Lydia Lillia FS2 Year 1 Kyle Ella Jack B Year 2 Millie Year 5 Lara Tommy Year 6 Josh Bethany Sam Rainbow Awards Congratulations to the following children: Green Rainbow FS2 Lottie Oliver Year 1 Cerys Ella Jaden Antonio Callum Orange Rainbow Year 2 Charlie T Stars of the Week! FS1 FS2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Zara Whole class Avani Eden Kara Noah Brandon Danielle Caught Being Good This week Hannah in Y3 was caught being good. Well done! Highest Attendance W.B. 23.3.15 Year 6 School Dinners These are the main meal choices for the week beginning Monday 20th April Yellow Band Red band Blue Band Green Band Mon Pork Loin Vegetarian Spaghetti Bolognese Macaroni Cheese Various Fillings Available Tues Spaghetti Bolognese Fish Cake Quorn Caribbean Wrap Various Fillings Available Wed Roast Turkey Cottage Pie Vegetable Bake Various Fillings Available Thursday Special Sausage Baps Chicken Veggie Sausage Baps Thurs Fri (baguette) Cheese & Tomato Pizza Seaside Style Fish Vegetable Curry Various Fillings Available Clubs W.B. 20th April 2015 Early Birds & Owls – every morning 7.30 – 8.55 and 3.30 — 6pm. Please call into the office if you wish your child to attend. Monday 3.30—4.45 3.30—4.15 Tuesday 3.30—4.30 3.30—4.15 Wednesday 3.30—4.40 3.30—4.30 Thursday 3.30—4.30 Scratch Club (parents invited 4.40-5pm) Boys Football Spanish Girls Football Dazzlers Netball Summer Term 2015 April 22nd Y3 & 4 Cello taster session Parent Council, 6.30pm FS1 first ‘Play & Stay’ session May 1st Coffee Morning with Miss Parker School Bank 4th May Bank Holiday—School Closed 6th—8th Y5 Residential to Kingswood 11th—14th KS2 SATs week 15th School Bank 18th—21st Sports Week 21st Sports Day Break up 22nd INSET day—staff only 25th—29th Half Term June 2nd Photographer (class photos) 5th Coffee Morning with Miss Parker School Bank 8th Parent Council, 9.15am 8th—12th Year 6 to Red Ridge 8th Parent Council, 9.15, The Hub 11th Y2 visit to ‘Conkers’ 15th First Aid for Y5 & 6 15th—19th Phonics Screening Y1 & 2 19th School Bank 22nd—26th Creative Week 23rd FS2 National Childhood Measurement Programme 25th World Music Festival—Y4 Steel Pans, 7pm 26th Exhibition Day! - Parents welcome 29th&30th Y6 Induction at Heart of England School July 3rd Coffee Morning with Miss Parker School Bank 7th KS2 performance, 2pm 8th KS2 performance, 9th KS2 performance 13th End of Year Church Service 17th Leavers’ Assembly/ Break up 20th INSET day—staff only Autumn Term 2015 Sept Wed 2nd Thurs 3rd Inset day Children back in school Flix Gymnastics Friday 2.00—3.00 3.30—4.45 Caterpillar Club Football Development More information on these clubs can be found at A reminder that all parents/ carers should wait outside for children to be released to them safely by the club leader. Edward was presented with his Octopus 2 swimming certificate in assembly today. Well done Edward! PTA News Welcome back, hope you enjoyed the Sunshine! Just some dates for this half term. For those of you who couldn’t make it last time the Indulgence Night was a fantastic event, come and treat yourself or just catch up with friends in the bar. Tickets on sale soon. Dates for the Diary: 7th May Indulgence Shopping Night- back by popular demand. 18th May School Disco There have been some requests for hot dogs at the school disco which we are happy to provide but we will need volunteers to man the kitchen. So If you would be able to come and serve hotdogs let us know via the office or on the email below. If you would like to contact us, please email [email protected] Don’t forget to look at our section on the school website. You can see who we are and how we spend all the money raised. Thank you for your continued support Meriden School PTA The Weather Lottery Monday 13th Apr 2015 Monday 6th Apr 2015 Costs £1 per week, £4.34 per month Monday 30th Mar 2015 Found! We have asked all our spectacle wearing pupils if these belong to them but no one has claimed them! Does anyone recognise them? As you know during the last week of term we all leaned about saving the environment during ’Earth Day’. As part of this Miss Knight asked families to switch lights off for an hour on Saturday 28th March. She ran a competition for the best photograph of children doing this. Avani won first prize (tickets to the safari park!) for the fabulous photo of her reading by torch light! Thank you to everyone who sent pictures in and well done to Avani and her family! “We went to the farm and learned how to feed animals and about their babies.” Ava, FS1 “We went to the farm and saw lots of baby animals. There were goats that were greedy!” Grace, FS2 “We have learned about the plague and researched masks worn.” Erin, Year 4 “We have been learning about nocturnal animals and what happens at night time.” Emily, Year 2 “We have been thinking about our new topic ’Under the sea’ and we have made our own jelly fish.” Cerys, Year 1 “We have been learning about place value up to at least 1000000.” Maisie-Jayne, Year 5 “We have written a postcard to Biscuits and Tim (from the book Buried Alive by Jacqueline Wilson) about how to spot bullying and what to do.” Ayyub, Year 3 “We have been learning how to add, multiply, subtract and divide fractions.” George S, Year 6 Prayer Corner Dear God Thank you for Meriden Church of England Primary School. Help us to work hard and do our best. Please bless our school And everyone who steps inside. Amen
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