Dates for your diary Week Beginning Monday 11th May Year 6 SATs week (Breakfast at 8.30am Mon-Thurs) Friday 15th May FS Parent Activity Morning (Healthy Eating) Week Beginning Monday 18th May Last week of clubs Wednesday 20th May FS1 am to Maryon Wilson Park Year 6 trip to Greenwich st Thursday 21 May FS1 pm to Maryon Wilson Park Friday 22nd May Last day of half term Monday 1st June School Resumes th Thursday 11 June Beegu to the Aquarium Friday 12th June Ananasi to the Aquarium th Wednesday 17 June Discover me Legacy begins th Thursday 18 June Phineas to the Clipper/Greenwich Friday 19th June Stanley to the Clipper/Greenwich th Wednesday 24 June Year 6 to Lee green Fire Station Discover Me Legacy Thursday 25th June Year 3 Sportathon th Tuesday 30 June FS2 to Greenwich Planetarium st Wednesday 1 July Discover Me Legacy Friday 3rd July Sports Day (Eltham Hill – Years 3-6 am, FS2 to Year 2 pm) Tuesday 7th July Matilda to the Tower of London th Wednesday 8 July Ironsoul to the Tower of London Discover me Legacy th Thursday 9 July Year 6 to Southend th Friday 10 July Mulan to Florence Nightingale Centre Monday 13th July Wilbur to Florence Nightingale Centre th Friday 17 July Last day of the year!!! Information Updates ELTHAM COMMUNITY HOSPITAL The Eltham Community Hospital has recently opened. The new address is Passey Place, Eltham SE9 5DQ. If you have changed your GP to this new location please let the School Office know immediately so that we can amend our records. Please also remember to let us know if there are any changes to your personal details including mobile phone numbers. Thank you for your assistance. Carol Charman – School Business Leader Attendance YR6 FELIX 99.2% YR2 WILBUR 98.6% YR4 ASLAN 98.0% YR3 STANLEY 97.9% YR4CHIMWALA 97.4% FS2 TANGO 97.3% YR2 MULAN 97.2% FS2 GRUFFALO 96.3% YR1 BEEGU 96.1% YR1 ANANSI 96.1% YR3 PHINEAS 94.7% YR5 MATILDA 93.9% YR6 GANDALF 92.2% YR5 IRONSOUL 90.5% Daily certificates to: Amie Malyon, Brandon Atkins, Rajarshi Nath, Kasey Robinson, Kasey Carver, Coreen James, Krystal Abels, Bradley McCall, Demi Richardson, Harvey Lincoln, Shamma Bamgboye, Chloe Smith, Daniel hunt, Brooke Banks Fong, DD Thompson-Mclean, Ben Alderson, Jay Salih, Jason Toomey, Nimotalai Adebayo, Nancy Dexter, Jessie Mackay, Brandon Heaver, Billy Wall, Omid Amiri, Jordan Ogunyemi, Shaun Beverley, Harry Briers, Mark Collett, Ben Davies, Billiejean Forbes, Mason Hewitt, Jessica Johnson, Emily Range, Leandra Smith, Kai Philby, Kyra Cadogan, Tyla Grace Payne, Jack Ellis, Mollie Carey, Mia Standen, Mojeed Owolabi, Adaora Ilonzeh, Zaib Tanvir, Grace Easterby, Toshi Serafimov, Maria Rewers, Eva Naylor, James Newstead, Ferdi Grebenstein, Rhea James, Amelia Dunn-Keeble, Hansel Boateng, Riley King, Keilee Gardiner, Ruby Blundell Bush, Kajus Zebrauskas, Lara Marques, Oliver Davie, Daniel Lashbrook, Simi Odebunmi, Samantha Osei Tanoh, Janet Newstead, Lily Russell, Marcus Roman, Clive Sebaleke, Isaiah Senyange, Marshall Sharpe, Harri Nicole Tuson, Pawel Markowski, Liam Smith, Maya Serra, Daniel Ayeni-Obe, Amber Entwistle, Raha Hasanzadeh-Razmi, Riana Blackwood, Sunny Russell, Ariana Bolkameh, Olivia Toneva, Ella Crosby Miller, Madison Hewitt, Charlie Venables Maths Team Visit City Hall Whole school average last week: 96.1% Parent/Carer Surveys Thank you so much for all your overwhelmingly positive surveys. It has certainly given staff a most welcomed confidence boost at an important time for us. Congratulations to Year 2 WILBUR who were the first class to return 100% of their surveys and who have won the trip to the cinema. Well done to our very gifted mathematicians from Year 5 who travelled up to City Hall last week for a maths competition. It was a very challenging and serious event and the children performed really well, keeping calm and remaining resilient as they tackled the tasks set. The really did us proud – well done guys! Romeo and Juliet Day in Year 3 Year 3 had a brilliant day on Monday. Half the year group enjoyed a play-in-a-day drama workshop while the other half designed and made puppets, prepared and ate Verona cakes and painted scenery backdrops for the play. It was a great day for everyone. Well done Year 3! E-Safety Unfortunately, we had an incident this week involving some of our older children making contact on social networking sites with an adult who was unknown to them. Although the incident itself has been dealt with by the police, it has been a timely reminder for us all of the seriousness and importance of e-safety. As parents, carers and school staff; one of the issues can be that the children are using sites that are unfamiliar to us. In special assemblies and PSHE sessions, children talked about how they make contact electronically through x-box games, Instagram and sites that most staff had not heard of. Because they are often in the comfort of their own home, it is too easy for them to let their guard down and forget the important rules about not sharing personal information and not speaking to strangers. We are attaching an E-safety advice sheet which was drawn up with school council a while ago but which is still relevant. Please continue to have these ongoing conversations with your children so that we can keep them all safe. Romeo…….
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