Centre for High Performance Computing MAHATMA GANDHI UNIVERSITY KOTTAYAM No.CHPC/Comp/102/2015 Dated: 11/05/2015 TENDER NOTICE Competitive tenders in sealed covers are invited for the supply of following items from reputed Computer manufacturing companies having ISO Certification and direct onsite service, for the M.Tech Lab at the Centre for High Performance Computing, M.G. University. The tenders invited, so as to reach the undersigned not later than 11.00am on 07/06/2015. The tenders will be opened on the same day at 11.30am. ITEM Qty Upgradation of Existing Desktop PCs (box upgradation on byback scheme) 13 Nos HCL Infinity Plus Intel P IV @1.5GHz/845 chipset/128MB SDRAM/20 GB HDD/ 1.44MB FDD/15” colour monitor/52X CD ROM. (Date of Purchase: 28/03/2002) Upgrade to: Desktop Computer with Intel® Pentium Core i5 E2140 (or higher) 13 Nos 4GB DDR3 SDRAM 1 TB HDD DVD RW ATX Thin Tower Cabinet Internet Keyboard Optical Scroll Mouse with pad 18.5” LED Color Monitor Ubuntu14.04 LTS PreLoaded with SQL Server2008, Dream viewer, Net Beans IDE & JDK 1.6. (all are free Linuxsoftware) – 3 years onsite warranty EMD Amount – Rs.5,000/- and Tender Form Rate – Rs.780/The tender form can be obtained from General store of the University from 10.30am to 3.30pm on all working days by paying tender form rate of Rs.780/-. The EMD amount Rs.5,000/should be furnished in the form of Demand Draft in favour of the Finance Officer, Mahatma Gandhi University payable at SBT, M G University Campus Branch along with sealed tenders. Selected bidder should remit 2 times the value of EMD to the Central Government as Income Tax and 5 times the value of EMD as Security deposit. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any tender without assigning any reason. Details can be had from the Centre for High Performance Computing, M.G. University (Ph: 0481-2731028 & 2733548) on all working days. Sd/Honorary Director Centre for High Performance Computing MG University, PD Hills P.O., Kottayam-686560 (Phone: 0481-2731028, 2733548, E-Mail: [email protected]) Copy to: 1. Public Relations Officer (for Press release and upload in University website) 2. Genereal Cash (for necessary actions when D.D.’s are received) 3. The Store Keeper, General Store (for arranging the Tender forms) 4. P & D I / Finance I / Audit I / L.F.A. Sections 5. P.S. to VC / Pro VC 6. P.A. to Registrar / FO 7. FC/SF GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. Tender along with EMD and set of all necessary documents should be submitted. For those bidders submitting tenders in tender forms must be placed in sealed envelop. Last date of submission of tender is 7th June 2015 at 11.00 AM. The EMD should be furnished in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Finance Officer, Mahatma Gandhi University payable at State Bank of Travancore, M G University Campus Branch along with sealed tenders. Date of opening of tender in the office of the Honorary Director, Centre for High Performance Computing will be on 7th June 2015 at 11.30 AM If the last date of submission is declared holiday in Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam (in exceptional cases), the date of submission and the tender opening will be next working day. Validity of tenders shall be 3 months from the last date of submission of the tenders. The Director reserves the right to accept/reject any tender at any time without assigning any reason. The tenders received late, without tender fee, without EMD, without required documents or incomplete in any respect / misleading will out rightly be rejected. The Payment will be made only after installation and benchmarks are met. Clarifications, if any, can be obtained from the under-signed. Excise duty exemption can be availed for the purchase. A warranty period of three years from the date of installation is required for software and hardware items. Tender should also state the annual maintenance charges, location of nearest service centre and delivery time. The System should be supplied and installed at the Centre for High Performance Computing in our Campus at Priyadarsini Hills P.O, Kottayam. Entry Tax, Sale Tax, Freight and installation charges, etc. if any, should be included. Sd/Honorary Director Centre for High Performance Computing Mahatma Gandhi University Priyadashini Hills P.O. Kottayam-686560 (Phone: 0481-2731028, 2733548, E-Mail: [email protected])
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