Most Holy Trinity Parish Feasibility Survey Please return this survey

Most Holy Trinity Parish Feasibility Survey
Building the Kingdom
Building the Parish
Building our Home
Please return this survey no later than MAY 13th to the parish office, collection
basket or by U.S. mail
Please clearly circle all answers.
1. How long have you been a member of Most Holy Trinity Parish (comprised of St. Ann, St. Bernadette
and St. Mary Churches)?
A. 0-5 Years
B. 6-10 Years
C. 11 Years or More
D. Not a member
2. What is your overall view of Most Holy Trinity Parish?
A. Superior
B. Very Good
C. Average
D. Poor
E. No Opinion
3. How involved do you consider yourself to be in the parish?
A. Very Involved
B. Involved
C. Somewhat Involved
D. Not Involved
E. Want to be Involved
4. There is a current plan to build a new church where Mass would be celebrated along with all other
parish liturgies including Baptisms, Confirmations, First Communions Confession, weddings and
funerals moving out of the Monsignor McHugh Gymnasium. Do you have knowledge of this plan?
A. Great Deal
B. Some
C. Little
D. Very Little
E. None
5. What is your opinion of this project?
A. I Fully Support this Project
B. I think I support this Project
C. I’m not sure if I support this Project
D. I Don’t Support this Project
E. I have No View at this Time
6. The total projected cost for this project is approximately $6,000,000. Do you agree with the parish
leadership recommendation that a multi-phased Capital Campaign with a phase I build goal of
$2,000,000 for three years to be considered to start funding this project?
A. I Totally Agree with this
B. I Agree with this
C. I Have Reservations about this
D. I Do Not Agree with this
E. I Have No View at this time
7. How confident are you that the Parish community can reach the $2,000,000 phase I build goal in a
three-year Capital Campaign.
A. Very Confident
B. Confident
C. Not Confident
D. Very Non-Confident
E. Do Not Know
8. How supportive would be you be of this 3-year Capital Campaign to raise $2,000,000?
A. Very Supportive
B. Supportive
C. Not Supportive
D. Very Non-Supportive
E. Do Not Know
9. In order to define fund-raising capabilities, and thus project a financial plan, in what range would
your financial gift be over a 3-year period?
A. Above $100,000
B. $50,000-$100,000
C. $25,000-$50,000
D. $10,000-$25,000
E. $5,000-$10,000
F. $1,000-$5,000
G. Other $_________
10. Would you be willing to speak with fellow Parish members regarding a gift to the Capital Campagin?
A. Yes
B. Perhaps
C. If Needed
D. Not Sure
E. No
11. Would you be willing to serve on a Committee to assist with the Capital Campaign?
A. Yes
B. Perhaps
C. If Needed
D. Not Sure
E. No
12. What are your comments and concerns regarding the project?
Your Name________________________________________
(optional UNLESS you say “yes” to questions 10 or 11)