April 19, 2015 - Most Holy Redeemer Catholic Church

Most Holy Redeemer
Catholic Church
Third Sunday of Easter
Parish Office
10110 N. Central Ave.
Tampa, FL 33612
Sunday April 19, 2015
Welcome, we are glad you are here!
Office Hours
Tuesday – Friday: 9:30 a.m.- 4:00
Phone: 813-933-2859
Email: [email protected]
Mass Schedule
Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m.
& 12:30 p.m. (Español)
Monday &Friday: 6:45 a.m.
Tues. Wed. & Thursday. At 6:45
a.m. & 8:30 a.m.
Saturday: 8:30 a.m.
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Or by appointment
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
What’s inside this week:
A message from Fr. Allan
Photos from Holy Week
Save the Date! Parish Family
Summer Kickoff Bar-be-que and Car
Who to Contact to Get
Most Holy Redeemer School
Altar Flowers
From Fr. Allan Tupa
Dear parish family,
Christian Stewardship
I really don’t like the phrase “Parish Stewardship Program”. Why do I dislike it so much? Well,
simply because it is not a program. It’s not a parish activity. It’s not even just another ministry
of our Church community. Stewardship is nothing less than a new way of life that the Lord
calls us to live, and that we are inspired to live by the Grace of the Holy Spirit. It is a way of life
that calls us to exercise the letting go of whatever way we have chosen to live our own life
and, instead, choose to live our life according to the mind of some other person, that Person
being God, our Father in Heaven. It is nothing less than that.
This choice to change the way we live our is based on our willingness to embrace in faith, as
the core belief of our life, that God is the source of everything we choose to have, choose to
do, or choose to be. In a Stewardship based life we are called to change our notion of what our very purpose for
living is all about. We freely choose to no longer live a life that is self-centered, but, rather, to live a life that is totally
centered on a Loving Father who has given us, on loan, everything that our lives are all about. I have to repeat this,
so important is it: everything that we have: life itself, the exact time we have to live that life, everything we have,
even though we m----ight be under the illusion that we own it absolutely, every cent that we own, every opportunity
in life, every ounce of energy that we put into the every single person who has become, or who will become a part
of our life, no matter how closely or how passingly, every relationship, every talent – all of it actually belongs to
God, the Creator of all things and is on loan to us for the totality of our time in this world. This is the way of life of
the Christian Steward and it is an infinitely rewarding one.
Christian Stewardship is a sacrificial way of life
Why so? Because it mirrors the stewardship the man Jesus Christ exercised over his own human life. Remember,
the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, became man precisely because he was sent to us by His
Father so that we might have eternal life, not just the kind of life that is measurable in days, months and years. Remember also that Jesus, in His humanity
Christian Stewardship: a Scary Way of Life
Why so? Simply because it means letting go, in some fashion or form, to one degree or another, of something very,
very dear to us. What are the things that are most dear to us? The people, places and things of our life. These are
the things that make life worth living for all of us. That’s why the practice of Christian Stewardship is a truly a scary
way of life and can only be practiced by those willing to give of themselves. What was the level of stewardship did
the Father call His to live by? “No greater love is there than this, that a man be willing to lay down his life for his
friends”. (Jn 15:13)
What, then, would the practice of Christian Stewardship mean for me and my family?
What are the rewards of a decision I might make to practice Christian Stewardship as a new way for living
my life?
These are excellent and very important questions. Please make sure to read next week’s bulletin for more
about Christian Stewardship.
Parish Information
Consider joining Fr. Allan in this Pilgrimage to Milan, Venice, Florence and Rome on
November 3-12, 2015. Call to reserve your spot; 813-532-9617
Palm Sunday
Weekly gift reference guide as a
percentage of yearly family income:
Weekly giŌ of 2%
Weekly giŌ of 3%
Weekly giŌ of 5%
Palm Sunday
Weekly giŌ of 10%
Parish Weekly Calendar
Mass Intentions
Saturday April 18
5:00 p.m ~ Kerry Boatwright +
3:30 p.m. - Confessions in Church
Sunday April 19
8:00 a.m. ~ Marie Terlop, Birthday Blessings
10:00 a.m. ~ Leonard Witucki +
12:30 p.m. ~ Carlos Reaños +
8:30 a.m. Choir Practice (BR)
9:00 a.m. Mensa Latina (PS)
9:00 a.m. Hospitality (PC)
11:30 a.m. Confirmation Class (FR)
Monday April 20
St. Anselm
6:45 a.m. ~ Joyce Donahue, Healing Graces
7:00 p.m.- MDS (MS & BR)
Tuesday April 21
6:45 a.m. ~ Martha Weber +
8:30 a.m. ~ For Vocations to the Priesthood &
Religious Life
10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Food Pantry (FP)/Parish Nurse
7:00 p.m. Spanish Prayer (MS)
Handmaids of Mary (PR)
Wednesday April 22
6:45 a.m. ~ Gene Weber +
8:30 a.m. ~ Tyler Johnson, Healing Graces
1:00 p.m. - Prayer Shawl Ministry (BR)
6:30 p.m. Faith Formation (SC)/Youth
Group (BR)
7:00 p.m. RCIA (MS)
Thursday April 23
St. George, St. Adalbert
6:45 a.m. ~ Mary Serina +
8:30 a.m. ~Larry Pierceall, Healing Graces
7:00 p.m. - Legion of Mary (MS)
Friday April 24
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen
6:45 a.m. ~ Kathleen Quill +
Saturday April 25
St. Mark
8:30 a.m. ~ Fr. Jude Duffy +
Deacon Joe Baptism Class (CR)
Fr. Brian’s Bible Study (PR)
7:00 p.m.– Juan 23 (MS & BR)
Deacon Leo Marriage Class (PR)
8:30 a.m. Parish Stewardship Planning
Retreat (PC)
3:30 p.m. Confessions in Church
Parish Facility Room Codes. Please contact the church office to reserve a meeting space for your group.
CH: Main Church
BR: Benefactor Room
FP: Food Pantry
MS: Mary Serina Room
KT: Kitchen
CR: St. Claire Room
CP: Chapel
NO: Nurses’ Office
PC: Parish Center
PH: Parish Hall
PR:: Weber Patio Room
PS: Padre Pio Shrine
SC: MHR School
FR: Franciscan Room
St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen: If a poor man needed some clothing, Fidelis would often give the man the clothes right off his
back. Complete generosity to others characterized this saint's life. Born in 1577, Mark Rey (Fidelis was his religious name) became a
lawyer who constantly upheld the causes of the poor and oppressed people. Nicknamed "the poor man's lawyer," Fidelis soon grew
disgusted with the corruption and injustice he saw among his colleagues. He left his law career to become a priest, joining his brother
George as a member of the Capuchin Order. His wealth was divided between needy seminarians and the poor.
As a follower of Francis, Fidelis continued his devotion to the weak and needy. During a severe epidemic in a city where he was guardian of a friary, Fidelis cared for and cured many sick soldiers. He was appointed head of a group of Capuchins sent to preach against
the Calvinists and Zwinglians in Switzerland. Almost certain violence threatened. Those who observed the mission felt that success
was more attributable to the prayer of Fidelis during the night than to his sermons and instructions.
He was accused of opposing the peasants' national aspirations for independence from Austria. While he was preaching at Seewis, to
which he had gone against the advice of his friends, a gun was fired at him, but he escaped unharmed. A Protestant offered to shelter
Fidelis, but he declined, saying his life was in God's hands. On the road back, he was set upon by a group of armed men and killed.
He was canonized in 1746. Fifteen years later, the Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith, which was established in 1622, recognized him as its first martyr.
Comment: Fidelis's constant prayer was that he be kept completely faithful to God and not give in to any lukewarmness or
apathy. He was often heard to exclaim, "Woe to me if I should prove myself but a halfhearted soldier in the service of my thorncrowned Captain." His prayer against apathy, and his concern for the poor and weak make him a saint whose example is valuable
today. The modern Church is calling us to follow the example of "the poor man's lawyer" by sharing ourselves and our talents with
those less fortunate and by working for justice in the world.
Quote: " Action on behalf of justice and participation in the transformation of the world fully appear to us as a constitutive
dimension of the preaching of the Gospel, or, in other words, of the Church's mission for the redemption of the human race and its
liberation from every oppressive situation" ("Justice in the World," Synod of Bishops, 1971).
Parish Information
We welcome visitors and newcomers to Most Holy Redeemer!
Le damos la bienvenida a los visitantes y recién llegados a Most Holy Redeemer!
We encourage new parishioners to register as parish members and become active in our parish community. Registration forms are available at the entrance to church or please call the parish office at 813-933-2859.
Les alentamos a los nuevos feligreses a registrarse como miembros de la parroquia y de participar activamente en nuestra comunidad parroquial. Los formularios de inscripción están disponibles en la entrada de la iglesia, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al 813-933-2859.
Please remember in your prayers
all those who are homebound, in
the hospital or nursing homes
and all the sick of our parish
especiallyPearl Celia, Gabriela
S., Lily Pensiero, David ElShenawy, Nita Sevilla, Paula Petrino, Stana
Grantham, Patricia Pryor Tilleli, Tyler Ash,
Frank Ryan, Juan Fontanez and Margarita
Colon, Charlotte Albright , Wanda Champion,
Vikki C. Palmeri, Yolanda Diaz, Jennifer Camp,
Sr. Maureen Dorr, OSF, Bob Davie, Cheryl
Mitchell , Elizabeth Perez, Michele Tomas, Jean
Marie Valentine , Francis Wray, Ernest Capitano
Need something
printed in the
Reserve your space.
Please send the information to
[email protected] to be
printed in an upcoming bulletin.
If you wish to have a name added or removed from
our Prayer List, please call 813-933-2859. Names
will be removed after 2 months, please call to have
name relisted if desired.
Deadline to send
Altar flowers this weekend are in honor of the Food
Pantry Volunteers
repose A beautiful way to celebrate an anniversary, birthday, or other
special occasions or to remember a deceased loved one. Please contact
the office at least 2 weeks in advance at 933-2859 to arrange this loving
tribute. Flower dedications will also be acknowledged in the bulletin.
Who to Contact to Get Involved
Altar Servers - Herman Ortiz &
[email protected]
Espanol: Herman
Ortiz, 813.810.9581,
Rev. Mr. Joseph
[email protected],
Mr. Kevin Dwyer
Jeanie LeGendre,
Rev. Mr. Leocadio Nova
[email protected]
520-2474 Victor Lluberes
731-8685 [email protected]
Music Ministry - Eriene LeGendre Ellen 933-2859
Finance Committee - Cindy
RCIA – Denise Dwyer
813-263-5957 [email protected]
Food Pantry - Rene Morissette
932-0207 [email protected]
Readers - English– Laura
Kuechenberg Spanish- Gertrudis
[email protected] (Laura)
Handmaids of Mary - Beverly
Hospitality Committee - Debbie
962-8380 [email protected]
Respect Life - Shawn & Patty
943-1186 (Gertrudis)
962-0736 [email protected]
Schola Latina - Don Ryan
748-0746 [email protected]
Juan 23 Prayer Group -
[email protected]
813-949-8726 home 813-786-4823
Senior Adult Organization - Mary
Sol Domenech
Knights of Columbus - Ronald
Secular Franciscans - April Fiore
731-8685 [email protected]
Legion of Mary - Vera Nieves
789-4998 Vera Nieves
Servants of the Redeemer– Rene
Liturgy Coordinator (Espanol)-
Espanol Prayer Group -Jorge Cruz
Liturgy Coordinator (English)Deacon Joe
Special Events Committee - Laura
Stewardship Council -
[email protected]
Vocation Enrichment Ministry -
968-6331 [email protected]
Dialogo Vicar
Matrimonial (MDS)
Brian Fabiszewski
Ministers of Holy
[email protected]
Communion - April Fiore
Eucharistic Visitors - Beverly
Assisting Priest
Msgr. Des Daly
Faith Group & Parish Nurse Gloria Ciani
[email protected]
Eriene LeGendre
Music Director
[email protected]
Bulletin Editor
Padre Pio Prayer Group Rosary Karen933-2859
[email protected]
Presenter of the Gifts - Rachel
Alice Murray
Verna Joyce
[email protected]
[email protected]
Maintenance Director
610-3223 [email protected]
Pastoral Council - Shawn Carson Craig962-0726
Keysha Figueroa
[email protected]
Religious Education – Dottie
933-2859 [email protected]
Dottie Vinson
Director of Religious Education
Vinson (children)
[email protected]
Marriage Coordinator -
Espanol – Music Ministry–
Men’s Club - John Lutkus
545-9530 [email protected]
Ushers - English-Nick Randazzo
810-3597 (Nick)
Ministry of Praise - Donnell
[email protected]
Youth Group - Tom Antonini
Parish Information
Compre un boleto para la rifa de
$1 para la oportunidad de ganar
una TV de 50” justo a tiempo para
el Día del Padre!
Buy a $1 raffle ticket for a chance
to win a 50” TV just in time for
Father’s Day!
The Knights of Columbus are
sponsoring the raffle.
Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5
Los Caballeros de Colón (Knights of
Columbus) están patrocinando la rifa.
Available for sale after all Masses.
Los boletos cuestan $1 cada uno o 6 por $5.
Disponible para la venta después de todas las
Second Annual Summer Kick-Off Barbeque Bash Fundraiser
and Men’s Club Car Show
Segunda Fiesta de Barbacoa para el Despegue de Verano Anual
para Recaudación de Fondos
Join your parish family at this fun event.
Únase a su familia parroquial en este divertido evento.
Enjoy food, games, kid-friendly events and fellowship.
Disfrute de comida, juegos, eventos agradables para los niños y el
Check the bulletin for more information
Revise el boletín para obtener más información
May 23rd at Most Holy Redeemer
23 de mayo en Most Holy Redeemer
MHR Alumni Reunion and Farewell Fundraiser
May 9, 7-10 pm, Most Holy Redeemer Parish Center
Come join us for an adult only unforgettable night as we reminisce and say farewell to MHR
(Most Holy Redeemer Catholic School). There will be music, a silent auction, and raffle items.
Cost is $20.00 per person/$30.00 per couple and covers two drink tickets (beer or wine) per person and appetizers. All proceeds to benefit the MTC (Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic
School) playground fund. The event is open to alumni as well as current MTC parents. Tickets
must be purchased by April 25. For more information contact Tracie Holman
at [email protected] or Kris Carson [email protected] Come out and reconnect with
your old MHR friends.