Food for thought - Impact of nutrition on brain development Petra Hüppi, Geneva, Switzerland The question of whether brain function is entirely genetically determined or may be influenced by the environment or by nutrition has been debated for decades. Several studies have associated breastfeeding with improved intelligence in later life [2, 9, 10, 17]. Mechanisms by which breast-feeding is supposed to exert its effects on cognitive development are attributed mainly to the fatty acid composition of human milk, containing polyunsaturated fatty acids such as omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, DHA, and trophic factors such as IGF-1 [13], which are both important for organ development, particularly the brain. The Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children showed that IQ increased by 3.2 points for every 100ng/ml increase of plasma IGF-1 levels. This relationship was much stronger for verbal IQ compared to performance IQ [19]. Free Fatty acids, such as docosahexaenoic acid [22:6(n-3)] (DHA) are important precursors of membrane lipids and as such are important components of brain growth and myelination. DHA is the most abundant (n-3) fatty acid in the mammalian brain. Before birth, DHA is transported across the placenta via pathways involving fatty acid binding proteins and α-fetoprotein. Before release into the fetal circulation, the rate of transfer increases during the third trimester. High dietary intake of DHA during pregnancy results in higher maternal-to-fetal transfer [25]. After birth, the infant is provided with DHA in mother’s milk. However, the level of DHA can vary (from less than 0.1 to 1 % of milk fatty acids) depending on the amount of DHA in the mother’s diet. a b c Figure 7. Examples of Magnetic Resonance Images a) T2-weighted MRI of premature infant of 25 wks gestation with smooth cortex b) T1 weighted MRI of a term newborn with beginning myelination in the corticospinal tracts c) Diffusion Tensor Image of a term newborn illustrating white matter connectivity For the premature infant, nutrition regularly provided by placental transfer during the third trimester dramatically changes after birth at a time point when the organism is still dependent on nutrients transferred from the placenta. After premature birth both parental nutrition as well as a mother’s breast milk provide insufficient nutritional support to the developing brain of the premature infant. This may lead to postnatal growth restriction with the known consequences of altered hormonal status including alteration of leptin expression [35]. Many recent studies have therefore assessed the effects of breastfeeding and nutritional interventions on the neuro-developmental outcome of premature infants [15, 30, 31, 34], and have shown an advantage with early breastfeeding, free fatty acid supplementation and higher protein intake. Preterm and low birth weight infants are often growth-restricted at hospital discharge. Feeding infants post-hospital discharge with calorie and protein-enriched formula milk might therefore facilitate catch-up growth but this has not been confirmed in a recent Cochrane Database review [21]. Human brain growth takes place largely during the third trimester with whole brain volume more than doubling, cortical grey matter volume increasing four-fold [23] and an increase in subcortical grey matter or basal ganglia of 70% [33, 42]. This is also the time period in which cortical folding and gyrification takes place with an increase of brain surface and degree of sulcation index (Figures 7 & 8) [11]. Conditions such as severe prematurity and cerebral white matter injury have been shown to affect brain growth and specific structural brain development with subsequent functional consequences both at birth, in infancy, early childhood and at adolescence [24, 28, 32, 36]. Regional brain growth has been shown to be different with occipital regions growing much faster than prefrontal regions. These are differentially affected by conditions such as prematurity, which affects growth in the central regions, or brain lesions which affect both central and frontal brain regions [11, 16, 33]. Subcortical grey matter structures have been shown to be affected by premature birth with correlations to later cognitive outcome [1, 5, 24, 37] as well as to neuropsychaitric disorders such as ADHD [7] and Depression [6]. Deep nuclear grey matter volume reduction at term age has been shown to be correlated with gestational age at birth and severity of respiratory distress syndrome. Thus, immaturity at birth and co-morbidities such as severe respiratory distress, which are associated with oxidative stress, lead to a reduction in deep cortical grey matter volume at term. Immaturity and severity of RDS on the other hand are often associated with poor nutritional status in the preterm infant. Therefore some of these effects might also be due to insufficient nutritional support, which suggests that they can be reversed by higher nutritional support or by e.g. additional free fatty acids such as DHA. The caudate is known to be one of the brain regions expressing high DHA content and changes can be observed after dietary depletion and repletion [41]. a b Figure 8. 3D volumetric rendering of a 3 months old (a) and adult (b) human brain with illustration of cortical folding Experimentally it has been shown that DHA is incorporated into the membrane bilayer, and increases the degree of flexibility and direct interaction with membrane proteins. This impacts on the speed of signal transduction and neurotransmission [18]. Unesterified DHA acts as a ligand for brain transcription factors, which regulate the expression of genes involved in the control of synaptic plasticity, cytoskeleton and membrane assembly, signal transduction and ion channel formation. This gene regulation function could explain the role of DHA in many aspects of development such as neurogenesis, morphological differentiation of catecholaminergic neurons, and activity-dependent plasticity. DHA also appears to inhibit the oxidative stress-induced induction of pro-inflammatory genes and apoptosis, and provides protection against peroxidative damage of lipids and proteins in the developing brain [4]. Leptin regulates human eating behavior by regulating striatal brain regions [14], but it is also known to regulate neuronal excitability and cognitive function in particular by influencing positively the hippocampal-dependent learning and memory [20]. Another condition in which brain development can be affected long-term is intrauterine growth restriction [12]. Currently the prevalence of IUGR is the highest it has been in over 20 years and it is likely to rise further due to the increasing rate of infertility treatments, multiple pregnancies, older mothers and exposure to IUGR inducing agents such as tobacco. All these conditions lead to poor nutritional status of the fetus and subsequent alteration of structural and functional brain development with reductions in cortical gray matter volume, striatal volume, and hippocampal volume, predominantly in boys [27, 29, 39, 40]. Children who were very low birth weight have multiple rather than isolated cognitive deficits including problems with attention, memory, reading and mathematics, as well as reasoning, and self regulation [3, 26]. These cognitive deficits are likely to have an overriding central nervous impairment with underlying brain structural changes [38]. Recently, an epidemiological study which assessed maternal nutrition found that maternal consumption of seafood during pregnancy lead to higher cognitive performance in their offspring, with the most prominent effect being again on verbal IQ. [22]. Fatty acid metabolism is therefore and important component of both prenatal and postnatal brain development and studies are underway to look at structural and functional changes in relation to nutritional interventions. Understanding the effects of early antenatal, perinatal and neonatal events on later structural and functional brain development, aberrant or regenerative, will no doubt be essential to develop interventions and treatments for preventing developmental disabilities that have their origin in early life. Research with the goal of defining which nutrient favours adequate development of brain structure and function during gestation and early childhood will be an important task with respect to public health in the future. 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