“DHA for Mothers and Pre-term Infants: Fishing for Answers”

“DHA for Mothers and Pre-term Infants:
Fishing for Answers”
What are the effects of DHA intake on pre-term birth and pre-term infant
growth and health? Are mothers and newborns getting enough? This talk
discusses the evidence regarding nutritional goals for pregnant women
and pre-term infants, the health benefits of DHA, and why more research
is needed.
Christina J. Valentine, MD, MS, RD
Medical Director, North America,
Mead Johnson Nutrition
Principal Investigator, Maternal DHA Supplementation Strategies
The University of Cincinnati
March 20, 2015
Noon – 1pm
R3381-3383, Research Auditorium
(Children’s Hospital)
Nutrition Hot Topics is sponsored by the Center for Clinical and Translational Science and Training (CCTST) and the Division of
Research in Patient Services at Cincinnati Children’s.