AGENDA - Mingo County Schools

 AGENDA Board of Education of the County of Mingo Route 2, Box 310 Williamson, West Virginia 25661 Regular Meeting May 6, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. I.
Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Time Out for Applause and Recognition a. WV HOSA Event Winners ʹ Mingo Central High School, Health Science Department Individual School Updates Related to Matters of Student Achievement a. ƌ͘<ĂƚŚLJ͛ŶƚŽŶŝ͕Śief Career & Technical Officer and Clinton Burch, Coordinator, Office of Career and Technical Accountability and Support, WVDE Delegation(s) Approval of Minutes a. Tabled Minutes of April 14 Regular Meeting b. Minutes of April 21 Special Levy Rate Meeting c. Minutes of April 21 Special Meeting General Considerations ƒ
No items are in this section. Selection of Board of Education Representative(s) ƒ
No items are in this section. IX.
Meetings and Workshops X.
Out-­‐of-­‐State Field Trip(s) a. Trip 4076 ʹ National HOSA Conference ʹ Mingo Extended Learning Center (Financial Consideration) b. Trip 4085 ʹ Lenore PK-­‐8 ʹ Dollywood c. Trip 4094 ʹ Lenore PK-­‐8 ʹ <ŝŶŐ͛Ɛ/ƐůĂŶĚ d. Trip 4106 ʹ Kermit PK-­‐8 ʹ <ŝŶŐ͛Ɛ/ƐůĂŶĚ Consideration of Student Disciplinary Matters ƒ
No items are in this section. PROPOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION FOR STUDENT DISCIPLINE HEARING(S): In accordance with 6-­9A-­4 (3) of School Laws of West Virginia, ³7KH JRYHUQLQJ ERG\ RI D SXEOLF DJHQF\ PD\ hold an executive session during a regular, special or emergency meeting . . . upon a majority affirmative vote of the members present . . To decide upon disciplining, suspension or expulsion of any student in any public school . . . unless the student UHTXHVWVDQRSHQPHHWLQJ´ ƒ
No items are in this section. Departmental Updates and Reports a. Finance ʹ Beth Daniels i. dƌĞĂƐƵƌĞƌ͛ƐZĞƉŽƌƚ ƒ No dƌĞĂƐƵƌĞƌ͛ƐZĞƉŽƌƚwill be presented. ii. Payment of Bills Page 1 of 4 ƒ No Bills will be presented. iii. Budget Supplements ƒ No Budget Supplements will be presented. iv. Budget Transfers ƒ No Budget Transfers will be presented. v. Mingo County Health Department Contract b. Personnel ʹ Dr. Richard Duncan PERSONNEL 1. PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL a. New employment into existing positions i. Norma Taylor Substitute Teacher, Mingo County Schools (effective July 1, 2015) ii. Preston Berry Substitute Teacher, Mingo County Schools (effective May 7, 2015) b. Transfers into existing positions i. Marsha Deskins Teacher / Pre-­‐K, Kermit PK-­‐8 School, to Teacher / Title I, Kermit PK-­‐8 School (effective July 1, 2015) ii. Alicia Smith Teacher / Kindergarten, Kermit PK-­‐8 School, to Teacher / Grade 2, Kermit PK-­‐8 School (effective July 1, 2015) iii. Susan Jude Teacher / Spec. Ed. (Hearing Impaired / BD), Mingo Co. Schools, to Teacher / Special Education, Matewan PK-­‐8 School (effective July 1, 2015) c. Reappointment of assistant superintendent i. Paula Hinkle-­‐Brown Assistant Superintendent, Mingo County Schools (effective July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2017) d. Request for leave of absence i. Amy Fitzpatrick Teacher / Science, Tug Valley High School (amend LOA from effective February 19, 2015, to April 13, 2015, to effective March 19, 2015, to March 20, 2015) ii. Lisa Yates Teacher / Art, Lenore PK-­‐8 School (effective April 2, 2015, to June 16, 2015) 2. PROFESSIONAL EXTRACURRICULAR ASSIGNMENTS a. New assignments Page 2 of 4 i. Regina Crosley Tutor (GEAR UP), Burch Middle School (effective 2014-­‐15 school year) ii. Caitlyn Davis Cheer Coach, Gilbert Middle School (effective 2015-­‐16 school year) iii. Henry Clay Moore Girls Basketball Coach, Matewan PK-­‐8 School (effective 2015-­‐16 school year) iv. Henry Clay Moore Softball Coach, Matewan PK-­‐8 School (effective 2015-­‐16 school year) v. Darrell Taylor Girls Basketball Coach, Gilbert Middle School (effective 2015-­‐16 school year) vi. Darrell Taylor Softball Coach, Gilbert Middle School (effective 2015-­‐16 school year) Cheer Coach, Mingo Central High School (effective April 24, 2015) b. Resignations i. Caitlyn Davis ii. Justin Crawford Assistant Volleyball Coach, Tug Valley High School (effective April 30, 2015) iii. Justin Crawford Assistant Girls Basketball Coach, Tug Valley High School (effective April 30, 2015) 3. SERVICE PERSONNEL a. New employment into existing positions i. Marty Copley Substitute Bus Operator, Mingo County Schools (effective May 7, 2015) ii. Shannon McCoy Substitute Bus Operator, Mingo County Schools (effective May 7, 2015) b. Remove from unassigned and assign to existing positions, effective July 1, 2015 i. Mitzi May to Custodian III, Gilbert Elementary School (50%) / Gilbert Middle School (50%) ii. Lisa Sipple to Custodian III (50%), Williamson PK-­‐8 School iii. John Turner to Custodian III, Mingo Central High School c. Resignation i. Barbara Stanley Substitute aide (effective May 5, 2015) d. Request for leave of absence Page 3 of 4 i. Edna Biggerstaff Cook II, Lenore PK-­‐8 School (extend through August 27, 2015) End of Personnel XIII.
SuperŝŶƚĞŶĚĞŶƚ͛ƐhƉĚĂƚĞ a. General informational item(s) to be presented. Announcements / Information / Logistical Considerations. ƒ
No items are in this section. XV. Adjournment Next Regular Meeting Regular Meeting June 9, 2015 Central Office Route 2, Box 310 Williamson, West Virginia 25661 Page 4 of 4