# Moine Montessori Associotion wvwv. mainemontessori.org Dr. Steven Hughes Building a Better Brain the Montessori Way: Part One: Why Movement (But Not All Movement) is Essential in Developmental Education Part Two: Practical Life and Executive Function Friday, March 27,2015 8:30am to 3:30 pm coffeeltea and pastrtes from 8:(Nam to 8:30am Location,' Savage Middle School (Common Room) Building E on the enclosed map North Yarmouth Academy 148 Main Street Yarmouth, Maine 04{06 846-9051 Parkino: Parking is available in the lots next to building Q (NYA Travis Roy lce Arena) off of Route { or building E (Savage Middle School) off of Main Street. See the attached map of NYA. Fee: (if registering less than 5 teachers) $100 Mtl,lA Member and $135 Non-Member (include.s lunch) (if registering 5 or more teachers) $75.00 MIttA Member and $100 Non-Member (inlcudes lunch) (Registration Fees received after 3/18 will be assessed a $10.00 surcharge) About the Workshop: Part One: Montessori teacherc underctand the profound importance of movement for human development. Yet, there are aome misconceptions, bad ideas and myths that impact iiontessori thinking and practice. There is a good deal of scientific research about the role that movement plays in cognitive development, and underctanding this work can improve Montessori practice. This workshop reviews key neuroscience rcsearch addressing why movement (but not all movement) is essential in stimulating brain and cognitive development. Part Two: We all know that Practical Life is central to the Montessori philosophy, but it's so much morc than developing fine motor skills-Practical Life supporb the development of executive functioning, a pre-requisite for self-regulation. Hear a neurologisfs percpective on the connection between the developing brain and Practical Life and rediscover the critical role of this fundamental curriculum area. About the Presenter: Dr. Steven Hughes speaks about education and brain development at conferences, univercities, schools and training centerc all over the world. He is the past prcsident of the Ameilcan Academy of Pediatric Neuropsychology. He also seryes as Ghair of the Association tlontessori lnternational Global Research Committee and is a member of the American illontessori Society Research Committee. Workshop Registration Form (Only one peson perform, please) Dr. Steven Hughes Building a Befter Brain the Montessori Way: Part One: Why Movement (But Not All Movement) is Essential in Developmental Education Part Two: Practical Life and Executive Function ,. Friday, March 27, 2015 8:30am to 3:30 pm coffedta and pastriesfrom E:00am to 8:30am Fees: (if registering less than 5 teachers) $100 MMA Member and $135 Non-Member (ir resistering i or more teachers) $rs.oo MMA *"#[:i'Jl!;iilt (inlcudes lunch) (Registration Fees received after 3/18 will be assessed a $10.00 surcharge) Name: Mailing Address: Phone Number: Email Address: School Affiliation (if any Are you (or your school) a MMA member? Dietary Restrictions? Checks are payable to Maine Montessori Association Please submit this registration form and fee by tUarch '[9. 2015 Maine ilontessori Association clo Pine Grove Schoo! 32 Foreside Road, Falmouth, iiE 04105 (207 ) 7 81 -344 1 ; pinegcenter@maine. rr. com Non-Member You are also lnvited to attend a Special Evening with Dr. Hughes on Thursday Evening, March 26,2015 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (light refreshments will be served) at the Savage Middle School (Common Room) Building E on the enclosed map on tlre Campul of North Yarmouth Academy Dr. Hughes' evening Iecture is FREE and entitled Building Better Brains: How School and Home Life can Build HigherOrder Gognitive Ability in Children (But Generally Don't). This lecture is intended for both educators and parents. Lecture Description: The brain is an amazingly malleable organ, and while every child's brain is unique, there are general principles that can help every developing brain attain it's highest developmental potential. The way we parent, and the way we organize "School" can have a profound impact on cognitive developmental outcomes. Every parent wants his or her child to reach her highest potential, so what approaches to parenting are the most effective? Every teacher wants to support the growth and development of his or her students, so what kinds of school activities will lead to the strongest developmental outcomes? The answers to these questions are clearer now than they ever have been, yet, in nearly all areas of Iife, we generally fail to provide the environmental experiences that we know will yield the best outcomes How should we parent? What should we do at school? Do teachers need to get: a) tougher?, b) softer?, or, c) none of the above? The answers to these and related questioons might surprise you, but they may also help you make a difference in the life of a child. NORTH YARMOUTH ACADEMY Gampus Legend A- Cuflrs C,::nplex B. Saford Center C" Gyrr-,nasiu'n Ei. :i:::tri',Hffiffi llliilljiirjll_. Fiig;g1ins F{aii ,,,, E- Savagle I'rliddle Schrai F. l',{er: Scie-,ce Ce-,ter G- Blarrchftr'Il .lvli-jl;lr: ill.ir,..,::;r A'l s l'"'1;r' tt.'':ir;r-.:l H. Acarierr..v'Hall L Fussell H"qli ' J. t'.,jglri HoUse rA,-jr.' r::;r.i'':,r ii I{. Bates H*use L. DOlg HCrr-;Sg M. Lor,,,ier Sclr*:l N. Leti,is Ficlil r';ir:'ii:,r, : O. Dett'iey Feld ::lfiiri:il ,.!,-11ij. ;,r5i; 5 "-! -- Di.,:.';r*rli..!J;r i.-,r: -..1 I P- Krtigitt Fieid'r;rlir::r Q- NYA Travis Hri, lce Arerta o ${* E !! t I jl ,L-* ' r.' rt , ;i stt ls= ll a,'' ' 'trT i = Main Sfreet (Houfe 1 15)
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