בס"ד MIZRACHI MATTERS SHABBAT SHMINI (Vol 9, No 30) Z’manim Shacharit Dawn Tallit & Tefillin Sunrise Sh’ma ()גר"א Earliest Mincha Candles Minchah followed by Sunset Night SECOND MA’ARIV Count Tonight: SHIURIM MISHNAH YOMIT EVENTS Friday, 17 April (28 Nissan) Minchah at 5:40pm Candle Lighting at 5:33pm 1. Beit Yehuda 2. Beit HaRoeh 3. Beit Midrash 4. Bnei Akiva 5. Elsternwick 6. Midrashah 7. Rabbi’s Home 8. Goldberger Hall 9. Nachalat David SHABBAT SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 18 APRIL 19 APRIL 20 APRIL 21 APRIL 22 APRIL 29 NISAN ROSH CHODESH ROSH CHODESH 2 IYAR 3 IYAR 1 1 7:00am1 1 1 1 7:30am 6:20am1 6:30am1 6:30am1 1,2,3,4,9 8:00am3 9:30am 7:20am 7:30am 7:30am 9:00am 5:37am 5:38am 5:39am 5:39am 5:40am 5:57am 5:58am 5:58am 5:59am 6:00am 6:49am 6:50am 6:51am 6:51am 6:52am 9:34am 9:34am 9:35am 9:35am 9:35am 12:49pm 12:49pm 12:49pm 12:49pm 12:49pm 1, 3 5:25pm 5:50pm 6:32pm 1 Daf Yomi 8:45am3 Nadav Prawer Sefer HaKuzari 8:45am6 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Ohalot 9:5-6 Ohalot 9:7-8 5:15pm1 Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Gan Shabbat 10:30 – 11:30am Children’s Tefillah Groups 10:15 – 11:30am Bnei Akiva 4:00pm Seudah Shlishit: Simona Weinstein The Holy Bagel Not this week Yom Hazikaron Interactive Exhibition 10am - 4pm at Hamerkaz Hall, Leibler Yavneh College Irene Herman (Father) YAHRTZEITS 1 1 FRIDAY 24 APRIL 5 IYAR 1 1 6:25am1 7:25am 6:30am1 7:30am 5:41am 6:01am 6:53am 9:36am 12:48pm 1 1 5:42am 6:02am 6:54am 9:36am 12:48pm 5:24pm 5:30pm 5:42pm 6:24pm 5:35pm 5:35pm 5:35pm 5:35pm 5:47pm 5:46pm 5:45pm 5:43pm 6:29pm 6:28pm 6:27pm 6:25pm 3 3 3 3 9:30pm 9:30pm 9:30pm 9:30pm th st th th th th th 15 day of Omer 16 day of Omer 17 day of Omer 18 day of Omer 19 day of Omer 20 day of Omer 21 day of Omer R’ Leor Broh 9:00am2 R’ James Kennard 9:30am6 Drashot R’ Leor Broh2 Parashat HaShavua Shiur Rabbi James Kennard 4:35pm3 5:35pm 5:49pm 6:31pm 3 9:30pm THURSDAY 23 APRIL 4 IYAR Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Parshanut Hamikrah with Michal Kaufman 9:30am6 R’ Dovid Segal Gemara B’iyun 8:30pm2 Bein Haftara leParasha Shuir Adina Bankier-Karp Shiur for post high school girls 8:30pm6 R’ Chezy Deren ContemporaryHalacha 7/93 Hotham St 8:30pm Michal Kaufman (Lewis’ house) 9:00pm Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Ohalot 9:9-10 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Weekly Parashah Shiur for ladies & girls 11:00am 7 Morrice St Rabbi Yaakov Glasman Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Daf Yomi 9:45pm3 Daf Yomi 8:15am3 Ohalot 9:11-12 Ohalot 9:13-14 Ohalot 9:15-16 Ohalot 10:1-2 Between Mincha and Between Mincha and Between Mincha and Between Mincha and Ma’ariv1 Ma’ariv1 Ma’ariv1 Ma’ariv1 Notre Dame Secondary College School Visit Communal Yom Hazikaron/Yom Ha’atzmaut Tefilah 5:15pm 5:20pm1 Musical Hallel for women of all ages 10:00am2 Chillen Cholent Not this week Stan & Bronia Berkoff (Son) Ludevit Ehrenreich (Wife) Eva Felman & Debbie Herz (Mother) Sally Lowinger (Husband) Daniel Lowinger, Shimi Lowinger & Gila Adelist (Father) Robert Lowinger (Brother) MIZRACHI’S VIRTUAL NOTICEBOARD Mazel Tov Allan & Shanee Goldstein (née: Katz) on the birth of their son Mazel tov to the grandparents Esther & Murray Meltzer (Melb), Rachel & Benny Goldstein (Melb), & Evelyn & Dani Katz (Qld) Mazel tov to the great-grandmother Rachel Katz (Syd) Shalom Zocher: Friday 17 April from 8.30pm, 1A Furneaux Grove, East St Kilda Mazel Tov on the engagement of Yehudis Herszberg (Melb) & Zalman Simons (Sydney / LA) Mazeltov to the parents: Dovid & Devora Rochel Herszberg & the late Zev a’h & Rochel a’h Simons Mazel tov to the grandparents Sender & Gittie Munitz (L.A.); Myer & Evi Herszberg (Melb), Mordechai Braham (Syd), Saul & Hanna Simons (Syd) Mazel tov to the great-grandmother Shoshana Rodan (Melb) Mazel Tov on the engagement of Yael Rubinstein & Ricky Castan (in Israel) Mazel tov to the parents: Philip & Tamara Rubinstein and Steven & Lani Castan (W.A.) Mazel tov to the grandparents: Raie Levy, Nellie Castan, Blanche Zaitman, Aaron Zaitman We wish Mazal Tov to the following members who celebrate their wedding anniversary during the coming week: Monday — Adina & Danny Karp We wish Happy Birthday to the following members who celebrate their birthday during the coming week: Monday — Yoni Garfield Tuesday — Michael Diamond, Yonatan Lindell (Hebrew) Thursday—Dion Epstein, Jacob Joel, Dinah Strum If you have an occasion or a milestone event that you would like to be mentioned in Mizrachi Matters, please email it to [email protected] by 12:00pm on Thursdays ב ס "ד NEWSLETTER FOR THE 18 April 2015 29 Nissan 5775 Parshat Shmini ELSTERNWICK JEWISH COMMUNITY Yahrzeits during the coming week Avi Paluch (Father) [18 April] Bella Freedman (Uncle) [21 April] Contact numbers Rabbi Rabbi Chaim Cowen 0433-308-584 [email protected] Chairman Mark Kras Daniel Lowinger (Father) [24 April] Shabbat times Candle Lighting this week Kabbalat Shabbat this week Pre-Shacharit Shiur Shacharit No Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiur till after Succot Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiur Mincha at Shabbat ends at Candle Lighting next week Kabbalat Shabbat next week 5.33 pm 5.45 pm 9.00 am 9.30 am 4.30 pm 5.15 pm 6.32 pm 5.24 pm 5.35 pm 0410-460-970 [email protected] Gabbai Elan Jacobs 0419-527-227 The Rabbi’s Shabbat Shiurim The early shiur (9.00am, before Shacharit) - come join the Rabbi for cake, coffee and an exploration of the mystical parsha [email protected] Secretary Sally-Ann Jaye 0437-625-350 Rosh Chodesh We celebrate Rosh Chodesh Iyar on Sunday/Monday 19/20 April, and bless the new moon on Sunday 19 April at 1:27 (4 chalakim) AM [email protected] Haftorah requests Dennis Max 9528-6865 In shule this week … Stuart Lew will be leading Kabbalat Shabbat, Rabbi Cowen will be leading Shacharit, Elan Jacobs will be leining, Basil Krawitz will be saying the Haftorah, and Jordan Simai will be leading Mussaf. [email protected] Contributions to Newsletter (please) Sally-Ann [email protected] Kiddush this Shabbat You are all invited to the kiddush, which will be co-sponsored by Elan and David Jacobs together with EJC in celebration of Elan’s Bar-Mitzvah anniversary. At the Rabbi’s For the Young Adults – the Wick on Thursday evenings from 8.00 to 9.00pm at the Rabbi’s home, Unit 3, 301 Glen Eira Road, Caulfield North Weekday times Sunday: Tefillin beginners class, including breakfast Monday and Thursday Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8.00 am 6.30 am 6.45 am NORMAN LOURIE ע"ה Shalom from Eretz Yisrael –the country that my Aba z"l loved so much from the inner chambers of his heart. This is a modest tribute around the shloshim period for my Aba z"l – Norman Lourie – Nachum ben Yitzchak Izak VeYehudit Lourie z"l. (Har Sinai-Bavel…. Ukraine-Palestine-Australia-Israel) Some of you readers, may not have known my father at all, and others may have only seen or known him in the later years, as he was pushed to shul in a wheel chair (but walked the last bit from the Fishers in Fosbery, due to pride), or from his davening as chazzan of Psukei Dezimrah during the weekdays. Of course, there are still those of you who fondly remember our Aba z"l from his "slightly more fiery and passionate days" in the 1960's, 70's and 80's, as a power player, macher, Mr. Israel, Mr Bnei Akiva and basically a central figure within the surroundings of Mizrachi, Yavneh College and Bnei Akiva. Life itself stops for no-one, time marches forward and there is today a new generation, even within the Mizrachi community, to whom Norman Lourie z"l won’t mean too much. BUT for me, my Ima, my siblings, our wonderful spouses, the 17 grandchildren, the extended family and true friends from the past and present – Aba, Saba, Uncle Norman, Normie is very "special, real, alive and kicking !". Each one of us, thank G-d, has some merit, and maybe even a few nice character traits, because of him –Aba z"l. The same is true for hundreds of both religious, traditional and non-religious families and friends who have been touched and impacted by knowing Aba z"l over the years. Dr. Maurice Lamm writes that all this, reflects the true value and worth of the parent (individual). I am – who I am, because of Aba z"l. From my ability to ride a bike, play squash and kick a football, to speaking and appreciating Hebrew, passing school tests in Maths and Torah studies…finishing a course at University…to the pure love and ideals of Am Yisrael B'Eretz Yisrael and the importance of Aliyah, Zionism and being passionate about Hashem, our heritage and the Torah – is from Aba z"l. From rubbing the sore tummy of any of my children, putting on a plaster with savlon, plus a kiss, when the finger is cut, to ideals of "never say never", "never give-in", "getting over the pain barrier", "never sitting on the fence", being just, being punctual and organized, and always being honest, hard working and straight forward – all come basically from Aba z"l. I am who I am, because of Aba z"l. After Aba z"l passed onto Gan Eden on 23rd Adar, we received hundreds of warm and emotional emails, text and Facebook messages. Of course Aba z"l himself hated these impersonal cold technologies, preferring the telephone or face to face real-time communication. Shunning the limelight, public recognition, or plaques, Aba z"l was simply a 'doer and a giver". Comments like – "pillar of community", " the fabric and essence of Mizrachi for so many years", "passionate Zionist", "impacted on our lives", " the open Lourie household and Shabbat hospitality", " he was our address as Yavneh and Bnei Akiva shlichim", "outspoken and never minced words"…all filled many messages received. Beyond being the loving and caring Aba of mine and of my brothers and sisters - together with mum (may she have a refuah shleima), the Lourie home was a religious and Zionist magnet for family and friends. I actually don’t recall too many Shabbatot and Chagim alone with just our immediate family, as we always had guests – Hebrew was spoken on Shabbatot because Aba z"l was the "go-to-man" for all shlichim, he was the religious friend who built the sukkah and ran the Pesach seder for his many non-religious friends and family…and our home was simply open to all. The ultimate Zionist who pushed and shoved Israel down every "throat and mind" (ALBIET from his comfortable home in Lumeah Road), at every opportunity. And his "bags" for Israel were packed for years, just waiting for the right moment. Yes- there were those few in Bnei Akiva who slightly ridiculed the arm-chair Zionist , but he had the last "symbolic laugh" by fulfilling his dream, and making Aliyah, while one or two of those same detractors stayed or returned to Australia after attempting Aliyah. (But everyone has their reasons and justifications, I suppose.) Aba z"l was the founder, heart and soul of BAPA (Bnei Akiva Parents Association) – 'his' baby and with his energy and impetus helped Bnei Akiva for many years. Of course he was one of the only parents who would be exceptionally aggressive and competitive, and "win-at-all-costs" when Bnei Akiva madrichim and chanichim played football against the parents. Never short of an idea, or scared to voice his opinion, the Lourie word was always heard and sometimes even adhered to, at Yavneh, Mizrachi and Bnei Akiva meetings for years. Aba z"l built a thriving Textile business with a "good honest name" supplying all bra and lingerie manufacturers and developing the first tracksuit material for Adidas. (Yes, we got cheaper tracksuits as kids.) Aba z"l played squash every day of the week including a few hours with the "boys" (Benny Slonim, Barney Peters, Robin Star, Hugo Gold..etc) at Gordon Watson courts. Not even a birth of a child would stop that lunchtime game of squash, to switch off from work. Of course the pinnacle of his squash 'career', was travelling to Israel with me and both of us representing the Australian Squash side for the Maccabiah. His house was in Lumeah Road. His second house was Mizrachi (And he even bought 8 seats for his mates to sit together) ….BUT HIS REAL HOME WAS ALWAYS ISRAEL. The fulfillment of that dream and that great day came in 1990, when my parents made Aliyah, and effectively brought the warm and open house of Lumeah Road, to Ramot-Jerusalem. I should however point out that my parents first attempted Aliyah after they married in 1956-57. Aba z"l basically fell in love with Israel after being sent by Bnei Akiva to a year of 'Shnat' at Kibbutz Shluchot. That love affair with Israel never ended, although they did sadly return to Melbourne in 1959 when mum was pregnant with yours truly. (A long story) A few years after their "second" Aliyah (In 1990), Aba z"l was "hit"- diagnosed for the "2nd time" with cancer – this time, Leukemia. Thank G-d, he was accepted to be on a trial for a new drug and after years of struggles, he effectively beat leukemia with emunah, tenacity and willpower. But initially at the young age of 40 years, in 1977, he was given only 6-12 months to live, when he was first diagnosed with lymphoma cancer. But chemotherapy wasn’t going to get him down and even though he was challenged by Hashem and notwithstanding all medical logic-experience – Hashem and Aba z"l had other plans and he overcame the challenge and "beat the cancer" !! Enormous willpower, never-give-in, a happy disposition, "it will be ok attitude" and an unshakeable belief in G-d – blended together, to give our Aba z"l, nearly another 40 years beyond the norm, with us and with friends. A walking medical miracle, an "Eveready" battery with emunah - our Aba z"l, beat the odds and sent a powerful message of hope, belief and a positive attitude, to all who came in contact with him. Aba z"l never complained – (although in later years Aba z"l, did ask G-d – why him time and time again)….he was never shaken and refused to 'thrown in the towel'. Aba z"l, together with mum lived a very full, happy and normal life – but maybe dispersed with periods of stress and tension regarding medical issues. In Sefer Iyov it says: "Though He may slay me, yet I will trust in Him". Yes- Aba z" had major hurdles with 2 cancers, horrific treatments, years of nausea, heart and back operations, 2 hip and 2 knee replacements and a pacemaker – BUT he overcame them all, and lived life to the fullest with emunah. Hashem gave us Aba z"l for an additional 38 years !! Toda Min HaLev. Hashem chose a unique 'G-dly shaliach' as a person with the inner strength and emunah to take on the challenges, the pain and the suffering, and to overcome. Hashem chose wisely and we are more than grateful that we had Aba z"l for so long. Due primarily to his health issues, Aba z"l was forced to live the last few years in the "comfortable and convenient exile" of Melbourne, but a couple of months ago he paid his last visit to Eretz Yisrael, for the barmitzvah of a grandchild. (Michael's son Liam). It may not have been absolutely perfect because his partner of nearly 60 years – our mother (Libby) wasn’t able to fly. But Aba z"l had effectively done it all – he had 5 children, son & daughter inlaws and 17 grandchildren living in Israel. Each of course with different levels of faith, but the best of Aba z"l, in regards to Israel, G-d, Torah and being a decent, giving and happy ben- adam had rubbed off on each of us. (In some format I think !) His last words to his 5 children were - "I love you". His last act was kissing his Tzitzit against the odds. That summarizes Aba z"l. I hope and trust that each of us and all the families and friends who were impacted by Aba z"l at some point over the years will be a credit to his memory and give his neshama (soul) an aliyah.(spiritual uplifting). On behalf of our ima and my brothers and sisters, I thank each of you who sent beautiful warm messages of comfort, who helped and supported over the years (including during the Shiva), who displayed true friendship and menschlachkeit and who will remember my Aba z"l, in a good true light. ABA - You will always be with us in some format…and may you now find the peace, serenity and spiritual comfort in your rightful place in Gan Eden. **Note from my "Aba z"l" – Appreciate both the small and big moments of life, with those whom you love and cherish, whether it be family or friends. Be happy, positive, upbeat, always look at the 'filled part of the cup' and have true emunah(faith) in Hashem, His Torah, and our beautiful Jewish lifestyle And if you maybe decide to take on an extra bit of learning, or go that extra mile for someone, or do an act of chesed, or do a good deed, or make Aliyah to Israel – then maybe think of my Aba z"l (Norman Lourie) !!!! Daniel ben Nachum Luria (Lourie) (Siblings: Jonathan, Sharona, Michael and Tamara) SHLOSHIM: There will an "Azkara" (Shloshim at later date ) for our Aba z"l (Norman Lourie) on MONDAY EVENING 27th April in the week after Yom HaAtzmaut. It will be held in the main Beit Knesset called Pnei Shmuel located in the neighbourhood of Mitzpeh Nevo in MAALEH ADUMIM.(Rechov Mitzpeh Nevo) The "Azkara"-shloshim will start with Maariv at 7.45pm and then we will go downstairs to the cultural hall. Norman Lourie – Our Mr Bnei Akiva. By David Fisher As a young Bnei Akiva Merakez back in 1977 I was the delegate to some of our communal organisations. There, one would see some of the great communal leaders working collaboratively to resolve issues and develop strategic plans for the future. Incredible personalities, among them individuals like Robert Zablud z”l, lehavdil bc”l, Shmuel Rosenkranz, Isi Leibler and many others defended Israel and led the community with distinction. Bnei leaders were in turn inspired by the amazing team of dedicated leaders “back home” at Mizrachi. We were fortunate to have Bernie Pushett z”l, Ian Rockman z”l, the trio of Messrs Levy, Apfelbaum and Kraus z”l and lehavdil bc”l Benny Slonim as passionate advocates for Bnei Akiva. Those were halcyon times, Bnei was the largest youth movement with a reputation for kiruv (better referred to as welcoming everyone into its midst) It was during these times that we met Norman Lourie z”l. Not a tall man physically, but in our minds a giant. He was beloved by all as our “Saba” or simply as someone with whom you could share concerns or brainstorm how to achieve the next project. Norman had always been involved in Mizrachi and Yavneh but Bnei Akiva occupied a special place in his heart. Maybe because of his commitment to living in Israel, maybe because of his special memories of his time in Bnei or perhaps, simply because he wanted Jewish youth to grow up with his love of Eretz Yisrael. Although Norman became President of BAPA (Bnei Akiva Parents Association), Norman needed no title to accomplish the impossible. Without fanfare he totally renovated the Bnei maon (the current hesder house). Seeking donations from carpet manufacturers, painters, plumbers (and the list goes on) was second nature. Within a short time, Bnei had a new house and it certainly was our home. He supported Bnei not just in a physical sense but also by supporting the emotional and social needs of its leaders and chanichim. Norman and Libby’s house in Lumeah Rd was the second home of countless Shlichim (both Yavneh and Bnei) and Madrichim. Together the Lourie’s would provide support and love. Many recall him as their “Saba” in Melbourne. You won’t find plaques or certificates so don’t bother looking, it was all done with love and without the need for acknowledgement. Looking back, there have always been some amazing individuals in Mizrachi who have supported communal projects. Many doing so privately and humbly accepting that their personal fortunes could be used to achieve enormous outcomes. Each family spurred on to do more by the amazing efforts of others. It was in this humbling yet noble surroundings that we grew up. Not everyone had financial resources but everyone had the ability to help the community grow and thrive. Norman’s amazing personality geared to helping others has benefitted many in our community. Norman Lourie z”l passed away peacefully after a long illness (that we mostly were unaware of in typical Norman style) Whilst we deeply miss his physical presence and his eternal optimism about life, his absence will never blur the memories we have of a special man who quietly supported Bnei Akiva to be the very best it could be. We wish Libby a Refuah Shelayma. We hope that the children, Daniel, Jonathan, Sharona, Michael and Tamara will be comforted by the knowledge that their father’s life was one of enormous accomplishment and achievement, and that we in Melbourne are the beneficiaries of his good deeds. May his memory be a blessing for both his family and us in the coming year. David Fisher Dear Rae, I have been cataloguing my library and came across a number of duplicate items, both Australian and other, which may be of interest to your members. Are you kindly able to include this in your weekly newsletter? Australiana 1. Formula for Survival, Newman Rosenthal (1979), $75; A history of the Ballarat Hebrew Congregation, written by the grandson of one the community’s most learned and observant members, Newman Friedel Spielvogel. 2. Looking Back With Pride, Newman Rosenthal (1971), $50; A centennial history of the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation from its inception in 1871. 3. Prayer Book for the Solemn Days for Jewish Members of the Australian Fighting Forces, under the direction of Rabbi Jacob Danglow (1945, Hebrew and English), $350; Only rarely comes onto the market. 4. Rabbi Jacob Danglow, John Levi (1995), $50; 5. Australian Genesis: Jewish Convicts and Settlers 1788–1850, John Levi and George Bergman (1974, first edition), $40; 6. The Jews in Victoria, Professor Hilary Rubinstein (1986, soft cover), $25. Commissioned by the Jewish Museum of Australia for Victoria’s sesquicentenary. Other 1. A History of the Jewish People, Ben-Sasson (1976, soft cover), $25; Edited by Professor Hayim Hillel Ben-Sasson, professor of Jewish History at the Hebrew University and published by Harvard University Press, it is generally regarded as the best and most comprehensive single-volume Jewish history. 2. Modern Jewish Ethics, edited by Marvin Fox (1975), $15; Contains an important essay by Rabbi Aaron Lichtenstein on whether Jewish tradition recognises an ethic independent of halachah as well as articles by other authors including Professor Ernst Simon, Rabbi Nachum Rabinovitch and Professor David Sidorsky. 3. Statement by Chief Rabbi Israel Brodie (1964, 8 pages), $150; Very rare. The statement gives the chief rabbi’s reasons for withholding the minister’s certificate from Rabbi Louis Jacobs when he wished to return to the New West End Synagogue. The Jacobs Affair was the most significant religious controversy in Anglo-Jewry during the 20th century. 4. Text-Book of the Jewish Religion, Michael Friedlander (1910), $60; The very scholarly Michael Friedlander was the principal of Jews’ College from 1865 until 1907. The volume proved very popular and was reprinted on many occasions. 5. The Modern Jew Faces Eternal Problems by Aron Barth (1972), $20; Aron Barth, an Israeli banker and Zionist leader, was born in Berlin and became active in the Mizrachi movement in Germany. He settled in Palestine in 1933 and became director-general of the Anglo-Palestine Bank in 1947 (later, Bank Leumi). 6. Zionist Portraits and Other Essays, by Harry Sacher (1959), $25; Harry Sacher, who died in 1971, was a prominent British Jew and Zionist (the largest park in Jerusalem bears his name). If interested, please contact David Havin: [email protected] IMPACT A CHILD’S LIFE ENRICH YOUR OWN Midreshet Torat Chessed: Where We Live What We Learn מדרשת תורת חסד Midreshet Torat Chessed תורת חסד על לשונה “EVERY ASPECT OF MTC IS AMAZING! THE LEARNING IN THE MORNING IS REALLY INTERESTING AND VOLUNTEERING WITH THE KIDS OF BET ELAZRAKI IS A REALLY FUN AND REWARDING EXPERIENCE. MTC IS SUCH A UNIQUE SEMINARY THAT I’M SO LUCKY TO BE A PART OF!” – BAILA GLOGAUER, TORONTO, ULPANAT OROT Mission Statement THE MODEL children, become an integral part of their lives, and experience the amazing feeling of helping At Midreshet Torat Chessed, we believe in the another. You will learn the power of giving- and power of a multi-faceted Year in Israel experience- that giving is really receiving. and that an experience that combines serious Torah learning together with meaningful chessed can be life altering, as each aspect mutually ERETZ YISRAEL enhances the other.Throughout your year, you will dedicate your time towards strengthening You will experience the land like never before. your connection to the three major pillars of Through fun and exciting tiyulim, you will connect Jewish life- Torat Yisrael, Am Yisrael, and Eretz to the land of your forefathers in a deep and meaningful way. These tiyulim will help your Yisrael. learning come alive, and foster a deep appreciation of our nation’s past, present, and future. Through numerous shabbatonim in communities across TORAT YISRAEL the country, you will be introduced to Jews of all You will spend your mornings and evenings stripes and types, and gain a keen understanding learning about- and engaging- your Jewish of the beautiful tapestry of Israeli society. tradition. Through stimulating classes with expert educators, you will gain a better understanding of In addition, your bond to Eretz Yisrael will be yourselves and your Judaism. You will explore your enhanced through working hand in hand with Jewish roots, connect to your people’s history, and 50 dedicated bnot sheirut- Israeli girls your age enter the “yam shel Torah” (“sea of Torah study”) spending their year in national service. These daily in a fresh and profound way. encounters will provide you with a unique window into Israeli society and culture. AM YISRAEL Our Torah learning, combined with the “avira d’eretz Yisrael” and the unique atmosphere of Every afternoon will be dedicated to the children at Bet Elazraki will encourage you to grow – and will the Bet Elazraki children’s home. You will become arm you with the skills towards a life of continued their counselors, mentors, and friends. You will Torah learning, giving and Avodat Hashem. develop a deep connection with these exceptional “ASIDE FROM THE AMAZING TEACHERS, WHAT MAKES MTC SO UNIQUE IS BEING AN INTEGRAL PART OF BET ELAZRAKI- WORKING SIDE BY SIDE WITH THE BNOT SHERUT AND DEVELOPING RELATIONSHIPS WITH THE AMAZING KIDS. I AM REALLY GETTING TO KNOW ISRAELI SOCIETY.” – MALKA HIRSCH, RIVERDALE, SAR HIGH SCHOOL EMUNAH Bet Elazraki – A Paradigm of Chessed EMUNAH Bet Elazraki is a warm and loving children’s home for over 250 children at risk in Netanya. The children, aged 0-19 (youngest one is often only a few weeks old), from all over Israel, are referred to the home by the welfare authorities because their parents are unable to raise them due to severe health, social or economic problems. The children arrive at Bet Elazraki through no fault of their own, rather due to their environment. The goal of Bet Elazraki is to teach these children how to lead successful and normal lives by helping them develop in 3 major areas: 1. Stability- Bet Elazraki focuses on providing the children with a stable, warm, and loving environment like any other home. With this model, Bet Elazraki has developed a reputation around the world as being one of the most professional, successful, and thriving homes for at risk children in the country. It is an institution with unparalleled warmth and energy. The participants of Midreshet Torat Chessed will have the singular opportunity to experience, and to help create, this warmth. They will be a part of The Home- and integrate into The Home. They will spend their afternoons with the children, as well as many Shabbatot and Chagim. They will live near the children and eat their meals with the children. Through this, they will become an integral part of the Bet Elazraki team. This warmth and energy that permeates Bet 2. Academic and Social Success- Bet Elazraki Elazraki will define all aspects of our Midrasha as focuses on the children reaching their potential; well. Midreshet Torat Chessed will be a place where that the key to their success in life will be the girls will be encouraged to grow, but in their own successful fulfillment of his or her scholastic and way and at their own pace. Our excellent staff, social potential. classes, and programming will be geared towards creating a year of meaningful self-reflection – all 3. Emotional Development- emotional treatment in the context of one of Israel’s most dynamic and is offered in order to reduce the deep emotional exceptional institutions. scars with which they arrive at our home, and to enable healthy emotional development. Become an integral part of a child’s life. worker, you will have the opportunity to discuss various challenges and highlights – the ups and downs of the work with the children. In addition, At MTC you will have the privilege of supporting you will learn various underlying concepts in the and loving a child who is not as fortunate as the field of social work. These meetings will train you average child. You will be assigned to a group of in your work with the children, and arm you with children that you will have the opportunity to crucial life skills. work with and impact throughout the year. You will greet the children every day after school, help The chessed component at MTC is a unique one them with their homework, laugh with them on that combines responsibility, consistency and the good days, cry with them on the hard days. tremendous satisfaction. Your impact will help You will become a role model and a mentor that the Children of Beit Elazraki reach their hidden potential and become vital members of Israeli they could not have found at home. society- and along the way, you will tap into and Through weekly meetings with a trained social discover your own potential as well. “תורה תחילתה גמילות חסדים )וסופה גמילות חסדים” (סוטה יד Daily Schedule Sunday Monday Tuesday 8:15-9:00 Hilchot Shabbat Rav Yossi Goldin 10:00-10:50 CLASS #2 Sefer Ezra and Nechemia Rabbi Johnny Solomon 12:00- 12:50 CLASS #4 Wednesday Thursday Shacharit and Breakfast 9:00-9:50 CLASS #1 11:00- 11:50 CLASS #3 Staff Emuna and Beyond Mrs. Donna Solomon Torat HaChassidut Mrs. Tali Wohlgelernter Torat Chessed Rabbi Johnny Solomon Ulpan Mrs. Emuna Rosensweig/ Mrs. Shira Melamed Yisrael HaYom Rav Shmuel Veffer Torat Eretz Yisrael Mrs. Emuna Rosensweig Derech Hashem Rav Shmuel Veffer Hilchot Shabbat Rav Yossi Goldin Ulpan Mrs. Emuna Tefillat HaNeshama Rosensweig/ Rav Yossi Goldin Mrs. Shira Melamed Sefer Ezra and Nechemia Rabbi Johnny Solomon Jewish Moral Dilemmas Rabbi Johnny Solomon Open Beit Medrash Yesodot HaTanach Mrs. Toby Einhorn HaIsha VeHamitzvot Mrs. Ellie Ausubel Parshat HaShavua Mrs. Esther Farkovits HaAm VeHamedina Rav Yossi Goldin Great Jewish Thinkers Mesilat Yesharim Great Jewish Thinkers G-d and Judaism 101 Ms. Alexis Levy Mrs. Shira Melamed Ms. Alexis Levy Mrs. Toby Einhorn 12:50-1:00 Announcements/ Mincha (early) 1:00-2:00 Optional Open Beit Medrash 1:00-3:00 Lunch & Break (Late Mincha: 2:45) 3:00- 6:00 Field-work with Bet Elazraki children 6:00-8:00 Dinner and downtime with children 8:00-9:30 Night Seder Rav Ari Yablok/ Rav Yossi Goldin 9:30-12:00 FREE TIME 12:00 am Curfew Between Bein Adam Night Seder L’chaveiro and Bein Rav Ari Yablok/ Adam L’atzmo Rav Aviad Sanders Mrs. Shira Melamed FREE TIME Chug- Zumba (9:30-10:30) Curfew (1 am) Bayit Cham FREE TIME Curfew Rav Yossi earned his BA in Psychology, Semicha, and MA in Education from Yeshiva University. He recently completed a Certificate in Mental Health Counseling from The Family Institute at Neve Yerushalayim. He has been involved in chinuch, both formal and informal, for the past 8 years at various yeshivot and summer camps. Prior to his involvement at MTC, he spent 3 years at the Eretz Hemda Community Kollel in Raanana, giving shiurim and running programming for the larger community. He is known for his warmth and ability to forge deep connections with his students. MRS. SHIRA MELAMED Assistant Director Shira made aliyah after high school and has a degree in Social Work from Bar Ilan University. Before joining the MTC administration, she was Eim Bayit and Director of Student Activities at Machon Maayan for 5 years. Her combination of warmth, sensitivity and endless devotion to her students has made her a very popular teacher and educator. MRS. TOBY EINHORN Mashgicha Ruchanit Dinner and downtime with children Free (from 5:00) RAV YOSSI GOLDIN Menahel Toby Einhorn resides in Kfar Shemaryahu, Israel, where she is the Rebbetzin of a secular Israeli community. She holds a master’s degree in Bible from Yeshiva University and has taught Bible and Jewish Philosophy in the US, Russia, Israel, Hong Kong and South Africa for the past 20 years. A true spiritual seeker, as well as a trained Life Coach, Toby’s passionate teaching combines a deep commitment to the texts with a search for the lifealtering lessons of the timeless Torah. MRS. ELLIE AUSUBEL Program Director Mrs. Ellie Ausubel recently made aliyah and moved to Raanana from Manhattan, N.Y. Ellie received her B.A. from Stern College and completed a teachers fellowship in conjunction with Hebrew University. She is also currently pursuing a Masters in Bible Studies. In the US she taught Tanach and Mishna at Ramaz Middle School and at Maayanot Yeshiva High School, and in Israel she has taught at Midreshet Amit. Ellie enjoys connecting with her students both inside and outside the classroom. MR. DAVID BRATSPIS Tour Educator David Bratspis is a husband, father, educator and tour guide living in Alon Shvut. After making aliya 10 years ago he worked and studied at Yeshivat Lev Hatorah and Yeshivat HaKotel. In 2005/6 David was the Youth Director in the communities of Albany, New York and Nashville, Tennessee while on shlichut. Subsequently he served as a volunteer in the IDF Givati Infantry Brigade. David’s formal education is from Yeshiva University, Michlelet Herzog and the Lander Institute. David’s enthusiasm for telling the stories of Am Yisrael in the very settings where the events took place inspires students and connects them to their heritage. Mrs. Esther Farkovits Ms. Alexis Levy Mrs. Emuna Rosensweig Rav Aviad Sanders Mrs. Donna Solomon Rav Johnny Solomon Rav Shmuel Veffer Mrs. Tali Wohlgelernter Rav Ari Yablok FAQs want to be able to see their friends. Therefore, we provide transportation both ways at a subsidized price for each out Shabbat, as well as every Monday evening, “seminary night off”, in order to enable our participants to easily connect with their friends and family. Where is the Midrasha located? Where do the students live? Bet Elazraki is located in the beautiful coastal city of Netanya. Our students live in a gorgeous villa a few houses down from BE, which allows them to be close enough to BE to be a part of all activities at the home, but also gives them the personal space to be on their own when needed. What is the food and laundry setup? All the classes and learning for the midrasha take Three meals daily are provided in the BE dining place on the Bet Elazraki campus. In this way, the room, with most of those meals eaten together learning and environment of the midrasha impact with the children. In addition, the villa is equipped the home, and vice versa. with basic kitchen appliances to allow the students to make their own food, should they so choose. What kind of city is Netanya? Is there anything interesting to do there? There is a washer and dryer in the villa for the Netanya is a vibrant and picturesque coastal city students to do their laundry at their leisure. with all the amenities of a large city, but the peace and quiet of a suburb. Our midrasha is located a What is the schedule for Shabbatot? 10 minute walk from the separate beach, as well Similar to Bet Elazraki, the Shabbat experience as close to a wonderful Anglo community. There will be a unique and crucial part of our program. are malls, restaurants, and recreational centers all One Shabbat a month, we have an “in” Shabbat within walking distance as well- not to mention together with the children of the Home, which is sure to be a singularly powerful experience. An the beautiful boardwalk along the beach! additional Shabbat each month is spent together How far away is Netanya from Yerushalayim? as a midrasha- either on campus together or at Netanya is a little over 1 hour travel by car from various communities across the country. Yerushalayim and about 1 hour 20 minutes by bus. Being outside of Yerushalayim enables our The other two Shabbatot each month are “out” students to focus more deeply on their Torat Shabbatot, where the students are able visit Chessed experience without the distractions that family and friends. On those Shabbatot as well, the campus and kitchen are open for those interested often come from being “in the scene”. in staying in. For the more adventurous types, we However, we do realize that most midrashot are are always happy to help our students find places in the Yerushalayim area and that our students to stay across the country. Do I have to know Hebrew to come? How will I communicate with the children and staff at the home? Speaking Hebrew is not a prerequisite for being accepted to our midrasha. Although most of the children in BE speak only Hebrew, we have found over the years that even when a common language is lacking, a “language of love” develops between our children and those who care for themsomething which enables them to overcome the language barrier. At the same time, we do hope and expect that our students will improve in their Are there any tiyulim? Will we get to connect speech and comprehension of Hebrew over the to Israel over the year? year. Every girl in our midrasha will be required to We believe that an essential part of the midrasha take Ulpan to maximize her ability to communicate experience is the fact that are in Eretz Yisrael, the with the staff and children of the home. land of our people, nation, country, and history. As such, our program includes various ways to help What is the typical “Midreshet Torat Chessed them connect to the land and Medinat Yisrael. student”? At MTC, we are looking for a girl who appreciates A large part of our program involves traveling the both aspects of our program, and will take land and exploring its beauty. We have a big 2-3 both parts seriously- a girl who recognizes the day trip every few months to different parts of the importance of both learning Torah and doing country, enabling our students to connect to the chessed, and the ability of each aspect to enhance land in a unique way. Various day tiyulim across the other. A girl who commits to devoting herself the country also help give our students the ability to our challenging, yet rewarding, program will to experience – and impact upon – their land and thrive during her year. their people. We have numerous shabbatonim throughout the year in various cities and communities around the country in order to expose our students to the different types of communities that make up Israeli society. And finally, within the walls of the midrasha itself there are wonderful ways to connect with our country and our people. One of our morning classes explores the complex issues and challenges that arise within the Jewish state and Jewish society. In addition, our students work daily with Israelis very closely- both the children from the home as well as the staff from the home. There are also 50 Israeli peers who do their Sheirut Leumi service at the home, which gives our students a unique window into Israeli society and culture. Over the course of the year, we hope to arm our students with a newfound appreciation and commitment to their Yahadut, as well as a keen understanding of the power of giving, and the impact it can have on their own lives. “AS THE WEEKS HAVE GONE BY, THE URGE TO SEE MY BOYS EACH DAY HAS GROWN TREMENDOUSLY. EVEN ON MY OFF WEEKENDS I MISS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM…WHEN YOU ARE PUT IN A PLACE COMPLETELY OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, YOU ARE PUSHED TO TRY HARDER…” – LAUREN ABADY, MIAMI, WEINBAUM YESHIVA The Power of Learning The Power of Giving In Pirkei Avot, the sage Hillel profoundly declares: אם אין אני לי מי לי “ – וכשאני לעצמי מה אניIf I am not for myself, then who is for me? And if I am only for myself than what am I?” The multi-layered Israel experience at Midreshet Torat Chessed will enable you to capture these two timeless lessons in a powerfully personal way. You will learn to recognize your own singular talents and strengths within the context of Jewish life and the Jewish land, and will also learn, in the most concrete way, the power of your ability to give. These two lessons, experienced daily, will complement and mutually enhance each other in a beautiful waycreating an experience the impact of which will last a lifetime. “PEOPLE OFTEN CALL THIS YEAR A ‘SELFISH’ YEAR – ONLY AT MTC HAVE I LEARNED THAT BEING SELFISH AND SELFLESS IS NOT AN OXYMORON, BUT A FULFILLING WAY OF LIFE – WITH THE COMBINATION OF TORAH AND CHESSED” –RIVKI PORTNOY, YAVNEH GIRLS, MANCHESTER מדרשת תורת חסד Midreshet Torat Chessed תורת חסד על לשונה For more information, please contact : Midreshet Torat Chessed ISRAEL: 7 Rabbi Tarfon Street, Netanya, Israel Cell: 052-727-9792 USA: c/o Jessica Abergel 1563 Aston Terrace, Fort Lee, NJ 07024 Fax: 212-643-9731 Tel: 856-393-4749 [email protected] www.toratchessed.com
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