May 8, 2015 - Bnei Akiva Schools

Bnei Akiva Schools Newsletter
May 1, 2015 * 12 Iyar 5775
Click on the video to watch this week's dvar Torah!
Parshat Emor
Candle Lighting: 8:10 pm
Havdala: 9:15 pm
Shabbat Shalom.
Rabbi Yair Spitz
Menahel, Yeshivat Or Chaim
National Chidon HaTanach
Four students (two from YOC;
two from UO) competed in the
National Chidon HaTanach in
Montreal. The Torah knowledge
exhibited by all of the
competitors was truly impressive.
Atara Kelman finished in third
place in Canada and will be
competing in Israel next year!
Temima Tova Gerstl, Shimmy Nauenberg, and Natan Snowbell all did
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Recent Events
National Chidon HaTanach
Rabbi Sharon Shalom at both
UO Lag Baomer
UO Post‐Secondary Program
YOC Math Mentorship
YOC Rebbe Mishmar
well ‐ Yasher Koach to all four students! Thank you to Mrs. Gemara
for preparing our students and instilling a love of Torah study.
Rabbi Sharon Shalom at
both schools
Rabbi Shalom spoke about his
personal story ‐ his journey from
Ethiopia to Israel through the
Sudan. He spoke about his
experiences as the first Ethiopian
to receive Smicha in Israel. His
talk was engaging, interesting,
humourous and one of the most memorable guest speakers we've had
this year! Thank you to Emunah Women for offering us the
opportunity to hear from such a unique Rabbi.
‐ Ilan Shields, grade 10 student
UO Lag Baomer
Surprise! Ulpana girls came to
school Thursday morning in a
brighter mood than usual because
it was Lag Baomer, but little did
they know how exciting the day
was going to get. The student
council, dressed as animals,
surprised the school with a trip to
the Toronto Zoo. Students and staff boarded the buses after lunch for
an afternoon of fun and camaraderie. Not only did the girls see
animals and enjoy the beautiful weather but they also split into
groups for an animals in Tanach scavenger hunt. Each group had to
create an Instagram account and posted pictures of themselves as
they solved the clues. A great time was had by all. Thank you goes
to the student council for an amazing afternoon.
Click here for more pictures
UO Post‐Secondary
On Tuesday morning, Ulpana
alumni visited the school to speak
to the students about future
careers and universities. After
davening, refreshments were
served, and then students were
divided into groups based on their
areas of interest. Each group was led by a few alumni who talked
about their university experiences, and how they got there. They
answered students' questions and also gave some pieces of advice
based on their experiences. It was an amazing opportunity for Ulpana
girls to learn from the former Ulpana students. Thank you to all the
alumni who came, and to Mrs. Weinberg for organizing the event.
‐ Aliza Rosen, grade 11 Student
Click here for more pictures
YOC Math Mentorship
Arie Reines and Nadav Gasner participated in a Math Mentorship
program at University of Toronto. Each of them were paired with a
YOC Student Council Elections
Upcoming Events
UO Presents Newsies
7th Annual Art Show
May 12
UO YPI Presentations
See all events IN PICTURES
Mrs. Shani Taragin, of Midreshet
Lindenbaum, delivered two
inspirational shiurim two Ulpana
students last week.
Rabbi Pituchei Chotam's Gemara
class learned about Shmita and
Pruzbul in chaburot with the YU
Beit Midrash
YOC: Soccer team plays vs. CHAT
on Tuesday, May 12 at 1pm; and
vs. Chaminade College on
Thursday, May 14 and 3:30pm.
graduate student, who taught
them about different, relevant
mathematical concepts. As a
culminating project, Arie and
Nadav presented what they
learned to other participants in
the program, as well as U of t
faculty members.
"With my mentor, I was able to
delve into fields of mathematics
which I would otherwise never
have studied. The topics we
covered revealed the enormous depth of the field, and provided
insight into applications of the concepts in real life."
‐ Nadav Gasner, grade 12 student
"Apart from furthering my knowledge in mathematics, the
mentorship program gave me an opportunity to experience
university life, and in researching at a university level."
‐ Arie Reines, grade 12 student
YOC Rebbe Mishmar
Ari Forman ('12) and Aviva Weiser
Learn more about the Diller
Teen Fellows Program
Walk with Israel on May 18
Students traveled to various
homes and locations for the last
Rebbe mishmar of the year!
There were themed dinners,
fascinating discussions and
singing. Thank you to the Rabbeim for opening their homes to our
Click here for more pictures
YOC Student Council
Candidates for all positions
delivered passionate, interesting
and humourous speeches. It was a
difficult decision for the student
body. The results were:
Yom Yerushalayim Celebration
President ‐ Coby Lyons Vice President ‐ Aaron Rosenfeld Junior Vice President ‐ Ilan Shields Treasurer ‐ Natan Finkelstein Convener ‐ Kobi Moll
The new student council is already hard at work: organizing club and
committee leadership for next year.
Tuition Reminder
As a reminder, tuition contracts were due several weeks ago. If you
have not returned your completed tuition contract, deposit and pre‐
authorized debit form, please do so as soon as possible. If you have
any questions or need an additional copy of your tuition contract,
Tikun Leil Shavuot
please e‐mail Jennifer Diamond at [email protected].
UO presents Newsies ‐
Important Change of Date
Ulpana students are proud to
present their version of
"Newsies," the classic hit Disney
movie. Due to the many
community events taking place
on the original date, the production will now take place on
Wednesday, May 13 at 7pm, at Ulpana. Admission is free, program
for women only.
7th Annual Art Show
The Bnei Akiva Schools 7th
Annual Art Show will take place
on Wednesday, May 20 from 7:30‐
9:30 pm at Ulpanat Orot, and will
feature art work from students at
both Ulpanat Orot and Or Chaim!
Refreshments will be served. We
thank the Snajdman‐Griver
Family for sponsoring this event.
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Bnei Akiva Schools | 159 Almore Avenue | Toronto | Ontario | M3H 2H9 | Canada