This week: Kehilat Mogen David MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2015 11-17 Sivan BAR MITZVAH Weekly Prayer Schedule EREV SHABBOS MAY 29 Mincha Light Candles 6:30pm 7:39pm SHABBOS Shiur Rabbi Grama Shacharis Ashkenazi Minyan Mincha Ma’ariv Havdalah 8:55am 9:15am 7:30pm 8:28pm 8:40pm Sun Shacharis Mincha 8:00am 7:45pm Shacharis Mon - Fri 6:30am MINCHA Mon - Thurs 7:45pm Erev Shabbat JUNE 5 Shacharis Fri Mincha Light Candles 6:30am 6:30pm 7:39pm Important Halalhic Times Earliest Talit & Tefillin Last Time for Shema Last time for Shacharis Earliest time for Mincha 4:51am 9:18am 10:29am 1:27pm MAZAL TOV! to Ehud and Michal Shiff in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Daniel. And to the whole Shiff and Nussbaum families for Daniel's Bar Mitzvah. This week: WE THANK OUR SPONSORS Kiddush is sponsored by Ehud and Michal Shiff in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Daniel Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by the Shul Congratulations and Mazal Tov to our 2015 Graduates Elianna Mellon Leitman, Masters Degree from Columbia University; Loma Linda Pediatric Dentistry, Residency Graduate, Adi Genish; Joshua Silvera - Santa Monica College HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES: YULA: Daniel Elias, Rachel Elias, Shayle Yashar, BHHS: Max Sheff, Maimonides: Daniel Karz, Joshua Sarir 5775 * 2015 B”H NASO DANIEL SHIFF Kollel and Classes are Sponsored by Avy and Sandra Azeroual; Dedicated in memory of Ada bat Hanna Azeroual; and dedication to the memory of JACK E. GINDI and ESKANDAR RASHIDI DOOST יעקב בן ר" שמעון MAY 31-JUNE 4 Weekday Classes Mon – Fri 7:30am Daily- Chok L’Israel (daily) w/H.Dayan WEEKLY CLASSES 8:45am Chok L’Israel w/H.Dayan SUN 9:00am Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhaness 9:30am Guide to Belief w/David Sacks CLASS at Pico Café - w/R’Elias MON WED 12pm LUNCH & LEARN w/R’Elias EVENING CLASSES 9:00pm Daf Yomi w/R’Baalhanes Sun – Thurs 7:15pm Gemara w/R’Moses Mon 9:00pm Gemara w/R’Grama Mon Mon – Thurs 8:00pm beginners Gemara w/R’Raffi IN MEMORIAM: MAY 29-JUNE 4 / 11-17 SIVAN Anne R. Goldberg, Valerie Mittleman, Ruth Jaffe, Mendel Simon, Reizel Simon, Fanny Markowitz, Irma Kreuz, Marcus Braunstein, Blima Fewkowicz, Louis Altfest, Meyer Goldstein, Alfred Hesky, Joseph Mason, Gussie Reiter REFUAH SHLEIMAH: Please call the office. We will gladly add any Name to the list below; so they may be included in our prayers, that each one may be granted a Refuah Shleimah. Cantor Leopold Szneer Mordechai ben Simcha Efriam ben Ida Avraham ben Dolat Raphael David ben Ella Ruven ben Raisel Shlomo ben Raizel Levi Yakov ben Maytal Ha’Kohen Shimon Dov ben Shifra Aaron Yosef ben Chana Haim Menacham ben Hena Raizel Moshe Mordechai ben Rachel Baruch Pelech ben Chana Eitan ben Sorah Randy ben Sarah Yoel ben Avraham Ha’Kohen Chai ben Sarinah Yoseph Shmuel Chaim ben Brana Yitchak ben Calamera Rochel bat Miriam Shahla Chaya bat Shoshana Esther bat Chana Matana bat Rachel Habiba bat Rahel Elana bat Rachel Bracha Hena bat Rivka Rachel bat Chana Rebbeca bat Sarah Mary Ellen bat Sarah Linda bat Sarah Rivkah bas Chemda Kehilat Mogen David ∙ 9717 West Pico Blvd, Los Angeles,90035 ∙ 310-556-5609 ∙ ∙ [email protected] Gabriel Elias, Rabbi ∙ Daniel Grama, Rabbi ∙ Alex Katz, Cantor ∙ Yehuda Moses, Rabbi ∙ Michael Abraham, Rabbi∙Cantor ∙ Phil Seelig-Haim Dayan, co-Presidents ERUV: Please check the Eruv status each week before Candle Lighting : or 877-ERUV-INFO ANNUAL GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING SUNDAY JUNE 14th 9:30am The election of the 2015-16 Board of Directors will take place at the June Annual General Meeting. HAPPY ☺ BIRTHDAY Tova Sarir, Eliana Ryzman, Alma Barnes, Elon Andserson, Netaniel Nissanoff Rhona Wacht, Shery Javaherian, JUNE ♥ HAPPY ♥ ANNIVERSARY Sammy & Melissa Rbibo, Natan & Laurie Minc, George Zaoui & Veronique Brami, Michael & Yisca Abraham, Adrian & Taly Engel, Oscar & Miriam Krater, Mark & Ann Deutsch, Ramin & Liorah Namvar, Jake & Nina Bruck, Geoffrey & Melanie Anderson, Moshe & Arlene Kupietzky, Eli & Ayala Satrashans UPCOMING EVENTS and SAVE THE DATE Community Responsibility/Preparedness; Disaster Preparedness Panel Discussion open to the community. FREE Sun. June 7, 11:45am. Presented by Laniado Hospital at Nessah Congregation, 142 S.Rexford BH. 310-385-9293 Registration online: “Come Join Us! Let’s light up the world together!" Candle lighting time in LA is 7:40 pm Ner Echad’s inaugural program, UNIFIED SHABBOS CANDLE LIGHTING, joins thousands of women from all over the world together in the holy Mitzvos of lighting Shabbos candles, praying for each other’s specific needs, and donating a dollar to widows and children, all carried out simultaneously. [email protected] Bnei Akiva: Shabbat May 30th: NO SNIF this week! Upcoming: Applications now being accepted for Madrichim and Manhigut for Fall 2015 - for information call: Eyal 310-220-1459 or Avi 818-442-8608. LA SPORTS WORLDS SPORTS SUMMER CAMP !! 40% off for all pre-1 and 1st graders. Offering sports and weekly activities Need to register this week for this promotion. Contact David Ouaknine at 818-259-9340 or email [email protected] SUMMER CAMP KMD JUNE 22 – AUGUST 7. 1/2 or FULL DAY AVAILABLE AGES 2-5 Summer Fun, Special Programs, Pizza, And More! co-directors: MOJGAN and KAYLA at [email protected] or [email protected] SUMMER 2015 MJ SPORTS CAMP June 22-Aug 21, 2015 Boys & Girls Ages 2-6 & 7-13. Summer Schedule 9am-3pm. New Location at 1046 S. Robertson Blvd. LA. Info call Michael Karpeles or Jonathan Ravanshenas; 310-497-4923 or 323-395-2479 or [email protected] DVAR TORAH – NASO "The Lord bless thee and protect thee; the Lord make His Presence to shine upon thee and be gracious unto thee; the Lord lift up His countenance unto thee and grant thee peace." This priestly blessing is the centerpiece of today's Torah reading. It is also probably the best known of all blessings, and is a part of the liturgy of many religions. It is not surprising, therefore, that our sages have subjected the three-fold content of Birkat Kohanim to detailed analysis. How, they wonder, does each part of the blessing differ from the others? WE ARE STILL MISSING DATABASE INFO FROM MANY OF OUR MEMBERS AND ASSOCIATES Please help us to update our files. Call the office or print the info form and email to the office The first, "The Lord bless thee and protect thee". Our rabbis say that this means Hashem will bless you with wealth. Wealth is a blessing with which to help others, not to hoard for yourself. For that reason our rabbis conclude their interpretation of the first clause of the blessing by saying "May Hashem bless you with wealth and may the Lord protect you from wealth." The second, "May Hashem cause his Presence to shine upon you and be gracious unto you". This clause of the blessing refers to the inner quality of Chen. The word chen defies easy translation. It describes an inner beauty. It is that intangible quality which radiates from people who are full of love and concern for others, who are humble and self-effacing. The effect of this part of the blessing is a further stricture upon the blessing of wealth. We want wealth and pray for it but, we should be careful that it should not damage our ego and desensitize us. Finally the last part concludes with Peace. Shalom means shalem. The ultimate blessing is that we should be whole. That we should find peace of mind, and peace in life and communities everywhere. Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Gabe Elias
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