SHABBAT HALLELU Friday, May 1 - 7:30pm Teacher & Staff Appreciation Sisterhood/WRJ Scholarship Presentation BAR MITZVAH OF BRETT LADERMAN Saturday, May 2 - 10:00am DINE AROUND Saturday, May 2 - 6:00pm MONROE, NEW YORK KOL BETH-EL MONROE TEMPLE BETH-EL 12 IYAR - 13 SIVAN 5775 MAY 2015 BAT MITZVAH OF KYLIE BALENTINE Saturday, May 9 - 9:30am BAT MITZVAH OF MELISSA DANTICO Saturday, May 16 - 10:00am ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING Thursday, May 21 - 7:30pm KABBALAT SHABBAT Friday, May 22 - 8:00pm Shavuot & Celebration of Jews by Choice Saturday, April 4 - 10:00am BAR MITZVAH OF TYLER MARKOWITZ Saturday, May 23 - 10:00am Kiddush lunch to follow SHAVUOT - CONFIRMATION - YIZKOR Sunday, May 24 - 10:00am Lunch follows SHABBAT WALK WITH RABBI LOEB Saturday, May 30 - 9:45am 2 Clergy Kol Beth-El Rabbi Garry A. Loeb Cantor Elizabeth Goldmann Is a monthly newsletter published by The Monroe Temple of Liberal Judaism Temple Beth-El Temple Staff Torah School Principal Mentsch Makers Director Bookkeeper Office Manager Administrative Assistant Jason Greenberg Carol Berman Lisa Sternberg Lori Cohen Lisa Simon Officers President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Treasurer Financial Secretary Recording Secretary Corresponding Secretary David Landres Bill Ledwitz Ellen Newman Lawrence Polsky Debra Ross Marty Schulman Herbert Simon Associate Trustees Immediate Past President Sisterhood/WRJ Presidents Men’s Club President Honorary Trustee Jerry Goldberg Wendy Balentine & Sondra Sussman Robert Lipkin Joan Birnbaum Past Presidents 2011-2013 2009-2011 2007-2009 2005-2007 2003-2005 2001-2003 1999-2001 1997-1999 1995-1997 1993-1995 1991-1993 1989-1991 1987-1989 1985-1987 1983-1985 1981-1983 1979-1981 1975-1977 1965-1967 314 North Main Street Monroe, New York 10950 845-783-2626 Website: E-mail: [email protected] Beth Glass Michael Littman Rabbi Garry Loeb Jodi Sander [email protected] Diane Rowe Cantor Elizabeth Goldmann [email protected] Neil Meyers Naomi Diamond Beth Glass, President [email protected] Suzanne Schindler Trustees Randi Connolly Mark Ehrenreich William Friedman Maris Gamzon Leslye Joseph Michael Katzman Leonard Keitel Lois Klipper Monroe Temple Beth-El Jerry Goldberg Pam Levine Dr. David Hill Bonna Horovitz Alan Friedfel Ellen Bechky Joyce Waschitz Richard Emanuel Al Silberlicht Charlene Hirschberg Dr. Joseph Epstein Harold Wolland Dr. Harvey Feldman Herbert Weismann Dr. Jack R. Nizewitz David L. Levinson Stanley Moroknek Dr. Norman Goldberger Dr. Joseph E. Birnbaum Jason Greenberg, Torah School Principal [email protected] Carol Berman, Mentsch Makers Director [email protected] Lori Cohen, Office Manager [email protected] Lisa Sternberg, Bookkeeper [email protected] Lisa Simon, Administrative Assistant [email protected] Our Committees Bikkur Cholim Budget By-Laws Campership Cemetery Continuing Education First Fridays House Israel and the Diaspora Kol Beth-El (Newsletter) Lehiyot Shayach (Special Needs) Membership Mentsch Makers (Pre-School) Outreach Ritual Shoah Memorial Social Action Website Torah School Ways and Means Junior and Senior Youth Group Affiliations Sisterhood/WRJ Men’s Club (MAC) Editor-in-Chief Sandy Gamzon Advertising Manager Larry Migdel 782-6557 Website Manager Beth Glass Proofreaders Lori Cohen Beth Glass Dr. Jerome Goldberg Mary Haberman Ruth Knoblauch Ellen Newman Printing and Circulation Lori Cohen Lisa Simon ALL ARTICLES AND SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MAY 1ST TO BE INCLUDED IN THE JUNE BULLETIN. E-MAIL ARTICLES TO [email protected] Bikkur Cholim We Care—We’re Here If you know of someone who is ill, or who needs assistance which you think we might be able to give: DO A MITZVAH CALL 783-2626 And let the office know it is for the Bikkur Cholim Committee The office will see to it that your message gets to the Committee. SPONSOR AN ONEG! 3 Celebrating your wedding anniversary or a special birthday? Share a special occasion or event in your family's life by sponsoring an Oneg. Have no time to shop? Contact the temple office at 783-2626 or Dorothy Schulman at 928-2571 and they will arrange to do the shopping for you! Please call Lori Cohen at 783-2626 to reserve your date. THERE ARE VARIOUS WAYS TO HONOR A LOVED ONE OR CELEBRATE A SIMCHA BY GIVING TO THE TEMPLE Gifts of Love - Minimum donation $10 Trees in Israel - $18 per tree Torah Commentary - $72 Walkway Paver (Mitzvah Stone) - $100 Campership Fund - Minimum donation $10 Dorothy & Leonard Zuckerman Torah School Scholarship Fund Minimum donation $10 Fishman Torah School Special Projects Fund - Minimum donation $10 Mentsch Maker Scholarship Fund - Minimum donation $10 Leaf on the Tree of Life - $180 Memorial Plaques - $236 Morris Ellie Pilberg & Ruth Glicksmann Pilberg Holocaust Memorial Fund Michael Asher Speaker Fund Bikkur Cholim Fund Rabbi's Tzedakah Fund Cantor's Music Fund The Harry Hirschberg Music Fund Sponsor an Oneg Shabbat Please send information and simchas to [email protected] or Temple Members in Good Standing: If you wish to borrow the linen tablecloths for any event that you are having at the Temple, please contact the Temple office. All borrowed cloths must be returned no later than the Wednesday after your event and must be returned cleaned. (Either washed and folded or dry cleaned.) 4 MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 7:36pm Shabbat Hallelu 7:30pm Teacher & Staff Appreciation Sisterhood Scholarship Presentation 3 4 Torah School Bake Sale 5 Sisterhood/WRJ Board Meeting 7:00 PM MAC 9-11am Rabbi Search Committee Meeting 7:00pm 2 Brett Laderman Bar Mitzvah 10am Dine Around 6pm Acharei-Kedoshim 6 7 8 9 Torah Academy & Academy Plus 6:30 - 8:00 PM Executive Board Meeting 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8pm Kylie Balentine Bat Mitzvah 9:30am BETY Meeting Blood Drive 8-12:30 Choir 7:30-9pm Special Sundays LAG BA’OMER 7:43pm 10 11 No Torah School Emor 12 13 14 15 16 Torah School 4:00 PM Last Day Torah School Academy Membership Meeting 7:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat 8pm Choir will sing Melissa Dantico Bat Mitzvah 10am Choir 7:30-9pm MOTHERS DAY 17 7:50pm 18 Last Day Torah School MAC Curb Appeal 19 20 21 22 23 Rabbi Loeb Course 7:30 PM - 9:00 PM Sisterhood/WRJ Torah Study Led by Sherree KaneGraber 7:00 - 8:00 PM Hadassah 12 noon Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 PM Shavuot & Celebration of Jews by Choice Temple Office closes at 12 noon No Mentsch Makers Tyler Markowtiz Bar Mitzvah 10am Kiddush Lunch to follow 29 30 Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 pm Shabbat Walk With Rabbi Loeb 9:45am Special Sundays Annual Congregational Meeting 7:30 pm YOM YERUSHALAYIM 24 SHAVUOT Confirmation Service with Yizkor 10am 31 Lunch follows Israel Parade 25 26 Temple Office Closed SHAVUOT Behar-Bechukotai 27 Choir 7:30-9:00 PM 28 8:03pm Bamidbar EREV SHAVUOT Naso 5 RABBINIC THOUGHTS A MARVELOUS MAY: Jews by Choice & Jews Making Choices! WHAT MAKES A CONGREGATION? WHO MAKES A CONGREGATION? YOU MAKE THIS CONGREGATION! Congregations are PEOPLE! Working together. Learning together. Celebrating together. Supporting each other. Growing together. Praying together. Making friends. Challenging each other positively. Believing in each other. Building together. Caring about the Jewish people – past, present and future! That’s what we do. That’s WHO we are! This month, it’s time to come together, as we do each year, to make decisions about this congregation of ours. The Annual Congregational Meeting is set for Thursday, May 21st at 7:30pm. There will be a slate of officers to vote on. A review of this past year’s activities. A budget to discuss and vote on… and an update about the search for a new rabbi! Come and help make our congregation strong! Shavuot: Celebrating Jews by Choice! Friday, May 22 at 8pm This Spring I was honored to help welcome six new Jews into our People! Several of the younger ones were not quite “new” - they’ve been raised all their lives as Jews, coming to the mikvah now to confirm their status under Jewish Law. But when the two adults spoke of their own lives and the choices and journeys that brought them to that place on that day, all of us members of the Beit Din were deeply moved. After all, we “Jews by Birth” take this all so much for granted. Often we are even ambivalent about this heritage…unsure about what it means and how we might live it… The book that tradition associates with Shavuot is Ruth. We read of her journey to tie her destiny to that of our people and the powerful result of her “choice” – she is the ancestor of King David! This year, on the Shabbat before the Festival we invite all those in our congregation who have “chosen” Judaism to come and share their story with us. I know it will be a moving and memorable evening! The ISRAEL PARADE – Sunday, May 31st! It has been a hard year for Israel… So how do we show our solidarity with our Jewish State? How might we show our support for a progressive, peaceful Israel? Come and March with our temple contingent in the annual parade in NYC! Watch your e-mail for further information and then sign-up to join in the fun! I look forward to marching with you! L’Shalom, Rabbi Garry Loeb 6 SHAVUOT Confirmation Class of 2015/5775 Jake Briganti Miranda Feeley Nathan Greco Josh Manheim Steven Schechtel David Weber Sunday, May 24, 2015 6 Sivan 5775 10:00 am MAZEL TOV 7 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Diary, It’s been so long since I’ve last written! Things at the temple are busy as usual! Torah School is coming to the end of the school year and what a great year it’s been. Jason and the Torah School committee have worked so hard on so many areas of Torah School including fundraising, curriculum and communication. Hooray! Mentsch Makers is winding down also but gearing up for their summer programs! Carol and her team deserve a big hand for another great year of pre-school! Come honor all of our teachers on May 1st at Teacher Appreciation Shabbat and see what a great team they are! Membership and Ritual - 2 great committees that are vital to our Temple worked hard this year as well. Diary, it seems that we may be in need of more committee members and even committee chairs for those committees. Lenny, Marty and Linda are moving into other areas of Temple life and we will need a few new energetic people with fresh ideas to step into those roles. But, in the meantime, diary, let me say what a great job they did!! Another big hand goes to Jerry and Sharon Goldberg for this year’s successful Shalach Manot fundraiser!! Diary, we could certainly use more people like the Goldbergs to raise funds for our Temple…hint hint. Sisterhood/WRJ has done so much this year, the highlight being the beautiful renovation of our social hall, and they will be welcoming in new co-presidents. Bravo to Sandy Sussman and Wendy Balentine for all they’ve done! And keeping with the WRJ custom, a scholarship will be awarded to a deserving high school senior on May 1st. Join us for this special erev Shabbat service and congratulate the winner. MAC had a busy year with events including discussions, the popular football pool fundraiser and much more. Thanks to Rob Lipkin and all the MAC members for always willing to help! Did you hear the big news, diary?? Rabbi Loeb has decided to retire! There’s so much to say about this, I don’t know where to begin! What a spectacular run we’ve had for 30 years and how much he will be missed!! At least we have the honor of his presence for another year and 2 months. Did you know a committee was formed to search for our next rabbi? We don’t say Rabbi Loeb’s replacement because that would be so unfair to the new rabbi. Who could replace him? And no one wants to replace him. The committee is searching for a rabbi to make his or her mark on our Temple. Maybe we’ll be lucky enough again to have someone stay for many years like Rabbi Loeb did, but he or she will have to prove to be the right fit for our extraordinary congregation. Diary, I know I’ve said this before, but there are so many ways to help in the Temple and volunteering is such an important part of Temple life. To keep dues from going up too high, congregants NEED to give of their time throughout the year. Whether you serve on a committee, help out with 1 or 2 events, or take a board position, your help is vital. Hopefully we’ll be able to be more specific as to where your help is needed shortly. But for now, think about what you can do for your Temple! Lastly diary, it would be great to see many or ALL of our congregants at our upcoming Annual Congregational Meeting on Thursday, May 21st. If you do nothing else (in May) please attend this important meeting. This is where you find out what’s been accomplished over the past year and what important decisions need to be made for the upcoming year. And, diary, it’s my final BIG meeting as president, so I may bring in some bubbly to celebrate!! B’shalom Beth Glass 8 MENTSCH MAKERS Spring has finally sprung!! Our classes are enjoying the beautiful weather and play time in our playground. What fun we are having sliding down slides, crawling through tunnels, climbing, running, playing basketball and riding bikes. With less then 2 months left to the school year, our classes are very busy learning and experiencing new and exciting themes. All of our classes have learned the story of Passover and many new as well as “older” favorite songs. We ate matzah with butter , jelly and cream cheese and created many wonderful crafts. In addition to learning about Pesach, our PLUS classes have completed units on animal life, pond life, all about me, dinosaurs and are now completing their unit on Eric Carle and then will explore the 5 senses. Our 4’s are more than ¾ of the way through their alphabet chart with lots of exploration still to come. We will shortly be learning bus safety through Buster the Bus and we will ride a school bus to the kindergarten center for a tour. Our Ima class, 2’s and 3’s learned about “March coming in like a lion and out like a lamb” along with “April showers bring May flowers!!” We just can’t forget about those wonderful Mother’s Day projects that are being created by all of the children – talk about memories!! This year, our Mentsches have enjoyed staying at school for a variety of Enrichment Classes which included phonics, stay & play, kinder cooking, rock & roll, arts & crafts, a taste of the 4’s and reading readiness. Registration is on-going for the 2015-16 school year and classes have been filling ver y quickly. Exciting news - our Ima and Me class, our mommy/daddy/caretaker playgroup will continue enrolling children from 6 months thru 2 years of age and will once again be held on Wednesday mornings. In addition, this class will again be offered in 5 week blocks. Sign up for as many sessions as you would like to attend. Our All by Myself class has extended hours – we are continuing to offer this class with our regular preschool hours beginning in September. Mentsch Makers in the Summertime will be star ting on Monday, J une 22nd for six weeks of fun. You may choose from our 3 or 4 day a week option!! And…. for our little mentsches, Tiny Tots in the Summertime will begin on Tuesday, J une 23r d and meets on Tuesdays/Wednesdays/ Thursdays for 2 hours. If you are interested in visiting any of our programs, please contact us soon. We have been very busy giving out our beautiful brochure for Mentsch Makers which highlights the developmental approach and building block formation for our classes. All of our classes build upon the foundation laid in the earlier classes. Every one of our classes from Ima and Me through our 5 day Pre-K encourages and works on skills both individually as well as in a group setting. Children learn and grow their fine and gross motor skills; speech and language skills; alphabet recognition, formation and sounds; computer skills; comprehensive and exciting circle times; a challenging and engaging curriculum including, but not limited to, language development, math, art and literature, lessons on Jewish holidays and Shabbat, and indoor/outdoor playtime. Teachers are always available to conference with parents throughout the year. Mentsch Makers Pre-School has an excellent reputation within the Orange County School districts. Our children are very well prepared for future learning, both secular and Jewishly. If you should know of any children of pre-school age, please invite them to visit Mentsch Makers. We look forward to welcoming many more mentsches and their families. Wishing you and your families a very beautiful spring. B’Shalom, Carol Berman Director 9 Mentsch Makers Preschool is now registering for the 2015-16 School Year Classes from 6 months - 5 years Forms are in temple office & lobby Please contact Carol Berman, director with any questions 845-783-2626 Mentsch Makers is now registering for Tiny Tots in the Summertime & Mentsch Makers in the Summertime 6 week programs for children from 2-5 Forms are in temple office & lobby Please contact Carol Berman, director with any questions 845-783-2626 10 Mentsch Makers in the Summertime is looking for H.S. volunteers to assist in our summer programs. You can receive credit towards your comprehensive diploma If you are over 15 years of age and would like to have a great 6 weeks, with children between 2-5 years of age in our temple setting, from 9:30am - 1:00pm; Start after regents and end July 30 on Mondays - Thursdays Please contact Carol Berman 783-2626x15 or [email protected] for more information MONROE TEMPLE BLOOD DRIVE Sunday, May 3rd 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the Temple Social Hall WALK INS WELCOME 11 SISTERHOOD “Tis” finally May; with the flowers that bloom in the Spring—“tra-la.” And boy are we ever ready for flowers and Spring! To try to push the season Sisterhood had a “Spring Celebration Bazaar on March 15 th. It was a festive occasion with 18 paid vendors plus a beautiful and bountiful display of Passover items at our Judaica table and delicacies to savor at Rob Lipkin’s (Kitchen Caravan) table. Thanks to Carol Nirenberg and her committee for this event. The ancient custom of counting the Omer takes us from the second night of Passover and continues for 49 days until the Festival of Shavuot (this year May 24th.) This period is a time of study and introspection leading up to the giving of the Ten Commandments at Mt. Sinai. Shavuot is known by many aliases—Yom ha- Bikkurim, Festival of the First Fruits; Hag ha Katzir, Festival of the Harvest; Zeman Mattan Torahtenu, the Time of Giving of our Torah. In connection with Torah study, we again thank our Program V.P., Carol Nirenberg, for arranging our Torah study programs with Sherree Kane Graber, Rabbinic Intern and High Holyday Cantor. The February and March programs were thoughtful and informative. We look forward to more programs by Sherree. And speaking of a harvest and the fruit we bear, we, in the Temple and Sisterhood, wish to encourage leadership and scholarship in our offspring. So, once again, thanks to Carol Nirenberg, our Scholarship Chair, Sisterhood is proud to announce that Elana Lipkin, daughter of Illisa and Rob Lipkin is the winner of this year’s $1,000 Sisterhood Scholarship. Elana will be pr esented with her Scholar ship at the Fr iday evening Ser vice on May 1st. Work goes on in sowing our seeds for the fall harvest. We want to thank the Nomination Committee of Harriet Bauer, Lois Klipper, Lisa Sternberg, Shelly Sherman, Shelley Silberlicht and Tammy Sabat for working so diligently in preparing a wonderful slate of officers for next year. That slate will be sent to you shortly. Our treasurer, Beth Cook and the Budget Committee is hard at work preparing the budget for the new fiscal year, which will also be sent out shortly. Please join us on Monday, June 8th at 7:30 pm for the Sisterhood/WRJ Annual Meeting at which time we will vote on the new slate and budget. V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N B-O-N-A-N-Z-A comes our way on Saturday, June 20th. Let’s give Shelley and Al Silberlicht a r oyal sendoff with the best Vacation Bonanza ever . Sister hood/WRJ hopes to continue renovations in the social hall, including replacing ceiling tiles and refinishing the hardwood floor. The Sisterhood/WRJ membership directory is now on the temple website. To save the postage, the booklet will not be sent by mail. The password for the directory is WRJ2015. Do consider joining if you are not yet a member. Please check Facebook; Week-at-A-Glance, Bima notes for any program changes or additions. Don’t hesitate to call us if you need any further information. B’Shalom, Sandy Sussman Sarah bat Moshe v’Tova [email protected] Wendy Balentine Eliana Ruth bat Avraham v’Sarah [email protected] 12 13 MEN’S ACTION CLUB Shalom Spring has FINALLY SPRUNG!!!! MAC has had a very busy start to spring and it will only continue. Any Temple Member in good standing that has a High School Senior boy who is graduating this Spring, applications and information on our 2015 Scholarship are available. For more information contact Herb Simon The Monroe Temple Men's Action Club Men's Heath Speaker Series finally kicked off in April with Dr Steven Rowe speaking on Urology and Prostate Health. We continue in May with May 3rd being our second installment with Dr Eric Barbanel speaking on Cardiology and General Men's Health. The speaker series will be taking place on Sundays at 9:15 in the Temple Library. We hope to have a few more in the series keep checking back for future dates and topics. We hope to be having our long awaited book discussion with Kostya Kennedy and his book on Pete Rose in the Spring, as well as our continued Wine and Spirits series. Mark your calendars... MAC Spring Clean up is coming May 17th. MAC has joined the Social Media Wave. We have a Face Book Page. Please friend us/like us at Monroe Temple Mens' Action Club (yes the ' is after the s for the Facebook Page.) The page is coming together nicely and is updated regularly so friend us and keep up to date on all the MAC Happenings!!!!! B'Shalom Robert [email protected] The 2015 Entertainment Books are on sale in the lobby every Sunday there is Torah School. The price is the same as last year, $25.00. If you want a book and are unable to make it to the Temple on a Sunday, contact Larry Migdel at 782-6557 The Temple Cemetery Committee is looking for new members. Our committee provides a service to Temple members, as well as other segments of the Jewish community. We work in conjunction with Cedar Hill Cemetery, and the process of securing a grave is not a difficult one to learn. It is a rewarding experience to help people through this often difficult process, and it is one that is not overwhelmingly demanding on your time. Please consider joining us. Dale Zuckerman Committee Chairperson 14 Monroe Temple Beth El Men's Action Club 314 North Main Street Monroe, New York 10950 Membership Application 2014/2015 Name:____________________________ Address:_______________________________ ________________________________ Phone:____________________Mobile/Home Email:______________________ Year Joined Monroe Temple:___________ ***************************************************************************** Membership Dues (Circle One) (First year Temple Members Dues are Free Make Checks out to Monroe Temple Men's Action Club) Abraham $18.00 Moses $36.00 ****************************************************************************** Areas of Interest (Check all that apply) Wine/Spirit Tastings_____ Book Discussions_____ Picnics/BBQ's_______ Sukkah Building______ Sporting Events_______ Golf Outings_______ Movie Nights _____ Curb Appeal_______ Purim Carnival______ Festival of Flavors______ Scholarship Committee_____ Capital Improvements of Synagogue_____ Other (please list)_______ 15 MEN’S ACTION CLUB - 2015 SCHOLARSHIP The Men’s Action Club of Monroe Temple Beth El invites you to apply for its second annual $750 scholarship. This scholarship will be presented to a young gentleman who is planning on pursuing higher education and is the son/under the guardianship of a Monroe Temple congregant (in good standing). You will need to submit this completed ‘information’ sheet and an essay. The essay should be 450 500 words and please use Calibri, 12-point font (one inch margins). The essay should detail your involvement in the Monroe Temple and other Jewish activities/experiences you have had. The essay should include your extracurricular activities (school, community, etc.) and describe what your contributions were and what you learned by participating (what you ‘got out of it’). The essay should ‘paint a picture’ of who you are and what you hope to accomplish. DO NOT put your name on the essay. The essays will be reviewed by a three-person panel and a scholarship recipient will be chosen. The scholarship will be awarded at a Shabbat service in June. Please put this information sheet and your essay in an envelope marked “MAC Scholarship” and drop it off at the Temple Office. There is a spot for Men’s Club mail behind the door as you walk into the Temple’s office. All information sheets/essays must be received by close of business, Monday, 18-May-2015. Any questions, please e-mail Herb Simon: [email protected]. Name of Applicant: _______________________________________________________ Applicant’s e-mail: _______________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s Full Name : ___________________________________________ Parent/Guardian’s e-mail: ________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone: ____________________________________________ References (please provide two non-relatives): 1. __________________________________________________________________________ Name & phone number (e-mail if you have) 2. __________________________________________________________________________ Name & phone number (e-mail if you have) **Please remember DO NOT put your name on the essay** 16 Vacation At Bonanza 2015. Monroe Temple on Saturday, June 20th at 8:30 PM. Come join us as we draw for the many winners of entertainment related prizes throughout the night. Last year we had 50 winners! A special invitation is extended to all new congregants who joined our Temple this year. A major fundraiser, presented by the Monroe Temple Sisterhood/Women of Reform Judaism. This annual event enables us to satisfy our yearly $5,000.00 Pledge to Monroe Temple, purchase equipment or furnishings for our Temple, provide programs, create a scholarship, assist with campership, and make donations to worthy causes. The bulk of the funds we raise this year will go to “Phase #3” of our Social Hall renovation. (Phase # 1 was the purchase of 200 new chairs, Phase #2 included painting of the Social Hall and the purchase of Draperies and Pleated Shades). If you want further information or if you want to reserve “lucky” ticket numbers, please call Shelley Silberlicht, 782-7520. Oh, you will love our “Do-it-Yourself” Ice Cream Sundae Bar, Fruit Platters, and fabulous Desserts from Carousel Cakes of Nanuet, back by popular demand. No, you don’t have to be present to win. Baby Sal (Orange County’s #1 DJ) will be with us again to play anything you want to hear. Our Grand Prize will be a 1 Week Vacation for 2 in Las Vegas (including Hotel & Airfare) or $1,000.00 in cash. Last year’s winners were Erin & Darrin Cross. Now is the time we can really use your help by buying and/or selling 1 or more tickets. Tickets will be sent in the mail to the entire congregation in May. A reminder, casual attire is a must at this great night of fun & excitement. No, we haven’t changed, our admission price is still the same: 1-$25 Raffle Ticket Per Couple. Zagat And gives this “fun-raiser” its highest rating – “5 Stars”. please join us as we celebrate our 28th Anniversary of Vacation Bonanza. 17 MONROE TEMPLE SISTERHOOD WOMEN OF REFORM JUDAISM cordially invites you to attend the 28th Anniversary Celebration of our biggest fundraiser of the year “VACATION BONANZA” Saturday, June 20 8:30 PM Monroe Temple GRAND PRIZE: FABULOUS 1 WEEK VACATION FOR 2 MONTE CARLO RESORT & CASINO, LAS VEGAS (Located Between the Bellagio & Caesar’s Palace) (Including Airfare, Transfers & Taxes) Arranged by Total Travel, Monroe, New York or $1,000.00 IN CASH Additional Prizes: Jets Football Box Seats Hudson River Cruises on the Pride of the Hudson Gift Certificates: Allan’s Falafels, Bagel World, Bella Luna, Blooming Hill Organic Farm, Captain’s Table, Cosimo’s, Fusion, La Vera Cucina, Lakeside Steakhouse, Lobster Pier, Positano, Rambler’s Rest, Salads & Such, Tre Angelina Plus Many More Prizes Watch for Our Next Flyer Musical Entertainment by DJ Baby Sal Ice Cream Sundae Bar-Fruit Platters-Cakes by Carousel Admission: 1 - $25 Raffle Ticket Per Couple Ticket Holders Need Not Be Present To Win Call Shelley Silberlicht, 782-7520 for further information or to reserve a lucky ticket number *Tickets will be sent in the mail during the month of May* 18 MAZEL TOV TO OUR B’NAI MITZAH The congregation is encouraged to attend the Shacharit services when our B’nai Mitzvah students are called to the Torah. BRETT LADERMAN Son of Amye and David Laderman Bar Mitzvah date May 2, 2015 The name of Torah Portion is Kedoshim. My Torah Portion is about the Holiness Code, the Commandments, and doing mitzvot. My Bar Mitzvah project is all about doing mitzvot. I am performing violin concerts at Sunrise Assisted Living in New City, NY. I am also tutoring a Third Grader at Torah School and a Middle School student at Monroe Woodbury Middle School. My hobbies and interests include baseball, soccer, violin, singing, acting, and playing chess. My current career goal is to become a Baseball Statistician. KYLIE YANTING BALENTINE Hebrew name: Ner Shirah Daughter of Wendy and Douglas Balentine Bat Mitzvah date May 9, 2015 I can't believe I'm about to celebrate my Bat Mitzvah! I am a 7th grade, A Honor Roll student at the Monroe Woodbury Middle School and play viola in the Chamber Orchestra. My hobbies are skiing; sailing; rock climbing; reading and writing fan fictions; zentangle and drawing anime. This summer I will be a camper at Camp Eisner for the second time (can't wait!). I also enjoy caring for my pets - 3 cats and a dog. I am a cadette in Girl Scouts, Heart-of-the Hudson, Troop 278. For my mitzvah project, I worked for and did fundraising for "Artworks, The Naomi Cohain Foundation," located in Englewood, NJ. This Foundation provides art supplies in hospitals for children with chronic disabilities or with serious illnesses who require long-term treatment. I raised money for art supplies by making mitzvah bracelets from flip-tops off of soda cans and cat food cans. My mom and I collected many soda and beverage cans from streets, parks and the woods. We washed the flip-tops and recycled the cans. All the sale proceeds went to "Artworks." I also made pink bracelets for breast cancer awareness back in October. The funds raised from those sales went to the American Cancer Society. TYLER MARKOWITZ Hebrew name: Doron Hesh Son of Denise and Matthew Markowitz Bar Mitzvah date May 23, 2015 I live in Warwick and I am in 7th grade at Warwick Middle School. I play the trumpet in the band. I play baseball in Little League and I ski. I have a weird sense of humor and I like to listen to parody songs and watch funny videos on You Tube and other internet sites. Lately, I have been interested in watching really bad movies because I think they are hysterical. I like magic and I spend a lot of time working on my card tricks. I want to be a scientist chef because I have an interest in food and science. For my Mitzvah Project, I have been going to the warehouse of the Hudson Valley Food Bank, where I have worked sorting donated foods into 50lb boxes that are sent out to the food pantries all over Orange County. I will also be collecting non-perishable food at my Bar Mitzvah which I will deliver to the Warwick Ecumenical Council Food Pantry. 19 20 GIFTS GIFTS OF OF LOVE LOVE To Andrea & Carl Gold and Family in memory of Miriam Malchick Mildred Glogower To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of Charlene Hirschberg’s sister-in-law To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of Andrea To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of Gold’s mother, Miriam Malchick Steve Newman’s mother, Ida “Irene” Newman To the Bikkur Cholim Fund wishing Gail Rivkin-Green To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of a speedy recovery Julie Smallman’s mother, Glorya Covel Smith Larry & Carol Berman Bonnie Goldmacher A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Dr. Richard Birnbaum To The Bikkur Cholim Committee with thanks for all of their good work! To Julie Smallman and Family in memory of Glorya Covel Smith Dr. Joseph & Joan Birnbaum To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of Max Altheim Drs. Carl & Andrea Gold To Jon Shafran with thanks for his kindness To Linda Schwartz with thanks for her kindness Barbara Higens-Shafer To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of Andrea Gold’s mother, Miriam Malchick To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of Steve Newman’s mother, Ida “Irene” Newman To the Harry Hirschberg Music Fund in memory of To Jackie & Rick Emanuel in honor of their son, Glorya Covel Smith to Julie Smallman Cory’s engagement to Sarah Altwerger Charlene Hirschberg Jeanne & Henry Cohen A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Arlene Isseks A Yahrzeit donation to the Bikkur Cholim Fund in Michael & Lisa Isseks memory of Bernie & Bertha Eisenberg Roslyn D'Onofrio To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Malchick To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida Covel Smith “Irene” Newman Eileen Duffy Cecille & David Jones To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Malchick Stephen & Shelley Block To Steven & Leslie Maier in memory of Martha Maier A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Arnold Taub To Sandra & Peter Keltai in honor of the marriage of Bonnie Katz their son, Jonathan to Heather Dr. Harvey & Arlene Feldman To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya Covel Smith To Steven Maier in memory of his mother, Martha Leonard & Linda Keitel Maier Eugene & Mary Ann Hagan To Joan Birnbaum for her return to good health Adele Kibrick A Yahrzeit donation in loving memory of Max Flamholtz A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Robert Klipper Michael & Karen Flamholtz To the Torah School Scholarship Fund in memory of Glorya Covel Smith To Joe Birnbaum in honor of his recognition by The Lois Klipper Jewish Federation To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Covel Smith Malchick Steven & Linda Friedman Dr. Fred & Lorraine Kneller 21 GIFTS GIFTS OF OF LOVE LOVE To the Lederman Family in memory of Michele Lederman Briana Lederman A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Abraham Schulman To Rick & Jackie Emanuel in honor of their son, Cory’s engagement to Sarah Altwerger To Bonnie Goldmacher in honor of the marriage of her daughter, Amy to Joe Yaker To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya Covel Smith Abraham & Harriet Lefkowitz A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Isadore Rabinowitz Martin & Maria Rabinowitz To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman Leonard & Pamela Reiss With thanks and appreciation to everyone at our Temple for all the care and help we have given to her daughter, Gail Rivkin-Green. Sydell Rivkin Best Wishes to Leonard Rosenfeld and for his return to good health The Rosenfeld, Pupps and Gamzon Families To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Malchick To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman Scott & Dr. Stacey Rosmarin To Steven & Leslie Maier in memory of Martha Maier To Joan Birnbaum with wishes for a speedy recovery To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of Stacy & Stu Covel Smith Lulkin’s father, Irv David & Marjorie Levinson To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in honor of Ellen & Milton Pincus’ 60th wedding anniversary To Gail Rivkin Green wishing her refuach shelemah Gary Shachter & Marjorie Faber To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Malchick To the Bikkur Cholim Fund to Steven & Leslie Maier in David & Pam Levine memory of Martha Maier Shirley Shapiro A donation to the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of Martha Maier To Gail Rivkin-Green with best wishes for a complete Steven & Leslie Maier & speedy recovery To Julie Smallman and Family in memory of Glorya To Julie Smallman and Family in memory of Glorya Covel Smith Covel Smith Scott & Shelly Sherman Margaret Meth and Family To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman “Irene” Newman To Gail Rivkin Green wishing her a speedy recovery Larry & Meryl Migdel To Pam & Len Reiss in honor of the engagement of their son Bradley to Kathleen Raulli. To the Bikkur Cholim Fund to David Malchick in loving To Andrea Gold in memory of her mother, Miriam Malmemory of his beloved wife, Miriam chick To Sandra & Peter Keltai in honor of the marriage of To Joan Birnbaum for her complete return to good their son, Jonathan to Heather health To Sandy Keltai with wishes for her speedy recovery To Sandra Keltai for her speedy recovery To Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya Al & Shelley Silberlicht Covel Smith To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida To Gail Rivkin Green wishing her a speedy recovery “Irene” Newman To Bikkur Cholim Fund wishing Joan Birnbaum a Irving & Ellen Newman speedy recovery Herbert & Lisa Simon To Pam & Len Reiss in honor of the engagement of their son, Bradley to Kathleen Raulli Dr. Todd & Ellen Punim 22 GIFTS OF LOVE To Mike Semel & Sharon Warantz in memory of Dorothy Semel In memory of Brian Inkeles, Retired MW Spanish Teacher To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of John Tamasik, well respected teacher at MWHS Dr. Glorya Covel Smith To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman Fred & Marcia Stern A Yahrzeit donation in loving memory of Alan Tabakman Linda Tabakman To Larry Gilbert for his good health and speedy recovery To Gary Waschitz for his good health and speedy recovery To Steve Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman Paul & Betsy Utnick A Yahrzeit donation in memory of Willie Schenkler Pearl Wiener To the Bikkur Cholim Fund in memory of Andrea Gold’s mother, Miriam Malchick To the Bikkur Cholim Fund with celebration for Sandra & Peter Keltai on the marriage of their son, Jonathan to Heather To the Bikkur Cholim Fund with love and best wishes to Sandra Keltai to feel fabulous soon! Barbara Zerner PRAYERBOOK DONATIONS: One Torah Commentary to Julie Smallman in memory of Glorya Covel Smith donated by The Bikkur Cholim Committee MAZEL TOV TO: Peter & Sandra Keltai on the marriage of their son, Jonathan David to Heather Brittany daughter of Evan & Faith Forman TREES PLANTED IN ISRAEL One tree to Bruce Koslow in memory of Linda Mintz donated by Joe & Joan Birnbaum One tree to Andrea Gold in loving memory of her beloved mother, Miriam Malchick donated by Ellen & Irv Newman and Family Two trees in memory of Jerome Rubin donated by Nina Rubin One Tree in memory of Rita & Eugene McGuinness donated by Ann McGuinness One Tree to Andrea Gold in memory of her beloved mother, Miriam Malchick donated by Jerome and Olga Schwartz One Tree to the Family of Vicki Whiteman in memory of Dale Leon Rush donated by Joan Turco & Isidro Rangel One Tree to Denise Hayes in memory of Harold Effron donated by Marty & Mindy Teich One tree to Steven Newman in memory of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman donated by Maris & Kevin Tuite and Family One tree to Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya Covel Smith donated by Larry & Meryl Migdel One tree to Julie Smallman in memory of her mother, Glorya Covel Smith donated by Shelley & Al Silberlicht CONDOLENCES TO: Andrea Gold on the loss of her mother, Miriam Malchick Steven Newman on the loss of his mother, Ida “Irene” Newman The Family of Glorya Covel Smith on her passing Edna Rosenfeld on the loss of her husband Leonard Rosenfeld Maris Gamzon on the loss of her grandfather, Leonard Rosenfeld 23 Yahrzeits Friday 5/1/2015 Myra Friedman Irving Rosenberg Rose Eisenberg Daniel Fink William Manny Pressman Pearl Milliren Dr. Stanley Sussman Estelle Karp Forman David Bryan Henry Rapp Sol Utnick David Bryan Morris Frohlich Betty Leeds David Rothenberg David Yohalem Hy Rothman Shendel Shapochnik Betty Morse Sam Solomon Milton Mitchell Sam Israelski Lou Weiner Louis Werbin Edna Birnbaum Rita Utnick Herbert Falk Ethel Moroknek Abraham Barron Rose Kreiner Henry Rotblit Friday 5/8/2015 Nathan Kornreich Molly Rosenshein Morris Eisenberg Anna Heimowitz Saul Hendler Esther Eisenberg Benjamin Dembeck Henry Fowdem Leon Kapelsohn Joseph Jaffe Martin Turoff Israel Spellun Paul J. Rifkin Nettie Weiss Philip Singer Murray W. Krasnoff Abraham Kaplan Louis Arnstein Bettie Rifkin Max Strenger Louis Fabricant Mary W. Zaduk Ahuva Heublum Philip Belsky Kay Oppenheimer Friday 5/15/2015 Regina Swerdlik Milton Miller William Kaiser Chana Karter Glucksman David Block Jane Zendman Morris Fishkin Paula Ronai Sadie Barron Joseph Zeiger Samuel Friedfel Yetta Mogie Schenkler Josephine Blatman Anna Rotblit Zelda Markowitz Morris Diamond Richard Karp Allan Strauss Alexander Russell Kirkwood Helen Krawet Stuart Krulewich Nathan Leiman Isadore Siskin Victor Bengis Honorable Nathan R. Sobel Benjamin Poretsky Millie Filer Ray Taylor DeBergh Tanya Harawitz Mourner’s Kaddish Eileen Pollack Arnold Hirsch Jan Rothstein Abraham Schwartz Isidore Keitel Sol & Howard Brotman Martin Frankel Harry Jacobson Mel Merians Esther Taub Zich-ro-no/Zich-ro-na li-ve-ra-cha. May his/her 24 Yahrzeits Gerd Heine Friday 5/29/2015 Hannah Schalet Deborah Levy Sophie Kellman Rose Strenger Walter Kaufman Max Kornish Morris Ader Francine Mostow Claire Eisenberg Edna Polin Phil Gerber William Kowitz Laura Weinberg David Riegelhaupt Richard Belli Bertram Kibrick Theodore Davidson Rose Martin Helen Siegel Friday 5/22/2015 Rochelle Goldberg Diane Haberman Milton Friedman Sidney Friedman Nettie Ryter Stephan Weinerman Evelyn Finkelstein Ann Engle Sara Schnur Sari Herman Doris Jacoby Joseph Kaplan Sylvia Greenstein Anita Cohen Max Schnur Gertrude Appleman Morris Kreiner Ben Stolar Milford Pastrich Leo Siedler Shirley Glick Harry Kaplan Sally F. Berman Gertrude Males Myra Sternberg Penny Linda Godnick Harry Glick Yetta Meyer Samuel Brenner David William Nelson Benjamin Golden Fay Ribak To my Temple Family, Thank you for your many gifts of love, donations of trees , cards and kind words of condolence upon the passing of my mother Ida (Irene) Newman. Your words and generosity has been a comfort to me during this sad and difficult time and your kindness and concern has been greatly appreciated. Thank you, Sincerely, Steven Newman and family. Joseph Goldish Mourner’s Kaddish Sarah Goldstein Zich-ro-no/Zich-ro-na li-ve-ra-cha. May his/her memory be for a blessing. 25 MOST INSURANCES ACCEPTED 26 27 MORTON M. MARSHAK REAL ESTATE, PERSONAL INJURY WILLS, BUSINESS AGREEMENTS, CORPORATIONS AND GENERAL PRACTICE 1 STAGE ROAD, MONROE NY 10950 782-8355 28 Irv Kadesh, Ph.D. N.Y.S. Licensed Psychologist Full Range of Clinical Services 20 Gilber t Street, Room 202 Monr oe, NY 10950 8 45-783-4278 29 30 475 State Rt. 17M, Monroe, NY 10950 845-782-5460 Phone 845-782-0845 Fax [email protected] 31 32 Attention Amazon Shoppers! Visit 1. Search for Monroe Temple 2. Choose it as your charity 3. Shop as usual and a percentage of your purchase will be donated to the temple. It’s that easy!! KOL BETH-EL Monroe Temple Beth-El 314 North Main Street Monroe, New York 10950
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