Bulletin #9 May 5, 2015 Dates to Remember… Friday, May 15

Principal: H. Wall ~ Head Teacher: H. Kimmie ~ Secretary: B. Walters
Safe  Welcome  Responsible
Bulletin #9
May 5, 2015
Dates to Remember…
Friday, May 15
Students dismissed at 2:10
Monday, May 18
Victoria Day – school closed
Wednesday, May 27 Community Thank You Event, 1:00 – 2:00 pm
Grade 7 Band Concert, 7 pm
Friday, May 29
Staff Appreciation Lunch
New kindergarten student orientation, 1:15 pm
Thursday, June 4
Sports Day – 12:30 pm dismissal
Friday, June 5
Professional Development Day – school closed
Friday, June 12
Talent Show Dress Rehearsal 1 pm, Evening Performance 7 pm
Tuesday, June 23
Grade 7 lunch & dance
Wednesday, June 24 Grade 7 School Leaving Ceremony, 10:30 – noon
Thursday, June 25
Students dismissed at 10:00. Report cards sent home.
*Please note, some dates may change. Please check future bulletins or the Morley website for updates.*
Being ‘Safe’ at Morley
Research shows that kids achieve their very best when they feel safe. At Morley, we work hard to create
an environment where students feel both physically and emotionally safe. This year, Morley students
brainstormed what being safe at school looks like, sounds like and feels like. A mix of responses from K – grade 7
students are:
What does ‘safe’ look like?
 keeping our hands and
feet to ourselves
 whole body listening
 being friendly, kind and
 picking up garbage
 observing what’s around us
 walking in the halls and
 following rules
What does ‘safe’ sound like?
 being calm
 doing our work
 nicely reminding
classmates of expected
 using respectful voices
 being careful
 using ‘level 3’ volume
 encouraging others
What does ‘safe’ feel like?
 proud
 responsible
 comfortable
 having friends to play with
 taking risks
 being careful
 calm
 love
 in control of my amygdala
As you can see, the students at Morley know a lot about being safe! Both in and out of the classroom,
students work on exercising self-control, treating each other with respect, and taking responsibility for their
actions and words. Safe behavior is emphasized and students are taught specific skills to identify their feelings,
self-regulate, and solve conflicts in peaceful and constructive ways. If your child is ever feeling unsafe, they are
encouraged to tell someone they trust. Please ask your child who they would talk to at school if not feeling safe.
Other ways we promote a safe school are through fire, earthquake, and other emergency
preparedness drills. We also work on developing Internet safety and personal safety skills, such as ‘talk, walk,
squawk’ if ever in an uncomfortable situation.
At Morley, we live by our motto of ‘safe, welcome and responsible’. Developing skills and knowledge
are the keys for keeping kids safe. The positive relationships with parents, the activities throughout the day, the
language we use, the interactions we have, and the culture we’ve created, all contribute to a safe Morley
community where students can take risks with their learning, and feel happy and excited to come to school.
Together, we can ensure Morley continues to be a ‘safe’ place for all to learn and grow.
Heather Kimmie – Head Teacher
Emergency Procedures
Burnaby School District and the Ministry of Education are in the process of drafting guidelines for all
schools so that in the event of any emergency schools are prepared to respond and recover quickly.
During any emergency, our first priority is the safety of our students and staff. In order to provide an
effective response to any community emergency, the Burnaby School District are developing emergency
response plans and practice drills that are conducted in our schools, throughout the year. Our emergency
plans are developed and adopted in consultation with the City of Burnaby, Burnaby RCMP and the Province of
BC. Practice helps students and staff prepare for a variety of possible emergency situations. The exercises and
drills also help to minimize fear so they can respond quickly during a real emergency.
The types of emergency procedures schools are currently required to practice include: fire, earthquake,
hold and secure/shelter in place and lockdown.
Hold and Secure; is used in response to security issues or threats outside of the school, usually a community
incident in proximity to the school. During a Hold and Secure all entrance doors to the school are locked and
no one is permitted in or out of the building. Students and staff can continue learning activities in classrooms,
with supervised access to hallways and common areas. If students and staff are outdoors, they are directed
back into the building.
Shelter in Place; is used during environmental emergency, severe storm, chemical spills or airborne hazards
(smoke due to a large fire etc.). Students and staff retreat to safe buildings to seek shelter. Students and staff
who are outdoors come into the school and doors and windows are shut.
Lockdown; is used in response to security issues directly impacting the school. During a Lockdown, doors with-in
the school are locked. Students and staff are to remain in their locked classrooms or designated areas, hidden
from view. Only law enforcement are permitted to enter the building during a Lockdown. If students and staff
are outdoors they do not return to the school, but evacuate to a designated area.
If you have any questions about our emergency procedures, feel free to contact me.
Mr. Wall(Principal)
Electronic Devices
Students should not bring electronic entertainment devices to school (iPods, Gameboys, etc.). Bringing cell
phones and using them any time between the start and end of the school day is discouraged as we do not
have lockable individual student lockers to prevent theft. The use of any electronic device at school must be
according to the school and district codes of conduct. No photos can be taken of students or staff without
permission from the principal and devices should not be used for accessing or posting to web sites. Teachers
determine the policies for devices used in their classrooms. The school will not be responsible for the theft or
breakage of any device brought to school.
Friday May 15 - 2:10 pm Early Dismissal
Students will be dismissed early on Friday, May 15 so that teachers can work on class-building information for
September 2015. This extra non-instructional time for teachers is based on a district-wide agreement with the
BTA on the allocation of prep time due to the two week Spring Break.
Two students from division 5, Zachary C. and Ljubica P., recently had their artwork selected for this year’s Arts
Alive 2015 exhibition at the Burnaby Art Gallery! It is being displayed at the art gallery until May 17. Click on the
link for the online exhibition, with a specific link for Morley. It shows all the participants artwork on the online
Second Term Effort Honour Roll
Congratulations to the following students who have made the Effort Honour Roll: Division 3: Rawnaq, Isabella,
Rafeel, Shalannah, Lawrence, Jane, Hana, Zahra, Nevena, Thanooshan, Caitlin, Daniel
2015-2016 School Year
The following Professional Development Days have been set for the 2015-2016 school year: September 25, 2015,
October 23, 2015, November 27, 2014, February 19, 2016, April 25, 2016, June 3, 2016.
Settlement Worker @ Morley
We have a new settlement worker at Morley. Her job is to help support newcomers with immediate settlement
needs and community connections including information on school, community and government resources,
assistance in filling out government forms; outreach to new immigrant families; information and counselling on
initial settlement. Souad Hage-Hassan is here at Morley every Friday from 8:30 – 4:00. If you have any questions,
please drop by her office (located at the end of the primary hallway between rooms 6 &7) or call her at 604760-3421.
Community Information
Burnaby Family Life Daycare
Burnaby Family Life is always looking for ways to meet the needs of the community. As an organization that
provides a range of child care programs across Burnaby we are wanting to know if there is a need for weekend
and occasional child care programs and it would be helpful if you could answer the following questions to help
us get a better understanding. It will take only a few minutes to complete this survey; it is anonymous and
confidential as your feedback will be entered directly into a database and information will be analyzed only as
the summary of all entered feedback. Please follow the link: Childcare Survey 2015 and use user name:
bfl.childcare with the password: Burnaby.2015 Thank you so much for your time and contribution.
Royal City Youth Soccer Club (RCYSC)
We offer 2 spring programs for ages 4-17. Sessions run once a week from mid-April to mid-June.
Details and registration are available online at www.rcysc.com
Play to Learn – Open Houses
Parents of 3-5 year olds are invited to attend any of the District’s FREE fun and interactive Play to Learn sessions
happening in April and May. Featuring children’s performer, Jane Cobb, you and your child will enjoy lots of
great learning activities, meet early childhood educators and health experts, learn about city of Burnaby library
and recreational programs and connect with the school community and other families.
May 20 @ Maywood Community School, 9:30 – 11:15 am
Family Games Nights
Raise a Reader by playing board games together! “Screen Free” week is coming up May 4-10. Drop in at the
following locations to play some of your favourite board games! For ages 5 and up. Parents and caregivers are
encouraged to join in the fun. No registration required.
Wednesday, May 6 – Cascade Heights Elementary, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Thursday, May 7 – Windsor Elementary, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Friday, May 8 – Forest Grove & Twelfth Avenue, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Thursday, May 14 – Stoney Creek Community School, 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Burnaby Camping Bureau
The Burnaby Camping Bureau provides subsidies for Burnaby children with low income the opportunity to
attend the summer camp of their choice. To qualify you must be a resident of Burnaby, have children aged
between 5 and 16 years and are low income but are NOT receiving income assistance. If you are on income
assistance, please apply for the Camp Fees program through the Ministry of Social Development. Registration
begins May 5. Families may phone to book appointments: 604-299-5778 or 604-292-3902. You will need the
following items when registering: C-Print (1-800-959-8281, press * to speak with an operator), proof of address,
child`s care card or birth certificate.
Bringing Outdoor Adventure to the Edmonds Area!
At the City of Burnaby we believe children should have the opportunity to learn and play outside which is why
we are introducing a brand new service in the Edmonds area. We are pleased to announce the launch of
Byrne Creek Outdoor Camp at Ron McLean Park. Campers between the ages of 6-12 years old will learn a
variety of outdoor skills and experience the excitement of archery, canoeing, outdoor cooking, shelter building
and natural crafts! Just like traditional outdoor camps, this program will run rain or shine and give children the
chance to appreciate the outdoors in all conditions. Monday – Friday, 9 am – 3 pm, $164.22. Please call 604297-4831.