Week 8 - North Morley Primary School

Volume 17
Dear Parents and Carers,
At North Morley Primary School,
there is a commitment to develop
and then maintain a “Culture of
Respect”. Therefore, every member
of our school community is
encouraged to “Choose Respect”.
To “Choose Respect” is to make a
conscious effort to:
 Treat others with Respect, no
matter how they treat you
 Treat yourself with Respect
 Forgive others who do not treat
you with respect
 Resist your natural desire to pay
back or take revenge
 Apologise when you do not treat
others with Respect
 Support others who are not being
treated with Respect
 Ask for support when others do
not treat you with Respect
For the past week we have had our
main computer system upgraded,
moving from 2 servers to 1. For the
school, this means better support for
our system.
We are hoping the upgrade will be
finished by Friday of this week.
Congratulations! You are practising
Commitment when you……………
 Think before you make a promise
 Keep every agreement you make
 Make decisions confidently
 Go the extra mile
 Give 100% to everything you do
 Are faithful to people you care
following students who will receive a
Merit Award at this Friday‟s assembly.
Sienna Nikolovski
Shaylah Evenor-Tulloch
Dylan Queenan
Year 1
Zain Albedary
Lucy Borshoff
Year 1/2 Kylie Heneghan
Sarah Van Siang Cer
Year 2
Jordan Herrington
Year 3
Krystal Ta
Year 4
Lachlan Tulloch
Samuel Tang
Sarah Featherstone
Johnson Le
Jacob Dickinson
Rhyleigh Cornock
Year 5
Year 6
Virtue Certificate recipients at this
Friday‟s assembly are:
Preprimary Razan Dridi
Lily Mollica
Year 1
Immanuel Shwe
Year 1/2
Aliya Srndic
Ilirjan Vila
Year 2
Praising Shwe
Nakita Tomich
Year 3
Indiana Lange
Year 4
Jayde McCuish
Piper Gage
Year 5
Jennifer Nguyen
Year 6
Ruby Pernice
The theme is PIRATES and the
assembly is being run by the year 6
class. All students are wearing an eye
patch for the assembly to raise
awareness and funds for Childhood
Cancer research. Please bring along
a gold coin donation.
Interschool sport is on again this
Friday 12 June. We will play football
and netball against West Morley at
West Morley. Games commence at
approximately 1:30 – 2:30. All games
will be played, regardless of the
weather. So, please pack a towel and
dry clothes on a rainy day.
Results from Friday 5 June
North Morley 6.5 (41)
Weld Square 7.6 (48)
Netball A:
North Morley 10
Weld Square 12
Netball B:
North Morley 3
Weld Square 11
This week:
 Friday 12 June
 Interschool Sport West
Morley v NM at West Morley
 Year 6 Assembly
 Pirate Fundraising Day
 Uniform Shop Open
Next week:
 Friday 19 June
 Interschool Sport
Morley v NM at Morley
It‟s battery recycling this Wednesday
(TOMORROW), and every second
Wednesday. Don‟t forget to recycle
those cans before school.
Lisa Gibson
ROLLERSKATING: Our next fundraising event will be at t he Morley Rollerdrome on Friday June
2 6 t h from 4 -6 pm. Friends and family are welcome t o join in. Wear fluro and win prizes! Ent ry fee
is $ 9 plus $ 3 hire fee. Please ment ion you are wit h Nort h Morley Primary.
ENTERTAINMENT BOOKS: We have already made $ 4 0 0 for our school t hrough t he sale of
Ent ert ainment books t his year. If you would st ill like t o purchase a copy visit
www.ent book.com.au/ 8 3 3 2 o1 or pop int o t he office. Digit al copies available.
TREE PLANTING: We are looking for t he former parent involved in plant ing t he t rees along Bunya
years ago t hat were cut down during t he const ruct ion of our new admin building. Next t erm we
are plant ing some new t rees on t he propert y and would like him t o be involved. If you have any
ideas who t his myst ery person could be, please see admin.
FACEBOOK: Our Facebook page is up and running wit h more members joining everyday. If you
would like t o join our online message board you can find us on Facebook at Nort h Morley Primary
School P&C. Please send in your permission slips grant ing us permission t o post phot os of your
children on t his privat e page. Alt ernat ively, If you do not want us t o post phot os of your child,
can you please ret urn t he slips or a not e st at ing „no phot os‟.
GARDEN CLUB: This Friday The cant een will be serving fresh lemonade free for t he whole school
from lemons grown in our schools veggie garden.
The West Aust ralian Newspaper is giving WA schools t he chance t o win a share in $ 2 0 ,0 0 0
t owards t heir schools wish list s. On Saturday June 1 3 , 2 0 and 2 7 , an ent ry coupon will appear
in The Weekend West . Please collect as many coupons as possible t hrough family and friends
for our chance t o win. Coupons can be left in t he labelled lock box in t he old admin building.
CANTEEN: Due t o our suppliers being out of st ock, t here will be no mac and cheese available in
t he cant een unt il we find an alt ernative supplier. We apologise for t he inconvenience.
SCHOOL BANKING There was a great improvement t o t he congest ion at banking last Thursday.
We would like everyone t o cont inue lining up out side of t he library unt il it is your t urn t o bank.
Thank you for your cooperat ion.
Robin Gage, P&C President