vendor packet July 18 th & August 15 th BAY MEADOWS PARK San Mateo, CA hello Thank you for your interest in becoming a part of the 2015 Movies in the Meadow Night Design Market. Our mission is to create an enduring summer series that celebrates creation, innovation and community on the mid-Peninsula and we hope you’ll consider joining this fun, family-friendly (and date-night!) event. In addition to the curated night design market, the event includes a street food market, games, music, a movie screening, picnic areas and a specialty beer + wine garden. The Night Design market is a place for consumers to shop, peruse and become aware of your work in an aesthetically-pleasing environment with like-minded brands and sponsors. Our estimated attendance this year is ~3000 people per night. We hope you and your business will be able to join us at one or both nights to benefit and contribute to the community. Please be in touch with any questions! Best, Jeannine Bennecourt Event Manager, Off the Grid Have a question? Email us at [email protected] log istics APPLICATION REQUIRED Because it is important to ensure a variety of market offerings for the success of our vendors, to ensure brand congruency, and to manage demand, participation in the night market is subject to acceptance of the following application. Once accepted, you will have 3 days to make payment or your placement will be nullified and offered to another participant. REGISTRATION DETAILS Spaces will be assigned on a first-paid basis. location The Movies in the Meadow Night Design market will be held at Bay Meadows Park, located at: 381 E. 28th Avenue, San Mateo, CA 94403. SET UP FOR BUSINESS/FOOD VENDORS & SPONSORS Event setup will be held on the day of the event from 1:00pm-3:30pm. The Event will be held from 5:30-11:00p. Event breakdown and loading of displays will take place from 10:30am-11:00pm. Any vendor arriving after 3:30p will NOT be allowed to participate. Please allow plenty of time to set up your shop. ENTERING THE MARKET SITE FOR LOAD-IN Loading area is located at Bay Meadows Park. Please unload your single vehicle quickly, park it, and then start working on your market space. A volunteer will greet you at either entrance to direct you to your assigned space. You will need to bring your own hand trolley and loading equipment. The market is not accessible via vehicle. PARKING Parking during the event will be provided at the San Mateo Events Center, which is located adjacent to the park. Vendor parking passes will be provided at check-in. YOUR MARKET SPACE We have very limited electrical power, so if possible, please bring your own. We will provide one (1) tent, one (1) 6ft table, and two (2) chairs. It is the responsibility of the vendor to bring and maintain whatever they need for the day— including linens, side walls, etc. Your shop must remain open for the duration of the event. All boxes and packaging must be properly concealed in vendor stalls. Displays cannot breach designated vendor space. You will be responsible for obtaining proper vendor permits and for collecting sales tax on all items sold or the proper food permits for health codes. Off the Grid will not assume responsibility for any damaged, lost, or stolen items. BREAKDOWN & CLEAN UP Event breakdown and loading of displays will take place from 10:00pm-11:00pm. You are responsible for cleaning your booth space after the event. The venue will be equipped with trash receptacles, however, if excessive trash is anticipated, you are expected to bring their own trash bags and dispose of them properly. Due to limited space and high volume of vendor applications, deposits will be non-refundable. Have a question? Email us at [email protected] D es i g n F o c u sed B ooth D isp lays One of the great things about the Movies in the Meadow Night Market is that you have the option to completely customize your vending space to create an unforgettable experience for shoppers. We encourage you to get creative and build out your space. Use the floor ( a well manicured park lawn), use the walls, use the rafter if need be. Please bring everything you need to build out your space with you. This includes tables, rolling racks, chairs, hooks for wall space, etc. To ensure design market consistency and our standards are met, we reserve the right to request changes or modifications to booth displays even after set up. To minimize this risk, we recommend sending your merchandising plans/concepts in advance (this is not required, just recommended for ease). Please take a look at the photos below to get a feel for past customizations and expectations for our vending partners. For more tips and ideas on effective booth displays, follow our Pinterest Page: Have a question? Email us at [email protected] ap p lication Now that you’ve read through the info, we invite you to apply to be part of this exciting event. Sign up online, email or mail to the addresses listed below. BOOTH DETAILS CONTACT NAME All booths are 10’ x 10’ and have MAILING ADDRESS a fee of $100.00. Let us know which date(s) you are PHONE interested in and which options you would like to add. E-MAIL July 18th DESCRIPTION OF COMPANY/PRODUCT OPTIONS Side Wall - $25.00 White Linen - $25.00 August 15th OPTIONS Side Wall - $25.00 White Linen - $25.00 Prize Pack DESCRIPTION OF PARTICIPATION IN PAST MARKETS (if possible, include photo of booth merchandising) To gain added exposure to your company in the pre-event marketing effort, we offer accepted market participants to provide a prize pack that will be used in the event promotion efforts. If you would like to donate an item to the prize pack, please list it below and include a photo of the prize (which will be redeemed/ claimed the night of the event). DESCRIPTION OF ITEM DONATED URL (ONLINE PRESENCE) RETAIL VALUE NAME OF BUSINESS as you want it to appear in signage and in program submission Please mail completed forms and documents to: Upon acceptance into the market, you will have three days 2600 South Delaware Street, San Mateo, CA, 94403 to issue payment and can either Or send via email to: mail payment or pay online. [email protected] Have a question? Email us at [email protected] S u m m er 2 0 1 5 Nig ht M ar k et Ag r eem ent Welcome to the 2015 Movies in the Meadow presented by Off the Grid®! Off the Grid will help you participate in its Markets, as an approved vendor, in a safe and legal manner. Off the Grid will secure all applicable permits to stage Markets for food trucks at each of its respective Market locations and provide promotional and marketing support for Market. This Agreement defines your duties and obligations as an approved Vendor to participant in Off the Grid Movie in the Meadow. definitions “Vendor” is defined as the person(s) and/or entity agreeing to the terms of this Agreement. The term “Vendors” as used in this Agreement is meant to include and incorporates Vendor as the person(s) and/or entity agreeing to the terms of this Agreement. “Off the Grid” refers to Off the Grid Services, a Limited Liability Company, with headquarters in San Francisco and collectively its owners, employees, and agents. MARKET RULES AND REGULATIONS Market Arrival and Departure: Loading area is located at Bay Meadows Park. You will unload your single vehicle quickly to ensure adequate time to set up your booth. You will receive a confirmation email a week prior to the event that will include your tent number. Once you arrive on-site you will need to find the tent with the corresponding number. You will need to bring your own hand trolley and loading equipment. The market isn’t accessible via vehicle. Parking during the event will be provided at the San Mateo Events Center, which is located adjacent to the park. Vendor parking passes will be provided at check-in. Event breakdown and loading of displays will take place from 10:30pm-11:00pm. You are responsible for cleaning your booth space after the event. The venue will be equipped with trash receptacles, however, if excessive trash is anticipated, you are expected to bring their own trash bags and dis¬pose of them properly. VENDOR OBLIGATIONS Event setup will be held on the day of the event from 1:00pm-3:30pm. The Event will be held from 5:30-10:30p. Event breakdown and loading of displays will take place from 10:30am-11:00pm. Any vendor arriving after 3:00pm will be fined a $50.00 fee. Any vendor arriving after 3:30pm will NOT be allowed to participate. Please allow plenty of time for setup. We have very limited electrical power, so if possible; please bring your own quietpact generator. We will provide one (1) tent, one (1) 6ft table, and two (2) chairs. It is the responsibility of the vendor to bring and maintain whatever they need for the day—including linens, side walls, etc. Your shop must remain open for the duration of the event. A $50 fee will be charged for early breakdown. All boxes and packaging must be properly concealed in vendor stalls. Displays cannot breach designated vendor space. You will be responsible for obtaining proper vendor permits and for collecting sales tax on all items sold. Movies in the Meadow will not assume responsibility for any damaged, lost, or stolen items. One of the great things about the Movies in the Meadow Night Market is that you have the option to completely customize your vending space to create an unforgettable experience for shoppers. We encourage you to get creative and build out your space. Use the floor, use the walls, use the rafter if need be. Please bring everything you need to build out your space with you. This includes tables, rolling racks, chairs, hooks for wall space, etc. To ensure a standard design consistency is achieved, we reserve the right to request changes or modifications to booth displays once you are set up. To minimize this risk, we suggest sending over merchandising plans /concepts to us in advance although that is not required. Please refer to the application package for links and suggestions to better Have a question? Email us at [email protected] S u m m er 2 0 1 5 Nig ht M ar k et Ag r eem ent understand the space customizations that we expect out of our vending partners. GENERAL TERMS 1. Vendor assumes financial liability for any personal injury or property damage directly or indirectly caused by an act or omission of Vendor, Vendor’s employees, Vendor’s agents or Vendor’s property while at a Market. Any expense incurred by Off the Grid® or a client of Off the Grid as a result of any personal injury or property damage directly or indirectly caused by an act or omission of Vendor, Vendor’s employees, Vendor’s agents or Vendor’s property will be payable by Vendor to Off the Grid within 48 hours after Vendor receives Off the Grid’s invoice for reimbursement for the expense Off the Grid incurred because of the damage. 2. Vendor agrees to indemnify, hold harmless and defend Off the Grid in all administrative and court proceedings, without cost to Off the Grid, from all claims, including but not limited to personal injury and property damage, arising directly or indirectly from Vendor’s negligence. 3. Vendor is required to provide their own power and fuel as needed for all Market shifts. Use of a quiet-pack (57-65db) internal generator is also required to control external noise at Markets and Events. 4. Spaces will be assigned on a first-paid basis and due to limited space and high volume of vendor applications, deposits are non refundable. MARKET FEES 5. Contract Entry Fee: Vendor is required to pay a $100 market entry fee for each Market in which it operates. 6. Penalty Fees: (Persistent penalties may result in the termination of this Agreement) 6.1 Off the Grid reserves the right to enforce a fine of $50.00 per occurrence for each of the following: 1) Late arrival after confirmed/contracted arrival time, 2) early break down or closing service window prior to posted service time without prior authorization from Off the Grid, 3) Departure from the Market without acknowledgment from Market Staff, 4)Departure from the Market after posted departure time MISCELLANEOUS TERMS 7. Vendor may not assign, sublicense, or otherwise transfer this Agreement or Vendor’s rights and obligations hereunder without prior written consent of Off the Grid. 8. This Agreement supersedes any prior written agreement or understandings between Vendor and Off the Grid. If any provision of this Agreement, or the application of such provision, is held invalid, the remainder of the Agreement and its provisions shall not be affected thereby. 9. This Agreement is governed, and must be construed, in accordance with the laws of the state of California and the City and County of San Francisco. Have a question? Email us at [email protected] S u m m er 2 0 1 5 Nig ht M ar k et Ag r eem ent CONFIRMATION Please initial each page and sign below to confirm that you have read, understand, and will comply with Off the Grid®: 2015 Movies in the Meadow Agreement as a participating vendor. APPLICANT NAME SIGNATURE OF VENDOR DATE OFF THE GRID VENDOR MANAGER NAME OFF THE GRID VENDOR MANAGER SIGNATURE DATE Have a question? Email us at [email protected]
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