IROQUOIS NEWS May/June, 2015 Iroquois Middle School 48301 Romeo Plank Road Macomb, MI 48044 (586) 723-3700 (586) 723-3799 Attendance (586) 723-3701 Fax Panther Parents, Nice weather is finally here and soon your child will be focusing their thoughts on summer vacation. It is very important that students continue to focus on their schoolwork during this busy time of year. This is a great opportunity to focus your child on time management and prioritizing. Finishing the 4th quarter on a strong note will carry over to the 2015-2016 school year. Please continue to check the parent portal and teacher websites! Many activities are planned for our students as the end of the year approaches. I want to take this opportunity to remind you that proper behavior and citizenship are required for participation in the upcoming events. We want our students to finish the year as strong as they started! The last day of school is always an exciting and emotional time for students. We realize students will be anxious to start their summer vacation. With this in mind, please be advised that things like shaving cream, water balloons, silly string, etc., will not be allowed on campus. Any such materials will be confiscated and disposed of immediately. Your cooperation with this matter is most appreciated. Our goal is to get our students home safely! As the 2014-2015 school year comes to a close, we would like to thank all of the students, staff, volunteer parents, and CAC members for their hard work making this year a successful one. Without your help and dedication to Iroquois, many activities and programs would not be possible. Thank You!! Have a safe and restful summer! Sincerely, Chris Gardner Principal IROQUOIS MISSION STATEMENT We, the Iroquois Middle School Community, will provide a safe, supportive, challenging environment that encourages students to reach academic potential, develop respectful behaviors, and become responsible and successful citizens. Please remind your student(s) to . . . BE RESPECTFUL … BE RESPONSIBLE … BE SAFE Chippewa Valley Schools Board of Education Mr. Frank Bednard, President Mr. Andrew Patzert, Vice President Beth Pyden, Secretary Mr. George Sobah, Treasurer Ms. Denise Aquino, Trustee Ms. Laura Cardamone, Trustee Ms. Jill DeMuynck Zech, Trustee Mr. Ronald Roberts, Superintendent NOTICE OF NONDISCRIMINATION Chippewa Valley Schools does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, genetics, age, disability, height, weight or marital status in its programs, services, activities, or employment. Inquiries related to nondiscrimination policies should be directed to: Civil Rights Coordinator, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Chippewa Valley Schools Administration, 19120 Cass Avenue, Clinton Township, MI 48038 Phone: 586-723-2090 / Nondiscrimination inquiries related to disability should be directed to: Section 504 Coordinator, Director of Special Services, (same address) Phone: 586-723-2180. CALENDAR Apr 29-May 15 M-Step Testing Window for 7th grade May 1-2 State Band Festival May 6 Buffalo Wild Wings Night for Make A Wish Fundraiser 11:00AM-close May 13 Early Release Day — 1:46PM dismissal May 15 School Dance for Make A Wish 2:45-4:30PM May 18-Jun 5 M-Step Testing Window for 6th grade May 22 NO SCHOOL – Professional Development Day May 25 NO SCHOOL - Memorial Day May 27 Band Concert 6:30PM May 28 Award Ceremonies (6th and 7th during the day; 8th at night) May 29 Dodge Ball Tournament for Make A Wish at 6PM Jun 8 6th & 7th Graders to CJ Barrymore’s Jun 10 8th Graders to Cedar Point Jun 10 Last Day of School - 1/2 day - 11:10AM dismissal NOTE: On half days, dismissal will be at 11:10AM **SAVE THE DATE** Panther Day: Thursday, August 27, 2015 First Day of School: Tuesday, September 8, 2015 BUS TRANSPORTATION Due to over crowded buses, students are not allowed to ride a friend’s bus home after school. The Transportation Department thanks you for your help in this matter. DROP-OFF & PICK-UP PROCEDURES The circle drive at the front of the school is designated for busses only before and after school. All students should be dropped off in the back of the school at the doors near the tennis courts. Students should be picked up at the end of the day in the same parking lot as the morning drop off. Please consider the safety of our students and follow the procedure and respect the speed limit. Thank you! Page 2 SCHOOL HOURS 7:58AM to 2:46PM The doors will open at 7:45AM HALF DAY SCHEDULE On half days, dismissal will be at 11:10AM. Please see the calendar to the left for dates. Attention 8th Grade Parents of future Big Reds: Please join us for Coffee with the Principal at the Chippewa Valley 9th Grade Center on Tuesday, May 19th at 8:00AM in the CV9 Media Center. This is a great opportunity to meet the principal and have any questions answered about the 9th grade center. ATTENTION PARENTS We are already preparing for the 2015/2016 school year. If your child will not be attending Iroquois next year, we would appreciate it if you would call the office at 586- 723-3700 and let us know. This will help us with staffing and scheduling of students. Please watch the Iroquois website, e-mail messages and our display sign for information regarding the 2015/2016 school year. Also, watch the Chippewa Valley Cable Channel for any updates and Transportation information. Bus Schedules will be posted on our front windows in the front of the school in late August as soon as they are received. The first day of school is Tuesday, September 8, 2015 at 7:58AM. PANTHER DAY Panther Day is Thursday, August 27, 2015. Please save this date for parents and students to come to Iroquois to complete paperwork, get your class schedule and locker assignment for the upcoming school year. Awards Ceremonies An Academic Award Ceremony for 8th grade will be held on Thursday, May 28, 2015 at 7:00PM. The 7th Grade Award Ceremony will be held the same day at 9:00AM. The 6th Grade Award Ceremony will also be held that day at 1:30PM. If your child qualifies for an award, he/she will be receiving an invitation in the mail. APPROPRIATE SCHOOL FASHION IMPORTANT END OF YEAR INFORMATION Shorts, skirts/skorts must be below middle fingertip length when a student's arm is extended at their side. The last day of school is Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Dismissal will be at 11:10AM. NO leggings can be worn alone. You must wear a longer shirt over them. Final report cards will be mailed home during the week of June 15. NO short shirts showing undergarments or exposing the waistline while in the standing or sitting position. Pants MUST be worn at the waistline. NO bandanas are allowed in school even if the girls wear them to hold their hair back (they should use regular headbands - not bandanas folded up). Following the last day of school our office hours are as follows: June 11 - 12 from 7:00AM until 3:45PM June 15 - 18 from 7:00AM until 4:30PM (Closed June 19) June 22 – 23 from 7:00AM until 4:30PM All sleeves MUST cover the shoulders with a full hand’s width. NO hats can be worn in school. NO tank tops are allowed, but may be worn ONLY IF it is being covered at all times by an appropriate shirt. Shoes must be worn at all times. Ripped clothing, such as jeans, should not expose under-garments and rips must be below middle finger tip length. NO clothing made of see-through material. NO muscle shirts. NO clothing advertising tobacco, alcohol, or drugs may be worn in school. NO clothing containing designs/pictures/symbols or language that are sexually suggestive, vulgar or profane are allowed in school. Further information about the Dress Code can be found in the Chippewa Valley Secondary Schools' Student Code of Conduct Students violating the dress code will be sent to the counseling office. They will have the opportunity to change into their own personal alternate piece of clothing, make a phone call home to bring an appropriate item to school (including leggings to wear underneath violated item) or can borrow an Iroquois shirt or pair of pants. If continued violations occur, disciplinary actions may occur. NSF Checks At this time, the fee we are being charged by Comerica Bank for checks that are returned NSF is $20.00. This is a fee that will be passed on to parents when a check is returned to us. CHIPPEWA VALLEY FOOD SERVICE Food Service would like to say “Thanks” to all those who participated in our debit program this school year. We hope you found it an easier and quicker way for your students to purchase food. It is our policy to ‘roll’ all ending balances over for the next school year. However, if your student is leaving the district you will need to request a refund. This would particularly pertain to 12th graders who will be leaving the district upon graduation. School Property Parents and students, please check around your work area at home for any school property that may have been borrowed during the school year (rulers, protractors, and especially, calculators.) Each year we come up a few short. Thank you for your help in this matter. May 8, 2015 will be the LAST day Food Service will accept checks to be deposited in debit accounts for all students. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS!!! We will, however, continue to accept cash deposits until the end of the school year. Again, thank you for your patronage and we look forward to serving you in 2015-2016. Food Service Department Page 3 IMPORTANT PROCEDURES (Please Read and Save) ABSENCE REPORTING PROCEDURE - ALL absences, including hospital stays and vacations, should be reported to the main office by calling the attendance line. The office will then notify the teachers. ABSENCES should be called in before 8:00AM to (586)723-3799. Please leave the student’s name, grade level, reason for absence and length of absence on the absence line. We are required to report illnesses to the Macomb County Health Department and must be advised of any illness, especially if contagious. It is also important to call the attendance line when your child is going to be tardy. EMERGENCY INFORMATION CARD - Please make sure your child’s emergency information is up-to-date throughout the year with current emergency phone numbers and authorized persons for picking up your child. If a child becomes ill during the day, we expect that students will have a way to get home. HOMEWORK REQUEST - Homework requests can be prepared beginning with the second consecutive day your student is absent. The request should be called into the office before 9:00AM. A message will be given to all involved teachers. Homework assignments will be sent to the office for pick up between 3:00 and 3:30PM. Please only request homework if you are able to pick it up. Parents are asked to bring in their child’s locker number and combination to retrieve their books and folders. For students going on vacation, make-up work should be requested no later than the day they return from vacation. Make-up work should be completed within the same number of school days as he/she was absent, unless special arrangements have been made with each teacher. EARLY DISMISSAL PROCEDURE - When a child needs to leave school early, parents are to come into the office to sign the child out. Children will only be released to persons on their emergency card with a valid picture ID. If the student returns to school, the student needs to come into the office to sign back in and get a pass to class. Parents do not need to come back in when returning the child to school. STUDENT MESSAGES AND DELIVERIES - If your child has called home because they have forgotten their lunch, money or any other item needed for the day, please bring it to the main office. Students are aware it is their responsibility to check for the item in the office. Lunches that are not picked up in the office are put on the stage in the cafeteria to be picked up during lunch time. When a delivery is unexpected, your child will be notified at a time when it will least disrupt the class. PLEASE TRY TO MAKE EVERY EFFORT TO HELP YOUR CHILD REMEMBER THEIR THINGS FOR THE SCHOOL DAY. IT IS DISRUPTIVE TO YOUR CHILD’S LEARNING DAY IF WE HAVE TO CALL THEM TO THE OFFICE TO PICK UP THINGS OR TO ANSWER PHONE CALLS FROM YOU. When delivering lunches, notebooks, money, etc., PLEASE make sure your child’s name is clearly marked on the item. MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS ORDER NEW OR RENEW You can order new or renew old magazine subscriptions that come due throughout the school year and still earn money for Iroquois. Please visit The Great American Fundraiser Store at and type in our On-line Store I.D. of 1446780. Then enter your child’s name in the appropriate box. You can also order other items at this website like wrapping paper, personalized gifts and gourmet food items. Thank you for supporting our school throughout the year! Page 4 Medication Administration in School Listed below are some key points in the Chippewa Valley School District Medication Administration Policy. The purpose of the policy is to support the health needs of children during school hours and to ensure the safety of all children. Legislation on Inhalers: Public Act 10 allows a public or non-public school student to possess and use a metered dose inhaler of a dry powder inhaler for the relief of asthma symptoms, or before exercise to prevent the onset of asthma symptoms while at school, or on school-sponsored transportation, or at any school-sponsored activity if there is written approval from the student’s physician or other health care provider and the student’s parent/guardian for the student to possess and use the inhaler; and the building administrator has received a copy of the written approvals from the physician and the parent/guardian. Any student that requires an EpiPen, is diabetic or takes seizure medication, MUST have an action plan completed and on file with our Health Aide. Action Plan forms are available at the school. Before any medication can be administered in school, written authorization from the child’s physician and parent must be obtained and be on file in the school office. Separate forms are available in the main office and on the district’s website for prescription and non-prescription medications. All medication should be brought to school by the child’s parent/guardian. All medication should be in the original bottle or container. Medication not in the original bottle cannot be administered. Containers should be labeled with the child’s name, medication, dose, time and route of administration. Information on the use and adverse effects of any medication given in school should be provided to the school by the parent, pharmacist, or physician. Parents must notify school personnel if their child has conditions such as allergies, diabetes, or asthma, so that proper precautions/training may be put in place. Making sure that your children are safe and healthy is our primary concern. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact the office at 723-3700. Medication Pick-Up: Any medication kept in the school office for students must be picked up at school on or before June 18. Medication cannot be sent home with students. If the medication is not picked up by this date, it will be properly disposed of according to district guidelines. CVHS FOOTBALL What: Parent & Player Meeting When: Wednesday, May 13 at 7:00PM Where: Main Building Cafeteria All players intending on playing football next year to attend this meeting. At least one parent/guardian also needs to be in attendance for this meeting. Important details regarding the schedule for all summer events will be discussed. This includes team camps, speed camps, workout schedule and the season schedule. Requirements of student athletes that need to be met in order to play next season will also be discussed. Team apparel orders will also be available. DAKOTA FOOTBALL Any incoming Freshman interested in football in the fall, please go to the Dakota website under the Athletics tab for information. STUDENT ID CARDS If your child loses their student ID card, a replacement card can be purchased for $5.00. Please see Mrs. Zombo in the main office. Also, keep in mind that if your child forgets to bring his/her ID card to school, they are still able to purchase lunch by giving their name to the cashier who can then pull up their lunch account for purchase. Attention Parent Volunteers We Need Your Help! If you are available during the day and would like to volunteer your time to help for any of the various activities we have going on at Iroquois throughout the school year, please contact Mr. Peter Tiseo at 586-286-4939 or 586-879-7249. Please come to Iroquois to fill out a Criminal Record check form and let us copy your driver’s license. Volunteers are needed at all times of the day from 8:00AM to 9:00PM for different events. Page 5 SUGGESTED SUPPLY LIST FOR 6th GRADE - Metric ruler 2-3 glue sticks Scissors Colored pencils 1-2 packs of #2 pencils 3-4 highlighters (pink, yellow, green) Book covers (no adhesive) - book socks work the best 3 packages of lined loose leaf paper (wide ruled) - 1 pack of blue or black pens 1 pack of red pens or pencils 1 box of tissue Pen/pencil case Small bottle of hand sanitizer 3-ring binder for ELA / 1 1/2 ” binder for Math Fine line marker (ex. Sharpie Ultra Fine Point) Scientific calculator TI 34 or TI 84 (TI84 can be used in high school) Other supplies which are useful to have either in the classroom or at home: - Pack of colored markers (thin and/or thick) - Eraser - Eraser - Permanent black marker (Sharpie—medium point) - Flash Drive SUGGESTED SUPPLY LIST FOR 7th GRADE - Several #2 pencils - - Compass and protractor Scientific calculator TI 34 or TI 84 (TI84 can be used in high school) Tabs or binder dividers Boxes of tissue Antibacterial soap or sanitizer Book covers/brown grocery bags (no tacky covers) Age appropriate reading novel (in class everyday) 1 1/2” binder for Math $5 contribution to “Map of the Month:” purchase (for Social Studies classes only) - Flash drive At times your child will need a dictionary and thesaurus for homework. It would be helpful to have these items at home for his/her convenience. Blue or black ink pens Pencil case Red or green pens 4 spiral notebooks 6 duo-tang folders with clasps Loose-leaf paper White-out 3-4 Highlighters Colored Pencils Markers Scissors Ruler (standard and metric) Glue sticks SUGGESTED SUPPLY LIST FOR 8th GRADE - Notebooks with perforated edges - College Composition Notebook (7 1/2 in. x 9 3/4 in.) - College Ruled notebook and graph paper - Folders with pockets - Folders with pockets and 3 hole clasps - 1-1.5” inch Binder plus additional 1 1/2” binder for Math - Ruler - Blue or black ink pens - #2 pencils - Red checking pen or pencil - Colored Pen/marker (anything but blue or black) Page 6 - Colored pencils - Scientific calculator TI 34 or TI 84 (TI 84 can be used at the high school level also) - Scissors - Three hole punched loose-leaf paper - Soft pen/pencil case - Boxes of tissues for classroom use - Hand sanitizer for classroom use - Whiteout - Flash drive - Sticky notes (ELA) - 3-4 Highlighters (different colors) - Graph paper KROGER COMMUNITY REWARDS If you have a Kroger card you swipe when shopping at Kroger, you can earn money for the education of Iroquois students. Your Kroger card number needs to be registered. If you e-mail Mrs. Zombo at [email protected] the number on the back of your Kroger card and your e-mail address, she can register it for you. You will then get an e-mail from Kroger asking you to complete the activation process by clicking your e-mail message. That’s all that is required. Thank you for donating your points to our Iroquois students. Recycling to Support Our Schools and Save the Environment!! Parents: We need your help! Please bring your newspapers and magazines to our green and yellow recycling dumpster (located in the back parking lot by the tennis courts) to help support our school! Proceeds benefit our science programs PLEASE DONATE Prescription eye glasses & Prescription sunglasses (including those in need of repair) Sturdy eyeglass cases Unfortunately, many people with vision problems cannot afford eye glasses. With your help, donated prescription glasses will be given to the City of Warren Lions Club, a local community group. Eye doctors will then determine the prescriptions of the donated glasses and will match them with someone in need who has the same prescription. Please donate eye glasses that are no longer being used by you, your family members, neighbors and friends. These glasses can be dropped off in the Iroquois Main Office. Make a huge difference in someone’s life! Donate your Clothes and Shoes to Planet Aid Please consider donating your clothes and shoes to the yellow Planet Aid bin at our school. Iroquois Middle School will earn $.05 for each pound of clothes and shoes donated! Our yellow Planet Aid donation box is located by the recycle bin on the side of the building. All donations are tax deductible. Visit to request a tax receipt for donations to our box. SAVE YOUR EMPTY CARTRIDGES “Cartridges for Kids” is a program designed to make recycling benefit our school by receiving cash for empty inkjet, laser, fax, copier cartridges, cell phones, video games (please include case), video game consoles (include all accessories), laptops (include all accessories), PDAs/Palm Pilots (include all accessories) IPODs (include all accessories), PDAs/Palm Pilots (include all accessories) and digital cameras. The money received will be used directly for student programs. So, save those “empties” and old cell phones from your work or home and bring them into the school office anytime. Also, there is a contest at the end of the year for anyone who participates. A cash award will be given to that student. This is an on-going event. Thank you for your support. Box Tops for Education The media center is asking families to participate in saving General Mills Box Tops for Education logos. All you need to do is clip the Box Top logos from participating General Mills products and send them to the school media center with your student. Our school will get 10 cents for each Box Top we collect! The more we collect, the more cash we earn. All funds raised by the collection will go to purchase additional resources for the media center. Campbell Soup Labels for Education Again this school year, the media center will also be collecting the labels from Campbell Soup products. If your family uses any of the Campbell Soup products, please consider sending in the labels to the media center with your student or leave them in the school office. When enough labels have been collected, we will use the funds to purchase resources for the media center. Page 7 STUDENT OF THE MONTH This program is designed to let our students know that their “positive” behavior is appreciated and noticed. This award is not given for academic achievement; but rather, in recognition of the student’s good citizenship, effort, manners, dependability and positive attitudes. Each month, every staff member selects one student from his/her classes to be Student of the Month. These students will be given a special token of appreciation and a certificate. Congratulations to our February, March and April Students of the Month: 6th Grade February: Brooklyn Caballero, Jayden Dabakey, Antonio D’Onofrio, Ceara Dwyer, Bailey Fairman, Piotr Gluszczynski, Olivia Gojcaj, Isabella Manlongat, Kylie McMurray, Josef Merkler, Alfonso Moceri, Joshua Naugle, John Richert, Samantha St. Onge, Lauren Wojciechowski, Alicia Zaya 6th Grade March: Angela Aboo, Elizabeth Ahrens, James Boggio, Kevin Claypool, Joseph Costanza, Kayla Despic, Maya Edwards, Daniel Fuhrman, Anna Gegic, Kayla Habal, Estevan Loreto-Rosas, Gina Mallo, Danielle Percefull, Kyle Peters, Nestor Ramirez, Kayla Sauer, Bryce Shoppa 6th Grade April: Dana Ciaramitaro, Amelia Dare, Mason MacIntosh, Megan Maiuri, Nicole Munoz, Frank Rust, Jaclynn Scroggs, Brittany Seelye 7th Grade February: Jolie Beibuyck, Aaron Cope, Ashley Dobson, Ella Garza, Alexa Kelly, Abbey Kleinstiver, Olivia Opiola, Mei-Li Papa, Shams Salwan, Julia VanDeVelde, Gina Vitale, Michael Yaroch 7th Grade March: Zachary Colo, Alexa Hempel, Tyler Kijek, Serena Lefief, Trevor Markwood, Lauren McDougall, Giovanni Moceri, Gianna Ramaci, Jenna Rogulski, Jessica Rugenski, Emma Shores, Nicholas Tiseo, Jacob Writtenberry 7th Grade April: Shannon Blaszkowski, Tyler Bellini, Toni Gorvokovic, Reese Hetherington, Anthony Mazo, Connor McKune, Kejda Peti, Haley Putnam, Shane Romback, Justice Samulski 8th Grade February: Jacob Charette, Natalia Cybart, Jalen Drew, Leonardo Gonzalez, Juliann Hammer, Helen Kalaj, John Lyons, Hailey Modreski, Christopher Murdoch, Catherine Nelson, Zachary Newood, Gabriel Renaud, Albert Shala, Karissa Shoaff, Danielle Slone, Nathan Smith, James Wisbiski 8th Grade March: Jeremy Abapo, Jacob Atwood, Angela Buscemi, Alexa Carrizales-Cortez, Brooke Chetan, Katherine Courneya, Gabrielle Herczeg, Joshua Jacob, Alena Kassir, Amartya Kattemalavadi, Ashley Koshurba, Samuel Lico, Torianna Marasco, Margaret Sanderson, Hailey Servedio, David Shpati 8th Grade April: Marianna Coleman, Tristen LaPeer, Dayana Martinez, Sarah Monacelli, Michael O’Connor, Simeon Peev, Rachel Urbaniak, Maya Vargas, Angelina Yang NEWS FROM THE CLINTON-MACOMB PUBLIC LIBRARY Join the Teen Summer Reading Club Teen Summer Reading at the Clinton-Macomb Public Library is from June 13-August 22 at all locations. It couldn’t be easier to participate in the teen summer reading program! You can read whatever you want, just keep track of your time spent reading using one of our paper logs or online through our website!. You’ll get prizes after 10 and 20 hours of reading. Once you’ve completed 20 hours, you’re automatically entered into the GRAND PRIZE DRAWING and you’ll get an invite to the Wrap Up Party! Still have more time to read? Every additional hour is a chance at one of our Above and Beyond prizes. See the library for more information. Page 8 SCIENCE OLYMPIAD Macomb Science Olympiad is dedicated to the encouragement and promotion of student interest in the fields of science and engineering while developing problem-solving and teamwork skills. The secondary level (middle and high school) competition is comprised of a fifteen student (maximum) team representing their school. This year, Iroquois’ Competitive Team (seventh and eighth graders) took second place at the Macomb County Regional competition and advanced to the state competition at Michigan State University scheduled for May 2, 2015. Go Panthers! Iroquois’ Competitive Team: 8th Grade Gian Batayola Jon Mika Dela Cruz Joseph Jaster Amartya Kattemalavadi Dana MacCallumMhor Emmy Zeneli 7th Grade Krishi Aila David Briggs Samantha Dobies Brooke Jankowsky Trevor Markwood Caleb Smith Joel Varghese Spencer Wozniak Iroquois’ Alternate Team: (6th Grade) Sydney Evatt Emma Eveland Bailey Fairman Ethan Newman John Richert Kate Ryan Karissa Stiltner DESTINATION IMAGINATION Chippewa Valley has five Destination Imagination teams that competed in the Affiliate Finals on April 18, 2015. They competed against 217 teams from around the state. The Iroquois team, Elise Crego and Zachary Morris, finished in 3rd place which qualifies them to compete against teams from around the world at the Global Finals in Knoxville, TN at the end of May. Congratulations and good luck to Elise and Zachary!! TRACK & FIELD Monday, May 4 Wednesday, May 6 Monday, May 11 Thursday, May 14 Monday, May 18 Wednesday, May 20 Anchor Bay South Powell Romeo Algonquin L’anse Creuse East CV District Invitational Meet Home Away Away Home Home Dakota High School Track Meets begin at approximately 3:45PM. Page 9 2015 Iroquois 7th + 8th Grade Football 8th Grade Head Coach Daniels- 586-723-3226 [email protected] 8th Grade Assistant Coach Vitale– 586–723-3814 [email protected] 7th Grade Head Coach Starinsky– 586–723-3755 [email protected] 7th Grade Assistant Coach Newvine- 586-723-6489 [email protected] Important Dates and Information: (Dates and times are subject to change) Monday August 31th– (3:00– 5:30) - ALL PAPERWORK DUE. (Current Physical, Payment Receipt, Athletic Code of Conduct) - Football Equipment Distributed for 7th and 8th grade - Conditioning- (Helmets, Shorts, T-Shirt, Cleats) Please take time before practice to form your mouth guard) Tuesday September 1st- (3:00– 4:30) - Impact Testing - Conditioning- (Helmets, Shorts, T-Shirt, Cleats) Please take time before practice to form your mouth guard) Wednesday September 2nd– (3:00– 4:30) - Conditioning– (Helmets, Shoulder Pads, Shorts, Cleats) First Day of School Tuesday September 8th- (3:00– 5:00) - Helmets, Shoulder Pads, Shorts (formed mouth guard, athletic cup, cleats) - 4 days of conditioning must be completed to participate in full contact!!! Wednesday September 9th- (3:00– 5:00) - Full Pads PRACTICE & GAME Schedule is located on School Website Work Hard Over the Summer!!! You should arrive to practice in top shape. Make yourself better, train harder, run longer, do more pushups, do more sit-ups. Work on your agility and footwork. Be prepared for a great season and learning experience!!! “The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” Vince Lombardi Chippewa Valley Schools Page 10 IROQUOIS VOLLEYBALL TRY-OUT DATES: Day Wednesday Thursday Friday Date 9/9/15 9/10/15 9/11/15 Time 2:50-4:45 2:50-4:45 2:50-4:30 You must attend ALL tryout dates To try-out for the 7th/8th grade girls volleyball team, you MUST have a physical on file dated April 15, 2015. You may access the form online at: Tryouts will be closed to the public. If you make the team, please understand that we will have practice every day after school from 2:50-4:45PM. All athletes must have a ride home at this time. Carpooling is always a helpful and great idea. If you make the team, you will also have to complete and sign the Code-of-Conduct form as well as pay the Pay-to-Participate fee. Information can be found at: We look forward to seeing all of you at try-outs! A great way to work on your basic volleyball skills is to attend volleyball camps during the summer. Information on camps at Dakota can be found at: Coach Hollie Hixson (7th grade) email: [email protected] Coach Maureen Hawley (8th grade) email: [email protected] Page 11 DIRECTIONS TO AWAY GAMES Algonquin Middle School—19150 Briarwood Lane, Clinton Township, MI: From Metro Parkway (16 Mile Road) turn right onto Charter Oaks (Charter Oaks is located off Metro Parkway on the North side of the street – between Moravian and Grosebeck.) Turn left on the first street which is Briarwood. School is located behind the houses on the right-hand side. Anchor Bay North Middle School—52805 Ashley, New Baltimore, MI: Take Romeo Plank to 23 Mile Road and take it past Jefferson into downtown New Baltimore (23 Mile will become Green Street in New Baltimore.) Turn left at Washington. The school will be on the right. Turn in the far driveway past the school, follow the service drive past the buses and you should see the back of the gym. Anchor Bay South Middle School—48650 Sugarbush, New Baltimore, MI: Take I-94 North to Exit 241 (21 Mile Road.) Go East on 21 Mile Road to Sugarbush. Go North on Sugarbush to 2nd stop sign (approx. 2 miles) and turn right (East.) Continue until you see the school on right-hand side. Dakota High School—21051 21 Mile Road, Macomb, MI. New Haven Endeavour School (New Haven) – 22505 26-Mile Road, Ray, MI 48096: North on Romeo Plank Rd. Turn LEFT onto 25 Mile Rd. Turn RIGHT back onto Romeo Plank Rd. Turn RIGHT on 26 Mile Rd. Endeavour School is on the north side of 26 Mile Rd. L’anse Creuse Central—38000 Reimold, Harrison Township, MI: Take Cass Road East (Cass turns into Crocker in Mt. Clemens.) Immediately after I-94 expressway but before 16 Mile, turn left on Reimold. L’anse Creuse East—30300 Hickey, Chesterfield, MI: Go North on Gratiot past 24 Mile Road. Turn right on Hickey Road. The entrance will be on your right. L’anse Creuse North—46201 Fairchild, Macomb, MI: Take Hall Road East to Fairchild (Fairchild is the next main street after North Avenue.) Go North on Fairchild. The school is right after the railroad tracks. OR, take 21 Mile Road East and turn right onto Fairchild; the school will be before the railroad tracks. L’anse Creuse South—34641 Jefferson, Harrison Township, MI: Take 16 Mile Road East to Harper and turn right. Take Harper to Shook Road and turn left. Go over the expressway and after the 2 nd light veer to the right. Shook changes into Jefferson. The school will be on the West side, ¼ mile past the 2nd light. Mt. Clemens Jr. High—161 Cass Avenue, Mt. Clemens, MI: Approximately 1 mile East of Groesbeck. Go to the light and turn right into parking lot. Powell Middle School—62100 Jewell, Washington, MI: Take Van Dyke expressway North to 28 Mile Road and turn right. The first stop sign you come to is Jewell Road; turn left on Jewell. Look on the right-hand side for the school. Richards Jr. High—33500 Garfield, Fraser, MI: It’s on Garfield, approximately 1/3 of a mile South of 15 Mile Road on the East side of the street. Richards is on the South side of Fraser High School. Romeo—297 Prospect, Romeo, MI: Van Dyke North – Turn left on 32 Mile Road past the center of town and take the 4 th street on the right (Chandler Street.) Go one block. Parking lot is on the right. Gym is at the North end of the school. *ROMEO TRACK MEETS AND FOOTBALL GAMES ARE ALWAYS HELD AT POWELL MIDDLE SCHOOL. Seneca Middle School—47200 Heydenreich, Macomb, MI: Seneca is located at the corner of 21 Mile Road and Heydenreich. Wyandot Middle School– 39490 Garfield, Clinton Township, MI: School is located on the East side of Garfield, between 17 and 18 Mile Roads. Page 12 CHIPPEWA VALLEY SCHOOLS EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Chippewa Valley Schools is looking for individuals to work in our schools on an as needed basis or on a continuous basis in the following positions. Applicants for the following positions will be employed by EDUStaff. If interested, please go to to apply: Substitute Lunch Monitors Day to day assignments Shifts are 2- 3 hours per day; times ranging from 10:15am – 1:45pm Can choose any school where assignments are available Hourly rate: $8.00 Substitute Food Service Helpers Day to day assignments Shifts are 2-3 hours per day; times ranging from 10:00am – 1:50pm Can choose any school where assignments are available Hourly rate: $8.00 Substitute Traveling Lunch Monitors Traveling between locations 5 days per week Work location is assigned daily Shifts are 3 hours per day; times ranging from 10:15am – 1:45pm Assured 15 hours pay per week Can choose to work at all schools at all levels or at all schools north or south of M59 or at all schools by level (elementary or secondary) Hourly rate: $8.50 Substitute Crossing Guards Day to day assignments; 2 hour shifts per day (1 hour AM/ 1 hour PM) Can choose any school where assignments are available Paid time for training for certification provided Hourly Rate: $8.00 Sub Lunch Monitors, Sub Traveling Lunch Monitors & Food Service Helpers can work in conjunction as Sub Crossing Guards Substitute Custodians Day to day assignments; 8 hour shifts Days, afternoons or midnights available Can choose any school where assignments are available Paid training provided Hourly rate: $9.00 Substitute Traveling Custodians Assured 40 hours per week Afternoon or midnight shifts only Work location is assigned (could be any school) Paid training provided Hourly rate: $10.00 Applicants for the following position will be employed by Chippewa Valley Schools. If interested, please go to to apply: Substitute Bus Drivers Day to day assignments up to 20 hours per week available Paid training provided to attain Commercial Driver’s License with BPS (weight/passenger/school bus) Hourly Rate: $ 8.45 – during training (no CDL); day to day $12.50 – with CDL; day to day $13.25 – with CDL; day to day; after 6 months $14.17 – with CDL; assured 20 hours per week (upon availability) Any questions regarding the above employment opportunities can be directed to Human Resources at 586-723-2090.
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