By Speed Post F No. L 11015/78!2015-L&M Governm n of India Ministry of Agricultur Department of Agriculture & Cooperation (OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL REGISTRAR OF CO~OPERATIVE SOCIETIES) Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi Dated the 1...:- May, 2015 Notice Chief Promoter, Ambey Multi State Co~operatjve Group Housing Society ltd., RZ-52, T. Extension, Part-III, Jain Colony, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-l100S9 has submitted a proposal for registration of a multi-State cooperative society under- the provisions of Multi-State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002. On scrutiny, the following deficiencies have been observed in the proposal : a) The main objective of the society is to acquire land, develop and construct residential houses/flats to the ordinary individual members whereas, in bye law No.9, the multi-State ooperative societies, cooperative societies, Central/State Government, NCDC and other institutions have been proposed as ordinary members. b) The project report is not satisfactory. The projected income was Rs. 66.70 lakhs and Rs. 129.78 lakhs respectively for the year ending as on 31.03.2014 and 31.03.2015 whereas the society has not so far registered under the provisions of the Act. It appears that the project report has been copied from some other proposal and not supported by facts and figures. c) The proposed objectives of the society in bye law No. 5(b)(v, Vi, Vii, ,xii) are vast. A small society cannot undertake all such activities and also further, the same are not consistent for the economic development of members. For example, the activities proposed such as for purchase of any movable or immovable property, purchase of resale and to undertake all kinds of works, roads, sewage, sanitary, electronic lights, power supply works, building of markets and such other building constructions. d) Bye law No. 17 relating to eligibility for obtaining membership is not in consonance with rule 11 ofthe MSCS Rule, 2002. e) Bye law No. 17(ii) is In can rav ntion to the provisiot of section 37 of the Act. f) In bye law No. 22, the authorized share capital of the society is p oposed for Rs.100.00 crore which appears to be very high at the time of registration. g) Bye law No. 31 is vague and it is not in consonance with provision of section 41 and 45 of the MSCS Act, 2002. : 2: h) Bye-law No. 36 is in can ravention to the provision of s ction 45 of the MSCS Act.. 2002. There is 110 provIsion in the Act to fill up the vacancy whiC 1 arises in the elected Board of Directors by nomination by the Board for the remaining unexpired period and it has to be filled by election By. law No. 45(c) is not framed properly in consonance with Rule l(f) of th seh dule ar nexed with MSCS Rule, 2002. j) election In bye law No. 56(ii)(a), the maximum payment of dividend to the members has not been specified as required under rule 24(2) of the MSCS Rule, 2002. k) In bye law No. 56, no provision has been made that the remaining net profit, if any, shall be . credited to Reserve Fund. I) Membership list has not been furnished separately for Delhi and Uttar Pradesh. 2. In view of the above deficiencies, you are hereby ailed upon to show cause as to why the registra ion of the above proposed society in the name of Ambey Multi State Co-operative Group Housing Society Ltd., RZ-52, T. Extension, Part-III, Jain Colony, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-ll0059 under the M Iti-State Cooperative Societies Act, 2002 and the rules made thereunder shall not be refused. The Chief promoter of the socie y or in his absence any promoter member authorized by him is called upon to appear before the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies on ICf) ~~ at q.6Z)A.M. in Room No. 224, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. s-/ 3. If none appears for hearing, it would be presumed that you have nothing to say in the matter and accordingly, appropriate order shall be passed as ex-parte. 4. This issues with the approval of Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies. P.s~ (P. Sampath) Director (Cooperation) To Chief Promoter (Shri Yogesh Kumar) Ambey Multi State Co-operative Group Housing Society Ltd., RZ-52, T. Extension, Part-III, Jain Colony, Uttam Nagar, New Delhi-l10059.
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