/' Nol - 101'1''1 .'~(J1S-1 "M V" RCl.!;islCred Post It diet gricuilLlI'l' Dc-panni nt or Agricultul'e&' Loollel',llioll JOVC 'Illllenl nl' Mini~tl': or OFfiCE OF TilE CE TI AL REG L'TRA R OF COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES krishi Bhav;:ll1. Ncw Delhi. o D' u b-section (3) of Section 7 of til ulti State Co-op Whereas the Chief Promoter of Future Credit Multi-State Co-operative Society Ltd., H. No. 133, Mahavir Vihar, Kanjhawala, New Delhi-110 081 had submi\1ed a proposal foI'l' 'gisll'ation of the proposed s ciety under the Multi State Cooperative Socic\ics Act, 2002 (MSC Act 2002). Whereas the following deficiencies were found in the application submitted by the Society: 1.Viability report has not been enclosed with the application. 2. Section 7 Certificates have not been enclosed with the application. 3. The area of operation is different in Form I and bye-law. The society has proposed its area of operation in four states i.e. Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Delhi & Rajasthan in form I and in bye-law it is mentioend as U,P., Bihar, Delhi & Jharkhand. As per Circular dated 26.3.2014, it has been decided that henceforth, the primary multi state cooperative societies shall be registered initially with only two contiguous states/UTs as area of operation. 4. Object no, (iii) relates to housing 5 Bye-laws are not numbered properly. 6. Point (c) of objects and functions relates to federal cooperative. 7. Bye-law no. 20{i) is vague. 8. Blank space has been left in many placess in bye-laws. Bye-laws enclosed with the proposal are copies of model bye-laws. Necessary changes as per the features/objects of the proposed society are not incorporated in the bye-laws. 9. Members' lists are unsigned and not in prescribed format. 10. Following documents have been made mandatory for the proposed credit societies to submit along with their proposal of registration: A. No objection Certificate from the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the States/U.T. where the area of operation of the society extends. B. A certificate to the effect that the credential of the ~hief Promoter/Promoters members have been verified by the Registrar of Cooperative Societies of the concemed States. A he above documents are not available hence this is also being pointed out as a deficien cy. Whereas under the provisions of Section 7(3) of the MSCS Act, 2002 the Chief Promoter vide notice of even number dated the 24 th April, 2015 was given an oppol1unity of personal hearing on 30 th April, 2015 to contest the deficiencies. Chief Promoter appeared for hearing. Since the eXlstlllg proposal is having deficiencies as mentioned in the I otice dt.24.04.20 15 and the same was not contested, the proposed Society in the name of Future Credit Multi-State Co-operative Society ltd., H. No. 133, Mahavir Vihar, Kanjhawala, New Delhi 110 081 does not meet the requirements of the provisions of the Multi State Co-operative Societies Act, 2002 and rules made thereunder and therefore cannot be considered for registration. Acco1'din~ly. the proposa is rclLlmed herewith 111 (l1'I1:,II1Ll. 11< \\ 'Vel, till' 'iubmil a fresh pI' rosal and lite s m hall be con iden.:d as pCI' Ih\.' PI' \ ji liS 01 M 'CS Rules. 2CiO~ made lh\.'r"ulld r. Giv n under Illy Il(Illd and S (11011 'ocil't~ MSC~ i. a1 liberl 10 Acl. 200:: and , Apri1.201:'i Encl:- as above (Raj Sinuh) Joint Secretary to the Government of India & Central Registrar of Cooperative Societie To, Ilc"vee The Chief Promoter (Shri Krit Narayan, Future Credit Multi-State Co-operative Society Ltd., H. No. 133, Mahavir Vihar, Kanjhawala, New Delhi-110 081
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