By Speed Post F. No. L-l1015/96/2015 l&M Government of IndIa MJIlistry of Agncultur D partment of Agricultur & Cooperation (OFFICE OF THE CENTRAL REGISTRAR OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES) Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi Dated the 2'-~May, 2015 Notice Chief Pmmo er, South Delhi City Heights Multi State Co-operative Group Housing Society Limited, 307, Krishna Apra Business Square, Netaji SUbhash Place, Pitampura, Delhi-ll0034 has submitted a propos I for registration of a multi-State cooperative society under the provi ions of Multi-State Cooperative Societies (MSCS) Act, 2002. On scrutiny, the following deficiencies have been observed in the proposal : a) 1'1 bye-law No.8, the authorized share capital of the society has been proposed for Rs. 10 crore which is on higher side at the time of regi tratlon of the society. b) The main objective of the society Is to acquire land, develop and construct residential houses/flats for individual members and whereas, in bye law No. 10, th mul i-State cooperative societies, cooperative societies, Central/State Governme t, NCDC and other institutions have been proposed as members. c} Bye law No. 24 is not framed properly as per the provision of section 37 of the MSCS Act, 2002. d) Bye law No. 28(s) is not in consonance with the provision of section 39 of the MSCS Act, 2002. Filing of returns to the Central Registrar does not fall under the powers and functions of G neral Body. It is the responsibility of the Chief Executive to file the same to the Central Registrar under the VlSCS Act, 2002 and therefore, it has '0 be made as a separate bye law. e) Bye law o. 35(a)(i) is not framed properly and not defined that the constitution of Board of Directors in a specific manner. f) The provision made in bye law No. 35(a)(ijj) is in contravention to the proviso of section 41(3) of the MSCS Act, 2002. g) Bye law No. 35(b) is in contravention to the proviso of section 41(3) of the Act. h) In bye law No. 36(b), the provision as required u/s 39(1)(m) of the MSCS Act, 2002 has not been included. i) The provision made in bye law No. 39 is in contravention to the provision of section 45 of the MSCS Act, 2002. Vacancy rising out of elected Board of Directors has to be filled by electlon only under th existi ,g provisions of Act. : 2: j) In bye law No. 49, no provision has been made that the remaining net profit, if any, shalt be credited to Reserve Fund. k) The project repqrr is not satisfactory. In the first year itself, it is proposed that the total receipt is Rs. 31.84 crare. Fu her, the projected financial statements at least for three years have not been gi en without it is difficult to assess the Viability of the society. I) In tl1 hst of members from the State of Delli, In many places, th membership has been drawn from th same family/address. The following are the examples: S.No.38,40 S.No.51,52 m) In the list of members from the State of Haryana, in many places, membership has been dr wn from the same family/address. The following re the exam les: S.No.1,6,17,33 S.No.2,23 S.No.7,9 S.No.15,16 S.No.42,43 No address at S.N 5.21,25,26,30,32,37,38, 5,46,50 & 51. 2. In view of the a ove deficiencies, you are hereby called upon to show cause as to why the registration of the above proposed society in the name of South Delhi City Heights Multi State Co operative Group Housing Society Limited, 307, Krishna Apra Business Square, Netaji SUbhash Place, Pitampura, Delhl-l10034 under the Multi-State Cooperative Societi s Act, 2002 and the rules made thereunder shall not be refused, The Chief promoter of the society or in his absen e any promoter member authorized by him is called upon to appear before the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies on 2. at CJ • 0"0 A.M. in Room No. 224, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi. 8'1.s1l:s'"" If none appears for earing, it would be presumed that you have nothing to say in the matter and accordingly, appropriate order shall be passed as ex-parte. 3. 4, This issues with the approval of Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies. ~.~ (P. Sampchhr----'" Director (Cooperation) To Chief Promoter (Shri Amit Singhal) South Delhi City Heights Multi State Co-operative Group Housing Society Limited, 307, Krishna Apra Business Square, Netaji SUbhash Place, Pitampura, Delhi-l10034.
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