Bunker Hill-Musselman High School Alumni Association ALUMNI BANQUET April 18, 2015 ONCE AN APPLEMEN…ALWAYS AN APPLEMEN! Our Common Bond It is that wonderful time of year again. The time of year to join together so we may reminisce and celebrate our common bond as Bunker Hill-Musselman High Alumni. This year the banquet will be held Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Musselman High School cafeteria. The cost for the evening is $20.00 for members ($5.00 for dues & $15.00 for the dinner). Guests of alumni will only need to pay $15.00 for the dinner. The evening will begin at 5:00 pm. Please arrive a little early to get checked in and visit with friends, doors open at 3:30pm. We will be having a catered dinner. After the meal, we will conduct a brief business meeting, followed by scholarships, outstanding alumni awards, 50/50 drawing and silent auction items. RESERVATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY MARCH 31. The Alumni Association on behalf of you has made and continues to make an impact in the lives of graduating seniors. As most of you know, the Alumni Association awards scholarships to graduating seniors. We rely solely on the donations from local businesses and individuals to support the scholarship fund. Last year we were able to give ten $500.00 scholarships. This year we want to raise the bar and double that amount! So please, consider giving to the future. Contributing to the Scholarship Fund: All contributors will be recognized at the banquet. Because of our fondness for apples of any color, we have established these levels of giving for our scholarship fund: Apple Blossom Club $25-$49 / Yellow Apple Club $50-$99 / Green Apple Club $100-$249 Red Apple Club $250-$499 / Gold Apple Club $500 and up Outstanding Alumni: Every year, the alumni encourage nominations of fellow Applemen from either Bunker Hill High School or Musselman High School who are out there doing great things. We want you to tell us why you think this person is the apple of your eye... and our community. Nominations are received and then voted on by past Outstanding Alumni Award winners. Every year the new recipients are announced at the Alumni Banquet. A complete list of past winners can be found at www.musselmanalumni.com. Nominees for this year are due by March 1. Membership: If you cannot be present at the banquet, please consider sending $5.00 dues along with your completed form to remain on our mailing list. Graduating Senior Dinners: We are also accepting donations to pay for a Musselman High School Graduating Senior dinner. Each dinner is $15 and all donors will be printed in our program. We encourage as many seniors as possible to join us as they will be our new alumni. Again, we thank you for your continued support to Musselman High School. If you have any questions, please contact us in one of the following ways: Matt Wink at 304-229-1950 or Mary Ann Brannon at 304-229-5449. Musselman High School Alumni Association: P.O. Box 154, Inwood, WV 25428 www.musselmanalumni.com Follow us on Facebook: Musselman High School Alumni Please let one of our officers know if you are interested in being an officer for the upcoming year. We will have several openings and need your help to continue our tradition of giving. Your Current Alumni Officers: President- Matt Wink (1993) First Vice President- Steve Campbell (1983) Second Vice President- Mary Ann Brannon (1961) Recording Secretary- Cheryl Chapman (1977) Corresponding Secretary- Betty Hutsler (1965) Treasurer- DiAnn Miller (1991) Historian- Don Silvius (1976) Public Relations-Terri Cain Reed (1986) Your Current Members at Large: Dicky Snapp, Kenny Feagans, Beth Feagans, Sherry Musselman, Joyce Kees, Barby Frankenberry, Sue-Snapp McGowen, Betty Ann Miller, Michelle Emery, Jeanie Shiley, Morgan Wright, Les Brannon, Jenna Kees, Sandra May, Andrea Gess, Taylor Moore, Summer Moore -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please return your Outstanding Alumni Nomination by March 1 & Your Banquet Reservation by March 31 to: Musselman High School Alumni Association P.O. Box 154, Inwood, WV 25428 Name: ________________________________________________________ Class of: ______________ Guest(s) Name: ________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________________ Amount Enclosed for: Dinner: _________ Dues: _________ Scholarship: _________ Senior Dinner: _________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: _____________ Please contact me about being an officer: _____ My Outstanding Alumni Nomination is attached: _____
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