ST. MARY’S CATHOLIC CHURCH 414 S. 6 TH St., Marshall IL 62441 Phone: 826-2845 or 923-3523 (Greenup) Office Hours: Mon. Tues. & Thurs. 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM E-mail: [email protected] Fr. Mike’s e-mail: [email protected] Website: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Pastor: DRE: Liturgist: Fr. Mike Haag Leah Guillemette Teresa Hoecherl June 28, 2015 Admin. Asst. Stacey Boyer Financial Sec.: Marilyn Lueken Sunday Mass Times: Saturday: 6:30 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. 7:00AM Mass 6:30PM Mass 7:00AM Mass 7:00AM Mass 7:00AM Com. Service Dear Friends: As this is my last bulletin article, I want to review the many things that have been done these past seven and half years. In the rectory: new kitchen installed. In the parish hall: new kitchen, painted hall & kitchen, replaced carpet, replaced flooring in the restrooms, installed new furnace & air conditioners. Inside the church: renovated the choir loft and installed new pews. Outside of the church: paved the north parking lot and sealed and maintained bricks. We have witnessed births, deaths, first communions, confirmations, and marriages. We have seen each other grow in the knowledge and love of Christ. The flowers on the altar this weekend are in memory of Joe Smitley. On behalf of St. Mary’s , I welcome Fr. Augustine Koomson to our parish and wish you many blessings in the future. Fr. Michael B. Haag Farewell Father Mike! A pizza party is planned for tonight Saturday, June 27th after the 6:30pm mass to say goodbye and good luck to Father Mike! Goodies will be served in the parish hall! There will be a Parish Council meeting on Tuesday, July 7th at 7:00pm. Confessions: Tues. 6:30pm Weekday Mass Times: ANNOUNCEMENTS: Sat. Sun. 06/27 Joe Smitley 06/28 Kathy Brown (mother of Vernon Brown) Mon. 06/29 All Souls Tues. 06/30 All Souls Wed. 07/01 Eleanor Davidson Thurs. 07/02 Maxine Sweitzer Sat. 07/04 Bob & Sheila Geheb Sun. 07/05 Carolyn Chapman If there is one thing I would encourage you to continue, it would be to work together as a pastoral unit to support one another in the ministry of Christ. Thank you for a wonderful seven and a half years. God Bless Fr. Mike There will be a Finance Council meeting this Monday, June 29th at 5:30pm in the meeting room. There will be a Welcoming Reception held for Fr. Koomson on Saturday, July 18th after mass in the parish hall. The new server schedule for July, August & September can be found on our website or in the vestibule. SAVE THE DATE: The St. Mary’s Parish Picnic is planned for Sunday, August 9th at Lincoln Trail State Park. More details to come! REMINDER TO ALL LECTORS: An MP3 file of Fr. Mike reading the upcoming Sunday readings are now provided through our website I encourage everyone to take advantage of this great benefit our website provides. Our VBS was a great success this year thanks to all of our wonderful volunteers and contributors! We collected many goodies for The Summer Backpack Program making our VBS mission project a success! The kids loved the Camp Discovery theme and the great crafts, games, and bible stories that went along with it. Massive thanks go out to Jim and Debby Montgomery and Keith and Ashlee Crouch for getting us tree cookies- the kids loved making fun keepsakes that tied in with the day's bible story! A very special thanks to our volunteers: Danielle Burress, Ashlee Crouch, Michelle Gorrell, Teresa Gorrell, Alison Medsker, Pat Morrison, and Diana Thompson And our junior volunteers: Meredith Brown, Nick Brown, Anna Gorrell, Ebony Hewitt, Logan Medsker, Lily Pearce and Cheyenne Tingley We had a blast this year thanks to our wonderful parish! We missed our friends who couldn't be here but can't wait for next year with them. As always I am humbled to be a part of this wonderful program. Thank you again and enjoy the rest of the summer!—Leah Guillemette
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