Dates for the Diary April Wednesday 1st DVD / Prayer evening 7.30 pm in the small hall. Maundy Thursday 2nd Maundy Thursday Service 7.30 pm in the quiet room. Everyone invited to Pat and David Barlow’s afterwards for hot cross buns. 3rd Time of Reflection 3.00 pm In the quiet room No Youth Group this week - wrong date - see next week! 5th Communion Service including decorating the cross with daffodils. Please bring some for this service. 9th Thursday Group 8.00 pm Venue T.B.C. Good Friday Easter Sunday Thursday Friday 10th Youth Group 6.30 pm - 8.30 pm in the main hall Saturday 11th Safe Anchor Trust’s Boat trip for Dewsbury Baptist Church Walking Group 10.00 am - 4.00 pm Departing from Shepley Bridge Marina to Horbury and return Cost £13 See Pat Barlow for further details - Limited to 24 people £5 deposit secures your place. Please note change of direction. 13th Deacons’ Meeting 7.45 pm at the manse. Monday th Wednesday 15 DVD / Prayer evening 7.30 pm in the small hall. Tuesday 21st CTiD Leadership Meeting 6.00 pm at Dewsbury Baptist Church May Saturday Sunday Sunday Saturday th Mini Mart in aid of Christian Aid th Mini Walk in aid of Christian Aid, CAFOD and local charities 9 10 th 5 Safe Anchor Trust’s Boat trip for Dewsbury Baptist Church Sunday School and Youth Group 5.00 pm – 9.30 pm Departing from Shepley Bridge Marina to Cooper Bridge and return Cost £13 See Pat Barlow for further details - This boat trip is now fully booked up. CARE Dewsbury meets in the Small Hall each Monday and Thursday from 10.00 am to 12 noon. Aerobics Every Tuesday at 6.15 pm in the Main Hall. Please Note! 488946 A very warm welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to everyone joining us today for worship. 10th Christian Aid Week -16th Advance Dates Friday June Manor Street, Dewsbury, West Yorkshire, WF12 8ED Any date which you would like shown here must be given to Liz Exley, Secretary and keeper of the Church Diary. Our Minister Rev Caroline Brown Secretary: Liz Exley 462525 Treasurer: Janet Momčilović 464136 Sunday 29th March 2015 Church website: Everyone Welcome Today’s Palm Sunday Service 10.45 am Rev Caroline Brown Supervisors Sue and Margaret Door Stewards Jean and Dick After the service this morning, children will be supervised downstairs until12.30 pm. This church adheres to the Baptist Union Safe to Grow policy. Please ensure your children are supervised at all times, either by yourself or an approved supervisor. Our advocates are Liz and Adam Events This Week Wednesday DVD / Prayer evening 7.30 pm in the small hall. Maundy Thursday Service 7.30 pm in the quiet room, including washing of one person’s feet. (Volunteer required.) Everyone invited to Pat and David Barlow’s afterwards for hot cross buns. Good Friday Time of Reflection 3.00 pm In the quiet room. Next Week’s Easter Sunday Service 10.45 am Rev Caroline Brown Supervisors Cathy and Adam Door Stewards Madge and Jean For Your Prayers The BU Prayer Guide says: As the ’40 Days of Home Mission’ draws to an end, give thanks for Home Mission funding which enables churches to make Jesus known around our Union and beyond. BMS World Mission: Chad remains one of the most hostile environments where BMS works. Experiencing desert conditions, searing heat, some of the world’s worst maternal and child mortality figures, and wracked by political division and grinding poverty, Chad is not an easy mission placement. In spite of this, a small team of mission workers oversee the work of Guinebor II Hospital (G2), which continues to provide both life-giving witness to its Islamic community and life-saving medical care to the people of Chad. Pray for BMS mission workers Malc and Sue White. Sue is a nurse mentor and Malc works as the hospital’s Chief Operating Officer. The YBA Prayer Calendar asks prayers for Darnall Road Baptist Church, Sheffield South Yorkshire and Dayspring Church, Garforth Leeds. The Ark (Reported in The Baptist Times A retelling of the biblical story of Noah will air in a primetime BBC slot this Easter. The Ark, a one-off special written by Tony Jordan (Hustle, The Nativity) will air on BBC1 at 8.30 pm on Monday 30th March. Written and produced over a period of three years, The Ark is Jordan’s unique insight into the story of Noah and his family, a story that is found in Jewish, Christian and Muslim scriptures. Thoughts on Holy Week As we go forward into Holy Week we remember Jesus upturning the tables of the money lenders in the temple. A prayer from Rev Phil Jump, Regional Minister Team Leader of the North Western Baptist Association Jesus Christ, ruler of all things, You invite us to pray for your Kingdom's coming; Your heavenly will to be done here on earth. Forgive us if we seek your presence Only for our own comfort and ease; Refusing to be disturbed By the challenge of your Gospel. Overturn the tables of our self-interest; Scatter to the floor the wares of empty religion. Release us from them and grant us courage to follow you, Through the realities of our own world, On that precarious road which leads to Calvary. AMEN Its stars include David Threlfall (Shameless, Master and Commander) as Noah and Joanne Whalley (Wolf Hall, Scandal) as his wife. This is your notice sheet - all articles are welcomed. Please submit them by Thursday to Adam Momčilović [email protected] Monday Mark 15:1-15 Do you want Jesus or Barabbas? Tuesday Mark 15:16-32 Jesus mocked and then crucified Wednesday Mark 15:33-47 Jesus died and was buried Maundy Thursday Mark 16:1-20 The Resurrection and longer ending of Mark’s Gospel Good Friday Luke 23:26-43 The Crucifixion and the two criminals Saturday Luke 23:44-56 When BBC1 screened Tony Jordan’s drama Nativity in 2010 it was watched by over five million viewers and garnered some of the best feedback the BBC has ever received for a popular drama. Like Nativity, this film focuses on the human aspects of the narrative. It’s a powerful, moving film that not only retells the story for a new generation, but also raises contemporary questions of family loyalty, self-doubt, and what it means to live as a person of faith in a world that doesn’t believe. A Suggested Bible Readings For Holy Week Luke’s account of his death and burial Easter Sunday BMS Birthday Scheme April Birthdays 1st 4th 4th 15th 28th 30th Mrs S. Dixon Mrs S. Kitchingman Mr A. Kitchingman Mr A. Kennedy Miss H. R. Momčilović Mrs E. Carter Envelope Scheme The new envelopes for weekly giving are available today. Anyone who isn’t in the scheme and would like details about joining, please have a word with Janet. Luke 24:1-12 He is not here; he has risen!
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