Sharing of the Cup Song of Peace Jean Langlais Concluding Prayer *Hymn 536 Rise, O Church, Like Christ Arisen Surge Ecclesia *Benediction Postlude Offertory on the Grands JeuxFranÇois Couperin (From Mass for the Convents) Today at Nassau 9:15AM Worship - Communion and education for all ages Sanctuary & Classrooms 10:15AM Fellowship — Assembly Room 11:00AM Worship - Communion — Sanctuary 12:00PM Senior Adult Lunch — Assembly 5:00PM Cantorei — Music Room Middle School Fellowship — Room 304 Praying for Our Children and Youth — Niles Chapel 6:00PM Youth Fellowship Dinner — Assembly Room 6:40PM Middle School Choir — Music Room Senior High Fellowship — Room 304 Preacher: David A. Davis Liturgist: Daniel L. Migliore Time with Children: Corrie Berg Musicians: Adult Choir 9:15 Joyful Noise and Carol Choir 11:00 Choir 3-4-5 Flowers: Given in honor of the Mission Committee and the work they do, from the O’Brien family Nassau Presbyterian Church May 3, 2015 9:15AM & 11:00AM Printed on 10% post-consumer fiber, recycled paper. Please recycle. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE FROM USHERS 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08542 phone 609-924-0103 fax 609-683-1975 61 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey 08542 609-924-0103 • Order of Worship The beginning of the prelude is a call to silent, personal preparation for the worship of God. Please silence all cell phones and pagers. Asterisk * indicates that you may sit or stand. We have two books of congregational song. “Psalter” indicates Psalms for All Seasons, and “Hymn” indicates Glory to God. Prelude Blessed Jesus, We Are Here Clap Your Hands, Stamp Your Feet Clap your hands, stamp your feet, Let your body and your voices explode with joy! Our great God will not be ignored. God will not be removed from this world. Offertory For the Beauty of the Earth *Call to Worship arr. Sue Ellen Page O give thanks to the Lord; call on God’s name. Make known God’s deeds among the peoples. Sing to the Lord, sing praises to the Lord. Tell of all God’s wonderful works. Glory in God’s holy name. Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice! Come, people of God, let us worship God! Anthem (11:00) Praise the Lord, Who Made All Beauty O praise the Lord who made all beauty, whose gift of the senses we enjoy. O may we live each day in constant wonder, to see all of life in simple pleasures. Sing, “Laude, laudeamus te.” Psalm 105:1-3 For the Beauty of the Earth Sisters and brothers in Christ hear and believe the good news of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. *Response of Praise Alleluia Hymn 589 (9:15 Led by Joyful Noise) 10th century antiphon locating rooms in the Great Hall in front of the sanctuary. trans. Robert Ulery 11:00 Children preK/Age 4-grade 3 may now leave for Worship Explorers. At the end of worship, parents pick up children in room 301. Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Prayer for Illumination Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. John 15:1-8 (pg 109) Second Scripture Lesson Sermon Words of Welcome 9:15 Children may leave for church school classes. Visitors will find assistance First Scripture Lesson Honduras Alleluia Ubi caritas et amor, Where affection and love abide, Deus ibi est. God is. Simul quoque cum May we too, together with beatis videamus the blessed, see gloriantur vultum tuum, in glory your face, Christe Deus; O Christ our God. gaudium quod est that is joy beyond immensum atque probum, measure and excellent, saecula per infinita saeculorum. through ages of ages without end. Amen. Amen. Time with Children Assurance of Forgiveness Daniel Locklair Ubi caritas et amor, Where affection and love abide, Deus ibi est. God is. Simul ergo cum When therefore we are in unum congregamur, gathered in one body, ne nos mente let us be watchful that our minds dividamur caveamus. not divide us. Cessent iurgia maligna, Let hateful quarrels and cessent lites,disputes cease, et medio nostril sit and in our midst let there be Christus Deus. Christ our God. Praise God for sound of voice and music. Praise God for touch that loved ones share. Praise God for fragrant springtime, Praise God for winter’s bleakness, Sing, “Laudeamus, laudeamus, laude, laudeamus.” Prayer of Confession Most gracious and most merciful God, we confess to you and to one another that time after time we have entered your presence with countless prayers but with hearts closed to your grace. We have lifted our hands to you in praise, but our feet have still walked in the ways of all flesh. We have rehearsed your commandments but have refused to see your face in the needs of our neighbor. We pray, Lord, that you forgive our lack of faith, and pardon our acts of injustice. Grant us the healing that comes from your presence and the cleansing of your all-powerful Word, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Hal H. Hopson Praise God who makes each day an adventure, Praise God for eager eyes to see the world. Praise God for budding flower, Praise God for stars and moonbeam, Sing, “Laudeamus, laudeamus, laude, laudeamus.” Dix Ubi Caritas Ubi caritas et amor, Where affection and love abide, Deus ibi est. God is. Congregavit nos We are gathered in unum Christi amor. in one body by Christ’s love. Exsultemus et in ipso iucundemur. Let us rejoice and be glad in Him. Timeamus et amemus Deum vivum, Let us fear and love the living God, et ex corde diligamus nos sincero. and love each other sincerely from the heart. Leslie Brandt based on Psalm 47:1-2 J.S. Bach Ronald A. Nelson Choral Introit *Hymn 14 Anthem (9:15) *Hymn 515 "Perfecting God's Love" I Come with Joy I John 4:7-12 (pg 241) David A. Davis Dove of Peace Invitation Great Prayer of Thanksgiving The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you. Lift up your hearts. We lift them up to the Lord. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give God thanks and praise. Words of Institution Sharing of the Bread The Peace May Be Exchanged Daniel Locklair Nassau Generations Weekly News & Events at Nassau Presbyterian Church May 3, 2015 Congregational Life Today Inquirers Class for Prospective Church Members Sundays May 3, 10, 17, 9:30-10:30AM; Room 202 The Inquirers Class is held three Sunday mornings during the Church School hour and is designed to explore the meaning of Christian faith and church membership and to learn more about the history and foundations of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The class is open to anyone wanting to know more about our church and is required for those who wish to become members of the church. Come discover opportunities for spiritual growth, service, mission and fellowship, and learn about worship, sacraments, and theology. Your presence and membership mean everything to us! Contact: Lauren McFeaters [email protected]; 609-924-0103, x102 Praying for our Children and Youth Tonight 5:00-6:00PM in Niles Chapel for conversation and prayer as our children enjoy fellowship and choir. We will join them for dinner at 6:00PM. All are welcome! Contact: Lauren McFeaters [email protected]; 609-924-0103, x102 or Frances Katrishen frances215@ May 17, 12:15PM in the Assembly Room, come and hear how Patricia Tull came to write Inhabiting Eden: Christians, the Bible, and the Ecological Crisis, and what she learned from writing it. Our faith ancestors in ancient Judah were keenly aware of their absolute dependence on, and interdependence with, the other elements of the natural world. They developed a rich theology of creation, which we now must reclaim. When we do so, we discover not only harmony with God’s creation, but urgency to do all we can to assure our own survival and that of the world God so lovingly made. Patricia K. Tull is a Presbyterian teaching elder and A. B. Rhodes Professor Emerita of Hebrew Bible at Louisville Presbyterian Seminary and author of several books, including most recently the Bible study noted above. She is a Climate Reality presenter and a GreenFaith fellow, and she blogs at Fellowship and Support TODAY, Senior Adult lunch in the Assembly Room after 11:00AM service. Our new caterer will provide the lunch, the price is $8.00, and the fellowship will be awesome as usual. We will enjoy a presentation on the Israel trip coming this summer. Legacy Parents for parents who are empty-nesters, used to be or want to be, please join us for a get together at Janet Giles house on May 30th at 6:00PM 98 Bayard Lane, Princeton. We hope the weather will co-operate for us to be outside in Janet’s lovely garden. Parking is available across the street; be careful crossing 206! Please bring a substantial appetizer to share and a beverage of your choice. Questions: Janet Giles [email protected]; 609-921-0010 Prayer Chain To request prayer for yourself, a loved one or friend, be in touch with Deacon Debbi Roldan to initiate the prayer chain. You may also write your concerns in the prayer book in the narthex. All concerns are confidential. If you wish to participate in this ministry, Debbi will add you to the email or phone prayer chain. Contact: Debbi Roldan 609-688-9550; [email protected] Children and Family Ministry Children are always welcome in our services of worship. Classes begin at 9:30AM except for Age 2, and 6-12th grade, which begin at 9:15, and finish at 10:30AM. Children are welcome to participate in the first part of the 9:15AM worship service, either sitting with their parents or with their church school teachers, departing for their class after the Time with Children. Parents pick up their children (4th grade and younger) from their classroom after the service; 5th grade and up are dismissed without parents present. Worship Explorers (during 11:00AM services) – Room 301 Worship Explorers is offered during the 11:00AM worship service for children age 3 to Grade 3. The Worship Explorers program is based on the Young Children and Worship curriculum. Through this unique program, children are nurtured and invited to participate in the mystery, wonder, traditions, and practices of their faith. After the Time with Children, they are escorted by the Worship Explorers teachers to the Worship Center. Parents pick up their children following the end of the 11:00AM worship service. Sign up Now! All-Church Retreat to Lake Champion Friday, May 22 (begins with dinner) - Sunday, May 24 (ends after lunch). The best way ever to start off the summer. Stunning location, comfortable rooms (family-style rooms available!), more activities than you can fit into 3 days, plus excellent company, content and conversation! More information and registration on My Nassau. Contact: Corrie Berg [email protected] Vacation Bible School and PresbyCamp Monday, June 29 – Thursday, July 2, 2015. Join us on the Journey to Jerusalem - Grab your sandals and join Jesus and the disciples as they walk the dusty roads to Jerusalem, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. You’ll hear about miracles of healing and feeding as you meet the people Jesus met. Vacation Bible School (age 3 through rising 6th graders) 9:00AM – 12:00PM •An exciting and educational week-long morning program with music, recreation, arts/crafts with an emphasis on Bible stories PresbyCamp (rising 4th-6th graders)12:00PM – 3:30PM •Fun and fellowship with a mission focus. PresbyCampers engage in local mission projects and field trips. Outreach Send a Boys and Girls Club Child to a Ballgame: Nassau Presbyterian Church is sponsoring its eighteenth annual outing to the Trenton Thunder Baseball Game in association with the Boys & Girls Club of Trenton, on Sunday June 7, versus the Harrisburg Senators. The cost per child is $10 and Dave Bush will be taking donations at coffee hour in the Assembly Room. Interested in participating? Contact: Dave Bush 215-435-5151 Arts & Music May Conference Room Art Show: “Camera Meets Canvas” Our conference room art shows conclude with works by Princeton-based photographer, Brian Seidenfrau. The images Seidenfrau captures are enhanced through computer software and printed on a variety of mediums, including wood, acrylic, and metal. He states, “Photography has helped me understand ‘stop and smell the roses,’ and now I take that a step further to capture each petal and insect on those roses.” Meet the artist today at the 10:15 coffee hour and after the 11:00 service and enjoy his marvelous vision. Register for Chancel Drama Week – Aug. 9-16 “Oh, Jonah!” It’s a whale of a tale. Youth, adults, and children (rising gr. 3 and up): Find your part in the story! More information and Registration Form are n the literature rack outside the main office and on the church website. If you want to have a singing part and/or an extended speaking role, placement auditions are as follows: Tuesday, June 2, 7:00-8:00PM; Wednesday, June 3, 4:00-5:00PM; or Sunday, June 7, 11:15 AM -12:15PM. Please let us know which date you plan to come: [email protected]. General Information To order CDs of worship services stop by the sound room following the service; if you ordered CDs of services, please pick them up in the sound room after worship; or order CDs of today’s service mailed anywhere in the USA. The cost is $4 if picked up, $5 if mailed. Mailing address or E-mail changes should be updated on My Nassau, or sent to [email protected] as soon as the change is known. This will insure timely receipt of schedule changes, special events, and other communication from the church. Parking: The parking lot next to the church is small. As such, during normal business hours, parking is reserved for staff with exceptions for handicapped parking with an official permit. Any other parking in the lot during business hours is by a parking permit obtained from the office and displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard. Online Giving: Electronic giving by credit/debit card or electronic check is available by selecting “Give Now” at Donations by credit or debit card result in a charge to the church of approximately 2.5%. If you prefer the convenience of using a card, please consider increasing your gift to help defray this cost. The per capita assessment for 2015 is $30 per member (Confirmation and above). Per capita represents the denominational costs related to the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast, and New Brunswick Presbytery. The funds are utilized for both mission and administrative expense. Please consider donating your or your family's Per Capita assessment to help defray this cost which totals $37,680 for Nassau Presbyterian Church. Accessibility Nassau Presbyterian Church is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible entrance to the building is found from the parking lot and through the ramp to our side door. An elevator is located near the ramp entrance and goes both up to the 2nd floor and to the lower basement floor. We also have two wheelchairs available inside the church. We provide mobile hearing aids connected to our sound system and large print worship bulletins and hymnals. Please feel free to ask an usher for any specific need you may have. Our church includes people of various physical abilities, and we invite you to stay seated at any time during worship if that is more appropriate or comfortable for you. We also have six pews large enough to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. Our parking lot includes an accessible parking space and on Sunday mornings additional spaces are available in our lot as well as six spots on Nassau Street adjacent to the church and ramp. Weekly Calendar Adult Education Today Following our Mission Money…across the nation PC(USA) Young Adult Volunteers 9:15 – 10:15AM, Assembly Room Kelli Miller & Caroline Tonarely Preparing for the End of Life Series Hoping for a Miracle: Challenging Conversations in End of Life Care 9:30AM - 10:30AM, Niles Chapel Deborah Toppmeyer Inquirers Class for Prospective Church Members 9:30 - 10:30AM, Room 202 Lauren McFeaters Adult Education Next Sunday Full descriptions, including leader biographies, are available in the literature racks and on the website. The Vision and Impact of Pope Francis Come and hear the words and spirit of Pope Francis. Enjoy hearing the background of this Pope and seeing the art of Brother Mickey McGrath. Colorful and sometimes whimsical art will illustrate Francis’s vision for making the Kingdom of God real in our world. Deacon Jim Knipper and Brother Mickey O’Neill McGrath will bring copies of Brother McGrath’s two books, Good Saint John XXIII, and Go to Joseph. Both have just made the news as having been shortlisted as finalists for the Association of Catholic Publishers 2015 “Excellence in Publishing Awards.” In addition, take a look at Sick, And You Cared For Me: Homilies & Reflections For Cycle B. Some of the finest preachers come together to build a compilation of sermons and homilies for Cycle B in the Liturgical Year. The book breaks open the Sunday and Feast Day readings in order to provide insight, warmth, humor and spiritual food for the reader. Under the moniker of the Homilists for the Homeless, these authors make it possible for proceeds from the sale of every book to go towards the care of those in need. Included in this volume are works by Pastor Dave Davis (paperback). $20.00 9:15 – 10:15AM, Assembly Room Jim Knipper & Mickey O'Neill McGrath Staff David A. Davis, Pastor Lauren J. McFeaters, Associate Pastor Joyce MacKichan Walker, Minister of Education Mark Edwards, Director of Youth Ministry Corrie Berg, Director of Children’s & Family Ministries Tara Woodard-Lehman, Presbyterian Campus Chaplain Noel Werner, Director of Music Sue Ellen Page, Director of Youth and Children's Choirs Mark Loria, Organist/Accompanist John Baker, Sound Engineer Princeton Theological Seminary Interns: Eliseo Morales & Jasmine Smart, Youth Ministry Pui See Wong, Adult Teaching Ministry The Gifts of Hospice Care Join us as a panel of folks offer their various experiences of, and unique perspectives on, hospice care. 9:30 – 10:30AM, Niles Chapel Claire Mulry, moderator, Ann Schoonover, Brad Gulick, Deborah van Deusen Hunsinger Inquirers Class for Prospective Church Members 9:30 - 10:30AM, Room 202 Lauren McFeaters Monday May 4, 2015 5:00PM 6:00PM Nassau Ringers II Nassau Ringers I Room 202 Room 202 Tuesday May 5, 2015 9:30AM Staff Meeting Niles Chapel 12:45PM Grace Note Singers Kingston Presbyterian Church 7:00PM Adult Education Committee Conference Room 7:30PM Children's & Family Ministry Committee Assembly Room Wednesday May 6, 2015 4:15PM Joyful Noise & Carol Choir Open House Assembly Room 5:15PM Choir 3-4-5 Open House Assembly Room 7:30PM Adult Choir Music Room Thursday May 7, 2015 9:00AM 10:00AM 7:30PM 7:30PM Walk Talk Pray Al-Anon Personnel Committee Property Committee Meets on Front Steps Conference Room Davis Study Conference Room Friday May 8, 2015 7:00AM Women's Early Morning Bible Study Contact Doodie Meyer 609-275-9647 7:30AM Men's Breakfast Assembly Room 10:00AM Mothers' Fellowship Conference Room Sunday May 10, 2015 9:15AM Worship and education for all ages Sanctuary and classrooms 9:30AM All Church School Gathering Room 302/303 9:30AM Inquirers Class Room 202 10:15AM Fellowship Assembly Room 11:00AM Worship Sanctuary 5:00PM Youth Fellowship TBD-offiste
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