*Benediction Postlude Piéce d'Orgue (BWV572) J.S. Bach Today at Nassau 9:15AM Worship and education for all ages Sanctuary & Classrooms 10:15AM Fellowship — Assembly Room 10:45AM First Corinthians in Depth — Room 202 11:00AM Worship — Sanctuary 12:15PM Celebration of 40+ Year Member Reception Nassau Presbyterian Church Assembly Room Preacher: David A. Davis Liturgists: 9:15 Corrie Berg 11:00 Lauren J. McFeaters Time with Children: Heather Riehl Musicians: Princeton Presbyterian Quintet: Kim Kleasen, flute; Je Oh, English horn; Daniel Gift, clarinet; Trish Davis, French horn; Leslie Young, bassoon Adult Choir Printed on 10% post-consumer fiber, recycled paper. Please recycle. LARGE PRINT BULLETINS ARE AVAILABLE FROM USHERS 61 Nassau Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08542 phone 609-924-0103 fax 609-683-1975 www.nassauchurch.org CETANA Myanmar Guest — Music Room Nassau Book Group — Room 202 12:30PM ASP Lunch & Info Meeting — Room 304 2:30PM Faculty Recital - New School for Music Study Sanctuary 5:00PM Cantorei — Music Room Middle School Fellowship — Room 304 Praying for Our Children & Youth — Niles Chapel 6:00PM Youth Fellowship Dinner — Assembly Room 6:40PM Middle School Choir — Music Room Senior High Fellowship — Room 304 7:30PM Breaking Bread— Niles Chapel April 19, 2015 9:15AM & 11:00AM 61 Nassau Street Princeton, New Jersey 08542 609-924-0103 • www.nassauchurch.org Order of Worship The beginning of the prelude is a call to silent, personal preparation for the worship of God. Please silence all cell phones and pagers. Asterisk * indicates that you may sit or stand. We have two books of congregational song. “Psalter” indicates Psalms for All Seasons, and “Hymn” indicates Glory to God. Prelude Horn Quintet in E-Flat Major Allegro W.A. Mozart *Introit Come, You Faithful, Raise the Strain Prayer of Confession Psalm 146:1-2 St. Kevin Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose face is hidden from us by our sins, and whose mercy we forget in the blindness of our hearts: cleanse us from all our offenses, and deliver us from proud thoughts and vain desires, that with reverent and humble hearts we may draw near to you, confessing our faults, confiding in your grace, and finding in you our refuge and strength; through Jesus Christ your Son. Amen. Assurance of Forgiveness Sisters and brothers in Christ, hear and believe the good news of the Gospel. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Thanks be to God. Words of Welcome 9:15 Children may leave for church school classes. Visitors will find assistance locating rooms in the Great Hall in front of the sanctuary. Celebration of Our 40+ Year Members (11:00) Prayer for Illumination Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praise to my God all my life long. Come, praise the Lord! *Response of Praise My Dancing Day Tomorrow shall be my dancing day: I would my true love did so chance to see the legend of my play, to call my true love to my dance: sing O my love, O my love, my love, my love; this have I done for my true love. Before Pilate the people me brought, where Barabbas had deliverance; they scourged me, and set me at nought, judged me to die to lead the dance. Sing O my love, O my love, my love, my love; this have I done for my true love. 11:00 Children preK/Age 4-grade 3 may now leave for Worship Explorers. At the end of worship, parents pick up children in room 301. In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful Hymn 654 *Call to Worship *Hymn 234 Offertory Time with Children (9:15) Be Not Afraid Hymn 243 Lord, open our hearts and minds by the power of your Holy Spirit, that as the scriptures are read and your Word is proclaimed, we may hear with joy what you say to us today. Amen. First Scripture Lesson Sermon *Hymn 244 Then on the cross hanged I was, where a spear to my heart did glance; there issued forth both water and blood, to call my true love to my dance. Sing O my love, O my love, my love, my love; this have I done for my true love. Then down to hell I took my way for my true love’s deliverance, and rose again on the third day, up to my true love and the dance. Sing O my love, O my love, my love, my love; this have I done for my true love. Then up to heaven I did ascend, where now I dwell in sure substance, on the right hand of God, that all may come unto the general dance: sing O my love, O my love, my love, my love; this have I done for my true love. Psalm 4 (pg 490) Second Scripture Lesson Luke 24:1-12 (pg 90) "Idle Tales" This Joyful Eastertide Verse 1 – choir; Refrain – all Verse 2 - choir; Refrain – all Verse 3 & Refrain - all David A. Davis Vruechten *Affirmation of Faith Book of Common Worship This is the good news which we have received, in which we stand, and by which we are saved, if we hold it fast: that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day, and that he appeared first to the women, then to Peter, and to the Twelve, and then to many faithful witnesses. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus Christ is the first and the last, the beginning and the end; he is our Lord and our God. Amen. arr. David Cherwien *Doxology Trad. English Carol Lasst Uns Erfreuen Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, alleluia, alleluia! Praise God above, ye heav’nly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! Prayers of the People & The Lord's Prayer (Hymnal pg 11, 35, *Psalter 105 C 40, 45) Praise the Lord, the Day Is Won! (pg 676) Nassau Generations Worship Explorers (during 11:00AM services) – Room 301 Worship Explorers is offered during the 11:00AM worship service for children age 3 to Grade 3. The Worship Explorers program is based on the Young Children and Worship curriculum. Through this unique program, children are nurtured and invited to participate in the mystery, wonder, traditions, and practices of their faith. Congregational Life After the Time with Children, they are escorted by the Worship Explorers teachers to the Worship Center. Parents pick up their children following the end of the 11:00AM worship service. Weekly News & Events at Nassau Presbyterian Church April 19, 2015 TODAY Come Celebrate our 40+ Year Church Members; 12:00PM; Assembly Room Join us for a reception as we celebrate the contributions of our long time members. Come enjoy a special slide show for the event and a chance to enjoy food, fellowship and conversation. Praying for our Children and Youth Tonight Sunday evenings April 19 and May 3, 5:00-6:00PM Join us in Niles Chapel for conversation and prayer as our children enjoy fellowship and choir. We will join them for dinner at 6:00PM. All are welcome! Contact: Lauren McFeaters [email protected]; 609-9240103, x102 or Frances Katrishen [email protected] Next Week Communiversity is Sunday April 26 One service of Worship at 9:15AM PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Windrows/Stonebridge bus service this day Inquirers Class for Prospective Church Members Sundays May 3, 10, 17, 9:30-10:30AM; Niles Chapel (first floor) The Inquirers Class is held on three consecutive Sunday mornings during the Church School hour and is designed to explore the meaning of Christian faith and church membership and to learn more about the history and foundations of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The class is open to anyone wanting to know more about our church and is required for those who wish to become members of the church. Come discover opportunities for spiritual growth, service, mission and fellowship, and learn about worship, sacraments, and theology. Your presence and membership mean everything to us! Contact: Lauren McFeaters [email protected]; 609-924-0103, x102 Fellowship and Support Senior Adult lunch on Sunday, May 3, in the Assembly Room after 11:00AM service. Our caterer will provide the lunch, the price is $8.00, and the fellowship will be awesome as usual! Make a reservation by Friday, May 1 on MyNassau, or by calling the church office and speaking with any one of the administrative staff. Prayer Chain To request prayer for yourself, a loved one or friend, be in touch with Deacon Debbi Roldan to initiate the prayer chain. You may also write your concerns in the prayer book in the narthex. All concerns are confidential. If you wish to participate in this ministry, Debbi will add you to the email or phone prayer chain. Contact: Debbi Roldan 609-688-9550; [email protected] Children and Family Ministry Children are always welcome in our services of worship. Classes begin at 9:30AM except for Age 2, and 6-12th grade, which begin at 9:15, and finish at 10:30AM. Children are welcome to participate in the first part of the 9:15AM worship service, either sitting with their parents or with their church school teachers, departing for their class after the Time with Children. Parents pick up their children (4th grade and younger) from their classroom after the service; 5th grade and up are dismissed without parents present. All-Church Retreat to Lake Champion Friday, May 22 (begins with dinner) - Sunday, May 24 (ends after lunch). The best way ever to start off the summer. Stunning location, comfortable rooms (family-style rooms available!), more activities than you can fit into 3 days, plus excellent company, content and conversation! More information and registration on My Nassau. Contact: Corrie Berg [email protected] Vacation Bible School and PresbyCamp Monday, June 29 – Thursday, July 2, 2015. Join us on the Journey to Jerusalem - Grab your sandals and join Jesus and the disciples as they walk the dusty roads to Jerusalem, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee. You’ll hear about miracles of healing and feeding as you meet the people Jesus met. Vacation Bible School (age 3 through rising 6th graders) 9:00AM – 12:00PM •An exciting and educational week-long morning program with music, recreation, arts/crafts with an emphasis on Bible stories PresbyCamp (rising 4th-6th graders)12:00PM – 3:30PM •Fun and fellowship with a mission focus. PresbyCampers engage in local mission projects and field trips. Outreach NAMI 5K Walk 2015 (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Saturday, May 2, 10:00AM at ETS Come join the deacons as we walk in support of those who suffer from mental illness. Registration begins at 9:00AM; walk begins 10:00AM, and usually takes an hour. Meet at the Educational Testing Service, 660 Rosedale Road, Princeton. Live music, a picnic, and activities will follow. To register go to www.namiwalks.org/mercercounty; complete the information form, then look for TEAM NASSAU. If you are unable to walk, please help support those who can by sponsoring them at the same link. Contact: Bob Woods [email protected]; 732-589-1954 Send a Boys and Girls Club Child to a Ballgame: Nassau Presbyterian Church is sponsoring its eighteenth annual outing to the Trenton Thunder Baseball Game in association with the Boys & Girls Club of Trenton, on Sunday June 7, versus the Harrisburg Senators. The cost per child is $10 and Dave Bush will be taking donations at coffee hour in the Assembly Room beginning today. Interested in participating? Contact: Dave Bush 215-435-5151 The Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund will present two outstanding local women, Patricia Fernández-Kelly and Yessica Martínez, readings excerpts from their recent works about two marginalized populations in the United States. Come to the Assembly Room on Saturday April 25 from 4:00 to 6:00PM for these stories, one about surviving in the Baltimore ghetto and one about Latin American migrants in shelters along the Mexican border. A discussion will follow. Tickets are $10 for students, $30 for "Friends" and $50 for "Benefactors" all payable at the door. More details at www.LALDEF.org. Reservations are required: 609-688-088, [email protected] Arts & Music Free Piano Recital TODAY at 2:30PM The New School for Music Study presents a recital by the entire faculty this afternoon to close their season at Nassau. Music by Gershwin, Martinu, Sarasate, Khachaturian, and more will be performed in a delightful spring concert. A reception will follow, and donations made during the concert will be divided between the New School’s scholarship fund and Nassau’s Frances Clark Fund in support of music and arts. April Conference Room Art Show Mixed media and collage by Kendall Park resident, Smita Nedunuri, grace our walls this month. She states: “My cultural background shows up in my work. The colors I use are mostly reminiscent of Indian fabric which is colorful and bright, the designs frequently are organic and curvilinear, inspired by the henna designs.” You can learn more at www. SmitaNedunuri.com. General Information To order CDs of worship services stop by the sound room following the service; if you ordered CDs of services, please pick them up in the sound room after worship; or order CDs of today’s service mailed anywhere in the USA. The cost is $4 if picked up, $5 if mailed. Mailing address or E-mail changes should be updated on My Nassau, or sent to [email protected] as soon as the change is known. This will insure timely receipt of schedule changes, special events, and other communication from the church. Parking: The parking lot next to the church is small. As such, during normal business hours, parking is reserved for staff with exceptions for handicapped parking with an official permit. Any other parking in the lot during business hours is by a parking permit obtained from the office and displayed on the vehicle’s dashboard. Online Giving: Electronic giving by credit/debit card or electronic check is available by selecting “Give Now” at www.nassauchurch.org. Donations by credit or debit card result in a charge to the church of approximately 2.5%. If you prefer the convenience of using a card, please consider increasing your gift to help defray this cost. The per capita assessment for 2015 is $30 per member (Confirmation and above). Per capita represents the denominational costs related to the General Assembly, the Synod of the Northeast, and New Brunswick Presbytery. The funds are utilized for both mission and administrative expense. Please consider donating your or your family's Per Capita assessment to help defray this cost which totals $37,680 for Nassau Presbyterian Church. Accessibility Nassau Presbyterian Church is wheelchair accessible. The Accessible entrance to the building is found from the parking lot and through the ramp to our side door. An elevator is located near the ramp entrance and goes both up to the 2nd floor and to the lower basement floor. We also have two wheelchairs available inside the church. We provide mobile hearing aids connected to our sound system and large print worship bulletins and hymnals. Please feel free to ask an usher for any specific need you may have. Our church includes people of various physical abilities, and we invite you to stay seated at any time during worship if that is more appropriate or comfortable for you. We also have six pews large enough to accommodate wheelchairs and walkers. Our parking lot includes an accessible parking space and on Sunday mornings additional spaces are available in our lot as well as six spots on Nassau Street adjacent to the church and ramp. Nassau Presbyterian Church Forty+ Year Members April 2015 Dolores & Ralph Allaire Jim & Nancy Amick Jermain Anderson Jon Arrington Alice Artzt Eileen Bailey Marion Bakoulis Dorothy Beeners Diane Drayer Beier Kevin Birch Jane Bonthron Geraldine Bowers Lawrence Boyer Bruce & Mary Breckenridge Barbara Broad Betty & Tom Buzard Nick Carnevale Susan Carty Elizabeth Chase Pamela Ciallella Charles Clark Custis & James Clark Elaine & Harry Cooke Douglas Corlette David & Lynn Ann Cornell Gertrude Cupples Brenda Davies Robert Davies III Jane Dennison Mary Doscher Robert Dougherty Margaret Drayer Bob & Helen Duncan Eugenia Dussourd Barbara Ellis Ann & Brown Elmes Judy Erdman Peter Erdman Dudley Fitzpatrick J. Allen Fitzpatrick Jim & Nancye Fitzpatrick Araxy Foster Claude Frazer Archie Freeman Jr. Dorothy Fullam Audrey & Mosie Gates Jan Gibson Beverly & Tony Glockler Nancy Graham Rachel Gray Anne & Buel Grow June Gulick Caroline Hare Gail Harrje Jim & Peg Hastings Marilyn Heitzmann Alan & Cathy Hendry Clarice Higgins Barbara Hillhouse Elise Hilpert Herb Hobler Carl & Carolyn Hoyler John & Martha Huehnergarth Elizabeth & Lawrence Ivan Rosanne Jacks Rosanna Jaffin Robert Jahn Jean Jansen Hilda Jennings Sallie Jesser Rose Johnson Martha Karraker Dick & Jeanne Katen John & Pam Kelsey Hendrica & Samuel Kim Carol King Mary Lee & Thomas King Philip LaBar Fraser & Maxine Lewis Jacob Lutz Jr. Mary Lyness Aminta Marks Ed Matthews Naomi McClendon Molly McDonough Jock McFarlane David McKee Joseph McKee James & Patricia McPherson Isobel Metzger Margaret Migliore Linda Mondone Janelle & Mac Morris Vivian Oliver Joseph & Mary Ann Opperman Jean & Larry Parsons Janice & Timothy Peters Ellen Petrone Barbara Pierce Alexander Pinelli Mary Pirone Julia Rhodes Helmar Sakenfeld Joy Saville Margaret Sheppard Junior Van Skillman William Smith Jr. Donna & Lawrence Steele Martha Lou Stohlman William Sutphin Richard Sword Sally Sword Louise Tompkins Martha Ann TottenhamSmith Jan Tregoe Marcia VanDyck Alice Vial Rosemary Walmsley James & Mary Walsh Bob & Didi Waltman Marge Weaver Mildred Weigel Donald & Ruth Wilson Ariana Wittke Karen Woodbridge Frances Yokana Adult Education Today Weekly Calendar Following our Mission Money… to the other side of the world 9:15 – 10:15AM, Assembly Room Lois Young & Chenault Spence Preparing for the End of Life Pre-Funeral Planning: An Act of Faith 9:15AM - 10:15AM, Niles Chapel Lauren J. McFeaters First Corinthians in Depth 10:45AM - 12:00PM, Room 202 George Hunsinger Adult Education May 3 Full descriptions, including leader biographies, are available in the literature racks and on the website. Following our Mission Money… across the nation The Young Adult Volunteer (YAV) program is a ministry of the PC(USA) that sends young adults, ages 19-30, into a year of service in the United States and around the world. Come meet both of our impressive PC(USA) YAVs and listen to them talk about living a year of Christian service “they’ll never forget.” 9:15 – 10:15AM, Assembly Room Kelli Miller & Caroline Tonarely Preparing for the End of Life Series Hoping for a Miracle: Challenging Conversations in End of Life Care Communicating about the end of life (EOL) care with patients is one of the greatest challenges for the physician but it can dramatically improve the dying experience for both patients and their families. However, only a minority of patients report having such discussions with their physicians. Explore strategies to address EOL care and barriers to implementing such communication including physician, patient and institutional factors. 9:15AM - 10:15AM, Niles Chapel Deborah Toppmeyer First Corinthians in Depth Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians is the focus of this on-going Bible study led by the Rev. Dr. George Hunsinger, Professor of Systematic Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. New members are always welcome. 10:45AM - 12:00PM, Room 202 George Hunsinger Monday Apr 20, 2015 11:45AM Sending Task Force 5:00PM Nassau Ringers II 6:00PM Nassau Ringers I 7:30PM Holy Land Trip - Meet & Greet Tuesday Apr 21, 2015 9:30AM 12:45PM 7:30PM Staff Meeting Niles Chapel Grace Note Singers Kingston Presbyterian Church Mission Committee Assembly Room Wednesday Apr 22, 2015 4:15PM Carol Choir 4:15PM In-Choir Bible Study 4:15PM Joyful Noise 5:15PM Choir 3-4-5 7:30PM Adult Choir Thursday Apr 23, 2015 9:00AM 10:00AM Conference Room Room 202 Room 202 Berg Home Walk Talk Pray Al-Anon Music Room Conference Room Niles Chapel Music Room Music Room Meets on Front Steps Conference Room Friday Apr 24, 2015 7:00AM Women's Early Morning Bible Study Contact Doodie Meyer 609-275-9647 7:30AM Men's Breakfast Assembly Room 10:00AM Mothers' Fellowship Room 304 11:00AM Lynn Livingston Memorial Service Sanctuary Saturday Apr 25, 2015 4:00PM LALDEF Event Assembly Room Sunday Apr 26, 2015 One Service at 9:15AM 9:15AM Worship and education for all ages Sanctuary 10:15AM Cantorei Music Room 10:15AM Middle School Choir Niles Chapel 1:00PM Communiversity Nassau & Witherspoon Streets 7:30PM Breaking Bread Niles Chapel
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