DEMYSTIFYING DARPA: A V IEW FROM THE D EPARTMENT L EVEL 2 0 1 5 N C U R A R e g i o n I S p r i n g M e e t i ng P o r t l a nd , M E May 5, 2015, 9:30am – 10:30am Presenters: Will Helmrath Chad Restrick DEMYSTIFYING DARPA: WHY YOU SHOULDN ’ T DO IT BECAUSE ITS REALLY HARD AND BESIDES YOU DON ’ T WANT THE EXTRA WORK DO YOU ? 2 0 1 5 N C U R A R e g i o n I S p r i n g M e e t i ng P o r t l a nd , M E May 5, 2015, 9:30am – 10:30am Presenters: Will Helmrath Chad Restrick AGENDA 2 1 D A R P A Overview Introduction to DARPA 3 2 Pre-award: Proposal & Negotiation 4 3 Post-award: Between Pre-Award And Post-Award & Revisions 4 Conclusion and Q&A 3 INTRODUCTION 4 WHAT IS DARPA? Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 5 DARPA ACCOMPLISHMENTS Speech Recognition Global Positioning System ARPANET 6 DARPA @ WYSS BAA 11-73 “Microphysiological Systems” Human Organs-OnChips 7 DARPA @ WYSS BAA 11-72 “Warrior Web” Mobility Enhancing Soft Exosuit 8 DARPA - CURRENT OFFICES Adaptive Execution Office Biological Technologies Office Defense Sciences Office Information Innovation Office Microsystems Technology Office Strategic Technology Office Tactical Technology Office 9 DARPA PROGRAM MANAGER 10 FINDING DARPA FUNDING 11 BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT 12 FUNDAMENTAL VS. RESTRICTED RESEARCH “Fundamental research means basic and applied research in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguished from proprietary research and from Industrial development, design, production, and product utilization, the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reason.” ( N a t i o n al S e c u r i ty D e c i s i o n D i r e c t i ve ( N S D D ) 1 8 9 , N a t i o n al Po l i c y o n t h e Tra n s f e r o f S c i e n t i f i c , Te c h n i c al , a n d E n g i n e e r i n g I n f o r m at i o n ) 13 THE “FUN” IN FUNDAMENTAL Task A – BAA 11.72 II. AWARD INFORMATION (pg. 12) As of the date of publication of this BAA, DARPA expect s that program goals for this BAA may be met by proposers intendin g to perform 'fundament al research,' i.e., basic or applied research performed on campus in science and engineering, the results of which ordinarily are published and shared broadly within the scientific community, as distinguis hed from proprietary research and from industrial development, design, production, and product utilization the results of which ordinarily are restricted for proprietary or national security reasons . Notwithstanding this statement of expectation, DARPA is not prohibit ed from consider in g and select in g research proposals that, while perhaps not qualify in g as 'fundament al research ' under the forego in g defin it ion , still meet the BAA criteria for submissions. If proposals are selected for award that offer other than a fundamental research solution, then DARPA will either work with the proposer to modify the proposed statement of work to bring the research back into line with fundamental research or else the proposer will agree to restrictions in order to receive an award. See Section VI.B.4 for further information on fundamental, non-fundamental and restricted research. In all cases, the DARPA contracting officer shall have sole discretion to select award instrum ent type and to negotiate all instrument provisions with 14 selectees. THE “FUN” IN FUNKY Task B – BAA 13.43 II. AWARD INFORMATION (pg. 15) As of the date of publication of this BAA, the Govern ment expect s that program goals as described herein either cannot be met by proposers intendin g to perform fundament al research or the proposed research is anticipated to present a high likelihood of disclosing performance characteristic s of military systems or manufacturing technologies that are unique and critical to defense. Therefore, the Government anticipates restrictions on the resultant researc h that will require the contractor to seek DARPA permission before publishing any information or results relative to the program. Proposers should indicat e in their proposal whether they believe the scope of the research included in their proposal is fundament al or not. While proposers should clearly explain the intended results of their research, the Government shall have sole discretion to select award instrument type and to negotiate all instrum ent terms and conditions with selectees. Approp riat e clauses will be included in result ant awards for nonfundament al research to prescribe publicat ion requirement s and other restrict ions, as appropri at e. 15 T YPICAL PROPOSAL PROCESS § Proposers’ Day § Go to DARPA to hear about program § Abstract § “Whitepaper” + Quad Chart + Cost Estimate § Full Proposal § Technical + Cost proposals 16 HEILMEIER’S CATECHISM What are you trying to do? How is it done today? What is new in your approach? Who cares? What are the risks and payoffs? How much will it cost? How long will it take? What are the midterm and final “exams” to check for success? 17 VOL I: TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ¡Executive Summary ¡Goals and Impact ¡Technical and Management Plan ¡Statement of Work ¡Milestones and Deliverables 18 SOW, MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES Project Work Description – Phase 1: Task 1 Title and description Sub-task 1.1 Title and description Performance Metrics and Assessment Sub-task 1.2 Title and description Performance Metrics and Assessment Deliverables/Milestones Task 2 Title and description Sub-task 2.1 Title and description Performance Metrics and Assessment Deliverables/Milestones Task 3 Title and description Sub-task 3.1 Title and description Performance Metrics and Assessment Sub-task 3.2 Title and description Performance Metrics and Assessment Deliverables/Milestones 19 SOW SET-UP Phase 1 (12 mo.) Phase 2 (12 mo.) Total TA 1: Knee Joint Prime $- Sub #1 $- TA 1 Total $- $- $- TA 2: Ankle Joint Prime $- Sub #2 $- TA 2 Total $- $- $- TA 3: Mobility Prime $- Sub #3 $- TA 3 Total $- $- $20 SOW, MILESTONES AND DELIVERABLES Project Work Description – Phase 1: Project Work Description – Phase 1: Task 1 Title and description Sub-task 1.1 Title and description Performance Metrics & Assessment Sub-task 1.2 Title and description Performance Metrics & Assessment Deliverables/Milestones Task 1 Knee Joint Sub-task 1.1 Knee Robotics Version 1.0 Built Sub-task 1.2 Knee Power Supply Off-board power supply fabricated At the end of Phase 1, the knee joint will be assembled and powered Task 2 Title and description Sub-task 2.1 Title and description Performance Metrics & Assessment Deliverables/Milestones Task 2 Ankle Joint Sub-task 2.1 Ankle Stabilizer Version 1.0 Built At the end of Phase 1, the ankle joint will be stabilized without duct tape Task 3 Title and description Sub-task 3.1 Title and description Performance Metrics & Assessment Sub-task 3.2 Title and description Performance Metrics & Assessment Deliverables/Milestones Task 3 Mobility Sub-task 3.1 Functional Pants Version 1.0 Knee/Ankle Integration Sub-task 3.2 Off-board power supply integration At the end of Phase 1, the ankle and knee joints will be fully functional in pants. 21 GANTT CHART PHASE FISCAL YEAR YEAR MONTHS TASK 1 2014 PHASE 1 FY15 GANTT CHART 2015 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN PHASE 2 FY16 2016 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN TASK 1.1.1 TASK 1.1.2 TASK 2.1.1 TASK 2 TASK 1.2.1 TASK 2.2.1 TASK 3 TASK 1.3.1 TASK 1.3.2 TASK 2.3.1 TASK 2.3.2 Phase Subtotals Totals 22 VOL II: COST PROPOSAL ¡ Develop budget by sub-task for each phase ¡ Detailed Cost Elements/Categories 23 GANTT CHARTING PHASE FISCAL YEAR YEAR MONTHS TASK 1 TASK 1.1.1 2014 GANTT CHART PHASE 1 FY15 2015 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN $252,000 $24,750 $84,595 $252,000 TASK 2.1.1 TASK 1.2.1 $159,175 $181,609 $159,175 $181,609 TASK 2.2.1 TASK 3 TASK 1.3.1 TASK 1.3.2 $52,910 $139,450 $30,000 $22,910 $121,550 TASK 2.3.1 TASK 2.3.2 Phase Subtotals Totals 2016 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN $109,345 TASK 1.1.2 TASK 2 PHASE 2 FY16 $17,900 $573,059 $321,430 $894,489 24 BREAKING IT DOWN Monthly Cost Breakout Phase 1 Jul-14 Aug-14 TASK 1.1.1 $ 6,188 $ 6,188 TASK 1.1.2 TASK 1.2.1 $ 47,170 $ 10,182 TASK 1.3.1 TASK 1.3.2 Totals $ 53,358 $ 16,370 Sep-14 $ 6,188 Oct-14 $ 6,188 $ $ 10,182 $ 10,182 $ $ 3,750 $ 3,750 $ $ 2,546 $ $ 20,120 $ 22,665 $ Nov-14 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 Dec-14 $ $ $ $ $ 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 Jan-15 $ $ $ $ $ 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 Feb-15 $ $ $ $ $ 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 Mar-15 $ $ $ $ $ 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 Apr-15 $ $ $ $ $ 10,574 10,182 3,750 2,546 27,052 May-15 $ $ $ $ Jun-15 Totals $ 24,750 10,574 $ 10,574 $ 84,595 10,182 $ 10,182 $ 159,175 $ 30,000 2,546 $ 2,546 $ 22,910 23,302 $ 23,302 $ 321,430 25 FLASH FORWARD: REPORTING BY TASK 26 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION Bill of Materials ¡ Bill of Materials Task 1 Sub Task 1.1 Supply ¡ Salary Confirmations Unit Cost Units Cost Supply A $ 10.95 10 $ 109.50 Supply B $ 100.12 4 $ 400.48 Supply C $ 20.11 5 $ 100.55 Supply D $ 30.95 2 $ 61.90 Supply E $ 4.99 3 $ 14.97 Supply F $ 0.02 1 $ 0.02 $ 687.42 Subtotal Sub Task 1.1 Sub Task 1.2 ¡ F&A Rate Agreement ¡ Equipment/Other Quotes Supply Unit Cost Units Cost Supply A $ 234.12 3 $ 702.36 Supply B $ 0.05 25 $ 1.25 Supply C $ 1,000.00 3 $ 3,000.00 Supply D $ 0.25 31 $ 7.75 Supply E $ 15.00 1 $ 15.00 Supply F $ 56.00 3 $ 168.00 Subtotal Sub Task 1.2 $ 3,894.36 Total Task 1 $ 4,581.78 27 VOL II: COST PROPOSAL & SUBS ¡ Flow-down of BAA proposal requirements ¡ Subrecipient vs Vendor in Contracts Subrecipient = Subcontractor Vendor = Subcontractor ¡ Proprietary Subcontractor Proposal Documentation may be submitted directly to DARPA 28 AOR ¡ Authorized Organizational Representative § Sign-off on proposal § Official transmittal letter § List them as the organizational contact on Vol I and Vol II cover pages 29 DARPA BAA LOGIN SITE ¡ Recently released system for preproposals and proposals ¡ Previously through, TFIMS, or via email 30 NEGOTIATION ¡ Challenge: keeping everyone in the loop Program Manager Contracting Officer PI/Performer Institutional Offices Dept. GM 31 NEGOTIATING THE SOW AND BUDGET PHASE FISCAL YEAR YEAR MONTHS TASK 1 TASK 1.1.1 2014 GANTT CHART PHASE 1 FY15 2015 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN $252,000 $24,750 $84,595 $252,000 TASK 2.1.1 TASK 1.2.1 $159,175 $181,609 $159,175 $181,609 TASK 2.2.1 TASK 3 1.3.1 TASK 2.3.1 1.3.2 TASK 2.3.2 $192,360 $139,450 $52,910 $30,000 $22,910 $121,550 2.3.1 TASK 2.3.3 2.3.2 TASK 2.3.4 Phase Subtotals Totals 2016 JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN $109,345 TASK 1.1.2 TASK 2 PHASE 2 FY16 $17,900 $573,059 $625,969 $321,430 $268,520 $894,489 32 PRE-AWARD REVIEW ¡ Solicitations through BAA ¡ Proposal Elements: Technical and Cost ¡ Subrecipients provide same level of detail ¡ Communication between key players ¡ Check BAA for research type 33 BETWEEN PRE- AND POST AWARD ¡ Administration of awards might be through other offices ¡ Award Terms and Conditions vary depending on admin. agencies 34 DARPA CONTRACTS ¡ Terms & Conditions: Award Notice & Federal Acquisition Regulations ¡ All Gov’t Contracts A-21, A-110, A122, & OASC-3 was and FAR is to contracts what ______________ 2-CFR-200 is to grants and cooperative agreements. _________ 35 2 T YPES OF CLAUSES ¡ Clauses Incorporated by Full Text § Key Personnel § Agency Contacts § Reporting Requirements § Report Distribution Contacts § WAWF instructions § Other award specific Terms & Conditions ¡ Clauses Incorporated by Reference 36 CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE 37 ANIMAL AND HUMAN SUBJECTS RESEARCH LOCAL IRB and IACUC approval Admin. Agency IRB and IACUC approval DARPA Notification/Approval Commence Work 38 HOW PRE-AWARD AFFECTS AWARD SET-UP ¡ Do what is necessary to fulfill reporting and invoicing requirements ¡ Interim financial reporting and invoicing detail may vary ¡ Tracking expenses by task provides detail 39 PRE-AWARD STRIKES BACK Revising the SOW & Budget ¡ Formal Process ¡ Similar documentation as initial proposal ¡ Contract Mods require Contract Officer Sign-off 40 GETTING ADDITIONAL FUNDING ¡Typically Option and Increment Funding ¡Additional Period and Option funding may be contingent on: §Technical Performance §Completion of reporting requirements 41 INCREMENTAL FUNDING Example for paragraph a.: This modification increases the Total Grant Value in the amount of $100,000 from $200,000 to $300,000. 42 INCREMENTAL FUNDING CONT. However, paragraph d. might tell you that of the additional $100,000, you’ve only received an increment of $10,000 and the rest is currently unfunded. 43 DARPA AND NIH NIH DARPA BAAs Proposals: Technical & Cost Proposals Program Announcements Review: Peer Review + Program Review 44 OVERARCHING CHALLENGES ¡ Non-traditional sponsor of research at educational institutions ¡ High-risk projects ¡ Task/Technical Area structure within Projects ¡ No guaranteed funds past the increment ¡ Communication 45 RESOURCES DARPA DARPA BAA Site 46 T&C RESOURCES Research Terms and Conditions Prior Approval and Other Requirements Matrix pdf Federal Acquisition Regulations ONR Grant Terms and Conditions ARO Research Terms and Conditions 47 Q&A 48 PRESENTER CONTACTS Chad Restrick [email protected] Will Helmrath [email protected] 49
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