View Weekly Diary - Nettleham All Saints

Please remember the following people in your prayers this week:
Those who are sick:
Ben Comins, Geoff Irwin, Doris Green, Ruth Andrews, Nancy Wiggett, Andrew Scott,
Noel Gleeson, Margaret Hogarth, Charles Chambers, Barry Crum,
June Flower and Matthew Stower
Those who have died recently:
Year’s Mind
Barrie Murdoch
Pat Green
Daisy Aspland
Frederick Rowley
William Henry Webster
Kathryn Evans
Frank Wood
Please also pray for
Thomas Prescott & Rebecca Williams who were married here yesterday
NOTICES for inclusion in Sunday’s Pew Sheet should be sent by 10.00am
on the preceding Tuesday to Lynne Combes at [email protected] or
dropped in at 69 Ridgeway
Please help our fabric fund AND local charities and societies!
For a fraction over £2 each week, members can win cash prizes as well as helping
community projects.
Tell your neighbours & friends how they can help by subscribing to the
COMMUNITY LOTTERY. If everyone in the congregation brought 2 friends to the
scheme, we’d be in great shape to serve the community and the fabric fund. If you
would like some leaflets to spread around, they’re at the back of church.
Russ Coulter
Neil Duff
[email protected]
[email protected]
We have two youngsters who would like to run a Tombola Stall during
West Lindsey Open Churches weekend, however, they would be very
grateful to receive donations of tins, jars, bottles, bars of chocolate, biscuits,
tins, jars etc., if you can help please pass any donations on to Margaret Smith
or one of the Social Fellowship Committee. Many thanks.
All Saints Church - Coach Outings 2015
16 May – York
19 September - Stratford upon Avon
11 November - Thursford ‘Christmas Spectacular’
Coach Trip To Stratford Upon Avon - 19th September
A change to the detail for the coach trip to Stratford in September - I
mistakenly thought that ‘Matilda The Musical’ was being shown at the
RSC during our afternoon there - it is in fact being performed by the
RSC but at the Cambridge theatre in London. The matinee
performance while we are in Stratford is ‘Henry V’.
I sincerely hope that no-one has booked for Matilda under the
impression that it is in Stratford.
My apologies - Ken - KenMar Travel Consultants
Church Cleaning
Our small team of volunteers make sure that every week the church is cleaned,
dustbins emptied and toiletries replenished for the benefit of our congregation and
visitors to the church.
The team consists of Sally & Doug Bradley, Peter & Linda Broadley, Marilyn
Tompkins and Diana O’Rourke, Sue Duff and Jo Taylor, Myfanwy and Ken &
Jocelyne Pilbeam.
Their work also saves the PCC fund a great deal of money which would otherwise
have to be spent if a commercial cleaning company were engaged to clean for us.
The team have been together now for more than 6 years but we are always seeking
new volunteers. If you feel that you are able to offer your time for about one and a
half hours every six or seven weeks, less frequently depending upon new ’recruits’,
please contact Ken Pilbeam in church or on Lincoln 750988. Your help
would be very much appreciated.
Because the 9.30am Sunday service has moved to 10.30am, some members of the
coffee team have had to stand down.
Therefore, if anyone would be willing to join the team I would be most grateful. We
have a 6-week rota at the moment which could become less frequent depending
upon how many new helpers we can recruit.
If you can help please contact Margaret Smith on 822487 or email
[email protected]
At present we have no one to do coffee on Sundays May 24th and July 12th so if
you cannot commit on a regular basis perhaps you could do one of the above dates.
As you know on the 9 and 10 May 2015 our church is taking part in West
Lindsey Open Churches Weekend at our Church, and we would very much
like to make this the biggest and best fundraising weekend.
Painting at - 4, The Dales, Nettleham; details and reservations from
Mary @ 01522 752124
If YOU can help with anything, or would you like to run a stall in the
INFORMATION at the back of church :- please fill any times of
help/baking/etc., and any stalls you could help with or would be
available for.
If you would like to see what is happening at the Festival this year go to
Nettleham's page is here
or check out this years brochure and leaflet at the back of church.
BREAKFAST CHURCH 9.15 to 10.00am
Breakfast Church was introduced on Mothering Sunday specifically
aimed to encourage families to come to church, eat and enjoy
fellowship together in less formal setting than the usual traditional
Eucharist service on Sunday morning.
With effect from the first Sunday in May, Breakfast church will be run weekly in the old
school rooms from 9.15am to 10.00am.
Help is needed on a rota basis to ensuring the smooth running with preparations; each
week. These include:
Setting out tables and chairs in the large hall ready for 9.00am
Putting on the tea urn ready to provide hot water for 9.15am
Preparing Breakfast for 9.15am
 bowls, cups, plates, etc ready
 Setting up breakfast ie getting out the cereals, toast, jams etc.
 Organising hot drinks area
Craft activities with families
 Setting out work areas with pens, paper, craft items etc.
 Tidy away
IT – preparing all the equipment at the beginning & tidy at the end
 Computer links etc.
 Live musical instruments when things become more established
Tidy away tables and chairs
Washing up/drying and putting away!
Tidy away generally at the end of Breakfast Church
If you feel you are able to help with any of the above or would like to become more
involved in any way please contact :
Sarah Subden – 01522 751999 – [email protected]
Michelle Web – 01522 695969 – [email protected]
Church Wardens or any of the Ministry team on the usual numbers.
Or add your contact details to the list which will be at the back of
You may not be able to help with any of the above, but you can help by keeping
Breakfast church in your prayers!
English saints and martyrs of the Reformation
Said Eucharist
Handbells (B)
St John the Evangelist
Said Eucharist BCP
Ministry Team Meeting at The Rectory
2.30 pm
Said Eucharist followed by coffee
Music and Meditation
Choir Practice
Julian of Norwich, spiritual writer, 1417
10am - 4.30pm West Lindsey Open Churches and Open Gardens Weekend
Next Sunday The Sixth Sunday of Easter
Said Eucharist
Family Breakfast Church
Sung Eucharist
Mattins at St. Mary’s Riseholme
Noon - 4.30pm West Lindsey Open Churches and Open Gardens
Morning Prayer Weekdays at 8.00am
Evening Prayer Weekdays at 5.30pm
Readings next Sunday
Acts 10:44-48, 1 John 5:1-6, John 15:9-17
Rector: Father Richard Crossland 01522 754752
Parish Deacon: Revd Richard Thornton 01522 821161
Honorary Assistant Priest: Revd Julia Hart 01673 862426
Licensed Reader: Jane Hanson
01522 809846
Parish Administrator: Sandra Best 07546 559085