New Member - Daytona Beach Symphony Society

Getting to Know You
64th Season
Family ________________________________________
Background/Career/Employment __________
Places I Have Visited_________________________
Munich Symphony Orchestra
Friday, November 20, 2015
Toronto Symphony Orchestra
Friday, January 8, 2016
Aida · Teatro Lirico D’Europa
Friday, January 22, 2016
Polish Baltic Philharmonic
Sunday, January 24, 2016
Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra
Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Giselle · Moscow Festival Ballet
Friday, February 26, 2016
Cirque de la Symphonie
with the Jacksonville Symphony
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Why I Joined the Guild_______________________
(Please return this page along with payment)
Daytona Beach
Symphony Guild
For more information
386-253-2901 or
We have supported the work of the Daytona
Beach Symphony Society in bringing people
and music together since 1955.
Symphony Guild Officers
Catherine Bauerle
Jeanette Kellum
1st Vice President
Joan Fenton
2nd Vice President
Joanne Larmon
Virginia Conrad
Recording Secretary
Eileen McDermott
Corresponding Secretary
About the Symphony Guild
Membership Application
Our mission: To promote community
awareness, contribute to the Symphony
Society’s financial strength, and provide
volunteer support to the Symphony
Society and the world-class music it
DUES: $40/year, payable to:
c/o Joan Fenton, Membership
PO Box 2
Daytona Beach, FL 32115
Please join us for an enjoyable experience,
working as a volunteer and participating
in many of our diverse activities. Guild
volunteers participate in fund raisers and
monthly meetings with fine musical
entertainment. You will also receive 10
newsletters each year.
Membership in the Guild enables you to
meet new friends … and continue the
support of great music!
Symphony Guild Meetings
General meetings are held the first
Monday of October, November, December,
January, February, April and May. These
meetings begin at 10:30 AM and are in the
Rose Room of Peabody Auditorium.
Parking is free in the Peabody VIP parking
lot located just behind the Auditorium.
After socializing, enjoying refreshments
and shopping at the Symphony Boutique,
there is a brief business meeting followed
by a musical program. All are welcome. For
information, call Joan Fenton 386-8712009 or Catherine Bauerle 386-801-7493.
(Please Print) Last Name
Spouse Name
May we list your email in our Directory?__________
I’d like to help with:
______Cultural Excursions
_____ Hospitality (meetings)
_____Parties of Note
_____Special Events
_____Office Help Guild/Symphony Society