THE WAYNESYILLB MOUNTAINEER rPAGE EIGHT kinds. Farmers Home Office Reopens Truman And Dewey Race Would Be Interesting, As Harry Is Just As ff Folksy, As Tom Dewey Is Reserved By ALEXANDER R. GEORGE '.. AP Newsfeatures Writer And Come Out Fighting' . President WASHINGTON nominee Dewey has replaced the Congress as the chief opponent of the Truman Republican-dominate- d administration. Governor Dewey If is elected, he will be the third youngest president in American Harry S history. If Truman is elected, he will be the fourth oldest man to win a presidential race. Besides the disparity in age. the two contenders differ widely in' personality and political background. There is also a marked contrast in their style of political "The Beware of the Black Widow about widow spiders are most prevalent at this season of the year, according to Frank B. Meacham, curator of the State Museum, who offered some practical suggestions far lessening the hazard they represent. "The bite of the black widow causes extreme pain and illness," Meacham said, "but is rare.y laiai. However, it is wise to call in a Dhvsician at once, as prompt medi cal attention eases the suffering and hastens recovery." Some first aid suggestions offered bv Meacham are: (1) Keep the pa tient quiet and do not allow him to use anv alcoholic stimulants; (2) cut through the punctures of the Black In Courthouse The Farmers Home Administration has reopened its offices in the county courthouse after a year's absence. The Administration was moved to Asheville a year ago be cause of lack of funds. county supervis .1 C McDarris. or, will again have charge of the farm aid office. Miss Frances Rose ffl will remain, as his secretary. Th office will be open for con -sultation and help to Haywood exCounty farmers each week-dacept Wednesday. Mr. McDarris announced. office y Methodist Youth Will Hold Picnic speech-makin- President Truman is folksy, enjoys small chat, likrs to banter with visitors to the executive mansion. He often Jygfr &J..lllil-iX.1LIII- fZcA CAROLINA NEWS down-to-eart- The Haywood Methodist Youth Fellowship will hold its annual picnic and supper Monday evening at the Canton recreation center near the high school athletic field. A recreation program will begin at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. A picnic lunch will be served at Presbyterian Auxiliary To Meet Tuesday h ' ' ep-so- out-do- spider itself is inch long, with an abdomen nearly three-eighof an inch in diameter. The abdomen is round,- and looks somewhat like a shiny black marble, and on the under side there is a bright red mark-ing- , usually in the Bhnpe of an hour glass. "The male is only about half h, large as the female, and is nut harmful, as it rarely bites, and the amount of poison it can inject is extremely small. There is a wide variation in color among the males design is usually apThe hour-glas- s parent, and frequently coiorea markings also appear on the back It is pointed out that there is no reason for panic or alarm when a few black widows are found near "lost ts leM . RlChar1 B H Plication :f! H at ,h Ounfrn,.. " Euro- 'rr4 -, -n- SI L ddo b"e human St Hoover ,m hid, ' , I'nsMhlp sprav ''""V ml . kh..... good Pro s"1 will die 4 It J ""jser oil. At RAY'S ff I I 40c 1 p-- LOG CABIN SYRUP 3 Pigs lellc 27c CARNATION MILK 3 Cans 44c 2 Pkgs. 21c Assorted Flavors Junket FREEZING MIX Sweet Mixed I Lipton Tea 1 PICKLES 22 oz. 23c VELVEETA CHEESE 37c Jar z. FRENCH'S MUSTARD M Pound I 4x Sugar g I 3 1 Lbs. Crisco k 1 J $1.29 Hbvl Pound lA e . Bag 49c Large J Hollywood Film Shop racket-smashin- g Bottle 12-O- Whip Self-Risin- PILLSBURY FLOUR Kraft's Miracle 8 d Pounds Plain or 5 i ( bite with a sharp clean blade, to cause free bleeding and thus wash out some of the venom; (3) apply a disinfectant to the wound; (4) give the patient hot baths to reduce the pain, and (5) apply net cloths, soaked in 50 percent common salts solution, directly to the wound. First aid treatment is not standardized, and the physician may suggest other measures, pending his arrival. Black widow spiders are seldom found in inhabited houses. They prefer a location that is dry and protected from bright light,. such as toilets, hollow logs, trash piles, fence corners, old Jumber piles, and out buildings of all lf Shop plays Jokes on members of his Truman and Dewey shake hands. This is what SPORTSMANSHIP: staff and White House reporters Dewey is naturally formal mid 6:30 p. m. happened in New York on last St. Patrick's Day. reserved although he has develMany young people from varioped a more tordial peisonality ous churches in the county are excampaign 1944 since the pected for the event, which will CHOICE BRIEFS OF Tom." even call him take the place of the regular July They members of Ins loyal staiT s meeting. address him as Governor President Truman's most Appealing political speeches are usuFrom The Wires of Associated Press and Unltef Prea ally "off the cuff". When he makes a short impromptu talk, he uses words which voters from John Robinson of the Cataweasily understand. He isn't so ef- NEW It! I I S FOR ba District Fair Association to opfective when reading a prepared CAR INSPECTION erate a carnival in conenction with address. The Woman's Auxiliary of the The M.iW vehicles department the district fair at Hickory next First Presbyterian Church will has announced new rules for car October. Gov. Dewey has one of thn best meet in the Assembly Room of the inspection The new regulations radio voices in politics. His polchurch on Tuesday afternoon set live dead lines for the remainished speeches are very careful13, at 3:30 o'clock. 37 STATES REPRESENTED July various 1!I4H. which dining of imder give the ly composed, often All members are asked to atmodels nl vehicles must he in- AT N. C. UNIVERSITY pression of having been thortend. I to and including oughly rehearsed. Both men spected Although 3,608 of the 4,493 stumodels 1S3G inoileN and 1947-4could provide a musical touch by August 31; dents enrolled in the current term President must be to the campaign Truman at the piano and Gov. i2 1937. 194ti models must be in- of the University of North Caro3 lina's summer session are from Dewey singing with a resonant spected by September 30; 1938. 1939. 1943. 1944. 1945 models this state, 37 other states and the baritone. Dewey, in his sixth year as gov- must be iheikcd bv October 30; District of Columbia are representernor of New York, has had long- t4 1941), 94 models must be ed in the total registration. Next to North Carolina, South er experience as a political ad cheeked In November 30; 5 1941 by PATRICIA CLARY President Truman, and 1949 models muit be checked Carolina has the largest number ministrator. 166, Virginia with 31. here then by and December on the other hand, has been in Here s the lat. HOLLYWOOD with 156, Florida with 104 and "the big seat'' for more than Georgia with 102. Nineteen for- est gift gimmick, gals: Laraine Day He HI NTING HI I I S TO years. three trouble-packeeign students are enrolled from 13 sent Leo Durocher. two tiny gold was a United States senator for BE MADE THIS M EEK watches on cuff links. One watch different countries. 10 years, won favorable attention for each wrist. "The Lip" set one state wildlife resources The as chairman of a Senate war proon Brooklyn time, for himself, and duction investigating committee. commission in Raleigh will meet HARD WIND HITS the other on Pacific time, to reHe was vice president for less todav to establish hunting regula mind him what hour it was for La The commission CENTRAL PART OF STATE than three months when Presi- tions for 194H-4raine out in Hollywood. A timely uniformity at will statewide iiim Roosevelt died. dent A severe wind which followed a link for lovers. of and local exceptions elimination Dewey is a lawyer who gained rain storm here yesterday blew Laraine bought the watches from nation - wide prominence as a to th' rules. the roofs off two stores and uproot- a toothless, weather-beate- n soldier g district attorney ed several trees. No one was in of fortune named William Kahn. in New York Citv. He will have M'FAYEKYILLE LAVNDRY jured. The roofs landed on pow-e- r Bill, 66, plays extra parts in the technical advantage ACCIDENT IU.RTS TWO the lines across the street from the movies. But he makes more money of being on the offensive. He will stores and knocked out the town's peddling stuff to the stars . perTwo were injured in the pero!ij reaccuse the President of bems! power for several hours. fume to George Raft, silk scarfs to sponsible for troubles that have Weavervtlle Steam Laundry when a copper basket Dorothy Lamour, imported Swiss inside a centrifarisen during his administration ugal wringer broke in two pieces STATE LEADS NATION handkerchiefs to Louis Hayward, Much of the Truman countn-attacof cast iron IN NUMBER Paul Kirk Douglas, Bob Hope, probably will and exploded however, OF SAWMILLS across the plant floor. "I sell Muni, and many others. be aimed at the Republican-controlle- d John Parker of Weaverville was The U. S. Bureau of the Census lotsa hankachas," Bill says. MeanCongress. He already has lambasted Congress for Julius in Vorburn hmpital in Asheville, has reported that North Carolina ing handkerchiefs. He acts as agent for the stars in where hi - condition was described leads all other states in the nation to give him power to help coMr;. Dillingham of as fair these deals. Having almost immediacin of the sawmills number in high living. cost the of ntrol uffried minor injuries. tive operation, it is announced by ate access to studios, he'll take a Gov. Dewey has said that the watch, say, on R. W. Graeber, forestry specialist diamond-studde- d Democratic administration's huge of the State College Extension consignment from a Jeweler, pedexpenditures over a long period Rl'TLEDGE TO SPEAK dle it to a star, and collect a little Service, said today. wer the cause of inflation. His TODAY AT CTLLOWHEE commission. It was not always attacks on PresiArchibald Rutledge, South Carquite that easy. dent Truman's foreign policy olina port and naturalist, will be PROGRESSIVES ENTER Bill played his first movie bit were largely charges of "muddle-headed- '' the pecia! guet at the Western NOVEMBER ELECTIONS as Mae West's cab driver 11 years handling of relations with Ce.rn!m, l.neh.-to be Institute ago. When extra parts were scarce, Russia. held ,i' The State Board of Elections he bought "hankachas" at $6 a Carolina TeachLike President Truman, how- ers College on Friday and Satur- agreed today to permit the Pro- dozen and peddled them on the ever, he favored the full amount day, gressive Party to enter names of Warner lot at $8 a dozen. To get of Marshall Plan appropriations The purpose of the institute is its candidates for state and con- on the lot, he waited till the extras He took a position similar to the to strengthen the progress of Eng-l- i gressional offices in the November swarmed out of the studio at noon, President when he said this counIt still de- smeared makeup on his face, and ding in the public schools general elections. try should not start private negoclined to make further changes in walked back in with them after of the stale. tiations 'with Russia! leaving its third party regulations which lunch. He sold 4,000 dozen hand any of the other free nations outcharges 10 cents per name for the kerchiefs just before Christmas THIRTH N OF STATE'S side 10,000-nam- e petition required be- that year to directors, writers, actI OK TRUMAN DII.I.G All Both men have urged a strong a new party can register. Hu- ors. Now he'll call up Producer fore military force, speeding up of Thirteen of Hie North Carolina bert Olive of Lexington, chairman George Jessel at 20th Century-Fox- , the nation's river and power convention delegation's 40 votes of the board, suggested the lor instance, and go out and sell projects, and parity price prowill ho in 1'iesident Truman, the changes. him several folding aluminum tection for farmers Raleigh News and Observer has tables. He sold a ring, The general theme song of epoi t of set with rubies, to William Howard the campaign probably will hr Ano'tiM' II di leiiales said they POLICEMAN ACCUSED for Howard's wife, Dorothy Lathe customary "I can do it bethid not m.ido un their minds yet. OF ASSAULT ON SON mour. Haft selected Bill's Congo ter." men. The others were Minton Johnson, member of the and Andalusia perfume. Bill's Red Springs police department, $27.50 perfume set includes coTWO GIRLS DIE AS been charged on has with assault logne and an atomizer, which Bill BASEBALL FIX FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE his son. The child's calls an "itemizer". CASE CONTINUES But razor No inquest will be held in the mother reported that young Albert blades, he says, are "beneath my The case in which four men are in a fire at required medical attenton after dignity". charged with bribery and conspir- deaths of two girls Sunday, beating him Bill, seamy-face- d and sparse-haireCor- his father finished Chalybeate Springs acy in "fixing"' a Carolina league with a leather belt. The boy's worked aboard Merchant ('. B Mlrod said. oner game on May 14 continues in back, shoulders and sides were a Marine and Army Transport vesThe victims. Joyce Rambeau, 21, Winston-Salem- . A motion for a of welts and bruises, Sherig sels in the recent war, in which Shirley Jean Rambeau, 12, mass and was continuance made by Joe W. C. Britt reported. he lost a son. He's getting restless Sunday died Their father, Johnson, attorney for Ed again. Says he has his passport and a Raleigh hospital 45. in was because of his client's ill plans to go soon to Palestine to EXPERT PREDICTS in critical condition. health. The case will be resumed help the cause of Israel. WEEK STORMS Allrc-imposTHIS was said it almost in September. sible to determine the cause of Martin Grant ot Chester, S. C, NOT A LASTING JOB the blaze has predicted a stormy period from BAD EGGS EXPENSIVE MEMPHIS. Tenn. (UP) When July 7 to 14 for the Carolinas. Mr. COUNTY PUTS SALEM. Ore. (UP) Grant, if you'll remember was the Mrs. M. T. Weems returned to her Judge CATAWBA BAN ON CARNIVALS George R. Duncan awarded $2,000 only weather forecaster who pre- automobile after a ball game she found a sign on the windshield to D. A. Heinz for 32 cases of rotLatawna county commissioners dicted snow last Christmas Day. ten eggs. Heinz, a hatchery oper- today went on record opposing the Now the widely-know- n weather saying, "your car needs painting." ator, sued an air transportation operation nf all carnivals in the prophet says we'll have plenty of Mrs. Weems looked at the name of company which had failed to de- county, excluding riding devices rain next week. But as a whole, the firm advertising. It was the liver 5,616 turkey eggs before they and refreshment stands. says he, rainfall for July will be one that had painted her car less than 3Q days before. spoiled. The action followed a request below average. ' female one-ha- 14c Gerber's Pablum Baby Food 3 Jars 27c Baby Cereal 8oz.Pkg.23c Old Virginia Duff Apple Butter Hot Roll Mix 38 oz. 23c 25c Santo CoK 40 I Franco American MACARONI 15 Sal oz. Can 17c 10 Jar z. STUFFED OLIVES J Bot. 20c Pieces and Stems MUSHROOMS,, w;,:, 8 pzCon 39c Kellogg's I Fruit Jars 1 k 6BC J RICE KRISPIES f Pkg. 15c I Del Monte PEAR HALVES No. 2 ' 43c Fruit 81 h 46-O- z. GRAPEFRUIT JUICE y Sanka f Coffee 1 DASH DOG FOOD Puss 'n Boots CAT FOOD I 33c 2 Cans 27c Bottle ' 2 Cans Duz Medium Soap Powder Ivory Soap Lg. 34c 10c n 19c f Cert I 23 Rice Swansdown ' Ber-nic- Cans Armour's dome-shape- Wein-garte- 2 Cake Flour 1 Krispi Regular Large Camay Soap 2 bars 19c Ivory Flakes 34c a. n, All Ladies' Summer sfacally Kednled SUPER MARKfT nA5ta'IM OUAtm-TltlgE-CflMVfNir- Nationally Advertised Brands SHOES, OXFORDS & SANDALS Naturalizer Trim-Tre- 6 . THE PARK - SHOP - SAVE d Connie O Paris Fashion 9 Jacqueline All Colors Green Red Black Brown White Tan and White tod SUPER Sto, MARKER MASSIE DEPARTMENT Sjj "Better BrandsMca
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