I T ’ S I N THE B AG SINCE 1974 This Month’s meeting: Location: Tuesday, May 19th Royal Canadian Legion Branch 350 Join us for a presentation on our fundraising activities and updates about our chapter! Bring your calendars, we are looking for volunteers! NORDIXX POLE WALKING BY Debb Wayland For those who were at the presentation for Nordixx Pole Walking in the autumn last year and who may be interested in participating, the City of St. Catharines Older Adult Center is offering 3 free visits to a senior center activity. You can sign out the poles and go for a walk independently, or go with a group as listed below. The time for the coached walk and the cool down stretches is maximum one hour. Coached Nordic Pole Walking is still occurring at Port Dalhousie Older Adult Center, Brock Street, on MONDAYS at 10:30am with a Level 1 instructor. The usual walk is approximately 3km at your own pace on sidewalks or roadways (no hills) with a beautiful view of the lake along the way! Coached Nordic Pole Walking also occurs on Thursdays at the Dunlop Drive Older Adult Center at 10:30am. If you have the spring bug to get out and walk a little in the morning once or twice a week, I will be found doing just that Mondays and Thursdays. Bring your water for hydration and feel free to join in and try it out! Hope to see some familiar faces this spring and summer! The following links may be helpful for more information: www.stcatharines.ca/ePlay www.ontarioseniorgames.ca www.nordixx.com May 2015 57 Lakeport Rd, St. Cath (Port Dalhousie) The Dalhousie Room Doors open @ 7:00p.m. Meeting starts @ 7:15p.m. * Wheelchair accessible from the back entrance off the parking lot (Ridgeway/Pt. Colborne meeting info on Page 4) I NSIDE THIS ISSUE : P RESIDENT ’ S M ESSAGE 2 C DC ANTI SMOKING 4 CAMPAIGN C ALENDAR OF 5 EVENTS A PPLICATION FOR 5 MEMBERSHIP R EASONS TO 8 VOLUNTEER S UMMER LIVING WITH 9 AN OSTOMY F LUSH STOMA 11 P AGE 2 Presidents Message Summer seems to have hit the last few days. Didn’t we just get over winter? I want to mention that Miriam has been very ill but she is on the road to recovery. I was speaking with her husband a few days ago and she is coming along but has a long road ahead of her. We sent her a flower arrangement while she was in hospital wishing her speedy recovery from all of the group! Thanks Debb for doing that, and for visiting with her! This year Roger & I presented Ostomy Education Seminars to well over 100 Personal Support Worker Students in the Niagara Region. The seminar educates the students about people with Ostomies and helps them when they get into the community if they have a client with an Ostomy. Each Student that participates in the seminar is given an information package similar to our Visiting Packages, they are also given an Achievement Award to hang on the wall or put in their portfolio. We held a Visiting training seminar this past Saturday and had about 12 people there including Roger & Ann Ivol and Maryann Enns. It was a long day as always but there doesn’t seem to be a way to shorten it. There’s a lot of information to discuss and we have to cover it all. The role playing (pretend visits) is always a fun part of the day & we had some really good scenarios. Youth Camp is sneaking up on us and so far it looks like we will again be sponsoring 2 children from Niagara. Camp dates for 2015 are July 26th to July 31st. Camp fees have risen again this year to $620. The camp has some timing stipulations on flight arrivals & departures, that has put a kink into the flights, but it will be sorted out. I'm sure Brian & Shannelle are eager to attend camp again this year. We have again this year been asked to do the barbecues at Turkstra Lumber in Niagara Falls. They are held on each Friday from 11am to 1pm from the long weekend in May till Labour day weekend. WE NEED HELP WITH IT. Please consider offering a bit your time to help at these events. There will be a sign up sheet at our May & June Meetings, or you can also email or telephone us if you miss the meetings. The first ten people to sign up for the bbq, providing you attend the date you sign up for, you will receive a Tim Hortons gift card in appreciation. Our way of saying Thanks for your help. (These cards will come out of our funds, it is not a Turkstra initiative.) Upcoming events to mark on your calendar: Our Annual General Meeting on June 16th. An important date to attend. Annual reports and report from our treasurer. Remember, we need (Continued on page 3) P AGE 3 (Continued from page 2) help at the board level too! September Chapter Information Session and National Council Meeting will be held in Burlington, Ontario on September 19 and 20, 2015. Information Session to learn some important information about running a chapter. For more details you can contact us or check the Ostomy Canada Website. October 3rd; 3rd annual Stoma Stroll fundraising event for Ostomy Canada and public awareness for our chapter. More details will follow as we get organized for the event It’s hard to believe that I have been president for 6 years, time has flown by. I have learned a lot in those years and have made a lot of contacts, in many cases I could call it friends. It was an honour & great pleasure to serve as your president and to work with your Board of Directors; however, as I’ve said before, it is time for me to step away from the position. It is never good for any organization to become stale with old ideas. Best regards. John Molnar P AGE 4 NEW SOUTHERN NIAGARA MEETINGS Boggio/Edwards Pharmacy, 307 Ridge Rd, Ridgeway, (use rear parking lot & entrance) Doors Open 7:00pm, meeting at 7:15pm May 27, 2015—Convatec Representative to be held at **Boggio Pharmacy, 206 Catharine St, Port Colborne** CDC CHANGES ANTI-SMOKING ADS AFTER COMPLAINTS FROM OSTOMATES VIA: North Central Oklahoma, Ostomy Outlook May 2015 In late March 2015, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) began running a new series of antismoking ads, some featuring smokers who developed colorectal cancer that required a temporary ostomy. While the goal of stopping smoking is laudable, many ostomates were offended by the ads which, unfortunately, tended to reinforce popular misconceptions and stigmas regarding ostomy surgery. If you’d like to watch these ads, you can view some at: Julia’s Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TuRRbub-FJ4 Julia and Mark’s Ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4VQlzi5iCs and you can watch a longer version of Julia’s story (edited by the CDC to remove the most offensive parts) at: https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=Wc6RVlC0BQQ On April 11, 2015, UOAA posted a statement on its website, emphasizing the dangerous nature of the CDC ads due to their reinforcement of society’s negative image of ostomies. See UOAA’s web page at: www.ostomy.org/ S t a t e ment_on_CDC_antismoking_c olostomy_ads.html which includes more links documenting the ongoing events in this story. Also see UOAA’s Facebook page a t : h t t p s : / / www.facebook.com/UOAAinc (Continued on page 6) P AGE 5 CALENDAR OF EVENTS Our Website: www.niagaraostomy.com June 16: Annual General Meeting; reviewing the year as a chapter; official elections; enjoying wonderful treats! Please join us! July and August —no meeting Notice to Readers:… Products and methods mentioned in this newsletter are not endorsed by the Niagara Ostomy Association and may not be relevant to everyone. Consult your doctor or ET nurse before deciding to use any of them. Sept 15: TBA Oct 20: TBA Application for Membership Nov 17: TBA Name:_____________________________ Dec: No Meeting Address:____________________________ __________________________________ Telephone Numbers: Niagara Ostomy Association: 905-321-2799 Coloplast: (866) 293-6349 Email:_____________________________ Type of Ostomy(optional):_______________ ConvaTec (800) 465-6302 Hollister: (800) 263-3236 Car Pooling If you need a ride or are available to pick up someone in your area for our meetings, please call us at Postal Code:_______ Phone:____________ FIND US ON FACEBOOK UNDER: 905 321 2799 ‘NIAGARA Anyone that would like to maintain a list of people offering/needing rides, please call. OSTOMY ASSOCIATION’ Follow us on Twitter @ NiagaraOstomy Dues are $30.00 per year, renewable by December 31 of each year. Membership is open to all ostomates, family members, medical professionals, health professionals and other interested parties. Includes monthly newsletter. We do not wish to exclude anyone because of inability to pay dues. If payment of dues is a hardship, please inform the treasurer or president. They have the authority to waive individual dues. This information is kept in the strictest confidence. We will never share your email address. It will be kept strictly confidential. Completed application along with your cheque or money order (payable to Niagara Ostomy Association) should be mailed to: Laura Gazley, Treasurer 82 St. Augustine Drive St. Catharines ON L2P 3T8 P AGE 6 (Continued from page 5—CDC ads) Among major additional events: On April 13th, UOAA, jointly with the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA) and the Youth Rally, sent a formal letter to the CDC (Read it on UOAA’s website). On April 17th, The Washington Post published an article about the CDC ads and UOAA’s attempts to get them removed. On April 21st, UOAA officials had a very productive phone call with senior representatives of the CDC. Also on April 21st, The Washington Post published a follow-up article explaining that the CDC had modified the online versions of some of the ads. For (Continued on page 8) P AGE 7 ACROSS 1. Northern diving birds 5. Sad song 10. Vipers 14. Make a sweater 15. African virus 16. Urgent request 17. Doing nothing 18. Officer 20. Baffle 22. Gist 23. A single-reed woodwind 24. Purposes 25. Having low blood pressure 32. Without company 33. Cars 34. Uncooked 37. Not more 38. Tendon DOWN 1. Analogous 2. Annul 3. Pottery oven 4. Sons of a new spouse 5. Luxurious 6. Nile bird 7. Caviar 8. Adhesive 9. Dines 10. Breathing problem 39. An exchange involving money 40. An uncle 41. Meeting place 42. European blackbird 43. Enthused 45. Spanish for "Friend" 49. Small portable bed 50. Windfall 53. Long-lasting 57. Inadvertent 59. Meat from cows 60. Cold-shoulder 61. Heart artery 62. Foliage 63. Hearing organs 64. Stratum 65. Terminates 11. Sneaked 12. British penny 13. Satisfies 19. S S S S 21. Tardy 25. Fit 26. The original matter (cosmology) 27. Sit for a photo 28. Nigerian monetary unit 29. Dawn CROSSWORD — mirroreyes.com 30. List components 31. Solemn promise 34. Tease 35. Away from the wind 36. Join 38. Comes after Mi and Fah 39. Desirable 41. Leaf 42. Smell 44. Relating to the eye 45. Lower 46. Chocolate-flavored coffee 47. Bring upon oneself 48. Advances 51. Ardor 52. Dwarf buffalo 53. A romantic meeting 54. Existed 55. Its symbol is Pb 56. F F F F 58. Attempt Answers on Page 10 P AGE 8 (including ileostomies). And the CDC was apparently no better informed on this matter than the general public when they prepared these ads. REASONS TO VOLUNTEER Article from the May 2013 UOAConnection, (Continued from page 6-CDC ads) example, in the long version of Julia’s story, they removed the part where Julia said that, for the year while she had her ostomy, she hardly ever left home for fear it would leak and smell. The CDC has admitted they made a mistake by failing to reach out to UOAA and other ostomates while they were developing these ads. And they’ve added links to UOAA on the CDC web page at: www.cdc.gov/tobacco/campaign/tips/diseases/ cancer.html In another interesting way, this incident highlights general ignorance about ostomies. Julia said in her ad that she had a “colostomy.” But her temporary ostomy was almost certainly an ileostomy — probably a “loop” ileostomy. Most Americans, including many healthcare workers, use the name “colostomy” for all fecal ostomies The most recent Ottawa chapter newsletter printed a list of the top 10 reasons to volunteer. This should be distributed to each and every chapter member, some of whom are eager participants in helping the chapters thrive, and others who attend meetings but rarely ask to (or are asked to) volunteer. 1. It’s good for you! Research shows that those who volunteer have lower mortality rates, greater functional ability as they get older and report good health more often. 2. Those who volunteer are less likely to be depressed. So, go for it—put on a happy face. 3. Volunteering is a great way learn a new skill. 4. Belong. There is no better way to meet good people and connect with your community. 5. It just plain feels good to give back to your community. 6. Volunteers consistently report a high feeling of selfworth, achievement and higher motivation. 7. In a recent study, more than 90% of employers feel that volunteering enhances job skills, and over 70% said they would hire someone with volunteer experience over someone without. 8. Get out of a rut. Volunteering is a great way to explore and get experience in a new field. 9. Spend time with your family. Volunteering as a family is a great way to spend time together. 10. Enrich your life. Volunteering adds meaning in many ways, through learning new skills, making new friendships, and by making our community a better place to live. P AGE 9 SUMMER LIVING WITH AN OSTOMY by Gwen B. Turnbull, RN,BS,ET, 5/31/2006; via Las Vegas (NV) Town Karaya, Via: North Central OK Ostomy Outlook Newsletter Summer is here. People flock to the beach, languish by the pool, or head out for vacation. However, summer with all its related activities, can produce a great deal of anxiety for someone living with an ostomy. One of the major concerns for a person with a stoma is body image and fear of public embarrassment (e.g., noise from flatus, leakage, odor, or possible appearance of the pouch under clothing). Summer means wearing thinner clothing, bathing suits, and shorts, which can increase the level of unease surrounding these already angst-ridden circumstances. Selecting a bathing suit for a woman or man with an ostomy is somewhat easier than it was several years ago. Men’s swimming trunks tend to be patterned and knee- length. Flowered, patterned, or textured materials often serve as “camouflage” for a pouching system. Today, women have a variety of bathing suit styles from which to choose—many find a one-piece patterned suit appealing while others choose “boy short” bottom “tankinis” or twopiece suits with a chemise-type top and/or a skirted bottom. As temperatures rise and exercise increases, so does perspiration. Individuals with an ileostomy must be instructed to carefully monitor fluid intake and stomal output, especially during periods of exercise or extreme heat. Many senior citizens live in homes without airconditioning. Water alone is not sufficient—it does not replace the extra sodium and potassium lost in sweat as well as what is normally lost in ileostomy or high-output effluent. Sports drinks, tea, or colas should replace plain water because they contain valuable electrolytes. Patients should be taught the signs and symptoms of dehydration as well as preventive measures. Should dehydration develop, patients need to contact their physician or report to an emergency room for re-hydration with IV fluids. Higher environmental temperatures and increased perspiration also may decrease the wear time of solid skin barriers or skin barriers with a flange. Patients should anticipate this phenomenon, perhaps reducing wear time during the summer or switching to extended-wear skin barriers that are more resistant to meltdown (i.e., erosion) from increased body temperature, high-volume liquid output, and increased perspiration. The need to change pouching systems before entering into physical activities should also be stressed, particularly if the individual is near the end of the usual wear-time. Summer also produces a bounty of fresh fruits and vegetables, such as corn on the cob, watermelon, peaches, green beans, cherries, okra, plums, tomatoes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, and peppers—foods that potentially create more gas and/or difficulty with digestion, especially those foods with an abundance of seeds and skins. This is usually more of a (Continued on page 10) P AGE 10 (Continued from page 9- Summer Living) problem for people with an ileostomy but an increased amount of fresh fruits and vegetables also can cause problems (e.g., diarrhea, excess gas) for people with a colostomy. If gas and odor become a problem, patients should be familiarized regarding closed-end and drainable pouching systems with effective gas relief and odor-reducing filter systems. Activities in the summer (or any other season, for that matter) may drive the individual’s pouching system choice. Some people with an ileostomy may chose to use a closed-end pouch under a bathing suit or switch from a drainable pouch to a closed-end pouch while on vacation (for convenient disposal “on the road”). One-piece pouching systems also may be appropriate during these times. Visiting friends and family can become problematic for people with an ostomy, especially with regards to emptying and/or disposing of soiled pouches. Sadly, many people choose to avoid situations (e.g., visiting, sharing bathrooms and the like) because of these issues. Clinicians should teach their clients to put the soiled pouch in a ziplock bag for sanitary and odor-proof disposal to avoid embarrassment. A sense of freedom can easily be restored if people with an ostomy are educated about various pouching options. Some individuals choose to alternate pouch types depending on their activity, output, and the setting in which they find themselves. These are personal lifestyle decisions that can only be made if people with a stoma are shown a variety of pouching options. Something as simple as a different type of pouch can make a huge difference in someone’s life— and what better time to feel better about oneself than during the summer. P AGE 11 FOUR STEPS FOR DEALING WITH A FLUSH STOMA by Wendy Lueder, Broward County (FL) Broward Beacon; via North Central OK Ostomy Outlook One of the more difficult challenges an ostomate may face is dealing with a stoma that either protrudes just a little bit or not at all. Some are even what I like to call “below the water line” or lie below skin level. After some unsuccessful surgery I have been dealing with this condition for a few years. When your stoma is flush, the output has difficulty being directed into your pouch; thus, leaks occur and pouch changes are more frequent and annoying. For ileostomates or colostomates with a liquid output, changing your skin barrier wafer immediately when experiencing leakage is not an option to be delayed, as the output contains digestive enzymes and bile salts which damage and irritate your skin. If you do have a flush stoma, here are four suggestions that might help make your life easier. First try using a skin barrier wafer that has built-in convexity. This means that the wafer doesn’t lay flat on your skin but has a gentle curve toward your body that pushes the skin around your stoma down and away. But for some, this solution is insufficient to take care of the problem, and greater convexity is needed. Secondly you might try the ostomy products on the market that are in the shape of flexible washers called Barrier Rings. You may know of them as Eakin Cohesive Seals (distributed in North America by ConvaTec), or Adapt Barrier Rings by Hollister. There are also other generics on the market. Be careful. Quality does differ among these rings. If placed around the skin of your stoma underneath the skin barrier wafer, the rings add an extra depth of convexity thus helping to push the skin down around your stoma even farther. Remember, no other skin creams, preparations of any kind or stoma pastes should be used along with the barrier rings, as this will adversely affect the adhesion of the seal. Also make sure your skin is clean and dry before applying and use a soap with no oils or creams. I use a hair dryer set on very low to make sure my skin is dry in humid South Florida. Third hint is that you actually might need to use an ostomy appliance belt (not a hernia belt). ConvaTec makes a white one and Hollister a fleshtone one. Both can be used interchangeably and snap onto the sides of your pouch. I put very little pressure on with the belt, forcing my skin barrier closer to my body and thus pushing my stoma up. DO NOT use a belt without first consulting your ostomy nurse or doctor as some conditions such as having a hernia make wearing one a prohibited option. (Continued on page 13) P AGE 12 P AGE 13 (Continued from page 11- Flush Stoma) As all three of these options used together still don’t completely solve my problem I’ve had to go to DEFCON level 4: I have to lose weight. Some extra pounds I really don’t need have given my tummy a little pooch which makes my convexity options less effective. As I’ve been losing weight my tummy’s gotten flatter and the convexity options one through three are more effective. When out to dinner with my husband honey, I hate this option as desserts are always calling to me off the menu. But a functional ostomy pouching system just happens to be more important. "I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?" Brings a tear to your eye, doesn't it? This kind of sensitivity just can't be taught. FREE HAIRCUT A man and a little boy entered a barbershop together. WALKING ON THE GRASS The room was full of pregnant women with their husbands. After the man received the full treatment – a shave, shampoo, manicure, haircut, the works – he placed the boy in the chair and said, "I’m gonna buy a green tie to wear for the parade and I’ll be back in a few minutes." When the boy’s haircut was completed and the man still hadn’t returned, the barber said, "Looks like your daddy’s forgotten all about you." "That wasn’t my daddy," said the little boy, "that man just walked up, took me by the hand and said, The instructor said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make plenty of stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass or a path." "Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together. It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her. In fact, that shared experience would be good for you both." The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this information. After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand. "Yes?" said the Instructor. ‘Come on, son, we’re gonna get a free haircut!’" P AGE 14
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