May 2015 Worship in May Pastor Reception Church Anniversary 2 May Work of Piety Pastor’s Note 3 Adult Forums Silent Meditation 4 Children and Family Ministry 5 Youth Ministry 6 May Calendar 7 May Birthdays Joys and Concerns 8 EngAging Ministries 9 May Work of Mercy Rummage Sale 10 SALT Manger Inn 11 Parish Nurse Olive Oil 12 New Arrivals Community 13 Super Wed Menu Camp Kowakan 14 Worship at 8:45 and 10:45 Sunday School at 9:45 May 3 Service of Confirmation “Butterflies will soon be free” Matthew 28:16-20, 2 Corinthians 5:14-20 Join us for this festive service as our 9th graders confirm their faith and unite in membership with our congregation. Our 9th graders are: Danny Allin, MeKenzie Bisel, Matthias Broske, Katherine Cloherty, Tanner Franz, Preston Hoffer, Carl Ludewig, Bryn Mucha, Hannah Neil, Michael Nelson, Brooke Sexton, Benjamin Seymour, Mallory Tidona, and Elizabeth Wager May 10 “Stewardship in the Household of God” Deuteronomy 15:1-11 May 24 Pentecost Sunday Acts 2:1-8, 11b-13 May 31 Graduate Recognition Sunday Courtney Asada, Miles Broske, Elizabeth Cloherty Rachel Haines, Tristan Karvel, Karyn Ludewig, Nick Mortensen and Alex Mousel May 17 Worship Schedule “Celebrating the Journey” Isaiah 40:27-31 Giving thanks for our Sunday school teachers Worship 8:45 & 10:45 Nursery provided at our worship services. Fellowship and coffee on Sundays in the Fellowship Hall following the worship services. Celebration of the Church School Year The Annual Sunday School Talent Show will be held in the Multi-Purpose Room. There will be an all church picnic in Fellowship Hall following the 10:45 service of worship. Summer Worship begins on May 24 at 9:30 a.m. BEGINS May 24th Memorial Day Weekend through mid-September One Service of Worship at 9:30 June 7 “I am the vine, you are the branches” John 15:1-8, Galatians 5:22-23 Sacrament of Communion Donna and Marty’s last service Mark Your Calendar for June 7th! On Sunday, June 7th, we’ll gather after the service for a reception to honor Pastor Marty and Pastor Donna – to celebrate their time with us, and to send them forward with our love and good wishes! Please join us! The NUMC Staff Parish Relations Committee Interested in Playing Church Softball? Games are Sunday evenings and run from late May through late July. It's a great way to stay active and to connect with other NUMC folks. It's a lot of fun! Direct questions to Don Enberg, Julie Thornton or Pastor Marty. Please sign up at the information table. Would You Like to Help Plan an Anniversary! This summer and fall we are planning to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of our being in our current church building. If you would like to be a part of a team that will work together to plan and organize some celebration activities and events, please contact Ron Sommers, Bruce Paulson, or Pastors Donna and Marty. Enjoy the Convenience of Electronic Giving NUMC wants to remind you that we offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregation members and provides much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. As you contemplate future contributions, please consider electronic giving. Authorization forms are available from the church office or you may contact Nancy Finnila in the church office at 645-5689. 2 May 3 Work of Piety for April We Make the Road by Walking This year our congregation is on a year-long biblical journey guided by a newly published book called, We Make the Road by Walking: A Year-Long Quest for Spiritual Formation, Reorientation and Activation by author Brian McLaren. If you have not received your own copy, check with Pastors Donna or Marty. You are also welcome to purchase your own copy (or download) of the book from your favorite book supplier. In preparation for each Sunday we encourage you to read the assigned chapter and related scripture texts, and spend time, individually or in a small group, with the reflection questions provided. Even if you don’t have the book, we encourage you to read the weekly scripture texts which will be printed each month in the newsletter. 37. The Uprising of Partnership Psalm 146, Matthew 10:16-20; 11:28-30; 28:16-20, Acts 16:11-40 May 10 38. The Uprising of Stewardship Deuteronomy 15:1-11, 1 Timothy 6:3-19, 2 Corinthians 8:1-15 May 17 39. Whatever the Hardship, Keep Rising Up! Isaiah 40:27-31, Acts 9:1-25, 2 Corinthians 6:1-10; 11:22-33 Part 4: Alive in the Spirit of God May 24 40. The Spirit is Moving! Pentecost Sunday John 3:1-21, Acts 2:1-41, Romans 6:1-14 May 31 Graduate Recognition Sunday we will take a week off from our book June 7 41. Moving with the Spirit John 15:1-8, Galatians 3:19-4:7; 5:1, 13-26, Colossians 2:6-7; 3:1-17 As the world of nature transitions into spring, the life of our congregation is moving into a new season as well, a season of letting go of what has become familiar to us and of opening ourselves up to what is yet to come. As with any transition, this season comes with a mix of sadness, uncertainty, anxiety, and anticipation. As people of faith, we trust that God is in this and that God will be with us in the changes to come. We spent the week after Easter looking for a home to purchase, as the Stillwater church does not own a parsonage. We looked at many places in the East Metro, and in the end we made an offer on a townhome in Stillwater. Our offer was accepted, so we are now working toward a closing, hopefully in mid-May. At nearly 60 years of age, we will be first time home owners! In the coming weeks we will be working actively to provide for a smooth transition in both Northfield and Stillwater. We will need to make a few trips to Stillwater, just as your new pastors, Rachel and Jerad, will be making a few trips here. During their visits, Rachel and Jerad will meet with us, the staff, and with other church members as they begin to learn more about our congregation. We are grateful to the Staff/Parish Relations Committee members who are working very intentionally to guide our church through this time of transition. Our last Sunday in worship with you will be June 7 th. We will have occasion to say some last words then, but we do want to say to you now how much we have enjoyed being in ministry with all of you these past seven years. There is much we have accomplished together, and much for us to celebrate, and much for you and your new pastors to build upon in the years to come. May God’s grace and blessing be upon us all. ~Donna and Marty 3 . A World of Travel Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness. Mark Twain Several members of our congregation have been travelling to some interesting places recently, and they are going to be sharing some of their experiences with us. In May we will continue our forum series on A W orld of Travel with the following presentations: May 3 Travels in India, Oman, and Jordan Jim Finholt Jim is a long-time member of our congregation and a retired chemistry professor from Carleton. May 10 Travels in South Africa Dave VanWylen Dave is also a long-time member of our congregation and a biology professor at St. Olaf. May 17 Travelling Our Inner Spiritual Landscapes Almut Furchert & Chuck Huff Almut and Chuck will share insights from their experiences with Benedictine and monastic spirituality Be still and know that I am God. ~Psalm 46:10 Jesus would withdraw to deserted places and pray. ~Luke 5:16 Weekly Silent Meditation Practice Thursday evenings from 6:30 to 7:00 p.m. Each Thursday evening a group has been gathering in the sanctuary around the Baptismal Font for a time of silent meditation practice. We invite you to join us. If you are interested or would like to know more please speak with Pastors Donna or Marty, or simply show up on any Thursday evening and join those of us. We have been leaving the area around the Baptismal Font set up for meditation throughout the week. Feel free to make use of this space for your own quiet reflection any time the church is open and the sanctuary is not in use. These weekly gatherings include a brief welcome, a reading, poem, or scripture, a time of silent meditation (25 minutes), and a closing blessing. Those of us who have been attending regularly are finding this to be a blessed gift of quiet and stillness in the midst of our noisy and busy lives. This pr actice is open to all ages, though participation will involve sitting in silent stillness for 30 minutes. 4 Thank you Sunday School Teachers Thank you for giving so much of your love and faith to our children and youth. You are such a blessing to us all. Music: Lisa Weis Nursery: Marla Erickson Sunday School Superintendant: Diana Huseth Sunday School Assistant: Al Mousel Preschool & Kgtn– Diana Huseth & Marissa Thornton 1st Grade–Ellen Trotman, Melanie Feldhake, Kirsten Cahoon 2nd & 3rd Grade – Marilee Roby 4th Grade – John Mortensen 5thGrade – Scott & Kathy Klein and Kris Haines 6th Grade – Don Enberg & Steve Neil 7th & 8th Grade – Katie Holman, Mark Thornton & Doug Totten, Ruth Dolan 9th-12th Grade – Jesse Steed & Matt Stelter Thank you to our many substitute teachers as well. It takes many hands to do God’s work. You have made a Godly impact in the life of a child this year. Kids Club May 1-2 – Kids Club Retreat at Three Crosses Retreat Center, Cannon Falls - Swimming, campfires, exploring, growing in faith and friendship. So much fun! May 6 – End-of-the-Year Party (last day of Kids Club) We will honor our graduating 5th graders & volunteers. Thank you children, parents and volunteers for a great year! A special thanks to Marilee Roby, Lisa Weis, Wendy Smith, Anne Duncan & Jill Bohlen for helping with Kids Club programming all year. Sunday, May 17 Spring Plants Arriving May 9/10 Thank you for supporting our children’s programs through your plant purchases. The plants will arrive Sat. morning, ~11am, May 9th. You are welcome to help unload & sort the plants, and/or pick up your plant purchases at the church on Saturday or Sunday morning. Contact Kathy Hupf with questions. 9:40-10:40 am NUMC Gym/Multi-purpose room Parents and families welcome! All preschool – 5th grade students will present a talent as a class or individuals. All talents encouraged – singing, dancing, skits, hula hooping, pyramid building, etc., special awards will be presented, 3rd graders will receive their bible covers, class photos taken, students and teachers recognized. Join us for a great day celebrating our year of growing in faith together! It’s time to MOVE!! Grab your bikes, roller blades, rib sticks, skate boards and let’s get moving with God! Join us for a fun and faith-filled four days of great friends, games, food, music, crafts, and amazing stories that point us to Jesus! We’ll be rolling, moving, running and growing, discovering how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. Bring your friends! Bring your neighbors, bring all your buddies and join us for a week of Putting God’s Love into Action at G-Force VBS!! An All-Church picnic will follow the 10:45 worship service. Please come! Bring the WHOLE family! It will be a wonderful way to end our Sunday School year. 5 Middle School Youth grades 6-8 Final Middle School Fellowship – May 6 7th/8th Grade Ushers – N-Z: Sunday, May 17th Those whose last names begin with A-M will meet in the Narthex at 10:35am before the service for instructions and preparation. Ushers are expected to attend the entire service. Sign-up Now! – 7th/8th Grade Summer Camp – June 14-20 "L.Y.F.E. Camp" (Live Your Faith Everyday!) at Camp Koronis. Cost is $389/person. Fundraising and Campership opportunities are available - see Matt for details. Senior High Youth Confirmation Sunday – May 3 Graduating Seniors – “The After Life” – May 3 All graduating seniors are invited to attend a late-afternoon meal (4:00 – 5:30pm) at Hogan Bros. to discuss plans for next year, talk about the Graduate Recognition Service on May 31st, and to talk about life after high school. Please let the Pastors know whether or not you will be able to attend: [email protected] Final Senior High Fellowship – May 13 Graduate Recognition Sunday – May 31 We will recognize and celebrate all of our graduating seniors during the 9:30am worship service. Refreshments and fellowship in honor of the graduates will be in the Fellowship Hall following the service. Family and guests are welcome! Sign-up Now! – Senior High Amnicon Canoe Trip – June 28-July 3 We will canoe the Brule River on a 4-day whitewater canoe trip. The cost is $454/person. Fundraising opportunities and camperships are available now – See Matt for details. More information and regular updates are available at our website: Help Support Our Youth Ministry-Buy Kwik Trip Cards! Info at the Welcome Center 6 May 10 Sunday 26 Monday 27 8:45 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship 3:00 PM Confirmation Rehearsal 3 4 Confirmation Sunday 8:45 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship Tuesday 28 Wednesday 29 Thursday 30 Friday Saturday 1 2 9:00 AM Bible Study Super Wednesday 1:00 PM Staff Meeting 9:00 AM Care Team 7:00 PM Staff Parish Relations Committee 6:30 PM Silent Medita- Kid's Club Retreat 6:30 AM Men's tion Breakfast Kid's Club Retreat 5 6 7 9 9:00 AM Bible Study 1:00 PM Staff Meeting 7:00 PM Trustees 6:30 AM Men's Last Super Wednesday 9:30 AM Mugs N' 9:00 AM Care Team Muffins Breakfast 6:30 PM Silent Meditation 12 13 14 8 10 11 Mother's Day 8:45 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship 7:00 PM Esther 9:00 AM Bible Study 9:00 AM Care Team 11:30 AM Office Volunteer Circle Lunch 7:00 PM Stewardship & Finance 6:30 PM Card Making Rummage Sale 6:30 PM Silent Medita- 6:30 AM Men's tion Breakfast 15 Rummage Sale 17 18 19 20 21 23 8:45 AM Worship 9:45 AM Sunday School 10:45 AM Worship 7:00 PM Rene wal Group 9:00 AM Bible Study 7:00 PM Administrative Council Meeting 9:00 AM Care Team 4:00 PM Herald Deadline-June/July issue 6:30 PM Silent Medita- 6:30 AM Men's tion Breakfast 24 25 26 27 28 9:30 AM Worship Memorial DayOffice Closed Annual Conference 9:00 AM Bible Study 1:00 PM Staff Meeting Annual Conference 9:00 AM Care Team 6:30 AM Men's Annual Conference 6:30 PM Silent Medita- Breakfast tion 22 29 16 30 He is at my right hand , I shall not be shaken . Therefore my heart is glad , and my whole being rejoices. ~Psalm 16:8-9 SUPER WEDNESDAY SCHEDULE 3:30 Kid’s Club 5:30 Shared Meal 6:30 Middle School Fellowship: 1st & 3rd Wed. 6:30 High School Fellowship 6:30 Adult Handbell Choir 6:30 Knitting Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7:30 Band Rehearsal May 25 7 1 Diane Hoselton-Genova 12 2 Marilyn Hanson Justine Moder 3 Roger Dack 4 Richard Estenson 5 Scott Franz Marjorie Hanson Steven Neil 14 6 Marti Veldman 7 Robert Kalton Adeline Wager 8 Phillip Enberg Kathy Hupf Anna Mae Sjogren 9 Brooke Collette Brynley Merkle Marty Raths 10 Jeffrey Pritchard 11 Cody Kimber Dennis Randolph Paul Roby Lois Slinger Dean Sorenmann James Gill Luke Harris Kaci Henry Julia Klein RuthAbeth McElrath Alex Smith 23 Allan Cox Matthew Franz 24 James Feyereisn Kent Lundstrom Amelia Monroe Mitchell Quinnell Ellen Titus 25 David Lean Lilly Neily Dawn Parrott Max Weaver 15 Juellia Nelson 16 Doug Hiza Jody Mousel Larry Rew 26 Hannah Farmer Yoshiko Soltis Camryn Stokes Darlene Cox Bob Hanisch Chuck Moder 27 Dominic Dennis David Drentlaw Benton Kodet Becca Quinnell Ellen Trotman 30 Kerry Hanson Clay Oglesbee 28 Drew Weis 31 29 Kevin Keane Preston Hoffer Timothy Lloyd White, Janet 17 18 Nathan Barnes Kerry Sexton 19 Ronald Betzold McKenzie Bisel Pam Quinnell 20 Kerry Cipra Debra Larsen National and World Concerns: ● Those studying and working internationally: Sam Estenson (Germany), Chelsea Koenigs Lane (Tanzania), Nathan Raths (China), Tommy VanWylen (Japan), Lila Weaver (Brazil) , Aimee Mousel (Japan), Ruth Dolan (St. Olaf Student, Costa Rica ● Prayers for those serving in the military in Iraq, Afghanistan and around the world. Joys and Concerns Prayers for: Our staff and congregation as we prepare to experience a transition in pastoral leadership Pastors Rachel and Jerad and Pastors Donna and Marty in this time of transition Prayers of Celebration with: Doris Moeller following the birth of great-grandson, Cade Morris, on February 28, child of Matt and Jackie Morris Prayers of Sympathy for: Patty Neily and family, following the death of her father, Bob Brown, on April 10 David Mucha and family, following the death of his mother, Daryl Ann Mucha, on March 31 8 Remembering Those in Military Service Luke Erickson, Jay Pederson, and Eric Nordine If you have family deployed in military service, please let us know so that we can include them in our prayers. Building resilience within our congregation and community through opportunities for adults to meaningfully Connect, Grow, and Serve as we navigate the transitions of aging A Blessing from John O’Donohue For Equilibrium EngAging Our Inner Child Like the joy of the sea coming home to shore, May the relief of laughter rinse through your soul. As the wind loves to call things to dance, May your gravity by lightened by grace. Like the dignity of moonlight restoring the earth, May your thoughts incline with reverence and respect. As water takes whatever shape it is in, So free may you be about who you become. As silence smiles on the other side of what's said, May your sense of irony bring perspective. As time remains free of all that it frames, May your mind stay clear of all it names. On Friday, March 27th, a group of adults gathered for an afternoon of light-hearted play. Marge Randolph and Diane Genova dusted off their preschool teacher skills, May your prayer of listening deepen enough inviting us to sing and clap, to play and create artwork, to to hear in the depths the laughter of God. hear stories and to reminisce. Pastor Donna created an inJohn O’Donohue, To Bless the Space Between Us: A viting space, provided milk and cookies for our snack, and helped us make a joyful noise with African drums and othBook of Blessings, p. 127. er rhythm instruments. There was lots of laughter as we let go of our grown-up cares and engaged our inner The Sunday Lunch Connection child. Watch for future opportunities to play… This is a great opportunity to CONNECT over a meal with those you may not know so well. Sign up at the __________________________________________ Sunday Lunch Connection table in Fellowship Hall following worship. We meet at the restaurant at about 12:15 p.m. in order to accommodate those who attend the 10:45 a.m. worship service. W.O.W. (Widows Or Widowers) will meet on Wednesday May 13th at 12:00 noon at Culvers. All widows and widowers are invited to attend. This Here’s the May Sunday line-up: group is convened by Orrin DeLong (645-7344) May 3: Chapati, 214 Division St. and Rev. Jeanne Martin. May 10: Mothers’ Day – Mothers’ choice! May 17: Come to the all-church shared meal! May 24: Perkins Family Rest., 1401 Riverview Dr. May 31: The Tavern, 212 Division St. 9 Conference Love Offering Every year all of our local United Methodist Churches in Minnesota take a special Love Offering. This offering is received and dedicated at Annual Conference which will be held in St. Cloud from May 28 – 30. Each year the offering goes to support an international, a national, and a Minnesota project. This year’s projects are as follows: Grace Children’s Center in Vietnam The United Methodist Church has a strong and growing presence in Vietnam. 60% of the offering will support Grace Children’s Center in Ho Chi Minh City, which provides childcare for parents and schooling for children. The offering will help to pay off a loan for a building, provide salary for current teachers and hire new teachers and staff. Church-School Partnership Grants Our annual conference is encouraging churches to develop partnerships with a school in their community, and 30% of the offering will support these efforts. Volunteer in Mission Scholarships As always, 10% will go toward providing Volunteer in Mission scholarships, giving mor e people the opportunity to engage in hands-on mission work through our United Methodist Church. In Conjunction with the 5th Bridge Now is a good time to go through some things and do some cleaning out. DATE OF THE SALE: May 15 & 16 We will be accepting items beginning Wednesday, May 13 in the Fellowship Hall. In addition to you donations, we are also in need of workers. Sign-up sheets are available at the Welcome Center. All of the proceeds from the sale will go to our mission projects 10 DELIVER A MEAL AND A SMILE!!! S.A.L.T. Shaker This periodic email is sent out when we have specific and immediate volunteer needs. If you have not received the S.A.L.T. Shaker and would like to, please let us know in the church office. If you are receiving the S.A.L.T. Shaker and would rather not, there is a place on the email where you can “unsubscribe.” NUMC will be delivering meals for Meals on Wheels starting Sunday, May 17th through Saturday, May 23rd. This is a great opportunity to help our seniors and those convalescing by providing a warm, nutritious meal and a smile. Those of you who have volunteered in the past know what a simple yet fulfilling experience this is. The folks that receive these meals are always appreciative. Routes generally involve 4-8 stops and take no longer than a hour to complete. There will be a sign up sheet at the visitor/ volunteer desk in the hall beginManger Inn ning Sunday, April 26th. If you have not Owned by 25 community partners with several of the partners delivered before - an information sheet will being members of our congregation, Manger Inn provides affordbe available. Any questions can be diable housing for low income persons, as well as emergency rected to Liz Littlefield at 952 334 8812. housing in collaboration with our local Community Action Center. Help is needed with maintenance and upkeep of the facilities and T h a n k y o u i n a d v a n c e f o r major cleaning of the apartments between residents. Contact your participation. This is an just one example of our Service Ministry's important Person: Mike Behr 645-6067 role in the community! Manger Inn is a ”not for profit” low income housing project located on Highway 3 in Northfield, MN. The name given to the housing project is in response the story in the Bible that there was no room at the Inn for Christ’s birth and HIS bed was a manger. Manger Inn was conceived of and established by some of the members of the Northfield United Methodist Church Friday morning men’s breakfast group. The mission and realized purpose of the housing project is to provide rental housing that is affordable for families and or persons in need of a place to live in Northfield. 11 Fourteen years have passed since Manger Inn was established by converting existing Motel buildings into family living units. Hundreds of VOLUNTEER hours of work as well as financial and material donations have provided seven living units to people who were in need of an affordable place to live in Northfield. Manger Inn is always in need of help to maintain the grounds and to repair and prepare the housing units in preparation for the arrival of new tenants. Spring time means a time for refreshing the grounds and any help to maintain and refresh the Manger Inn property would be welcomed by the residents and management of Manger Inn. Our Service Ministries Team is planning a SALT event for you to join. Come and lend a helping hand! May is declared to be National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month by the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA). That is because May is the peak season for asthma and allergy sufferers. “Asthma is a disease of the lungs in which airways become blocked or narrowed causing breathing difficulties.” Nearly 26 million Americans are affected by this chronic (long-term) disease. Allergies are diseases of the immune system which “cause overreacting to substances called allergens.” Allergies are categorized by time of year, where the symptoms occur on the body, and by kind of trigger. When exposed to triggers, muscles in the walls of the airways constrict and tissues lining the airways may swell and become inflamed. Extra mucus may be produced. Because of narrowed air passages, a person develops shortness of breath. This difficult breathing is called an asthma attack or asthma episode. In children often the term “Reactive Airway Disease” is used when asthma is suspected but the diagnosis has not yet been confirmed. Triggers are different for each person. A big part of controlling asthma or allergy episodes is by knowing which triggers affect you. Some examples of triggers are allergies (to pollen, dust, mold, feathers, etc.) irritants (such as smoke, aerosol sprays, paint fumes), and weather (breathing cold air or very humid air). Even pleasant odors such as scented candles and perfumes may cause coughing, wheezing, or shortness of breath in a person with asthma. Recognizing early warning signs can give a person time to avoid an asthma attack by moving from the irritant, resting, or taking medication. Severe asthma attacks can be life threatening and immediate emergency care is necessary. Individual treatment programs should be developed between you and your physician. Some people may need a special diet, others may need medication, and some people may need allergy injections. Infections need special attention and early treatment. The more you and your family know about asthma and allergies, the better the treatment results will be. Olive Oil and Soap Available Palestinian Fair Trade, extra virgin, cold pressed, olive oil is available for $20 for a 750 ml bottle and olive oil soap for $5.00 per bar. The proceeds support The Shepherd Society and the farmers of Palestine. The olive oil and soap are available in the church office during office hours, or by contacting Pastor Marty, Darlene Cox or June Hiza. 12 Rev. Rachel McIver Morey and Rev. Jerad Morey with their sons, Abraham (5) and Heron (2) Our Church Staff Pastors Marty Raths Donna Buell Parish Nurse Ruth Kruse Office Administrator Nancy Finnila Children’s & Family Ministries Kathy Hupf Youth Ministries Matt Stelter Worship & Music Wendy Smith Organists /Accompanists Bob Henstein Cathy Rodland Choir Director Ron Rodman Handbell Director Marilyn Wing Projection Coordinator Molly Peterson Custodian Margie Brockton Adult Education Coordinator Drew Weis (Volunteer) Sunday School Superintendent Diana Huseth (Volunteer) Treasurer John Stull (Volunteer) Web Site Jesse Steed Michelle Pritchard (Volunteer) Retired Clergy Wayne Abdella Carl Caskey Richard Collman Ken Fineran Jeanne Martin Mary Keen Gordon Orde 13 NORTHFIELD UNITED METHODIST CHU RCH Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID 1401 South Maple Street Northfield, MN 55057 Phone: (507) 645-5689 Fax: (507) 645-3196 Email: [email protected] Website: Northfield, Minn PERMIT No. 122 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED "Offering Christ" LAST SUPER WEDNESDAY Meal for the Season May 6: Build your own Nachos, toppings, green salad, brownies Service Trip to Camp Kowakan Near Ely See you in the fall! The Weekend of May 22-25 Card Making with Margie Thursday, May 14, 2015 from 6:30-9:00 p.m. In the Fellowship Hall Cost: $10 to cover supply costs Join us for a fun evening of making greeting cards with Margie Brockton, an exceptionally talented cardcrafter from our church. She will have all the supplies needed. Contact Margie with questions at 507- Our Service Ministries Team is exploring the possibility of having a group from our church spend a long weekend at Camp Kowakan near Ely. Camp Kowakan is one of our United Methodist Camps, and it is the launching point for groups going into the boundary waters. This service trip would be for all ages, and it would involve helping to get the camp ready for the summer season as well as taking some time to enjoy hiking, canoeing, campfires, and the beauty of God’s creation. If you are interested in being a part of the group, speak with Jim Dale, Mary Lynn Oglesbee or Pastors Donna and Marty.
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