UU Update July 1, 2015 It's a Celebration! What a fantastic week we had! Let's start a new 4th of July tradition and have a 4th of July Equality BBQ and Picnic at NSUU community center. We will be serving hotdogs, hamburgers, ice tea, and lemonade. Bring a dish to share and your cooler for additional beverages. There will be indoor and outdoor activities for all ages. Volleyball, badminton, kiddie pool, dominoes, scrabble, cards and more... Let's give a special invitation to our LGBT friends and advocates! The Supreme Court decision is monumental and deserves a UU Celebration! Let's give the 4th of July a whole new meaning: "Freedom and Equality". "Freedom and Equality Celebration" Saturday July 4th , 3:00 pm NSUU Community Center For more information contact: Gwen Dennis: 225-252-5350 or [email protected] ***** Sunday, July 5, 2015, 11:00 AM “Freedom” Rev. Paul Beedle in the pulpit A free society depends upon democratic accountability to be fair and truly free. What does this mean for civil rights? Worship Associate: Joanne Dufour Greeters: Judy F / Kada Harris Special Music: Summer hiatus for Special Music Sound Room: Guy Ross, Nina Helfert, Christopher Pratt Sunday, July 12, 2015, 11:00 AM “Robert Muller, A Global Visionary ” Joanne Dufour will be in the pulpit. This international servant at the United Nations for over 40 years had a unique perspective and involvement in world affairs. Known by many who knew him as the UN's prophet of hope, or conscience, or global optimist, please join us to learn more about his life and dreams. Worship Associate: Gwen Dennis Greeters: Patricia and Johnny Stout Special Music: Summer hiatus for Special Music Sound Room: Guy Ross, Nina Helfert, Christopher Pratt ***** Calendar of Events Date Saturday, 7/4/15 Sunday, 7/5/14 Sunday, 7/12/15 Sunday, 7/12/15 Sunday, 7/19/15 Sunday, 7/26/15 Sunday, 8/23/15 TIME EVENT LOCATION 3:00 PM Freedom & Equality NSUUS Celebration Family Picnic 11:00 am “Freedom” Rev. Paul Beedle NSUUS 11:00 am “Robert Muller” NSUUS – Joanne Dufour 1:00 PM Pastoral Care Team Meeting NSUUS 11:00 am “Activate NOLA” – Rev. Deanna Vandiver 11:00 am Rev. Paul Beedle 1:00-3:30 Multigenerational Potluck Pool Party NSUUS NSUUS Covington ******* Pastoral Care Please keep Gwen Dennis and her family in your thoughts during their time of grief and healing. Ginger Fortson’s father Amos Kent, of Baton Rouge is at home and receiving hospice care. He is 95 years old. Ginger has been staying in Baton Rouge to assist him. Please share healing energies. From Bonnie Schmidt: “Jim is doing reasonably well considering the surgery that he had. His appetite is light and his energy is low." Cards and email are appreciated, but please hold the visits while he regains some strength. Please keep John and Jimi Goodnow in your thoughts and prayers for their continued recovery. Barbara Shaw has completed her chemo therapy. Please keep her in your thoughts and send some healing energy as they travel! Please keep all our church family and friends in your thoughts this week as they travel, keep doctor’s appointments and continue their medical therapies. ***** News from Religious Exploration “I am Summer, come to lure you away from your computer . . . come dance on my fresh grass, dig your toes into my beaches.” ~ Oriana Green, @NatureSpirits “I drifted into a summer-nap under the hot shade of July, serenaded by a cicadae lullaby, to drowsy-warm dreams of distant thunder.” ~Terri Guillemets “Love is to the heart what the summer is to the farmer’s year – it brings to harvest all the loveliest flowers of the soul.” ~ Author Unknown RE This Week: RE Summer Break: No RE beginning, Sunday, June 21st for summer break. We’ll resume August 9th. Children through age 7 may stay in the nursery. Busy bags available for children going to church (ask a greeter). UU Summer Camps: During the RE Summer Break is a great opportunity to check out a UU camp. Options may include: Hogwarts at FUUNO (wait list for those under 14 – 14-18 jr counselor (“House Elves”) available, Multigenerational camp at UBarU and SWUUSI in Oklahoma (this year for foodies!) in July, and there are camps at “The Mountain” UU retreat center in Georgia and SUUSI in Virginia. There are also social justice trips for UU youth through UU College of Social Justice, including “Activate New Orleans” is at CELSJR in late July. Scholarship available. Please contact the DRE for any additional information you need. Summer Break Chocolate Sale: Remaining bars are 2 for $5 (regular $4 each). August 2nd – Faith Development Council Meeting – All Welcome - after church, 12:30 to 2:00. (curricula choices – structuring next year (SGM, Tapestry of Faith, how many classes each week, themes, etc), canoe/park outing, pool party, etc. August 23rd (note date change) – Multigenerational Potluck Pool Party after the service in Country Club neighborhood, Covington – All welcome. September 6th – after the service – park outing – details tbd – a chance to enjoy water sports and/or hiking at a state park with other UU’s. NSUUS RE is on Facebook: Please “like” us here: www.facebook.com/NsuusRE Director Religious Education Lisa Rustemeyer 985-234-9970 [email protected] Emergency Church Phone: 985-882-0096 ***** NSUUS EVENTS ***** Worship Associates Needed Are you interested in participating in our weekly worship services? The Worship Committee is seeking volunteers to be Worship Associates! It is a great way to be part of meaningful worship at NSUUS. There is a script available and Tamara will train anyone who wants to be involved. Please contact Tamara Murray ([email protected]) if you are interested in this exciting opportunity. ***** HOT ART Save the Date! The annual Hot Art Show and Sale will be August 15 & 16. Email [email protected] for information. Artists: Please check your email for inventory sheets which have been sent. ***** Book Club The Book Club will meet on July 26, 2015 in the Community Center at 6:30 PM. We will discuss is "The Invention of Wings", by Sue Monk Kidd. Please bring a dish to share and your beverage. The next book is "Roadwalkers, Voices of the South", by Shirley Grau, to be discussed on Sept. 13, 2015 at the Community Center. Call Kada Harris at (985) 626-9800 for more information. ***** NEWIS Hurricane Season Has Begun! Hurricane Season is here and now is the time to get your plans in order. NOAA's National Centers for Environmental Information, at the Stennis Space Center, produces the NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheets (NEWIS). Published each year for the Atlantic hurricane season, the NOAA Extreme Weather Information Sheets provide critical information for contacting government officials and monitoring information resources. You can download these sheets from: http://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/activities/weather-ready-nation/newis/ I recommend downloading the sheet for our area AND any places where you may be headed if an evacuation is necessary. There is also an iPhone App that is freely downloadable - search on "NEWIS" Please share this information with family, friends, and neighbors. ***** FreeCycle Final Sunday next: July 26, 2015 Here's your chance to pass along any "stuff" you have lying around that needs to go to a good home! Here's how it works: Kinda like a Swap Meet, except no money changes hands, no fee is charged. Bring your stuff and let others take what they want. And you might find something from someone else's treasures!! We'll do it the final Sunday of each month, under the carport of the community center. Bring what you have before service and leave it on the tables. If you bring appliances, please make sure they work. If you have something that is too big, just bring a picture to show. ***** Chalice Circles Here at NSUUS we have four Chalice Circles that meet regularly on the North Shore and one that you might be interested in on the South Shore: Meets in Covington (Tchefuncte Estates) 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month 7:30-9:00 pm. Contact person is Bill Allin, 985-875-9237, [email protected] Meets at church 1st and 3rd Thursdays of the month 7:15-8:45. Contact person Bert Green, 985-845-4649, [email protected] Meets at church 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month, 10:00-11:30 am. Contact person Maggie Sorrels 985-641-7466, [email protected] or [email protected] ** Summer schedule: No meetings until Sept. 5th. ** Meets in Mandeville 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month, 7:00-8:30 pm. Contact person Leslie Roussel, 985-502-8745, [email protected] or [email protected] Old Mandeville will be meeting at Nina Helfert’s home, 208 Devon Dr, Mandeville until further notice. GNOUU 20’s and 30’s Chalice Circle, (South Shore) meets 2nd Tuesday of each month, from 7:30-9 PM; Hosting at Rev. Deanna Vandiver’s house 1936 Bayou RD, NOLA 70116 - (3 blocks off Claiborne, 1 block off of Esplanade, @ the corner of N. Prieur) Dates will be 4/14/2015, 5/12/2015, 6/9/2015, and 7/14/2015. ***** Church Directory A PDF version of the current church directory is available by email upon member request. Send your request to [email protected]. If there have been any changes in your email, telephone numbers or mailing address please send them to me at the above email. North Shore Unitarian Universalist Society of Louisiana, Inc. Located: 28662 Krentel Road, Lacombe, LA 70445 Mailing Address: PO Box 2006, Lacombe, LA 70445-2006 Telephone: NSUUS Office 985-882-0096; Website: http://www.northshoreuu.org/ Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/NorthShoreUnitarianUniversalistSociety?fref=ts
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