OFFICE OF THE MISSION DIRECTOR NATIONAL HEALTH MISSION, ASSAM Saikia Commercial Complex, G.S. Road, Christianbasti, Guwahati-781005 Ph-0361-2340241, Website : E mail : [email protected] No. NRHM/Esstt/Adv/115/08-09/Pt-II/4357 Date: 29/05/2015 ADVERTISEMENT Online applications are invited from the candidates willing to work in mission mode for engagement on Contractual Basis for the following post under National Health Mission(NHM), Assam. Candidates have to apply online in the NHM, Assam website: Only short listed candidates will be called for interview for which no TA/DA will be paid. The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all applications without assigning any reasons thereof. Name of the Post : Cashier Eligibility and Qualification: • M.Com with a minimum of 2 Years of work experience in relevant field. • Well versed with all the accounting procedures, book keeping practices, external and internal audits and other necessary accounting norms. • Computer proficiency with high level of familiarity with commonly used packages like MS Word, Excel and Power Point and Tally. Remuneration : Rs. 15,000/- P.M. Online application will be received till 10th June, 2015. Candidates without the above qualification need not apply. Sd/Mission Director, National Health Mission, Assam
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