MU Sinclair School of Nursing Accelerated BSN Application Information This information is provided for the applicant to organize the application process and packet. Students who have been successful in this option have demonstrated an ability to handle a fast paced learning environment. They possess organizational and time management skills and are highly motivated individuals. o o o o o o o o o o ONLY completed packets will be considered (a checklist is provided) Applications will ONLY be accepted between June 1 and the second Friday of October. ü Applications MUST be received by the School of Nursing Student Advising office (S235) no later than second Friday of October (10/9/15), postmarked by Thursday. The Accelerated BSN is a 15-‐month, on-‐campus option for students who hold a bachelor’s degree or higher from an accredited college or university in fields other than nursing. The Accelerated BSN has a once a year start date. The first semester begins in May and concludes the end of the following summer session. You will attend a summer, fall, spring and summer session. You will observe all regular scheduled MU breaks and holidays. You MUST be able to articulate what the role of a Registered Nurse is. International student; if you an international student now or English is your second language the TOEFL is required. You are required to take the TOEFL examination and pass successfully with a minimum score of; Paper Based-‐ 600; Computer Based-‐ 250; Internet Based-‐ 100. Passing the TOEFL does not guarantee eligibility or admission. Along with your non-‐nursing bachelor’s degree (may be in progress while applying) you must also successfully complete ALL seven prerequisite courses. Five of the seven MUST be completed prior to the spring semester before the May start date. If accepted there may be off-‐campus rotations and that you will be responsible for making arrangements to attend. The clinical nursing major is time-‐intensive and course/clinical times will vary. Understand that you may be placed into a nursing clinical course section that may conflict with other activities or a job you previously had been involved with and that you may need to rearrange these commitments to allow the opportunity and time to do well as an MU clinical nursing student. Prerequisite course requirements: § § § § § § § Chemistry – 2-‐3 credit hours (does not require a lab) Nutrition or Diet Therapy -‐ 3 credit hours Microbiology -‐ 4 to 5 credit hours (lab requirement) Human Anatomy – 4 to 5 credit hours (lab requirement) Physiology – 4 to 5 credit hours (lab requirement) Statistics -‐ 3 credit hours Pathophysiology – 3 to 4 credit hours (suggested this course be taken the spring semester before May start date) ü Note: Prerequisite courses may be taken at any accredited college or university. Five out of the seven required prerequisite courses must be successfully completed by the December preceding admission. Depending on the college or university, certain courses may be required as a prerequisite to these requirements. There is more information regarding prerequisite courses on the application. Application packet MUST contain the following items: o o o o o Com pleted School of Nursing application Application to MU Admissions must be completed or in progress Unofficial transcript(s). All prerequisite coursework must be highlighted on transcripts for the reviewers. If not highlighted this could be considered an incomplete application packet. Personal Statem ent (No more than two pages and double spaced) Professional resum e` o Tw o Accelerated Reference Form s (You may include additional letter(s) of support) o You must have a 3.0 cumulative GPA or greater to apply. Your GPA will be verified through the MU Admissions Office upon acceptance to the university. Official transcripts must be submitted to the MU Admissions Office. A copy of all pertinent unofficial transcripts must be submitted with your School of Nursing application; highlight any prerequisite course(s) for reviewers. You must highlight on transcript any prerequisite course. Only highlight the courses listed on your application (review full application). You must have a non-‐nursing bachelor’s (at minimum) degree, either completed or in progress to complete before the May start date. There are seven prerequisite courses. You must have completed five of the seven prerequisites or have them in progress to complete in the fall semester prior to the start date. STEPS & INFORMATION TO APPLY o o o o If you have not taken the Pathophysiology prerequisite, it is highly suggested you wait for the spring semester if accepted (also suggested you take the course on the MU campus). o o Complete MU School of Nursing (SSON) application (Some items may require handwritten information.) Complete University of Missouri application. Make sure MU Admissions has received all necessary official transcripts. You will be applying as a pre-‐nursing student. If you are taking, or may plan to take, any prerequisite courses at MU please apply for the correct semester; for instance, if you might take Pathophysiology in the spring semester apply for spring, not summer. You MUST have two reference forms prepared and sent back to you. These must be professional references. We ask that you not exceed four reference forms; however, other letters of support may be included in your packet. ü Please see Accelerated Reference Forms on the SSON website for complete details. ü Please note; these forms are to be included in your application packet. You must allow enough time for your reviewer to complete and return to you. ü IF you think a reviewer may not be timely you may request more than two reference forms to ensure your packet is complete. Prepare a personal statement, no more than two pages, must be double-‐spaced. The statement should include career goals and views of nursing as a profession. All applications undergo an initial screening. Only selected candidates will progress to a personal interview and possible admission. The interviews, for those selected, usually occur on/before the middle of December. It is important to list an accurate phone number on the application to make this process go smoothly. Interviewed candidates will be notified through their MU/myZou email accounts after the beginning of the year, before spring semester starts. This allows enough time for those selected to register for prerequisite course(s) remaining. o o o o o We ask that you not contact our office regarding your acceptance. o All decisions made by the MUSSON Accelerated BSN Selection Committee are final and not subject to challenges. Please return or mail your COMPLETED application packet to: (Please note; we do not confirm the arrival of your application if mailed; we do not have a street address, the address listed below is correct.) ATTN: TJ Accelerated BSN Application Sinclair School of Nursing /S235 University of Missouri Columbia, MO 65211 Please note: Applicants to any option or area of study of the MU Sinclair School of Nursing are considered on a competitive and space-‐available basis. After you have reviewed (or completed) the application, you may contact the MUSSON Student Advising office IF you have further questions, 573-‐882-‐0277, 573-‐882-‐0294 or 800-‐439-‐4337. Date: ___/___/2015 Sinclair School of Nursing University of Missouri ACCELERATED BSN APPLICATION FORM – 2016-17 Please Type or Print Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Last First MI/Maiden MU Email (If applicable): ______________________________ other email: __________________________________ myZou Student # (If applicable): _____________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Permanent State Permanent County Phone number you are available: ____________________ Age: ______ Gender (check one) □ male □ female ACT/SAT Composite score (if available) ________ What is (or will be) your degree? ______________________________________ Year graduated _____________ What university/college(s) is your degree awarded from? ____________________________________________ □ Asian □ Pacific Islander □ Ame. Indian or Native Alaskan □ Black/African-‐American □ Hispanic/Latino □ White Non-‐Hispanic □ Other (specify): ____________________________ Ethnic Origin (check one -‐ optional) to MU, MU Students w Hith ave you ever ny other sochools f nursing International S tudents admitted English as aa ttended Second Laanguage, r MU Sotudents required to take the TOEFL, please submit the following information: Have you t aken the TOEFL examination: Yes No If yes, list TOEFL score(s): ______________________________________________________ Have you e ver successfully completed an MU Intensive English Program (IEP): Yes No If yes, give date of successful program completion: ____________________________________________ Individuals with English as a Second Language and/or International Students and/or students who have been informed that the TOEFL and/or IEP will be take the TOEFL and successfully pass according to nursing minimum score requirements and/or take and successfully complete an Intensive required must English Program (IEP) course prior to application for clinical admission. (600-‐PB, 250-‐CB, 100-‐IB) score requirements: Paper-‐based: 600, Internet-‐based: 100, Computer-‐based: 250. Minimum TOEFL Have you ever attended any other schools of nursing and/or completed any clinical nursing coursework? Yes No (If yes, please list school)______________________________________________________ If yes, you must also attach a letter of support and recommendation from your previous dean/director to this application. Have you applied to any MU Sinclair School of Nursing Clinical major before? Yes No (If yes, please list the semester/year and BSN option)___________________________________________ Have you ever submitted a special request to the SSON Student Admissions and Progression Committee (SAP)? Yes No (If yes, please submit copy of letter received) § § Use your (unofficial) transcript(s) to fill out the information required below All courses listed below MUST be highlighted on your transcripts § Five of the seven prerequisites MUST be completed BEFORE the spring semester. All pre-‐ nursing prerequisites must be successfully completed before starting clinical major coursework, if accepted. Should you be accepted into the clinical nursing program, failure to successfully complete all the pre-‐nursing prerequisites listed below will result in forfeiture of your admission. You will know if you are accepted prior to the start of the spring MU semester. List below all courses you have already taken, are currently enrolled in, or plan to enroll in. If course is in progress, write “IP” and the semester. A ‘C’ or higher (C-‐ is not acceptable) is required for all prerequisite courses. A student is allowed one chance to repeat a course in which an unsatisfactory grade has been received. A student who earns less than a ‘C’ upon repetition of a course is ineligible to apply for admission in the School of Nursing (see the MUSSON Student Handbook, Progression Criteria). The course information will be verified for applicant’s eligibility. All courses listed must be completed successfully prior to beginning clinical coursework, if accepted. § § USE COURSE INFO FROM SCHOOL TAKEN DO NOT FORGET TO HI-‐LITE TRANSCRIPTS COURSE COURSE NUMBER GRADE CREDIT HOURS COLLEGE SEMESTER COMPLETED Statistics Chemistry (General) (no lab required) (MU: CHEM 1000, 1100 or 1320) Nutrition or Diet Therapy (for Health Professionals) OR SEMESTER TO BE COMPLETED (EX. IP-‐FS13) (MU: Stats1200/1300 or ESC PS 4170) (MU: NUTR S 2380) Human Anatomy (Lec & Lab) (MU: PTH AS 2201 and 2203) If you have taken a combined A&P course, A&P I will count for Anatomy. Human Physiology (Lec & Lab) (MU: MPP 3202 or 3333&3337) If you have taken a combined A&P course, A&P II will count for Physiology. Microbiology (Lec & Lab) (MU: Med Micro 2800 {preferred} or 3200) Pathophysiology (MU: N3260/online or N3200/on-‐campus) It is HIGHLY suggested this course be taken the spring semester prior to the May start date upon acceptance. NOT REQUIRED, but suggested, N2100 (Offered only on the MU campus) Email the academic advisor for more information, [email protected] Please review the MU Sinclair School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook If accepted into the Accelerated BSN clinical nursing major, I will be financially liable and will review and meet requirements of the items listed below: § Drug Screening § Background Check § Required Immunizations § CPR Certification (American Heart Association for Health Care Provider) § Purchase of required student uniforms and other items for the clinical portion § Review and able to meet required policies cited in the School of Nursing Undergraduate Student Handbook § Functional Abilities § State Board of Nursing licensure § TOEFL, if applicable (must be successfully completed prior to submitting application) Information regarding all of these will be sent to students when accepted I understand that there may be off-‐campus rotations and that I will be responsible for making arrangements to attend. The clinical nursing major is time-‐intensive and course/clinical times will vary. I understand that I may be placed into a nursing clinical course section that may conflict with other activities or a job I previously had been involved with and that I may need to rearrange these commitments to allow myself the opportunity and time to do well as an MU clinical nursing student. The following are a few examples of violations of the student code of conduct. This is just a summarized list; it is advisable to read through the entire Standard of Conduct (link provided below) to inform you of all the possible violations: § Hazing § Disorderly conduct § Obstruction or disruption of teaching § Disorderly or disruptive conduct in and outside of the classroom § The School of Nursing has a Social Media Policy in affect regarding any misuse of cell phones, Facebook, Twitter, texting or other forms of social media. § All of the items listed above may affect our students regardless of where violation(s) may occur. Failure to abide by these guidelines can result in disciplinary action taken by the University and/or the School of Nursing. These actions can vary from a warning to expulsion from the University. Please review the Standard of Conduct. Please see information regarding fees and tuition: § Please note, scholarships and/or assistance may be atypical when seeking a second degree program. We highly recommend you explore your financial (educational fees/tuition) options before applying. ü There are 54 credit hours and four semesters in the Accelerated BSN option I have reviewed and understand University and School of Nursing rules on student conduct:‐dishonesty. I am aware that as a nursing student at the University of Missouri I have an obligation to behave in a manner compatible with the University’s and School of Nursing’s functions as an education institute. Additional information on the University of Missouri (Columbia, Mo. campus) can be found online: I, _______________________________acknowledge that all information I have provided on this application is accurate. I have reviewed and understand all application materials submitted. Print Name ___________________________________________
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