1. Nasaler : Total Care for Allergic Rhinitis 2. Regulid Plus : Weight

INNOVATION - Product List
1. Nasaler : Total Care for Allergic Rhinitis
Nasaler is a patented formulation designed for the anti-inflammatory and symptomatic
treatment of allergic rhinitis, which includes seasonal (like pollen and grasses causing
hay fever) and not-seasonal (house dust mites, dog hairs,...).It can also be used for
cutaneous allergies. With no side effects, Nasaler can be used for long periods without
digestive complications and is thus specially dedicated for long-term use in chronic
As Nasaler will act on the causes of the allergy, it needs 7-14 days of use before
feeling the real effects on symptomatic aspects and it is of course possible to combine
it with other antihistamine that would act more quickly on symptoms of allergy but not
on the causes. After 2 weeks treatments lots of people are quitting their other
medication to pursue only with Nasaler. It is why Nasaler is recommended as
background therapy and for long-term treatment.
Nasaler is available in bulk softgels.
2. Regulid Plus : Weight Maintenance - Fight Yo-Yo Diet Syndrome
Regulid Plus is a unique formulation that associates innovative garlic active principles
with an ideal quantity of EPA/DHA that is supported by European Health Claim from
EFSA. Regulid Plus helps stabilize weight and fights against yo-yo effect after a diet. It
reduces the adipocyte differentiation and increases lipolysis. You may also target
people with excessive mixed dyslipidemia (too high cholesterol and triglycerides
levels) but also to reinforce their cardiovascular protection thanks to an optimum ratio
in EPA/DHA. Very easy to be taken.
Regulid Plus is available in bulk capsules or as a standardized bulk liquid.
3. Cognityl : Boost Brain Power and Memory
Cognityl consists in a unique dosage of natural theobromine and caffein from cocoa. It
improves intellectual performance and concentration. Cognityl is used to maintain
mental alertness and stay efficient at work or study. Cognityl has a quick action with no
side effects and a low caffeine content.
Cognityl is available in bulk tablets or as a standardized powder extract.
4. Cursol : New most highly bioavailable curcumin powder extract
CURSOL is a double-patented active ingredient offering highly soluble curcumin with
powerful anti-inflammatory action.
CURSOL is particularly designed for all pathologies involving inflammatory processes.
Its highly free flowing powder form allows any possible mixture with other active
ingredients for targeting a selected pathology.
Cursol is available in bulk tablets or as a standardized powder extract.
Contact us to discuss how our products can add value to your product line.