PRINCIPAL’s REPORT Issue 14 14 May 2015 Important Dates: Tuesday Tuesday 19th May Bentleigh District Cross Country Tuesday 19th May School Assembly All Welcome Wednesday 20th School Council Friday 20th, May Yr 5 IMAX Excursion Fete Update We’ve finally processed all our expenditure for the fete and now have a realistic picture of what each stall raised, $65, 047, a fantastic effort ! This year, we introduced Sponsorship, which was a great success. Some sponsors directed their funds to specific stalls, while others contributed to the overall running costs. This has been factored into the final profit margins printed out on the following page. As mentioned last week, our budget strategy each year, is for School Council to allocate the use of the funds at the end of the year for the 2016 Budget. I can assure you, that all money will be spent on your children. Last year’s Fete Profit was used to supplement the cost of 150 new student computers and 2 new Computer Rooms, which arrived and were installed over the Christmas Holidays. New Newsletter Feature Please remember No child is to be in the car park unsupervised. You must walk children in and out to the car. Weekly items: Principal’s Report School Matters Student Showcase This week we have included a new feature in our newsletter – “ South Oakleigh Secondary College –Our Neighbourhood Partner “ We have an excellent relationship with South Oakleigh Secondary College, which goes back many years. Our senior students have advanced Mathematics lessons at school conducted by one of the college’s teachers. Our senior students attend the college and participate in Science lessons related to our units of work, use their Television Studio and participate in a Student leadership program all to assist in the Primary to Secondary Transition process. Many of their students return for their annual “Work Experience“ stint. The college is also generous in lending out its Gymnasium and Sporting facilities at no cost to our school. Parent Group This week’s article focuses on some of the great community work undertaken by the students. It’s well worth the read. SOSC News Enjoy your weekend. Community News Ron SCHOOL STALL MATTERS GRADE Fa ce Pa i nti ng TOTAL PSM & PJG $ 1,088.52 PKH $ 1,052.90 PAS & PJD $ 3,892.90 Fa i ry Fl os s PJS $ 2,250.00 Ca kes PJF $ 689.40 Pa i nt n Peel PSR $ 588.35 Cup Ca ke Decora ti ng PAP $ 706.00 Sa nd Pa i nti ngs PEH $ 961.70 Spi nni ng Wheel 1ST $ 4,096.50 Pop Corn 1MM $ 1,173.60 Bi ke n Bl end 1ML $ 1,266.29 1JK, 1EE & 1HM $ 3,696.97 2KB & 2MS $ 5,447.50 Toys 2TW $ 1,570.20 Books 2LB $ 1,200.45 Ba l l oon Twi s ts 2GZ $ 1,489.81 Lucky Ja rs 2MR $ 1,101.80 Ani ma l Fa rm 3KK $ 1,395.90 3MW, 3JS & 3 JP $ 5,090.40 Vi l l a ge Ga me 3SA $ 522.74 Foca cci a 4TM $ 804.05 Sweets 4JM $ 981.30 Na chos & Pi zza s 4AM $ 1,268.12 Hot Dogs 4BM $ 1,726.46 Lucky Sti cks & Lucky Ducks 5MB $ 1,423.92 Si l ent Aucti on 5HP $ 3,890.00 Showba gs 5KW $ 896.65 Cra zy Ha i r & Ta ttoos 5AB $ 702.00 Pa per Pl a nes & Knockemdown 6FL $ 1,123.69 Dunki ng Ma chi ne 6AR $ 682.00 6DK & 6WE $ 2,069.20 School Counci l $ 2,130.24 Ma mi , Si obha n & 4RO $ 1,349.71 Art Dept. $ 1,460.50 Cra ft Pa rent Group $ 2,117.65 Ma s s a ge Ma ki & Fi ona $ 410.00 El ena $ 119.50 -$ 3,827.86 Sunda es & Soda s Souvl a ki Ca fé Rock n Roa s t Rol l s Pl a nt, Produce & Pres erves BBQ & Ingredi ents i n a Ja r Ca nteen Ja pa nes e/Sus hi Prep Art Show Ps ychi c Rea di ngs Sundry Costs Ri des TOTAL $ 6,548.70 $ 65,047.76 SPONSORSHIP: This year we received $9200 in sponsorship, which has been included into the above figures. STUDENT SHOWCASE South Oakleigh Secondary College News - our neighbourhood partner South Oakleigh College’s Student Representative Council (S.R.C.) and Student Opinion Committee (S.O.C.) working together to make a difference! This year’s introduction of S.O.C has presented our students with yet another opportunity to make a real difference through student voice in the College. A significant joint planning meeting between the S.R.C. and S.O.C. has seen student driven College events being developed and major projects underway for this term and the second half of 2015. S.O.C. is the representative student group (Years 7-12) which meets regularly with the Principal. It is where we as a student body have the opportunity to raise issues, concerns and make recommendations. It is also a place where we can discuss social justice issues and how we as a student body can work towards making this a better world to live in. We look at how we can support our local community through the Mission Action Day (MAD) Walkathon, our international commitment to Rainbow Orphanage, Siem Reap Cambodia, and our national responsibility to help eradicate poverty by making Poverty Awareness Week a focus on the Student Calendar. These are important to us as is our sense of making a difference. We are further building our identity and College spirit. Belonging is also important – we are an important part of the College and belong to our “House”. House spirit pulsed through the school as we organised for iron-on House badges to be placed on the back of our sports tops. Congratulations to the Waratah Captains for their work and their recent victory at the College Athletics Carnival. The SRC has a number of events this term to prepare for including hot chocolate on the menu for ‘The Biggest Morning Tea’ and with numbers growing at the Breakfast Club every Thursday morning we encourage more student volunteers. This term we have been supported in The Breakfast Club by Holmesglen students and as their farewell treat a FREE pancake breakfast will be held on the Thursday, 28 May. Everyone is invited to join us. Our Holmesglen Team Want to know more? Just ask us and watch this space as we continue to update you on student events and issues which are important to us and all South Oakleigh College students. In next week’s issue I (Jennifer) will talk about my life changing experience when I volunteered to work with other students of South Oakleigh College to make a difference in the lives of the Rainbow Orphanage children. Rachel S.R.C. President (Ex OSPS 2009) Jennifer S.O.C. President COMMUNITY NEWS
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