I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 OAKS PARK HIGH SCHOOL A Specialist Music College Learning Together, Achieving Together. DIARY DATES Mon 23 March Y11 Physics Cat Begins Y12 Chemistry Coursework Begins Tues 24 March Weds 25 March Newbury Park History Visit Reception The Reception area is now fully open. When you visit, please ensure that you report directly to reception via the front entrance. Do not walk through the school to get to Reception. Please walk around the outside of the building. Your cooperation is much appreciated. New Building This is now 40% complete and we are still on schedule for opening at the end of October. Website Our new website is in the process of going live. We hope it will provide you with more information which will be easier to access. Any comments gratefully received. S Wilks Headteacher Governors Curriculum Meeting 17:00 Student’s Medical Appointments Y8 Parents Evening 16:00—19:00 Please be aware that if a student is late for school or has to leave during the day for any type of medical appointment he/she MUST produce a note from the parent/carer. In the student’s best interests we will not allow them to leave the school site without written permission. Fri 27 March Student Absence Travel Green Friday If a student is going to be absent for any reason please telephone the school on 020 8590 2245 and select Option 1. Please then leave a message on the answer phone. Thank you. Thurs 26 March Mr R Manning Assistant Headteacher I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 School Uniform Shop Lucilla, the School Uniform Shop has moved to new premises across the road from where they are currently situated. Their new address is: 180 Cranbrook Road Ilford IG1 4LX The telephone number and email address remains the same. Tel: 0208554 5133 Email: [email protected] Website: http://lucillaschooluniforms.co.uk/ O2AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 O3AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 The Great British Oaks Park Bake Off The Year 8s really did show the most creativity when they took part in their Bake Off round making scones. The teams consisted of: Sigma Amber Buckley & Zahra Shaikh 8P Mariah Onelum 8W & Mia 8W Omega Maham Sheikh 8Y & Abarna Jeyakumar 8Y Krysstina Frempong & Mia Blaney 8B Kappa NO TEAM Alpha Jess Dellar and Ambika Sharma 8U Kyann Gabbidon Hazlewood 8E & Rushmila Akhond 8U The all girls round presented the judges with a wide selection of sweet and savoury scones, some with homemade chutneys and cheese, others with clotted cream and jam. Some were presented with white and dark chocolate covered strawberries and others with an oreo trifle, even a pot of tea! Some scones were kept plain, others had choc chips and marshmallows- the possibilities were endless!! Our judges, Mary Berry and Paul Hollywood, aka Mrs Corton and Mr Corton were asked to judge the quality of the scones made for their taste, texture and appearance. The winning team for this round were Jess Dellar and Ambika Sharma with their traditional Sweet scones with clotted cream and jam, giving Alpha their first victory!! Well done to them and all the competitors who went all out to impress the judges with their baking skills. The league table for year 8: 1st Alpha 2nd Sigma 3rd Omega 4th kappa O4AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 The Great British Oaks Park Bake Off The Year 9 Round has just finished in which the teams set about making delicious cupcakes for the judges to taste test. The teams consisted of: Sigma Paige Hanks and Sophie Ross 9W Omega NO TEAM Kappa Ayesha Gani & Janani Vijayaratnam 9N Alpha Nowshin Hussain & Virginie Regeendran 9U To our surprise, all teams made versions of Oreo Cupcakes- some with Mini Mouse ears, others with Kappa Symbols and of course, Oreo’s. A lovely set of cakes were produced for our in-house judges Mrs Dutch and Mrs Corton who were both in agreement that the winning team were: Ayesha and Janani with their Chocolately Oreo Cupcakes! The first win for Kappa! Well done to Kappa and all the teams for taking part. The league table for year 9 is as follows: 1st place– Kappa 2nd place- Sigma 3rd place- Alpha 4th place- Omega Mrs L Douglas O5AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 There were several great performances including a convincing 1st place for Alyaan in the 60m hurdles and a brilliant team performance from the girls in the 4x200m relay. The boys team came 4th in their pool and the girls team finished 1st and are through to the Finals this Wednesday after school. Pupils that took part: Alys Swan Makfire Ajeti Miriam Nayya Tanya Ssebana Tinotenda Mudzimirema Camelia Abdi Lomar Dewar Abdul Humayun Josh Lawrence Alyaan Danish Yeun-yi Wong Ms Tricker - PE Department O6AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921 I SSUE 24 O AKS P ARK N EWS 20 TH M ARCH 2015 O7AKS P ARK H IGH S CHOOL , O AKS L ANE , N EWBURY P ARK , I LFORD E SSEX IG2 7PQ TEL:020 8590 2245 FAX: 020 8590 2246 W EBSITE : WWW . OAKSP ARK . C O . U K S CHOOL M OBILES 07742 587922 EM AIL : ADMIN @ OAKSP ARK . RED BRIDGE . SCH . UK (P.E.) 07742 587921
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