O LD S T. M ARY’ S C HURCH 1500 S. Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL 60605 - Chicago’s First Catholic Parish - Established in 1833 - The Paulist Fathers serving our parish since 1903 Page Two OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH Our Parish Mission Founded in 1833, Old St. Mary’s parish is the first Catholic parish in the Chicago area. Guided for more than a century by the vision of the Paulist Fathers, we are a diverse and welcoming community dedicated to serving the spiritual needs of the South Loop and greater Chicago area. As a unified Church and School community, Old St. Mary’s Parish promotes the mission of the Paulist Fathers to welcome those who have been away from the church, to build bridges of respect and collaboration with people of diverse backgrounds and religions, and to promote justice and healing in our society. Like us on Facebook www.facebook.com/116946404986272 PARISH PHONE: 312.922.3444 WEB SITE: www.oldstmarys.com SCHOOL PHONE: 312.386.1560 SCHOOL WEB SITE: www.osmschool.com MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY: 5:00 PM; SUNDAY: 8:30 AM, 11:00 AM AND 6:00PM DAILY MASSES: 8:30 AM—MONDAY—FRIDAY 12:00 NOON—SATURDAY HOLY DAYS: 8:30 AM AND 7:00PM EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: FRIDAY 9:00AM TO NOON SACRAMENTAL CELEBRATIONS ANOINTING OF THE SICK: FIRST SATURDAY: NOON MASS BAPTISM: SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAYS, PLEASE GO TO OUR WEBSITE TO REGISTER CONFESSION: SATURDAY 11:30 TO 11:50 AM AND AT OTHER TIMES BY APPOINTMENT COMMUNION/SICK CALLS: UPON REQUEST PRAYER REQUEST Please pray for those novices and seminarians who are preparing for ministry to the Church with the Paulist Fathers, who have staffed Old St. Mary’s since 1903. Bulletin Submissions The deadline is Noon on Monday, if you cannot send the item electronically. Items submitted electronically are due by 5PM on Mondays. Please Email items to [email protected]. Thank You! May 3, 2015 Old St. Mary’s is wheelchair accessible. Large print missalettes are available near the entrance. Please return them after Mass. Special hosts are available in the sacristy for those who are gluten intolerant. Do you have difficulty walking to the front of the church for communion? Please ask an usher to let the communion ministers know where you are so the ministers can bring communion to you. Receiving the Body of Christ is too important to miss out. The ministers do scan the congregation, so if you forget to let an usher know, put your hand up so they can see you. We want to accommodate you. PARISH STAFF REV. PAUL HUESING, CSP, PASTOR [email protected] REV. PATRICK JOHNSON, CSP, ASSOCIATE PASTOR [email protected] ZACCARY HANEY, COORDINATOR RELIGIOUS EDUCATION [email protected] DAWN BURNS, BUSINESS MANAGER [email protected] JULIE MARTIN, SCHOOL PRINCIPAL [email protected] SCOTT WILL, DIRECTOR OF WORSHIP ARTS [email protected] VANESA JACKSON, RECEPTIONIST MAMIE SMITH, RECEPTIONIST TONETTE MILLER, RECEPTIONIST JIM FOY, FACILITIES ENGINEER DENNIS DAVIS, MAINTENANCE Mother's Day Celebrations SUNDAY, MAY 10 Celebrate Mother's Day with the Mass for Expectant Mothers at Holy Name Cathedral, State and Superior Streets in Chicago, on Sunday, May 10, with Bishop Francis J. Kane, at 12:30 p.m. A Mass in Spanish with Bishop John R. Manz will take place at St. Joseph Parish, 4821 South Hermitage in Chicago, beginning at 5:30 p.m. May 3, 2015: FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Page Three OLD ST. MARY’S BUDGET SCORECARD From the Pastor’s Desk 7/1/2014 - 04/26/15 Dear member of the OSM community, Period 04/26/2015 YTD Amount Needed $16,000.00 $757,000.00 Total Collected $17,871.73 $744,353.50 Surplus/Deficit $1,871.73 $(12,646.50) You can now contribute to various church offerings via Give Central on our website, www.oldstmarys.com. Just click on the Giving tab, and then click on Give to Church. If you have any questions, please call Dawn Burns at 312.922. 3444, ext. 23. CATHOLIC CHARITIES ANNUAL MOTHER’S DAY APPEAL For the past 15 years, Old St. Mary's has graciously supported the Catholic Charities Annual Mothers Day Appeal. As in past years Mike Dreznes and Carol Sullivan, Catholic Charities representatives will speak briefly at all Masses this weekend (May 2/3) to highlight the importance of the Appeal. Special envelopes will be in the pews Mother’s Day weekend which you can use to make your donation. GOD’S WORD TODAY The familiar passage proclaimed in today’s Gospel reminds us that we are branches on the vine and the vine is Jesus Christ. At the moment of our baptism we were grafted onto that vine, and from that moment on much has been expected of us. The closer we are to Christ the vine the more others will learn to recognize Christ through our own actions. To find out what those actions need to be, look no further than today’s second reading. There Saint John tells us to love one another just as Christ commanded us. As you sit in church today, look around and see the other grafts on the vine—those sitting around you. Pray that the vine and its branches will be strengthened so that Christ’s love will be shown to others all the more. From Saint Margaret Mary Sunday Missal, © J. S. Paluch Company One of the aims of the Year of Consecrated Life is to have each religious community reflect on its past and to do so with gratitude. The Paulist Fathers have a unique and wonderful history. We were the first community of priests founded in the United States. That was in 1858 in New York City. Out initial members were all converts to the Catholic faith and were particularly influenced by Fr. Isaac Thomas Hecker, CSP, our first Superior. Hecker was a ‘religious seeker,” who spent his youth seeking meaning and inner fulfillment. He was friends with Henry David Thoreau and acquainted with Ralph Waldo Emerson and the early Transcendentalists. He even lived for several months at the Transcendentalist community at Brook Farm near Boston. Eventually, he felt the Holy Spirit calling him to the Catholic faith. He embraced it and made it his own. Fr. Hecker felt the American system of democratic government and the Catholic Church were made for one another. He felt that Catholicism could take root and flourish in a democratic environment. It was his goal to preach the good news of Catholic Christianity to the American people. The Paulists brought that spirit of love of country and love of the Church with them when they arrived at Old St. Mary’s in Chicago in 1903. We still try to proclaim the Good News to those who have not yet heard it. Now, too, we strive to build good relations with other churches and religions, and to reach out to those who feel alienated from the Church or from our culture. Page Four OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH YEAR OF SACRAMENTS • ONE WORD AT A TIME Live We don’t think of going to Mass on Sunday as a matter of life or death, but it is. We depend entirely on the Eucharist to be alive and to stay alive. Jesus himself says, “Whoever eats this bread will live for ever.” (John 6:51) And later he says that those who do not eat his flesh or drink his blood “have no life” in them. We can often fool ourselves about what sustains us. We might think, for example, that it is our work, or our relationships, or even our entertainments. These things may keep us alive but only partially. The ultimate, complete, and true source of our life is Jesus, our bread of life. Only when we are sustained by him can we make sense of our life overall. And then we not only live, but we live wisely. POPE FRANCIS’ VISION OF HEALING AND COMMUNION The ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO in partnership with LOYLOA PRESS More on Pope Francis’ Vision at www.loyolapress.com/popefrancis.com www.ArchChicago.org © 2014 Archdiocese of Chicago, Fr. Louis J. Carneli WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER In the second reading today John encourages us to love one another not in speech only but in deed and truth. Do you show your spouse that you truly love them, not just say it? Love your spouse in deed by giving the gift of yourself; make the time to attend the next Marriage Encounter weekend. Upcoming Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekends are June 12-14, 2015 or August 7-9, 2015 or October 16-18, 2015, all at Elk Grove Village, IL. Early registration is highly recommended. For reservations/information, call Jim & Kris at 630-577-0778 or contact us through http://wwme-chicagoland.org Christianity is the spirit of Jesus Christ at work in the world. — Anonymous May 3, 2015 CALL FOR PARISH COUNCIL MEMBERS Old St. Mary’s is seeking new members to commit to a 3 year term on the Parish Council. Responsibilities include active participation in and support of the parish’s ministries, engagement in parish special events and regular attendance and meaningful contribution at monthly Parish Council meetings. Interested or know someone who might be a good candidate? Please contact Father Paul at [email protected] or Julie Marcus at [email protected] and visit the OSM Parish Council homepage to learn more at: http://oldstmarys.com/about-us/parish-council/. DIAPER DRIVE The Old Saint Mary's Community is conducting a diaper drive to benefit Aid for Woman and the Saint James Social Care Program. Aid for Woman is a Catholic organization that offers parenting and pregnancy classes to help women choose to keep their babies rather than choose abortion. The agency also has a transitional home for new mothers. Diapers are being collected in the school. Other members of the parish are asked to contribute baby wipes and powdered milk. Those items can be deposited in the barrel in the Commons over the next two weekends. Special Collection for St. Bride This Sunday is the first Sunday of the month. There is a special collec on for our sharing parish St. Bride. There are blue envelopes in the pews which you can use to make your dona on. Thank you for your generosity. May 3, 2015: FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Page Five First Communion Class – April 26, 2015 We extend our congratulations as they enter a new phase in their faith journey. Fredina Amoh Sloane Anderson Liam Bruederle Sofia Caicedo Audrey Clavadetscher Camila Clavier Buster Dean Lois Dickman Chase Edwards Ella Fadden Joseph Galullo, Jr. Ayesha Garcia Charles Hopkins Emma Hurley Emily Kendall Augustin Kmiec Joshua Mannancheril James McCormac Stella Munoz Henry Norton Payton Ramiro Maria Retelewski Abigail Sedevic Ryan Scott Jorge Valle Danica Yee We welcome the following new parishioners to the Old St. Mary’s community. Luke & Christine Laurin Peggy Brydie Gregory Bouché & Madeline Quill Leo & Beatrice Koonmen and daughter Elizabeth Thomas Gaichas Marc Menzione & Ashley Lindeen David & Megan Bates Ben Hung Marie Bedford Karina Casanova Quinn Corbett Rachael Dombrowski Ian Flaherty Tomás Hadden Jason Isais Renz Lin Mia Meneses Vanessa O’Brien Frances Rivera Kathryn Syftestad Juliusz Bobek Celeste Chmielewski Seamus Cullinan Isabelle D’Souza Julian Galan Kellen Hastings Elliot Kemphues Yesenia Maley Sophia Mendoza Carmella O’Malley Anthony Rosinia Angelo Talamonti Madelyn Brawley Keira Chroniak Peyton Davidson Gia Edakkunnath Mercedes Galan Ethan Herrera Jackson Kemphues Sabine Munoz Katherine Quigley Avery Schneider Abigail Toth During the month of April, we welcomed the following into the community of the faithful through the sacrament of Baptism. Keira Irene Baricovich Crosby Louis Sauer Lawrence Walter Miller Richard John Johnson Parker Walter Johnson Lincoln Jax Prestinario Kurt Bullard Lela Hall Durham Lisa Sue Hendricks Fotedar Miller Emma Jane Miller Ava Anne Miller Nicole Siben Johnson Landon Ronald Johnson As a symbol of our devo on to Mary, the May Crowning will be Friday May 15 at 9:30 AM In the Church Page Six OLD ST. MARY’S CHURCH TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Over time, the crisis of last illness and the way the faithful met death changed. In earliest times, a sickbed vigil was an occasion for the community to gather and strengthen the dying person with assurances of love. A thousand years ago, in part because of massive upheavals in society, a new emphasis on individual repentance captured the imagination of millions. Death was to be feared, because it was about judgment. The delights of heaven’s banquet dimmed, since most people saw God’s just judgment and inevitable punishment intervening. If a community gathered at all, it was not to express faith in the Resurrection, but to seek forgiveness for those who were powerless to help themselves. The dead couldn’t improve their situation, but their loved ones, by expressing sorrow for sin, could. Better yet, the clergy could, if they intervened in a timely fashion, provide the absolution needed for everyone to relax. Ministry to the sick shifted away from a ministry of consolation toward a challenge to repent before it was too late. As the sense grew that most people died with their work of repentance incomplete, the color black was reintroduced to funerals. It was the old pagan way of expressing despair. No wonder they call this time in history the “Dark Ages.” Many layers have had to be peeled away to reveal the deepest, most positive expressions of our tradition of care for the dying. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co “EXPERIENCED” ADULTS NEEDED Last month St. James served over 1,500 families in our area. So there is a need for volunteers. St. James Food Pantry-DIRE NEED The St. James Food Pantry is in dire need of hygiene products. They need miniature and full size: soap, deodorant, shampoo/ conditioner, razors, lotion and toothpaste. Please deposit your donation(s) in the baskets in the commons. If you’re interested, please email Caitlin Kerwin, St. James’ volunteer coordinator, at [email protected]. Thank you for your generosity! There is a small team of Old St. Mary parishioners and friends who volunteer at St. James Food Pantry on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday mornings, from 8:30 – 11:30 AM, to help with intake (minimal computer skills required) or package food. We would like more OSM VOLUNTEERS! As “experienced adults” we sometimes baby-sit for grandkids, work part-time, volunteer at symphony center, sleep late (YES), and winter in places like Florida or Arizona. It would great if we could expand our volunteer group so that everyone could help St. James plus have the freedom and flexibility to do “their retirement thing”. With a larger group we could substitute for each other. May 3, 2015 Springtime Day of Prayer Fr. Paul will lead a day of reflection for parishioners on Saturday, May 23. The theme is “The Experience of Prayer.” Participants will have the opportunity to learn about and experience: Awareness, the Jesus Prayer, Lectio Divina (prayer with Scripture) and the Prayer of Petition. The Day of Prayer will begin at 9 AM and conclude at 2:30 PM. Participants will be encouraged to attend Old St. Mary’s regular Saturday noon Mass. The suggested donation is $20 and includes lunch. Preregistration is required. Please phone our office at 312-922-3444. EMERGENCY APPEAL EARTHQUAKE IN NEPAL On Saturday, April 25th, Nepal experienced a massive earthquake of 7.8 magnitude centered about 50 miles northwest of the capital city, Kathmandu. Thousands of our Nepalese brothers and sisters are suffering death, displacement, and extreme loss due to the massive earthquake that has affected Nepal and neighboring countries. Please pray for their comfort and peace in the midst of this natural Disaster. Catholic Relief Services (CRS) has made an initial commitment of $725,000 to relief efforts in Nepal, and surrounding countries because of widespread damage. Donate Online h p://www.chicagopeaceandjus ce.org/ NepalEmergencyAppeal Donate by Phone 877-435-7277 - 8 am - 11 pm Eastern Time Donate by Mail ATTN: Nepal Emergency Appeal Catholic Relief Services 3525 S. Lake Park Ave Chicago IL 60653-1402 Make checks payable to Catholic Relief Services. MAY 3, 2015: FIFTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Page Seven TODAY’S READINGS FIRST READING - Barnabas reported to the apostles how Saul had seen the Lord on the way (Acts 9:26-31). Saturday May 2 5:00 PM † Alice Fuller Sunday May 3 8:30 am † Mateo Cayao 11:00 am † Fred & Christine Schieber 6:00 pm People of the Parish Monday May 4 8:30 AM Remedios Carrera Tuesday May 5 8:30 AM † Margret Brinker GOSPEL - I am the true vine; whoever remains in me will bear much fruit. MONDAY: TUESDAY: THURSDAY: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 FRIDAY: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 SATURDAY: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3,5; Jn 15:18-21 Porferia Levi May 8 8:30 AM † Angie Vasquez SUNDAY: Saturday May 9 12:00 PM Lloyd Amar DALCAMO FUNERAL HOME Acts 10:25-36, 34-35, 44-48; Ps 98:1-4 1 Jn 4:7-10 or Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9-17 or Jn 17:11b-19 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH Family Owned & Operated Since 1939 470 West 26th Street Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a WEDNESDAY: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday May 7 8:30 AM † SECOND READING - This is God’s commandment, that we may believe and love (1John 3:18-24). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Wednesday May 6 8:30 AM Dee Dee Decker Friday PSALM - I will praise you, Lord, in the assembly of your people (Psalm 22). 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