Fr. Thomas J. Behrend……..…………….. Pastor Fr. David McCafferty…………..Pastor Emer itus Fr. John J. Sullivan……...Senior Par ochial Vicar Fr. Joseph P. O’Donnell……….…Parochial Vicar Fr. David G. Baugh………….…..….in Residence Fr. Edward Schwet…….…… Residence Rev. Mr. John Strmac…….....Per manent Deacon Roberta DeMell…………….....Pastor al Associate Tim Sheridan………….…..….Pastor al Associate Vincent M. Taraska…… CPA, Business Manager Bob Crosby…………….….….Maintenance Dept. Lynne Hoopingarner……...……..Music Ministr y Teresa Szary……………..…..Youth Coor dinator Sharon Taraska…………....Office Administr ator Mary Keiper.….Bulletin Editor /Par ish Secr etar y Barbara Barsic………....…..…………...Secr etar y Charlotte Gulden…...……....Religious Education PSR: 440-585-0800 x206; 29840 Euclid Ave. MATER DEI ACADEMY Loretta Pilla.………………………….....Pr incipal School: 29840 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Phone# 440-585-0800 School Fax: 440-585-9391 MASS SCHEDULE Monday: 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Tuesday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Wednesday: 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Chapel) Thursday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Friday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) (8:30 a.m. Friday Mass in Church during the school year) First Friday of each month: 7:45 p.m. (Chapel) Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 7p.m. Lifeteen Mass only during the school year Holy Days: See bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3-3:45 p.m. - 5-5:45 p.m. (Church) First Fridays 3-4:00 & 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Chapel ) PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Located in the Rectory, open 24/7. PARISH REGISTRATION Singles, families, newlyweds or single young adults, please register under your own name even if you were previously registered under your parents’ name. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment with Mrs. Roberta DeMell. MARRIAGES Couples intending to marry are required to call the rectory at least six (6) months prior to marriage. BAPTISMS Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Arrangements for a baptism date must be made at least one week in advance. The next Pre-Baptism Class is Wednesday, July 8, 2015-6:30pm. Call Parish Office to register. FUNERALS: Arrangements are made with a Funeral Director and approved by the Rectory. FACILITIES RENTAL or RESERVATIONS Contact Mrs. Roberta DeMell at 585-0700 x 310 PARISH GROUPS: If interested in joining a Parish group call the Parish Office for contact info. NEED A RIDE to Mass? Call 440-944-3073. May 3, 2015 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 29850 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Parish Office: 1730 Mt. Carmel Drive, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Mon.-Fri. 8am-9pm; Sat. 9am-3pm 440-585-0700 Parish Office Fax #: 440-585-0870 Parish Website: [email protected] Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church ~1~ Greetings to the family of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel A new campaign sweeping through American churches has worshipers wearing orange - either in their Sunday best or on ribbons - to raise attention to the Christians executed at the hands of ISIS. In order to raise awareness of the religious persecution that is occurring around the world I invite you all to participate in this campaign, to educate people and help bring the issue to the forefront of our discussions. People have often asked me about why I do not write about income inequality. The difficulty with focusing on income inequality is that there is too often an underlying assumption that if we can only somehow fix the income inequality problem we will fix society’s problems. The “fix” invariably means some sort of governmental plan of re-distribution of wealth. However, as the social teaching of the Catholic Church reminds us, socialism is a great evil that is essentially a form of enforced robbery by the state. Whether the money is taken by force of arms or force of taxation is beside the point. In addition, simply taking money from rich people and giving it to poor people doesn’t help poor people. It encourages a dependency and entitlement culture which destroys the soul, initiative, dignity and maturity of the poor. The best way to address the problem of income inequality is not government programs, but personal virtue combined with the two essential principles of Catholic social teaching: solidarity and subsidiarity. “Solidarity” means we are in this together and that I am responsible not only for myself, but for my family, my neighbor, my fellow Catholic, and all people. Solidarity means that I take seriously my own responsibility for the poor man lying on my own doorstep. “Subsidiarity” is the principle that problems should be solved and initiatives should be taken at the lowest, local level possible. In other words, “Charity begins at home.” My first responsibility is for my immediate family’s health and welfare. Next I should be involved with my neighbor, my church community, my workplace, my neighborhood, my town, my city and my state. My efforts to change the world begin by changing my world. Top down government or diocesan solutions should only exist to serve, fund and enable local initiatives. The final principle is personal virtue and personal involvement. We are all called to be a friend and servant to our neighbor in need. Easter and Sacramental blessings to all and remember that I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. ~ Fr. Behrend Together in this time and place, we give glory to God. SATURDAY 8:30 am-C May 2 L. & D. M. of Theis & Schlick Families 4:00 pm-C Iacobucci & Trivisonno Families Anna Marie Schlick 6:00 pm-C SUNDAY 7:30 am-C 9:30 am-C 11:30am-C SECOND COLLECTION: SVDP Next week: Newman Campus D.M. of Bertagnolli & Godak Families Mildred Bertagnolli Family John Cirino 7:00pm-C MONDAY 7:00 am-R 7:00 pm-C May 4 Mohar Family Mary Ann Surtz Cyril Mohar Joseph L. Surtz TUESDAY 7:00 am-R 8:30 am-R Don Contenza Pasqua Infantolino May 5 Family Family WEDNESDAY 7:00 am-R Gloria Luccio Jack & Mildred Lis 7:00 pm-R May 6 Ted & Irene Antoviak James Lis 8:30am-R Hanratty Family FRIDAY 7:00 am-R 8:30 am-C For Parishioners Joseph Camino SATURDAY 8:30 am-C 4:00 pm-C 6:00 pm-C Mother’s Day Remberance Mother’s Day Remberance Mother’s Day Remberance May 7 Eileen Bachnicki May 8 Marina Canimo May 9 SUNDAY-Mother’s Day 7:30 am-C Mother’s Day Remberance 9:30 am-C Mother’s Day Remberance 11:30am-C Mother’s Day Remberance 7:00pm-C Mother’s Day Remberance May 10 To take the gifts up at Mass, see an Usher. Sunday, April 26 $ 9,406.00 Catholic Home Missions $ 954.00 Thank you for your generosity! Sue Iacobucci John Colacarro; Colarcorro & Nasca Families Jo Colacarro May 3 Marcella Caton Scott & Marcie Nassimbeni Virginia Osborne Marie McGraw THURSDAY 7:00 am-R Priest’s Intention ALTAR SERVERS ‘ SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS D.M.=Deceased Members C=Church R=Rectory ~2~ Parish Council Next wk: Jenny Brendy MONDAY, May 4 Hot Meal 5:30-6:00pm - CH Legion of Mary 8:00pm - MA Track Practice 4:45-6pm - CC Volleyball 6-7:30pm & 7:30-9:00pm - CC Parish Council 7:00pm - R#2 TUESDAY, May 5 PSR classes 6:30-8:00pm Confirmation Prep #7 C/CH Mt. Carmel Society 7:00pm-PC Girl Softball 5:15-6:45pm - CC Volleyball 7-8:45pm - CC WEDNESDAY, May 6 Volleyball 5-6:15pm - CC Softball 6:30-7:30pm - CC Kids Choir 6:30-7:30pm - C Choir Practice 7:15-9:15pm- C THURSDAY, May 7 Boosters 7:30-9:30pm - MA K of C Charity meeting 7:30-8pm - PC Track Practice 5:45-7pm - CC Communion Practice 6:30-7:30pm - C Volleyball 7-8:45pm - CC FRIDAY, May 8 8:30am Mass in Church-May Crowning Sunday Reading Group 9:00am - R#2 Curia meeting 7:00pm - MA Saturday, May 9 4:00pm- Michael Albertone, John Albertone, Christina Albertone, Sophie Kastl 6:00pm- Michael Sedlak, Emily Krizner, Joseph Schimizzi SATURDAY, May 9 Men’s Prayer Group 7-8:30am - PC Lifeline Screenings 8:30am-5pm-CC 1st Communions 4:00pm Mass LIFETEEN FLOWER SALE Sunday, May 10 9:30am- Sarah Patton, Caitlyn Patton, Alexandra Nikoli, Thomas Ridler, Lizzy Meier 11:30am– Ricky Summers, Dane Esposito, Sydney Hrvatin SUNDAY, Mother’s Day -May 10 LIFETEEN FLOWER SALE Altar & Rosary May Crowning at 9:30 Mass K of C Pancake Breakfast after all Masses Lifeteen 5pm- PC & Lifteen Mass 7:00pm Thank you for your Time and Commitment! PC-Pete Christopher CC-Community Ctr. CH-Chapel Hall C-Church MA-Mini-Aud. FL-Faculty Lournge. AC-After Care MR-Music Rm. R#1 or R#2-Rectory Christianity is the spirit of Jesus Christ at work in the World. —Anonymous ~3~ MATER DEI ACADEMY Congratulations to the following students who were named winners in the Arbor Day Essay Contest for the City of Willoughby. Grade 2: Evelyn Padavick, Grade 3: Kate Condon, Madelyn Kish, Nicolette Finazzo, Gr ade 4: Isabella Beletic, Alexis Hoinski, Grade 5: Jacob Hite, Alexandra Nikoli Congratulations to the following students who placed in the MDA Fine Arts Showcase! Best in Show: Grace Leinweber Grade 8 Kindergarten: 5th Grade: st 1 Sophia Raguz 1st Caitlin McCrone 2nd Haley Bertovic 2nd Nathan Greger rd 3 Abbey Hoose 3rd Andrew Thielman Honorable Mention-Madalena Fulton, Honorable Mention-Olivia Briganti 1st Grade: 6th Grade: st 1 Keira Nemeth 1st Erica Leinweber nd 2nd Norah Vargo 2 Kate Bruner 3rd Kara Thomas 3rd Abigail McCurdy Honorable Mention-Molly McCrone, Honorable Mention- Anthony Discenza 2nd Grade: 7th Grade: st 1 Sophia Raguz 1st Jenna Kiss nd 2 Hannah Senning 2nd Mario Slogar rd 3 Emily Schoen 3rd Ana Petrunic Honorable Mention-Molly McCrone, Honorable Mention-Samantha Apanasewicz 3rd Grade: 8th Grade: st 1 Anna Saline 1st Kassie Luikart nd 2 Nicolette Finazzo 2nd Rachel Holland rd 3 Luke Emlaw 3rd Clare Lann Honorable Mention-Madelyn Kish, Honorable Mention-Aiden Harvey 4th Grade: 1st Matthew Karr, 2nd Erienne Hay, 3rd Christian Springer Honorable Mention-Cadence Burr Congratulations to the winners of the Photography Contest! Best in Show: Emily Sowko Grade 5; Grades 4 and 5: Animals Landscape and Buildings 1st Erienne Hay 1st Maria Martincic nd 2ndAndrew Apanasewicz 2 Anthony Ban st People-1 Joseph Schimizzi, 2nd Joseph Schimizzi, Grades 6-8: Animals Landscape and Buildings st 1 Josh Hartman 1st Angelica Ban 2nd Jenna Patrick 2nd Patrick Condon Faculty and Staff: Animals 1st Mrs. Spangler, 2nd Mrs. Hemly Landscape and Buildings 1st Mrs. Hosey, 2nd Mr. Roseum People 1st Mrs. Porter, 2nd Mrs. Campbell Please join us for Mass and May Crowning on May 8th at 8:30am MORAL DEVELOPMENT DISCOVERY ACHIEVEMENT Are you looking for a school that is Christ-centered and educationally challenging? Learn about all the opportunities that await your children at Mater Dei Academy by calling the school office at 440-585-0800 and scheduling a personal tour. Additional information about Mater Dei Academy can be found at POPE FRANCIS TRIP WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES WITH POPE FRANCIS…Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Wickliffe, is hosting a bus tour to Philadelphia from Friday, September 25 to Sunday night, September 27 to attend the Festival of Families Saturday, and Mass with the Pope on Sunday. The Trip includes luxury bus departure from Mt. Carmel Church. ALL breakfasts and dinners included. All driver, hotel, and tour guide tips included, along with luggage handling. You are responsible only for your lunch. All inclusive Adult Price as of 4/13/15 is $699 per person, based on 2 paying Adults per Room. (if you room alone there is an additional charge.) Children 12 and under travel free (Special Pricing limited to 2 children per family and must room with 2 adults.) Additional charge for children 12 and under and teens 13-18 is $399 each. Contact Roberta DeMell for questions about trip at 440-585-0700. Space will book quickly: Contact Proximo Travel to register at 1-855-842-8001 . NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome New Parishioners William & Roseanne Papineau, and Margaret Lyons As a Parish Family we invite you to become active in the numerous Parish groups. Each small task of everyday life is part of the total harmony of the universe. —St. Therese of Liseaux ~4~ Mother’s Day” envelopes are available in the Sacristy. You may list the names of those you want remembered in prayer. Please return the envelope, along with any (optional) donation to the rectory or in the collection basket. The envelopes will be placed on the altar for Mother’s Day and throughout the month of May. LIFELINE SCREENING May is National Stroke Awareness Month. A stroke occurs every 40 seconds and yet up to 80% of strokes can be prevented. This is why Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church is hosting Life Line Screening, the nation’s leading provider of preventive health screenings on Saturday, May 9th. Screenings are fast, painless and affordable. Three key tests check for blocked carotid arteries, an irregular heart rhythm called atrial fibrillation, and high blood pressure, which are the three leading risk factors for stroke. Nearly 800,000 strokes will occur this year, taking a life approximately every four minutes. Other tests check for abdominal aortic aneurysms and hardening of the arteries in the legs. A bone density screening to assess osteoporosis risk is also offered and is appropriate for both men and women. Many events also offer blood tests, including cholesterol, glucose and creative protein screenings, as well as take-home colon cancer early detection tests. Screening packages start at $139. Single tests cost around $70. For more information regarding the screenings or to schedule an appointment, call 1-888-653-6441. Pre-registration is required. PANCAKE BREAKFAST MT. CARMEL SOCIETY The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Pancake Breakfast on Mother’s Day next Sunday, May 10th after all Sunday Masses in the Community Center. All Mother’s eat FREE. Purchase tickets for the Breakfast Raffle to win 1st Pr ize– Pampered Chef Basket or 2nd Prize-Spa Basket. Tickets are 1 for $5 or 6 for $25. Drawing after the 11:30am Mass on Mother’s Day. Call Tony Massey for tickets 216-409-0440. All proceeds go to the Knights of Columbus Charities. The Mt. Carmel Society’s next meeting is Tuesday, May 5th at 7:00pm in the Peter Chr istopher Room. Election of Officers is this night. It is ver y impor tant that all members attend this meeting. We need to elect new officers and our members need to be present to vote! MT. CARMEL PLAYERS Be sure to join the Mt. Carmel Players, Sunday, May 17, in the mini-auditorium for Hospitality. We will be selling $1 patron ads and tickets will “officially” go on sale to the general public. SAVE THE DATES – July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25. Hope to see you in Neverland. Winter storms made it difficult for faith-filled people to respond to this year’s Appeal in their parish setting, so May 16 & 17, all par ishes ar e conducting a second in-pew appeal on behalf of Catholic Charities. Gifts may be made by filling out an in-pew pledge form May 16 & 17, responding to the letter or email or telephone solicitations, or directly by contacting Meghan McGuan at 800.869.6525 x 1049. VACATION BIBLE Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Vacation Bible School 2015 ...J oin your friends at G-Force. God’s Love in Action! Mark Your Calendar. July 20-July 24, 2015, 9am-Noon. Grab your roller blades, skateboard, or bike! Our Navigators will join the “Coach” each day to Discover that a life with God is one of movement both physically and spiritually” —Morning Assembly starts at the Adventure Park; stop at the Scripture Zone for inter-active bible stories; discover the Science Zone for memorable science experiments; visit the Craft Zone for inspirational and fun crafts; explore our Games Zone for fun and wacky game; and meet at the Song Studio for songs and music. Together we’ll realize “In God, We live, move, and exist.” No Pre-School Program this year. The regular program will be for Children 5 years old by July 1, 2015 through children going into 5th grade. Daily Action Words (Themes) are: MOVE! ACT! CARE! FOLLOW! SHARE! REGISTRATION continue until July 10th. Obtain a Registration form from our Web Site “” or the Rectory Office. COST : 1 Child-$25, 2 Children-$45, 3 or more $60. For info or a registration form contact Robert DeMell at 440-585-0700 x 310, [email protected] or Lisa Greger at 440-585-0800 x201 HOLIEST FLOWER Mary is the lily in God’s garden. —St. Bridget of Sweden ~5~ WEEKLY READINGS LAKE LIFE TEEN WEEK OF MAY 3 This week at Lake Life Teen Last Sunday, we invited a very special guest to join us at our Life Night. Thanks so much to Mr. Shell for coming to discuss the permanent diaconate and the role that deacons play in the Church. Remember, that we are all called to serve!!!! Please join us in prayer as we lift up the nine men ordained to the diaconate this Saturday! This weekend, we will be coming together for our FINAL teaching night of the semester. High school students and Confirmed 8th graders are invited to come to dinner and the Life Night as we look at our final subject from the Catechism. Christ Himself gave us the Lord’s Prayer – how well do we live it? All are welcome to join us as we start with dinner at 5:00 pm, the Life Night at 5:30 pm and end with the celebration of Mass at 7:00 pm! Keep an eye out on, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and friend us on Facebook ( for information on the many upcoming events this semester! In His Peace ~ Teresa “The Catholic Guy “ Mother’s Day Laser Tag All high school students, Confirmed 8th graders and moms are invited to join us at 5:00 pm at OLMC on Sunday, May 11. Come on out to the gym before Mass for food, music, and LASER TAG! There is no pre-registration required. Spring Flower Sale We only hold two fundraisers a year, and need your help to make them awesome! We will once again be selling flowers at all the Masses during Mother’s Day weekend (May 9 – 10). We are looking for teens to help out at the sale on both Saturday and Sunday following all Masses. Signup sheets will be available soon at Life Nights and online. Please help out Lake Life Teen by selling flowers to your family and friends!! EVERY flower you sell will help fund the amazing programs and events that our parishes are able to provide for you. Catholic Youth Summer Camp (CYSC) We are excited to invite you to explore the awesome world of Catholic Youth Summer Camp in Columbus! This crazy fun and awesome week is available to all current and incoming high school students and we encourage you to check it out. Including fantastic camp events (high adventure activities with daily extreme sports available), this camp also offers a unique opportunity for you to explore your Catholic faith with teens from around Ohio through daily Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation, and catechesis. This year, the “Cleveland week” will be offered June 14 – 19 (other weeks throughout the summer are also open). The entire cost of the week is $495, and scholarships are available. Details and registration are available on BEARING FRUIT “Children, let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth.” John’s words come to us on this day when the Gospel passage presents us with the great image of the vine and the branches. Jesus uses the image as a warning to those who have begun to distance themselves from the way of the Lord. One of the ways this happens is when we love God and others “in word or speech” instead of “in deed and truth.” What does it mean for us to “remain in Christ”? In an extension of the metaphor, the Lord gives us an example. If we remain in him, we will bear much fruit. As the branches, we draw strength from Christ who is the vine. This strength enables us to bear fruit—to do the work of true discipleship. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 14:5-18; Ps 115:1-4, 15-16; Jn 14:21-26 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9 -11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 10:25-36, 3435, 44-48; Ps 98:14; 1 Jn 4:7-10 or 1 Jn 4:11-16; Jn 15:9 -17 Let us love not in word or speech but in deed and truth. —1 John 3:18 Fifth Sunday of Easter Our deepest Sympathy to the families of the deceased: Rose DiRosa, Steve Resar, Theodore Antoniak Frank Tomko, Kathryn Pirnat Please keep them in your prayers. SECOND COLLECTION change: On J une 6 & 7 ther e will be a Parish Mission. The St. Vincent de Paul collection for that weekend will be collected the following weekend on June 13 & 14. ADORATION CHAPEL Can you commit to an hour in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel? Call Anne 440-944-0593, Marion 944-1431 or Grace 944-5028. COMMUNITY NEWS BEREAVEMENT SERIES, Monday, May 4th and June 15th - 6:30-8pm at DeJohn funeral Home, Willoughby Hills. To register call 440-516-5555. ~6~ BREADTH OF LIFE LUNCHEON WEDNESDAY, May 13, 2015 12:00 - 2 PM, ST. NOEL’S PARISH HALL. Sr. Mary McCormick, General Superior of the Ursuline Sisters, will be the speaker at this month’s Breadth of Life Luncheon. Her topic is “Mary: Our Mother and Model.” Cost for luncheon and program is $18. For reservations, call Connie 944-5529 or Betty 585-0392 before May 6. FLOCK OF FRIENDSHIP (Singles: 40 and over) St. Paschal Baylon Church, Attn: Flock of Friendship, 5384 Wilson Mills Rd., Highland Hts., OH 44143 Information: (440) 442-3410 E-mail: [email protected] Membership is free. Events are social, volunteering and spiritual. OUR LADY OF LOURDES SHRINE GIFT SHOP First Communion, Confirmation, etc, gifts at affordable prices. Open seven days a week from 10am to 4:30pm. 21281 Chardon Rd. near Euclid Ave. 216-481-0900 HOSPICE OF THE WESTERN RESERVE WAREHOUSE SALE: Donations are needed for our next sale, Friday, May 15, 8am-4pm and Saturday, May 16, 9am-3pm at Hospice WR Headquarters, 17876 St. Clair Ave, Cleveland, 44110. To donate or to become a volunteer call 800-707-8922 LAKE/GEAUGA DIVORCED & SEPARATED MINISTRY First Step Annulment Program is offered to learn more about Catholic beliefs on marriage and how to submit an annulment case, if necessary. Join diocesan representatives on Tuesday, May 12, from 79 PM at St. Gabriel Church, 9925 Johnnycake Ridge Rd., Concord (community Room, lower level of the Church) Free 440-352-8282 RELAY FOR LIFE of Wester n Lake County will be Saturday, July 11th from 12pm to Midnight at Eastlake North High School. Call Molly 1-888-227-6446 ext. 1206 Remember (a yahoo search engine) and support Mater Dei Academy
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