Fr. Thomas J. Behrend……..…………….. Pastor Fr. David McCafferty…………..Pastor Emer itus Fr. John J. Sullivan……...Senior Par ochial Vicar Fr. Joseph P. O’Donnell……….…Parochial Vicar Fr. David G. Baugh………….…..….in Residence Fr. Edward Schwet…….…… Residence Rev. Mr. John Strmac…….....Per manent Deacon Roberta DeMell…………….....Pastor al Associate Tim Sheridan………….…..….Pastor al Associate Vincent M. Taraska…… CPA, Business Manager Bob Crosby…………….….….Maintenance Dept. Lynne Hoopingarner……...……..Music Ministr y Teresa Szary……………..…..Youth Coor dinator Sharon Taraska…………....Office Administr ator Mary Keiper.….Bulletin Editor /Par ish Secr etar y Barbara Barsic………....…..…………...Secr etar y Charlotte Gulden…...……....Religious Education PSR: 440-585-0800 x206; 29840 Euclid Ave. MATER DEI ACADEMY Loretta Pilla.………………………….....Pr incipal School: 29840 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Phone# 440-585-0800 School Fax: 440-585-9391 MASS SCHEDULE Monday: 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Tuesday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Wednesday: 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Chapel) Thursday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Friday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) (8:30 a.m. Friday Mass in Church during the school year) First Friday of each month: 7:45 p.m. (Chapel) Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 7p.m. Lifeteen Mass only during the school year Holy Days: See bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3-3:45 p.m. - 5-5:45 p.m. (Church) First Fridays 3-4:00 & 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Chapel ) PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Located in the Rectory, open 24/7. PARISH REGISTRATION Singles, families, newlyweds or single young adults, please register under your own name even if you were previously registered under your parents’ name. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment with Mrs. Roberta DeMell. MARRIAGES Couples intending to marry are required to call the rectory at least six (6) months prior to marriage. BAPTISMS Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Arrangements for a baptism date must be made at least one week in advance. The next Pre-Baptism Class is Wednesday, July 8, 2015-6:30pm. Call Parish Office to register. FUNERALS: Arrangements are made with a Funeral Director and approved by the Rectory. FACILITIES RENTAL or RESERVATIONS Contact Mrs. Roberta DeMell at 585-0700 x 310 PARISH GROUPS: If interested in joining a Parish group call the Parish Office for contact info. NEED A RIDE to Mass? Call 440-944-3073. May 24, 2015 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 29850 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Parish Office: 1730 Mt. Carmel Drive, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Mon.-Fri. 8am-9pm; Sat. 9am-3pm 440-585-0700 Parish Office Fax #: 440-585-0870 Parish Website: [email protected] Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church ~1~ Greetings to the family of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel "Judge not, that ye be not judged." For countless people in our culture, this is imagined to be the only thing ever uttered by Jesus of Nazareth and the only religious text which remains out of the ruins of Western Civilization. This was brought home to me in a conversation I had with a highly placed official at a major American university about 10 years ago. The man, in addition to being a Vice President at the university, was by training a physiologist specializing in hypothermia. It had come to his attention that the Nazis had conducted hypothermia experiments on prisoners at Dachau. The experiments consisted of submerging men, women and children in freezing water until they died and then doing autopsies on them to see what killed them. I had an opportunity to look at some of the documentation he had gathered on the experiments and remarked to him how ghastly and horrific this cruelty was. His reply: "Well, that's your perspective. But who are we to judge? They thought they were doing the right thing." This rhetoric is used so often and taken so for granted that people scarcely pause to take a breath after saying it. It is imagined to be the perfect trump to all discussions which veer dangerously toward morality or the notion of sin. Yet as my university friend shows by his spectacular moral absurdity, there is something to be said in answer to this idiotic mantra. The answer is, "We are sons and daughters of the Most High God, charged with defending the dignity of the human person in the face of tyranny and bound by our Lord Jesus Christ himself to discern what is so and act accordingly. That is who we are." The reality of life is that we not only do judge ideas and people, we must judge them. This is exactly what our Lord commands us to do when he says, "By their fruits you shall know them." This is exactly what people do when they declare Dachau an anteroom of Hell. Such judging is not sinister but is the only thing that keeps us sane. "To judge", then, has two aspects not very well distinguished in English. The first is, "to discern what is." Not only is that not sinful, it is absolutely required of us as Christians. ("Be wise as serpents," says our Lord. Which is to say, "Be shrewd. Size up people, ideas and situations and assess them for what they are.") Only the second aspect of "judge" is forbidden. That is, once you have discerned what is and formulated a judgment of the truth of a situation, don't forget that you are a sinner too and, above all, don't forsake the duty to love. In short, make right judgments, but refer all such judgments to God, who sees not the part, but the whole of things. The opposite of this second aspect of "judge" is not "pretend we're all saying the same thing" or "pretend the evil person means well." The opposite of this sense of "judge" is "love." What we are not to do is condemn people (especially people who are really wrong and guilty of grave sin). Rather, we are to seek the good of everyone, even of those whom we must sometimes rightly fight against (like the architects of Dachau). This is not really new to our experience. What is new (in our culture) is the idea that judging (in the first sense) is permissible and even commanded by Christ. Yet commanded it is, and where the command is ignored we find the imbecility of those who are incapable of saying whether or not Dachau was wrong. But where the command is heeded we find sane men and women who can discern what is and act on that discernment. Those who can make sane judgments are not fool enough to imagine they are avenging angels nor cretins incapable of speaking out against an act of genocide lest they be "judgmental." They are rather, fully human and able to act with justice, courage, mercy and even love. Welcome to John Jeong, a Korean Seminarian who is living in the Rectory for the summer. Pentecost blessings to all and remember that I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. ~ Fr. Behrend Together in this time and place, we give glory to God. SATURDAY 8:30 am-C Clarke Brassell 4:00 pm-C Mary Siciliano 6:00 pm-C Helen Dusa May 23 Virginia Provenzale Children & Family Family SUNDAY 7:30 am-C 9:30 am-C May 24 Angela Belaj Family D.M. of Rowell & Freeman Families 11:30am-C Anthony Sugar MONDAY-Memorial Day 8:30 am-C Ted H. Antoniak Dave & Vickey Rowell Mira Sugar May 25 Wife, Irene Antoniak TUESDAY May 26 7:00 am-R Mildred Hills Kelly Anderson 8:30 am-R Living & D.M. of Altar & Rosary Guild WEDNESDAY 7:00 am-R Sharon Matijka 7:00 pm-R Florence Iafelice May 27 Amy Bopp Tim & Grace Andrassy THURSDAY May 28 7:00 am-R Claire Babika Jim & Claudia Srnovrsnik 8:30am-R D.M. of DeMell & Stusek Families Tom & Roberta DeMell FRIDAY 7:00 am-R 8:30 am-C May 29 For Parishioners Charles Malanosky wife, Barbara SATURDAY 8:30 am-C Martin & Anne O’Donnell 4:00 pm-C 6:00 pm-C SUNDAY 7:30 am-C 9:30 am-C 11:30am-C May 30 Fr. Joseph O’Donnell Dorothy Roberts Family Anthony & Mary Siciliano Tom & Sylvia Lehotsky May 31 Mary Leslie family & friend Marie Stine Ernest Stine & Family Emil Palsa, Wilbert & Emma Sunderman & Steve & Susan Palsa-Evelyn Palsa & Family ALTAR SERVERS To take the gifts up at Mass, see an Usher. Saturday, May 30 4:00pm- Michael Albertone, John Albertone, Christina Albertone, Sophie Kastl 6:00pm- Alex Clemente, Lily Clemente, Sammy Clemente, Ricky Summers Sunday, 9:30am- May 31 Kyra Filighera, Joe Ivancic, Alexandra Nikoli 11:30am– Bridgette Karr, Katelyn Nemeth Thank you for your Time and Commitment! Sunday, May 17 $ 8,612.07 Ascension $ 611.00 Thank you for your generosity! Call Parish Office for Automated Giving info. SECOND COLLECTION: Diocesan Development Next week: No Second Collection NO Hospitality Next wk: Mt. Carmel Society Bake Sale SECOND COLLECTION change: On June 6 & 7 there will be a PARISH MISSION. The St. Vincent de Paul collection for that weekend will be collected the following weekend on June 13 & 14. Weekend Mass Schedule for Ministers May 30/31. 4:00pm - Bar b Bopp, J eff Ridler , Peg Sher o, Marion Smith, Vincent Smith Lector: Sue Bogo 6:00pm - J ohn Suman, Toni Suman, J ohn Hayes Lector: Michael Bar th 7:30am - Deacon John Strmac, Tom Bernot, Ray Sack Lector: Anne Rossman 9:30am - Amy Bopp, Rich Winter, Kitty Shriver Lector: J oey Tar aba 11:30am - Joe Betsa, Ray Patacca, Teresa Szary Lector: Tony Discenza If you cannot make your time. Please find a substitute or call Roberta at Parish Office 585-0700 x 310. SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS D.M.=Deceased Members C=Church R=Rectory ~2~ MONDAY, Memorial Day May 25 8:30am Mass in Church TUESDAY, May 26 Sandwich Makers 9:00am - R#2 WEDNESDAY, May 27 Track Meeting 5-6:00pm - PC MDA Sports Banquet 6-8:00pm - CC Choir Practice 7:15-9:15pm - C Booth Captains Festival Mtg. 7:30pm - PC THURSDAY, May 28 K of C Business Meeting 7:30-9:00pm - PC Girl Scouts 7-7:30pm - CH Casino Dealer Training 7:30pm - MA FRIDAY, May 29 8:30am Mass in Church Sunday Reading Group 9:00am - R#2 SATURDAY, May 30 Men’s Prayer Group 7-8:30am - PC Mt. Carmel Society Bake Sale PENTECOST SUNDAY, May 31 Mt. Carmel Society Bake Sale PC-Pete Christopher CC-Community Ctr. CH-Chapel Hall C-Church MA-Mini-Aud. FL-Faculty Lournge. AC-After Care MR-Music Rm. R#1 or R#2-Rectory They were all filled with the Holy spirit, and began to speak in different tongues (Acts 2:1-11) ~3~ MATER DEI ACADEMY POPE FRANCIS TRIP The following is a chart of the grade equivalent scores of Mater Dei students in the last four years. The grade equivalent score of 2.1 for first grade means that, as a class in February 2015, they are performing at a second grade and one month level. We are very proud of our student’s collective scores! Grade Equivalent Grade Eq. Grade Eq. Grade Equivalent Class Spring 2015 Spring 2014 Spring 2013 Spring 2012 First Grade 2.1 1.9 2.4 2.2 Second Grade 2.7 3.1 3.1 3.0 Third Grade 4.0 4.0 4.0 3.9 Fourth Grade 5.3 5.5 5.3 5.1 Fifth Grade 6.6 6.4 6.6 6.7 Sixth Grade 7.3 7.3 8.1 8.4 Seventh Grade 9.7 9.9 10.8 10.1 Eighth Grade 12.3 12.5 12.2 10.9 MORAL DEVELOPMENT-DISCOVERY-ACHIEVEMENT Are you looking for a school that is Christ-centered and educationally challenging? Lear n about all the oppor tunities that await your childr en at Mater Dei Academy by calling the school office at 440-585-0800 and scheduling a personal tour. Additional information about Mater Dei Academy can be found at MDA is having a rummage sale at the end of the school year on June 11 and 12. As spring is here and you are doing your spring cleaning please save some items to donate to our rummage sale! We will accept any new or gently used items such as furniture, toys, household items, clothes, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Thank you for your support. VISITING MISSIONARY A missionary will speak at all Masses from the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament the weekend of June 6/7. The Congr egation of the Blessed Sacr ament was founded in Paris, France, in 1856 by a French priest, St. Peter Julian Eymard. Since that time, its priests, deacons, brothers, and sisters have reached all continents of the globe and continue the mission begun by St. Eymard, the Apostle of the Eucharist. Like St. Peter Julian Eymard, Blessed Sacrament Religious want the Mystery of the Eucharist to be loved and lived in its fullness. Blessed Sacrament Religious believe that Christ in the Eucharist has the power to effect a radical transformation in our society and in all people. The power of the Eucharist motivates and strengthens them to work for the establishment of Christ’s kingdom on earth. Please consider a generous donation to the Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament for their missionary work. WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES WITH POPE FRANCIS… Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Wickliffe, is hosting a bus tour to Philadelphia from Friday, September 25 to Sunday night, September 27 to attend the Festival of Families Saturday, and Mass with the Pope on Sunday. The Trip includes luxury bus departure from Mt. Carmel Church. ALL breakfasts and dinners included. All driver, hotel, and tour guide tips included, along with luggage handling. You are responsible only for your lunch. All inclusive Adult Price as of 4/13/15 is $699 per person, based on 2 paying Adults per Room. (if you room alone there is an additional charge.) Children 12 and under travel free (Special Pricing limited to 2 children per family and must room with 2 adults.) Additional charge for children 12 and under and teens 13-18 is $399 each. Contact Roberta DeMell for questions about trip at 440-585-0700. Space will book quickly: Contact Proximo Travel to register at 1855-842-8001 . Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Vacation Bible School 2015...J oin your fr iends at G-Force. God’s Love in Action! Mark Your Calendar. July 20-July 24, 2015, 9am-Noon. Gr ab your r oller blades, skateboard, or bike! Our Navigators will join the “Coach” each day to Discover that a life with God is one of movement both physically and spiritually” —Morning Assembly starts at the Adventure Park; stop at the Scripture Zone for interactive bible stories; discover the Science Zone for memorable science experiments; visit the Craft Zone for inspirational and fun crafts; explore our Games Zone for fun and wacky game; and meet at the Song Studio for songs and music. Together we’ll realize “In God, We live, move, and exist.” No Pre-School Program this year. The r egular pr ogr am will be for Childr en 5 year s old by J uly 1, 2015 thr ough childr en going into 5th grade. Daily Action Words (Themes) are: MOVE! ACT! CARE! FOLLOW! SHARE! REGISTRATION continue until July 10th. Obtain a Registr ation for m fr om our Web Site “olmcwickiffe.or g” or the Rectory Office. COST: 1 Child-$25, 2 Children-$45, 3 or more $60. For info or a registration form contact Robert DeMell at 440-585-0700 x 310, [email protected] or Lisa Greger at 440585-0800 x201 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak in different tongues (Acts 2:1-11) ~4~ OLMC FESTIVAL NEWS AMERICAN LEGION MDA BOOSTERS OLMC PARISH FESTIVAL is June 26, 27, & 28th, 2015. Friday & Saturday open 5pm until Midnight, Sunday open 1pm until 10pm. Grand Prize Raffle is Winner’s Choice of $15,000 Cash OR New 2015 Subaru Outback Limited-36 month lease. 1st prize$1,000, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Prize $500, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th Prize $250 each. Entertainment Friday, June 26-Paradox 711pm, Saturday, June 27-Stone Pony 7-11pm, Sunday, June 28th-Don Wotilja Orchestra 1-5pm and Disco Inferno 6-10pm. POPPY DAY in Wickliffe is this weekend May 22 & 23. Ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary will be offering the 7 piece Poppy to the public for a donation. Remember Americas Casualties of War with a Poppy. Fall Sports CYO Registration: Registration for our Fall CYO sports is now open online. We are offering Girls Volleyball, Boys Football, Co-Ed XCountry, and Cheerleading this Fall. Visit athletics/registration/ for more information and to register online. Rates and registration deadlines below: Girls Volleyball – 3rd thru 8th Grade Register by 6/1, cost is $100 per player Register by 6/30**, cost is $125 per player Cheerleading – 3rd thru 8th Grade Register by 6/1, cost is $50 per player Register by 6/30**, cost is $75 per player Boys Football – 4th thru 7th Grade Register by 5/22, cost is $100 per player Register by 6/1**, cost is $125 per player Co-Ed Cross Country - 3rd thru 8th grade Register by 6/1, cost is $50 per player Register by 7/15**, cost is $75 per player. ** Denotes the registration deadline for each sport. * Must have a valid Physical form signed and dated by physician by August 1, 2015 Casino card dealers are needed for this years' festival. If you have never dealt cards before or need a refresher course I invite you to a training session Thursday Night 5/28/15 in the mini auditorium at 7:30 PM. Card games at this years festival will be blackjack, let it ride and Texas Holdem. We could really use your help this year even if you can only spare a few hours on any of the three festival days. Any questions please call me at 440-667-1625. Thanks for your consideration, Larry DiDonato Casino Coordinator PSR Pass on the Good News . . . the Good News of Jesus Christ and our Catholic Faith! Over 200 children grades 1-8 will sign up this fall to learn this Good News. You can help by becoming a volunteer catechist at OLMC. Classes are held Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:00 from mid-Sept through mid-May. Both you and the children will grow in the faith!! We provide training, support and resources. If interested, please call Charlotte Gulden at 440.585.0900 X206. Our deepest Sympathy to the families of the deceased: June Block, and James Henry Adams Please keep them in your prayers. MT. CARMEL SOCIETY The Mt. Carmel Society BAKE SALE is the weekend of May 30 & 31. Stop by and purchase some delicious bakery homemade by our Society ladies. Thank you for your support. If you would like to join the Mt. Carmel Society call Elizabeth Arendash 440-585-5404. MT. CARMEL PLAYERS The Mt. Carmel Players 45th annual production is “Peter Pan”. Performance dates are July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25. Tickets are on sale for reserved seating after all Masses or call the Box Office (440) 944-5593. Hope to see you in Neverland. GRADUATES CONGRATULATIONS to all high school and college students that are graduating this month. God’s Blessings to you in your future. ADORATION CHAPEL If you are interested in coaching please contact Joe McCrone at 216.403.0932 or [email protected]. If you have any questions or issues regarding the online registration please contact Dave Briganti at 216.225.8059 or [email protected]. Can you commit to an hour in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel? We are in need of someone to fill the Sunday 11:00pm time slot. Please Call Anne 440-944-0593, Marion 944-1431 or Grace 944-5028. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts but the same Spirit. —1 Corinthians 12:4 ~5~ CLEVELAND DIOCESAN 50TH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION: Bishop Richard Lennon will be the celebrant of the annual 50th wedding anniversary celebration on Sunday, July 26, 2015, at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist at 2:30pm. Reservations ar e now being accepted for couples married 50 years (married in 1965). Seating is limited in the Cathedral and the number of guests will be determined by the seating capacity and total number registered. Forms can be picked up at OLMC Parish Office and returned by Friday, June 26th. LAKE LIFE TEEN WEEK OF MAY 24 This week at Lake Life Teen Last weekend, the diocese of Cleveland celebrated the ordination of three men to the priesthood. May God continue to bless Frs. Jeff, Joseph, Rob, and Jeremy as they begin their public ministry! We also continue to pray for an increase of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life as we recognize the need for more workers in the vineyard. On Sunday, we celebrated our final Life Night and 7:00 pm Mass of the semester. Thank you to all who joined us to celebrate our seniors at the “Lake Life Teen Show.” We pray especially for Cari, Anna, Hannah, Lydia, Steve, Liz, Larissa, Nick, Karissa, Frankie, and Steve as they continue on their journeys! Keep an eye out on, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and friend us on Facebook ( for information on the many upcoming events! In His Peace ~ Teresa Tolle Lege All incoming seniors are invited to apply for the “Tolle Lege Summer Institute” at Borromeo Seminary. This week long camp for confirmed teens will focus on philosophy, theology, prayer and crazy fun. There will be two sessions offered (June 14 – 19 and June 21 – 26). This camp was founded to promote the pursuit of wisdom and provide a foundational understanding of Catholic teaching. Applications are DUE on May 18th. Please check out our website or see Teresa for more details. Catholic Youth Summer Camp (CYSC) We are excited to invite you to explore the awesome world of Catholic Youth Summer Camp in Columbus! This crazy fun and awesome week is available to all current and incoming high school students and we encourage you to check it out. Including fantastic camp events (high adventure activities with daily extreme sports available), this camp also offers a unique opportunity for you to explore your Catholic faith with teens from around Ohio through daily Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation, and catechesis. This year, the “Cleveland week” will be offered June 14 – 19 (other weeks throughout the summer are also open). The entire cost of the week is $495, and scholarships are available. Details and registration are available on READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Sir 17:20-24; Ps 32:1-2, 5-7; Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: Sir 35:1-12; Ps 50:5-8, 14, 23; Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: Sir 36:1, 4-5a, 10-17; Ps 79:8, 9, 11, 13; Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Sir 42:15-25; Ps 33:2-9; Mk 10:46-52 Friday: Sir 44:1, 9-13; Ps 149:1b-6a, 9b; Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Sir 51:12cd-20; Ps 19:8-11; Mk 11:27-33 Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39 40; Ps 33:4-6, 9, 18-20, 22; Rom 8:14-17; Mt 28:16-20 MAY 25th Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth (Psalm 104) Pentecost Sunday Pope Francis reminds us of the great importance to the church of caring for the poor and hungry. This has long been true of Mt. Carmel. We certainly are aware of the work of the St. Vincent de Paul Society especially hot meals and the food pantry. At our parish we make these possible by our donations of money, food and personal assistance. The Sandwich Makers, with financial support from SVDP provide hundreds of sandwiches each month to St. Augustine, for their kitchen, from St. Vincent de Paul for over 20 years. A number of parishioners also provide help to Project Hope, a homeless shelter in Painesville. For 15 years each First Friday a group (different each month) provides dinner (including dessert) for the Shelter. This program receives no outside support. All ingredients are purchased and prepared by individuals. When this program first began the shelter had about 8-10 people. Today after an addition to the original building, they hold up to 40 persons a night (men, women and children). Providing this much food has become very expensive. Cooking for 40 puts an enormous strain on the kitchen. This calls for more folk to be involved. Please help (shop, cook, bake, etc.) call Louise at 440944-0553 or Barb 440-944-0350. ~6~ COMMUNITY NEWS DIOCESE SUMMER Programs for children and adults with disabilities. Did you know that our Diocese offers summer programs for children and adults with disabilities? The summer programs offer respite and provide life-enhancing activities for children and adults in a Catholic setting. If you have a family member with a developmental disability or know someone who does, contact Dennis McNulty, Director of Catholic Charities Disability Services, for more information at 216-334-2962 or [email protected] SAVE THE DATE: 15th Annual Catholic Family FESTival is Sunday, August 9, 2015.– 12 noon until 10pm, Center of Pastoral Leadership, Wickliffe. Traveling Charismatic Mass – Catholic Renewal Ministries’ Traveling Charismatic Mass for J une will be held at St. John Vianney Parish, 7575 Bellflower Rd., Mentor, 44060, on Friday, June 19. Praise and Worship will begin at 7:00 p.m. and the liturgy will start at 7:30 p.m. Healing prayer. 440-327-2201 WHS That 70’s Reunion will take place on Saturday, July 25, 2015 at 7pm at Deeker’s Sidetracks, 8455 Station Street, Mentor, OH 44060. This is our 4th annual, have a little fun, come dressed in 70’s attire! All food and beverages on your own tab, no cover charge. Terry Jo DeBaltzo (T.J.), Executive Assistant, P: 216.797.8368, F: 216.797.3223 ST. MALACHI PARISH Samar itan Ministry ADDICTION Awareness Workshop in St. Malachi Center (behind the school), West 25th & Detroit, Cleveland, 44113. Saturday, June 13, from 9am to 4pm. Judy Stowe 440-250-9959 or [email protected] BEAUMONT SCHOOL open house for its new STEM building on Wednesday, May 27 from 5-7 pm. All are welcome to come for a tour to see the new face of Beaumont! Guests are asked to enter through the main entrance off of North Park. Please phone 216-3212954 with any ques ons. 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