Fr. Thomas J. Behrend……..…………….. Pastor Fr. David McCafferty…………..Pastor Emer itus Fr. John J. Sullivan……...Senior Par ochial Vicar Fr. Joseph P. O’Donnell……….…Parochial Vicar Fr. David G. Baugh………….…..….in Residence Fr. Edward Schwet…….…… Residence Rev. Mr. John Strmac…….....Per manent Deacon Roberta DeMell…………….....Pastor al Associate Tim Sheridan………….…..….Pastor al Associate Vincent M. Taraska…… CPA, Business Manager Bob Crosby…………….….….Maintenance Dept. Lynne Hoopingarner……...……..Music Ministr y Teresa Szary……………..…..Youth Coor dinator Sharon Taraska…………....Office Administr ator Mary Keiper.….Bulletin Editor /Par ish Secr etar y Barbara Barsic………....…..…………...Secr etar y Charlotte Gulden…...……....Religious Education PSR: 440-585-0800 x206; 29840 Euclid Ave. MATER DEI ACADEMY Loretta Pilla.………………………….....Pr incipal School: 29840 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Phone# 440-585-0800 School Fax: 440-585-9391 MASS SCHEDULE Monday: 7:00 a.m. (Chapel) 7:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Tuesday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Wednesday: 7:00 a.m., 7:00 p.m. (Chapel) Thursday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) Friday: 7:00 & 8:30 a.m. (Chapel) (8:30 a.m. Friday Mass in Church during the school year) First Friday of each month: 7:45 p.m. (Chapel) Saturday: 8:30 a.m., 4:00 & 6:00 p.m. (Chur ch) Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 a.m. & 7p.m. Lifeteen Mass only during the school year Holy Days: See bulletin. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays 3-3:45 p.m. - 5-5:45 p.m. (Church) First Fridays 3-4:00 & 6:30-7:30 p.m. (Chapel ) PERPETUAL ADORATION CHAPEL Located in the Rectory, open 24/7. PARISH REGISTRATION Singles, families, newlyweds or single young adults, please register under your own name even if you were previously registered under your parents’ name. Call the Parish Office to make an appointment with Mrs. Roberta DeMell. MARRIAGES Couples intending to marry are required to call the rectory at least six (6) months prior to marriage. BAPTISMS Baptisms are the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month after the 11:30 a.m. Mass. Arrangements for a baptism date must be made at least one week in advance. The next Pre-Baptism Class is Wednesday, July 8, 2015-6:30pm. Call Parish Office to register. FUNERALS: Arrangements are made with a Funeral Director and approved by the Rectory. FACILITIES RENTAL or RESERVATIONS Contact Mrs. Roberta DeMell at 585-0700 x 310 PARISH GROUPS: If interested in joining a Parish group call the Parish Office for contact info. NEED A RIDE to Mass? Call 440-944-3073. May 17, 2015 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church 29850 Euclid Ave., Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Parish Office: 1730 Mt. Carmel Drive, Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 Mon.-Fri. 8am-9pm; Sat. 9am-3pm 440-585-0700 Parish Office Fax #: 440-585-0870 Parish Website: [email protected] Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church ~1~ Greetings to the family of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel “Will-power. A very important quality. Don’t despise little things, for by the continual practice of denying yourself again and again in such things — which are never futile or trivial — with God’s grace you will add strength and resilience to your character. In that way you will first become master of yourself, and then a guide, a chief, a leader: to compel and to urge and to inspire others, with your word, with your example, with your knowledge and with your power.” (St. Josemaria Escriva, The Way 19) Do you ever catch yourself in a moment of candid realization that you have developed bad habits, neglected your faith, and created distance between you and Christ? This happens all too frequently and after realizing I was off course during a recent visit to Eucharistic Adoration, I decided to do something about it. What I needed was to toughen my resistance and develop new “muscles” to fight my patterns of spiritual failure. I committed to introduce more intention into my life and show stronger will-power. In essence, I committed to break my negative habits by immediately introducing good or “virtuous” habits. It is a struggle at times, but I have slowly been able to see improved patterns of behavior, more focus on authentically living out my Catholic faith and a vast improvement in my relationship seeking union with Christ. A very helpful tool in this endeavor has been the Daily Examen, which forces us to stop five times a day (morning, noon, mid-afternoon about 3pm, evening about 7pm, and night) to reflect on what is happening in our lives, offer up a brief prayer and make adjustments. I am no saint. But, I hope to convey the need for more self-awareness about bad habits and venial sins that weigh us down and pull us off a righteous path. We need to focus on the power of more intentional behavior around the practice of good habits. This new mindset and a lot of prayer will help us stay focused on Christ and our Heavenly home. I know it has already helped me in numerous ways. As I said, I am no saint, but I know you and I are called to pursue sainthood and lead lives of holiness. With our eyes fixed firmly on Heaven, let’s try to introduce a little more virtuous intention into our lives today. “For this very reason, make every effort to supplement your faith with virtue, virtue with knowledge, knowledge with selfcontrol, self-control with endurance, endurance with devotion, devotion with mutual affection, mutual affection with love.” (2 Peter 1:5-7) I would like to acknowledge and thank the McCurdy family, Beverly Frato and her sons Anthony, Chris, and Joe and her adopted son “D.C.” for their financing of materials and labor in cleaning and refurbishing of our precious statues. They request a prayer for their friend Linda Walters who is challenged with MS. God bless them all. Ascension blessings and remember that I love you and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. ~ Fr. Behrend Together in this time and place, we give glory to God. SATURDAY May 16 8:30 am-C Mildred Hills Marilyn Helm John & Pauline Solano 4:00 pm-C Evelyn Catanese 6:00 pm-C Albert & Lois Rodville Lois Weigand SUNDAY 7:30 am-C 9:30 am-C Helen Sustae John & Edna Liszkowski May 17 11:30am-C 7:00pm-C Justin Silvaroli Priests Intention Call Parish Office for Automated Giving info. Robert & Judy Liszkowski Family MONDAY 7:00 am-R 7:00 pm-C Militza Schwelgien Dean Tarasco TUESDAY 7:00 am-R Dorothy Kaska & Mitzi Blatnik 8:30 am-R Gloria Luccio SECOND COLLECTION: NONE Next week: Diocesan Development May 18 Irene Clement Legion of Mary Mt. Carmel Players Patron Sunday Next wk: NO Hospitality May 19 THURSDAY 7:00 am-R Bob Garris 8:30am-R Anna & Anton Novak FRIDAY 7:00 am-R 8:30 am-C Thank you for your generosity! Ron Sustae Kaska Family John & Julie Antoviak WEDNESDAY May 20 7:00 am-R Dorothy M. Kapel Mary & Fritz Keiper 7:00 pm-R Deacon John Strmac 20 year Jubilee For Parishioners Mary Jane Cirino SATURDAY 8:30 am-C Clarke Brassell 4:00 pm-C Mary Siciliano 6:00 pm-C Helen Dusa May 21 SECOND COLLECTION change: On June 6 & 7 there will be a Parish Mission. The St. Vincent de Paul collection for that weekend will be collected the following weekend on June 13 & 14. Garris Family James Lis May 22 Family May 23 Virginia Provenzale Children & Family Family SUNDAY 7:30 am-C 9:30 am-C May 24 Angie Belaj Family D.M. of Rowell & Freeman Families 11:30am-C Anthony Sugar Dave & Vickey Rowell Mira Sugar To take the gifts up at Mass, see an Usher. ALTAR SERVERS Sunday, May 10 $ 10,156.04 Newman Campus $ 799.19 Saturday, May 23 4:00pm- Mary Sill, Angelica Ban, Anthony Ban Jr., Thomas Ridler 6:00pm- Annie Sivo, Joey Gabriel, Joseph Schimizzi Sunday, 9:30am- May 24 Sarah Patton, Caitlyn Patton, Megan Latkovich 11:30am– Jake Emlaw, Michael Sedlak, Emily Krizner Thank you for your Time and Commitment! SCHEDULE OF EVENTS MASS INTENTIONS D.M.=Deceased Members C=Church R=Rectory ~2~ MONDAY, May 18 Hot Meal 5:30-6:00pm - CH Legion of Mary 8:00pm - MA Volleyball 6-7:30pm & 7:30-9:00pm - CC TUESDAY, May 19 NO PSR classes resume in September Altar & Rosary 7:00pm - R#2 Finance Council 7-9:00pm - R#2 Girl Softball 5:15-6:45pm - CC Volleyball 7-8:45pm - CC WEDNESDAY, May 20 Volleyball 5-6:15pm - CC Softball 6:30-7:30pm - CC Choir Practice 7:15-9:15pm - C THURSDAY, May 21 Isabella Guild 7:30 - MA Volleyball 7-8:45pm - CC FRIDAY, May 22 8:30am Mass in Church Sunday Reading Group 9:00am - R#2 Jr. High Dance 7-10:00pm - CC SATURDAY, May 23 Men’s Prayer Group 7-8:30am - PC PENTECOST SUNDAY, May 24 No Hospitality PC-Pete Christopher CC-Community Ctr. CH-Chapel Hall C-Church MA-Mini-Aud. FL-Faculty Lournge. AC-After Care MR-Music Rm. R#1 or R#2-Rectory If God so loved us, we also must love one another. —1 John 4:11 ~3~ MATER DEI ACADEMY MORAL DEVELOPMENT DISCOVERY ACHIEVEMENT Are you looking for a school that is Christ-centered and educationally challenging? Learn about all the opportunities that await your children at Mater Dei Academy by calling the school office at 440-585-0800 and scheduling a personal tour. Additional information about Mater Dei Academy can be found at MDA is having a Rummage Sale at the end of the school year on June 11 and 12. As you are doing your spring cleaning please save some items to donate to our rummage sale! We will accept any new or gently used items such as furniture, toys, household items, clothes, etc. Donations can be dropped off at the school office. Thank you for your support. VACATION BIBLE Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Vacation Bible School 2015...J oin your fr iends at G-Force. God’s Love in Action! Mark Your Calendar. July 20-July 24, 2015, 9amNoon. Grab your roller blades, skateboard, or bike! Our Navigators will join the “Coach” each day to Discover that a life with God is one of movement both physically and spiritually” —Morning Assembly starts at the Adventure Park; stop at the Scripture Zone for inter-active bible stories; discover the Science Zone for memorable science experiments; visit the Craft Zone for inspirational and fun crafts; explore our Games Zone for fun and wacky game; and meet at the Song Studio for songs and music. Together we’ll realize “In God, We live, move, and exist.” No Pre-School Program this year. The r egular pr ogr am will be for Childr en 5 years old by July 1, 2015 through children going into 5th grade. Daily Action Words (Themes) are: MOVE! ACT! CARE! FOLLOW! SHARE! REGISTRATION continue until July 10th. Obtain a Registration form from our Web Site “” or the Rectory Office. COST: 1 Child-$25, 2 Children-$45, 3 or more $60. For info or a registration form contact Robert DeMell at 440-585-0700 x 310, [email protected] or Lisa Greger at 440-585-0800 x201 POPE FRANCIS TRIP WORLD MEETING OF FAMILIES WITH POPE FRANCIS…Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Church, Wickliffe, is hosting a bus tour to Philadelphia from Friday, September 25 to Sunday night, September 27 to attend the Festival of Families Saturday, and Mass with the Pope on Sunday. The Trip includes luxury bus departure from Mt. Carmel Church. ALL breakfasts and dinners included. All driver, hotel, and tour guide tips included, along with luggage handling. You are responsible only for your lunch. All inclusive Adult Price as of 4/13/15 is $699 per person, based on 2 paying Adults per Room. (if you room alone there is an additional charge.) Children 12 and under travel free (Special Pricing limited to 2 children per family and must room with 2 adults.) Additional charge for children 12 and under and teens 13-18 is $399 each. Contact Roberta DeMell for questions about trip at 440-585-0700. Space will book quickly: Contact Proximo Travel to register at 1-855842-8001 . We Are Martol (as told by a student from South High School) It has only been a few weeks. It has been a few weeks since I found out that all of my hard work this whole school year was to be postponed. I had just sit down, in costume, and ready to begin my final run through before our opening night the next night. Mr. Richard, our director, was standing in front of us all, ready to start speaking. He began with, “This is going to be the hardest speech of my career.” At first, I just let the words breeze through me as though they weren't even said. He began telling us of how he had been taken into the office where our principal had told him that the school had received a letter from Americans United for Separation of Church and State stating that if we proceeded with the performance, we would face a lawsuit due to a Christian undertone. We had to halt everything. It didn't hit me, not until I saw the looks on people’s faces. That’s when I knew it was all truly happening. The despair in that room was so overwhelming, words cannot describe. Everyone wanted to scream, to take revenge, but we didn't. What we did do that night was amazing. We came together as a choir. After an hour and a half of talking to Mr. Richard, Mr. Thompson, the superintendent, and a few other people, there were not any more barriers. We were a family. When it was time to leave, a group of us went to Steak n’ Shake. As an immature teenager, I had joked, “What, am I not allowed to pray over my food now?” And then something beautiful happened. The person sitting across from me said, “Actually, that’s a good idea. Would you guys mind if we prayed over our food?” We did. I led the group in prayer in a public restaurant. To be honest, this whole situation has made me more comfortable being a Catholic in my public school setting. Everyone knows who I am and they don’t hold it against me. Also, I am so glad with the family I now have in my choir at school. I can finally be myself where I used to hide in a corner. I am still struggling, of course. I am still upset with the idea that my director, whom I trust so very much, is not allowed to conduct us, and that we need to figure everything out. There are days when I just want to scream and cry, but I need to keep reminding myself that He has me. It is time for me to let go and let God, because I know I cannot do this myself." If we love one another, God remains in us (1 John 4:11-16) ~4~ CATHOLIC CHARITIES MT. CARMEL PLAYERS Winter storms made it difficult for faith-filled people to respond to this year’s Appeal in their parish setting, so May 16 & 17, all par ishes ar e conducting a second in-pew appeal on behalf of Catholic Charities. Gifts may be made by filling out an in-pew pledge form May 16 & 17, responding to the letter or email or telephone solicitations, or directly by contacting Meghan McGuan at 800.869.6525 x 1049. Gifts made on the in-pew pledge form or online at challenge qualify for the $100,000 Challenge Grant – new and increased gifts will be doubled! Be sure to join the Mt. Carmel Players, Sunday, May 17, in the Thank you and may God bless us all with his enduring joy! KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Thank You! Our Mother's day breakfast was a great success because of all the lovely Mothers and their families who attended. Also, thank you to those who volunteered. As always our proceeds go directly to supporting our efforts at OLMC, and helping those in need. The 50/25/25 winner’s: Andy Dolan, $66.00 and Nancy Varner $66.00 Congratulations to both winners. Pampered Chef Basket Winner John Wyman. Spa Basket Winner - John Wyman Our next Pancake Breakfast will be August 16, 2015. Knights of Columbus Charities. mini-auditorium for Hospitality. We will be selling $1patron ads and tickets will “officially” go on sale to the general public. SAVE THE DATES – July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25. Hope to see you in Neverland. MT. CARMEL SOCIETY The Mt. Carmel Society New Officers ar e: President: Elizabeth Arendash 440-585-5404 Vice President: Terry J o DeBaltzo Secretary: Carole Czeck Treasurer: Anna Marie Zappola The Mt. Carmel Society BAKE SALE is the weekend of May 30 & 31. Stop by and purchase some delicious bakery homemade by our Society ladies. Thank you for your support. AMERICAN LEGION POPPY DAY in Wickliffe is May 22 & 23. Ladies of the American Legion Auxiliary will be offering the 7 piece Poppy to the public for a donation. Remember Americas Casualties of War with a Poppy. ADORATION CHAPEL Can you commit to an hour in our Perpetual Adoration Chapel? We are in need of someone to fill the Sunday 11:00pm time slot. MDA BOOSTERS Fall Sports CYO Registration: Registration for our Fall CYO sports is now open online. We are offering Girls Volleyball, Boys Football, Co-Ed XCountry, and Cheerleading this Fall. Visit athletics/registration/ for more information and to register online. Rates and registration deadlines below: Girls Volleyball – 3rd thru 8th Grade Register by 6/1, cost is $100 per player Register by 6/30**, cost is $125 per player Cheerleading – 3rd thru 8th Grade Register by 6/1, cost is $50 per player Register by 6/30**, cost is $75 per player Boys Football – 4th thru 7th Grade Register by 5/22, cost is $100 per player Register by 6/1**, cost is $125 per player Co-Ed Cross Country - 3rd thru 8th grade Register by 6/1, cost is $50 per player Register by 7/15**, cost is $75 per player. ** Denotes the registration deadline for each sport. * Must have a valid Physical form signed and dated by physician by August 1, 2015 If you are interested in coaching please contact Joe McCrone at 216.403.0932 or [email protected]. If you have any questions or issues regarding the online registration please contact Dave Briganti at 216.225.8059 or [email protected]. Please Call Anne 440-944-0593, Marion 944-1431 or Grace 944-5028. As you sent me into the world, so I sent them into the world (John 17:11b-19) ~5~ WEEKLY READINGS LAKE LIFE TEEN WEEK OF MAY 17 This week at Lake Life Teen Last weekend, we held our annual Mother’s Day Flower Sale. Thank you so much to all who supported Lake Life Teen and a special thank you to those who helped sell flowers! We ended the weekend with our traditional Laser Tag night – what an awesome way to celebrate our moms! On Saturday, we ask that you lift up the four men to be ordained to the priesthood. We thank God for the gifts of Jeremy, Jeff, Rob, and Joseph as they complete their official formation and begin their public ministry as parish priests. This week, we are excited and sad to celebrate our FINAL Life Night and Mass of the academic year. All families and teens are welcome to join us at our senior farewell, which will begin at 4:30 pm this Sunday. Our final Mass will be celebrated at 7:00 pm. Keep an eye out on, follow us on Twitter or Instagram and friend us on Facebook ( for information on the many upcoming events! In His Peace ~ Teresa Tolle Lege All incoming seniors are invited to apply for the “Tolle Lege Summer Institute” at Borromeo Seminary. This week long camp for confirmed teens will focus on philosophy, theology, prayer and crazy fun. There will be two sessions offered (June 14 – 19 and June 21 – 26). This camp was founded to promote the pursuit of wisdom and provide a foundational understanding of Catholic teaching. Applications are DUE on May 18th. Please check out our website or see Teresa for more details. Catholic Youth Summer Camp (CYSC) We are excited to invite you to explore the awesome world of Catholic Youth Summer Camp in Columbus! This crazy fun and awesome week is available to all current and incoming high school students and we encourage you to check it out. Including fantastic camp events (high adventure activities with daily extreme sports available), this camp also offers a unique opportunity for you to explore your Catholic faith with teens from around Ohio through daily Mass, Adoration, Reconciliation, and catechesis. This year, the “Cleveland week” will be offered June 14 – 19 (other weeks throughout the summer are also open). The entire cost of the week is $495, and scholarships are available. Details and registration are available on The Lord has set his throne in heaven (Psalm 103) PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL Today we celebrate one of the tenets of our creed: that the Lord ascended into heaven. From Mark’s Gospel we hear the final words Jesus spoke to his disciples shortly before he ascended into heaven. Those were words of commissioning, no less real for us today than they were to the disciples then. We are called to “proclaim the gospel to every creature.” For the vast majority of us, this means that we proclaim the gospel by the witness of our everyday lives. Treating others with dignity and respect, providing for those less fortunate than ourselves, being good stewards of the many gifts showered on us, coming together as God’s family in worship and praise—these are all signs that the gospel has taken root in our lives. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 19:1-8; Ps 68:23ab, 4-5acd, 6-7ab; Jn 16:29-33 Tuesday: Acts 20:17-27; Ps 68:10-11, 20-21; Jn 17:1-11a Wednesday: Acts 20:28-38; Ps 68:29-30, 33-36ab; Jn 17:11b19 Thursday: Acts 22:30; 23:6-11; Ps 16:1-2a, 5, 7-11; Jn 17:20-26 Friday: Acts 25:13b-21; Ps 103:1-2, 11-12, 19-20ab; Jn 21:15-19 Saturday: Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; Ps 11:4, 5, 7; Jn 21:20-25 Sunday: Vigil: Gn 11:1-9 or Ex 19:3-8a, 16-20b or Ez 37:1-14 or Jl 3:1-5; Ps 104:1-2, 24, 35, 27-30; Rom 8:22-27; Jn 7:37-39 Day: Acts 2:1-11; Ps 104:1, 24, 29-31, 34; 1 Cor 12:3b-7, 12-13 or Gal 5:16-25; Jn 20:19-23 or Jn 15:26-27; 16:12-15 Seventh Sunday of Easter 50TH WEDDING MASS The Diocese of Cleveland 50th Wedding Anniversary Celebration Mass is Sunday, July 26, 2015 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist with the Most Rev. Richard G. Lennon as the celebrant. (couples celebrating 50 years) Forms can be picked up at OLMC Parish Office and returned by June 29th. COMMUNITY NEWS The Lake County Captains would like to invite you to join them for Faith Nights. Satur day night, J uly 18th a Vigil Mass will be celebrated in the Eastlake ballpark in conjunction with “The Fest” prior to the regularly scheduled game. The Indians’ Class A affiliate has other Faith nights scheduled for Friday, June 26, Sunday, July 19 and Monday, July 20. Each night consists of a post-game player testimonial. Enjoy a post-game fireworks show on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, while Monday features the Captains’ Buck Night when hot dogs and sodas are just $1! For more information or to purchase discounted tickets, please contact Christy Buchar at (440) 975-8085 x134 or at [email protected]. Today is Ascension Sunday and we are reminded that Jesus is on his throne. Do we allow him to reign over our lives? One of the ways we show this is by living in humility, gentleness and love in a bond of peace. Do we reflect this in our marriage relationship? Allow Jesus to be Lord of your marriage relationship. The next Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend is June 26-28 at the Clarion Conference Center in Hudson, Ohio. Call Lori and Scott at 330-305-9963 to register. Dates and registration are also available online at ST. MALACHI PARISH Samar itan Ministry ADDICTION Awareness Workshop in St. Malachi Center (behind the school), West 25th & Detroit, Cleveland, 44113. Saturday, June 13, from 9am to 4pm. PB & J sandwiches and beverages will be provided. Donations welcome. Judy Stowe 440-250-9959 or [email protected] ~6~ LAKE COUNTY RIGHT TO LIFE Congratulations to our 2015 Essay Winners! 1st Place Winner: Mark Raddell, Wickliffe, 2nd Place Winner: David Shibley, Kirtland, 3rd Place Winner: Lydia Pfeifle, Mentor. Thank you to all who participated this year and thank you to our judges! SUMMER DAY CAMP, J une 15July 31, 8am to 5pm, Held Monday thru Friday at Coulby Park. Is an seven-week program for children entering grades 1 thru 6 during the 2015-2016 school year. Various activities such as games, swimming, contests, fishing, crafts, nature activities, field trips and much more. Contact Wickliffe Recreation 440-943-7120 for more info on camp or many other activities offered in Wickliffe. RELAY FOR LIFE of Wester n Lake County will be Saturday, July 11th from 12pm to Midnight at Eastlake North High School. Call Molly 1-888-227-6446 ext. 1206 Remember (a yahoo search engine) and support Mater Dei Academy
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