Our Lady of Grace Church 1088 Ridge Road • Hinckley, Ohio • 44233 • (330) 278-4121 Website: www.ologchurchandshrine.org Reverend Joseph Mecir, Pastor Reverend William P. O’Neill, Pastor Emeritus Reverend John T. McDonough, In Residence Rev. Mr. Bruce Dobbins, Deacon Mission Statement We, the Roman Catholic faith community of Our Lady of Grace, rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ and dedicated to our Blessed Mother, value our mission to make God’s presence visible in today’s world. In service to God’s will, and with the Holy Spirit’s guidance, we manifest God’s peace, love and saving presence as we pray, worship, work and live together in His Name. May 10, 2015 * Sixth Sunday of Easter Email: [email protected] Sunday Masses: Saturday: 4:00 pm Sunday: 8:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses: Monday through Friday 8:00 am Holy Day Masses: As scheduled in the bulletin. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45 pm Anytime by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism: First & third Sundays at 12 pm Baptism classes required for first child. Sacrament of Marriage: Allow 6 months preparation. Call parish priest to set a date. Catering Call Church Office Bereavement Ministry and Women of Hope Carolyn Zaverl: 330-225-9705 PSR Dept. Jane Wetzel: [email protected] Music Ministry Mary Gabriel: 330-636-1739 Parish Council Tom Higgins: [email protected] Home of Triumph of the Two Hearts Shrine ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ Open 24 hours a day all year long Unique statue of Jesus with the Blessed Mother Outdoor Stations of the Cross Beautiful country scenery One of Ohio’s newest Shrines MINISTRY SCHEDULE - May16 & 17 Lectors Extra-ordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Servers 4 pm Ruth Ann Manley Claro Caluya Barbara Faciana, Joanne Oliver John Pesarchick, Emma & Evan Medwid, Patricia Lorenc 8 am Keith Gillian Bruce Dobbins Bob & Marie Jakubiec Zachary, Christian & Josh DaDante, Shannon Dobbins 11 am Tom Szerpicki Teresa Smith Angela Chesnick, Chris Steinbrink Cassandra, Felicia & Vanessa Pasadyn, Colleen Flannery Church Cleaners Sat. (5-16) Cheryl Kreji, Gerry Slatkovsky, Ann Marie Truitt, Margaret Ward God bless our Mothers! God of love, listen to this prayer. God of holy people, of Sarah, Ruth, and Rebekah; God of holy Elizabeth, mother of John, of holy Mary, Mother of Jesus, bend down your ear to this request and bless the mothers of our family. Bless her with the strength of your spirit, she who taught her children how to stand and how to walk. Bless her with the melody of your love, she who has shared how to speak, how to sing and how to pray to you. Bless her with a place at your eternal dinner table, she who has fed and nurtured the life that was formed within her while still helpless but embraced in her love. Bless her today, now, in this lifetime, with good things, with health. Bless her with joy, love, laughter and pride with her child/children and surround her with many good friends. May she who carried life in her womb be carried one day to your divine embrace, there, for all eternity, to rejoice with her family and friends. This blessing and all graces, we pray, descend upon the mother of our family in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. FEAST OF THE ASCENSION The Feast of the Ascension (which falls on Thursday, May 14th) has been moved to Sunday, May 17th in our Diocese. Because of this the Mass on Thursday is celebrated as Sixth Thursday of Easter. Sunday’s Mass is the celebration of Ascension. ALTAR FLOWERS The lovely flowers in front of the altar this weekend were donated in memory of Hannah Flanders, a heart donor. Please keep Hannah, her family, all organ donors and the recipients of organ donations in your prayers. Sunday, April 27…$3,741.74 Envelopes used...151 Thank you for your generosity! CATHOLIC CHARITIES APPEAL Winter storms made it difficult for faith-filled people to respond to this year’s Appeal in their parish setting, so next weekend all parishes in the Diocese of Cleveland are conducting a second in-pew appeal. Giving to Catholic Charities transforms the lives of people in need and is a tremendous way to respond to the bounty of God’s gifts in our own lives. BLOOM ‘N BOOK SALE May 28—31 Join us for this spectacular event! Choose from new or gently used books, magazines, and DVDs, and a wide variety of plants along with raffles, giveaways and special item offers. Special Events Thursday, May 28, Preview Night: Admission by pre -paid $12 ticket which includes wine and cheese tasting, specialty breads, fruit and desserts. Tickets are available through the church office. Friday, May 29, Bowls ‘n Blooms: Join us for soup, chili and salad (11 am—2 pm) Saturday, May 30 , Books ‘n Bites: Kids of all ages can join us for Dollar Dog or Pizza (11 am—2 pm) Sunday, May 31, Donut Delights: 9 am—3 pm MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE OLOG Pro-Life Group will sell carnations in the church vestibule at all the Masses on Mother’s Day, May 10th. Please be sure to stop and buy one or more flowers for your loved one. Cost is $1 per flower or 6 for $5. All proceeds will be used to fund pro-life activities throughout the year. May 10, 2015 FAMILY PERSPECTIVES Families who abide in love abide in God and God with them. Mothers teach Jesus’ commandment “to love” to their children by their generous love and caring discipline for them each day. Thank your mother or stepmother for the love and care she has given to you to improve your character. NEW STATUES * THANK YOU Thank you to all our parishioners that are donating toward the purchase of the statues of Pope Saint John Paul II and Blessed Teresa of Calcutta. Especially we wish to thank the generosity of one parishioner who has paid for Pope Saint John Paul II. With what we have received so far, $3,100 is still needed. God bless everyone for their kindness in making our 50th Anniversary special! DID YOU KNOW? There are all sorts of circumstances that people point to as justification for their support of abortion. Since none of these circumstances are sufficient to justify the killing of human beings after birth, they’re not sufficient to justify the killing of human beings before birth. HELP! We STILL need one more person, man or woman, who will join our church cleaning crew. You would be on a schedule with three other people to clean Wednesday mornings once every six weeks. It only takes about an hour to clean. Please call the office, if you are interested. ST. HILARY VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Registration is being taken for Vacation Bible School at St. Hilary Parish, Fairlawn for June 8-12. You will experience a week of Catholic Kidz Camp titled “Set Sail with the Holy Trinity” featuring St. Patrick. Visit www.sthilarychurch.org/vbs for more details and to register. Campers are those students age 4 through those entering 4th grade. For questions, contact Melanie Sejba at [email protected] or 330-835-5875. SUMMER VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY “Touch our world one child at a time.” Today more and more children find themselves homeless. Blessing House, a crisis care center for children in the Cleveland area, provide children a safe and loving environment until they can go home. The Sisters of Notre Dame invite single women ages 18-35 to volunteer at Blessing House from June 28-July 2. For more information, contact Sr. Kathleen Hine, SND at 440-476-6094 or email [email protected]. Online registration is available at www.sndchardon.org. Page 3 Thank you to Thayer’s Meats! Do you know that Thayer’s Meats in Parma donates our Catechists Family Lunch at the end of the PSR year? Thayer’s is located at 7520 Broadview Road, Parma. Their meats are fresh and delicious; if you haven’t been there, it’s well worth the trip! 50th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MASS Reservations are being taken for the 50th Wedding Celebration to be held on Sunday, July 26 at the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist. Bishop Richard Lennon will be the principal celebrant. Couples married 50 years (married in 1965) or have missed previous celebrations are welcome to attend. Seating is limited so please register early. Call the church office to complete a registration form. LIFE LINE SCREENING Do you have high cholesterol or high blood pressure? Have members of your family suffered from these ailments? Do you have a poor diet? If you answer “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider being screened for your risk of stroke through the services of Life Line Screening. Life Line Screening uses ultrasound technology to view the plaque build up in your carotid arteries, the main arteries that carry blood to the brain. Life Line Screening will be here June 3rd in the hall. To register for this event and to receive a $10 discount off any package priced above $129, please call 888-653-6441 or visit www.lifelinescreeing.com/ community-partners. DOO IT NOW! Hinckley’s second greatest export (next to buzzards) is now available for immediate pickup or delivery from Our Lady of Grace Church. LLAMA DOO, our popular organic fertilizer is better than cow or horse manure and acts as an excellent deer repellent. 40 lb. bags (approximate weight) are now available; $4 a bag. To order call the church office at 330-2784121. 4:12 YOUTH GROUP The Youth Group will meet for the last time on May 17th at Mrs. Smith’s home, 2314 Weymouth Rd. at 3 pm. It will be cookout—please bring a side dish or dessert. May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 UPCOMING EVENTS Ushers’ Meeting Women of Hope Choir Practice Cub Scouts Women of Hope Rosary for Peace 7:00 pm Noon 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm May 10, 2015 Page 4 PRAYERS WORK WONDERS Please remember the sick and suffering of our parish family especially: Mary Anick, Bernadette Beck, Blanche Bieda, Barb Blake, Claudia Bulkowski, Jack Charek, Ruth Fredrick, Chris Fuciu, Linda Joseph, Kathleen Klosinski, Betty Kmiecik, Bridget Kovalik, Jan Lemke, Gloria Liebenguth, Fred Maloney, Mark Pajak, Patricia Pesek, Lois Rhodes, Colin Rininger, Jan Savron, Frank Scheid, Braidyn Schneid, Brian Schneider, Brian Smith, Janet Taranto, Ruth Tibbs, Steve and Diana Waltos. Please call the office to have a name placed on our prayer list. 453 We want your smile in our Church Family Pictorial Directory! A pictorial directory helps us all to put names and faces together, to grow in fellowship and to learn more about each other and our church. Please have your professional portrait made for the directory. A professional portrait is not only a way for us to have an attractive directory, it is also an opportunity for you to capture a moment in the life of your family. MyChurch Family Album portraits are reasonably priced and beautifully done. They offer a variety of sizes and professional finishes to meet every need. Preview your portraits during your appointment. You will receive one (1) complimentary copy of our pictorial directory just for participating! We need your participation to make our directory program a success. MyChurch accepts Cash, Checks, Visa, Mastercard and Discover on the day of photography. We need your participation to make our directory program a success. Call 877764-4535 to set your appointment. Be a part of our Golden Jubilee Celebration! May 10, 2015 Page 5 MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, MAY 9 4 pm Living & Deceased of Parish Family SUNDAY, MAY 10 Sixth Sunday of Easter 8 am Jacob Family / Shuster Family 11 am Mary Bukac / Marilyn Latko MONDAY, MAY 11 8 am James & Lillian Decker TUESDAY, MAY 12 SS. Nereus & Achilleus; St. Pancras 8 am Shuster Family Our Lady of Fatima WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 8 am Dick Stitt & Joe Victor / Manda Hoffman St. Matthias THURSDAY, MAY 14 8 am Katherine Conrad (living) / Mom & Dad St. Isidore FRIDAY, MAY 15 8 am In Thanksgiving / Barb Blake SATURDAY, MAY 16 4 pm Mary Streck / Marilyn SUNDAY, MAY 17 Ascension of the Lord 8 am Living & Deceased of Parish Family 11 am Sacred Heart Parish SAINT OF THE DAY Saint Matthias—After the Ascension of Jesus, the apostles knew they needed to find a replacement for Judas Iscariot. Why did they feel that a twelfth apostle was needed? Twelve is an important number to the Chosen People; there were twelve tribes of Israel. If the new Israel was to come from the disciples of Jesus a twelfth apostle was needed. Not just any man could be the replacement. It must be someone who had been a disciple from Jesus’ baptism by John to Jesus’ ascension. The apostle must be a witness to Jesus’ resurrection. He must have followed Jesus before anyone knew him; stay with Jesus when He made enemies; and believed in Jesus when He spoke of the cross and of eating His body. Two men fit this description: Matthias and Joseph called Barsabbas. The apostles knew that only the Lord would know what was in the heart of each man. So they cast lots and Matthias was chosen. Tradition of the Greeks says Matthias preached in Cappadocia and on the coast of the Caspian Sea. He was stoned to death near modern day Georgia. His feast day is May 14th. DEACONITE ORDINATION Where you unable to be at Deacon Bruce’s ordination last Saturday? You can watch it on the Diocesan website at: www.dioceseofcleveland.org.
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