This Sunday’s Rosary is led by the OLR Guild 10:00 AM Next Sunday’s Rosary will be led by the Choir 10:00 AM April 19th, 2015 Third Sunday of Easter Our Lady of the Rosary Mission Statement Rectory 1659 Columbia Street Pastoral Center Parish Office 1629 Columbia St. (619) 234-4820 ~ FAX (619) 234-3559 ~ 1668 State Street; San Diego, California 92101 Italian National Catholic Parish Our Lady of the Rosary Church Hall 1654 State Street We, the Parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, are a pilgrim church. Under the mantle of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we grow as a people of God following Jesus, celebrating the Eucharist, living apostolic service, continuing faith formation and Marian devotions. We strive to bring the joy of the gospel and imitate Jesus through compassion, mercy and love, especially for the poor and marginalized. We seek to be faithful stewards providing a heart and home for all. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 2 We welcome all visitors to our celebration. While Holy Communion may only be received by prepared Catholics, our non-Catholic guests are welcome to receive a special blessing from the priest during distribution. Simply cross your arms on your chest as you approach the priest. Masses of the Week: April 19th to 26th, 2015 Saturday, April 18: 5:30 p.m. Joe Petronaci † Julio & Lynn Guidi This Sunday, April 19: 7:30 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 9:00 a.m. Girolamo & Antonina Carini † Mimmo Carini & Family 10:30 a.m. Giuseppe Giacalone † Paul & Giustina Crimi 12 noon In Honor of St. Anthony St. Anthony Prayer Group Monday: 7:30 a.m. Perpetual Membership 12 noon Caterina Zizzo † Concetta Corona & Family Tuesday: 7:30 a.m. Vince Crisci † Salvatore & Josephine Scafidi 12 noon Angie Giacalone † Madeline Crisci & Family Wednesday: 7:30 a.m. Vince Crisci † Joe & Mary Sardo 12 noon For Thanksgiving Hermisa Picatoste Thursday: 7:30 a.m. Elena Cota † Julie & Jerry Giacalone 12 noon Mario Sanfilippo † Chuck & Frances Sanfilippo & Family Friday: 7:30 a.m. Catherine Ruth Grobner Biedron † Jeanette Alessio Way 12 noon John Riggs † Rosalia & Frank Crivello Saturday: 7:30 a.m. Fred Palacio † Michael & Mary Ford 12 noon Lisa Carini Gonzalez † Christopher Carini 5:30 p.m. (Vigil) Angie Giacalone † Tony & Marie Cefalu & Family Next Sunday, April 26: 7:30 a.m. Anthony Sanfilippo † Dcn. Stephen & Vickie O'Riordan 9:00 a.m. Parishioners, Benefactors & Friends 10:30 a.m. Joe Petronaci † Paul & Giustina Crimi 12 noon Madonna del Paradiso Please remember that our daily Mass Calendar fills rapidly. Presently the wait is eight to ten months in advance. If you hope to have a mass celebrated on a special date, look ahead and call early. Little Italy, San Diego, CA Pastor’s Corner The common theme of today’s readings is a challenge that our faith in the living presence of the risen Lord should strengthen our hope in His promises, call us to true repentance for our sins and lead us to bearing witness to Christ by our works of charity. The readings also remind us that the purpose of Jesus’ death and resurrection was to save us from sins. Hence they invite us to make our bearing witness to the risen Lord more effective by repenting of our sins, renewing our lives, and meeting Jesus in the Word of God and at the Eucharistic Table. The first reading from the Acts of the Apostles describes how Peter fulfills the mission of preaching Jesus. In this second sermon, Peter goes on with the preaching mission begun on Pentecost in Jerusalem, and again presents Jesus as the fulfillment of all the Messianic prophecies of the Old Testament. He also asks the Jews to turn toward God so that their sins might be wiped away. In the second reading, John tells us that true knowledge and love of God consist in acknowledging that Jesus is the expiation for our sins, by bearing witness to Him in our lives and by obeying His commandments. Today’s gospel leads us to reflect on faith, doubts and crises. It shows us how Jesus convinced his disciples of his resurrection and how he commissioned them to be his witnesses throughout the world. He prepared them to receive God’s power through the coming descent of the Holy Spirit upon them, and he commanded them to preach repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Go in peace to love & serve our God! Our Lady of the Rosary April 12th’s Collections Weekly Goal = $11,000 Page 3 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Great thanks to the generous donor of the Roman Chasubles... Masses$6,516 Mailed In$1,027 Online $817.50 Total $8,360.50 Thank You for your continued generosity! Baptism Class The next Baptism class will be this Thursday, April 23rd at 6:30 PM in the St. Gianna Room of the Pastoral Center. Parents wishing to have their child baptized and confirmed adults who have been asked to be a godparent must attend this program, which is regularly offered by all the parishes. Congratulations to the ICF for another successful Pancake Breakfast last Sunday. ly Ho lass t s c Fir ion n! r w Ou mun o to t m Co oing g Knights of Columbus-Our Lady of the Rosary Council #16175 The newest council is from our parish! Please like and follow them on Facebook. Wednesday Classes with Fr. Louis Solcia • We continue for a few more weeks with Ecclesiastical Latin (20 minutes) • We will finish the Baltimore Catechism (20 more pages) • We will have question and answers for many months to come on the Bible and morality Please come and bring a GOOD JOKE 7:00 PM in the downstairs Parish Hall Our Lady of the Rosary Page 4 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Liturgy Background There is little contextual relationship between the three readings of today’s Mass. Nevertheless, in each of the readings there is the theme of repentance and forgiveness. The last sentence of the first reading is: “Reform your lives! Turn to God that your sins may be wiped away.” In the second reading, we hear: “If anyone does sin, we have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ, the righteous one. He is expiation for our sins.» In the gospel, the risen Lord instructs his disciples: «Thus it is written that Christ must suffer and rise from the dead on the third day and that repentance, for the forgiveness of sins, would be preached in his name to all the nations.” It may seem strange that we should be thinking of “sin” during the Easter season. We are filled with the joy of the resurrection. We rejoice in the baptism of our neophytes. We are filled with fervor at, our own baptismal renewal during Lent. Why, then, the emphasis on sin? We might think of several reasons. First of all, there is mystagogy. The Sundays of the Easter season are devoted to a deepening awareness in our neophytes of the sacramental life of Christ in his Church. Last Sunday our gospel was the “proof text” for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance, Confession). This Sunday, the emphasis is on the penitent: We need not agonize over our sins; Christ is always present to forgive. Sin was the entire reason for his suffering, death and resurrection. Our neophytes have never celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation. They were baptized, and immediately all sins (original and personal) were taken away by the power of Christ’s death and resurrection. But what now? What if they should sin (as the second reading observes)? Jesus is still our Mediator, our Advocate with the Father. He still forgives sin — through the medium of the sacrament of Penance or Reconciliation. A second reason for the theme of sin might be in our very human tendency to be like Adam and Eve: Deny, hide, pretend. Our fallen human nature does not like to admit guilt. We may make a mistake. We may have an accident. We may be victims of our heredity or environment or peer pressure or other factors, but we never sin! Jesus Christ calls on us to be honest: We must admit we are sinners, or we do not need a Savior! If there is no sin, there is no need for redemption. So the Church calls on all of us — neophytes and old timers — to be honest: Admit your sins in order that you may have forgiveness. The first step toward metanoia is the admission that we are sinners in need of God’s powerful mercy and forgiveness. Still another reason for the theme of sin is the very nature of the Church. The Church is holy. The Church is the Body of Christ. The Church is guided by the Holy Spirit. The Church is the people of God. But the Church is also made up of sinners. When a person enters the Church, he/she expects everything to be perfect. The liturgy is, beautiful. The teaching of the Church is not only true; it is filled with meaning for our lives. Everything seems to be going perfectly— as described in last Sunday’s first reading: “ heart and mind ... had everything in common...” Everyone cared for everyone else. So what happens when we find that there Our Lady of the Rosary Page 5 are sinners in the Church? And sometimes there are big sinners. And sometimes the sinners are in positions, of responsibility where one would expect only holiness. In the recent past, the Church has been afflicted with awful scandals. Should we all quit? We were expecting perfection, and we find sinners! Little Italy, San Diego, CA Our Lady’s Gifts Congratulations! Today’s Mass might cover this problem. There are sinners in the Church. But that is the business of the, Church, the reason for. Christ’s redemption. To some extent, all of us are in need of redemption, for all of us are sinners, unworthy of the grace of God. Rather than be downcast over the scandal of sin, we need to rejoice that we can have a metanoia, a conversion; a turning around of our lives. And we can have confidence that God’s powerful grace can change us sinners — into saints. We need to remember that conversion is always a possibility, even for the worst sinner. We could begin enumerating great sinners who became great saints: Start with Peter and Paul. Then Augustine. And on and on. Let us hate sin, but love the sinner. More than that, let us rejoice that Jesus Christ is still our Advocate, our Redeemer, our Mediator who brings us the forgiveness of sin. Remember the first step: Admit you are a sinner. Then call on God, to change your heart. Sanctuary Candles Dedication for the week of April 19th In Memory of Leonia & Francisco and deceased Family Members by Maria Medina Philip & Viola Archuleta of St. Mary Magdalene in Clairemont are the winners of the bronze 45” statue of St. Michael. Volunteer Opportunity at OLR The Hospitality Café (Coffee & Donuts) needs someone to put up tables and chairs before the 7:30 AM Mass on Sundays. We are resuming Coffee & Donuts this Sunday, April 19th. Please call Sherry at (619) 804-9365 if interested. Baptisms ~ The following child has been joyfully welcomed into the family of God: William Lawrence Moses Grimm, son of Ernest Pinamonti & Mary Short Grimm God love & bless him always. Marriage Banns ~ The following couples have exchanged a promise to marry in Christ: Francesco Russo & Kristine Hawk Nicholas Cooper & Reem Madanat Rest in Peace ~ Kindly pray for the repose of the soul of Andrew DeMaria, who was called to his eternal reward. Please remember him and his loved ones in your prayers. May his soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Our Lady of the Rosary Page 6 Little Italy, San Diego, CA Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. For further information, please call the Parish Office. FAMOUS FOODS SINCE 1950 (619) 232-5094 1747 I NDIA STREET MONA LISA Italian Restaurant & Delicatessen HOMEMADE RAVIOLI • TORTELLINI • GNOCCHI • FETTUCCINE RETAIL / WHOLESALE • DELICATESSEN 2044 India Street • San Diego • 234-1927 239-5367 619/239-5117 • Quality Italian Food Products Open Sundays 2061 India St. San Diego, CA 92101 TREASURE TROVE ESTATE LIQUIDATORS ANTIQUES • COINS • JEWELRY Buy & Sell at Great Prices CALL (619) 283-7139 Jim/Martha Cardinale Hill Parishioners Gracious European-Style Guesthouse Accommodations At Affordable Prices. 3538 University Ave. AN EXCLU SIVE F U LL SERVICE MORTUARY Jerry Balistreri Funeral Director 2911 Peter LoCoco • Billy Gigante Burials • Cremation • Pre Planning 619.280.0101 For a location nearest you visit A way for you to partner with service providers who support your parish through their sponsorship of the parish bulletin. FRANK STELLA, CPA TAXES, ACCOUNTING,TRUST & ESTATE TAXATION AND COUNSULTING 2635 Camino Del Rio South, Ste 211 San Diego, CA 92108 (619) 280-7076 - Office (619) 293-0807 - Fax E-MAIL: [email protected] Zino’s international hair, skin care & nail designers Nicholas & Marc-Anthony Bongiovanni Generations in Charge! 7610 Hazard Center Dr. Suite 702, Hazard Center (619) 574-7895 Bob Stivers Shell & Auto Service Center Brakes, Tune-Up, Oil Change, Tires, Battery, Etc. Jamin Henry Auto Technician 1011 A Street San Diego, CA 92101 619-232-2906 $10 Free Gas With Any Paid Auto Service: One coupon per customer, per visit. JoJo Giordano REALTOR ® California Realty Italian Bread FRANK’S BAKERY 3555 India St., B (minutes from Church) 296-0245 IN HOME CARE - Recuperative/Continuing Care. Insured & Bonded. 1221 Rosecrans St., San Diego, CA 92106 619-995-5252 [email protected] An independently owned and operated member of Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc. Hygiene ~ Meds ~ Mobility Driving ~ RN Oversight Caregivers are Employees Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA 714050 Our Lady of the Rosary Church Free Consultation: 619.892.4784 FOREIGN & DOMESTIC AUTO REPAIR 1125 Morena Blvd., San Diego, CA 92110 Complete Auto Repairs 619-276-3263 ITALIAN RESTAURANT 3663 —EST. 1965— Voltaire St. 223-8197 Parishioner Look us up on Yelp Tulio C. Torrinello Sr. - Owner For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-231-0805 Our Lady of the Rosary Mass Schedule Daily (Monday - Saturday): 7:30 am - 12 Noon Saturday Vigil: 5:30 pm Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 12:00 (Noon Mass in Italian on 1st Sunday of the Month) Holy Days: 7:30 am, 12:00 Noon, 7:00 pm 2nd Sunday, Gregorian Chant Latin Mass: 4:00 pm Devotions Sacred Heart: 1st Friday at 7:30 am Blessed Mother: 1st Saturday at 7:30 am Mother of Perpetual Help: Tuesday at 7:30 pm Goretti Mass & Devotions: 1st Friday at 6:30 pm St. Padre Pio: 1st Monday of the month at 6:30 pm Sacraments Baptism ~ Given to registered parishioners. Parents & Pastor Fr. Joseph M. Tabigue, C.R.S.P. Associate Pastor Fr. Louis M. Solcia, C.R.S.P. Deacon Stephen O’Riordan ~ [email protected] Parish Office Monday - Friday 9:00 am to 4:00 pm Phone: (619) 234-4820 ~ Fax: (619) 234-3559 Pastoral Offices Antoinette Cotton [email protected] (Office Manager/Accounting/Secretary) Godparents must attend a BAPTISM CLASS. Instruction given on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month, 6:30 - 8:00 PM. Baptisms scheduled on the 1st Sunday of the Month. Register Online. Reconciliation (Confession) ~ Saturdays from 4:00 to 5:00 pm, weekdays 11:30 am to 12:00 noon, 30 minutes prior to each Mass (must approach the altar and request from the priest). Our Lady’s Gifts Matrimony ~ Notice is required 9 (nine) months in Donna Piranio (Receptionist, Mass Requests) advance and before any other arrangements are made (i.e. hall rental, invitation printing, etc). Contact Timothy. [email protected] Timothy Horning [email protected] (Bulletin & Newsletter Editor/Database Manager/ Accounting/ Weddings/Website) Lori Lopez [email protected] Angela Rieta [email protected] (Faith Formation Co-Principals) [email protected] To Register Christian Education Classes (CCD) ~ Offered to Come to the Pastoral Center or go to our website and fill in the form found in the “Contact Us” tab. You will be considered a Registered Parishioner AFTER one year. R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) ~ Pastoral Center Parking Lot Monday - Wednesday: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM Thursday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM Friday: 10:00 AM - 8:00 PM Saturday: 10:00 AM - 5:30 PM Sunday: 8:30 AM - 2:00 PM all registered parish students attending public school. Kindergarten through Confirmation attend on Sundays from 9 to 11 am. Registered private school students wishing to receive Communion & Confirmation must attend the two year program for each Sacrament. Instructions for Adults desiring to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist meet Tuesdays at 7:00 pm in the Downstairs Hall from September to Pentecost Eucharist For Homebound/Sick ~ Contact Sophie Piconi at [email protected] to schedule receipt of Eucharist at home. Our Lady’s Gifts (619) 234-0162 ~ [email protected] Please, come to Church Dressed Appropriately! To be modestly and tastefully dressed is a sign of respect for God, for our selves, and for others. It’s a false assumption that God does not care how we dress. Jesus told us “Whatever you do to the least of my brothers, you do it to me.” If our attire is indecently provocative (short shorts, strapless, backless, spaghetti strap dresses/tops, or displaying cleavage), displaying unwholesome graphics (skulls, advertisements, scantly clad people) or tattered, it becomes offensive to our brothers and sisters who are worshipping the Lord and therefore offensive to God’s Majesty. Ask this question: “Would you dress this way before God?” You are! He sees everything and you are in His house.
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