Report from the Subaru Telescope for External Review FY2009 – FY2013 Report from the Subaru Telescope for external review (FY 2009 – FY 2013) 1. Overview ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 2. Science highlight ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4 2.1. Early Universe and Cosmology -------------------------------------------- 4 2.2. Galaxies and Cluster of Galaxies ------------------------------------------ 6 2.3. Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxy Mergers --------------------------- 10 2.4. Nearby Galaxies, Milky Way, Stars, and Supernovae --------------- 14 2.5. Star Formation -------------------------------------------------------------- 16 2.6. Exoplanets ------------------------------------------------------------------- 18 2.7. Solar System ---------------------------------------------------------------- 21 3. Publications -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25 4. Scientific Operations --------------------------------------------------------------------- 57 4.1 status of telescope ---------------------------------------------------------- 57 4.2 status of instruments ------------------------------------------------------ 59 4.3 status of facility ------------------------------------------------------------- 62 4.4 status of computing system ---------------------------------------------- 66 4.5 day-time operation --------------------------------------------------------- 70 4.6 night-time operation ------------------------------------------------------- 71 4.7 Time exchange -------------------------------------------------------------- 74 4.8 HSC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 76 5. Manpower ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 80 6. Development highlight ------------------------------------------------------------------ 81 6.1 PFS ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 81 6.2 High-contrast instruments (SCExAO and CHARIS) ----------------- 88 6.3 Raven ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 96 6.4 Upgrade of facility instruments ---------------------------------------- 104 7. Future plan ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 7.1 Telescope ------------------------------------------------------------------ 106 7.2 Facility ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 106 7.3 New operation mode ---------------------------------------------------- 107 7.4 New instruments --------------------------------------------------------- 108 7.5 Decommission ------------------------------------------------------------ 113 7.6 International collaboration -------------------------------------------- 114 8. Public Information and Outreach --------------------------------------------------- 116 9. Education --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 139 10. Safety and Internal Communication ------------------------------------------------ 140 Appendix: Incident of the Coolant leakage -------------------------------------------- 145 Self-Evaluation: Subaru Telescope – Summary 1 Overview 1.1 Organization Subaru Telescope (observatory) is a branch of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan operating the 8.2-meter (effective aperture) optical-infrared telescope “Subaru” located at the summit of Mauna Kea, Hawaii. About 100 staff members (20 tour of duty staff, 70 locally hired staff, and 10 posdocs/students) are located in its headquarters in Hilo, whereas about 20 work in the Mitaka campus. The construction of the telescope began in 1991 and was completed in 1999 with the total capital cost of JPY 39,500M (USD 329M at USD 1= JPY 120), including facilities in the NAOJ Mitaka campus as well as those in Hilo and at the summit. The observatory was legally established in April 1997 in Hawaii and achieved a successful first light on January 28 (Hawaii Time) in 1999. The observatory began the open-use (or common-use) operations of Subaru Telescope in December and currently operates eight instruments. About 206 nights a year are used for open-use observations. The rest of the nights are used by the University of Hawaii astronomers (52) and for engineering (30–50) and other purposes (20–40) such as coordinated or time critical observations and staff use. The average oversubscription rate over the last five years was 3.1, a “canonical” value for world top-level telescopes. The open-use time is “open” for all the researchers in the world; the fraction of proposals submitted by non-Japanese researchers is over 20%, and so is for accepted proposals. About 88 proposals are accepted every year, including on average 320 Japanese and 64 overseas researchers. 1.2 Outline of Middle-Term Objectives and Achievements of Project in 2009 - 2013 The project (observatory) has a mission to operate Subaru Telescope providing astronomers in Japan and the world with frontier observational capabilities so they achieve top-level astronomical research, while improving the performance of the telescope and developing state-of-the-art instruments. The middle-term plan for 2009 - 2013 states that Subaru promotes smooth open-use operations to accomplish high level of research achievements. We believe that Subaru Telescope has been producing frontier research results through its open-use operations for the years 2009 – 2013 in wide fields of astronomy with some outstanding results. The major discoveries include the most distant galaxy and primeval clusters of galaxies, the lowest mass exoplanet GJ 504 b, proto-planetary disks with various morphologies. In addition, frontier pieces of research -1- have been made on distant galaxies, the large-scale structure, galaxy cluster formation, AGNs, spatial distribution of dark matter, evidence of pair instability supernova in the early universe, dwarf galaxies in the local group, direct imaging of proto-planetary systems, exoplanetary atmospheres, and active asteroids. The average number of refereed publications is 134 a year, which is no less than those from other 8–10 m class telescopes, over the period of 2009 - 2013 and is increasing. The scientific achievements are backed-up by the high performance of the telescope, state-of-the-art instruments, and high observing efficiency. The telescope has a delicate balance and extremely high tracking accuracy, which have been continuously improved as a result of staff members' dedicated efforts. The prime focus camera Suprime-Cam has been providing unique capabilities among 8–10 m class telescopes, allowing observers to obtain deep, wide field images with their limited amount of telescope time. Development of Hype Suprime-Camera (HSC) has completed and the HSC is available for open use since March 2014. The combination of a larger mirror, a wide field of view, and sharp imaging represents a giant step into a new era of observational astronomy. A new adaptive optics system with 188 element curvature sensors (AO188) and Fiber Multi Object Spectrograph (FMOS) has been opened to the general users with high demand. The downtime due to telescope, instrument or software failure is less than 10 % of the observable (fine weather) time. However, in 2013 a number of troubles occurred, partly due to the ageing of the Subaru Telescope, and the fraction of observation time was down to 88.6%. 1.3 Future Directions Important issues to be noted for the future of Subaru Telescope and the future of Japanese ground-based optical-infrared astronomy includes instrumentation, time exchange and the role of Subaru Telescope in the 30 m class telescope era. It is obvious that Subaru Telescope has to continuously develop unique instruments. For the coming decade, Subaru Telescope plans to equip three large facility instruments: Hyper Sprime-Camera (HSC), Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) and adaptive optics systems with deformable secondary mirror in conjunction with upgraded and/or a new wide field instruments (Ultimate-Subaru). HSC and PFS will lead the wide-field astronomy for the coming decades and also will provide effective combination with TMT. Ultimate-Subaru is the upgrade of the telescope which enables us to produce unique science in the TMT era. In addition to developing the large facility instruments, Subaru accepts rather small instruments designed for a specific science or prototype instruments for larger telescopes as PI-type or visiting instrument such as SCExAO and RAVEN. This way, Subaru will keep diversity of astronomical field and opportunity for the continuous development activities while conducting large astronomical surveys. As is evident in the above plan, Subaru has become more -2- concentrated on instrumentation that requires its unique capabilities, i.e. the prime focus and high imaging performance, than at its initial phase. This is natural considering the increasing cost per instrument and high level of competition among 8-10 m class telescopes. It is, however, very important that the observatory provides Japanese users with access to wide variety of instruments. We believe that time exchange between major Mauna Kea telescopes, each equipped with respective unique instruments, is a promising way to satisfy this requirement, seeking co-prosperity of the Mauna Kea observatories. The Japanese astronomy community is now elaborating the role of Subaru Telescope in the era of 30 m class telescopes. Although the future plan given above is consistent with it, a critical factor is TMT will be sited on Mauna Kea. Subaru Telescope must seek a complementary and cooperative role for such a telescope, facilitating the further advance of optical-infrared astronomy in Japan. Nobuo Arimoto, Director Subaru Telescope National Astronomical Observatory of Japan -3- 2. Science Highlight for FY2009–2013 2.1 Early Universe and Cosmology 2.1.1 Early Universe and cosmic reionization Suprime-Cam mounted on the Subaru Telescope captures images of objects in a wide field of view and is well-known for discovering faint, distant galaxies. Shibuya et al. (2012) have used the Subaru telescope to discover the most distant galaxy ever found, SXDF-NB10062, at z = 7.215 at that time. This galaxy is slightly farther away than GN-108036, which the Subaru Telescope discovered in the previous year (Ono et al. 2012), at z = 7.213 and was the most distant galaxy discovered at the time. The team found that the proportion of neutral hydrogen was increasing in the distant Universe. They concluded that about 80 percent of the hydrogen gas was neutral in the ancient Universe, 12.91 billion years ago at a redshift of z = 7.2. These findings help us to understand the nature of the early Universe during the ”cosmic dawn,” when the light of ancient celestial objects and structures appeared from obscurity. To detect the faint light from distant galaxies, the Subaru research team had often used narrow-band filters to catch the redshifted Lyman α emissions from distant galaxies. Observations of Lyα selected galaxies, also known as Lyα emitters (LAEs), have indicated that the Lyα luminosity functions (LFs) of LAEs do not evolve between z = 3.1 and z = 5.7. In contrast, the Lyα luminosity of LAEs does evolve at z > 6 (e.g., Ouchi et al. 2010; Kashikawa et al. 2011). This evolution appears to continue at higher redshifts (z > 7) as well, where Lyα detections are rare (Ota et al. 2010; Shibuya et al. 2012), indicating a key signature of reionization. Iwata et al.(2009) detected strong ultraviolet (UV) radiation from galaxies that lie about 12 billion light-years away. Although this cosmic reionization was spurred by ionizing radiation from the first generation of galaxies, there have been only two definite detections reported so far. Thanks to the unprecedented performance of Suprime-Cam and the use of a special narrow-band filter designed to collect only ionizing radiation, the team detected effectively ionizing radiation from 17 galaxies at once. This result indicates that young galaxies in the distant Universe (at least some of them) emit more ionizing radiation than expected and that they may have played an important role in the cosmic reionization. This is consistent with Ouchi et al. (2009b), which estimated the total ionizing photon budget from the observation for dropout galaxies at z = 7. Ouchi et al.(2009a) have discovered a mysterious, giant object, nicknamed Himiko, which existed at z = 6.595. Objects such as this one are dubbed extended Lyα blobs; they are huge bodies of gas that may be precursors to galaxies. This blob had a size of typical present-day galaxies when the age of the universe was about 800 million years old, only 6% of the c u r r e n t age of t h e U niverse. Although the nature of this object is not yet clearly understood, this could be an important object for studying cooling clouds accreting onto a massive halo, or forming-massive galaxies with significant outflows contributing to cosmic reionization and metal enrichment of the intergalactic medium. -4- Figure 1: Left: Color composite image of the Subaru XMM-Newton Deep Survey Field. The red galaxy at the center of the right panel image is the galaxy, SXDF-NB1006-2 at z=7.215 (Shibuya et al. 2012). Right: A f alse co lo r co mpo site image of the Himiko object (Ouchi et al. 2009a). 2.1.2 Cosmology by gravitational lensing Gravitational lensing provides an important means of studying the spatial distribution of dark matter. Lensing studies of clusters have indeed confirmed several important predictions of the standard-cold dark matter dominated (CDM) model. Okabe et al.(2010) used high-quality Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam imaging data to conduct a detailed weak lensing study of the distribution of dark matter in a sample of 30 X-ray luminous galaxy clusters at 0.15 < z < 0.3. Oguri et al.(2010) applied weak-lensing mapping to the sample and obtained clear evidence that the distribution of dark matter in the clusters has, on average, an extremely flattened shape rather than a simple spherical contour. This finding represents the first direct and clear detection of flattening in the dark matter distribution with the use of gravitational lensing. Oguri et al.(2012) extended the study by using different sample and analysis method f o r both ’strong’ and ’weak’ gravitational lensing phenomena observed in images of 28 galaxy clusters. The team found that the degree of central concentration in dark matter distribution is in good agreement with the CDM model prediction, unlike previous claims that dark matter distribution may be overly concentrated towards the center. Umetsu et al. (2009) performed a joint analysis of Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect data with the weak gravitational lensing data from Subaru Telescope observations, and concluded that when compared with the cosmic baryonic fraction Ωb/Ωm = 0.171 ± 0.009, 22% ± 16% of the baryons are missing from the hot phase of clusters. 2.1.3 Contribution by NAOJ Researchers The noteworthy results of Iwata et al. (2009), Kashikawa et al. (2011), Oguri et al. (2010), and Shibuya et al. (2012) have been highlighted in the previous section. Matsuda et al. (2010) carried out a survey for giant Lyα blobs (LABs) at z = 3 with Suprime-Cam. This survey triples the number of known LABs over 100 kpc. Matsuda et al. (2012) stacked Lyα images of 2128 Lyα emitters (LAEs) at z = 3.1 and found that the slopes of the Lyα radial profiles become flatter as the Mpc-scale LAE surface density increases, but that they are almost independent of the central UV luminosity. The rest- -5- frame Lyα equivalent width of the LAEs in the densest regions approaches EW0 ~ 200Å, the maximum value expected for young (< 107 yr) galaxies. This suggests that Lyα photons formed via shock compression by gas outflows or cooling radiation by gravitational gas inflows may partly contribute to the illumination of Lyα haloes; however, most of their Lyα luminosity can be explained by photoionization by or by the scattering of Lyα photons produced from H II regions in and around the central galaxies. Toshikawa et al. (2012) have discovered the most distant protocluster of galaxies ever found at z = 6.01. The overdensity of the protocluster is significant at the 6σ level, based on the surface number density of i’-dropout galaxies. Follow-up spectroscopy revealed that 8 are clustering in a narrow redshift range (∆z < 0.05 centered at z = 6.01), corresponding to a seven-fold increase in number density over the average in redshift space. They speculated that the characteristic features of cluster galaxies in the nearby Universe occurred in the later stages of cluster development, not during their birth. Close examination of the internal structure of the protocluster showed that it could consist of subgroups of galaxies, merging together to form a more massive cluster. The combination of the Subaru Telescope’s large light-gathering power and the advantage of Suprime-Cam with its wide-field imaging capability are particularly beneficial for discovering faint and rare objects in the distant Universe. Tamura et al. (2010) found a “protoquasar”-like object, with large extinction and a very hard X-ray spectrum, near the core of the SSA22 protocluster. ①Hamana et al.(2009) presented a follow-up spectroscopic campaign to cluster candidates located via weak lensing and confirmed a secure cluster identification for 28 targets. Their lensing-selected clusters are consistent with σv= sigmaSIS , with a similar scatter to that of optically and X-ray selected clusters. They also derived an empirical relation between the cluster mass and the velocity dispersion, M200E(z) = 11.0 × 1014× (σv /1000km s-1)3.0 h-1 M , which is in reasonable agreement with the predictions of N-body simulations in the λ CDM cosmology. Hamana et al. (2012) further employed both an analytic model of dark matter haloes and numerical mock data of their weak lensing cluster surveys and confirmed that the expected number count is consistent with the observation. References Hamana, T. et al. 2009, PASJ, 61, 833; Hamana, T. et al. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 2287; Iwata, I. et al. 2009, APJ, 692, 1287; Kashikawa, N. et al. 2011, APJ, 734, 119; Matsuda, Y. et al. 2011, MNRAS, 410, 13; Matsuda, Y. et al. 2012, MNRAS, 425, 878; Oguri, M. et al. 2010, MNRAS, 405, 2215 Oguri, M. et al. 2012, MNRAS.420, 3213; Okabe, N. et al. 2010, PASJ, 62, 811; Ono, Y. et al. 2012, APJ, 744, 83; Ota, K. et al. 2010, APJ, 722, 803 Ouchi, M. et al. 2009a, APJ, 696, 1164 Ouchi, M. et al. 2009b, APJ, 706, 1136 Ouchi, M. et al. 2010, APJ, 723, 869; Shibuya, T. et al. 2012, APJ, 752, 114; Tamura, Y. et al. 2010, APJ, 724, 1270; Toshikawa, J. et al. 2012, APJ, 750, 137 Umetsu, K. et al. 2009, APJ, 694, 1643 2.2 Galaxies and Clusters of Galaxies 2.2.1 Discovery of distant clusters The Subaru Telescope has a unique wide-field imaging capability in both the optical and infrared regimes. Because of this, the Subaru Telescope has made great contributions to the search for and identification of rare objects such as massive clusters at high redshifts. -6- Using deep, multi-band Subaru Telescope, UKIRT, and XMM wide-field images available in the Subaru-XMM deep survey field (SXDF), Tanaka et al. (2010) discovered a cluster at z=1.62, that was subsequently confirmed by multi- object spectroscopy with MOIRCS. This was the most distant X-ray detected cluster at that time. Similarly, Gobat et al. (2011) discovered and confirmed an even more distant cluster at z~2. Furthermore, Hayashi et al. (2012) took a different approach, and found a prominent concentration of Hα emitters associated with a radio galaxy, leading to the discovery of a star bursting proto-cluster under rapid construction at z=2.53. Figure 2: Left: A z=1.62 cluster discovered in the SXDF by Tanaka et al. (2010) based on multi-colour imaging data including t h e Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam Right: A z=2.53 cluster discovered by Hayashi et al. (2012) based on a narrow-band Hα imaging survey with the Subaru Telescope/MOIRCS. 2.2.2 Narrow-band survey of distant star forming galaxies Subaru Telescope wide-field cameras (Suprime-Cam and MOIRCS) have unique sets of narrow-band filters. These filters are used to search for emission line galaxies at high redshifts. Figure 3: Lyα emitters with extended emission (Lymanα blobs; LABs) are identified with Suprime-Cam by Matsuda et al. (2011). The giant LAB sample shows a ‘morphology-density relation’: filamentary LABs reside in average density environments, while circular LABs reside more in overdense environments. Koyama et al. (2010) used a narrow-band filter on MOIRCS to search for Hα emitters associated with a rich galaxy cluster RXJ1716+670 at z=0.81, and found that star formation activity peaks in the outer surrounding region. With the same technique, Hayashi et al. (2012) and Koyama et al. (2013) searched for Hα emitters in two proto-clusters further back in time at z > 2 as a part of the Mahalo-Subaru project. They found that the peak of star formation is shifted to the core of the cluster. Combining these results, it is found that clusters grow from the inside-out and the peak of star formation shifts outward from the cluster core to the outer surrounding regions as time progresses. -7- A similart narrow-band technique is also applied to general field galaxies. Sobral et al. (2012; 2013) used a narrow- band filter on Suprime-Cam to identify [OII] emitters at z=1.5, together with another narrow-band filter on UKIRT to identify Hα emitters at the same redshift (HiZELS survey). The dual line survey can measure the line ratios, and provide us information on dust extinction. Koyama et al. (2013) investigated the environmental dependence of the star formation rate versus stellar mass relation and did not find any significant dependence. Diffuse nebular emissions around distant galaxies hold important clues about the gas flows and interactions with the surrounding environments. Such diffuse emission can be obtained only by deep Lyα imaging to overcome the cosmological dimming. Also, these spatially extended Lyα emitters (Lyα blobs; LABs) are rare and require wide field imaging. Matsuda et al. (2011; 2012) made such a wide and deep survey of LABs with the Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam and discussed their relation to the environment and gas flows. 2.2.3 Physical properties of distant star forming galaxies The properties of star forming galaxies are much better understood through follow-up spectroscopy. The fiber-fed, panoramic NIR spectrograph on the Subaru Telescope Suprimcam has started operation. Yabe et al. (2012) and Kashino et al. (2013) presented NIR spectra (emission lines) for a large sample of star forming galaxies at z > 1. They showed star formation activity (Hα) and chemical evolution (gaseous metallicities derived from line ratios). These studies provided the first statistical sample of NIR spectra and quantified the evolutionary stages of star forming galaxies and their mass dependence. Kewley et al. (2013) compared their new ionization model with Yabe et al.’s multi emission line data, and put some constraints on the ISM conditions of these galaxies at z > 1 such as gaseous metallicity and ionization parameters. Figure 4: A high quality spectrum of quiescent galaxy at z=1.82 taken with the Subaru Telescope/MOIRCS by Onodera et al. (2011). Many absorption lines are clearly identified. 2.2.4 Mass assembly and the quenching of galaxies The Subaru Telescope has a wide-field NIR camera and spectrograph called MOIRCS. Kajisawa et al. (2010) performed a wide- field, very deep NIR imaging survey (MODS survey), and derived a mass assembly history since z=3 down to the present-day based on the stellar mass functions as a function of redshift. Compared to star forming galaxies which are brighter with blue continua and emission -8- lines, passively evolving galaxies without on-going star formation are much more difficult to probe because of their faintness. Onodera et al. (2010; 2011) obtained very deep NIR spectra of quiescent galaxies at high redshifts (z ~ 1.4) with MOIRCS, and found that at such high redshifts there are already well-evolved, mature galaxies, indicating early formation of at least some early-type (elliptical) galaxies. Stott et al. (2010) investigated the mass growth history of the brightest galaxies in distant clusters and found that they are already very massive, indicating that they grow fast at high redshifts. Together with UKIRT/WFCAM and Spitzer/IRAC data, wide-field Suprime-Cam imaging data have also contributed significantly to the constructution of a large sample of red galaxies up to z ~ 2 in the Subaru-XMM Deep Survey area by Williams et al. (2009). Based on this unique statistical sample of high redshift red galaxies, they devised a useful technique to distinguish between quiescent galaxies and dusty star forming galaxies on the rest-frame UVJ diagram. This technique is now used frequently. 2.2.5 The COSMOS survey COSMOS is a 2 sq. deg. survey originally conducted by HST/ACS, and the field has been intensively followed up at all possible wavelengths from X-ray to radio at many kinds of facilities. Among them, Subaru Telescope’s deep optical imaging with super multi-bands including broad-band filters and many medium-band filters played a major role in providing very accurate photometric redshifts for the galaxies in the survey field (Ilbert et al. 2009). Those data are also used for later studies in the COSMOS, such as Giodini et al. (2009) and McCracken et al. (2010). 2.2.6 Contribution by NAOJ researchers NAOJ staff members made significant contributions to many of the above works. The narrow-band imaging survey of Hα emitters in distant clusters was conducted by the Mahalo-Subaru project led by T. Kodama (NAOJ) with some NAOJ-based team members, such as Y. Koyama, M. Hayashi, and I. Tanaka. The Lyα blob survey, the FMOS spectroscopic survey and MOIRCS imaging survey (MODS) were also all conducted by the NAOJ-based researchers Y. Matsuda et al., K. Yabe et al., and M. Kajisawa, et al., respectively. References Giodini, S., et al., 2009, ApJ, 703, 982; Gobat R., Daddi E., Onodera M., et al., 2011, A&A, 526, 133; Hayashi, M., Kodama T., Tadaki K., et al., 2012, ApJ, 757, 15; Ilbert, O., et al., 2009, ApJ, 690, 1236; Kajisawa M., Ichikawa T., Yamada T., et al., 2010, ApJ, 723, 129; Kashino, D., Silverman, J. D., Rodighiero, G., et al., 2013, ApJ, 777, L8; Koyama, Y., Kodama T., Tadaki K., et al., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1551; Koyama, Y., Kodama T., Shimasaku K., et al., 2010, MNRAS, 403, 1611; Koyama, Y., Smail, I., Kurk, J., et al., 2013, MNRAS, 434, 423; Kewley L., Maier C., Yabe K., et al., 2013, ApJ, 774, L10; Matsuda Y., Yamada T., Hayashino T., et al., 2012, MNRAS, 425, 878; Matsuda Y., Yamada T., Hayashino T., et al., 2011, MNRAS, 410, L13; McCracken, H. J., et al., 2010, ApJ, 708, 202; Onodera M., Renzini A., Carollo M., et al., 2012, ApJ, 755, 26; O Onodera M., Daddi E., Gobat R., et al., 2010, ApJ, 715, L6; Sobral, D., Best P., Matsuda Y., et al., 2012, MNRAS, 420, 1926; Sobral, D., Smail I., Best P., et al., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 1128; Stott, J. P., et al., 2010, ApJ, 718, 23; Tanaka, M., Finoguenov, A., Ueda, Y., 2010, ApJ, 716, L152; Williams, R. J., et al., 2009, ApJ, 691, 1879; Yabe K., Ohta K., Iwamura F., et al., 2012, PASJ, 64, 60 -9- 2.3 Active Galactic Nuclei and Galaxy Mergers 2.3.1 Galaxy mergers According to the widely-accepted standard cold dark matter-based galaxy formation① scenario, small gas-rich galax- ies merge and grow into the massive galaxies, seen in the present day Universe. Galaxy merger is very common in our Universe. Recent observations reveal that supermassive blackholes (SMBHs) with masses of >106M are ubiquitously present in galaxy centers. When gas-rich galaxies with central SMBHs collide and merge, in addition to active star-formation, due to merger-induced molecular gas collision and compression, material (gas and dust) can also accrete onto the existing SMBHs igniting strong active galactic nucleus (AGN) activity. We need to evaluate the role of star-formation and AGN, if we are to understand the physical process occur during gas-rich galaxy mergers in our Universe. In gas-rich galaxy mergers, such star-formation and AGN activity is obscured by gas and star-formation-produced dust. Energetic radiation from star-formation and AGN is absorbed by dust, and the heated dust grains emit this energy as strong infrared thermal radiation. Thus, such gas-rich merging galaxies usually become infrared luminous. Local merging infrared luminous galaxies are thus an excellent laboratory to study the physical process of gas-rich galaxy mergers in our Universe. Deep, wide-field optical imaging observations of local gas-rich merging infrared luminous galaxies using the Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam clearly revealed spatially very extended faint tails for the first time (Figure 5). Computer simulations of gas-rich galaxy mergers predict that such striking structures are reproduced only when the orbit and galactic rotation are synchronized to each other, and that in this case, intense star-formation activity is triggered quickly, explaining the large observed infrared luminosities of these galaxies. In addition to optical broad-band-filter observations, a well-studied, local, gas-rich merging infrared luminous galaxy, Arp 220, was imaged at the optical Balmer α (Hα) emission line (0.6563 µm), using the Subaru Telescope/FOCAS, to better locate the sites of starbursts (= ongoing active star-formation) and post-starburst (where active star- formation occurred in the past) (Figure 5, right). The two long tidal tails seen in the optical broad R-band (0.65 µm) image (white dashed lines) were found to be post-starburst regions. With the aid of computer simulations, it was concluded that a mergers of four galaxies is needed to reproduce the observed properties of Arp 220 (Taniguchi et al. 2012).These optical imaging studies provided an important clue for the origin and formation mechanism of merging infrared luminous galaxies. Figure 5: Suprime-Cam optical deep false-color images of merging infrared luminous galaxies, Anten- nae (Left) and Mrk 231 (Middle). Spatially very extended faint tidal emissions are seen. Please see for more details. Right: Images of Arp 220 in Hα (left) and R-band (0.65 µm) (right) (Credit: - 10 - Ehime University / NAOJ). In the Hα image, the dark parts (Hα absorp- tion) indicate poststarburst regions, while the bright parts correspond to ongoing starburst regions. Two long tidal tails, marked with dashed white lines in the R-band image (rightmost figure) spatially coincide with dark regions (= post-starburst regions) in the Hα image (figure second from the right). 2.3.2 AGNs To fully understand the physical process of gas-rich galaxy mergers, in addition to starbursts, we have to investigate the energetic role of AGNs. The investigation is not a trivial task, because the putative compact AGNs (= actively mass-accreting SMBHs, less than a parsec in size) in gas-rich merging galaxies can easily be buried deep inside a large amount of gas and dust. Such deeply buried AGNs are elusive in the optical, due to the large effects of dust extinction, and their detection requires observations at wavelengths with low dust extinction. Infrared wavelengths at >2 µm is one such wavelength band, and so should be sensitive to deeply buried AGNs. Using the Subaru Telescope/IRCS with an aid of Adaptive Optics (which compensate for turbulence in the Earth’s atmosphere and enables us to take sharp images), high-spatial-resolution (0.1–0.2”), infrared K- (2.2 µm) and L’-band (3.8 µm) imaging observations of gas- rich, merging, infrared-luminous galaxies were conducted. Optically-elusive AGNs were detected in many sources, demonstrating the power of infrared observations for the study of deeply buried AGNs in gas-rich, merging, infraredluminous galaxies. If the pre-merger galaxies contain SMBHs in their nuclei, multiple SMBHs are expected to be common in merging galaxies. If these multiple SMBHs begin active mass accretion, the merging galaxies could be observed as multiple AGNs (=dual AGNs). Figure 6 shows examples of detected dual AGNs in high-spatial-resolution (0.1– 0.2”) infrared images. By disentangling AGN emission from starburst emission in these merging galaxy nuclei, it was found that AGN luminosity, normalized to the SMBH mass (the so-called Eddington ratios), is remarkably different between the two nuclei; the more massive SMBHs are generally accreting mass more actively (=higher Eddington ratios) than less massive SMBHs (Imanishi & Saito 2014). Since more massive SMBHs reside in more massive galaxies, these results suggest that AGN feedback to the surrounding gas and dust may be stronger in more massive galaxies; which may in turn be related to the widely-proposed AGN feedback scenario as the possible origin of the galaxy downsizing phenomenon 1. Figure 6: Infrared K- (2.2 µm) and L’-band (3.8 µm) images of four luminous, gas-rich, merging galaxies with dual AGN signatures, obtained with the Subaru Telescope/IRCS and adaptive optics. Two nuclei are detected, and the infrared K-band to L’-band emission strength ratios characterize the emissions as AGN-heated hot dust, not a star-formation-related emissions. - 11 - (Credit: NAOJ) 1Observationally, more massive galaxies generally have red colors and so should have finished their major starformation in an earlier cosmic age than less massive galaxies. This is called the galaxy downsizing phenomenon, and is apparently contradictory to the standard cold dark matter-based galaxy formation scenario which postulates that small galaxies formed first and evolve into more massive galaxies at a later age. It is widely proposed that if AGN feedback in more massibe galaxies was stronger in the past and quenched star-formation in a short time scale, then the galaxy downsizing phenomenon could be explained. After the central luminous, buried AGN①sweeps out the bulk of the surrounding obscuring gas and dust by radiation pressure, the opening angle around the central AGN becomes large and the AGN becomes visible from many lines of sight. If the central AGN radiation is directly visible, without being blocked by obscuring material, then such unobscured AGNs can become very bright in the optical and be easily detected even at very high-redshift close to the edge of the Universe. Deep optical imaging observation of a luminous unobscured AGN at a redshift of 6.43, using the Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam, revealed spatially extended emission from the host galaxy (Figure 7). The host galaxy’s stellar mass was estimated to be 109–1010 M, showing that this luminous AGN is already harbored by alarge massive galaxy in the early Universe (Goto et al. 2009). Using an unobscured bright AGN at high-redshift as a beacon, the co-evolution of SMBHs and galaxy stars in the early Universe was observationally constrained. Using the Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam, a similar study of extended emission-line regions around nearby unobscured AGNs at z < 0.5 was conducted, and the observational signatures of AGN feedback were revealed (Matsuoka 2012). In unobscured AGNs, outflow of gas and dust, driven by AGN radiation pressure, are directly observable in the optical (Figure 8). Since such outflow can spread material from AGNs to the intergalactic medium and can have large effects on the evolution of galaxies in the Universe, understanding the nature of the outflow is important. With high-dispersion optical spectroscopy, the properties of AGN outflow can be investigated in detail. Although AGN outflow is spatially too compact to resolve observationally, if an AGN is gravitationallylensed by massive foreground objects, such as a cluster of galaxies, the outflow paths with different directions are observed at different sky positions. In this case, difference in the properties of the outflows based on direction can be investigated (Figure 8). Using Subaru Telescope/HDS, such a gravitationally-lensed unobscured luminous AGN at z = 2.2 with widely separated images was observed spectroscopically. It was discovered that outflow properties are different along different directions, providing the first three-dimensional (3D) view of AGN outflows (Figure 8) and an important, unique method for better understanding AGN outflow in future studies (Misawa et al. 2013). The Subaru Telescope has also greatly contributed to the statistical studies of unobscured AGNs. The luminosity function of unobscured AGNs at z = 4 and 5 was observationally constrained, using the Subaru Telescope/FOCAS. The so-called downsizing evolution of unobscured luminous AGNs 2, previously seen at low-redshift, was confirmed at z=4–5 (Ikeda et al. 2011; 2012). Using the Subaru Telescope/FMOS, we can obtain infrared spectra at 0.9–1.8 µm, for 400 objects simultaneously within a diameter of 30 arcmin. Many unobscured AGNs at z=1–2 were spectroscopically observed with FMOS. A reliable method to estimate SMBH masses in unobscured AGNs at z=1–2, using the Hα emission line (0.6563 µm), was established (Matsuoka et al. 2013). Based on FMOS spectroscopic data of many - 12 - unobscured AGNs at a similar redshifts, the mass function of active SMBHs and the① Eddington ratio distribution (= SMBH-mass-normalized AGN luminosity, which is a good indicator of SMBH activity) were observationally derived. It was found that the fraction of active SMBHs at the high mass end (>108M) is systematically higher at z=1–2 than the local Universe at z=0, supporting the model of down-sizing mass function evolution for active SMBHs (Nobuta et al. 2012). 3 2The 3The number density peak of more luminous unobscured AGNs is shifted to higher redshift. number distribution peak of active SMBHs is shifted to higher mass at higher redshift. Figure 7: Left: Subaru Telescope/Suprime-Cam optical z-band (0.9 µm) image of an unobscured luminous AGN at z = 6.43, the most distant AGN at the time of this observation. The observed emissions are a superposition of AGN (point source) and host galaxy (spatially-extended) components. Middle: Derived AGN emission component. Right: Host galaxy emission after the subtraction of AGN emissions component. Figure 8: Left: An artistic image of AGN gas outflow. Middle: Schematic drawing of gravitational lensing, showing an unobscured luminous AGN at z = 2.2 (at ~10 billion light years), a cluster of galaxies (at ~5 billion light years), and Earth. Outflows with different directions are observed at different positions on the sky plane. The paths, A, B, C, correspond to the directions A, B, C in the left figure. Right: Comparison of the absorption features f o r three elements, carbon, nitrogen, and hydrogen (from top to bottom), seen in spectra of the lensed images A (red line) and B (blue line). T h e horizontal axis is the outflow velocity from the light source, defined as negative if it heads towords Earth. The shaded area shows a clear difference between the images A (red line) and B (blue line). (Credit: Shinshu University and the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) - 13 - 2.3.3 Contribution by NAOJ Researchers Research about multiple buried AGNs in gas-rich, merging, infrared-luminous galaxies and the detection of host galaxies emissions around a luminous unobscured AGN at z = 6.43 were conducted by NAOJ staff at the time of paper publication (Imanishi & Saito 2014; Goto et al. 2009). References Goto, T., Utsumi, Y., Furusawa, H., et al., 2009, MNRAS, 400, 843; Ikeda, H., Nagao, T., Matsuoka, K., et al., 2011, ApJ, 728, L25; Ikeda, H., Nagao, T., Matsuoka, K., et al., 2012, ApJ, 756, 160; Imanishi, M., & Saito, Y., 2014, ApJ, 780, 106; Matsuoka, K., Silverman, J. D., Schramm, M., et al., 2013, ApJ, 771, 64; Matsuoka, Y., 2012, ApJ, 750, 54; Misawa, T., Inada, N., Ohsuga, K., et al., 2013, AJ, 145, 48; Nobuta, K., Akiyama, M., Ueda, Y., et al., 2012, ApJ, 761, 143; Taniguchi, Y., Matsubayashi, K., Kajisawa, M., et al., 2012, ApJ, 753, 78 2.4 Nearby Galaxies, Milky Way, Stars, and Supernovae 2.4.1 Supernovae The explosion mechanism of core-collapse supernovae at the end of massive stars’ evolution is a long standing problem. Recent theoretical study indicates that explosion does not occur under the assumption of spherical symmetry, enhancing the importance of observational study to investigate the spatial structure of explosions. The origin of the variety of supernovae found in their light curves and spectra is also an important issue. Observations with Subaru have been contributing to this field. Kawabata et al. (2010) obtained spectra of SN2005cz, a rare care-collapse supernova found in an elliptical galaxy, using FOCAS. They revealed the nature of the object that the amount of ejecta, including the heating source 56Ni, is remarkably small, concluding that the progenitor is a star with about 10 solar masses. This is near the smallest mass of stars that explode as core-collapse supernovae at the end their lives. The study provides a unique example of such faint explosion, even though supernovae of less massive stars are expected to be frequently occurring. Previous spectroscopic observations of supernovae have suggested bipolar explosions (e.g. Maeda et al. 2008). Tanaka et al. (2012) have extended the study on the shape of the explosion by polarimetry for SN2009jf and SN2009mi, revealing a clumpy geometry of their explosions. Although spatially resolved direct imaging of these distant supernovae is not available, this polarimatric study provides a new constraint on the models of supernovae. The products of supernovae are mixed in gas clouds from which next generations of stars are formed. The ele- ments synthesized by the first generations of massive stars and supernovae should have determined the composition of second generations of low-mass stars, which are observed in the current Milky Way as metal-poor stars. They show low abundances of heavy elements like Fe, but a significant fraction of most metal-poor stars show relative excess of carbon. Ito et al. (2009, 2013) obtained a very high quality HDS spectrum for the optical and near-UV ranges for the bright carbon-enhanced metal-poor star BD+44◦493 to determine its accurate chemical composition. The studies conclude that the progenitor of this object is a socalled faint supernova, which yields only very small amount of Fe. This provides the strongest support of the existence of faint-supernovae, whose progenitor would have several tens solar masses, among first generations of stars. - 14 - Wide-field imaging with Suprime-Cam have been detecting number of distant supernovae. Graur et al. (2011) have detected 10 type Ia supernovae with redshift of 2 or larger. Their study indicates that the frequency of type Ia supernovae is about five times higher than in the current universe. Comparisons with star formation history estimate the time-scale of type Ia supernovae, suggesting that merger of white dwarfs in a binary is the most plausible origin of this type of supernovae. Figure 9: The calcium-rich late-time spectrum of type Ib SN 2005cz taken on 2006 December 27 (t = +179days) are compared with other supernovae (Kawabata et al. 2010). [X/Fe] 1 C S 0 -1 -2 B N 5 F P 10 Cl 15 20 25 30 Atomic Number Figure 10: The chemical abundance ratios (with respect to iron) of SDSS J0018-0939 (red circles) compared with model prediction for explosions of very-massive stars (Aoki et al. 2014). The black line indicates the model of a pair- instability supernova by a star with 300 solar masses, whereas the blue line shows the model of an explosion caused by a core-collapse of a star with 1000 solar masses. This star was suggested to record the yields of first-generation very massive stars. 2.4.2 Milky Way and dwarf galaxies For the understanding of galaxy formation, studies of the formation processes of our Milky Way Galaxy have been providing useful constraints. Studies of metal-poor stars in the halo structure, which is the oldest component in the Galaxy, have particular importance. Aoki et al. (2013) obtained HDS spectra for 137 very metal-poor stars found by SDSS/SEGUE survey project to determine their chemical compositions. The study based on a homogeneous data set for a relatively large sample revealed the properties of chemical compositions of very metal-poor stars, and also resulted in the subsequent studies on binarity of early - 15 - generations of low-mass stars (Aoki et al. 2014, AJ, in press) and on the chemical yields of very-massive objects among first stars (Aoki et al. 2014, Science 345, 912). The formation of the halo structure should be tightly connected to dwarf galaxies around the Milky Way. In particular, searches for very faint dwarf galaxies containing small amount of stars, and follow-up detailed investigations for them, have key to understanding the earliest phase of the Milky Way formation. Okamoto et al. (2012) conducted Suprime-Cam imaging for the four faint dwarf galaxies discovered by SDSS, determining the metallicity and ages of their stellar populations. The study revealed that stars in these galaxies are generally as old as globular clusters. Relatively young stars exceptionally found in one of the galaxy show distribution only at around the center of the galaxy. Such results provide strong constraints on the formation and evolution of small galaxies in the early universe. A clear image of the evolution of a dwarf galaxy in the current universe was captured by Martinez-Delgado et al. (2012) using Suprime-Cam. They confirmed the faint structure near the dwarf galaxy NGC4449, and revealed that the structure is a stream of stars connecting to the galaxy. This is a unique picture showing the current merger event of dwarf galaxies, contributing to understanding of halo structure formation around dwarf galaxies. 2.4.3 Stellar activity An important goal of the current stellar physics is to understand the activities of stars. Solar flares are important targets in solar physics related to the earth’s environment and civil lives. Recent photometric studies with the Kepler mission revealed that super flare events are detected even in solar-type stars (Maehara et al. 2012). Nogami et al. (2014) obtained optical HDS spectra to investigate the detailed properties of these stars. They found that at least two stars, KIC 9766237 and KIC 9944137 have the temperature and metallicity that are very similar to the Sun, and their spin speeds are slow as the Sun. This study suggests the possibility that super flares can occur even in the Sun. This results in a large social impact. 2.4.4 Contribution by NAOJ Researchers NAOJ staff contributed to a significant fraction of the above studies. The studies on the shape of supernova explosions (Tanaka et al. 2012) and spectroscopy of metal-poor stars (Aoki et al. 2013, Ito et al. 2009, 2013) were led by NAOJ staff and a student of the Graduate University of Advanced Studies. References Aoki, W., et al. 2013, AJ, 145, 13; Aoki, W., et al., 2014, Science, 345, 912; Graur, O. et al. 2011, MNRAS, 417, 916 Ito, H. et al. 2009, ApJL, 698, L37; Ito, H. et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 33; Kawabata, K. 2010, Nature, 465, 326; Maehara, H., et al, 2012, Nature, 485, 478; Nogami, D. et al. 2014, PASJ, 66, 4; Okamoto, S. et al. 2012, ApJ, 744, 96; Tanaka, M. 2012, ApJ, 754, 63 2.5 Star Formation 2.5.1 Brown dwarfs With the Subaru Telescope, studies of star formation have been also carried out, such as the - 16 - observations of optical jets launching from young stellar objects (e.g., Pyo et al. 2014). Another important topic the Subaru Telescope has recently studied is formation of brown dwarfs, in particular free-floating brown dwarfs. Sometimes described as failed stars, brown dwarfs are unusual celestial objects that straddle the boundary between stars and planets. When young, they glow brightly from the heat of formation, but they eventually cool down and end up with atmospheres that exhibit planet-like characteristics. Scholz et al. (2012) and Muzic et al. (2012) has discovered over two-dozen new free-floating brown dwarfs that reside in two young star clusters, NGC 1333 (Fig. 1) and rho Ophiuchi. One brown dwarf is a lightweight youngster only about six times heftier than Jupiter, and is one of the puniest free-floating objects known. What’s more, one cluster contains a surprising surplus of brown dwarfs; it harbors half as many of these astronomical oddballs as normal stars. These findings come from deep surveys and extensive follow-up observations using the Subaru Telescope in Hawaii and the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in Chile, two of the world’s largest optical-infrared telescopes. 2.5.2Contribution by NAOJ researchers Pyo et al. (2014) is led by a Subaru staff member based in Hilo. Figure 11: Brown dwarfs in the young star cluster NGC 1333 (Scholz et al. 2012). This photograph combines optical and infrared images taken with the Subaru Telescope. Brown dwarfs newly identified by the SONYC Survey are circled in yellow, while previously known brown dwarfs are circled in white. The arrow points to the least massive brown dwarf known in NGC 1333; it is only about six times heftier than Jupiter. Credit: SONYC Team/Subaru Telescope References Muzic, K., Scholz, A., Geers, V., Jayawardhana, R. Tamura, M., 2012, ApJ, 744, 134; Pyo, T.S., Hayashi, M., Beck, T. L. Davis, C. J., Takami, M. 2014, ApJ., 786, 63; Scholz, A., Muzic, K., Geers, V., Bonavita, M., Jayawardhana, R., Tamura, M. 2012, ApJ, 756, 47 - 17 - 2.6 Exoplanets 2.6.1 Direct imaging of (proto-) planetary systems The Subaru telescope has started the first strategic observation program, SEEDS (Strategic Explorations of Exoplanets and Disks with Subaru) project (Tamura 2009), since 2009. The SEEDS project has employed a new high-contrast imaging instrument HiCIAO (High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics) to take pictures of giant exoplanets and proto-planetary disks directly. The SEEDS project is a big international collaboration in which over 100 astronomers from over 20 world-wide institutions have joined. The SEEDS has been allocated 120 nights of the Subaru telescope over 5 years. The SEEDS project discovered 3 substellar companions (GJ 758 b, Thalmann et al. 2009; Kappa Andromedae b, Carson et al. 2013; GJ 504 b, Kuzuhara et al. 2013) during 20092013. Among directly-imaged exoplanets around Sun-like stars, GJ 504 b is known as one of the lowest mass planets to date (see FIgure 1). In addition to the discoveries, the SEEDS project reported statistical analyses on the frequency of giant planets and brown dwarfs orbiting outer regions of planetary systems (e.g., Yamamoto et al. 2013). In addition, the SEEDS project has succeeded in taking snapshots of over 10 proto-planetary disks and debris disks where proto-planets seem to be forming, including press released results for LkCa15 (Thalmann et al. 2010), AB Aur (Hashimoto et al. 2011), HR 4796 A (Thalmann et al. 2011), SAO 206462 (Muto et al. 2012), PDS 70 (Hashimoto et al. 2012), and Upper Scorpius J 1604 (Mayama et al. 2012). Those directly imaged pictures of protoplanetary disks have implied the diversity of structures of such disks (see Figure 2). The SEEDS project published over 25 refereed papers during 2009-2013. 2.6.2 Measuring obliquities of exoplanetary orbits relative to spins of host stars For transiting planetary systems where orbits of exoplanets pass in front of their host stars, one can measure the obliquity of orbital axes of transiting exoplanets relative to stellar spin axes via the Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect. The RM effect is known as an anomaly of apparent radial velocities of a host star during transits which is caused by the fact that a transiting planet hides a part of a rotating (approaching or receding) stellar disk. Thereby the anomaly changes with time during transits. The anomaly reflects the trajectory of the transiting planets relative to the spin axis of the host star. A Japanese team used the HDS (High Dispersion Spectrograph) of the Subaru telescope to monitor the RM effect for over 10 transiting exoplanets and published 9 papers during 2009-2013 (Narita et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010b, 2011, Hirano et al. 2011a, 2011b, 2012b, Albrecht et al. 2011). The measurements achieved the first discovery of a retrograde exoplanet HAT-P-7 b (Narita et al. 2009b, Winn et al. 2009), and the team discovered 5 “misaligned” exoplanets among the 14 observed transiting expolanets. Such misaligned orbits cannot be explained by classical planetary migration models that consider planetary migration inside proto-planetary disks. The discoveries of misaligned - 18 - exoplanets imply that other planetary migration mechanisms such as gravitational interactions between a planet and other giant planets (planet-planet scattering) or a binary companion (Kozai migration) are occasionally going on. Those measurements of the RM effect give us an important insight on planetary formation and migration mechanisms in the Universe. Figure 12: Directly imaged exoplanet GJ 504 b taken with the Subaru HiCIAO (Kuzuhara et al. 2013). Figure 13: Directly imaged proto-planetary disks and debris disks taken with the Subaru HiCIAO (see text). 2.6.3 Measuring obliquities of spin axes of host stars relative to orbital axes of Kepler transiting planets A Japanese team developed a new methodology to measure obliquities of spin axes of host stars relative to orbital axes of transiting planets, and applied it to the candidate of transiting planets discovered by the Kepler mission. The team employed the HDS to take - 19 - high dispersion spectra of host stars to determine the stellar radius Rs and an apparent rotational velocity V sin Is, where V is the true rotational velocity of a star and Is is the inclination of the spin axis of the star relative to the line of sight. In combination with the information of the stellar rotational period P determined by the Kepler photometry, one can estimate is for the Kepler transiting planets. As orbital axes of transiting planets are almost in parallel with the sky plane, a large excursion of is from 90◦ is a sign of a misalignment between the stellar spin axis and the planetary orbital axis. The team demonstrated this methodology for 15 Kepler candidates of transiting planets and discovered at least 1 misaligned case (Hirano et al. 2012a, 2014). This methodology can be applied to any transiting planetary systems and thus important for transiting systems with smaller planets as well as multiple transiting planetary systems. 2.6.4 Revealing the architecture of a retrograde planetary system Following the discovery of the first retrograde planet HAT-P-7 b, a Japanese team made a survey of outer bodies in the HAT-P-7 planetary system to reveal the architecture of the retrograde planetary system. The team used the HDS to monitor a long-term radial velocity trend and found an outer giant planet/brown dwarf orbiting over 10 AU. The team also employed the HiCIAO to search for far outer massive bodies and discovered a previously unknown red dwarf (M5.5V star) companion to the planetary system. Consequently the team uncovered the architecture of the HAT-P-7 system, which is a binary system consists of F8V (HAT-P-7A) and M5.5V (HAT-P-7B) stars with at least 2 giant planets (HAT-P-7 b and HAT-P-7 c) orbiting the primary star. Following the discoveries, the team reported that the Kozai migration is the most plausible mechanism which can explain the formation of the retrograde orbit of HAT-P-7 b (Narita et al. 2012). This study was the first case of its kind in revealing the whole picture of misaligned exoplanetary systems. 2.6.5 Radial velocity follow-ups of the HATNet transiting exoplanet survey An US and Japanese collaboration team used the HDS to confirm radial velocity variations of candidates transiting exoplanets discovered by the HATNet survey. Such radial velocity confirmations are critically important to validate the planetary nature of candidates and to determine the mass of the transiting planets. Subaru HDS contributed to discover 7 new transiting exoplanets; HAT-P-18 b and HAT-P-19 b (Hartmann et al. 2011), HAT-P-30 b (Johnson et al. 2011), HAT-P-31 b (Kipping et al. 2011), HAT-P-34 b and HAT-P-37 b (Bakos et al. 2012), and HAT-P-38 b (Sato et al. 2012). Those results demonstrate the capability of the HDS, which is useful for follow-up observations of ongoing/future transiting exoplanet surveys, such as Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS). - 20 - 2.6.6 Looking into the sky of exoplanetary atmospheres An US team and a Japanese team worked on characterizations of exoplanetary atmospheres using the Subaru telescope. The US team used the MOIRCS (Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph) to observe an occultation (secondary eclipse) of the transiting planet WASP-12 b and found that the planetary emission is well approximated by a blackbody, indicating that the planet’s infrared photosphere is nearly isothermal (Crossfield et al. 2012). The Japanese team used Suprime-Cam and FOCAS to monitor transits of the transiting super-Earth GJ 1214 b in B band. The team achieved ~ 1mmag photometric precision for B magnitude of 16.4, and it gives the highest precision in transit depths of GJ 1214 b in B band. The transit depths in B band revealed a flat transmission spectrum of GJ 1214 b in bluer wavelength, indicating no detectable Rayleigh scattering feature in the sky of GJ 1214 b. This can be explained by the presence of high cloud decks or high molecular weight of the atmosphere of GJ 1214 b (Narita et al. 2013). 2.6.7 Contribution by NAOJ Researchers NAOJ researchers contributed in most of the above exoplanets studies, especially in direct imaging of exoplanets and proto-planetary disks (all of the SEEDS papers), measurements of obliquities between stellar spin axes and planetary orbital axes (Narita et al. 2009a, 2009b, 2010a, 2010c, 2011, Hirano et al. 2011a, 2011b, 2012a, 2012b, 2014, Albrecht et al. 2011), revealing the architecture of atheretrograde planetary system HAT-P-7 b (Narita et al. 2010b, 2012), and showing no Rayleigh scattering feature in the atmosphere of GJ 1214b (Narita et al. 2013). References Albrecht, S. et al. 2011, ApJ, 738, 50; Bakos, G. A. et al. 2012, AJ, 144, 19; Carson, J. et al. 2013, ApJL, 763, L32 ; Crossfield, I. J. M. et al. 2012, ApJ, 760, 140; Hartman, J. D. et al. 2011, ApJ, 726, 52; Hashimoto, J. et al. 2011, ApJL, 729, L1; Hashimoto, J. et al. 2012, ApJL, 758, L19; Hirano, T. et al. 2011a, PASJ, 63, S531-S536; Hirano, T. et al. 2011b, PASJ, 63, L57-L61; Hirano, T. et al. 2012b, ApJL, 759, L36; Hirano, T. et al. 2012a, ApJ, 756, 66; Hirano, T. et al. 2014, ApJ, 783, 9; Johnson, J. A. et al. 2011, ApJ, 735, 24; Kipping, D. M. et al. 2011, AJ, 142, 95; Kuzuhara, M. et al. 2013, ApJ, 774, 11; Mayama, S. et al. 2012, ApJL, 760, L26; Muto, T. et al. 2012, ApJL, 748, L22; Narita, N. et al. 2009a, PASJ, 61, 991-997; Narita, N. et al. 2009b, PASJ, 61, L35-L40; Narita, N. et al. 2010a, PASJ, 62, 653-660; Narita, N. et al. 2010b, PASJ, 62, L61-L65; Narita, N. et al. 2011, PASJ, 63, L67-L71; Narita, N. et al. 2012, PASJ, 64, L7; Narita, N. et al. 2013, ApJ, 773, 144; Sato, B. et al. 2012, PASJ, 64, 97; Tamura, M. 2009, AIP Conference Proceedings, 1158, 11-16; Thalmann, C. et al. 2009, ApJL, 707, L123-L127; Thalmann, C. et al. 2010, ApJL, 718, L87-L91; Thalmann, C. et al. 2011, ApJL, 743, L6; Winn, J. N. et al. 2009, ApJL, 703, L99-L103; Yamamoto, K. et al. 2013, PASJ, 65, 90 2.7 Solar System 2.7.1 TNOs (Trans-Neptunian Objects) Recently a scenario was proposed based on the result of numerical simulations that many planetesimals in the outer edge once fell inward in connection with the giant planets’ - 21 - radial migration at the early stage of our solar system. Although many researchers overall believe the migration, we still need to verify if this scenario is true or not by observational studies. For that purpose, the investigation of SFD and color distribution that are supposed to characterize SSSB (small solar system bodies) populations are quite important. Since SFDs of MBAs (the main belt asteroids) and the large (D >1 km) NEAs (near-Earth asteroids) were already revealed in the early 2000s, the center of this line of study has shifted from asteroids to outer solar system objects, such as TNOs. Using the Subaru telescope, we can name the following major achievement: Fraser & Kavelaars (2009) stacked many images of one field of view of Suprime-Cam and found 36 new TNOs up to the detection limit of the 26.8 mag. Fuentes, Gerge, & Holman (2009) used the Suprime-Cam images from the database of SMOKA (Subaru- Mitaka-OkayamaKiso data archival system) and found 20 new TNOs up to the detection limit of ~27 mag. These are one of the deepest search of TNOs. Fraser, Brown & Schwamb (2010) performed a survey observation of 8.92 degrees by Suprime-Cam and found 88 TNOs up to rl ~24.7 mag. This is the largest TNO survey done by Suprime-Cam so far. They classified the 88 TNOs into three dynamical groups (“Cold” = orbital inclination i < 5◦, “Hot” = i > 5◦, and a group their perihelion distance q < 38au), and determined their SFDs. Then they compared the SFDs of each of the dynamical groups with that of the Jupiter Trojans and of the Jupiter family comets in order to search any evidence of the orbital distribution of TNOs caused by the radial migration of giant planets. Sheppard & Trujillo (2010a) found Neptune’s L5 Trojans by a survey observation with the Suprime-Cam. They also examined their SFD of Neptune Trojan (Sheppard & Trujillo (2010b). Their studies provide an important clue for giant planets migration at the early solar system history, because the Neptune Trojans were probably influenced by planetary migration to a great deal, and they are still likely to retain some of its features in their orbits. Finding further Neptune Trojans with statistically sufficient number is needed for further studies. 2.7.2 Active asteroids Active asteroids are the object whose orbits are close to those of MBAs, but those who show cometary activities. The first active asteroid was discovered in 1996, and a detail research began around ~2005. Using the Subaru telescope, at least 4 papers related to active asteroids have been published in 2009–2014. As for the cause of the comet-like activity of the active asteroids have been proposed: e.g. water sublimation from subsurface icy, temporal dust cloud that released by asteroid impact, and so on. Ishiguro et al. (2011) observed an active asteroid (596) Sheila by the Suprime-Cam, and revealed that the dust coma of asteroid Seila was caused by a recent impact event. Discovery of active asteroids can be related to an estimate of impact frequency in the main belt(Figure XX). Finding more active asteroids and obtaining - 22 - statistically sufficient number of samples are needed for further studies. Figure 14: Top: Optical images of Scheila at three different epochs with different telescopes. Images of the triple dust tails were taken on the 12th and 19th of December 2010 using the Murikabushi Telescope. Bottom: Suprime-Cam on the Subaru Telescope captured this image of the linear structure on the 2nd of March 2011. 2.7.3 Comets The ortho-to-para abundance ratio (OPR) of cometary molecules is considered to be one of the most primordial characteristics of cometary ices. OPR contains information concerning their formation. Hideo Kawakita’s group in Kyoto Sangyo University has long led the study of OPR of cometary molecules by using HDS of the Subaru telescope, leading to publication of many papers on major journals with frequent citations (e.g. Shinnaka 2011, 2012). 2.7.4 Summary Observational study of TNOs, comets, asteroids, and other SSSBs through the use of Suprime-Cam and other related instruments makes an important foundation of the academic achievement that Subaru telescope has pro- duced. In the coming years, these studies will have a much larger and faster progress since the introduction of HSC (Hyper Suprime-Cam). Although we have not mentioned above, the Subaru telescope also played an important role in determining SFDs of faint end-member of MBAs (e.g. Terai & Itoh, 2011, 2013). With regard to the asteroid observation, studies of MBAs that determine the spectral types and physical properties such as spin period, SFD, or surface color of the sub-km MBAs (Dermawan et al. 2011, Nakamura et al. 2011) will be more dominated rather than survey observations. 2.7.5 Contribution by NAOJ researchers NAOJ staff members have contributed to the researches of MBAs (Dermawan et al. 2011, Nakamura et al. 2011, Terai & Itoh, 2011, 2013) and comets (Watanabe et al. 2009, Ishiguro et al. 2009, 2010, 2010, 2012). They will use the Hyper Suprime-Cam to find - 23 - further TNOs, active comets, Jupiter Trojans and so on in order to examine the properties of object group in more detail. References Dermawan B., Nakamura T., & Yoshida F. 2011, PASJ, 63S, 555; Fraser W., Brown M., & Schwamb M. 2010, Icarus, 210, 944; Fraser W.C., & Kavelaars J.J. 2009, AJ, 137, 72; Fuentes C., Gerge M., Holman M. 2009, ApJ, 696, 91; Hsieh, H.H. 2009, A&A, 505, 1297; Ishiguro M. et al. 2010, ApJ, 714, 1324; Ishiguro M. et al. 2011, ApJ, 740L, 11; Jewitt D., Yang Bin, & Haghighipour N. 2009, AJ, 137, 4313; Nakamura T., Dermawan B., & Yoshida F. 2011, PASJ, 63S, 577; Sheppard S., & Trujillo Ca. 2010, Science, 329, 1304; Sheppard S., & Trujillo Cb. 2010, ApJ, 723L, 233; Shinnaka Y. et al. 2011, ApJ, 729, 81; Shinnaka Y. et al. 2012, ApJ, 749, 101; Terai T., & Itoh Y. 2011, PASJ, 63, 335; Terai T., & Itoh Y. 2013, PASJ, 65, 46; Watanabe J. et al. 2009, PASJ, 61, 679 - 24 - 3. 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Note that the number of papers is normalized by the number of telescopes at each observatory. - 55 - 900 Total Papers per Telescope: 2008-2012 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 SALT LBT SOAR HET WIYN AAT Magellan GBT MMT ESO3p6 Blanco Gemini JCMT Mayall NTT Subaru CFHT UKIRT VLT Keck 0 Fig. 2: Total numbers of papers published between 2008 and 2012 for each observatory. Note that the number of papers is normalized by the number of telescopes at each observatory. 4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 SALT LBT SOAR AAT WIYN HET GBT MMT JCMT ESO3p6 Magellan Blanco Gemini NTT Mayall Subaru VLT CFHT UKIRT Keck 0 Fig. 3: Total impact factors between 2008 and 2012 for each observatory. Total impact factors are calculated from (averaged impact factor) x (total impact foctor). - 56 - 4. Scientific Operations 4.1 Status of Telescope 4.1.1 Introduction In the fiscal years from 2009 through 2013, the telescope continued to produce scientific results, although with higher rates of failures mainly from wear and tear than previous years. This section describes upgrades for the telescope including accommodation of Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), preventive upgrades and periodic maintenances to keep the telescope operational as well as spontaneous failures. Coolant leak from the prime focus in 2011 is described in appendix. 4.1.2 Upgrades of Telescope HSC-related telescope modifications HSC is the new wide field prime focus camera that saw the first light on August 2012. In 2010 during recoating of the primary mirror, major modifications to the telescope and its secondary mirrors were done. The automated connectors inside the inner hub of the top end of the telescope have been relocated onto the secondary mirror spider to accommodate the field correction lens for the field of view of 1.5 degrees diameter. Signal and power connections of the secondary mirrors were modified to accommodate the relocation of automatic connectors. Relocation of the automatic connectors led to addition of an infrared suppression mirror to hide the additional wires from infrared instruments. Weights were added onto the secondary mirrors as well as to the bottom of the telescope to balance with the heavier top unit for HSC. In the following years, choreographies for the top unit exchanger (TUE) as well as position sensors inside the inner hub are added to install and remove the top unit and Filter Exchange Units (FEU) safely. To keep the CCDs cooled down even when being transported onto the telescope, a water chiller was installed onto TUE. With the preparations by the HSC team and the telescope engineering division followed by improvements of the procedure by the day crews, installation and removal of the top unit and FEUs are becoming more safe and stable. Preventive upgrades The telescope makes use of many advanced electrical devices including computers. They are essential for continuing operations of the telescope and require enough number of backup parts to be replaced when they fail. All the upgrades have been done basically keeping the logical, electrical, and mechanical interfaces for continued operations. - 57 - Computers The telescope control system consists of three layers of computers that are, from top to bottom, one Telescope Supervise Computer (TSC), three Mid-Level Processors (MLPs), and a number of Local Control Units (LCUs). The three MLPs were upgraded from Alpha computers on VME bus running VxWorks to Intel computers on Compact PCI running VxWorks. Namely, MLP1, MLP2, and MLP3 are upgraded in the year 2009, 2010, and 2011 respectively. MLP2 was upgraded during recoating of the primary mirror to test control of the primary mirror actuators when the primary mirror is removed from the mirror cell to avoid possible damages to the mirror. From 2012, LCUs have been upgraded from PowerPC computers on VME running iTron to Intel computers on Compact PCI running VxWorks. Increased computing powers enabled us to use the same architecture for MLPs and LCUs and generalize backup parts. In 2012, the Field Rotation Control Unit (FRCU) that controls the Cassegrain instrument rotator and the Nasmyth image rotators was upgraded. In 2013, Auto-guider and Shack-Hartmann Control Unit (ASCU) that controls positions of the acquisition unit probes at Cassegrain and Nasmyth foci, Cable Twister Control Unit (CTCU) that controls the cable wrappers at the azimuth and the elevation axes, FRCU (PF) that controls the instrument rotator in the prime focus top units, Mount Control Unit (MCU) that controls the azimuth and the elevation axes, Secondary Mirror Control Unit (SMCU) that controls the secondary mirrors, and Tip-Tilt Control Unit (TTCU) that controls the tip-tilt mirror on the infrared secondary mirror were upgraded. Upgrade continues for all of the LCUs. Cassegrain Instrument Automatic Exchanger Cassegrain Instrument Automatic Exchanger is a robotic cart that exchanges the Cassegrain instruments by transporting the instruments as well as attaching and removing the instruments at the Cassegrain focus. We have been maintaining the carts as well as upgrading the sensors and the control devices. Windscreen To reduce gusts in the dome, the windscreen is deployed in front of the telescope. The screen consists of eight panels. Originally, the panels were connected with pins and holes only when the screen is extended. In 2013, chains were added to improve reliability. 4.1.3 Scheduled maintenance Some of the devices in the telescope require periodic maintenances. The primary mirror was recoated in 2010 and 2013. There are a number of tasks that can only been done during the recoating work to allow for extended work that makes it impossible to observe for nights or to access areas which are hidden when the telescope is assembled Oil pumps for hydrostatic bearings as well as automatic connectors at the Cassegrain focus are replaced - 58 - in 2013 during the recoating period. Driving mechanisms in the primary mirror actuators have always been adjusting forces applied to the primary mirror since the first light. From 2009 through 2012, drive screws and motors have been replaced with backups and sent back to Japan for overhaul. Adjustment of lateral guide rollers continues to maintain rotation center of the dome. Leap seconds were inserted when needed. 4.1.4 Troubles After the first light on 1999, the telescope has been served for observations. During the period, parts of the telescope experience inevitable wear and tear. Shutters in auto-guider and Shack-Hartmann (AG and SH) cameras became unstable. Their CCDs are no longer produced. In 2009, a leak of coolant in the azimuth cable wrap was found and fixed with replacing the hoses. Cracks on rubber springs for dome boggies were found. New rubber springs have been produced and we are in a process of replacing the rubber springs. In 2012, the rotation axis of TUE became loose and was serviced. The drive mechanism in the image rotator for optical Nasmyth focus became loose resulting in offset of the rotation angle of the image rotator. The coupling was serviced and the rotation was adjusted. Signal and power connections on the secondary mirror spider for controlling top units became loose. Pins in the connectors are adjusted and tip of optical fibers are cleaned as needed. There have been problems in chiller and pump systems for cooling the electronics and the instruments. Pumps, ball bearings, and other parts are replaced when needed. Helium hoses around the instrument rotator at the Cassegrain focus were pulled and tore off. Affected hoses and connectors were replaced. In 2013, a failure in a digital signal processor (DSP) led the elevation axis run away to very low elevation. The faulty DPS was replaced. A failure in the slip rings supplying electricity to the dome failed. Damaged parts were replaced. Voltage and current into the slip rings are being monitored. Cracks were found on the dome rail. Drive wires and sliding rollers on the primary mirror covers started to show problems. They are being adjusted and replaced. 4.1.5 Operational problems During removal of the Laser Launch Telescope for the laser guide star, power to the laser was left on and a worker was slightly injured in 2011. Careless operations of TUE led to mechanical damages in 2012 and 2013. 4.2 Status of Instruments In Subaru, 9 facility (AO188, COMICS, FMOS, FOCAS, HDS, HSC, IRCS, MOIRCS, and Suprime-Cam) and 3 visiting (HiCIAO, Kyoto3DII, and SCExAO) instruments are - 59 - currently in operation. In this section, the status of these instruments except for HSC (see Sec. 4.8) and SCExAO (Sec. 6.2) is presented. Figure 1 shows the focus position of each instrument while figure 2 shows the wavelength coverage, spectral resolution, spatial resolution, and size of field-of-view for the facility instruments. Figure 1 Facility and visiting instruments for Subaru Telescope at each focus position. Figure 2 Wavelength coverage vs. spectral-resolution (left) and spatial-resolution / field-coverage (right) of facility instruments. AO188 started its operation with NGS-mode in October 2008. Although it had a failure with the deformable mirror and was closed for ten months in 2010, it was successfully recovered and implemented LGS-mode in 2011 (figure 3). It has been actively used with IRCS as well as with the visiting instruments such as HiCIAO and Kyoto3DII. - 60 - Figure 3 (left) Laser beam launched from the Subaru Telescope. (right) An example of the performance of AO188 LGS-mode obtained under a good seeing condition. FMOS is a near-IR multi-object fiber spectrograph which has a unique capability of observing 400 objects simultaneously within 30 arcminutes FoV. It was opened in 2010 starting from the low-resolution mode of one of spectrograph, IRS1. The other spectrograph, IRS2, and the high-resolution mode were opened in order, and it was fully opened in 2012. Figure 4 shows a picture of FMOS top-unit and spectra of a calibration source taken with IRS1. Its wide-field and high-multiplex coverage have been providing a unique opportunity to the community such as the FastSound project conducted as a Subaru Strategic Program (SSP) for FMOS. Figure 4 (left) A picture and sketch of FMOS top-unit. (right) Spectra of a calibration source taken with the 200 fibers of IRS1. - 61 - For the other instruments, they have been operated stably with minor upgrades since the last review in 2008. For, example, Suprime-Cam and FOCAS have installed fully-depleted type CCDs developed by the collaboration of NAOJ and Hamamatsu Photonics which greatly increased the sensitivity in red-side of the two instruments. Another example is the image slicers developed for HDS which greatly improved the efficiency of the instrument when the highest spectral resolution is required. In 2011, we had a major trouble with the telescope coolant system which severely damaged Suprime-Cam and FOCAS (figure 5) as well as the telescope subsystems such as the Cassegrain Auto Guider (AG) system and Atmospheric Dispersion Corrector (ADC). Suprime-Cam, FOCAS, and the AG system were recovered in 2012 while it took another year to fully recover the ADC. Figure 5 Pictures of Suprime-Cam (left) and FOCAS (right) taken just after the coolant leak (top) and after the repair works (bottom). 4.3 Status of Facility The Subaru Telescope facility at Mauna Kea summit and the base facility in Hilo are the basis of our operations. As seen in the detailed budget report over the years 2010 through 2014, the facility maintenance cost is gradually increasing due to necessary upgrade and replacement costs of older equipment. Although day-crew 1 has been trying to keep up with necessary maintenance, the lack of adequate staffing and constant OSHA required upgrade work needs, keep many of the projects behind schedule. As the years progress, we will see further cost rises due to greater system overhauls and necessary facility - 62 - upgrades. We have included many of the projected upgrades that will be necessary to keep the facility in good working order. We also will need to address the manpower shortage to keep up with the future upgrade work. The extreme conditions at the summit, as well as the high precipitation/high temp conditions at the base have contributed to roof and exterior damage, and we’ve seen an uptick in water leak damage due to it. Roof replacement work has begun and will continue in the coming years. The dome exterior has especially suffered over the last couple of years due to the inability to perform any corrective maintenance because of the roof anchors needing to be replaced to comply with OSHA regulations. We hope to address this situation as soon as the new anchors will be installed early 2015, and day-crews will be able to access the exterior using the two-man basket. Table 1: Hilo facilities Major Maintenance 2010 - 2014 2010 Vertical blind repair for main hallway windows Portable air conditioning unit (PACU) #6B replacement A/C heat pans (40) replacements Machine shop canopy repairs due to water leaks Optical lab condenser replacement Uninterruptable power supply batteries exchange Exterior painting and materials 2011 Exterior wall painting, patching and facia repairs Machine shop flooring upgrade Electrical switchgear cleaning 2012 Security camera upgrade Chaulking roof gable openings and cracks Main switchgear circuit breaker replacement A/C pumps and motors replacment Air compressor pumps and motor replacement 2013 Roof mildew cleaning - equipment rental New air compressor hoses - 63 - New 40' shipping container for storage use New canopies over main entrances A/C control boards, grill, and parts Interior upgrade for lounge and office #1 2014 A/C cooling tower fan wheel and bearing replacement Laser lab PACU replacement Hilo office light fixture conversion to LED type Computer room PACU replacement Men's restroom upgrades New roof for machine shop with safety anchors Interior upgrade for lobby and replacement of office doors Building roof for shipping container Office #1 roof recoating materials Table 2: Summit Facilities Major Maintenance 2010 - 2014 2010 Mirror wash station waste water pit liner repairs CUDA hot water parts washer for cleaning drive chains Dome IR-side compressor replacement New summit telephone handsets (60) HSC hoist design fee and implementation Telescope chillers shafts and seals replacement 2011 HSC hoist platform, electrical upgrade and inspection Mitsubishi 5 ton hoist cable replacement Water system pumpmotor and valve replacement UPS-3 and UPS-4 battery replacement Dome IR compressor #2 replacement Eyewash station upgrades Dome optical A/C spare compressor purchase Electric drill system (EDS) for dome wall screw replacement work - 64 - Chiller leak repairs Underground storage tank upgrade 2012 Chiller A compressor replacement Fire alarm system upgrade PFS floor and dome structure analysis A/C pumps and motors replacement Dome IR-sdie compressor installation Driveway crack tar repairs and materials Computer room PACU 4 compressor replacement Spare electrical circuit breakers Eyewash station electrical work 2013 OSHA required arc flash study and labeling by electrical contractor High roof safety life line upgrade to OSHA standard Spare electrical circuit breakers Dome power slip-ring repair / bypass system implementation study Ultrasonic humidifier system upgrade for computer rooms Computer room PACU 1, 2, 5 and 6 replacement Dome UPS and UPS-3 replacement units TUE optical-side crane upgrade Power engineer's electrical diagram redraft for summit facility Driveway crack tar repairs and materials Dome electrical outlet replacement Main switch gear MDB-1 & MDB-2 inspection Sky climber manbasket replacement Control building air supply fan replacement Chiller A new motor and leak repair 2014 MDB-1 & MDB-2 cleaning and maintenance Computer room PACU 1, 2, 5 and 6 installation work New dome power slip-ring bypass system installation - 65 - Dome UPS and UPS-3 units installation Dome A/C optical-side compressor installation Spare electrical circuit breakers OSHA required roof man-basket anchor point upgrade Catwalk repainting Underground fuel storage tank containment liner repair Storm louvers for intake ducts Coude room LED light upgrade Chiller B compressor replacement UPS-3 transformer modification Table: Summit facilities major maintenance 2009 – 2013 4.4 Status of Computing system 4.4.1 Overview Subaru Telescope designs, operates and maintains servers and network, and provides cloud services that we subscribe to as an infrastructure of Subaru Telescope. We operate and maintain network to Internet and network to interconnect Subaru Telescope's four locations. We not only install and manage the computer system located on premises, but also subscribe and manage services located in the "Cloud." This report outlines the computer and network system that we design, operate and maintain. 4.4.2 Components Subaru Telescope designs, operates and maintains servers and network at four locations the Hilo Base Facility, the Hale Pohaku Midlevel Facility, the Summit Facility and the Headquarters of NAOJ in Mitaka, Japan. We manage computer network that interconnects these facilities. The followings are the components of servers and network that are categorized by hardware and by functions. Core network management - Network servers such as DNS, DHCP, user account (LDAP) - Monitoring tools (network connectivity, computer up/down status, password check, network traffic) - Network switches and cables - 66 - - Firewalls - WiFi in the Hilo Base Facility Services for the core observatory operations - Email powered by Google Apps for Work - File server for Windows, MacOS and Linux - Internal web servers for static contents using Apache httpd - Wiki and CMS for internal communications and documentations - PURSE (Purchase Request System) - Car and summit work schedules - VPN (Virtual Private Network) servers - Subaru Telescope document database - Video conference equipments, Web-base meeting powered by Zoom - Windows/Linux workstations - Load balancers - Storage and printers Services that support resident scientists - Data analysis servers for staff members - Data analysis server for ALMA data Services that support observation and visiting astronomers - Telescope control system - Gen2 (Generation-2 observation control system) - Instrument control system - Issue tracker - ProMS (Proposal Management System) - Online visitor form powered by - Data analysis servers for visiting astronomers - Open-use observer reports - STARS (Subaru Telescope Archive System) - HSC (Hyper Supreme-Cam) data analysis cluster - Hilo remote observation system - Mitaka remote observation system - 67 - Services that support summit crew (day crew and operators) - Night operator/day crew logs - STS (Subaru Telemetry System) - FATS (Fault-tracking system) Public services - External web server - Live camera picture feed from the Summit Facility - Public tour reservation 4.4.3 Gen2 (Generation-2 Observation Control System) Subaru's Observation Control System sits at the center of the observing computing environment and interfaces with the Telescope Control System, various Instrument Control Systems, the STARS archive system, the STS telemetry system and the operators and users. The OCS system, called "Gen2" was developed and is managed in house by the Software Division. Hardware-wise, it consists of two racks of servers and storage, one set at the summit and one set at the base, plus a bank of graphical Linux terminals at each operation location (summit, Hilo, Mitaka). Using a distributed processing system, these units communicate data files, status and commands between all the relevant systems, while providing a graphical operating interface to the operators. Data files, logs and all software is stored in redundant RAID-6 systems at the summit and base, with a tape backup of the base RAID. Although the current system is geared towards classical observation, extensions to the system are being developed for a queue system with extensive input from the Science Operations division. The queue team carefully studied the queue systems at CFHT, JAC and Gemini observatories to inform the ongoing design. General analysis environments for observers are provided at the summit and base. The analysis environment at the summit consists of a powerful Linux server with several terabytes of storage and a common collection of astronomical analysis packages and viewers. Data is streamed to the server during the night and separated by proposal with standard Unix security mechanisms. Two workstations with multi-head setups are provided as terminals to access the data. A similar configuration exists at the Hilo remote and Mitaka remote locations. Typical software packages available include IRAF, IDL, python + misc astronomy packages, DS9, skycat and others. - 68 - 4.4.4 STARS (Subaru Telescope Archive System) STARS is a large data archive system which stores raw observation data taken from the telescope and provides observers as well as staff members with the data. For better data security, observation data is stored in the hard drive storage and in the tape storage in the Hilo base facility, and in the hard drive storage in the headquarters of NAOJ in Mitaka, Japan. STARS users can search for data taken with their proposal IDs and data that is opened to public after a proprietary period. Downloading data is available from servers both in Hilo and in Mitaka which is called as "MASTARS (Mitaka Advanced Subaru Telescope Archive System). STARS system comprises two servers and 500TB storage in Hilo and one server and 300TB storage in Mitaka. A major system replacement of STARS has been completed by 2013. The new system improved the user interface and reduced the operation cost. Subaru's raw data after a proprietary period is made public by SMOKA (Subaru Mitaka Okayama Kiso Archive) and by JVO (Japanese Virtual Observatory) which have been developed and operated by Astronomical Data Center of NAOJ. 4.4.5 HSC (Hyper Supreme-Cam) data analysis cluster To process large-format data (about 300MB per exposure) that HSC creates and to provide observers the quality of data taken on the fly, HSC on-site data analysis cluster was designed and runs during HSC observing runs. Pipeline data reduction process runs on each core of CPU that reduces a file, created by a single CCD. The current cluster comprises 12 servers, 9TB of storage, one Infiniband switch and one Gigabit switch. Current cluster and software running on the cluster is designed only for SSP (Subaru Strategic Program) and we plan to develop on-site data analysis system from Open-use programs. For more precise data analysis, HSC off-site data analysis cluster was designed and is located in Mitaka. Off-site cluster has the similar hardware configuration but is designed to provide reduced data to observers of which function does not exist in the on-site cluster in Hilo. 4.4.6 Procurement We rent some computers and equipment and buy the other. Our rental contract covers detailed design of computer software/hardware and network configurations based on the specification document which was made by Subaru Telescope, leasing hardware, installation, configuration, daily operation and maintenance of computers and equipment, migration of data from the old system and removal of hardware at the end of the contract. This ensures the deployment of the best quality computer and network system in a very short period, and minimum operation manpower requirement to the observatory. Two - 69 - system engineers and one custom engineer from the vender station at the Hilo base facility to operate and manage rental computer/network system. Since it is very difficult to add major hardware system during the rental contract which spans five years, some hardware and software were purchased by the observatory and managed by ourselves. Although HSC data analysis cluster is the largest computer unit for Subaru Telescope, the hardware was purchased because of uncertainty for system expansion at the time of the design for the rental system. Gen2 also runs on an own hardware and STARS/MASTARS runs on the rental hardware. The current rental system started in March 2013 and will end in February 2018. 4.5 Daytime Operations In 2013 a new division ‘Site Operations’ division has been formed. Before that all day crews have belonged to Technical Support Division. Now the day crew 2 members, who primarily carry out instrument and top-unit exchanges and provide support for instrument-related activities, belong to the Site Operations division, and the division is responsible for all day-time activities at the summit facility. In order to improve the stability and safety of summit work activities, the division members are trying to improve the regular procedures by training, documentations, and renewing equipments to follow safety regulations. The team also has worked on the clean-up of many storage areas which have become short after long years of operations. Highlights of site operation activities for this year; 1) Employee hiring and training a) Hiring and training of 2 new day-crew 2 staff. b) Retraining of an existing day-crew member, returning from a prolonged leave of absence. c) Created manuals for critical work relating to Top Unit Exchanges (TUE), Cassegrain Unit Exchanges (CUE), and upgraded local control unit use. 2) Safety upgrades a) Improved on various fall protection systems around 80t crane and TU floors, including new lifeline anchors, railings, and toe-kicks. b) Created checklists for new staff safety briefs and facility safety checks. c) Arranged for additional safety training for day-crew 2 staff. d) Started summit portable radio system and NsIR crane upgrade processes. 3) Facility repairs/upgrades a) Coordinated spider fiber optics connector redesign. - 70 - b) Cooperating with Instrument Division to remodel Cassegrain instrument automated exchanger (CIAX) operating system. c) Implementing routine inspection and clean-up duties for DC2. d) ESB mezzanine and vent room modification for instrument storage upgrade work in progress. 4) Storage management a) Started reorganization of ESB storage areas. b) Set up new storage areas at CB2F and coude rooms. c) Set up new storage inventory database. d) Ongoing efforts to remove all decommissioned and unnecessary items from the summit, including CIAO and the dummy lens barrel for Hyper Suprime Camera (HSC). 4.6 Night-time Operations and Open-use Observations For Subaru telescope open-use science observations, one support astronomer and one telescope operator are usually at the summit to support visiting observers and/or conduct service observations. Support astronomers operate instruments and assist visiting observers, by giving advice to achieve the best observing strategy. Telescope operators take care of startup and completion of observations each night, operate the Subaru telescope during night, and assist instrument operations, whenever necessary. Subaru open-use observations consist of two semesters. Semester A is from February to July (six months), and semester B is from August to January of next year (six months). Here we report the open-use statistics from S09A to S13B (2009 February to 2014 January). Table 1 summarizes the statistics of accepted and submitted proposals in each semester. On night basis, the oversubscription rate has been consistently over three times, demonstrating that Subaru has continued to be a highly demanding observing facility for astronomers. After S10A, the number of available nights for open-use normal programs is smaller than S09A and S09B, because (1) a large number of nights has been allocated to Subaru Strategic Programs (SSP), which can request several 10 to more than 100 nights to conduct legacy surveys using Subaru, and (2) telescope modification was made to install the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC), which will be the most important instrument of the Subaru telescope at least for several years after 2013. - 71 - Table 1 : Open-use statistics from S09A to S13B. The number of submitted and accepted proposals, and that of requested and allocated nights are summarized in each semester. Number of Number of Allocated nights submitted accepted Requested nights for accepted proposals proposals proposals S09A 151 53 429.5 113 S09B 140 45 379.5 110 S10A 141 43 412.1 83 S10B 137 30 380.5 51 S11A 150 50 441 90 S11B 119 39 291 58.5 S12A 114 48 312 77.5 S12B 132 39 350 63 S13A 143 52 368 85.5 S13B 146 41 362.6 62.5 In 2012, since scheduled HSC engineering observations were cancelled, we made an additional call for proposals on 2012 April 17, to determine observing programs using IRCS or FMOS. We received 93 proposals, and 9 proposals were accepted. The requested and accepted nights were 192.3 and 11.5, respectively. As was mention above, SSP has started since S09B semester to allocate a large number of nights to a survey type of programs. Two SSPs, i.e., SEEDS using HiCIAO, FASTSOUND using FMOS, have been carried out between S09B and S13B. The total nights for SSP in each semester should not exceed 30, which is about 25% of the total number of observation nights. Table 2: SSP statistics SEEDS FASTSOUND S09B 10 S10A 0 S10B 12.5 S11A 10 S11B 21 5 S12A 20 13 S12B 14 4 S13A 7 7 S13B 11 9 - 72 - Since the primary observing mode of the Subaru telescope is a classical mode, many astronomers visit Subaru to conduct their observations either at the summit or at the Subaru base facility in Hilo. Table 3 shows the number of visitors. A significant fraction of them are foreign astronomers, demonstrating the international nature of the Subaru Telescope. Table 3 : Number of visitors to the Subaru telescope. Visitors Non-Japanese visitors S09A-S09B 357 49 S10A-S10B 272 107 S11A-S11B 277 88 S12A-S12B 373 38 S13A-S13B 342 40 Night operations were stable. In S09A-S12B, more than 90% of available time was used for astronomical observations (Table 3). In S13A-S13B, a number of troubles occurred, partly due to the aging of the Subaru telescope. The fraction of observation time was only 88.6%. We have continued a large effort to increase this fraction, by maintaining the Subaru telescope more carefully and doing necessary upgrade of many parts. Table 4: Fraction of astronomical observation time and telescope downtime due to troubles of instrument, observation control system, and telescope. Observation Telescope Science Instrument control system trouble (%) operation (%) trouble (%) trouble (%) S09A-S09B 97.0 2.0 0.3 0.7 S10A-S10B 97.4 0.6 0.1 1.9 S11A-S11B 91.3 1.1 0.2 7.4 S12A-S12B 95.1 0.8 0.4 3.7 S13A-S13B 88.6 3.9 0.8 6.7 For stable instruments, remote observations from the Subaru base facility in Hilo were conducted, because observing from Hilo at a sea level is physically much easier than the summit with 4200m in elevation, and so observing efficiency may increase. The number of remote observation nights from Hilo is summarized in Table 5. The used instrument was mostly Suprime-Cam, because of its stability and high demand. However, troubles happened for Suprime-Cam in 2011. Consequently, the number of remote observation nights became small after 2011, since we have suspended the remote observing mode for Suprime-Cam until its stability is confirmed again. - 73 - Table 5 : Number of nights for remote observations from Hilo. Remote observation nights S09A-S09B 70.5 S10A-S10B 71 S11A-S11B 25 S12A-S12B 1 S13A-S13B 0 For open-use normal programs, at least one observer from each accepted program need to come to Hawaii to conduct observations from the summit or Hilo. In addition to these normal programs, we provided a service observation mode. In this mode, maximum 4 hours can be requested in each program and observation is conducted by Subaru staff. The total number of nights used for service observations is summarized in Table 6. Table 6 : Number of nights used for service observations. Service observation nights S09A-S09B 12 S10A-S10B 10.5 S11A-S11B 12.75 S12A-S12B 19.85 S13A-S13B 13 4.7 Time Exchange Time exchange between the Mauna Kea Observatories points to closer collaboration among large telescopes. To give Japanese astronomers access to astrophysical objects in the southern skies above Chile, as well as the use of state-of-art instruments, Subaru agreed to swap telescope time with Gemini in 2006 and with Keck in 2007. In return, Gemini communities from the United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Australia and Chile and Keck users of universities in California got to use Subaru’s instruments including wide field cameras such as Suprime-Cam and Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). There has been a strong demand for time exchange from both sides, and on 19 October 2012, the directors of Subaru and Gemini signed an agreement that increases the available time for sharing #1 . With an initiative of Keck, a study of expanding the swap time from current number of nights has just started. Responding to the Subaru’s users’ requests, the director talked to the director general of ESO on the possibility of time exchange with VLT. The time exchange with VLT - 74 - needs a full agreement of all member countries of ESO, and it may take a bit of time to reach a final conclusion. The history of time exchange between Subaru and Gemini, Subaru and Keck are given in Table 7. Most popular instruments of Gemini are GMOS-N, GMOS-S, and NIFS, while those of Keck are DEIMOS, OSIRIS, LRIS and MOSFIRE. Suprime-Cam and HDS are most frequently used for time swap and a demand for HSC is strong from the very beginning of its open-use. Previously, large observatories on Mauna Kea had developed an every sort of basic instruments by themselves. Now, as instruments becomes more expensive, and the TMT era will soon be realized, Subaru is starting to specialize for wide-field survey astronomy and will fully developed potential possibility of time exchange to ensure Japanese community an access to wide variety of instruments and telescopes in the world. #1: Eric Hand, “Astronomers set up telescope timeshare”, Nature News & Comments, 02 November 2012 Table 7: Number of Swapped Nights S->G G->S S->K K->S P A P A P A A S07B 16.9 5 18 5.3 21.5 4 4 S08A 7 5 18 5 17 4 4 S08B 13 5 17 5 27 4 4 S09A 14 5 11 5 19 4 3 S09B 31.5 6 13 6 11.5 2 3 S10A 12 5 38 5 3 3 3 S10B 30.5 5 28 5 14 4 4 S11A 12 3 32 3 7 4 4 S11B 24 6 37.5 6 12 6 6 S12A 25.5 8 33.5 8 12 2 2 S12B 22.8 3 24 3 22 4 4 S13A 10.5 2 26 3 34 4 7 S13B 27.9 2.5 28.5 4.5 23 6 3 S14A 35 5 31 5 19.5 6 6 S14B 12 3 48.6 3 19 5 5 Note: S->G (Subaru to Gemini), S->K (Subaru to Keck), G->S (Gemini to Subaru), K->S (Keck to Subaru). P:Proposed, A:Accepted. Proposed number from Keck to Subaru is not available. - 75 - 4.8 Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) 4.8.1 Summary Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is an 870 Mega pixel prime focus camera for the 8.2 m Subaru telescope. The wide field corrector delivers sharp image of 0.2 arcsec FWHM in i-band over the entire 1.5 degree (in diameter) field of view. The collimation of the camera with respect to the optical axis of the primary mirror is realized by hexapod actuators whose mechanical accuracy is few microns. As a result, we expect to have seeing limited image most of the time. Expected median seeing is 0.67 arcsec FWHM in i-band. The sensor is a p-ch fully depleted CCD of 200 μm thickness (2048 x 4096 15μm square pixel) and we employ 116 of them to pave the 50 cm diameter focal plane. Minimum interval between exposures is roughly 30 seconds including reading out arrays, transferring data to the control computer and saving them to the hard drive. HSC uniquely features the combination of large primary mirror, wide field of view, sharp image and high sensitivity especially in red. This enables accurate shape measurement of faint galaxies which is critical for planned weak lensing survey to probe the nature of dark energy. The camera saw the engineering first light in August 2012, and started the scientific operation from January 2014. 4.8.2 The Camera Fig. 1 Cross sectional view of Hyper Suprime-Cam. The configuration of the system units are schematically shown on the right except the filter exchangers. Fig. 2 Hyper Suprime-Cam installed on the telescope. - 76 - As is shown in Figure 1, there are three major system units, Camera (CAM), Wide Field Corrector (WFC) and the Prime Focus Unit (PFU). The PFU, designed and built by Mitsubishi Electric., provides the telescope mechanical interface for CAM and WFC. It also has hexapod actuators (designated SP in the figure) for the optics collimation and the instrument rotator (InR). The optics configuration of WFC, built by Canon, is the same as the Suprime-Cam WFC. It is composed of the basic Wynne triplet, the lateral shift ADC followed by the pair of lenses that compensates chromatic aberration introduced by the ADC. The diameter of the largest element (the first lens) is 82 cm. The CAM consists of focal plane arrays, vacuum cryostats, shutter, Shack-Hartmann (SH) sensor and filter exchanger unit (FEU). FEU loads six filters and is built by our Taiwanese collaborator (Academia Sinica Institute of Astronomy and Astrophysics). CCD is a product of long term (since 1994) joint collaboration between NAOJ and Hamamatsu Photonics. It features high QE in red band (40% at λ = 1μm, -100℃) thanks to the thickness of the depletion layer (200μm). Array readout electronics and most of the mechanical components of CAM were developed in house heavily relying on the engineering resources (both staffs and facilities) at Advanced Technology Center of NAOJ. The entire system was shipped to Hawaii and mounted on the telescope in 2012 (Figure 2). 4.8.3 The Performance Optics collimation of the de-center component with respect to the primary mirror is realized through the telescope mirror analysis using the on-board SH sensor. The generates the tilt component astigmatism which was estimated from the stellar ellipticity map over the entire field of view. After the adjustment, we routinely obtain the image size smaller than 0.5 arcsec (FWHM) when the natural seeing is superb. In order to verify the optics performance we compared in Figure 3(a) the observed stellar size (cyan) with the optical calculations (blue) as a function of the field position. Both matches nicely which suggests that the expected image performance is Fig. 3: Image size (FWHM in arcsec) of stellar objects (a) and the ellipticities (b) as a function of the field angle. Cyan points are taken from an actual HSC-i band 200 sec exposure data. Blue points are the size and the ellipticities of the calculated PSF as 0''.375 Gaussian input.. realized. Note that the distortion enlarges the apparent image size by 7% at the field edge. This is not corrected in the figure and therefore the image degradation toward the edge is not entirely due to the optics aberration. Figure - 77 - 3(b) shows the comparison of ellipticities which agrees as well. The throughput of the camera was measured in HSC-g,r,i,z,y band using spectophotometric stars. The observed values are consistent with what were expected within 5% in all bands. The minimum interval between the exposures is 40 (need to double-check) sec that include setting up/read out CCDs, transferring/saving the data to the hard drives and the guide star acquisition. Filter exchange takes 30 min currently where nearly half of the time is spent to close/open the primary mirror cover during the exchange for safety reasons. 4.8.4 The Data Reduction Pipeline Basic image analysis pipeline is developed through a collaboration of multiple institutes including Princeton University, Kavli IPMU and NAOJ. This is based on a customized version of “LSST-stack”, a software suite originally developed for LSST project. Object detection is made on each CCD image. PSF on a CCD is modeled as a function of the CCD pixel coordinate. This is used in the following flux measurements and morphological classification process which tags the star/galaxy flags as well as cosmic rays flag. The star catalog on each CCD is correlated with an external photometric and astrometric reference catalog (currently, SDSS-DR8 is employed) to determine magnitude zeropoint and astrometric solution with the aid of When we combine the multiple exposures each CCD image is warped on to a fiducial coordinate (that has a simple relation with the sky coordinate). This was not so simple because we have significant non-axisymmetric distortion pattern caused by the larger index mismatch of the glass used for the atmospheric dispersion corrector. The warp mapping is therefore modeled as a general 2D polynomials. We use moderately bright control stars on the images and minimize the displacement of the stars on each image to obtain the solution of the coefficients which is then encoded as the SIP convention (TAN-SIP) of World Coordinate System. The measured internal astrometric error is usually a level of 6 to 8 milli-arcsec which is sufficiently small for the mosaic-stacking process. 4.8.5 Science Operation We started the scientific observing in January 2014 and keep the steady operation both for the general observers and the Subaru Strategic Program (SSP). The image data are transferred to the base facility right after the exposure and a cluster of computers examine the Fig. 4: Real Time Data Quality Monitor - 78 - data to verify the stellar size/shape, transmission of the sky and so on. The results and the trends are summarized on a web page that helps the support staffs and observers to keep track of the observation progress (Figure 4). It also allows observers to write comments along the data and can be used as a on-line logbook. Under the current computer and network configuration, we have five minutes delay to have the latest information. This is marginally acceptable and we would like to minimize the delay by putting more computer resources in the future. 4.8.6 General Observer Support The number of general observers are growing. Considering the limited man-power, we decided to start from the minimum commitment to the general observers. Following the standard Subaru conventions, we ask observers to carry out the data analysis by themselves. However, we make a binary distribution of the HSC pipeline package for easy installation. Although the package has been developed for the SSP data analysis we expect that it works fine in most cases but it will not in some special cases (e.g. extremely large objects are visible in the image). We will soon establish a help-desk at Mitaka to support users and to collect the user's demands, and we will learn more about the instrument characteristic and the spectrum of the user's demands. The Subaru telescope is responsible for the data reduction and provides the final product (images and catalog) to the general observers. 4.8.7 Comparison with Other Projects The table below shows the summary of parameters of wide field observing facilities and the survey plan. We believe that HSC has a strong competitiveness in the current time frame. D [m] FoV [deg] AΩ [m2deg2] Seeing [arcsec] Survey Width [deg2] First Light SDSS 2.5 6.0 23 ~1.2 10,000 In operation Suprime-Cam 8.2 0.5 13 ~0.7 0.25~1.25 In operation MegaCam 3.6 1.0 9.6 ~0.7 4~170 In operation DES 4.0 2 32 ~0.9 5,000 HSC 8.2 1.5 92 ~0.7 3.5~1,500 In operation since 2012/09 In operation since 2012/08 LSST 6.5 (equiv) 3.5 340 30,000 - 79 - 2021/12 5. Manpower NAOJ staff; comparison with previous staffing 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 59 58 57 58 57 56 57 RCUH staff; including Subaru fellow, site manager 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 74 68 72 70 68 72 79 Status of the number of staff 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Director 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Director’s Office (Directorate) 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 18 18 19 16 16 18 12 12 12 11 11 Science Operation Div. Instrument Div. 22 New Development 14 11 12 11 10 8※ 8 ※ 2 2 3 3 3 3 Computer & Data Management Div. 5 4 4 4 3 4 4 Telescope Engineering Div. 6 7 7 8 7 8 10 12 12 11 13 7 7 Site Operation Div. 11 5 6 Science & Education 10 7 11 8 8 11 Public Information and Outreach 6 5 5 6 6 6 Administration 11 10 10 9 9 8 9 Hyper Suprime-Cam Subproject 9 10 10 11 14 14 13 Mitaka Office 25 22 21 20 19 21 19 133 126 129 128 125 128 136 Software Div. Technical Support Division TOTAL ※ Some of Software Div. Members went to Instrument Div. in 2009. ※ New development Group went into Instrument Division in 2014. - 80 - 21 20 6. Development Highlights For the coming 10 years, Subaru Telescope plans to equip three large facility instruments: Hyper Sprime Camera (HSC), Prime-Focus Spectrograph (PFS), and adaptive optics system with deformable secondary mirror in conjunction with upgraded and/or a new wide-field instruments (ULTIMATE-Subaru). HSC and PFS will lead the wide-field astronomy for the coming 10 years and also will provide effective combination with TMT. ULTIMATE-Subaru is the upgrade of the telescope which enables us to produce unique sciences in the TMT era. In addition to developing the large facility instruments, Subaru accepts rather small instruments designed for a specific science or prototype instruments for larger telescopes as PI-type or visiting instrument such as SCExAO and RAVEN. This way, Subaru will keep diversity of astronomical field and opportunity for the continuous development activities while conducting large astronomical surveys. Here we report the current status of PFS development and some results of high contrast instruments (SCExAO, CHARIS) and a prototype instrument for TMT (RAVEN). HSC has already in use and it is described in Sec. 4. ULTIMATE-Subaru is described in Sec. 8. 6.1 PFS 6.1.1 Overview The Prime-Focus Spectrograph (PFS) is an optical/near-infrared multi-object spectrograph at the prime focus of the Subaru telescope, which will be the next facility instrument following the successful implementation of Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC). The PFS has 2394 optical fibers mounted on piezo actuator positioners distributed over the 1.3 degree field of view of the prime focus that feed the light of the astronomical objects to four identical spectrographs which will be placed in the dome where FMOS spectrographs are currently housed in (FMOS will be decommissioned before PFS commissioning) (Fig. 1). Each of the four spectrograph module consists of three cameras covering the wavelength ranging from 0.38 μm to 1.26 μm simultaneously with spectral resolution of R~1900 in blue to R~3500 in NIR. The spectrograph also equips medium resolution mode (R~5000) for 0.71 μm to 0.89 μm wavelength range. Although there is still a budgetary issue, the project has passed preliminary design review and is in the subsystem critical design review phase and some part of the system are being constructed. The engineering first light is expected to be early 2018 and full survey starts in 2019~2020. - 81 - Fig. 1 A conceptual overview of the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS). 6.1.2 Expected science The PFS will be a major step beyond the SDSS survey. It enables that optical to near-IR spectra of up to 100,000 stars and galaxies can be obtained during a single night of observing time. For the Sbaru strategic program (SSP) which is expected to be allocated more than 300 nights, surveys for three scientific field are being planned, Cosmology, Galactic archaeology, and Galaxy Evolution. Cosmology The goals of the PFS cosmology survey are to: (1) measure the Hubble expansion rate and the angular diameter distance to 3 % fractional accuracies in each of six redshift bins over 0.8 < z < 2.4 via the baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) method, (2) use the distance measurements for determining the dark energy density parameter to about 7 % accuracy in each redshift bin, when combined with lower redshift BAO measurements, (3) use the geometrical constraints to determine the curvature parameter to 0.3 % accuracy, and (4) measure the redshift space distortion (RSD) in order to reconstruct the growth rate of large-scale structure to 6 % accuracy since a redshift of z = 2.4. These measurements of the large-scale galaxy distribution can be combined with complentary weak lensing information from the HSC survey in order to significantly improve the cosmological and - 82 - structure growth constraints and reduce uncertainties arising from galaxy bias and nonlinear effects that are otherwise major sources of systematic error in spectroscopic surveys. Fig. 2 Expected accuracy of reconstructing the dark energy density parameter at each redshift. Galactic archaeology Radial velocities and chemical abundances of stars in the Milky Way and M31 will be used to infer the past assembly histories of spiral galaxies and the structure of their dark matter halos. Data will be secured for 106 stars in the Galactic thick-disk, halo, and tidal stream as faint as V~22 mag, including stars with V < 20 mag to complement the goals of the Gaia mission. A medium-resolution mode (R~5000) of the red arm will allow the measurement of multiple α-element abundances and more precise velocities for Galactic stars. Fig. 3 Evidence that the Milky Way assembled gradually by accreting other small galaxies is provided by stellar streams (identified here by the colors of their constituent stars). These streams represent debris removed from infalling satellite galaxies during past merger events. PFS will systematically chart the motions and chemical composition of millions of stars in the Milky Way and its neighbors to determine the assembly history and the powerful role that dark matter played. - 83 - Galaxy evolution The goal of the PFS galaxy evolution survey is to follow the growth of the full panoply of modern-day galaxies from cosmic dawn to the present. While we know some of the basic physical processes that drive galaxy evolution (dark matter halo merging, gas accretion, star formation and associated energy release, galaxy merging, black hole accretion and associated energy release), how and when they operate, and their relative importance, remain unknown. The survey utilize the unprecedented wavelength coverage of PFS, in particular from 1 to 1.26 μm, to explore the redshift desert between 1.4 < z < 2.2 when the star formation rate density and black hole growth were at their peak. Using Lyα emission, the growth of galaxies and black holes will be traced all the way to the epoch of re-ionization (2 < z < 7). Thanks to the deep broad- and narrow-band imaging enabled by the HSC survey, we will be able to study these young galaxies with unprecedented statistics using PFS. A color-selected survey 1 < z < 2 galaxies and AGNs is planned which covers 16 deg2 and up to J~23.4 mag, yielding a fair sample of galaxies with stellar masses above ~1010 Msolar. A two-tiered survey of higher redshift Lyman break galaxies and Ly emitters will quantify the properties of early systems close to the re-ionization epoch. Fig. 4 (left) Depth versus redshift for existing and planned large redshift surveys with z < 2.5. The symbol size represents survey area. (right) The number of spectroscopic pairs separated by less than one arcminute. It highlights the power of PFS to (i) study small-scale clustering of the group scale and (ii) probe the gas distribution in galaxy halos using absorption line probes. 6.1.3 International Collaboration and the Role of NAOJ The PFS is being developed under international collaboration of 6 countries, 11 institutions. The Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (Kavli IPMU) in Tokyo - 84 - has provided crucial seed funding and led the project collaborating with California Institute of Technology and its associated Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), Princeton University, Johns Hopkins University (JHU), Universidade de São Paulo (USP), Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica (LNA), Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM), Academia Sinica Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics in Taiwan (ASIAA), Max-Planck Institute für Astrophysik (MPA) (joined in 2014), and NAOJ. The project has endorsed (with some conditions) by Subaru community in January 2011. The project office was organized in the same year and full-scale development started. The project passed its Preliminary Design Review in February 2013 and is now in subsystem critical design review and construction phase. NAOJ is responsible for preparing observatory facilities including flooring for the spectrograph, modifying the telescope control system, and electricity/coolant/network infrastructure to accept the PFS and providing telescope time that will be awarded as Subaru Strategic Program (SSP), whereas IPMU is responsible for completing the PFS instrument with international collaborators. IPMU and other collaborators agreed on a MOU for the construction of PFS in July 2012, in which the role of each partner is defined (Table 7.1.1). However, NAOJ has been a core member of the project office since the beginning and contributed its management as well as technical studies to support the project to ensure the successful completion of the project. In January 2014, NAOJ also decided to provide funds for PFS instrument up to a few million US dollars in addition to the cost of facility preparations to help PFS funding which is still short in several million US dollars. NAOJ won’t start facility modification, which will affect scientific operations, until the PFS project raise sufficient fund to fulfil minimum specification of the instrument. The project is seriously seeking additional funds including inviting new partners as well as reducing production cost further down. Table 1 Role of the each institution of PFS collaboration Identified Role Institution or Consortium ASIAA Metrogy camera and Prime Focus Instrument Brazil consortium Fiber system Caltech/ JPL Fiber positioner and Prime Focus Instrument IPMU Project management and cash JHU Detectors and dewars of the Spectrographs LAM Optics and Integration of the Spectrographs, software Princeton Detectors and dewars of the Spectrograph, software - 85 - 6.1.4 Current development status Fiber Positioner (COBRA) and Prime Focus Instrument (PFI) Fiber positioner (COBRA) has been developed by JPL and Caltech. They finished final evaluation of the engineering models in 2014 and start mass production with a subcontractor. It was proven that the 95 % of the positioners can be pointed within 5 μm error circle (which is the error budget for the positioner) in 5 iterations and almost 100 % positioners will converge in 10 iterations. Prime Focus Instrument (PFI) is the mechanical structure to interface the COBRA system to the telescope’s prime focus unit (POpt2). Detailed design and part of production is ongoing at ASIAA (Taiwan). Fig. 4 Fiber positioner (COBRA) (left top and bottom) and the schematics of the Prime Focus Instrument (PFI) which will be installed in the telescope top unit (POpt2). Fiber system The optical fibers transmit light of astronomical object from the prime focus to the spectrograph. For the operational and construction purpose, the optical fiber is divided in three sections with optical connectors. We use two different manufacturer’s fibers, Polymicro and Fujikura. Polymicro fiber has good focal ratio degradation (FRD) property whereas Fujikura’s has good throughput at blue wavelength region. Thus we selected Fujikura’s fiber for the longest part of the fiber system (Cable B) and Polymicro’s are used for the Cable A (spectrograph part) and Cable C (COBRA part) both of which may be applied large stress which induce FRD. The Fujikura fiber is specially made for PFS project to achieve high throughput at blue wavelength region. - 86 - The fibers are already purchased and currently conducting final test for Cable A (with fiber slit) at LNA(Brazil). At the tip of the fiber of Cable C, a small lens will be attached in order to convert the F-ratio of the Subaru prime focus to be slower for reducing the coupling loss to the fiber. The design of the microlens was done by NAOJ. Spectrograph and Camera system The PFS spectrograph system consist of four identical spectrograph unit, each module accept 600 optical fibers and has three camera arms covering blue, red, and near-infrared wavelength. Johns Hopkins University is in charge for the Camera system including detector readout. LAM (France) is in charge for the rest of the spectrograph including optics, mechanical structure and final optical alignment. The spectrograph system as passed the critical design review and the construction started. The spectrograph optics need to be cooled down to +3~5℃ in order to reduce thermal background noise of the near-infrared camera. The whole spectrograph modules are enclosed in a large, temperature controlled room for maintaining good temperature stability. NAOJ is joining the design of the room. Fig. 5 PFS spectrograph module Reference Sugai et al., “Progress with the Prime Focus Spectrograph for the Subaru Telescope: a massively multiplexed optical and near-infrared fiber spectrograph,” Proc. SPIE 9147 (2014) Takada et al., “Extragalactic science, cosmology, and Galactic archaeology with the Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph,” Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 66, 1-51 (2014) - 87 - 6.2 High-contrast instruments (SCExAO and CHARIS) The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) instrument has undergone a significant development since 2009. This document serves as a brief overview of the status of the instrument. Overview The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system being built for the Subaru Telescope, is a state-of-the-art instrument being developed specifically for high contrast imaging of faint companions, such as exoplanets, and disks which are close to their host star. Thus far over 1000 exoplanets have been discovered by indirect means, such as the Doppler technique where the presence of a planet is betrayed by a small wobble in the host star or by the transit technique where the host star temporarily dims as the planet passes in front of it. However, to investigate the composition of the discovered planets direct imaging and spectroscopy of the planetary light is key. The SCExAO instrument plans to do this by providing unsurpassed wavefront correction to the stellar signal, which is distorted by the turbulent atmosphere, restoring the image to a diffraction-limited state. This allows for the sophisticated coronagraphs on-board, which include the phase-induced amplitude apodization (PIAA) and vector vortex versions to efficiently null out the star revealing the presence of a faint nearby companion. This combined with the CHARIS spectrograph will allow the detailed study of compositions of exoplanets over the coming years. Strategic importance SCExAO is a uniquely flexible instrument, designed to rapidly deploy new technologies (wavefront sensing and control, starlight suppression) on sky and therefore reduce the time delay between concept development and science results. This strategy is both scientifically valuable (high contrast imaging technologies are rapidly improving) and well-suited to Subaru Telescope: (1) Subaru's Nasmyth platform can accommodate a large optical bench in a gravity invariant lab-like environment and (2) Subaru telescope's academic culture allows the SCExAO team to engage in innovative research aspects of the instrument development, in collaboration with outside groups. SCExAO also fills a much needed gap between large extreme-AO instrument projects (SPHERE and GPI) which perform a large multi-year homogeneous survey but lack the flexibility to rapidly integrate emerging technologies and small innovative efforts that lack the resources or telescope access to produce observational results. - 88 - Scientifically, SCExAO is uniquely optimized to deliver high contrast capabilities very close (<0.2”) to stars, thanks to the use of recently developed coronagraphs offering low inner working angle, and thanks to high speed high accuracy wavefront sensing and calibration approaches. While SCExAO will excel at capturing the near-IR thermal emission of giant planets, its most unique scientific strength will be to detect reflected light from large planets, thus allowing observation of the most nearby planets (which are not particularly young) for which the combination of direct imaging and RV data will allow unprecedented characterization. Imaging habitable planets with SCExAO on TMT SCExAO's long term (~10yr) goal is to directly image habitable planets around nearby M-type stars and measure their reflected light spectra with the Thirty Meter Telescope. While Earth-like planets in the habitable zones of Sun-like stars are likely out of reach due to contrast (~1e10), such planets are observable around M-type stars thanks to a much more favorable contrast (~1e7 in reflected light). This however requires using a small inner working coronagraph, as the habitable zone is ~20mas from the star, or ~2 l/D in the near-IR on TMT. SCExAO's push for contrast in the 1-2 l/D speparation range is well-aligned with this ambitious scientific goal. SCExAO's long-term instrument development plan is geared toward achieving this goal. We expect to achieve the required contrast/separation performance on-sky on Subaru at the end of this decade, and then deploy SCExAO as a visitor instrument on TMT for a focused science experiment targeting the ~50 most favorable targets. Recent planet frequency estimate from Kepler indicate that M-type stars are excellent targets, with ~10% to ~40% of them hosting Earth-sized planets in habitable zones. Deploying SCExAO on TMT will likely provide the first opportunity to characterize habitable planets and will pave the way, both scientifically and technically, for further characterization with more capable instruments on ELTs. SCExAO on Subaru: balancing technology development and scientific operation A significant challenge for SCExAO is to balance technology development with the requirements imposed by continuous science operation (which SCExAO is now entering). This challenge is met with a modular approach, where the core instrument design is fixed while additional modules continuously improve the instrument's performance. SCExAO's evolution is defined in phases: each phase consists of a given instrument capability and commissioning is therefore broken in well-defined units. Phase 1 (AO188 correction + coronagraphs + LOWFS + HiCIAO) has completed engineering, and is now offered for - 89 - science use. Engineering for phase 2 (extreme-AO layer + VAMPIRES) is ongoing and expected to be completed in April 2015. Fig 6: SCExAO's overall architecture and science modules. Dashed boxes indicate future science modules while full boxes show currently existing modules. Figure 6 shows SCExAO's overall architecture. The AO188 system first corrects atmospheric wavefront errors prior to SCExAO. SCExAO's core system (described in Section 6.2.1) performs further wavefront correction and near-IR starlight suppression. Light is then fed to science modules (described in Section 6.2.2) operating in near-IR and visible light. Science modules can be operated simultaneously. 6.2.1. SCExAO core system Pyramid wavefront sensor: The pyramid wavefront sensor (PyWFS) is a high order wavefront sensor that is designed to correct for more modes (up to 1600) than a standard adaptive optics system (~200). This coupled with a higher loop speed (3.7 kHz) makes it possible to achieve extremely high Strehl ratios. Indeed SCExAO aims to improve on the 40% Strehl (H-band) provided by - 90 - AO188 in good seeing and push that up to >90% when it is fully operational. The wavefront sensor has undergone considerable development over the past 4 years. On the most recent November 2014 run, the loop was closed on-sky with a limited number of modes (up to 14) using the recently completed pyramid WFS architecture (Figure 7). The loop was also closed on 1030 modes in the laboratory with simulated turbulence producing seeing-like conditions while foggy skies prevented on-sky demonstration. The figure shows the dramatic improvement in the Strehl between the closed and open loop regimes. The Strehl ratio goes up from 23% average when the loop is open to 95% when the loop is closed (Figure 8). Similar performance is expected on-sky. Figure 7: New pyramid wavefront sensor layout Figure 8: Strehl ratio determined from internal near-IR science camera images while the PyWFS loop was open and closed. The Open loop and Closed loop regime are clearly highlighted. For comparison the typical Strehl ratio achieved by AO188 is also displayed. Low order wavefront sensor: The low order wavefront sensor (LOWFS) is designed to correct for a small set of modes - 91 - (like, tip/tilt, focus, etc) in the near-infrared where the coronagraph operates. The LOWFS is essential to small inner working coronagraph opertation. This was developed prior to the PyWFS and has been tested successfully on-sky numerous times. The LOWFS has produced tip/tilt and focus residuals as low as 0.01 λ/D with a vector vortex coronagraph on-sky on Vega. Speckle nulling: Speckle nulling adds to the wavefront control suite available to SCExAO. The aim of speckle nulling is to systematically remove planet-like speckles in the focal plane surrounding the PSF in order to carve a dark hole and make it easier to detect a companion. Speckle nulling has been tested in the laboratory with great success as well as on-sky for the first time in November 2012. Figure 9 shows an example of a successful implementation of speckle nulling on-sky in June 2014 on the star RX Boo. It is clear from the image that the speckles in around the left side of the PSF have been significantly reduced which increases the contrast for detecting faint companions. Coronagraphs: The SCExAO instrument has a selection of stat-of-the-art coronagraphs. These include the phase induced amplitude apodisation (PIAA), vector vortex, four quadrant, eight octant, and shaped pupil versions. Figure 9: RX Boo imaged without (left) and with (right) speckle nulling on the left hand side of the PSF. The PIAA and vector vortex versions allow for imaging down to 1 λ/D from the stellar host and have been tested in the laboratory and on-sky. They are now regularly used on scientific observing runs and will greatly improve in performance once the PyWFS is operational on-sky. - 92 - 6.2.2. SCExAO Science modules Near-IR modules SCExAO currently uses HiCIAO as its main science camera. HiCIAO provides filtered imaging capability with a science-grade near-IR detector, and will continue doing so until CHARIS and MEC (described below) replace it. CHARIS (Near-IR IFS optimized for high contrast imaging) Figure 10: CHARIS' TMA relay optics provides the low wavefront error required for high contrast spectro-imaging. The Coronagraphic High Angular Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (CHARIS), is a lenslet-based, cryogenic integral field spectrograph (IFS) for imaging exoplanets on the Subaru telescope. CHARIS will replace HiCIAO as the main science camera for SCExAO in 2016, and will provide spectral information from 1.15 to 2.5 μm for 138 x 138 spatial elements over a 2.07 arcsec x 2.07 arcsec field of view (FOV), in two spectral resolution modes (R ≈ 18 (low-res mode) and R ≈ 73 (high-res mode)). CHARIS has been optimized for high contrast imaging, with low cross-talk between spectra thanks to (1) high wavefront quality optics (Figure 10) and (2) use of a pinhole mask at the lenslet's focus. CHARIS's fast readout modes provide the signal for wavefront control feedback to SCExAO's deformable mirror. SCExAO’s wavefront control and coronagraphic rejection, combined with CHARIS’s spectro-imaging, will provide the post-processed contrast required to obtain spectra of numerous young self-luminous Jupiter-mass exoplanets. While funded by Japan, CHARIS is designed and built by the high contrast imaging group at Princeton University, and is projected to have first light in early 2016. The SCExAO/Princeton collaboration on high contrast imaging research extends beyond the CHARIS module: SCExAO includes a shaped pupil mask delived by the Princeton group, and both groups are collaborating on - 93 - focal plane wavefront control algorithms. MEC (Fast near-IR wavelength-resolving photon counting) The Microwave kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) Exoplanet Camera (MEC) is being developed in collaboration with UC Santa Barbara. MEC is a photon counting energy discriminating IR detector that will be used for very precise focal plane wavefront control when complete in early 2016. This is now fully funded and construction began in late 2014. The camera will greatly enhance the ability of both SCExAO and CHARIS and allow for reflected light planets to imaged directly for the first time. MEC will provide the high speed speckle sensing signal necessary to achieve and maintain high contrast at small angular separations, and will also acquire the near-IR (0.8 to ~1.2 um) spectra shortward of CHARIS' coverage. Visible light modules VAMPIRES (Differential polarimatric interferometric imaging in visible light) The visible aperture masking polarimetric interferometer for resolving exoplanetary signatures (VAMPIRES) is one of two visible light interferometers that makes use of the left over light from the PyWFS. VAMPIRES is based on aperture masking interferometry which allows for sub-diffraction limited imaging which combined with an 8 m class telescope such as Subaru and the shorter wavelength of light used allows for unprecedented spatial resolution (~17 mas). VAMPIRES is different from most aperture masking experiments because it combines high resolution imaging with advanced polarimetry. With its 4 levels of polarization calibration VAMPIRES can achieve exquisite polarization calibration. Such an instrument is ideal for studying the dusty structure of disks and shells where the polarized signal is non-zero. VAMPIRES has now completed commissioning and is ready for scientific use. Figure 11 shows the differential visibilities measured with VAMPIRES on Vega, a point source with no polarized structure and W Hydrae a star expected to have a dust shell. It is clear that on a point source like Vega the differential visibilities normalize to 1 while for W Hydrae, there is strong modulation which is a function of baseline azimuth (angle on-sky). By studying the shape of the modulation in the normalized visibility plots, the morphology of the scattering structure is determined. VAMPIRES will be used to study the structure of disks around YSO’s on unprecedented spatial scales from 2015 onwards. - 94 - Figure 11: Differential visibilities for Vega (top) and W Hydrae (bottom). Lucky Fourier Imaging: Lucky Fourier imaging refers to selecting the strongest Fourier components from each frame in a cube of images and reconstructing a single composite image from the information. This technique was pioneered at Subaru Telescope 3-5 years ago and was very successful in its initial implementation. Figure 12 shows a raw frame taken on Vega and the final synthesized image from a data cube collected in early 2012. The technique of Lucky Fourier imaging is capable of diffraction limited imaging even in the visible with no AO-correction. Combining this with a well corrected wavefront once the PyWFS is in operation will enable very precise imaging and astrometry in the visible to complement the coronagraphic work in the infrared. - 95 - Figure 12: (Left) Raw image of Vega in 2” seeing. (Right) Synthesized image of Vega. Note that the platescale is different in both images: the right image is diffraction-limited. 6.3 RAVEN 6.3.1 Overview RAVEN is a path finder of Multi-Object Adaptive Optics toward 30m class telescope, developed by University of Victoria and Herzberg-Astronomy, NRC in Canada by collaboration with Subaru Telescope, NAOJ and Tohoku University in Japan. We have succeeded in the engineering first-light in May 2014, as the first demonstrator on 8m-class telescope. The RAVEN activity will be extended to S15A to perform more scientific observations. The extension will be precious opportunity for both Canadian and Japanese community to show the achievement of MOAO development as a testbed for 30m telescopes that cannot be realized by 4m class telescope. 6.3.2. Multi-Object Adaptive Optics RAVEN is a testbed of a new adaptive optics (AO) system, Multi-Object AO (MOAO). AO is designed to correct the optical wavefront distortion cause by atmospheric turbulence. However, for a conventional AO system using a single guide star (GS; reference light source of the wavefront), the correction is effective only within a few tens of arcseconds around the guide star. This is because the optical path in the atmosphere for an object at off angle from the guide star is different from that of the guide star itself, especially in the upper free atmosphere. - 96 - Figure 13: A schematic diagram of MOAO. Figure 14: The Hubble UDF field (2.4' square) is shown in the panel as an example of future application of MOAO observations. Green squares are Lyman break galaxy candidates and orange lines are pick-off arms of MOAO. A simulated image (1.1" x 2.2") on a pick-off arm is shown in the pop-up panel on the right (the original: the feasibility study report for TMT-IRMOS by UF/HIA). MOAO is designed to correct the atmospheric distortion toward an arbitrary direction in the wide field-of-regard (FoR) of several arcminutes, by estimating the atmospheric distortion toward the direction of object based on the wavefront coming from multiple guide stars in the FoR (Figure.13). The technique to estimate the volume distribution of atmospheric turbulence is called 'tomography'. A dedicated deformable mirror (DM) correcting the wavefront distortion is prepared one for each object. For conventional AO, a wavefront sensor is located behind DM in the optical path so that the AO correction is operated in closed-loop. On the other hand in an MOAO system, the operation is 'open-loop' because the optical path is separated for DMs on objects and WFSs on multiple GSs. Each DM has to be controlled precisely even in the open-loop operation. The 'tomography' and - 97 - 'open-loop control' is the two key techniques to realize MOAO. Interestingly, FoR increases with the diameter of the telescope because the size of optical beam to scan the atmospheric volume increases with the diameter. Hence, MOAO is a suitable AO system for 30m-class telescope like Thirty-Meter-Telescope (TMT). The MOAO system on TMT will have FoR more than four times of Hubble Ultra Deep Field (Figure 14) area. 6.3.3. Project The project has been officially started form July, 2010 after preceding discussions on feasibility between Canadian and Japanese teams. The total budget is 6 million dollars supported by Canada Foundation for Innovation and British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund, with 20% in-kind contribution including from Subaru. The development team consists of 3 principal investigators, 14 co-investigators and 11 contributors, backed up by a science team of 18 members. The goal is to demonstrate not only the on-sky engineering feasibility of MOAO, but also science performance by MOAO which is difficult by 4m-class telescope. For steady progress of the project, members have communicated via e-mail to share information and held meetings at milestones to exchange opinions and summarize the status (Table 2). The discussed items have been compiled in documents. Table 2: Meetings on RAVEN project 2009/9/24,25 Face-to-face Meeting Victoria 2010/3/16,17 Kick-off Meeting Victoria 2010/5/1-3 1st Interface Meeting Hilo 2010/12/13 2nd Interface Meeting TV conf. 2011/3/7,8 Conceptual Design Review Victoria 2011/12/15 Subaru Internal Review Hilo 2012/11/20,21 1st Science Meeting Sendai 2013/07/25 2nd Science Meeting Kona 2013/08/28 3rd Interface Meeting Hilo 6.3.4. System Design The specification of RAVEN is summarized in Table 3 and the optical block diagram and 3D design model are shown in Fig.2 Table 3: Meetings on RAVEN project Number of Science channels 2 (= number of DM) Wavefront sensor 3 NGSs +1 LGS / 10x10 SH (R<14) Deformable mirror 11x11 (ALPAO 97) Field size FoR: 3.5’ - 98 - for NGS (2’ Φ full for Sci) FoV: 4” each channel Wavelength range Sci: 0.9-4um ; WFS: 0.6-0.9um Science instrument IRCS (Imaging, Grism, Echelle) System Throughput > 80% Ensqured Energy > 30% in 140mas slit (0.75” of AO188 seeing) RAVEN has two science channels. Each channel has a DM with 11x11 micro voice-coil actuators. For open-loop operation, three natural guide-star (NGS) and one laser guide-star (LGS) WFSs in the system are used. A star brighter than the 14th magnitude in R-band can be used as an NGS. At least three out of the four WFSs are necessary for tomographic measurement. Additionally, two closed-loop WFSs are installed and used for the system calibration. The FoR is 3.5' for NGS and 2' science objects in diameter. LGS is used at the center of the FoR. The field-of-view (FoV) is 4" for each channel. The output of the RAVEN optics is designed to use an open-use instrument, InfraRed Camera & Spectrograph (IRCS), as the science camera. The beams of the two channels are combined and fed to IRCS. The goal of system throughput is 80% of the open-use AO system (AO188), so that the multiplicity of the two science channels is more efficient than the combination of AO188 and IRCS. The target performance is set as the ensquared energy of 30% on the 0.14" slit under moderate seeing condition base on a performance simulation. Figure 15: The left panel is the optical block diagram the right panel is the 3D CAD model of RAVEN (the original: Lardiere et al. 2014, SPIE, 9148,1G). 6.3.5. Observations Preparation After completion of the development at the adaptive optics laboratory of the University of Victoria, RAVEN has been shipped to Subaru for preparation of engineering observation following the schedule listed in Table 4. Table 4: The schedule of RAVEN after delivery to Subaru 2014/1/6 Delivered to the simulator laboratory of the Hilo base facility - 99 - for re-build of the RAVEN system 2014/4/11 Readiness review to going to summit 2014/4/22 Transported to the summit Cassegrain (Cs) floor 2014/5/1 Moved on the Nasmyth infrared side (NsIR) platform for alignment to the telescope & IRCS 2014/5/6 Final status report and approval for observations 2014/5/13,14 1st engineering observations 2014/5/15 Brought down to Cs floor for standby 2014/7/21 Intermediate report 2014/7/28 Brought up to NsIR platform for setup 2014/8/6-10 2nd engineering observation, followed by tests w/ IRCS on NsIR platform 2014/8/20 Brought down to Cs floor for standby First, RAVEN was stored in the hard clean booth of the simulator laboratory of Subaru. All optics were re-installed on the RAVEN optical bench and the alignment of optical components was re-established (Fig.16). The functionality required for observation was reviewed before transportation to the summit and final approval for observation. Then, RAVEN was transported to the summit and stored at the Cassegrain floor three weeks before the observation. Again, functionality had been checked under the temperature and the air pressure condition at the summit. The deviation of alignment caused by the transportation and the temperature difference had been also corrected. The one week before the observation was spent on the Nasmyth platform for the alignment of RAVEN to the telescope and IRCS (Fig.17). Figure 16: The left panel shows re-setup of RAVEN in the clean booth in the simulator laboratory at Hilo base. - 100 - Figure 17: The right panel shows the alignment work on the Nasmyth platform of Subaru Telescope. 1st Engineering Observation The first engineering observation was done on May 13 and 14, 2014. The goal was to acquire the light from stars correctly on the all of WFSs and the science camera, and apply MOAO correction on the science objects. In addition to MOAO mode, other possible AO correction modes by RAVEN were tested. The ground-layer AO (GLAO) mode corrected the common wavefront distortion for each object caused by the turbulence at lowest altitude only. The conventional AO (single-conjugation AO; SCAO) mode was also possible on objects using closed-loop WFSs for calibration. Data were saved for post off-line data processing. Especially, the data obtained by open-loop WFSs are interesting and useful for detailed post analysis because they recoded atmospheric turbulence directly at the Nasmyth focus unaffected by RAVEN optics behind regardless of operation modes. A quick results of performance are displayed in Figure 18 and demonstration in Figure 19, proofing the goal achievement of the run. Figure 18: The image correction by various operation modes of RAVEN obtained during the 1st engineering run. The mode is indicated at the lower-left corner of each panel and the ensquared energy at the lower-right (the original: Lardiere et al. 2014,SPIE,9148,1G). - 101 - Figure 19: Demonstration of observation by RAVEN. The left panel is the observation of Saturn by using its satellites as NGSs. The right panel shows an example of echelle spectroscopy of the two distant objects at the same time (the original: Lardiere et al. 2014,SPIE,9148,1G). 2nd Engineering Observation The second engineering observation was scheduled between August 6 and 10 (later half nights on August 7 and 8). The main goal was to try science verification, followed by testing MOAO performance under various conditions. Unfortunately, due to the hurricane Julio, only the last two days were observable. Even with the sever condition and the limited time of the observation, the science verification was successfully tried (observation scene is shown in Figure 20). Figure 20: A RAVEN observation scene in the control room of the Subaru telescope (right panel). The left panel is the graphical user interface for the control of RAVEN. A quick result of a science observation is shown in Figure.21 as an example. Simultaneous spectroscopic observation of a metal-poor and a metal-rich star in the Galactic bulge was - 102 - performed by MOAO mode of RAVEN. The two targets are shown in red in the left panel with the asterism of the three NGSs (green). MA-8 was a candidate of very metal-poor star requiring confirmation by high resolution spectroscopy. Metal-poor stars in the Galactic bulge are very rare, falling on the tail end of the bulge metallicity distribution function which peaks at relatively high metallicities. Finding these very metal-poor stars in this region is of interest because they may be related to the First stars, as this is where they are theoretically thought reside. Bulge observations are also contaminated by dust, thus observing with an infrared instrument is ideal. MA-8.1 was chosen to demonstrate RAVEN's multiplexing capabilities, and is expected to be relatively metal-rich given the metallicity distribution function of the Galactic bulge. Shown below is a sample region of the reduced spectra from our targets. Also shown are the absorption lines of several elements along with the spectrum of Arcturus for reference. The target M15K341 is a known metal-poor RGB star that we observed as a standard; it has a metallicity of [Fe/H] ~ -2.4 dex. It can be seen that our metal-poor target MA8 is also metal-poor, showing similar spectral qualities to M15K341. It can also be seen that our other target, MA8-1, is indeed relatively metal-rich compared to our metal-poor spectra, and shares qualities similar to Arcturus. Figure 21: An example of science verification observations using RAVEN. The left panel show the field of the two distant objects (red) observed simultaneously with GS configuration indicated by green. The right panel displays the obtained echelle spectrum of the two objects (MA-8 and MA-8.1), in addition to reference spectra (the original: Lamb et al. in preparation). 6.3.6. Future Work The activity of RAVEN has been extended to the year of 2015 by budgetary support from Subaru. The goal of the extension is to challenge operating RAVEN as a science instrument. Because MOAO has never been operated as an open-use scientific instrument yet, it is important to identify problems to be solved for efficient acquisition of scientific quality data, through the science observations. A point to keep efficiency high is the transmission of the system. The optical system of RAVEN is designed to have better transmission than 80% of AO188, while the results of engineering observation shows the system transmission below 63% and the channel 1 is - 103 - lower than channel 2 by a few percent or more. Another point is the overhead to setup MOAO for science field. In actual science observations, not only the AO performance, but also the adjustment of the object position on the science camera and tracking of the object is important. The appropriate control of the pickoff arms in various complex operation mode with and without AO correction is the key for smooth setup of the field. The RAVEN team has started to challenge these tasks to prepare the next observation in the extension term. A new control algorithm introduced by Tohoku University to widen the FoR of MOAO for TMT will be also tested on-sky in the next engineering run of RAVEN. Because the number density of extremely high-redshift galaxies expected as the targets of TMT is limited, extension of the FoR is essential to make full use of the multiplicity of MOAO. The algorithm tracks the drift of the turbulence layer along the wind by utilizing the wind profiles and the WFS measurements at previous time steps, to estimate the turbulence in the unsensed atmospheric volume outside the WFS viewing angle. The test of the algorithm is underway on the RAVEN bench using the internal calibration light source. 6.4 Upgrade of facility instruments nuMOIRCS project The detectors of MOIRCS will be upgraded from Hawaii-2 to Hawaii-2RG arrays in 2015. It will reduce the readout noise and readout speed which will improve the performance and efficiency of the instrument. We are also planning to implement the Integral Field Units (IFUs) for MOIRCS in 2015-2016. The IFUs do not conflict with the existing observing mode, imaging and long-slit/multi-object spectroscopy, and will increase the capability of MOIRCS. Polarimetric capability in COMICS and IRCS Optical components for polarimetry were installed to IRCS in 2013. They provide imagingand spectro-polarimetry modes at diffraction limited resolution with AO188. The test observations and evaluations are on-going and we expect to open the modes in 2015. Polarimetry function is also planned for COMICS. It will enable imaging- and spectro-polarimetric observation in the N-band (7.5-13.5the N-band (7.5-13.5 test observationspolarimetric capabilities in NIR (with AO) and MIR are very unique among the 8-10m telescopes and will provide rare opportunity to the community. Multi-object mode for HDS HDS is going to implement a multi-object fiber unit in 2015. It will be placed in front of the original slit of HDS and enable simultaneous observation of up to 4 objects within the field - 104 - diameter of 4 arcmin. IFU for FOCAS An image-slicer type IFU for FOCAS is under development. It has 23 slices of 13”.5x0”.4 field with the resulting field of view of 13”.5x9”.2. It will be tested in 2015 and opened to the community in 2015-2016. - 105 - 7. Future plan 7.1 Telescope As described in the Status of Telescope section, there are a number of sub systems of the telescope that require attention. We are continuing to address these issues for continued observations. There are a number of repairs and upgrades being scheduled. Replacement of dome boggie rubber springs continues. Following the overhaul on mechanisms of the primary mirror actuators, upgrade of CPU cards that control the actuator is being prepared. Upgrade of the control systems for the dome is under discussion. There are a number of repairs and upgrades to be scheduled. Such items include shutters and CCDs for the AG & SH cameras, cooling systems, and computers. 7.2 Facilities Here we list some major repair / replacement works to be executed in the coming years. As we described in Section 4, the againg of the facility is one of major challenges for stable operations of Subaru Telescope. 2015 Hilo Office #1 exterior repainting Summit Restroom upgrade Sumit Slip-ring refurbish (possible after bypass system upgrade in 2014) 2016 Hilo Data archive room PACU replacement Hilo South wing roof replacement Hilo Rest room wax ring replacement Hilo Hilo office telephone system replacement Summit Freight elevator upgrade Summit Mitsubishi UPS replacement Summit Telephone system replacement 2017 Hilo North wing (accounting office) roof replacement Hilo Simulation lab PACU replacement Summit Dome optical-side A/C replacement - 106 - Summit Aerial man-lift replacement 2018 Hilo West wing (library) roof replacement Summit Underground fuel storage tank conversion to above ground tank Summit Dome IR-side A/C replacement 7.3 New Operation Modes: HSC queue-mode operations 7.3.1 Objectives and current status We are currently studying the implementation of queue-mode operations for HSC observations. In 2012 Subaru Advisory Committee report suggested that queue observation and quality assurance is crucial to achieve homogeneous data quality of surveys to be conducted with HSC and PFS. Queue mode observation will enable us to use telescope time more efficiently, flexible operation to take advantage of the conditions, and provide higher probability of adequate observing condition to achieve scientific goals of the highly rated observing programs. We formed the working group to study the feasibility of the queue-mode operations of HSC observations. The members consists of staff from Science Operations division, Support Astronomers, Post-doc fellows, and Software division members. The working group have studies queue operations of Joint Astronomy Centre (UKIRT/JCMT), CFHT, and Gemini Observatory, and also made extensive simulations to investigate the feasibility. The team developed basic queue scheduling program, and the simulation used the observation records and proposals information of Suprime-Cam and HSC in previous semesters to examine how the different parameters (such as filter, weather, referee scores) affect the queue scheduling and completion rate of the proposals. Through these simulations we found that in general HSC open-use observations will have benefits of queue-mode operations with more effective use of observing time. 7.3.2 Outline of queue-mode operations a. The observation plan of accepted proposal should be prepared in OB (observation block) unit with phase II tool by the users. b. (Sr.)SA should check the feasibility of the observation plan made by users and give feedback to complete it. c. The observation plan in OBs should be converted operation execution (OPE) file in observation by Queue observers. - 107 - d. The completion status of each OB should be recorded. e. Initial quality assessment should be done during observation with HSC software (Furusawa & Koike systems) by queue observers. f. Final quality assessment should be performed by QA scientists. g. Queue list and schedule should be updated the completed OB lists after final quality assessment. We need to establish some policies. We plan to utilize dead-time of classical observations (i.e., time when the proposed targets are not observable) for queue-mode operations. We will firstly start implementation of queue-mode operations with normal open-use programs, but we will expand it to other programs such as time exchange programs, UH time, and Subaru Strategic Program. A policy to determine the procedure to balance between these different observations will be required. Software Division is now working on the development of software required for queue-mode operations, such as queue planning tool, Phase-II preparation tool, queue execution and logging tool, and quality assessment tool. 7.3.3 Implementation plan We plan to start HSC queue-mode operations from S16A. A gradual implementation will be adopted, starting from a small (but sufficient to evaluate the effectiveness of queue-mode) fraction of observing time of normal open-use programs. By later 2018 the queue-mode will be a primary mode for execution of HSC observations, while some sort of programs (e.g., those require strict time constraints) will be remained to be executed in classical mode. 7.4 New Instruments The Subaru Telescope has operated many facility instruments, which covers optical to mid-infrared wavelength, to satisfy a wide variety of astronomical interests. However, some of the instruments are getting old and losing their uniqueness. Recently, the Subaru Telescope has started the science operation of the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) and officially approved to host the Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS), which are very wide-field (1.5-degree diameter) imager and multi-object spectrograph. With these two new instruments, the Subaru Telescope has been successfully developed the future strategy of wide field surveys, which is a unique capability of the Subaru telescope, toward the era of TMT. However, both of HSC and PFS are optical instruments and mainly use dark nights, and there was no future plan of near-infrared (NIR) instrument that will be mainly used in bright nights. A combination of the optical and NIR wide-field survey should be very - 108 - important to further strengthen the uniqueness and advantage of the Subaru telescope and provide Subaru’s unique targets to be followed up by TMT for detailed characterizations. ULTIMATE-SUBARU To expand the wide-field capability to NIR, Subaru has formed the working group in 2011 and come up with an idea of the “ULTIMATE-SUBARU” project, which stands for Ultra-wide Laser Tomographic Imager and Multi-object spectrograph with AO for Transcendent Exploration by SUBARU telescope. This project will develop wide-field near-infrared imager and multi-object spectrograph assisted by ground-layer adaptive optics (GLAO) system as a Subaru’s next facility instrument. The GLAO is an adaptive optics system that uniformly improves image quality over a wide field of view by correcting only for the turbulence at the ground layer of the Earth’s atmosphere (See Figure 1). Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the GLAO system Based on our simulation, we found that the GLAO at Subaru will be able to provide FWHM~0”.2 in K-band under a typical seeing condition of FWHM~0”.4 in K-band over ~15’ diameter field-of-view (FOV), although the actual FOV of the instruments should be limited up to ~13’.5 in diameter by the interface of the telescope. This will provides 1.5-2 times higher sensitivity in K-band compared to the observations under natural seeing condition as well as the widest FOV in NIR ever achieved with 8m-class telescope, which is more than 5 times wider than existing Subaru’s NIR instrument (See Figure 2). - 109 - Figure 2: Expected performance and FOV of the ULTIMATE-SUBARU. To minimize the technical risk of the development, we are planning to purchase the key components of the GLAO system, high-power laser guide star system to generate 4 artificial stars on sky to measure distorted wavefront and a deformable secondary mirror to compensate the distorted wavefront over the wide FOV, from the companies (TOPTICA and MICROGATE, respectively) whose technology have already been extensively tested by the other telescopes (e.g., LBT, VLT) and well developed to be able to use for science operation. These components are not only required by the GLAO system, but also beneficial for upgrading the telescope ability by feeding AO corrected image quality to all foci (except for the prime focus). Although the GLAO system have already been developed at VLT and will be operated with HAWK-I, which is a NIR imager with 7’. 5 x 7’.5 FOV, the ULTIMATE-SUBARU would be competitive by providing unique suite of the NIR instruments with the widest FOV in the world, which is 2.5 times wider than HAWK-I. To develop unique science cases and determine the specifications of the NIR instruments, we have held several community meetings with a couple of international collaboration institutes since 2011. Based on the discussion in the meetings, we published the first version of the study report in 2012 (*1). The main science cases of the ULTIMATE-SUBARU are (1) to dissect the galaxy evolution of the Golden Age (z~2) and (2) to discover the most distant galaxies at the edge of the Universe (z>7). To fulfill the requirements from these science cases, we have been considering specifications of NIR wide-field imager and multi-object fiber bundle IFU spectrograph and preparing proposals for grant-in-aid by collaborating with Canadian and - 110 - Australian institutes. We are aiming at the science operation of the ULTIMATE-SUBARU around early 2020s. *1: New PI-type Instruments Other than the facility instrument, the Subaru telescope encourages to carry in visitor instruments (so called PI-type instruments) to satisfy the science case that is not covered by the suite of the facility instrument and to provide the opportunities for testing new technology for future instrument development. Since the development time for the PI-type instruments is normally shorter than huge facility instruments, such as PFS, it also provides a good training ground especially for graduate students to have knowledge about the instrument development. The Subaru telescope is currently accepting K3DII, HiCIAO, SCExAO, CHARIS, and RAVEN as PI-type instruments. K3DII provides very unique science capabilities of AO assisted optical IFU spectrograph and fabry-perot imager, which are not fully covered by any other 8m-class telescope. HiCIAO and CHARIS are imagers and IFU spectrograph, respectively, both dedicated for studying extrasolar planets and protoplanetary disks with the aid of unprecedented extreme AO correction from SCExAO. Since the technology for studying extrasolar planets is rapidly evolving, the framework of the PI-type instruments is best suited to catch up the most advanced technology. RAVEN is developed as a science demonstrator of a new adaptive optics technology called multi-object AO (MOAO) for future development at TMT. There are 4 new PI-type instruments (IRD, GIGMICS, SWIMS, and MIMIZUKU) that are currently on the way of the accepting process. Figure 3 shows a timeline of the existing and upcoming PI-type instruments. Figure 3: Current schedule of existing and upcoming PI-type instruments. IRD is a near infrared high dispersion (R~70,000) spectrograph equipped with the advanced laser comb system as a wavelength calibrator to achieve ~1m/s radial velocity - 111 - (RV) precision for discovering the habitable Earth like planets around M-dwarfs with a Doppler technique. The instrument is being developed by extrasolar planet detection project office at NAOJ. The spectrograph of IRD will be installed at the Coude room of the telescope, which is located at the ground level of the telescope enclosure (so called ESB floor). The light from stars is acquired by a fiber injection module attached inside of AO188 at the Nasmyth IR floor and transferred to the spectrograph at the Coude room using fibers together with the calibration light from the laser comb system. IRD is planning to be transported to the Subaru in 2015 and start science operation in 2016. Through the intensive observations for the first several years, IRD is expected to detect more than 10 Earth-mass planets in the habitable zone and it will enable us to perform statistical study of the formation and habitability of the Earth-mass planets for the first time in the world. The sample from the IRD survey will also provide good targets to detect biomarker on the extrasolar planets by direct imaging and spectroscopy in the future era of TMT. GIGMICS is a mid-infrared high-dispersion spectrograph equipped with a newly developed Germanium immersion grating for realizing high spectral resolution of R~40,000 at N-band (8-13 micron). The instrument is being developed by Nagoya University for studying physical and chemical conditions of molecules in the intersteller medium. GIGMICS is currently planning to be transported to the Subaru in late 2015 and perform observations at the Nasmyth IR focus of the telescope in early 2016. SWIMS and MIMIZUKU are both being developed by the University of Tokyo for their 6.5 m telescope (Tokyo Atacama Observatory, TAO) in Chile. Since the construction of the TAO telescope is expected to be later than the fabrication of the instruments, the Univ. of Tokyo is proposing to attach the instruments to the Cassegrain focus of the Subaru telescope and carry out the performance evaluation and early science observations while constructing the TAO telescope. SWIMS is a NIR imager and multi-object spectrograph, which has almost similar specifications to the existing facility instrument MOIRCS except for the unique capability of simultaneous observations of two passbands at the NIR (zJ and HK). The main science case of SWIMS is to study formation and evolution of galaxies by observing star-forming activities in 0.1<z<5 galaxies using many varieties of narrow-band and medium-band filters. MIMIZUKU is a mid-infrared imager and spectrograph, which covers from 2 to 26 micron. The unique advantage of MIMIZUKU over the existing facility instrument COMICS is a field stacker which enables the precise photometry in mid-infrared by simultaneously observing science and reference objects in the discrete two different fields. MIMIZUKU has advantages over COMICS in most of the cases, except for the high-resolution spectroscopy. The main science case of the MIMIZUKU is to probe the - 112 - origin of terrestrial material by observing dust in various environments such as solar system, protoplanetary disk, and dying stars. SWIMS and MIMIZUKU are both planning to be transported to the Subaru at around the end of 2015, carry out the first light observations at around the end of 2016 after several tests at Hilo laboratory and summit facility, and continue science observations until the TAO telescope is ready, which is expected to be around the middle or end of 2018. The future instrument plan at the Subaru telescope is to enhance the Subaru’s wide-field survey capability by promoting the ULTIMATE-SUBARU project as a next facility instrument, which should be a key step to guarantee a scientific importance of the Subaru telescope in the future era of 30m class telescopes, as well as to promote unique and ambitious science cases, such as the study of extrasolar planets, by utilizing the framework of the PI-type instrument. 7.5 Decommission In order to keep producing excellent scientific results with the Subaru telescope, not only the plans of the new instruments described above, but also the entire line-up of facility instruments should be reviewed and we need to establish a future plan. That is because: - As the resources (such as man power, infrastructure, budget) are limited, we should have optimum set of instruments which can be maintained stably and also can produce unique, excellent, and diverse scientific results, even in 2020s when extremely large telescopes such as TMT start operations. - We have to carry out commissioning of new large instruments such as PFS as well as PI-type instruments along with the open-use observations and regular maintenance of telescope, enclosure and instruments. - For some instruments there are instruments for Gemini and Keck which have similar capabilities. It has been discussed sharing various instrument capabilities through time exchange programs among these Mauna Kea telescopes could be a good solution to mitigate the risk of increasing cost of development and operation of newer, large instruments. We have made discussions on the future instrument plan both within Subaru Telescope and with our community since 2013. There are two prime focus instruments for which we have agreement for decommission: - Suprime-Cam: it has been stated that the operation of Suprime-Cam will be terminated once the operation of HSC becomes stable. We expect the decommission of Suprime-Cam will be made at the end of S15B or later, depending on the judgment of the stability of HSC operations. - 113 - - FMOS: in FY2013 Subaru users meeting (Jan. 2014) early decommission of FMOS has been proposed. That was required for accepting the spectrographs with smaller amount of cost and with smaller risk of damaging Subaru’s operations. Based on the discussions in the users meeting and Subaru advisory committee, it was decided that the operation of FMOS will be terminated once the specifications and feasibility of PFS become clear and the TUE-IR floor (the location of FMOS spectrographs) needs to be cleared and be modified for putting four PFS spectrographs. The termination of FMOS will be at the end of S15B or later. For other facility instruments, we will continue discussion with our community and establish the instrument plan in 2015. We also decided that the normal period of PI-type instrument operations as three years from the beginning of science observations. There will be a review if PI of an instrument wants to extend the period. 7.6 International collaboration The Subaru Telescope has been made international collaboration with various observatories and institutions over the world, such as; (1) time exchange program with Keck Observatory and Gemini Observatory; (2) sharing human resource with Gemini Observatory; (3) joint development of HSC with Princeton University and Academia Sinica of Taiwan; (4) joint development of Raven with university of Victoria and Herzberg-Astronomy, NRC in Canada. Such international collaborations will be very important for the Subaru Telescope, and should be continued in the future as well. In addition to such international collaborations, it will be also very important for the Subaru Telescope to made international collaborations to jointly operate the telescope. This is partly because that NAOJ will have a limited budget to operate Subaru telescope to support the construction of the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). It is crucial for the Subaru Telescope not to “sell” observation time, but to jointly operate the telescope with international partners. With such a policy, the Subaru Telescope will ensure that the best observation proposals will be awarded observations times. For such an international joint operation of Subaru telescope, strong candidates for the partners are regions in East Asia. Astronomy in East Asia has been dramatically developed in the last decade, and it is getting more important for regions in East Asia to tightly collaborate with each other for them to further develop astronomy in their regions. In fact, East Asia Core Association (EACOA) has been formed by each of core observatories in Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan, and recently East Asia Observatory (EAO) aiming at the East Asian version of ESO has been cooperated by EACOA. The Subaru Telescope has been closely working with China, Korea, and Taiwan to explore future collaborations. Other important partners for the future international collaboration are OIR observatories - 114 - at Mauna Kea, Hawaii. As mentioned above, the Subaru Telescope has already been working with Keck Observatory and Gemini Observatory for the time exchanging program. Because the Subaru Telescope plans to reduce the number of the facility instruments to more focus on instruments at the prime focus with a wide field, it is getting more important for the Subaru community to access other OIR telescopes to use a variety of instruments. It may be even better if OIR observatories including CFHT can more systematically share instruments to be complementary to each other. By sharing instruments, it will make more sense for these observatories to jointly develop new instruments. To share instruments among OIR observatories at Mauna Kea may result in sharing other resources, such as manpower and facilities, among them. - 115 - 8. Public Information and Outreach 8.1 Mission statement Public Information and Outreach Office at Subaru Telescope continues to create awareness in the world-wide community through programs that share the information and the inspiration, while being sensitive to the issues in the diverse community, and having in mind that the long standing support of the public is an essential key for the stable operation of our organization. (Established prior to 2006) Director Arimoto emphasizes the importance of “Communication, Cooperation & Collaboration” for the staff of Subaru Telescope. Motto of the PIO Office: "Your vision is not limited by what your eyes can see but by what your mind can imagine." (Ellison Shoji Onizuka, born and raised in the Island of Hawaii, became first Asian-American astronaut and perished in the Space Shuttle Challenger’s accident) (Permission of this quote is granted by Mr. Claude Onizuka, brother of Ellison, on July 2006) 8.2 Major function of the PIO office - a model that was inherited from the Director’s Office in 2006 Three major components of our work: create and share materials accessible for lay readers, conduct informative tours of the facility, and talk to the local and Japanese communities to share the information. 8.2.1 Hilo in Japanese and English Information Create and share information from Subaru Telescope in a manner accessible for general public. Three major content categories are the scientific discoveries (often they go for press release, involving making contact multiple media sources), the topics about what’s happening (telescope and instrument upgrades and conditions, outreach programs, staff recognitions, etc.), and the announcements (recruitment, conference/meeting, call for proposals). For major articles (mostly the science results), we contact mass media. The Japanese newspapers do carry most of the articles. In that way we are able to reach majority of the current taxpayers. Local newspapers hardly post our articles, and this is one of the important venues we are not successful yet. - 116 - In addition to the conventional tools, we are trying to utilize the most popular social media - twitter, facebook, YouTube, RSS - to lure the readers to check out the primary source of the posting (website). Use of social media is an attempt to reach out to wider demographics, and countries other than Japan and the USA. We also use mail exploder service such as the one with American Astronomical Society. In that way, the science release is picked up by many international media, primarily in the form of websites. - 117 - Level of the target audience of Japanese articles is for Japanese-speaking citizens who read regular newspapers (not the tabloids). For English readers, we target interested people who have a little more background and who cares to read about Japan based research facility. When contacting local newspapers, we completely rewrite the articles for easier access. We strive to create and provide informative and attractive visuals within our capability. Especially Hideaki Fujiwara has been making tremendous efforts in taking photos and videos showing the impressive environment of the telescope. Those materials literally help increase the visibility of our website or make the handouts more attractive. - 118 - - 119 - Facility tours: signature outreach program at Subaru Telescope For the optimum experience of the guests, and the safety of not only the guests but also of the telescope and equipment, we offer guided tours upon request. Groups interested in visiting either the base facility or the summit facility will contact our office, and we arrange the schedule that matches their interest and the operational restrictions of the telescope or the facility. In addition to these special tours, the Subaru Telescope offers general public tours of the summit facility. This is very unique amongst the telescopes on Mauna Kea. Interested group (mostly small number, or individuals) can sign-up the scheduled tours via our website. The tours are offered during the daytime of Tuesdays/Wednesdays/Thursdays except for when a sensitive work is going on at the facility or the holidays. The guests drive themselves up with 4WD cars (owned or rented) or come up with one of the 8 licensed tour operators that can enter the Mauna Kea’s restricted areas. 2/3 tours are for Japanese speaking guests, and the remainder is for English speaking guests. We see guests from the state of Hawaii, but mostly from Japan or the mainland USA or even from Europe. - 120 - Outreach: deliver the message created above We focus our outreach effort on two different audiences – Japanese and local communities. For Japanese, our primary method is the use of video conference system. Sometimes we offer special lectures for groups visiting our base facility. For local community, it is mostly classroom visits of the schools. Hands-on activities will help younger students become familiar with objects in the sky or the big equipment that study things in the sky, while the reference to the skill set our staff have or the internship opportunities are important component for older students. Lectures on site (Hilo Base Facility or in the vicinity, mostly the schools) Remote lecture to Japan (schools, museums, astronomy events, etc.) Classroom visit of local schools (in particular, during the Journey through the Universe [JTTU]program) Special astronomy events in the local community: Onizuka Science Day (OSD), JTTU, AstroDay Contribution to career path education (lecture, mentorship for high school students) Coordinate internship programs for college students (Akamai Internship) Networking with local astronomy organizations for effective outreach programs [MKAOC] New initiative from 2013, outreach events as opportunities for faculty development (effective communication of astronomy to the general public) - 121 - 8.3 Statistics 8.3.1 Information Quick look at the number of articles in different categories 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (as of 10/31) Press release J 19 16 19 17 10 8 Press release E 19 17 17 19 11 8 Topics J 19 17 15 9 15 11 Topics E 26 14 16 22 17 10 Announce J 20 28 26 31 28 7 Announce E 11 11 16 24 24 7 Media J 9 4 10 2 7 9 Media E 2 5 3 3 3 1 Media number = number of media groups actually came to visit the site (base and/or summit). Does not include phone/email only inquiries/postings. [Appendix: list of the web articles] [PIO printed publications] Brochures (16 page booklet): Japanese (updated in October 2014), English (updated in November 2014) English interim brochure (Press Kit) Flyer (6-fold leaflet): Japanese and English (being updated in November 2014, in line with the brochure design) Rack card (1 card, 2 sided): bilingual, standard size in the tourist information corners in the local establishment; distributed not only at Subaru Telescope but also at 2 other locations - Maunakea Visitor Information Station and ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center Postcards 12 patterns Photo book commemorating 10-th anniversary, Japanese (Sep. 2009), English (2011) Help create season’s greeting cards At Mitaka, calendar (long, 1 sheet style; deluxe 14-page calendar), occasionally work with HQ for NAOJ calendar 8.3.2 Facility Tours Number of visitors and the groups. General public tours of the summit facility show only the visitor numbers, not the groups. - 122 - # of participants 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (as of 10/31) Summit total 1424 1532 1372 1638 1269 824 Summit general 934 824 768 1134 521 325 Summit special 573 805 744 678 776 499 Summit special, group 136 155 150 122 138 66 Base special 446 579 536 542 526 265 Base special group 61 71 66 38 50 25 There are some duplicates between “general” and “special” tours of the summit facility. Some special tours are scheduled during the regular tour programs. General tours are handled by the bilingual tour guide. Special tours are mostly handled by other PIO staff or other staff of the Subaru Telescope. Prolonged closure of the summit tour FY2010, 3 months in summer, for telescope work. FY2011, 1 month in summer. FY2013, 2 months in summer, for telescope work. FY2014, about 1 month in winter, for telescope work; additional closures for HSC/FEU exchange work. Spike at FY2012 is partly due to the June 5, Venus transit visible from Hawaii. 8.3.3 Outreach Number of outreach events (classroom visit, special event, remote presentation, etc.) Location 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 (as of 10/31) Hilo Base Facility 16 17 16 22 17 14 Remote 22 16 14 17 16 13 Vicinity 82 95 55 70 87 4 (before JTTU) Out of the island 72 6 7 4 8 6 Other 19 31 24 2 - 123 - 3 (2010, 95 in vicinity = 15 in May + JTTU [Journey through the Universe] + other) Oct. 24, 2009 Galileo Block Party Hosted workshops for teachers, students, science communicators Lecture at ‘Imiloa Astronomy Center - Koichi Wakata Work with Hiromitsu Kohsaka Number of people we were able to reach at a time: 20 (classroom size in Hilo) to 500 or so for public event Goods production: sticker, poster, mini LED light, USB memory, grocery bag etc. - 124 - 8.4 Web Articles in English ------------ 2014-------------------Oct. 28 : Confirming a 3-D Structural View of a Quasar Outflow ~ Conclusions drawn from additional observations ~ Sep. 11 : Three eyes on the sky track laws of Nature 10 billion years ago Aug. 21 : A Chemical Signature of First-Generation Very-Massive Stars Jul. 1 : Umbrella Galaxy's Merger Models the Cosmic Food Chain Jun. 18 : Jupiter's Moons Remain Slightly Illuminated, Even in Eclipse May. 20 : Revealing the Complex Outflow Structure of Binary UY Aurigae Apr. 29 : Spectrum of Gamma-Ray Burst's Afterglow Indicates the Beginning of the Re-ionization Process Feb. 19 : Subaru Telescope Detects Rare Form of Nitrogen in Comet ISON Jan. 27 : Active Supermassive Black Holes Revealed in Merging Galaxies ------------ 2013-------------------Dec. 10 : Discovery of Hot Oxygen Gas Streaming Away from Distant Galaxies: Witnessing the Final Stage of Galaxy Buildup Dec. 5 : Marching to the Beat: Subaru's FMOS Reveals the Well-Orchestrated Growth of Massive Galaxies in the Early Universe Nov. 4 : Astronomers Establish the Strength of High-Inclination Asteroids Sep. 3 : Blue Light Observations Indicate Water-Rich Atmosphere of a Super-Earth Aug. 22 : A Fluffy Disk Around a Baby Star Aug. 4 : Subaru Telescope's Imaging Discovery of a Second Jupiter Shows the Power and Significance of the SEEDS Project Jun. 12 : Cosmic Giants Shed New Light on Dark Matter May. 17 : Subaru Telescope Observations and the CoRoT Mission Unveil the Future of the Sun Apr. 10 : Discovery of a Blue Supergiant Star Born in the Wild Mar. 31 : Gravitational Lensing in the Peculiar "Magatama" Galaxy Mar. 5 : Soccer Balls in Interstellar Space Feb. 18 : 3-D Observations of the Outflow from an Active Galactic Nucleus Feb. 7 : Direct Infrared Image of an Arm in Disk Demonstrates Transition to Planet Formation Jan. 24 : The Origin and Maintenance of a Retrograde Exoplanet Jan. 18 : Shedding Light on the Power of M82's Superwinds ------------ 2012-------------------Dec. 19 : Spiral Structure of Disk May Reveal Planets Nov. 27 : Dust Grains Highlight the Path to Planet Formation Nov. 19 : Direct Imaging of a Super-Jupiter Around a Massive Star Nov. 8 : Discovery of a Giant Gap in the Disk of a Sun-like Star May Indicate Multiple Planets Nov. 5 : Time-Traveling with One Method Illuminates the Evolution of Star Formation in the Universe Oct. 24 : Astronomers Study Dark Matter Filament in 3D Oct. 17 : Multiple Observations Reveal Unprecedented Changes on Jupiter Sep. 21 : Discovery of an Ancient Celestial City Undergoing Rapid Growth: A Young Protocluster of Active Star-Forming Galaxies Aug. 2 : Subaru Telescope Reveals 3D Structure of Supernovae Jun. 21 : Multiple Mergers Generate Ultraluminous Infrared Galaxy Jun. 12 : How the Universe Escaped its "Dark Ages" Jun. 3 : Discovery of the Most Distant Galaxy in the Cosmic Dawn May 4 : Subaru Telescope Discovers the Most Distant Protocluster of Galaxies Mar. 27 : Mapping Galaxy Formation in Dual Mode Mar. 19 : Surprising Discovery of a Rare "Emerald-Cut" Galaxy Feb. 8 : Subaru Telescope Captures Images of the "Stealth Merger" of Dwarf Galaxies Jan. 19 : Precise Measurement of Dark Matter Distribution with Strong and Weak Gravitational Lensing ------------ 2011—————————— - 125 - Dec. 29 : Subaru's Sharp Eye Confirms Signs of Unseen Planets in the Dust Ring of HR 4796 A Dec. 21 : Discovery of a Vigorous Star-Forming Galaxy at the Cosmic Dawn Oct. 26 : Subaru's 3-D View of Stephan's Quintet Oct. 19 : Researchers Explain the Formation of Scheila's Unusual Triple Dust Tails Oct. 19 : Spiral Arms Point to Possible Planets Oct. 11 : "Failed Stars" Galore with One Youngster Only Six Times Heftier than Jupiter Oct. 5 : The First Detection of Abundant Carbon in the Early Universe Oct. 3 : The Most Distant and Ancient Supernovae in the Young Universe Aug. 5 : Red-Burning Galaxies Hold the Key to Galaxy Evolution Jul. 6 : Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics Sharpens Subaru Telescope's Eyesight and Opens a New Vision of the Distant Universe Jun. 20 : Duo of Big Telescopes Probes the Depths of Binary Star Formation Apr. 29 : Special Issue of Publication of the Astronomical Society of Japan (PASJ) Highlights Recent Results from the Subaru Telescope Apr. 25 : Giant Black Holes Revealed in the Nuclei of Merging Galaxies Mar. 9 : A Mature Cluster of Galaxies at Young Universe Mar. 7 : New Images of Starburst Galaxy M82 Reveal Multiple Sources of Its Superwind Feb. 25 : Subaru Telescope Discovers A Rosetta Stone Cluster of Galaxies Feb. 17 : Direct Images of Disks Unravel Mystery of Planet Formation Jan. 12 : Inclined Orbits Prevail in Exoplanetary Systems ------------ 2010-------------------Nov. 19 : Why Do the Ionized Gas Clouds Stream Out from Galaxies? Oct. 21 : Subaru Telescope photographed 103P/Hartley Aug. 19 : New Herbig-Haro Jets in Orion Aug. 12 : Discovery of First Trojan Asteroid in a Stable Zone near Neptune Jul. 20 : Subaru Telescope Detects Clues for Understanding the Origin of Mysterious Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts Jul. 20 : Subaru Telescope Detects Clues for Understanding the Origin of Mysterious Dark Gamma-Ray Bursts Jun. 13 : Subaru Telescope photographed Hayabusa spacecraft May 21 : An Unusual Supernova May Be a Missing Link in Stellar Evolution Research May 20 : A Completely Grown-Up Galaxy in the Young Universe May 9 : Invisible light discovers the most distant cluster of galaxies Apr. 26 : Research Illuminates the Shape of Dark Matter's Distribution Apr. 22 : M81's "Halo" Sheds Light on Galaxy Formation Apr. 1 : A Fresh Look at Jupiter's Great Red Spot Jan. 29 : Astronomers discover cool stars in nearby space Jan. 22 : Discovery of new stellar streams in the halo of the Andromeda galaxy - Remnants of galaxy formation processes through mergers ------------ 2009-------------------Dec. 11 : First Direct Imaging of a Young Binary System Dec. 3 : Discovery of an Exoplanet Candidate Orbiting a Sun-Like Star: Inaugural Observations with Subaru's New Instrument HiCIAO Nov. 20 : Infrared Image of Circumstellar Disk Illuminates Massive Star Formation Process Nov. 17 : Maps Unveil the Source of Starburst Galaxy's Winds Nov. 12 : Discovery of a Retrograde or Highly Tilted Extrasolar Planet Nov. 6 : “Dropouts” pinpoint earliest galaxies Nov. 3 : Shedding Light on the Cosmic Skeleton Oct. 9 : Subaru Participates in Observations of Momentous Lunar Impacts Sep. 21 : Star Formation Activities at the Outskirts of Spiral Galaxy NGC 6946 - Young College Students Celebrate the 10th Birthday of Subaru Telescope Sep. 2 : UH Astronomer Finds Giant Galaxy Hosting the Most Distant Supermassive Black Hole Aug. 20 : A Ninth-Magnitude Messenger from the Early Universe - 126 - Jul. 2 : A Fireworks Display in the Helix Nebula Jun. 9 : Discovery of New Tidal Debris of Colliding Galaxies May 21 : Astronomers successfully obtained images of an extra-solar planet Apr. 22 : Mysterious Space Blob Discovered at Cosmic Dawn Apr. 14 : Creating Diamonds in Space Apr. 3 : Massive Galaxies Born Earlier than Expected Topics ------------ 2014-------------------Oct. 2 : Tribute to our beloved colleague, Cana Sep. 23 : Astrophotographer Hiromitsu Kohsaka tackles Andromeda Galaxy image Aug. 26 : Raven Soars Through First Light and Second Run Jul. 28 : Announcement of the Construction Phase of the Thirty Meter Telescope, a New Neighbor on Mauna Kea Jul. 17 : Organizations Collaborate for a Tanabata Star Festival at Subaru Telescope Jul. 10 : How to Clean a Huge 8.3 m Mirror Surface May. 12 : A Vivid Reminder of Astronaut Wakata's Visit to Hilo May. 8 : A Potpourri of Subaru Telescope Activities at AstroDay Apr. 17 : Professor Motohide Tamura Awarded 2014 Toray Science and Technology Prize Mar. 11 : Installation of a Plaque Acknowledging Donors to the TMT-Japan Office Feb. 20 : Subaru Telescope Staff Contribute to a Community-Wide Celebration of Onizuka Science Day ------------ 2013-------------------Dec. 30 : Volunteering at the Visitor Information Station: The Human Face of Astronomy Dec. 30 : Discovery of a "Relic" Galaxy, Frozen in Time Dec. 26 : Bringing Astronomy Home Dec. 5 : Subaru Telescope's Image Captures the Intricacy of Comet Lovejoy's Tail Dec. 2 : Spectrum of Outburst from Comet ISON Obtained by Subaru Telescope's High-Dispersion Spectrograph Nov. 25 : Hyper Suprime-Cam Captures a Clear Image of Comet ISON's Long Tails Nov. 14 : Fortunate Astronomers View a Moonbow on Mauna Kea Nov. 14 : Subaru Telescope Captures Visible-Light Images of the Comets ISON and Lovejoy Oct. 28 : Subaru Telescope Captures Clear Image of Comet ISON in the Mid-Infrared Range Aug. 7 : Constructing a 3D Map of the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe Jul. 30 : Image of M31 Heralds the Dawn of HSC's Productivity May 15 : Subaru Telescope's Bright and Shiny AstroDay May 9 : Subaru Staff -Part 22Apr. 23 : A Brilliant Merrie Monarch Parade Apr. 18 : At the Right Place at the Right Time to See a Rare Green Flash Mar. 16 : Professor Masanori Iye is awarded 2013 Japan Academy Prize Mar. 1 : Seeking New Planets, New Life, and New Ways to Search for Them Feb. 5 : Keeping Astronaut Onizuka's Legacy Alive ------------ 2012-------------------Dec. 27 : Support from JFPA Makes Camp ‘Imi-Possible a Reality Dec. 27 : The Beauty of Subaru's Data Dec. 13 : Director Arimoto Gives a Tour of the Universe at the Lyman Museum Oct. 29 : Jets, Star Formation, and a Glimpse of Past Korean Observations Oct. 11 : Tsukimi Event Enlightens the Community about the Moon Oct. 3 : Subaru Telescope Astronomer Olivier Guyon Receives Prestigious MacArthur Fellowship Sep. 12 : Hyper Suprime-Cam Ushers in a New Era of Observational Astronomy Sep. 7 : Subaru Telescope and `Imiloa Astronomy Center Collaborate to Present a Traditional Japanese Moon-Viewing Event Aug. 23 : A New Home for Subaru Telescope's Banner from Outer Space - 127 - Aug. 21 : Subaru Telescope Director Nobuo Arimoto Receives IAP Medal at Stellar Conference in Paris Jun. 15 : Focus on a Silhouette on the Sun: The Transit of Venus May 25 : Magical Moments of Lahaina Noon in Hilo May 24 : AstroDay: A Tradition of Mahalo May 23 : Subaru Telescope Pioneers the Use of Adaptive Optics for Optical Observations May 2 : Subaru-Led Team Discovers a Rare Stellar Disk of Quartz Dust May 2 : Astrophotographer Gendler Highlights Images from Subaru Telescope May 1 : Dr. Nobuo Arimoto Becomes Director of the Subaru Telescope Apr. 18 : Seeing Is Believing -- Smooth Airflow around Subaru Telescope's Cylindrical Enclosure Apr. 10 : Close Planetary Encounter Seen above Mauna Kea Mar. 27 : Start of New Series: Subaru Kids Island Feb. 24 : Subaru Telescope: The Next Generation Feb. 24 : Yes, It Snows on Mauna Kea Feb. 16 : Subaru News Expands into Social Media Jan. 26 : The Role of Subaru Telescope in Supernova Research: A Q and A Interview with Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter ------------ 2011-------------------Nov. 23 : Dr. Iye Honored with the Medal with Purple Ribbon Nov. 15 : A Celebration of VIS Volunteers Oct. 25 : Increasing the Power of Subaru's Adaptive Optics System Oct. 11 : It Takes a Community to Support a Telescope Sep. 6 : HSC Wide-Field Corrector Arrives at Subaru Telescope Aug. 23 : Astronomy Picture of the Day Features Subaru Image Jul. 28 : A Message from JAXA's Astronaut Wakata Jul. 18 : Subaru Staff -Part 21Jun. 13 : JAXA's Astronaut Wakata Returns Momento of Subaru Telescope from Space Flight Jun. 6 : Professor Iye Receives 2010 Toray Science and Technology Prize Apr. 20 : What's Next after "Subaru Kids"? Apr. 19 : Arabic Version Added to Worldwide Distribution of Telescope Poster Feb. 11 : Subaru Telescope Introduces Braille Version of Handout Feb. 4 : Subaru Users' Meeting Highlights Prime Focus Spectrograph Project Feb. 4 : Vice-Minister Sasaki Visits Subaru Telescope Jan. 31 : Subaru Telescope's Logo Adorns New Items at the MKVIS Jan. 28 : New Series of Photographs Joins the Subaru Gallery Jan. 24 : Subaru's Improved AO System Resumes Operation ------------ 2010-------------------Dec. 10 : Subaru's Donations to the University of Hawaii at Hilo Boost the Future of Astronomy in Hawaii Oct. 11 : Tweet Buttons Installed on Subaru's Website Jul. 29 : Images of the Orion Nebula Give Clues about the Origin of Life on Earth May 19 : A Glimpse into the World of Subaru's Outreach Scientist During the 2009 International Year of Astronomy May 17 : Subaru Joins an All-Star Cast to Support AstroDay 2010 May 4 : Observatories Support Local Culture and Community Apr. 13 : Hawaii News Now Features Subaru Telescope Apr. 9 : Subaru Helps Young People Reach for the Stars Mar. 9 : Chords of International Harmony: The Tokyo String Quartet Resonates with Subaru Telescope Mar. 8 : SUBARU INVESTS IN THE NEXT GENERATION OF SCIENTISTS Jan. 14 : "400 Years of the Astronomical Telescope" Poster ------------ 2009-------------------Dec. 22 : Japanese Museum and `Imiloa Astronomy Center Collaborate to Create a Special Astronomical Event Dec. 4 : Subaru's Appreciation for Astronomy and the Local Community Shines Through the Galileo Block Party - 128 - Dec. 4 : Mayor Captures the Interest of Students in a Lively Talk Story Exchange Nov. 13 : Collaboration Sharpens Planet-Finding Technology Oct. 16 : An Abundance of Astronomical Treats at the Galileo Block Party Sep. 30 : Director's Dialogue Informs and Delights Audiences Sep. 23 : The Thrill of Observing the Skies with a Personal Telescope Sep. 21 : A Stellar Goji-Kara Gathering at Subaru Sep. 3 : A Dialogue about Astronomy and Subaru's Discoveries With Dr. Masahiko Hayashi Aug. 28 : Galileo Block Party Will Open Windows to the World of Astronomy Aug. 3 : Stunning Images of Dark Cloud L1551 Bring Star Formation Activity to Light Jul. 22 : Partial Solar Eclipse Observed on Big Island Jul. 21 : TMT board selects Mauna Kea as preferred site for advanced, giant telescope Jun. 26 : Three Shining Laser Lines through the Night Sky of Mauna Kea May 14 : Cosmic Poster Contest Stars Big Island Talent May 12 : Children Can See the Skies as Galileo Did Apr. 20 : Subaru Shares the Wonder of the Sky with Schoolchildren Apr. 15 : Subaru PIO Staff Member Receives Award from Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan Apr. 8 : Next-Generation Instrument FMOS Joins Subaru Apr. 3 : Around the World in 80 Telescopes Announcement ------------ 2014-------------------Oct. 9 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - NAOJ Project Research Fellow (specially appointed by external grant) Aug. 5 : S15A Call for Proposals Jul. 30 : ANNOUNCEMENT OF SUBARU HSC/HIROSHIMA CORE-U JOINT WORKSHOP Jul. 1 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Assistant Professor, the Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) Jun. 18 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - TELESCOPE STRUCTURE MECHANICAL ENGINEER Jun. 3 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SUPPORT ASTRONOMER Feb. 19 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - HYPER SUPRIME-CAM RESEARCH FELLOW Feb. 12 : S14B Call for Proposals ------------ 2013-------------------Dec. 27 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SENIOR INSTRUMENTATION/RESEARCH SPECIALIST Dec. 19 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SCEXAO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW Dec. 8 : Link Banner: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity II Dec. 5 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Assistant Professor, Subaru Telescope, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ) Dec. 4 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SENIOR SCEXAO SCIENTIST Nov. 14 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SENIOR INSTRUMENTATION/RESEARCH SPECIALIST Nov. 14 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SENIOR INSTRUMENTATION ENGINEER Nov. 12 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 19 Oct. 25 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Oct. 21 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 18 Oct. 16 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SUPPORT ASTRONOMER Oct. 7 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Subaru Telescope Project Research Fellow 2014 Sep. 10 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 17 Aug. 9 : S14A Call for Proposals Aug. 7 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 16 Aug. 1 : Scientific Authorities Sign the TMT Master Agreement Jul. 2 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 15 Jun. 24 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Adaptive optics system Engineer - 129 - Jun. 12 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 14 May 2 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 13 Apr. 3 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 12 Apr. 2 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU BILINGUAL SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Mar. 22 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SUPPORT ASTRONOMER Mar. 1 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 11 Feb. 25 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU TELESCOPE PUBLIC OUTREACH SPECIALIST Feb. 13 : S13B Call for Proposals Feb. 1 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 10 Jan. 22 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 9 Jan. 16 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOR SUBARU TELESCOPE, NATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF JAPAN ------------ 2012-------------------Dec. 21 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 8 Nov. 5 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU TELESCOPE PROJECT RESEARCH FELLOW 2013 Nov. 2 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Nov. 2 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU INSTRUMENTATION ASSOCIATE Oct. 24 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Aug. 15 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 7 Aug. 7 : S13A Call for Proposals Jul. 19 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 6 Jul. 16 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Jun. 12 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ASSISTANT PROFESSOR FOR SUBARU TELESCOPE, NATIONAL ASTRONOMICAL OBSERVATORY OF JAPAN Jun. 6 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 5 May 15 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 4 May 15 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU BILINGUAL SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR Apr. 30 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 3 Apr. 18 : Special Call for Proposals Apr. 13 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUMMIT TELESCOPE TECHNICIAN I Apr. 13 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 2 Mar. 27 : Subaru Kids Island: Quiz 1 Mar. 13 : IAP-Subaru Joint International Conference Feb. 24 : S12B Call for Proposals Feb. 14 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Feb. 14 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU INSTRUMENTATION ASSOCIATE Jan. 18 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUMMIT TELESCOPE TECHNICIAN I ------------ 2011-------------------Nov. 16 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SCExAO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW Oct. 21 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Sep. 13 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Sep. 6 : Hyper Suprime-Cam Project Page Open Aug. 15 : S12A Call for Proposals Jul. 27 : Resumption of Open Use Observations Jul. 14 : Update on the Status of the Subaru Telescope Jul. 5 : Serious Hardware Incident Interrupts Operation of Subaru Telescope May 6 : Mission Report by Astronaut Koichi Wakata at `Imiloa May 5 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - PUBLIC OUTREACH ASSOCIATE May 3 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU NIGHT OPERATION ASSISTANT Mar. 31 : Subaru Kids: Story 36 (The last story) Mar. 29 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN I Feb. 28 : Subaru Kids: Story 35 - 130 - Feb. 9 : S11B Call for Proposals Jan. 4 : Subaru Kids: Story 34 ------------ 2010-------------------Oct. 6 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SOFTWARE ENGINEER Aug. 31 : Subaru Kids: Story 33 Jul. 26 : Subaru Kids: Story 32 Jun. 10 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ADAPTIVE OPTICS SCIENTIST Jun. 9 : Subaru Kids: Fun and Games "Word Search" Jun. 9 : Subaru Kids: Fun and Games "Crossword Puzzle" Mar. 9 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER/SCIENTIST Feb. 26 : S10B Call for Proposals Jan. 25 : Virtual Walkthrough Becoming an Astronomer ------------ 2009-------------------Nov. 12 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ADAPTIVE OPTICS SCIENTIST Sep. 29 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU INSTRUMENT ASTRONOMER Sep. 2 : RSS feed is available Aug. 13 : Call for Proposals: Semester S10A Jul. 2 : Subaru Kids: People at Subaru "Astronomer" Jun. 26 : Subaru Kids: Story 31 May 7 : Subaru Kids: People at Subaru "Graduate Student" May 1 : Subaru Kids: Story 30 - 131 - 8.5 Japanese Articles 日本語記事 2009 年度(2009 年4月)ー2014 年度(ただし10月分まで) 観測成果 ------------ 2014-------------------11 月 18 日: すばる望遠鏡の限界に挑んだ最遠方銀河探査 ~ 宇宙初期に突然現れた銀河を発見 ~ 10 月 21 日: 100 億光年かなたの天体の立体視を確認 ~ 追観測で下された最終的な結論 ~ 9 月 11 日: 3大望遠鏡で挑む 100 億年前の宇宙の自然法則 8 月 21 日: 天の川銀河の星の元素組成で探る宇宙初代の巨大質量星の痕跡 6 月 18 日: ガリレオ衛星が「月食」中に謎の発光? すばる望遠鏡とハッブル宇宙望遠鏡で観測 5 月 20 日: 2種類のガス流が織り成す連星系周辺の複雑な構造 4 月 22 日: 原始宇宙の中性水素ガスの兆候を発見 ~ 宇宙誕生後 10 億年頃のガンマ線バーストから 4 月 3 日: すばる望遠鏡、太陽とそっくりな星がスーパーフレアを起こすことを発見 2 月 19 日: すばる望遠鏡、アイソン彗星のアンモニアから太陽系誕生の「記憶」をたどる 1 月 27 日: すばる望遠鏡、合体銀河中の超巨大ブラックホールの活動性に迫る ------------ 2013-------------------12 月 9 日: 12 月 5 日: 11 月 4 日: 9 月 3 日: 8 月 22 日: 8 月 4 日: 6 月 12 日: 4 月 11 日: 3 月 31 日: ~ 3 月 5 日: 2 月 18 日: 2 月 7 日: 1 月 24 日: 熱い酸素ガスを広範囲に放出する遠方銀河を発見:銀河進化の最終段階を目撃 銀河が奏でる行進曲 ~ すばる望遠鏡 FMOS が明らかにする宇宙初期の大質量銀河の成長 ~ 軌道面が傾いた小惑星の人口調査 青い光で見るスーパーアースの空 塵粒にふわりと包まれた惑星誕生の現場 すばる望遠鏡 SEEDS プロジェクト、「第二の木星」の直接撮影に成功 銀河団の観測からつかんだ「冷たい暗黒物質」の証拠 はぎ取られた銀河ガスの中で誕生・進化した青色超巨星 100 億光年彼方の宇宙にある「勾玉 (まがたま)」銀河の正体は? ~距離の離れた二つの銀河が共演 宇宙空間に漂うサッカーボール すばる望遠鏡、遠方銀河核からのアウトフローの立体視に挑戦 太陽系外惑星が作る「腕」の検出に成功 すばる望遠鏡が解き明かす逆行惑星の成り立ち ------------ 2012-------------------12 月 26 日: 銀河の「帽子」に吹き付ける強力な風 ~ M82 の銀河風、4万光年先のガス雲と衝突中 ~ 11 月 27 日: 偏光観測で見えた惑星材料物質の成長 11 月 19 日: 重い恒星の巨大な惑星、すばる望遠鏡が直接観測で発見 11 月 12 日: 太陽系外の複数惑星系における惑星同士の食を初めて発見 (外部サイト) 11 月 8 日: 若い太陽のまわりの惑星誕生現場に見つかった巨大なすきま ~複数の惑星が誕生している現場か?~ 8 月 30 日: 銀河古代都市の建設ラッシュ - 現在の楕円銀河が爆発的に生まれ急成長する大集団を発見 - 8 月 2 日: 超新星爆発の形、実はでこぼこ? -すばる望遠鏡で迫る超新星爆発のメカニズム- 6 月 3 日: 最遠方銀河で見る夜明け前の宇宙の姿 5 月 24 日: すばる望遠鏡、ウルトラ赤外線銀河の謎を解明 - かすかな星の分布の様子が多重合体の証拠となった 4 月 23 日: すばる望遠鏡が見つけた宇宙最遠方の銀河団 4 月 11 日: 原始惑星系円盤に小さな渦巻き構造を発見 ― 密度波理論で探る惑星形成の現場 4 月 3 日: すばるが写した「長方形銀河」の秘密 3 月 29 日: 2つの輝線で探る銀河の過去、宇宙の過去 3 月 19 日: 形成しつつある惑星の兆候を捉えた - すばる望遠鏡による新たな発見 2 月 13 日: 銀河に流れ込む「星の小川」 ~ すばる望遠鏡が写した銀河合体の現場 2 月 6 日: すばる望遠鏡が明らかにした、もっとも暗い矮小銀河の生い立ち 1 月 19 日: 強弱重力レンズを組み合わせたダークマター分布の精密測定 1 月 11 日: すばるがとらえた塵のリングと見えない惑星のきざし:HR 4796 A の残骸円盤の超高コントラスト画 像 ------------ 2011-------------------- - 132 - 12 月 15 日: 12 月 6 日: 10 月 26 日: 10 月 19 日: 成因 ~ 10 月 11 日: 10 月 5 日: 10 月 3 日: 8 月 18 日: 8 月 5 日: 7 月 6 日: ズ銀河 ~ 6 月 3 日: 4 月 25 日: 4 月 7 日: 3 月 9 日: 3 月 7 日: 2 月 17 日: 2 月 1 日: 129.1 億光年の彼方、宇宙の「夜明け」にきらめく銀河を発見 すばる望遠鏡、オリオン座 KL 星雲を照らすエネルギー源を突き止める 若い星のまわりの小さなうずまき腕 (NASA による紹介記事、画像などの素材 (英語)) 小惑星同士の衝突で生じた奇妙なチリ雲 ~ 観測・実験・理論の強力タッグで解き明かしたチリ雲の すばる望遠鏡、惑星と恒星のはざまを繋ぐ:木星のわずか6倍の浮遊惑星も直接観測 すばる望遠鏡、125 億光年彼方の銀河に炭素を発見 ~ 宇宙における炭素誕生の謎に迫る ~ すばる望遠鏡、最遠方の超新星を続々発見 すばる望遠鏡が写し出した宇宙の遠近感 すばるパノラマ画像がうつしだす、「赤く燃ゆる銀河」の棲みか レーザーガイド星補償光学での遠宇宙観測が本格始動 ~ 10 倍になった視力で初めてみえた重力レン 色の対照鮮やか、おうし座の連星系円盤 合体銀河の奥深くに潜んだ活動的な超巨大ブラックホール すばる望遠鏡の最新成果が勢ぞろい ~ 日本天文学会欧文研究報告「すばる望遠鏡特集号」が刊行 宇宙幼年期の壮年銀河団 (宇宙初期に既に大人の銀河団が出現) すばる望遠鏡、爆発的星生成銀河 M82 の銀河風の起源を解明 世界で最も鮮明な惑星誕生現場の画像 ~巨大惑星が描く円盤の模様を写す~ すばる望遠鏡、爆発的な星形成をする「ロゼッタストーン銀河団」を発見 ------------ 2010-------------------12 月 20 日: すばる望遠鏡、大きく傾いた軌道を持つ惑星系を次々に発見 11 月 19 日: すばるの新しい眼、ファイバー多天体分光器 FMOS 11 月 9 日: すばる望遠鏡、かみのけ座銀河団に広がった電離水素ガス雲を多数発見 10 月 21 日: すばる望遠鏡が捉えたハートレイ彗星 9 月 22 日: オリオン座の暗黒星雲に、多数の新たなハービッグ・ハロー放出現象を発見 7 月 20 日: すばる望遠鏡 謎のダークガンマ線バーストの正体に迫る 6 月 17 日: あかり+すばる+スピッツァー、連係プレーで惑星誕生の謎に迫る 6 月 13 日: すばる望遠鏡で「はやぶさ」の撮影成功! 5 月 21 日: 百億光年の彼方に成長しきった銀河 5 月 19 日: ついに発見、「軽い」超新星 -星の標準理論の検証5 月 9 日: 見えない光で発見!96 億年前の巨大銀河の集団 4 月 26 日: すばる望遠鏡が捉えた暗黒物質分布の「ゆがみ」 3 月 18 日: 渦巻銀河 M81 の淡い外部構造に記された銀河形成史 1 月 15 日: アンドロメダ銀河ハローに新しい恒星ストリームを発見 ~矮小銀河合体による銀河形成の痕跡~ ------------ 2009-------------------12 月 3 日: すばる望遠鏡、太陽型星をめぐる惑星候補を直接撮像で発見 ~新装置 HiCIAO で第二の太陽系探しを 開始~ 11 月 19 日: すばる望遠鏡、双子の若い星の星周円盤を直接観測 --- 星周円盤に外部からの物質流入を初めて検 出 --11 月 18 日: すばる望遠鏡、 重い星に伴う星周円盤の赤外線直接撮像に成功 11 月 6 日: すばる望遠鏡、多数の超遠方銀河を発見 11 月 4 日: すばる望遠鏡、主星の自転に逆行する太陽系外惑星を発見 11 月 3 日: 姿を現した宇宙の骨格 10 月 26 日: 星形成銀河 NGC253 の輝線比マップ画像 ~銀河風の正体を探る~ 10 月 9 日: すばる望遠鏡、探査機の月面衝突の観測に参加 9 月 8 日: 渦巻銀河 NGC6946 外縁部の活発な星形成活動 ~「すばる望遠鏡観測研究体験企画」参加者による研 究成果~ 9 月 2 日: すばる望遠鏡 128 億光年彼方に宇宙最遠方の超巨大ブラックホールホスト銀河を発見 8 月 20 日: 9 等星に残されていた初期宇宙の超新星の記録 7 月 2 日: らせん状星雲に見られる、水素分子の塊の詳細構造をとらえる 6 月 9 日: すばる望遠鏡、銀河合体の謎を解く 5 月 21 日: すばる、系外惑星の撮影に成功 4 月 22 日: 古代宇宙で巨大天体を発見ー謎のガス雲ヒミコー - 133 - ―赤外線の眼で楽しむ、宇宙の花火― 4 月 14 日: すばる望遠鏡、結晶質の炭素分布箇所の観測に成功 ― 宇宙でのダイヤモンドの作り方 ― 4 月 3 日: 天文学者を悩ます重量級銀河たち トピックス ------------ 2014-------------------9 月 25 日 : すばる望遠鏡 HSC の映像作品が映文連アワード 2014 グランプリを受賞 9 月 8 日 : 天体写真家・上坂さん、HSC によるアンドロメダ銀河画像の美を追求 8 月 5 日 : 月夜のすばる望遠鏡と昇る夏の天の川 7 月 29 日 : すばる望遠鏡主鏡のほこり落としにはドライアイスのはたき掛け 7 月 28 日 : 次世代超大型望遠鏡 TMT の現地建設開始が決定 7 月 3 日 : すばる望遠鏡観測室からの「実況」ツイートまとめ 5 月 11 日 : すばる望遠鏡の上空を通過する国際宇宙ステーションの撮影に成功 5 月 6 日 : 今年も大盛況、13 回目を迎えた「アストロ・デー」 4 月 15 日 : すばる望遠鏡、観測までの道 (後編) 4 月 7 日 : すばる望遠鏡、観測までの道 (前編) 3 月 24 日 : 田村元秀教授が第 54 回東レ科学技術賞を受賞 3 月 11 日 : ハワイ観測所に設置された TMT 寄付者銘板 2 月 10 日 : 全天球画像で見るすばる望遠鏡 1 月 14 日 : すばる望遠鏡国際研究集会「系外惑星と円盤:それらの進化と多様性その2」を開催 ------------ 2013-------------------12 月 5 日 : 【速報】すばる望遠鏡が写したラブジョイ彗星の尾の微細構造 11 月 21 日 : 【速報】急増光直後のアイソン彗星にすばる望遠鏡が迫る 11 月 17 日 : 【速報】超広視野主焦点カメラ HSC が捉えたアイソン彗星の長い尾 11 月 11 日 : 見た人は幸せに?マウナケアで撮影された月の虹 11 月 10 日 : 【速報】すばる望遠鏡が写し出したアイソン彗星とラブジョイ彗星の核周辺 10 月 22 日 : 【速報】すばる望遠鏡が捉えたアイソン彗星 8 月 7 日 : 史上最遠方の宇宙立体地図が完成、ダークエネルギーの謎に迫る研究が進行中 7 月 30 日 : 新型の超広視野カメラが開眼、ファーストライト画像を初公開 6 月 20 日 : 第3回すばる望遠鏡公開講演会「宇宙最大の爆発を追う」を開催 4 月 23 日 : すばる望遠鏡を支えるスタッフ -パート 22: ハワイ観測所長4 月 17 日 : マウナケア山頂で目撃されたグリーンフラッシュ 3 月 13 日 : 2013 年度日本学士院賞に家正則教授 ------------ 2012-------------------10 月 8 日 : すばる望遠鏡が写した土星と環のスペクトル 9 月 12 日 : 新型の超広視野カメラ Hyper Suprime-Cam、始動へ 6 月 19 日 : 太陽に現れた小さな影を追え - マウナケアで観測された金星の太陽面通過 5 月 16 日 : 第2回すばる望遠鏡公開講演会「宇宙史のなかの銀河とブラックホールの生い立ち」を開催 5 月 15 日 : 天頂を駆け抜ける太陽、ラハイナ・ヌーン 5 月 14 日 : すばる望遠鏡、補償光学を用いた可視光観測に成功 4 月 30 日 : ハワイ観測所スタッフ、石英質の塵粒が輝く恒星を発見 ー 惑星形成の途上にある恒星か 4 月 18 日 : 望遠鏡建物を回り込む空気の流れをとらえた! 3 月 20 日 : 接近する金星と木星、彩りを添える二つの「すばる」 2 月 21 日 : 雪化粧のマウナケア 2 月 17 日 : すばる講演会「宇宙史のなかの銀河とブラックホールの生い立ち」では何が語られるのか? ------------ 2011-------------------12 月 29 日 : ノーベル物理学賞受賞者・パールムッター博士、すばる望遠鏡を語る 12 月 8 日 : すばる望遠鏡国際研究集会「銀河考古学~近傍宇宙論と銀河系形成」を開催 11 月 22 日 : ハワイ観測所・家教授が紫綬褒章を受章 10 月 7 日 : すばる望遠鏡次世代 AO ワークショップを開催 9 月 1 日 : HSC 補正光学系がすばる望遠鏡に到着 - 134 - 8 月 5 日 : 「すばるキッズアイランド」スタート! 7 月 27 日 : 若田光一 JAXA 宇宙飛行士からの応援メッセージ 6 月 28 日 : すばる望遠鏡を支えるスタッフ -パート 21: すばる望遠鏡見学ガイド6 月 13 日 : 若田光一 JAXA 宇宙飛行士とともに宇宙を旅したすばる望遠鏡記念品 6 月 8 日 : 10 回目を迎えた「アストロ・デー」 5 月 31 日 : ハワイ観測所・家教授が東レ科学技術賞を受賞 4 月 19 日 : 世界に広がる「一家に1枚 天体望遠鏡 400 年」ポスター・アラビア語版 3 月 31 日 : 「すばるキッズ」卒業式 2 月 17 日 : ハワイ観測所研究員 福江 翼さんが井上研究奨励賞を受賞 2 月 9 日 : すばる望遠鏡の点字配布物が完成 2 月 4 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング開催 ~ 次世代主焦点多天体分光装置 PFS が具体的な検討へ 1 月 25 日 : マウナケア中腹、案内所の売店にすばるグッズも登場 1 月 19 日 : 笹木文部科学副大臣がすばる望遠鏡を訪問 1 月 7 日 : ギャラリー新シリーズ「すばる望遠鏡がある風景」 ------------ 2010-------------------12 月 27 日 : 究極の「視力」達成へ向けて、補償光学系が再始動 11 月 24 日 : ハワイ観測所・高遠さんが南極へ出発 11 月 5 日 : すばるの夏休み、職員は大忙し (後編) 11 月 1 日 : すばるの夏休み、職員は大忙し (前編) 10 月 25 日 : すばる望遠鏡公開講演会を開催します 10 月 19 日 : ハワイ観測所にサマーステューデントがやってきた! 10 月 11 日 : すばる望遠鏡ウェブサイト、「ツイートボタン」機能を搭載 4 月 22 日 : ハワイ観測所・柏川准教授に井上学術賞 4 月 15 日 : ハワイ観測所の職員ら、平成 22 年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰を受ける 4 月 6 日 : ハワイ観測所研究員による研究成果「宇宙の特殊な光から地球上の生命の起源に新知見」 2 月 8 日 : 「地球型の系外惑星発見に向けた共同研究を開始」 1 月 14 日 : 「一家に1枚 天体望遠鏡 400 年」ポスター英語版 ------------ 2009-------------------12 月 22 日 : プラネタリウム、コンサートと宇宙の講演 12 月 11 日 : ハワイ観測所長による世界天文年記念講演 9 月 6 日 : すばる望遠鏡 10 周年記念シンポジウム 8 月 20 日 : 球状星団赤色巨星におけるカリウム組成決定 --- 2008 年度総研大すばる実習の成果 --7 月 22 日 : ハワイ島で見られた部分日食 7 月 21 日 : 次世代超大型望遠鏡 Thirty Meter Telescope の建設場所がマウナケア山頂に決定 6 月 26 日 : 3本のレーザービームがマウナケア山頂の夜空を舞う 4 月 14 日 : 科学技術週間に配布される「一家に 1 枚 天体望遠鏡 400 年」ポスター 4 月 13 日 : ハワイ観測所のスタッフ、平成 21 年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰を受ける 4 月 8 日 : 次世代観測機器 FMOS がすばる望遠鏡に加入 4 月 3 日 : 世界天文年国際企画、望遠鏡 80 台世界一周 お知らせ ------------ 2014-------------------10 月 9 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所特任研究員の公募 9 月 11 日 : すばる望遠鏡公開講演会 2014「すばる望遠鏡、宇宙へのまなざし。」のご案内 8 月 5 日 : S15A Call for Proposals (英語) 7 月 1 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 助教公募 (国際公募) 6 月 18 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台 TMT 推進室/ハワイ観測所 望遠鏡構造機械系エンジ ニア 6 月 3 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 6 月 3 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 サポート・アストロノマー 2 月 20 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - HYPER SUPRIME-CAM RESEARCH FELLOW (英語) 2 月 12 日 : S14B Call for Proposals (英語) - 135 - ------------ 2013-------------------12 月 30 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - シニア装置/研究スペシャリスト (Senior Instrumentation/Research Specialist) 12 月 19 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SCEXAO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW (英語) 12 月 12 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 24 12 月 8 日 : リンクバナー: Exoplanets and Disks: Their Formation and Diversity II 12 月 5 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 助教公募 (国際公募) 12 月 4 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - シニア SCExAO スペシャリスト (Senior SCExAO Specialist) 11 月 18 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - シニア装置/研究スペシャリスト (Senior Instrumentation/Research Specialist) 11 月 18 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - シニア装置エンジニア (Senior Instrumentation Engineer) 11 月 7 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 23 10 月 25 日 : 一連の復旧作業が完了 (最終報) 10 月 16 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 サポート・アストロノマー 10 月 10 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 22 10 月 7 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Subaru Telescope Project Research Fellow 2014 (英語) 9 月 5 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 21 8 月 9 日 : S14A Call for Proposals (英語) 8 月 1 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 20 7 月 31 日 : TMT 建設にむけまた一歩前進:各国が正式に参加する協定書に署名 7 月 11 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 助教公募 6 月 27 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 19 6 月 24 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - Adaptive optics system Engineer (英語) 6 月 6 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 5 月 30 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 18 5 月 13 日 : 国立天文台講演会・すばる望遠鏡公開講演会「宇宙最大の爆発を追う」開催のご案内 5 月 7 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 17 4 月 2 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - すばる望遠鏡バイリンガル計算機管理者の募集 4 月 2 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 16 3 月 22 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU SUPPORT ASTRONOMER 2 月 25 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - アウトリーチスペシャリスト 2 月 19 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 15 2 月 13 日 : S13B Call for Proposals (英語) 2 月 7 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台 TMT 推進室 特定契約職員 (専門研究職員) の募集 1 月 22 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 14 1 月 16 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 助教公募 (国際公募) 1 月 10 日 : 2012 年度 すばるユーザーズミーティング 最終サーキュラー ------------ 2012-------------------12 月 26 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 13 12 月 17 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング 2012 年度 ファーストサーキュラー 11 月 28 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 12 11 月 8 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台ハワイ観測所 准教授公募 11 月 8 日 : 「第一回 RAVEN サイエンスミーティング」のご案内 11 月 2 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - すばる望遠鏡ポスドク研究員の募集 11 月 2 日 : 「すばる秋の学校(FMOS)2012」のご案内 10 月 24 日 : すばる望遠鏡、全ての観測装置の機能が回復 (第八報) 10 月 8 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 11 9 月 14 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ 10 9 月 10 日 : 講演会「超大型望遠鏡 TMT がぬりかえる宇宙像」 8 月 15 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ9 8 月 7 日 : S13A Call for Proposals (英語) 7 月 19 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ8 7 月 16 日 : すばる望遠鏡、主焦点カメラ Suprime-Cam での観測を再開 (第七報) 6 月 20 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 - 136 - 6 月 13 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ7 6 月 8 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 国立天文台研究教育職員 (ハワイ観測所) の公募 (国際公募) 5 月 30 日 : 「宇宙、生命、エネルギー」若手研究者による Rising Sun - 自然科学研究機構若手研究者賞記念講演 5 月 16 日 : すばる望遠鏡バイリンガル計算機管理者の募集 4 月 30 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ6 4 月 17 日 : すばる望遠鏡共同利用観測追加公募 (4 月 26 日締切) 4 月 16 日 : 「すばる春の学校 2012」 2nd circular 4 月 2 日 : 「すばる春の学校 2012」のご案内 3 月 30 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ5 3 月 13 日 : IAP-Subaru Joint International Conference (すばる第4回国際会議) 2 月 24 日 : S12B Call for Proposals (英語) 2 月 14 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT ポスドク研究員 (MOIRCS アップグレード担当) 2 月 14 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU INSTRUMENTATION ASSOCIATE 1 月 18 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング 2011 年度 ファーストサーキュラー 1 月 18 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUMMIT TELESCOPE TECHNICIAN I (英語) 1 月 16 日 : 第2回すばる望遠鏡公開講演会 宇宙史のなかの銀河とブラックホールの生い立ち ------------ 2011-------------------11 月 16 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SCExAO POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCH FELLOW (英語) 11 月 1 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ4 10 月 5 日 : すばる望遠鏡、赤外線用主焦点での観測を再開 (第六報) 10 月 5 日 : すばる望遠鏡事故調査報告書 (第五報) 9 月 29 日 : すばる秋の学校 2011 2nd circular 9 月 22 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ3 9 月 15 日 : 「すばる秋の学校 2011」のご案内 9 月 1 日 : Hyper Suprime-Cam プロジェクトページがオープン 8 月 30 日 : すばる望遠鏡、カセグレン焦点での観測を再開 (第四報) 8 月 17 日 : すばるキッズアイランド:クイズ2 8 月 15 日 : S12A Call for Proposals (英語) 7 月 24 日 : すばる望遠鏡、共同利用観測を再開 (第三報) 7 月 13 日 : すばる望遠鏡に障害が発生しました (第二報) 7 月 4 日 : すばる望遠鏡に障害が発生しました (第一報) 6 月 21 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 5 月 5 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - アウトリーチ支援員 (英語) 5 月 3 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - SUBARU NIGHT OPERATION ASSISTANT (英語) 4 月 7 日 : すばる春の学校 2011 2nd circular 3 月 31 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー36 (最終回) 3 月 29 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - INSTRUMENTATION TECHNICIAN I (英語) 3 月 22 日 : すばる望遠鏡次世代 AO ワークショップ 3 月 7 日 : 「すばる春の学校 2011」のご案内 2 月 28 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー35 2 月 9 日 : S11B Call for Proposals (英語) 2 月 1 日 : すばる望遠鏡 FMOS 戦略枠公募 一次審査の結果について 1 月 4 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー34 ------------ 2010-------------------11 月 23 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング 2010 ファーストサーキュラー 10 月 25 日 : 「すばる秋の学校 2010」のご案内 10 月 13 日 : すばる望遠鏡公開講演会 2010 「太陽系外の惑星を探る」 10 月 6 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ソフトウェアエンジニア (英語) 9 月 28 日 : 「TMT で切り拓く 2020 年代の新しい天文学」最終プログラム 9 月 28 日 : ALMA-Subaru Workshop 2010 (宇宙・銀河・星・惑星・生命の誕生) (final circular) 9 月 21 日 : 「TMT シンポジウム 第3サーキュラー」 9 月 20 日 : ALMA-Subaru Workshop 2010 (宇宙・銀河・星・惑星・生命の誕生) (3rd circular) 9 月 2 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - TMT プロジェクト 助教 - 137 - 8 月 31 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー33 8 月 30 日 : ハワイ島レポート 8 月 27 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ハワイ観測所教授 8 月 18 日 : 「すばる望遠鏡 将来装置計画 ワークショップ」のご案内 8 月 12 日 : 「すばる秋の学校 2010」のご案内 7 月 26 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー32 6 月 10 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 補償光学サイエンティスト 6 月 9 日 : すばるキッズ:お楽しみコーナー 「ワードサーチ」 6 月 9 日 : すばるキッズ:お楽しみコーナー 「クロスワードパズル」 5 月 18 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 4 月 15 日 : すばる春の学校 2010 参加申込み 3 月 18 日 : 「すばる春の学校 2010」のご案内 3 月 9 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - 広報担当サイエンティスト 3 月 3 日 : ハワイ大学 2.2m 望遠鏡 (UH88) および英国赤外線望遠鏡 (UKIRT) の日本人研究者向け観測時間 (2010B 期) 公募について 2 月 26 日 : S10B Call for Proposals 1 月 25 日 : 観測者ヴァーチャルツアー天文学者になろう 1 月 5 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング 2009 プログラム ------------ 2009-------------------11 月 20 日 : すばるユーザーズミーティング 2009 ファーストサーキュラー 11 月 12 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT(英語) 9 月 29 日 : JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT(英語) 9 月 2 日 : RSS フィードを開始 8 月 13 日 : Call for Proposals: Semester S10A (英語) 7 月 24 日 : すばる秋の学校 2009 1st circular 7 月 14 日 : ALMA-Subaru Workshop「大質量星形成と ALMA;今なすべきことは何か?」(最終サーキュラー) 7 月 2 日 : すばるキッズ:すばるで働く人びと 「天文学者」 6 月 26 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー31 6 月 5 日 : ALMA-Subaru Workshop「大質量星形成と ALMA;今なすべきことは何か?」(1st サーキュラー) 5 月 7 日 : すばるキッズ:すばるで働く人びと 「大学院生」 5 月 1 日 : すばるキッズ:ストーリー30 4 月 17 日 : すばる春の学校 2009 2nd circular 4 月 15 日 : すばる望遠鏡・観測研究体験企画のご案内 - 138 - 9. Education Subaru telescope hosts and supervises many Sokendai (Graduate University for Advanced Studies) graduate students as well as those from other universities in the world. Among 9 Sokendai students who are currently supervised by Subaru staff members, 2 are based in Hilo office. Subaru actually hosts nearly one-third of the total Sokendai students at NAOJ. 13 Subaru staff members are concurrently appointed by Sokendai, of which 10 are based in Hilo office. Also, 1 staff member participates the graduate course education at the University of Tokyo. The number of PhD and Master theses that are obtained based on Subaru telescope data at Japanese universities are on average about 10 per year for both PhD and Master (see the Table 1). Table 1: The numbers of PhD and master theses obtained at Japanese universities based on Subaru telescope data. Fiscal year PhD Master 2009 12 8 2010 7 12 2011 10 8 2012 10 10 2013 12 12 Subaru telescope has been conducting a wide range of educational programs for both undergraduate and graduate students. Subaru telescope annually hosts two observation training courses; one for Sokendai graduate students and the other for undergraduate students (mainly in 2nd--3rd grade) who belong to universities in Japan. The students are brought to Hawaii to see and actually use the Subaru telescope. The obtained science data are also processed by the students with data analysis tutorials, and the science outputs, if significant, are reported at national astronomical society’s annual meeting in Japan. Moreover, we host Subaru schools every year which are mainly focused on the training of Subaru data analyses. The target participants are both graduate and undergraduate course students. In late FY2013, we opened a Subaru school in Korea hosted by KASI for the first time, and we invited both Korean and Japanese students. The undergraduate student programs are intended to motivate excellent students to study astronomy and to cultivate future-professional researchers. We have been receiving strong demand by the community on these programs, and the oversubscription rates have been continuously high such as 3 (Subaru data analysis school) or 4 (Subaru observation training course), and we can select only brilliant students based on their applications. - 139 - 10. Safety and Internal Communication 161st Safety Committee Meeting Minutes The 161st Safety Committee Meeting Minutes Date and Time Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 13:00~14:00 Place 104A Meeting Room Attendees Arimoto, Hasegawa, Noumaru, Ramos, Seto, Sugawara, Takiura, Tsutsumi Absentees Hayano, Letawsky, Toyofuku Action Items 1. Write a procedure to reenter the building after the fire alarm goes off and put the procedure into the safety manual (Noumaru) 2. Announcement for sign-off sheets and daily checklists for forklifts, aerial lifts and cranes, and the training (Noumaru) 3. Job hazard analysis (Noumaru) 4. Revise the draft of the hazard communication program (Noumaru) 5. Find out 70ft lanyard which stretch down slowly (Noumaru) 6. Make a rough estimate to fix concrete/stucco crack, corrosion of rebar, falling patches and water coming in the concrete throughout the summit facility (Toyofuku) 7. Make a Summit parking rule draft and add it to the safety manual or bring it to DCM (Noumaru or Toyofuku) 8. The safety office plans shall includes (1) Education of staff members for summit tour (2) Plan a responder drills (3) Access danger and possible accident for each location and provide first aid items which suit for each location and (4) Introduce an inventory system for first aid items (Noumaru). 9. The safety office shall develop a "SAMPLE" worksheet for each first aid kit (Noumaru and Kobayashi). 10. The safety office shall provide blanket at each first aid station (Noumaru and Kobayashi). 11. The safety office shall check ANSI Z308.1 and make each first aid station comply with it (Noumaru and Kobayashi). 12. The safety office shall establish the emergency plan for natural disaster and include the shelter in the plan (Noumaru). 13. Make CCTV system at Hilo base facility capture vehicle registration number (Noumaru and the facility team). 14. Install the gate at the rear driveway (Noumaru and the facility team). 15. Check the sample social media policy (Noumaru) 16. Study safety issues for M3 coating (Noumaru and Takiura) 17. Check training requirements for hazmat (Noumaru) 18. Check insurance (Noumaru) 1. The minutes of the last meeting and follow-up of the action items 1. [Final Minutes] The minutes of the last meeting was approved. - 140 - 2. New Business 2-1 Subaru Telescope Job Safety Analysis Form [material] 1. Noumaru proposed that we Job Safety Analysis (JSA) should be conducted for each job or task using the presented form. He said that it would be no problem for doing JSA for routine jobs. As for non-routine jobs, JSA which is conducted for each equipment may be substituted. 2. Tsutsumi said that JAC conducts JSA for major jobs such as aluminizing, instrument exchange or snow removals. 3. Noumaru will present this at the schedule meeting and discuss items of JSA with the schedule meeting members. 4. The proposal was approved. 3. Old Business None 4. Reports 4-1 Injury Reports [material] 1. One injury occurred on October 17, 2014 at the summit observation floor. 2. Another injury occurred on October 22, 2014 at the base facility. 3. Related to the head injury, Noumaru raised the LOTO issue for the telescope. Hasegawa and day crew team are currently working on labeling safety switches, making how they work clear and making instructions. 4-2 Accident Report [material] 1. A vehicle accident occurred on October 27 at the summit parking lot. 2. No penalty was made to the person who involved the accident. 4-3 Trainings [No material] 1. OSHA Compliance – December 16. 2 student so far. New enrollment is accepted. 2. Fall Protection Competent/Authorized Person training – January 2015 or later. Need five students per instructor for competent person training and five or more students for authorized person training. Since there may not be enough number of students from Subaru Telescope, we will call for students from neighbor observatories. Then schedule coordination would become more difficult... 3. First Aid/CPR/AED – December 4 and 11. 4-4 Safety Officer Report [material] 1. NAOJ Safety Health Committee will recognize Subaru Telescope Safety Committee as the officialsafety and health committee. 2. Personnel from Mitla and NTT and Noumaru discussed improvement of Remote medical Monitor. 3. Debriefing for an October 17 accident was held at the summit on November 17. - 141 - 4. Noumaru will schedule the respirator fit test for those who use a respirator for M3 coating. 5. Others 1. Tsutsumi said that reporting requirement for accident/injury/death requirement to OSHA will change from January 2015. Noumaru said that recording requirement will also change from January 2015. 2. Errors in the material a. Page 6: Injury Report: Date is 10/17/14. b. Page 6: Injury Report: Accident location is "Summit, Observation Floor". 5. Next Meeting Tuesday January 6, 2015 from 1 p.m. at Room 104A. - 142 - 1st Subaru Internal Symposium - 143 - 2nd Subaru Internal Symposium - 144 - Appendix: Coolant Leakage at the Subaru Telescope July 2, 2011, the Subaru Telescope had an incident of coolant leakage. After this incident, the Subaru Telescope had been working on various things for recovery from the incident, and also had been making various efforts to avoid a similar kind of incident again. In this Appendix, all the reports regarding all the actions the Subaru Telescope had after the coolant leakage. Frist report (July 4, 2011, HST) While shutting down the observation system at the end of the night shift during the early morning of Saturday, July 2. 2011, the telescope operator detected an error signal from the top unit of the telescope. The top unit, which includes the Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam) and auxiliary optics, is located at the center of the top ring of the Subaru Telescope. The operator contacted the Telescope Engineering Division (TED) and continued to check the status of various parts of the top unit. The TED summoned three staff members who immediately left Hilo for the summit to assess the situation. Meanwhile, the operator, support astronomer, and nighttime observers left the control building and descended safely down to the mid-level dormitory at Hale Pohaku. The incident did not harm any observatory staff or observers. When the TED staff members arrived at the telescope, they saw extensive leakage of coolant (ethylene glycol) from the top unit. Although they promptly shut off the supply of coolant, a significant amount of leakage had already occurred all over the telescope--from the top unit itself and Suprime-Cam down to the tertiary mirror, the primary mirror and some of its actuators, the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS, a Cassegrain instrument) and its auxiliary optics, and the telescope floor. TED staff members attempted to clean up and remove as much coolant as possible. However, such areas as optics, control circuits, and the inside of Suprime-Cam and FOCAS were inaccessible during the initial clean-up. Inspections have shown that the spillage is confined to the enclosure itself and did not spread into the environment of the site. The damage assessment is ongoing. During the clean-up and recovery of equipment, nighttime observations as well as daytime summit tours of the Subaru Telescope are temporarily suspended. Scheduled observers as well as tour visitors are being contacted. - 145 - Figure 1. An orange-colored liquid covers the mirror surface. This is the coolant for the electronics and other equipment at the top unit. The coolant consists of a mixture of water and ethylene glycol, a liquid commonly used in a vehicle's radiator for cooling. The coolant is not corrosive and does not damage the primary mirror, which has a foundation of glass. The nozzles shown in the upper part of the photo are part of the CO2 cleaning device used to remove dust from the mirror. - 146 - Second report (July 14, 2011 HST) Subaru crews have made progress toward restoring the telescope’s operation. This report describes the current condition of the telescope and the prospects for resuming its operation. 1. Affected Instruments and Other Equipment Inspections located coolant on the following: the primary mirror, some of the actuators supporting the primary mirror, part of the primary mirror cell, and both the optical and infrared tertiary mirrors, the telescope floor, and the auxiliary systems (note 1) of the primary and Cassegrain foci (note 2) as well as two instruments (the Subaru Prime Focus Camera or “Suprime-Cam” and the Faint Object Camera and Spectrometer or “FOCAS”). Crews did not find any coolant on the ground outside the telescope enclosure building. The trace amount of coolant that fell to the concrete floor at the center of the enclosure building was completely removed within hours of the incident. No coolant entered into the ground but was completely contained on the concrete floor before it was removed. An inquiry panel that includes external members has been established to determine the cause of the leak. 2. Restoration Efforts Subaru crews are working to clean and restore the operation of the telescope. During this restoration process, open use has been suspended until July 21st at the earliest. The restoration workvis now focusing on the inspection and testing of the instruments and equipment. On July 6th, crews washed both of the tertiary mirrors with water. The successful cleaning of the aluminum-coated tertiary mirror led to the July 7th waterwashing of the primary mirror, which also has an aluminum coating. There are no visible effects either from the coolant or from the washing. Monitoring of the surface of the primary mirror will continue. Crews have removed the instruments and auxiliary equipment from prime and Cassegrain foci. Inspection of each piece of equipment as well as the instruments Suprime-Cam and FOCAS continues. 3. Resumption of Operations The results of the cleanup activities as well as the outcome of various tests and repairs will establish the schedule for resuming open use observations. Different foci may become operational at different times. The first test observations will be at the Nasmyth focus. Resumption of primary and Cassegrain foci operations may take longer. Notes: 1. The auxiliary optics systems help to ensure precise observations. The auto guider system operates to accurately track a target object. Another system functions to inspect the shape of the primary mirror and provides correction so that the shape of the mirror is always in its ideal configuration. Most of these auxiliary optics systems as well as the instruments used to obtain astronomical data (e.g., a camera that captures an image of a galaxy) sit on an instrument rotator that compensates for the rotation of the field of view as the telescope tracks a target. An image de-rotation system is used for Nasmyth focus. 2. The Subaru Telescope enables observations at four different foci. The primary focus at the top of the telescope collects light reflected from the primary mirror and provides a very - 147 - wide field of view. The primary focus instrument can be exchanged with a secondary mirror, which sends the light back down to other foci. Cassegrain focus is straight down from the secondary mirror and below the primary mirror. When a third, flat mirror is inserted into the optical path from the secondary mirror, it sends the light to the side of the telescope, and one of the two Nasmyth foci becomes available for the observation. Figure 2. A July 11th photo of the primary mirror of the Subaru Telescope after waterwashing. Coolant pictured in the first report has been removed, and the surface appears normal. - 148 - Third Report (July 27, 2011 HST) On the night of July 22nd Subaru Telescope resumed open use observations at Nasmyth foci. There are several instruments associated with the Nasmyth foci that were not affected by the leak and are available in the open use observations: The High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS), the 188-element Adaptive Optics (AO188) system, the Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS), and the High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics (HiCIAO). Although the incident affected the telescope's primary mirror, water washing has been successful in restoring its surface and functionality. Coolant leaked inside the auxiliary equipment of the Subaru Prime Focus Camera (Suprime-Cam). Both Suprime-Cam and its auxiliary equipment have been removed from the primary focus for further inspection and restoration. No coolant is currently circulating at the top end of the telescope. Observations at Nasmyth foci use a secondary mirror located at the top end but do not require the use of coolant. The instruments of the primary focus are being thoroughly inspected. They will resume operation after the implementation of corrective measures to prevent future incidents. Observations using the Cassegrain focus will resume once the affected areas are cleaned and tested. Notes: - High Dispersion Spectrograph (HDS) This instrument examines the visible light from an object by splitting it into highly dispersed spectral lines. It is used to study the chemical composition of first-born stars in galaxies or to reveal the presence of planetary systems by showing variations in the velocity of the stars. - Adaptive Optics with 188 Elements (AO188) The AO system sharpens a stellar image blurred by atmospheric turbulence; it does so by quickly changing the shape of a small mirror inserted into the optical path. This process allows for very high spatial resolution observations. It currently operates with either IRCS (Infrared Camera and Spectrograph) or HiCIAO. - Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (IRCS) This instrument enables imaging and spectroscopy in infrared wavelengths by utilizing the high spatial resolution and high sensitivity of AO188. It covers a wide range of observations that span from individual star/planet formation regions to areas of distant galaxies. - High Contrast Instrument for the Subaru Next Generation Adaptive Optics (HiCIAO) This instrument blocks infrared light from a bright object and enables the search for objects surrounding it. It is used to detect exoplanets, i.e., planets circling a star other than the Sun, or to study the structure of circumstellar disks around young stars. - 149 - Fourth report (September 123, 2011 HST) Three of Subaru Telescope’s four foci are now operational. Subaru Telescope resumed open use operation of the Cassegrain focus on August 26th, following the resumption of observations at the two Nasmyth foci on July 22nd. Two of the three instruments for the Cassegrain focus, the Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer (COMICS) and the imaging mode of the Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph (MOIRCS), are available for open use; neither was affected by the July 2nd coolant leak. A third instrument, the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) as well as the auxiliary subsystem at the Cassegrain focus have been removed and are being repaired. Notes: The instruments and auxiliary system at Cassegrain focus. Subaru Telescope offers three observational instruments as well as an auxiliary system for enhancing observations at the Cassegrain focus. - COMICS (Cooled Mid-Infrared Camera and Spectrometer) The thin, dry air over the 13,796' mountain of Mauna Kea gives the Subaru Telescope excellent conditions for detecting mid-infrared light from astronomical objects. COMICS is a camera and spectrograph that can take advantage of this unique observational setting. Its applications include investigation of how individual stars in our own galaxy form; how large-scale star formation in other galaxies takes place; and how interstellar dust, the raw material of planets, comes into being. COMICS does not require the Cassegrain auxiliary system for most of its observations. - MOIRCS (Multi-Object Infrared Camera and Spectrograph) MOIRCS, a wide-field near-infrared instrument using eight megapixel detectors, has the widest field of view of all infrared instruments among 8-meter class telescopes. It can obtain spectra of multiple astronomical objects at the same time, dramatically increasing its observational efficiency. Imaging observations with MOIRCS's camera do not usually require the use of the Cassegrain auxiliary system. - FOCAS (Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph) FOCAS is Subaru's workhorse instrument for high-sensitivity optical observations. Its multi-slit system allows it to capture spectra of up to 100 objects simultaneously. This powerful capability facilitates measurement of distances to faint galaxies near the edge of the Universe. - Auxiliary System The auxiliary system accompanies each focal station of the Subaru Telescope. It includes the auto-guider, the Shack-Hartmann camera, the image rotator for Nasmyth foci, the instrument rotator for primary and Cassegrain foci, and the atmospheric dispersion corrector (ADC). - 150 - Fifth Report (October 21, 2011 HST): Resumption of Open Use Observations at Primary Focus with an Infrared Instrument All of the Subaru Telescope's four foci are now operational. Subaru Telescope resumed open use operation of the primary focus on September 22nd, following a verification observation on September 20th. Three other foci have been in service: the two Nasmyth foci since July 22nd and the Cassegrain focus since August 26th. The instrument available at the primary focus is the FMOS (Fiber Multi-Object Spectrograph). Although the auxiliary system unit for infrared observations at the primary focus is different from the one for optical observations, these two units share a few mechanisms for their operation. Therefore, some additional safety measures were implemented for this auxiliary system unit before resuming its operation on the telescope. The Suprime-Cam and the auxiliary system for optical observations are being repaired and will become available in 2012. Sixth report (October 24, 2012 HST): Resumption of Open-Use Observations with FOCAS Marks Functionality of Subaru Telescope's Entire Suite of Instruments A functional test of the Faint Object Camera and Spectrograph (FOCAS) took place the night of October 5, 2012, and open-use observations resumed on the night of October 19, 2012. A year of careful steps took place to assure recovery of FOCAS from the July 2, 2011 coolant incident. Implementation of safety features mandated by the National Astronomical Observatory's Inquiry Panel preceded the testing and observations. The procedures included a thorough check of the entire range of operation of the active cable wrap as well as careful reviews of checklists and instrument installation and operation manuals. The successful operation of FOCAS means that Subaru Telescope's entire suite of observational instruments is in working order. An announcement of full recovery will take place when the primary mirror dons its shiny new coating after its realuminization scheduled for the summer of 2013. Seventh report (October 25, 2013 HST): Conclusion of Recovery Work Since the coolant leak onto the primary mirror in July, 2011, Subaru Telescope has taken a series of diligent steps to assure its full recovery. Recovery work has included meticulous inspection and cleaning of the affected areas. Follow-up efforts concluded during the summer of 2013, when the primary mirror was thoroughly cleaned, realuminized, and inspected. Given the significant impact of the leak, the telescope engineering and science operation divisions remain vigilant in ensuring the effective operation of the telescope and its instruments. Subaru Telescope continues to give special attention to the careful design, installation, and monitoring of its equipment. - 151 -
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