XANADU HOW TO MAKE THE ALIEN HEADPIECE WHAT YOU WILL NEED: for one headpiece white headband - fabric covered, like in the photos. The headband can be wider. Dont use an uncovered plastic one. z bng white pipecleaners, about 12 if short pipecleaners hair comb - any @lour, or even clear thin blaCkWire-availableonasmall rolllromanyhardu/areshop,onerollwillhaveenor8hwiretoconpletetheheadpiecsforthe rrvtnle group 1 fOam ball - aOout zacm circumlerence or about gcm dianpter ZtOam balls - alout zscm circurnferenceor about 7cm dianeter Orangefelt-tsrreet paint, brush - Iime green acrylic paint or similar black fabric- small piece for 3 circles {pupils) string, scissors slrong glue a pair ol jevnellery pliers will make the iob much easier STEPS 1. Paint one half of each foam ball with the lime-green paint. Two coats will be needed' 2. Cut 1.5cm wide strips ol orange felt, and using strong glue, attach the felt strip around the circum{erence of the foam balls, covering the line of painted and unpainted foam. 3. Cut 3 strips of wire: 1 about 50cm long, 2 about 30cm long. lt is fine if the wire has waves and bends in it. Then wind white pipecleaners around the wire TIGHTLY. leaving about 5cm free on both ends of the wire. lt is fine if little bits of wire can still be seen along the "eye stalk" after the pipecleaners have been wound around. 4. Make a loop at one end of each of the wire strands. The size of the loop needsto just big enough to slide the headband through. i.e. the diameter of the loop depends upon the widh of the headband. 5. Slide the 3 wire loops onto the headband so that the longest wire is in the MIDDLE. lf necessary, twist the wire around the headband to stop the wire loop slipping on the head band. lf the wire loop is still slipping, the wire loop is too big lor the headband - make the loop smaller. 6. Cut 3 black circles and using strong glue, attach to the centre of the unpainted side of the loam balls- 7. push the biggest foam ball onto the middle wire. Push the 2 smaller foam balls onto the 2 outside wires. Elend the wires so that the "alien eyeballs" are facing behind the performer. (You can add a dab of strong glue lo the wire before you push the loam balls on.) the centre, by winding string around the comb prongs and the headband. THE PHONGS OF THE HAIRCOMB NEED TO FACE THE SAME WAY AS THE EYEBALLS -the alien "eyes" will befacing behind the performer. B. Attach the haircomb to the headband, at 9. Secure the headband FIBMLYIo the performer's head by placing double'crossed bobby pins all along the headband and across the hair comb. lf secured proprly, the headband wont move on the performe/s head. front view back view ij Hqve trr.-,]
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