Parish Mission Statement The Peace of Christ calls us to create a Christian Community where God is found in the beauty and joy of our worship; in the breadth of our outreach; and in our love for one another. Rev. Robert J. Schrader, Pastor Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial Vicar Rev. Brian K. Carpenter, Parochial Vicar Weekend Liturgy Schedule Saturday 4:30 p.m. St. Sunday 8:00 a.m. St. Sunday 9:00 a.m. St. Sunday 9:45 a.m. St. Sunday 11:00 a.m. St. Sunday 5:00 p.m. St. James James John Ambrose John Ambrose Weekday Liturgy Schedule Monday 7:45 a.m. St. Tuesday 9:15 a.m. St. Wednesday 7:45 a.m. St. 12:10 p.m. St. Thursday 7:00 a.m. St. 9:15 a.m. St. Friday 12:15 p.m. St. James Ambrose James John John Ambrose Ambrose Holy Day Liturgy Schedule Please check the bulletin the week of the Holy Day. Confessions Saturday: 3:45 - 4:15 p.m. St. James Sunday: 8:15 - 8:45 a.m. St. John 4:15 - 4:45 p.m. St. Ambrose Or by appointment. Parish office f or all three worship sites: St. Ambrose, St. James and St. John the Evangelist 288-5000 See page 8 for staff extension numbers and other church information. To reach a priest in an emergency call the Rectory (585) 482-4280 Priest mailing address: 549 Humboldt St., Rochester, NY 14610-1221 Peace of Christ Web Site: www.peaceof De cembe r 18, 2011 Dear Parishioners, As we prepare for the show to go on, tickets ($20) for Second Time Around—a fundraiser for our St. John Neumann School as well as for Holy Cross School on the west side (the only two parochial PreK-to-6 urban Catholic schools still left in Rochester)—are available after each Mass today (checks payable to “ Sisters of St. Joseph”). Fifteen of our two schools’ students appear on stage. Performances at Geva are 1/27 @ 7:30 P.M., 1/28 @ 2:00 P.M. & 7:30 P.M., 2/3 @ 7:30 P.M., and 2/4 @ 7:30 P.M. Also, room is still available in the show’s Playbill program for your ad as a patron or a sponsor ($25 for a single line up to $1,000 for a full page—also payable to “ Sisters of St. Joseph”). Ask ticket sellers for details. Last year when this show (part of which I wrote some 30 years ago) was performed at Geva for another cause, all performances were sold out. So don’t wait to get your tickets or take out that ad. What a great stocking-stuffer! Many thanks to all who made last weekend a wonderful celebration of the season: those who donated food or gifts or delivered them all to the 65 waiting families at their homes, and those who made the St. Lucy’s Mass and Dinner a special occasion for all who attended. Monday is our bishop’s 49th anniversary of ordination. Here at the parish, our Finance Council meets on Monday evening. Many thanks to its members who keep vigil over all our fiscal resources. T uesday, the parish Men’s Club has their Christmas meeting and party at 1:00 P.M. in the hall at St. John the Evangelist on Humboldt Street. T uesday evening is our 2nd and final Advent Penance Service at 7:00 P.M. at St. Ambrose (no Confessions on Christmas Eve/Day). Wednesday begins Hanukkah. Blessings to our Jewish neighbors! Thursday, winter begins at 12:30 A.M. during our longest night. Friday is the perfect day to take stock of our blessings and perhaps prepare our envelopes for year-end giving. We all receive many appeals in the mail at this time of year. Please, remember the one charity that is here for us 24/7 for hospital and anointing calls, plus all our family baptisms, weddings and funerals throughout the year, let alone our liturgies every weekend, our faith formation program and St. John Neumann School, and our many social events from weekly coffee hours to special annual happenings. CMA gifts now may also help your taxes. Thanks, too, for your support of the 200 Club. The Club recently gave the parish $2,000 from its proceeds to help with our new Roman Missals and other needs common to our three sites. Saturday, there is no 4:30 Mass, but there are three 4:00 P.M. Masse s, one at each church, plus an 8:00 P.M. Mass at St. James, an 11:00 P.M. Mass at St. Ambrose (carols start at 10:30), and also a Midnight Mass at St. John the Evangelist (carols start at 11:30). Next Sunday, Christmas, there are none of our regular Masses. Given the 6 Masses on Christmas Eve, there will only be an 8:30 A.M. Mass at St. James and a 10:30 A.M. Mass at St. Ambrose. Pax Noel! —Fathe r Schrade r Fourth Sunday of Adv ent Page Tw o Mass Intentions Date Intention/Church Monday, December 19 7:45 Lorraine Voellinger by Estate JA Tuesday, December 20 9:15 Patrick Smith by M/M Bo Kretschman AM Wednesday, December 21 St. Peter Canisius 7:45 Frank & Stephanie Kowalski by Larry & Marion Ritz JA 12:10 Month’s Mind — Lillian Perlo JO Thursday, December 22 7:00 Month’s Mind — Raymond Cinelli JO 9:15 Bob Wargo by Wife, Jean AM Friday, December 23 St. John of Kanty 12:15 Angelo Allocco by Elisa Allocco AM Saturday, December 24 Vigil of Christmas 4:00 4:00 4:00 8:00 11:00 12:00 Sunday, December 25 The Nativity of the Lord 8:30 For All Parishioners Living and Deceased JA 10:30 For All Parishioners Living and Deceased AM For All For All For All For All For All For All Parishioners Living and Parishioners Living and Parishioners Living and Parishioners Living and Parishioners Living and Parishioners Living and Deceased AM Deceased JA Deceased JO Deceased JA Deceased AM Deceased JO LAST ADVENT PENANCE SERVICE Tuesday, December 20 7:00 pm St. Ambrose READINGS FOR Decem ber 25 The Nativity of the Lord First Reading: Is. 52:7-10, Second Reading: Heb. 1:1-6 Gospel: John 1:1-18 Year B In the season of Advent, we eagerly await the coming of our Lord at Christmas, and look to the day when he will “come again in glory.” Just as a family preparing a home for the birth of a child, we prepare our hearts and minds for Christ’s coming into our world, our nation, our church, and our family. Practically speaking, this means Advent is more subdued than Ordinary time. We scale back our music, we quiet our voices before Mass, and we dim the lighting… all to help us listen to God’s invitation, the invitation to welcome his love into our life and circumstances, no matter how humble or imperfect, just as Mary welcomed Jesus into her womb so many years ago. We step back and ask ourselves, will the traveler, the stranger, the Christ child find a loving home in our hearts? Hopefully he will find a generous welcome fit for a king! Fourth Sunday of Adv ent Page Three Playbill A dvertising for Second Time Around Second Time A round Tick ets will be av ailable for purchase after Masses on this week end, and 1/7, 1/ 8. Tick ets mak e great C hristmas gifts! Second Time Around , a musical rev iew, will be staged at GEVA in early 2012. Proceeds from the playbill will in part benefit St. John Neumann School and Holy Cross School. Families can sponsor for as little as $25! A dditional opportunities for businesses. C all or e-mail Rena LaBue for more information at: 329-6630 or rena_labue@y Second Time Around Tickets In the Nextstage, GEVA All tickets are $20 – All seating is General Admission January 27 at 7:30pm January 28 at 2:00pm January 28 at 7:30pm February 3 at 7:30pm February 4 at 7:30pm Total ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ x x x x x $20 $20 $20 $20 $20 Please bring this order form and payment to the POC office to purchase tickets. Please make checks payable to: Sisters of St. Joseph Proceeds from ticket sales will in part benefit St. John Neumann and Holy Cross schools. Neumann School New s Last week the families of students in Pre-K through Second Grade, joined together for a wonderful night of Bingo. It was Picture Bingo and the images were all from the Nativity scene. As children searched for the shepherd on their card, shouts of "Bingo" rang through the crowd. Two of our students, Raphael Ortiz, Grade 3 and Brent Penwarden, Grade 4, served as the callers for the event and did an outstanding job. It was an exciting evening for everyone with pizza, fellowship and fun! Thanks to our Parent Involvement Committee who sponsored this family friendly activity. TEACHER WISH LISTS— Each of our teachers at St. John Neumann give a lot of their resources to outfit their classrooms. Each week a list of some small and large items that would help make their classrooms even better will appear in the bulletin This week’s wish is: Mrs. Grotto in Pre-K needs a Candy Land Board game, flannel board, and kitchen play food, dishes, cups, pots and pans If you have an interest in donating any of these items please send them to the school office Attn:Wish List with the classroom listed as well. Thank you for your generous support! PEACE OF CHRIST PARISH Stewardship Means Sharing OFFERTORY Income Last Week $13,304.00** Y-T-D Offertory Income $328,656.00 BUDGETED Income Week ly Budget $15,385.00 Variance Week ly Variance ($2,081.00) Y-T-D Budgeted Income $369,240.00 Y-T-D Variance ($40,584.00) THA NK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! (Our fiscal year is 07/01/11- 06/30/12) **T his amount includes $1,301 for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Page Four Fourth Sunday of Adv ent CHILDREN, FAMILY, SACRAMENTAL PREPARATION FAITH FORMATION OPPORTUNI TIES BAPTISM OF CHILDREN Do you have a child over the age of 7 who was not baptized as an infant? Pl ea se con ta ct Lau ra Gl ee so n ([email protected]) 288-1620 and find out more about the program. In Memory Please pray for the following deceased, in whose memory donations were made to the Peace of Christ Memorial Fund. St. Ambrose Church Marie Emanuel Clara R. Muto John Robert Molinaro Beatrice Dinolfo Vinnie Dinolfo Frank J. Muto Vinnie Dinolfo Adeline Campanaro St. James Church Esther Muoio Leona & Phillip Pastore St. John the Evangelist Church CHILDREN’S CHOIR on CHRISTMAS EVE As in past years, the Children’s Choir will sing on Christmas Eve at the 4:00 PM Mass (at St. Ambrose worship site). This is a wonderful opportunity for children to experience a church choir (but with a short term commitment). No prior choir/music experience is necessary; rehearsals are required and are on the Tuesdays of Advent from 4:30 PM-5:30 PM. Younger children are welcome, but must be able to read and sit through an hour rehearsal. The last rehearsal is Tuesday, 12/20, at St. Ambrose Church. Please contact me if you have any questions. Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco, Director of Music Ministry, 288-5000 ext. 110 [email protected]. YOUTH MINISTRY CALENDAR Samuel Gillio Niman Ndobi Frank Candela Aminata Ndobi Daily Bread Fund Samuel Gillio Sophie Gay Blessings this Advent and Christm as Season from St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry! This year, why not give yourself, or a friend, the gift of deeper, more profound faith by enrolling for coursework at St. Bernard’s School of Theology and Ministry. Classes for Spring 2012 are now open for registration. Learn more about the Gospel, grasp the wisdom of theologians and spiritual masters, and develop your ability to serve others in our dynamic and exciting classes. Visit for course information and contact Laura Smith, Director of Admissions and Financial Aid at 585-271-3657 x289 or [email protected] with any questions. Scholarships and Financial Aid are available. DECEMBER 18 ANNUAL CHRISTMAS BASH 6:30—8:00 PM SR. HIGH YOUTH GROUP POC @ St. James 2 nd floor of school CHECK OUT THE WEBSITE: Children’s Adv ent Proj ect If your child has been participating in the Advent project to create a crèche, the completed crèches can be brought to church for display any time after December 18. Remember that you should wait until you come for Mass on Christmas Eve/Day to place baby Jesus in the manger. Be sure to clearly label your crèche with your name, so that you can claim it after New Years as a keepsake for every Christmas to come. to see what’s happening here at Peace of Christ Parish Fourth Sunday of Adv ent Page Five Refrigerator Page Parish Calendar SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 HOLY COW WEEKEND 9:00 Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA 9:00 Children’s Liturgy of the Word JO 9:45 Children’s Liturgy of the Word AM 10:45—12:00 Coffee Hour in Dailey Hall AM 11:00 Sunday Morning Religious Education SJN 12:00 Sunday Morning Religious Education Christmas Pageant in Church AM 6:30—8:30 Sr. High Youth Group Christmas Party in Youth Rm. JA MONDAY, DECEMBER 19 7:00 Finance Council in Conf. Rm. PO 7:00 Rosary in Daily Mass Chapel AM TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20 10:00 Scripture Study in Church Hall JO 10:15 Reflection Group in Dining Rm. PO 1:00 Men’s Club Christmas Party in Church Hall JO 3:15—5:00 Parish Office Closed 4:30—5:30 POC Children’s Choir in Church AM 7:00 Reconciliation Service in Church AM 7:00 Scripture Study in Church Hall JO WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 7:00 Community Coffee Hour in Church Hall JA 7:00 Rosary in Chapel JO 7:00 St. Ambrose & St. James Choir in Church AM 7:00 St. John’s Choir in Church JO THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED SATURDAY, DECEMBER 24 CHRISTMAS EVE SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 CHRISTMAS DAY PARISH OFFICE CLOSED MONDAY, DECEMBER 26 PARISH OFFICE CLOSED — OPENING TUESDAY AM AT 8:30 AM AM=St. Ambrose, JA=St. James, JO=St. John the Evangelist, PO=Parish Office, SJN=St. John Neum ann CHILDREN, DON’T FORGET TO BRING BELLS TO THE FAMILY CHRISTMAS EVE MASSES AT ST. AMBROSE AND ST. JAMES AT 4:00 P.M. HELP RING THE BELLS AT THE GLORIA AND THE SANCTUS. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥A HEARTFELT THANK YOU!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ We w ould like to give a huge “ THANK YOU” to all w ho helped in any w ay to make the Christmas Basket Project a success. The celebration of Christmas w as made much happier for 65 families w ho received four boxes of food and gifts for everyone in their family as a result of the generous donations of food, gifts, money, time and talent. All of you in your own way did God’s w ork to make this Chr istmas special for our neighbors in need. God Bless You All. The Christmas Basket Committee ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PEACE OF CHRIST MEN’S CLUB The regular monthly meeting of the Men’s Club will be held on Tuesday, December 20 at the Church Hall at St. John’s at 1:00 pm. This will be our last meeting of 2011. We will have our Annual Christmas Party, our election of officers, a $3.00 Gift Exchange, and a collection of nonperishable groceries for the needy. The 2012 dues will be due at this time. Please use your Men’s Club Dues Envelope that is in your Sunday Envelope Packet. Hope to see you there! Have a Blessed Christmas and a Joyous and Happy New Year! IMPORTANT NO TE—The Mass Book for all three worship sites of the Peace of Christ Parish has been opened to schedule Masses for 2012. Each registered family may schedule five Masse s (two for a Sunday and three on a weekday). Please stop in at the Parish Office from 9:00 am — Noon, or from 1:00 pm — 4 pm to schedule Masses. 200 CLUB The winners for the 11th week are: $25 Jeanne Loysen $15 Michael DeCarlo $10 Sister Marlene Vigna Jennie Marcoux pulled the lucky winners! Page Six Fourth Sunday of Adv ent THANK YOU’S…….. Holiday Pie Sales a Great Success Thank you to everyone at Peace of Christ Parish who purchased over 90 holiday pies and apple crisps to support our ongoing involvement with the Brighton Churches Habitat Coalition. Your generosity and support raised almost $500. Your support will go a long way in helping Habitat for Humanity build and rehabilitate simple, decent houses alongside our homeowner (partner) families by providing building materials and other support for upcoming projects. If you would like to learn more about Habitat for Humanity, or learn how you can become involved, please contact Pat Callahan at 585-482-7352. CATCH THE CHRIS TMAS SPIRIT HABI TAT for HUMANI TY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Work i s progressing at 91 Orchard St, volunteers are needed Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. ALL ARE WELCOME. Construction will continue into 2012. No experience necessary and you work to your own pace and capabilities. Please contact Pat Callahan at 482-7352 for more information. This is also an opportunity for 16-17 year olds to experience Habitat for Humanity. WEAVE'S JANUARY COLLECTION Please start gathering together travelsize items for the Valentine's Day Goodie Bags for ABW, Step by Step and Sojourner House. The personal care items are appreciated and needed. Boxes will be in each worship site the weekends of January 7/8 and January 14/15. Please do not bring them in before these dates. Thank You! The Peace of Christ Parish Bulletin is provided for our parish through the generosity of the advertisers on the back pages of the bulletin. Please support their businesses. From the Women’s Care Center.. Dear Friends, We wish to convey our heartfelt gratitude for your support to this ministry. You can be assured that your donation provides support to women who face an unplanned pregnancy to help them “choose life” for their children. We provide emotional support, free pregnancy tests, referrals, as well as clothing for mom and baby. All our services are confidential and are provided at no cost to our clients. This is accomplished through donations made by generous people like you. Once again, thank you. We remember you in our daily prayers at the center. Please pray for us and our ministry. God bless, Corrie Dill Assistant Director From Catholic Charities… Dear Father Schrader, Would you please pass on to your parishioners sincere thanks for your donations of $4,814.93 and $1,000.00 to Catholic Charities to assist the many individuals and families in our Diocese who were affected by recent floods. Catholic Charities agencies are already helping victims and their families recover from the devastation and its impact across the Diocese, by providing emergency food, clothing, and shelter, and other case management services their communities may need. The ripple effects from this disaster will be felt for a long time. Generous donations such as yours will help fund efforts to meet the needs of the affected communities in the weeks, months, and years to come in the wake of this disaster. With heartfelt appreciation, Jack Balinsky Diocesan Director GIRL SCOUTS The POC Girl Scouts have been busy, busy, busy this fall! Our Girl Scout family has grown with the addition of 2 Daisy Scout Troops, a Daisy/Brownie Group, and a Cadette Troop. Cadettes from Troops 60420, 60604 and 60598 participated in the Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk on October 2nd and had a great time! During November and early December all the troops are working on Christmas crafts to share with Hillside Children's Center and local nursing homes. Troop 60602 and 60279 are planning visits for caroling and sing-a-longs to spread some Christmas cheer. Cookie Season is in full swing and the girls are working hard to earn enough money to attend the Rock the Mall 100th Anniversary Sing-A-Long in Washington DC this June. Keep your eyes on this space for future adventures as the girls begin their service projects for the year to help make our world a better place! Fourth Sunday of Adv ent Page Seven SOME CHRISTMAS GIFT IDEAS….. DID YOU KNOW? CATHOLIC FAMILY CENTER (CFC) PROVIDES EMERGENCY SERVICES Our Emergency Services Program provides outreach and walk-in counseling, advocacy, financial assistance, crisis intervention, information and referral to assist the poor and vulnerable in obtaining resources/services. Those seeking emergency assistance are given immediate service and are helped to develop plans for selfsufficiency. Em ergency Services include: • • • • • • • • • Food Pantry Clothing Closet Prescription Assistance Housing Issues Eviction Prevention HEAP Assistance off site CASH Program – free tax preparation for qualified individuals. Case management ,Crisis Intervention and Brief Counseling and referrals Facilitated enrollment for qualified individuals and families for Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicaid. For assistance, please call: 585-232-2050 Community Resource Services is located at 30 Hart Street, Entrance 5, Rochester, NY 14605. Staff is available Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm The Emergency Services Program accepts in-kind donations LESSONS AND CARO LS Cele brating the Epiphany of the Lord Sunday, January 8, 2012 2:00 PM Sacred Heart Cathedral 296 Flower City Park Rochester, NY 14615 Featuring the Cathedral Choir and Laura Osgood, guest soloist. A program of readings and music, introducing the story of “ Michael Mouse.” Free will offering. SSJ Gift Shop.... Ministry of the Sisters of Saint Joseph Handcrafted items, crocheted, knitted and sew n by our Sisters • Books and CD’s in contemporary theology and spirituality • The w orks of our Sister artists, items uniquely designed and crafted in our Mostlywood Shop, homemade candies and jams and a special section for artifacts crafted in w ork communes in developing countries including Brazil. • Beautifully designed sterling silver jew elry by artisan and SSJ Volunteer Nancy Wemett • Hours & Location • Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10am3:00pm • SSJ Motherhouse, 150 French Road, Rochester, New York • 585.641.8137 AND KATE’S GIFT SHOP Ministry of the Sisters of Mercy Kate’s Gift Shop at Mercy Center (Motherhouse), 1437 Blossom Road, has a variety of inexpensive gifts including items for Baptis m, Confirmation and First Communion. Alongside these are greeting cards, Bibles, spirituality books, hand- made baby blankets, the Willow Tree angel series, and beautiful candles made from recycled w ax by two Sisters of Mercy. All proceeds benefit the ministries of the Sisters of Mercy. Come visit and see for yourself! Kate’s is open Tuesday through Friday from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. Call 288-2710 ext. 119. Page Eight CATHOLIC SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AT NO TRE DAME The University of Notre Dame, South Bend, IN, is currently accepting applications for its program in educational administration designed especially for preparing Catholic School principals. The Master of Arts (M.A.) degree is part of the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) program. All certified teachers interested in the principalship are encouraged to apply. For information, call (575)631-6719, or visit http://remickleadership.nd.ed. The online application is now available on this site. CATHOLIC WOMEN’S CONFERENCE, presented by The Station of the Cross Catholic Radio (Rochester 1460AM). Join together with other women on March 17, 2012, for a Lenten day of reflection entitled “Behold, I Make All Things New” to be held at the Hearthstone Manor in Depew, New York. This special event will begin with Mass at 8 a.m. and will feature nationally syndicated radio host Teresa Tomeo, Leah Darrow, and "The Mother Teresa of Baghdad," Mother Olga Yaqob. Music by Catholic recording artists ”Marian Grace.” Admission is $40 until March 1st and includes a boxed lunch! High school and college student rate is $30 until March 1st! To learn more or to purchase tickets call 877-888-6279 or visit Mercy Prayer Center 65 Highland Av e. Rochester, NY 14620 Rhythms of Light and Darkness on Saturday, January 14, 9:30 am – 3:30 pm. This workshop will help give insights that help us understand our own and others’ behavior and motivation. Facilitator: Sr. Margaret Mattle, RSM. Fee: $35 (bring your own lunch). Call 585-473-6893 to register. The Mystery of a Personal God on Mondays, January 16, 23, 30, 1:30 – 3:30 pm . In these sessions, we will explore our own beliefs and perceptions about God. Facilitator: Sr. Margaret Mattle, RSM Fee: $60 for series. Call 585-473-6893 to register. A Day to Call Your Own, on Tuesday, January 17, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm. An opportunity to carve out one day for yourself – take a break! Facilitator: Mercy Prayer Center Staff Fee: $20 (includes light lunch). Call 585-473-6893 to register. Peace of Christ Parish Office St. Ambrose Church Located at 25 Empire Blvd 25 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335 (585) 288-5000, Fax: (585) 654-7658 Family Faith Office: (585) 288-1620 Finance Office: (585)-482-5238 Web Site: Email: [email protected] Office Hours: Mon. through Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 and 12:30 - 4:00 p.m. Tues. and Wed. 5-8 p.m., Sun. 10:45 - 12:45 St. John Neum ann School 31 Empire Blvd., 14609-4335 (585) 288-0580 St. James Church Located at 130 Brett Rd St. John the Evangelist Church Located at 553 Humboldt St PARISH STAFF Rev. Robert Schrader, Pastor, Ext. 104 Rev. Timothy T. Brown, Parochial Vicar, Ext. 105 Rev. Brian Carpenter, Parochial Vicar, Ext. 114 Laurie Maier, St. Ambrose Pastoral Minister, Ext. 103 August Misiurewicz, St. John the Evangelist Pastoral Minister, Ext. 120 Sr. Marlene Vigna, RSM, St. James Pastoral Associate, Ext. 123 Laura Gleeson, Director of Faith Formation, Ext. 111 Alison LeChase, Director of Youth Ministry and CYO Athletics, Ext. 121 Carmen J. Sanchez, Business Manager, 482-5238 Christa Stewart, Bookkeeper, Ext. 118 Colleen Griffith, Secretary, Ext. 102 Vicki Iannettone, Secretary, Ext. 119 Janet Andrychuk-Tedesco, St. Ambrose/St. James 4:30 P M Dir. of Music Ministry/Organist, Ext. 110 Joel Morehouse, St. John the Evangelist/St. James 4:30 P M Music Director/Organist Ext. 122 Douglas Nordquist, Pastoral Council Chairperson Our Peace of Christ Parish Community staff mission is to deepen the presence of Jesus, in ourselves and among all in our parish, by loving, empowering and ser ving others in their need today.
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