Special Offer for Institutions! Avail 25% discount on the registration of 3 or more teachers. A Professional Development Programme for Pakistan developed by Oxford University Press. Completion of the course is certified by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE). Short Courses, Lasting Results 1 INTRODUCTION TO OXFORD TEACHERS’ ACADEMY (OTA) Oxford Teachers’ Academy (OTA) courses provide quality teacher training, approved and certified by the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE), with lasting benefits to your teachers. The OTA’s 18-hour courses are designed specifically for in‑service teachers. The courses help your teachers develop the skills they need to meet your learning goals as the teacher training focuses on pedagogical challenges, as well as addressing the evolving new technologies and new methodologies in today’s education system. Short and practical, the courses have been developed by Oxford University Press in collaboration with the Oxford University Department for Continuing Education. OTA has run courses in over 30 countries, for more than 15 years, making a difference through education and learning to thousands of teachers and students. METHODOLOGY The courses constitute lectures of key concepts with interactive presentations, role-plays, short video clips, energizers, case-studies, individual and group presentations, as well as group discussions to consolidate successful learning. “ ‘Research shows that professional development is much more likely to be effective when it is classroom‑based and when it brings in expertise from outside the school.’ Dr Catherine Walter, University Lecturer in Applied Linguistics, Department of Education, University of Oxford ‘The Oxford Teachers’ Academy has clearly changed people’s lives. I have yet to come across anyone who didn’t get an awful lot out of the Oxford Teachers’ Academy.’ Dr Charles Boyle, The Director of British and Cultural Studies, Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE) ‘An OTA course gives teachers the best of both worlds: they are free to experiment without the pressure of assessment, but at the same time the course leads to a Certificate. Teachers value OTA’s flexibility—and the Certificate is highly prized.’ Tim Herdon, Senior Teacher Trainer, Oxford University Press CERTIFICATION Every teacher who successfully completes the programme and provides evidence of learning receives a Certificate of Completion issued by Oxford University Press and certified by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education. OxfOrd University department fOr COntinUing edUCatiOn and O xfOrd University press Professional development Programme 2013 This is to certify that has successfully completed an 18-hour Oxford Teachers’ Academy Course CHarleS Boyle Tim Herdon director of British and Cultural Studies oxford University department for Continuing education Senior Teacher Trainer oxford University Press Programme developed in collaboration between oxford University Press and oxford University department for Continuing education FEE STRUCTURE Regular Course Fee: Rs 50,000/- Certificate of Completion Fee: Rs 6,000/- Total: Rs 56,000/- ‘All the OTA materials, exercises, games, and shared experiences were extremely important for all of us. The new techniques we learned will help us manage even the most problematic classes.’ English teacher, Bulgaria ‘The OTA training helped me think about learning and students in a different way—to create a warmer atmosphere, relax students, and make them enjoy the classes. It has helped me get them more involved in the process of learning.’ English teacher, Brazil “ 25% Discounted Course Fee for institutions registering 3 or more teachers: Rs 37,500/Certificate of Completion Fee: Rs 6,000/- Total: Rs 43,500/- ‘The OTA course was a great opportunity to share opinions about teaching strategies and activities. I strongly advice teachers to do it!’ English teacher, Portugal OVERVIEW TO OTA’S PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING YOUNG LEARNERS COURSE The teachers attending this course will have some years of experience in the classroom and a good grasp of the challenges involved in teaching children aged six to ten. This is a refresher course that gives them practical new ideas in various aspects of teaching methodology, whilst enabling them to reflect on the principles of teaching Young Learners. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers involved in teaching children aged six to ten. Principles of Teaching Young Learners—A 3-Day Course Karachi: 9, 10, and 11 June 2015 Venue: Oxford University Press Head Office, No. 38, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi. MODULES: Day 1: Workshop 1: How Children Learn •To experience a lesson from a child’s perspective •To consider the ingredients of an effective lesson •To explore how children learn •To reflect on how practice is related to theory and how it can be improved Workshop 2: Assessing Young Learners •Assessing Young Learners: Why, What, and How •Examples of assessment tasks •Language Portfolios Workshop 3: Brain-based Learning •You will know what Brain-based Learning is •You will see how knowledge of the brain can inform effective classroom practice •You will take away useful ideas and activities to use in classes and presentations Day 2: Workshop 4: Reading •To consider how children learn to read •To look at how we can support our students’ reading •To analyse different texts and tasks appropriate for young learners Workshop 5: Starting to Write •To identify writing contexts in the classroom •To consider the needs of children in the 6–8 age group when developing their English writing skills •To focus on the early stages of writing development through a series of practical activities Workshop 6: Grammar •To raise awareness of the role of grammar in teaching young learners •To explore ways of presenting and practising grammar in class •To evaluate a series of classroom grammar activities Day 3: Workshop 7: Vocabulary: Storing, Recycling, and Using Vocabulary •To understand how vocabulary is stored and retained •To explore ways of recording vocabulary •To look at different ways of practising and recycling vocabulary Workshop 8: Speaking: Speaking Activities •To raise awareness of the role of speaking in teaching young learners •To explore ways of presenting and practicing speaking in class •To evaluate a series of classroom speaking activities Workshop 9: CLIL: Planning Cross-Curricular Teaching around a Theme •What is CLIL? •Why make cross-curricular connections? •Planning cross-curricular teaching based on a theme •Practical activities Azka Khan is an Oxford University Press (OUP) and Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE) approved trainer for Oxford Teachers’ Academy courses. She holds a master degree in English Linguistics and Literature from the National University of Modern Languages and is a gold medalist from her alma mater. She has extensive experience training English teachers all over Pakistan with OUP, Dawn, and SPELT. Her roles have included trainer, teacher, tutor, and academic coordinator, and she has also conducted classroom observation and feedback sessions for schools. She has taught pre-primary, primary, secondary level, and university students. Azka Khan, Key Trainer OVERVIEW TO OTA’S PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING YOUNG LEARNERS COURSE The teachers attending this course will have some years of experience in the classroom and a good grasp of the challenges involved in teaching children aged six to ten. This is a refresher course that gives them practical new ideas in various aspects of teaching methodology, whilst enabling them to reflect on the principles of teaching young learners. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers involved in teaching children aged six to ten. Principles of Teaching Young Learners—A 3-Day Course Islamabad: 12, 13, and 15 June 2015 Venue: Banquet Hall, Ground Floor, Islamabad Club, Murree Road, Islamabad. MODULES: Day 1: Workshop 1: How Children Learn Workshop 5: Grammar •To experience a lesson from a child’s perspective •To consider the ingredients of an effective lesson •To explore how children learn •To reflect on how practice is related to theory and how it can be improved Workshop 6: Phonics Fun Workshop 2: Assessing Young Learners Day 3: Workshop 7: Reading •Assessing Young Learners: Why, What, and How •Examples of assessment tasks •Language Portfolios Workshop 3: Classroom Dynamics •To establish the benefits of creating a positive classroom dynamic •To investigate how the classroom environment affects the learning and teaching process •To try out different ideas for building a positive classroom dynamic Day 2: Workshop 4: CLIL: Planning Cross-Curricular Teaching around a Story •What is CLIL? •Why make cross-curricular connections? •Planning cross-curricular teaching based on a story •Practical activities •To raise awareness of the role of grammar in teaching young learners •To explore ways of presenting and practising grammar in classrooms •To evaluate a series of classroom grammar activities •To discuss what phonics instruction is •To look at how phonics can help learners •To investigate ideas for the classroom •To consider how children learn to read •To look at how we can support our students’ reading •To analyse different texts and tasks appropriate for young learners Workshop 8: Encouraging Speaking •To look at ways of encouraging young learners as they begin to speak •To help them develop confidence when speaking •To explore ways of giving young learners reasons to speak in the classroom Workshop 9: Starting to Write •To identify writing contexts in the classroom •To consider the needs of children in the 6–8 age group when developing their English writing skills •To focus on the early stages of writing development through a series of practical activities ahila Ashraf is Director Professional Development, Oxford University Press Pakistan, R and is a trained and approved trainer for Oxford Teachers’ Academy courses under Oxford University Press, in collaboration with Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE). She has over a decade’s experience in Education and some of her roles include, teacher, teacher trainer, materials developer, and course coordinator. Rahila has worked with various prestigous institutions of Karachi and has trained teachers all over Pakistan. Besides OTA, she has also been trained in the UK as a trainer for phonics and literacy for the Read Write Inc. Programme. Rahila Ashraf, Key Trainer OVERVIEW TO OTA’S PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING YOUNG LEARNERS COURSE The teachers attending this course will have some years of experience in the classroom and a good grasp of the challenges involved in teaching children aged six to ten. This is a refresher course that gives them practical new ideas in various aspects of teaching methodology, whilst enabling them to reflect on the principles of teaching Young Learners. WHO SHOULD ATTEND? Teachers involved in teaching children aged six to ten. Principles of Teaching Young Learners—A 3-Day Course Lahore: 18, 19, and 20 August 2015 Venue: Shalimar Hall, Falettis Hotel, 24 Egerton Road, Lahore. MODULES: Day 1: Workshop 1: How Children Learn •To experience a lesson from a child’s perspective •To consider the ingredients of an effective lesson •To explore how children learn •To reflect on how practice is related to theory and how it can be improved Workshop 2: Assessing Young Learners •Assessing Young Learners: Why, What, and How •Examples of assessment tasks •Language Portfolios Workshop 3: CLIL: Planning Cross-Curricular Teaching around a Theme •What is CLIL? •Why make cross-curricular connections? •Planning cross-curricular teaching based on a theme •Practical activities Day 2: Workshop 4: Speaking: Speaking Activities •To raise awareness of the role of speaking in teaching young learners •To explore ways of presenting and practicing speaking in class •To evaluate a series of classroom speaking activities Workshop 5: Reading •To consider how children learn to read •To look at how we can support our students’ reading •To analyse different texts and tasks appropriate for young learners Workshop 6: Starting to Write •To identify writing contexts in the classroom •To consider the needs of children in the 6–8 age group when developing their English writing skills •To focus on the early stages of writing development through a series of practical activities Day 3: Workshop 7: Phonics Fun •To discuss what phonics instruction is •To look at how phonics can help learners •To investigate ideas for the classroom Workshop 8: Vocabulary: Storing, Recycling, and Using Vocabulary •To understand how vocabulary is stored and retained •To explore ways of recording vocabulary •To look at different ways of practising and recycling vocabulary Workshop 9: Grammar •To raise awareness of the role of grammar in teaching young learners •To explore ways of presenting and practising grammar in class •To evaluate a series of classroom grammar activities ahila Ashraf is Director Professional Development, Oxford University Press Pakistan, R and is a trained and approved trainer for Oxford Teachers’ Academy courses under Oxford University Press, in collaboration with Oxford University Department for Continuing Education (OUDCE). She has over a decade’s experience in Education and some of her roles include, teacher, teacher trainer, materials developer, and course coordinator. Rahila has worked with various prestigous institutions of Karachi and has trained teachers all over Pakistan. Besides OTA, she has also been trained in the UK as a trainer for phonics and literacy for the Read Write Inc. Programme. Rahila Ashraf, Key Trainer REGISTRATION FORM COURSE DETAILS: Please tick where applicable To confirm your registration, please complete this form including payment. Course Name : Dates: Karachi Venue: Fee Lahore Rs 56,000/-* : Islamabad YES! Please register the following participant(s) for this course. Rs 43,500/-* Includes registration kits, course materials, and refreshments I am interested but unable to attend. Please put me in your mailing list. * This amount includes Rs 6,000/- as the Certificate of Completion fee. DETAILS OF PARTICIPANT(S) ATTENDING No Name of Participant(s) Email Address Cell No. Fee (Rs) Total (Please attach a separate list is necessary) SPONSORSHIP: CNIC No. Self-Sponsored Institution Sponsored INDIVIDUAL/INSTITUTION DETAILS Institution :___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: :___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone No.:________________________________________ Designation:__________________________________________ Fax no. Email :__________________________________________ Signature Date :__________________________________________ Name Designation:__________________________________________ :________________________________________ :________________________________________ Note: Cancellations received in writing 30 days prior to the programme are eligible for a refund, subject to a 15% cancellation fee. Cancellations received less than 14 days from the date of the programme are not eligible for a refund. However, substitute attendees are welcome. Please note that the speakers and topics are confirmed at the time of printing. Howeve, circumstances beyond the control of the organisers may necessitate substitutions or cancellations of speakers and/or topics. As such Oxford University Press Pakistan reserves the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers and/or topics. Company Stamp MODE OF PAYMENT A Cheque / Bank Draft Cheque No. / Bank Draft No. _______________________________________ Bank / Branch: _______________________________________ All crossed cheque / bank draft should be made payable to Account Name: OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS Account Number: 08-3353702-01 Bank Name: Standard Chartered Bank (Pakistan) Limited B Telegraphic Transfer / Local Order Transaction Date: ________________________________________________ Reference No: _______________________________________ [Terms and Conditions Apply] Send your filled out form to: Professional Development Department, Oxford University Press, No. 38, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi 74900, Pakistan. Tel.: (021) 35071580-86. Email: [email protected] 1 Oxford University Press, No. 38, Sector 15, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi 74900, Pakistan. UAN: (021) 111 693673 (111 OXFORD) Tel.: (021) 35071580-86. Fax: (021) 35055071-72. Email: [email protected] Website: www.oup.com/pk
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